Saturday, March 10, 2018

人気のボードゲーム『Armello』が無料で世界リリースへ! 3月15日から

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人気のボードゲーム『Armello』が無料で世界リリースへ! 3月15日から

PCとPS4でリリースされ、現在オーストラリアのAppStoreでソフトローンチされている人気ボードゲーム『Armello(アルメロ)』が3月15日に全世界のAppStoreでリリースされます。 『Armello』は不気味な民話の世界をモチーフにした、動物たちが主人公の対戦型ボードゲームです。プレイヤーは動物たちの種族の代表(ヒーロー)を ...
March 11, 2018 at 09:00AM

Mophie 、iPhone X 用のワイヤレス充電機能付きバッテリーケース間もなく発売

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Mophie 、iPhone X 用のワイヤレス充電機能付きバッテリーケース間もなく発売

スマホケース大手メーカーの米Mophie(モーフィー)は、間もなく、iPhone X 用のワイヤレス充電機能付きバッテリーケース「Juice Pack Air」を発売するようだ。 ... 出力は5ワットなので、残念ながらiPhone Xが対応する高速充電ではないが、それでも外出時のバッテリーの心配がなくなり、充電ケーブルから解放されるのも ...
March 11, 2018 at 07:52AM

春はApple Watchでカラダを鍛える!モデル・UNAのオススメ活用術

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春はApple Watchでカラダを鍛える!モデル・UNAのオススメ活用術

Apple WatchとiPhoneの連携によるアクティビティ機能を活用したマラソン本番までの上手なコンディションの整え方をテーマにしたレクチャーに耳を傾けた。女性限定のマラソンイベントなので筆者は出場できないが、特別にこの体験イベントに参加させてもらいながら、Apple Watch Series 3に搭載されている体づくりのための ...
March 11, 2018 at 07:52AM

【おすすめアプリ】でも最後は根性! ボールを転がす物理パズル『Glopy』

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【おすすめアプリ】でも最後は根性! ボールを転がす物理パズル『Glopy』

こんにちはKiDD(@kiddgamestream)です。今回はボールをゴールまで誘導する物理パズルゲーム『Glopy』をレビュー! 『Glopy』は木製のアナログなパズルをアプリで遊べるようにしたものです。画面のなかの球体パーツを動かし、カラーボールをそれぞれの色のゴールに落としましょう。 ちなみに『Glopy』はApp Storeの「今日 ...
March 11, 2018 at 07:52AM

Toyota Brings Ridesharing Gains to Japan Taxi Through Artificial Intelligence

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Toyota Brings Ridesharing Gains to Japan Taxi Through Artificial Intelligence

Toyota Brings Ridesharing Gains to Japan Taxi Through Artificial Intelligence. Kevin Buckland, Bloomberg. - Mar 10, 2018 4:30 pm. Share. Tweet. Share. Post. Send. Predicting demand for rides has been a key part of Uber Technologies Inc.'s strategy for disrupting taxi and transport providers. Now ...
March 11, 2018 at 07:35AM

What is Artificial Intelligence?

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What is Artificial Intelligence?

Although the term artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for many years, in recent years it seems to have become a buzzword. Like many buzzwords picked up from science, AI seems to have fallen victim to a rather annoying phenomenon: Most of the people using the term don't really know what it ...
March 11, 2018 at 06:50AM

子どもたちに朗報!?月額1500円で使えるTONEモバイルのiPhone用『TONE SIM』

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子どもたちに朗報!?月額1500円で使えるTONEモバイルのiPhone用『TONE SIM』

SIMフリースマホで回線の乗り換えなどを考える人も多そうだ。 そんな中、TSUTAYAのスマホで有名なTONEモバイルは春の学生向けに「春の学割」+「春の親子割」などの割引を用意し、2つを併用して2台同時契約すれば実に基本プランの月額が1年分無料になるというキャンペーンをしている。また、それとは別に『iPhone』用 ...
March 11, 2018 at 06:45AM

Artificial Intelligence And Blockchain

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Artificial Intelligence And Blockchain

Articles in this section. Artificial Intelligence And Blockchain · Do taxes applicable to Virtual Currency/Digital Assets gains? Behavior Policy · I bought Bitcoin at Rs. 1000, but it shows Rs. 990 at google, why? What is the difference between "Bitcoin wallet ID" and "Bitcoin wallet address"? Why Join Bitcoin ...
March 11, 2018 at 05:03AM

Artificial intelligence hastens review for asthma risk

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Artificial intelligence hastens review for asthma risk

Key clinical point: Using natural language processing, a form of artificial intelligence that trains computers to discern natural human language, accurately and quickly identified asthma risk factors. Major finding: In 50 minutes, a computer program performed the risk review that took 7 hours for manual ...
March 11, 2018 at 06:33AM

簡単に履歴消去・個人情報が守れるブラウザ『DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser』

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簡単に履歴消去・個人情報が守れるブラウザ『DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser』

AppBankをもっと良くするために、サイトの利用履歴を取得します。 > 利用履歴を提供したくない場合. AppBank · TOP · カテゴリー · 記事ランキング · 特集 · 人気アプリまとめ · ポケモンGO · 事前登録 · Home › iPhoneアプリ › ユーティリティ › 簡単に履歴消去・個人情報が守れるブラウザ『DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser』 ...
March 11, 2018 at 06:00AM


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機種変更や故障など、スマホを新しくする場合にLINEの引き継ぎが必要です。 特に故障してしまうと、引き継ぎ設定をしていなくて困ってしまう人も結構います。 そう、LINEはデータの引き継ぎできるように事前準備をする必要があるのです。 最近は大手キャリアは下取りすることで新機種の端末価格を大幅に割引するので、 ...
March 11, 2018 at 06:00AM


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Appleの提供するMFi(Made For i) ライセンスプログラムは、iPod、iPad、iPhoneのためのハードウェアおよびソフトウェア開発を行なう開発者が、必要なハードウェアコンポーネントや、ツール、資料、技術的サポートを得られるものですが、その認定ロゴに変更が加えられた模様です。
March 11, 2018 at 05:48AM

HEKA's Artificial Intelligence Mattress will help you Sleep Better

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HEKA's Artificial Intelligence Mattress will help you Sleep Better

HEKA's AI mattress collects real time data about your sleeping patterns and body shape and adapts to improve your nightly sleeping habits.
March 11, 2018 at 05:03AM

Report Alleges Egyptian Government is Secretly Mining Cryptocurrencies on Citizens' Devices

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Report Alleges Egyptian Government is Secretly Mining Cryptocurrencies on Citizens' Devices

Earlier this year Egypt's foremost religious leader called for a blockchain ban, stating that Bitcoin was illegal under Sharia law. Whilst some authorities in Egypt are against the technology, the attackers are likely making large amounts of money. A report from Talos earlier this month, a leading cyber ...
March 11, 2018 at 04:30AM

Bitcoin script interpreter

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Bitcoin script interpreter

Bitcoin script interpreterи развития отрасли, последние научные разработки.
March 11, 2018 at 01:15AM

Dozens Dead After Taliban Ambush On Afghan Government Forces

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Dozens Dead After Taliban Ambush On Afghan Government Forces Dozens have been killed after Taliban militants ambushed Afghan security forces in the western province of Farah, sparking an hourslong gunbattle.  Farid Bakhtawar, head of the provincial council, said eight special forces and 10 police officers were killed in a predawn attack by the Taliban in the Bala Buluk district on Saturday.  Bakhtawar said some 40 Taliban militants were also killed in the battle, which lasted about five hours.  He said airstrikes were called in to support Afghan security forces.  Defense Ministry spokesman Dawlat Waziri said only four members of the Afghan special forces had been killed and a number wounded.  Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujhaid claimed responsibility for the attack. At least 18 Afghan soldiers were killed after Taliban militants attacked a security checkpoint in Bala Buluk district on Feb. 24. On Feb. 20, Taliban attacks on police checkpoints in Farah killed eight police officers. The provincial government said 13 militants were also killed in the fighting.  Farah Province, one of the poorest in the country, is situated on the border with Iran in the far west of Afghanistan. Farah has experienced months of fighting, with some people accusing the security forces of collusion with Taliban militants involved in cross-border smuggling and drug trafficking. On Jan. 24, hundreds of people took to the streets of Farah, the provincial capital, protesting about the lack of security and calling on provincial leaders to resign. Six people were reportedly injured in the protests. Some local officials have accused Iran of providing insurgents with funds, weapons, and explosives -- allegations that Iran denies. The Kabul government has deployed hundreds of additional troops to Farah to thwart the Taliban's offensive.  The attack in Farah came just days after 17 Afghan soldiers were killed by Taliban militants in attacks on army checkpoints in the northern province of Takhar, on the border with Tajikistan.  The Taliban and the Islamic State militant group have stepped up their attacks on Afghan troops and police in recent months. Afghan soldiers have taken what the United Nations describes as "shocking" casualties since international forces ended their combat role at the end of 2014, though troop casualty figures are no longer released. Material for this report came from Reuters and AP.
March 11, 2018 at 05:52AM

Putin 'Couldn't Care Less' if Russians Meddled in US Election

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Putin 'Couldn't Care Less' if Russians Meddled in US Election Russian President Vladimir Putin said he "couldn't care less" if Russian citizens sought to meddle in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, insisting that the Kremlin had nothing to do with the efforts. "Why have you decided the Russian authorities, myself included, gave anybody permission to do this?" Putin asked in an often-combative interview with NBC News aired late Friday. U.S. special counsel Robert Mueller last month indicted 13 Russians and three Russian companies and charged them with running a social-media campaign to sow political divisions in the United States and help Donald Trump win the presidency. "So what if they're Russians?" Putin told NBC. "There are 146 million Russians. So what? I don't care. I couldn't care less.... They do not represent the interests of the Russian state." Putin said that the indicted individuals are "not working for the government" and suggested instead, "Perhaps some of them worked for one of the candidates."  The most well-known of the Russians indicted, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has ties to Putin and the state. Prigozhin is accused of funneling money into the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency, which is often described as a notorious "troll factory" and which is also named in the indictment. Despite Mueller's 37-page indictment detailing charges against the Russians, Putin said he has seen no evidence that their actions broke any law. He was emphatic that he would never extradite the suspects to the United States to face trial. "We in Russia cannot prosecute anyone as long as they have not violated Russian law," he said. Putin rejected allegations that Russia sought to interfere in the election, despite the conclusion last year by U.S. intelligence agencies that he personally directed a campaign to do so in 2016. "Could anyone really believe that Russia, thousands of miles away...influenced the outcome of the election? Doesn't that sound ridiculous, even to you?" Putin asked NBC interviewer Megyn Kelly. "It's not our goal to interfere. We do not see what goal we would accomplish by interfering," Putin said. The U.S. intelligence agencies concluded in January 2017 that in addition to aiding Trump, for whom they said the Kremlin had developed a clear preference, Russia's aims included undermining faith in the U.S. electoral system and denigrating Trump's main rival, Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton. During the campaign, Clinton signaled that she would be tough on Russia over actions such as its interference in Ukraine, and Putin's relationship with the former secretary of state has been marked by sometimes palpable tension. As he prepared to return to the presidency in 2012 after a stint as prime minister, Putin accused Clinton of fomenting anti-government protests in Russia. Last month, U.S. intelligence chiefs said Russian attempts to meddle in U.S. politics are continuing unabated and pose a threat to midterm congressional elections in November. Trump himself has repeatedly refused to condemn Russia over the alleged meddling and has said that he admires Putin as a strong leader. Putin suggested in the interview that the reason Trump has seemed deferential to him is he knew upon taking office that he needed to develop a "cooperative relationship" with Russia and thus he needed to treat his counterpart with respect. On another issue, Putin told NBC he has no plans to change the Russian Constitution to eliminate term limits on his presidency. "I have never changed the constitution. I have no such plans today," he said. Some material for this article came from AFP.
March 11, 2018 at 05:40AM

Bolivians stretch vast flag in demand for sea outlet

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Bolivians stretch vast flag in demand for sea outlet A narrow strip of blue has stretched for more than 150 miles (nearly 200 kilometers) across the nation of Bolivia as part of a demonstration of the country's demand for an outlet to the sea.
March 11, 2018 at 05:35AM

Cryptocurrency Market Rebounds by $40 Billion, But Bitcoin and Ethereum Remain Volatile

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Cryptocurrency Market Rebounds by $40 Billion, But Bitcoin and Ethereum Remain Volatile

But, in the past several hours, bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies have started to decline again, as the market continued to be volatile. Bitcoin has dropped below the $9,000 mark after reaching $9,500. In fact, within the past 3 hours, bitcoin has dropped $500, despite the momentum it gained ...
March 11, 2018 at 04:30AM

土曜ドラマ24 電影少女-VIDEO GIRL AI 2018

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土曜ドラマ24 電影少女-VIDEO GIRL AI 2018

2018年3月17日(土) 深夜0:20放送 西野七瀬×野村周平W主演!桂正和原作の恋愛SF漫画の金字塔が時を経て蘇る◇なぐさめる役目はもう終わり…記憶が戻り翔から離れる決意したアイ。すれ違う2人の想いは…
March 11, 2018 at 04:03AM

Virgin Islands Hurricane Damage Question

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Virgin Islands Hurricane Damage Question

Answered: My fiancee and I are looking to visit the US virgin islands the first week of May for a vacation and stay at a resort, but are not sure how much damage remains from the hurricane and whether that will affect our trip. What have you seen so far...
March 11, 2018 at 03:34AM

今日、Yahoo! JAPANで「3.11」と検索するだけで10円を寄付できる

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今日、Yahoo! JAPANで「3.11」と検索するだけで10円を寄付できる

iPhone Mania(アイフォンマニア). iPhone関連の最新ニュースや便利に使い倒す方法などをお届け中. トップページ > 最新情報 > 今日、Yahoo! JAPANで「3.11」と検索するだけで10円を寄付できる. 最新情報 ...
March 11, 2018 at 03:33AM

Virgin Islands Hurricane Damage Question

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Virgin Islands Hurricane Damage Question

My fiancee and I are looking to visit the US virgin islands the first week of May for a vacation and stay at a resort, but are not sure how much damage remains from the hurricane and whether that will affect our trip. What have you seen so far...
March 11, 2018 at 03:17AM

Microsoft Pix、名刺を撮影して連絡先やLinkedInに追加可能に

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Microsoft Pix、名刺を撮影して連絡先やLinkedInに追加可能に

Microsoftは3月10日、人工知能(AI)を活用した無料カメラアプリ「Microsoft Pix」をアップデートし、名刺を撮影すると名前や連絡先の情報をiPhoneの連絡先やLinkedInアカウントに追加できる機能を追加しま ... また、iPhoneをサイレントモードにしておけばシャッター音が出ないので、静かな場所での撮影にも向いています。
March 11, 2018 at 03:00AM

Microsoft Pix、名刺を撮影して連絡先やLinkedInに追加可能に

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Microsoft Pix、名刺を撮影して連絡先やLinkedInに追加可能に

Microsoftは3月10日、人工知能(AI)を活用した無料カメラアプリ「Microsoft Pix」をアップデートし、名刺を撮影すると名前や連絡先の情報をiPhoneの連絡先 ... Microsoftは、Pixのスキャン機能について、AIを使って被写体を認識、カメラの設定を調整、不要箇所のトリミングや色彩・色調の変更、フォーカスの鮮明化などの処理 ...
March 11, 2018 at 03:00AM


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3月27日に発表される予定のHuaweiの新フラッグシップ機「P20」は、カメラに焦点を当てたデバイスであることがわかっています。InstagramやTwitterでは、「See MOOORE WITH AI(AIでもっと見よう)」のキャッチフレーズと共に、デバイスのティーザー画像、動画が公開されており、MOOOREの、アルファベットの「O」を ...
March 11, 2018 at 02:26AM


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3月27日に発表される予定のHuaweiの新フラッグシップ機「P20」は、カメラに焦点を当てたデバイスであることがわかっています。InstagramやTwitterでは、「See MOOORE WITH AIAIでもっと見よう)」のキャッチフレーズと共に、デバイスのティーザー画像、動画が公開されており、MOOOREの、アルファベットの「O」を ...
March 11, 2018 at 02:26AM

This Week in Programming: Before the AI Apocalypse

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This Week in Programming: Before the AI Apocalypse

Before we get to that whole part where artificial intelligence leads to machines coming alive, deciding humankind is an inferior virus that needs to be wiped from the face of the earth, and launches an unstoppable attack, well, it's worth keeping in mind that AI might just help us out a little bit too. "Us" being ...
March 11, 2018 at 02:39AM


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iPhone Mania(アイフォンマニア). iPhone関連の最新ニュースや便利に使い倒す方法などをお届け中. トップページ > 最新情報 > Appleのプログラミング言語「Swift」がトップ10に返り咲き. 最新情報 ...
March 11, 2018 at 01:41AM

Bitcoin Private (BTCP)

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Bitcoin Private (BTCP)

Get Bitcoin Private price, charts, and other cryptocurrency info.
March 11, 2018 at 01:25AM

アイ(西野七瀬)、記憶戻る 翔(野村周平)への想いが交差…「電影少女2018」<第10話あらすじ>

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アイ(西野七瀬)、記憶戻る 翔(野村周平)への想いが交差…「電影少女2018」<第10話あらすじ>

【電影少女/モデルプレス=3月11日】乃木坂46の西野七瀬、俳優の野村周平がW主演を務める「土曜ドラマ24『電影少女 -VIDEO GIRL AI 2018-』」(テレビ東京系/毎週土曜深夜0時20 ... しかし、翔は柴原奈々美(飯豊まりえ)と楽しそうにカフェで過ごしていたため、アイはとっさに記憶が戻っていないフリをして逃げてしまう。
March 11, 2018 at 12:56AM

西野七瀬が切ない表情で何かを見つめ… アイ、4月1日デビュー? 夏美はまさかの…

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西野七瀬が切ない表情で何かを見つめ… アイ、4月1日デビュー? 夏美はまさかの…

桂正和さんの名作マンガを実写化した連続ドラマ「土曜ドラマ24『電影少女 -VIDEO GIRL AI 2018-』」(テレビ東京系)の第10話(17日深夜放送)の場面写真が公開された。天野アイ役の西野七瀬さんが、切ない表情で何かを見つめるシーンに加え、アイドルになったアイの「4月1日デビュー」を報じるポスター画像、原作にも登場 ...
March 11, 2018 at 12:45AM

ADVA plays key role in OFC's workshop on artificial intelligence

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ADVA plays key role in OFC's workshop on artificial intelligence

Danish Rafique will discuss the main drivers for AI in network control and management.
March 11, 2018 at 12:10AM

AI 3939

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AI 3939

Wright Memorial Physician's Group. Floor plans starting at $516. She will be presenting "Subcontractor Wars: The Last AI" with co-presenters from the insurance industry. Cog has no legs Schleich Cattle congratulates the following winners on their success with cattle from their program. Check availability ...
March 10, 2018 at 11:49PM


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2019年初めに、ノイズキャンセリング機能を搭載した次世代AirPodsが発売される、との予測が発表されました。AirPodsの販売は好調が続き、2018年で3,000万台が売れる、と見積もられています。 AirPodsにノイズキャンセリング機能を追加? Barclaysのアナリストが、ノイズキャンセリング機能を搭載したAirPodsが2019年 ...
March 10, 2018 at 11:03PM

元グーグルのエンジニアが「AI教」を立ち上げ AIを神と崇めることはできない

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元グーグルのエンジニアが「AI教」を立ち上げ AIを神と崇めることはできない

また元ソフトバンク・モバイル副社長の松本徹三氏は、著書『AIが神になる日―シンギュラリティーが人類を救う』の中で、「不完全な判断をする人類は、正しい心を持ったAIを『神』として受け入れ、AIに従った方が、ずっと平和な世界をつくることができる」「AIが人間に代わって世界を支配しなければ、人類は滅びる」と主張している ...
March 10, 2018 at 11:03PM

動画で比べてみよう〜iPhone X対Galaxy S9

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動画で比べてみよう〜iPhone X対Galaxy S9

予約受付が開始され、アメリカなどで3月16日発売となるSamsung Galaxy S9をいち早く入手した米メディアMacRumorsが、AppleのiPhone Xとの類似点や違いを ... iPhone Xと比べるとやや縦長かつ横幅が狭く、最大の違いは、S9は上部のベゼルが下部に比べて幅広なのに対し、iPhone Xはベゼル幅は均等ですが上部に ...
March 10, 2018 at 10:52PM

Artificial Intelligence Expert Group Applications

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Artificial Intelligence Expert Group Applications

GVC Revenues up in Anticipation of Ladbrokes DealMarch 9, 2018 - 5:04 pm · SiGMA iGaming Artificial Intelligence Expert Group Applications Artificial Intelligence Expert Group ApplicationsMarch 9, 2018 - 2:21 pm · sigma igaming Online Gaming Taking the US by Storm Online Gaming Taking the US ...
March 10, 2018 at 10:41PM

Joaquin Avila (voting rights advocate)

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Joaquin Avila (voting rights advocate)

JohnPomeranz: Created

'''Joaquin Avila''' (born 1948, died March 2018) was an attorney and champion of voting rights. He crafted the [[California Voting Rights Act]] and brought lawsuits that set important voting rights precedents. He served as president and general counsel of the [[Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund]] (MALDEF) and directed the National Voting Rights Advocacy Initiative at Seattle University School of Law. Among the many honors he received recognizing his work, he was awarded a [[MacArthur Fellows Program|MacArthur Foundation Fellowship]] (also known as the "MacArthur Genius Grant") in 1996.


After graduating from Harvard University Law School in 1973, Avila worked briefly on voting rights litigation in California before relocating to Texas.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> There, Avila worked as a staff attorney for MALDEF and quickly rose in the organization, eventually becoming its president and general counsel.<ref name="EJS"></ref>

After leaving MALDEF, Avila successfully argued important voting right cases, including Gomez v. the City of Watsonville, in which the city's at-large elections for city council diluted the voting power of the city's Latino residents in violation of the federal [[Voting Rights Act of 1965|Voting Rights Act]].<ref></ref> He successfully argued two voting rights cases before the Supreme Court.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

Avila was recognized as the father of the 2001 California Voting Rights Act (CVRA). The 2001 law made it easier for plaintiffs to challenge at-large election systems by eliminating one of the criteria required to challenge such systems under the federal Voting Rights Act.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> The law also required the government to pay the legal fees of plaintiffs who successfully challenge an election system under the law.


Avila's work has been recognized by awards that include:

* MacArthur Foundation Fellowship (1996)<ref></ref>
* [[Vanguard Public Foundation]] Social Justice Sabbatical
* [[League of United Latin American Citizens]] President's Award (2012)<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* Mexican government [[Ohtli Award]] (2011)
* Harvard Law School Association Award (2012)<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* [[Seattle University School of Law]] Latino Amicus Award (2012)<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>


B.A. (1970), [[Yale University]]
J.D. (1973), Harvard University Law School


March 11, 2018 at 01:56AM

Jane Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough (1798–1844)

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Jane Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough (1798–1844)

Deb: start article

'''Jane Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough''' (29 March 1798 &ndash; 12 October 1844), formerly Lady Jane Stewart, was the first wife of [[George Spencer-Churchill, 6th Duke of Marlborough]].

Jane was the daughter of [[George Stewart, 8th Earl of Galloway]], and his wife, [[Jane Stewart, Countess of Galloway|the former Lady Jane Paget,<ref>G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume VIII, page 501.</ref> and was the first cousin of George Spencer-Churchill, whose mother had been Jane's father's sister.

She married the duke, then Marquess of Blandford, on 13 January 1819. It was the future duke's first legal marriage, though he had previously gone through a false marriage ceremony without a clergyman and had then lived as husband and wife in Scotland with Harr, which might have made the marriage legal under Scottish law. Blandford had successfully contested the matter in court.

They had four children:

*Lady Louisa Spencer-Churchill (c.1820–1882), who married the Honourable Robert Spencer, son of [[Francis Spencer, 1st Baron Churchill]], and had issue.
*[[John Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough|John Winston Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough]] (1822–1883).
*[[Lord Alfred Spencer-Churchill]] (1824–1893), who married the Hon. Harriet Gough-Calthorpe, daughter of Frederick Gough-Calthorpe, 4th Baron Calthorpe and had issue.
*[[Lord Alan Spencer-Churchill]] (1825-1873), who married Rosalind Dowker.

The duchess died at [[Blenheim Palace]], aged 46.


[[Category:1798 births]]
[[Category:1844 deaths]]
[[Category:English duchesses]]
[[Category:English marchionesses]]

March 11, 2018 at 01:54AM

Henrietta Bentinck, Duchess of Portland

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Henrietta Bentinck, Duchess of Portland

Deb: start article

'''Henrietta Bentinck, Duchess of Portland''' (1774 &ndash; 24 April 1844)<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>, formerly Henrietta Scott, was the wife of [[William Bentinck, 4th Duke of Portland]].

Henrietta was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and was the eldest daughter and the heiress of [[John Scott (British Army officer)|Major-General John Scott]] of [[Fife]] and his second wife, the former Margaret Dundas.<ref>G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume II, page 519.</ref> Prior to her marriage, she was sometimes referred to as "the rich Miss Scott", to differentiate her from her two younger sisters.<ref name="rich"></ref>

Henrietta married the future earl in London on 4 August 1795, when he was styled Marquess of Titchfield.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

*[[William Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, Marquess of Titchfield|William Henry, Marquess of Titchfield]] (22 October 1796 – 5 March 1824)
*Lady Margaret Harriet Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck (1798-1882), who died unmarried
*Lady Caroline Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck (1799-1828)
*[[William Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, 5th Duke of Portland]] (1800-1879)
*[[Lord George Bentinck|Lord George Frederick Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck]] (1802-1848), who died unmarried
*[[Lord Henry Bentinck|Lord Henry William Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck]] (1804-1870), who died unmarried
*Lady Charlotte Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck (1806-1889), who married [[John Evelyn Denison, 1st Viscount Ossington]]
*Lady Lucy Joan Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck (1807-1899), who married [[Charles Ellis, 6th Baron Howard de Walden]], and had children
*Lady Mary Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck (1809-1874), who married Lt.-Col. Sir William Topham<ref>Mosley, Charles, editor. Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes. Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003. Page 3184</ref>

The marquess inherited his father's dukedom in 1809, and Henrietta became Duchess of Portland. Their family home was [[Welbeck Abbey]], Nottinghamshire, where the duke kept racehorses and carried out extensive irrigation works.<ref name="rich"/>

Two of the couple's sons predeceased their parents: the Marquess of Titchfield died of a brain lesion, aged 27, and Lord George Bentinck of a heart attack. The duchess predeceased her husband, who died at Welbeck Abbey in March 1854, aged 85.


[[Category:1774 births]]
[[Category:1844 deaths]]
[[Category:English duchesses]]
[[Category:English marchionesses]]

March 10, 2018 at 10:05PM

Automated way to clean lots of .txt files

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Automated way to clean lots of .txt files

I have hundreds of .txt files. I need to get into each one of them and remove certain paragraphs that have specific start words but they are not exactly the same each time. Is there an automatic way that can help me clean these parts out ? If yes what is it? If not, is it easy/quick to create my own ai tool ...
March 10, 2018 at 09:57PM

Bitcoin vs blockchain: Which one should farmers learn about?

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Bitcoin vs blockchain: Which one should farmers learn about?

If the very idea of a digital currency makes you blank out, worry not — there are very few out there who would argue that Bitcoin has a large role to play in agriculture. If you've lumped the blockchain concept in with Bitcoin, that's where you need to pause and investigate further. Because, while the two ...
March 10, 2018 at 09:10PM

【シャドバ】国内初プロリーグ「RAGE Shadowverse Pro League」開催決定!

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【シャドバ】国内初プロリーグ「RAGE Shadowverse Pro League」開催決定!

『Shadowverse』(以下、シャドウバース) の国内初のプロリーグとなる「RAGE Shadowverse Pro League」の開催が決定しました。 「RAGE Shadowverse Pro League」は、選手の一般公募実施やリーグに参戦する選手の最低収入(給与)保障を行うといったこれまでにない新しいプロリーグとして、5月の開幕が予定されてい ...
March 10, 2018 at 09:00PM

Artificial Intelligence and the Rise of the Bots

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Artificial Intelligence and the Rise of the Bots

March 10, 2018 at 08:30PM

[レポート] AIアナウンサーを20分で解説! #jawsdays #jawsug

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[レポート] AIアナウンサーを20分で解説! #jawsdays #jawsug

[AI/ML] 「AIアナウンサー」を20分で解説! Amazon Pollyを使って、どのように無人でニュース、天気予報、音楽番組を実現したか。 Amazon PollyはAWS初心者にお勧めな理由。 なぜAWSを採用したのか。 Amazon Polly利用のTips。
March 10, 2018 at 07:58PM

【おすすめアプリ】ミミズは嫌だ!肉をくれ!ワガママなヒナ鳥にご飯を運ぶ『Mama Hawk』

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【おすすめアプリ】ミミズは嫌だ!肉をくれ!ワガママなヒナ鳥にご飯を運ぶ『Mama Hawk』

こんにちはKiDD(@kiddgamestream)です。今回はヒナ鳥のためにご飯を運ぶアクションゲーム『Mama Hawk』をレビュー! Mama Hawkはスワイプ操作でママ鳥を動かし、地上の動物を狩りまくるカジュアルアクションゲームです。「鳥なのに動物?」と不思議に思うかもしれませんが、子供たちがとってもワガママでして、ええ。
March 10, 2018 at 07:30PM

えなこさん、茸さんが登場! 『23/7』リリース直前スペシャル生放送が本日20時配信

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えなこさん、茸さんが登場! 『23/7』リリース直前スペシャル生放送が本日20時配信

『23/7 トゥエンティスリーセブン』の公式生放送「『23/7』バース7放送局リリース直前スペシャル」が3月10日(土)20時から配信されます。 MCに平井善之さん(アメリカザリガニ)、アシスタントに人気上昇中声優の武田羅梨沙多胡さん、嶺内ともみさん、篠原侑さんが出演します。 さらに人気コスプレイヤーのえなこさんと人気ゲーム ...
March 10, 2018 at 06:00PM

Earthquake in Tonga

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Earthquake in Tonga

Earthquake Magnitude: 5.7M. Depth: 538.67 Km. Lat/Lon: -21.0896 , -178.5464. Event Date: 09 Mar 2018 16:23 UTC. Exposed Population: About 900 people within 100km. Inserted at: 09 Mar 2018 16:37 UTC. INFORM Coping capacity of the alert score: 1.1 (TON) ...
March 10, 2018 at 02:18PM

Henrietta Bentinck, Duchess of Portland

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Henrietta Bentinck, Duchess of Portland

Deb: start article

'''Henrietta Bentinck, Duchess of Portland''' (1774 &ndash; 24 April 1844)<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>, formerly Henrietta Scott, was the wife of [[William Bentinck, 4th Duke of Portland]].

Henrietta was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and was the eldest daughter and the heiress of [[John Scott (British Army officer)|Major-General John Scott]] of [[Fife]] and his second wife, the former Margaret Dundas.<ref>G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume II, page 519.</ref> Prior to her marriage, she was sometimes referred to as "the rich Miss Scott", to differentiate her from her two younger sisters.<ref name="rich"></ref>

Henrietta married the future earl in London on 4 August 1795, when he was styled Marquess of Titchfield.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

*[[William Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, Marquess of Titchfield|William Henry, Marquess of Titchfield]] (22 October 1796 – 5 March 1824)
*Lady Margaret Harriet Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck (1798-1882), who died unmarried
*Lady Caroline Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck (1799-1828)
*[[William Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, 5th Duke of Portland]] (1800-1879)
*[[Lord George Bentinck|Lord George Frederick Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck]] (1802-1848), who died unmarried
*[[Lord Henry Bentinck|Lord Henry William Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck]] (1804-1870), who died unmarried
*Lady Charlotte Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck (1806-1889), who married [[John Evelyn Denison, 1st Viscount Ossington]]
*Lady Lucy Joan Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck (1807-1899), who married [[Charles Ellis, 6th Baron Howard de Walden]], and had children
*Lady Mary Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck (1809-1874), who married Lt.-Col. Sir William Topham<ref>Mosley, Charles, editor. Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes. Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003. Page 3184</ref>

The marquess inherited his father's dukedom in 1809, and Henrietta became Duchess of Portland. Their family home was [[Welbeck Abbey]], Nottinghamshire, where the duke kept racehorses and carried out extensive irrigation works.<ref name="rich"/>

Two of the couple's sons predeceased their parents: the Marquess of Titchfield died of a brain lesion, aged 27, and Lord George Bentinck of a heart attack. The duchess predeceased her husband, who died at Welbeck Abbey in March 1854, aged 85.


[[Category:1774 births]]
[[Category:1844 deaths]]
[[Category:English duchesses]]
[[Category:English marchionesses]]

March 10, 2018 at 10:05PM

Putin on alleged US election interference: I don't care

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Putin on alleged US election interference: I don't care Vladimir Putin says he doesn't care about alleged Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election because the actions weren't connected to his government.
March 10, 2018 at 09:24PM

Storm surge from Hurricane Nate floods...

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Storm surge from Hurricane Nate floods...

Storm surge from Hurricane Nate floods casino in Mississippi.
March 10, 2018 at 08:07PM

フォッシルのスマートウォッチが1万1880円引き! 激安かつ高性能iPhoneでも使える

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フォッシルのスマートウォッチが1万1880円引き! 激安かつ高性能iPhoneでも使える

しかし、iPhoneでもApple Watch以外のスマートウォッチを使用できます。 筆者もiPhoneユーザーでありながら、使っているスマートウォッチはフォッシルの製品。かれこれ1年以上愛用しており、外出するときは必ず腕に装着しています。今回紹介するセール情報は、そんなフォッシルのスマートウォッチをオトクに買えるという内容 ...
March 10, 2018 at 08:03PM

えっこれiPhone 8?タイルのようなケースで印象がガラリと変わります

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えっこれiPhone 8?タイルのようなケースで印象がガラリと変わります

常に持ち歩くiPhoneケースのデザインって重要ですよね。ブラックとホワイトなどの色展開が限られたアイテムも多いので、自分の好みのカラーを探すのもなかなか難しく、悩みどころ。 そんなデザインにこだわりを持つあなたにぴったりなケースが、「TILE(タイル) for iPhone 8/7」です。スタイリッシュなスクエア型で、背面部に ...
March 10, 2018 at 07:52PM

Kos Town after last summer's earthquake?

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Kos Town after last summer's earthquake?

Answer 1 of 3: What damage was done to main sights like Castle and museum? To hotels and other buildings? Any reason not to visit for 5 or 6 days this month?
March 10, 2018 at 07:45PM

ai グローバル

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ai グローバル

ai グローバル 新潟県に関するアルバイト情報はan。「Aily株式会社」など、勤務地・職種・高時給など様々な条件からアルバイト・バイト・求人を探すことができます。anならあなたにぴったりの仕事が見つかります。|新潟県|
March 10, 2018 at 07:34PM

Adam B. Levine of Let's Talk Bitcoin! and Tokenly

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Adam B. Levine of Let's Talk Bitcoin! and Tokenly

Adam B. Levine discusses the rising centralization in the crypto space and the major challenges to blockchain application and adoption.
March 10, 2018 at 07:24PM

John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System; Hurricane Sandy Remapping Project for ...

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John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System; Hurricane Sandy Remapping Project for ...

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, have prepared proposed digital boundaries for the first batch of CBRS units included in the Hurricane Sandy Remapping Project. This first batch of the project includes a total of 148 CBRS units (112 existing units and 36 proposed new units) located in Delaware, ...
March 10, 2018 at 06:28PM

Introduction: Artificial intelligence, technology, and the law

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Introduction: Artificial intelligence, technology, and the law

On 25 March 2017, the Centre for Innovation Law and Policy at the University of Toronto hosted a Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Technology, and the Law. The conference was supported by generous funding from the University of Toronto Press and from the Social Science and Humanities ...
March 10, 2018 at 01:29PM

私がApple WatchのLTE通信をやめなかったワケ (1) Apple WatchにLTE、本当にいるの?

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私がApple WatchのLTE通信をやめなかったワケ (1) Apple WatchにLTE、本当にいるの?

ただし、ジムでのトレーニングやスイミング中にApple Watchを活用している方に、単独でのモバイル通信はすっごく重宝されることでしょう。ロッカーにiPhoneを入れたまま、Apple Watchで受話したり、通知を受け、返信できるのは非常に便利。でも私の場合、運動といったらせいぜいジョギングしたり自転車に乗るぐらいなので、 ...
March 10, 2018 at 01:16PM

Fカップ+Gカップのスーパースロー! 「美少女伝説」朝倉恵梨奈がXperiaで水着自撮り!

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Fカップ+Gカップのスーパースロー! 「美少女伝説」朝倉恵梨奈がXperiaで水着自撮り!

朝倉「昔はAndroidを使っていたのですが、当時はちょっと動きがもさっとしていたりでiPhoneにしました。それからずっとiPhoneを使っているのでわからなかったのですが、最新のAndroidは進化していて、速くて使いやすいし、性能もよくてすごい! と思いました。インカメラが広角なのも驚いたし、iPhoneにはない魅力ですよね。
March 10, 2018 at 05:15PM


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日本生命保険は認知症対策サービスを始める。第1弾で月内にも、米アマゾン・ドット・コムと組み、同社の人工知能(AI)スピーカーを活用して認知症予防プログラムの提供を開始。高齢者見守りや、保険金の支払い手続きなどもAIスピーカーでできるようにする。 契約者が年々高齢化するなか、関心の高い認知症対策などで ...
March 10, 2018 at 05:15PM

新興企業の祭典 AIやAR、米で競演

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新興企業の祭典 AIやAR、米で競演

【オースティン(米南部)=佐藤浩実】テクノロジーとスタートアップ企業の祭典「SXSW(サウス・バイ・サウスウエスト)」が9日、米テキサス州オースティンで開幕した=写真。人工知能(AI)や拡張現実(AR)をテーマに約2000の講演や討論会が開かれるほか、世界中から集まったスタートアップがピッチをしたり試作品を見せ合っ ...
March 10, 2018 at 03:45PM

米ファンドストラット ビットコインの買時指標を発表

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米ファンドストラット ビットコインの買時指標を発表

ニューヨーク拠点の調査会社ファンドストラット・グローバル・アドバイザーズは、逆張り投資家向けにビットコイン(BTC)の買い時を示す指標を開発したことを明らかにした。 ファンドストラット社のトム・リー代表が、米放送局CNBCの番組内で紹介した。「ビットコイン・ミゼリー・インデックス(BMI)」は、ボラティリティや勝ち越しの ...
March 10, 2018 at 02:37PM

「修理する権利」に真っ向反対するAppleのお膝元のカリフォルニア州で修理する権利法案が提出される ...

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「修理する権利」に真っ向反対するAppleのお膝元のカリフォルニア州で修理する権利法案が提出される ...

この修理する権利を法令化する動きに対して、iPhoneを販売するAppleは真っ向から反対していることで知られています。Appleによると、修理する権利を認めることはスマートフォンなどの端末の安全性やセキュリティを損ね、知的財産権を毀損しかねないため不当だというわけです。Appleは巨額を投じて修理する権利法案を ...
March 10, 2018 at 02:01PM


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AI関連サービスを提供。18.6期2Qは大幅増収増益。 AIブームによる企業データ活用ニーズの高まりで案件の大型化・長期化が進み、データ分析事業が絶好調。施策に必要なソフト選定・提供やシステム開発・運用を行う事業も好調。18.6期業績上伸を予想。株価は値固め。 会計期/実予/売上高/営業利益/経常利益/純 ...
March 10, 2018 at 12:33PM

第9話 アイドルとしてブレーク… 西野七瀬があの原作キャラと!?

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第9話 アイドルとしてブレーク… 西野七瀬があの原作キャラと!?

桂正和さんの名作マンガを実写化した連続ドラマ「土曜ドラマ24『電影少女 -VIDEO GIRL AI 2018』」(テレビ東京系、土曜深夜0時20分)の第9話が、10日放送される。動画公開をきっかけにネットを騒がす、ブレーク必至の謎のアイドルとして、テレビや雑誌などで特集されるビデオガールのアイ(西野七瀬さん)。そんなアイを巡っ ...
March 10, 2018 at 12:22PM

A Computational Framework for Earthquake Sequences in Nonlinear Media

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A Computational Framework for Earthquake Sequences in Nonlinear Media

Deficient understanding of the earthquake cycle is the single greatest barrier to minimizing the devastating effects of earthquakes on society and the human environment. An ongoing goal of earthquake science is to synthesize physical models with observational data in order to assess seismic hazards ...
March 10, 2018 at 11:57AM

Over 100 Mount Kinabalu climbers rush to safety after earthquake strikes Sabah

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Over 100 Mount Kinabalu climbers rush to safety after earthquake strikes Sabah

March 09, 2018 12:16 AMKOTA KINABALU (THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK, BERNAMA) - More than 100 climbers rushed down to the safety point at Laban Rata in Mount Kinabalu after a 5.2 magnitude earthquake hit Sabah's Ranau area on Thursday (March 8) night.
March 10, 2018 at 10:09AM


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iPhone 8/ iPhone 8 Plus/ iPhone X/ Galaxy Note 8を始めとするQi規格に対応したスマートフォンの充電に対応。充電用のコイルを2つ搭載したデュアルコイルを採用。充電効率を向上するだけでなく、対象機器をどこにおいても急速充電を可能とします。 スタンド型の本体には、冷却ファンも内蔵。10Wの高出力時でも放熱性 ...
March 10, 2018 at 03:00PM

『狼と香辛料』のホロをデザインしたiPhoneケースの受注を開始!!アニメ・漫画のオリジナルグッズを販売 ...

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『狼と香辛料』のホロをデザインしたiPhoneケースの受注を開始!!アニメ・漫画のオリジナルグッズを販売 ...

狼と香辛料』のホロをデザインしたiPhoneケースの受注を開始!!アニメ・漫画のオリジナルグッズを販売 ... ホロと彼女の好物である林檎、麦などを、銀の箔でデザインしたiPhoneケースの登場です。 お手持ちのiPhoneにはめて頂くと、ホロの後ろに林檎が重なるこだわりの仕様です。 ぜひあなたのお手元で、作品の世界観を ...
March 10, 2018 at 03:00PM

ヌンチャクのように動くiPhoneケースが「洗練された無駄な動き」と人気 iPhone Trick Cover

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ヌンチャクのように動くiPhoneケースが「洗練された無駄な動き」と人気 iPhone Trick Cover

ヌンチャクのように動くiPhoneケース「iPhone Trick Cover」を紹介したツイートが話題になっています。 「俺の働いてる会社の面白いiPhoneケースみてくれ」というツイートとともに紹介された動画には、まるでヌンチャクのように振り回して動かすことができるiPhoneケースが。 3月9日に投稿されたツイートはみるみるうちに ...
March 10, 2018 at 02:48PM

Hurricane by RobertBushmanFX

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Hurricane by RobertBushmanFX

Buy Hurricane by RobertBushmanFX on AudioJungle. Hurricane sound effect. Whirling noise, might and power of a large scale hurricane wind. Useful for gaming, motion pi...
March 10, 2018 at 02:12PM

【パズドラ】育成・攻略の時間を大幅短縮!? トレード機能を役立てよう!

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【パズドラ】育成・攻略の時間を大幅短縮!? トレード機能を役立てよう!

ダンジョンを攻略するにあたって必要不可欠な育成。1から始めるとなると、レベル上げ、進化素材集めとなかなかに時間がかかってしまうもの・・・。 そこで活用したいのが「トレード」機能! フレンドとのトレードを活かして、パーティの強化に役立てましょう!
March 10, 2018 at 01:30PM


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iPhone Mania(アイフォンマニア). iPhone関連の最新ニュースや便利に使い倒す方法などをお届け中. トップページ > 最新情報 > Apple、Macのキーボードに液体やゴミの侵入を防ぐ特許を申請. 最新情報 ...
March 10, 2018 at 01:18PM

私がApple WatchのLTE通信をやめなかったワケ

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私がApple WatchのLTE通信をやめなかったワケ

Apple Watch Series 3にはセルラー版が用意されています。セルラー版のApple Watchは、たとえiPhoneを自宅やオフィスに置いたままでも、単独で音声通話やデータ通信を利用可能です。 でも、Apple Watch単独のモバイル通信機能、本当に必要ですか? 私はApple Watchだけを装着して出かけたことは、基本的には ...
March 10, 2018 at 12:56PM

iPhone 8のワイヤレス充電にも対応!5WのQi給電にも対応した10000mAhのバッテリーTronsmart ...

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iPhone 8のワイヤレス充電にも対応!5WのQi給電にも対応した10000mAhのバッテリーTronsmart ...

「Tronsmart(トロンスマート)」は、米国・欧州など全世界でモバイルバッテリーやUSBチャージャー、Bluetoot関連機器などのスマートフォン・タブレット周辺機器を低価格で展開するブランドです。Tronsmartは3月9日より10,000mAhのモバイルバッテリーとしても、最大5Wの出力に対応したワイヤレス急速充電器「AirAmp ...
March 10, 2018 at 12:56PM

私がApple WatchのLTE通信をやめなかったワケ

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私がApple WatchのLTE通信をやめなかったワケ

セルラー版のApple Watchは、たとえiPhoneを自宅やオフィスに置いたままでも、単独で音声通話やデータ通信を利用可能です。 でも、Apple Watch単独のモバイル通信機能、本当に必要ですか? 私はApple Watchだけを装着して出かけたことは、基本的にはありません。正確に言うと、あることはあるのですが、それはApple ...
March 10, 2018 at 12:56PM

【おすすめアプリ】ゲーム好きほどハマる進化するアドベンチャー『Evoland 2』

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【おすすめアプリ】ゲーム好きほどハマる進化するアドベンチャー『Evoland 2』

こんにちはKiDD(@kiddgamestream)です。今回はグラフィックとシステムが進化することで話題を読んだゲーム『Evoland』の続編、『Evoland 2』をレビュー! Evoland 2は前作通りの進化はもちろん、今度はゲームのジャンルまでが進化、というよりも変化します。RPGかと思えばアクションRPG、2Dアクション、謎解き、 ...
March 10, 2018 at 12:22PM


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投稿日:2018-03-10 iPhone修理工房 柏マルイ店[ 早く治ってよかった ] 24歳 会社員. 時間ギリギリで行って当日修理してもらえてとても助かりました。 [ご来店理由]:HPを見て. [修理・サービス内容]:; パネル・ガラス割れ・ひび修理 ...
March 10, 2018 at 12:17PM

AIには「リスクもある」 開発企業ディープマインドCEO

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AIには「リスクもある」 開発企業ディープマインドCEO

【3月10日 AFP】米グーグル(Google)傘下の人工知能(AI)開発企業ディープマインド(DeepMind)のデミス・ハサビス(Demis Hassabis)最高経営責任者(CEO)は9日、AIは極めて大きな科学的恩恵をもたらす一方、使い方次第でリスクもあると語った。 ディープマインドが開発した囲碁のAI「アルファ碁(AlphaGo)」は2016 ...
March 10, 2018 at 12:11PM

AIには「リスクもある」 開発企業ディープマインドCEO

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AIには「リスクもある」 開発企業ディープマインドCEO

ハサビス氏は質疑応答の際、AIについて「科学的発見を加速させるとてつもないツール」、「私たちは人類史上最も有益な技術の一つになると考えている」と語った一方、他の強力な技術と同様に「リスクもある」と指摘し、「結果の良し悪しは、AIの利用について人類社会がどう判断するかにかかっている」と付け加えた。 2010年に ...
March 10, 2018 at 12:11PM

Video: How to Drive During an Earthquake

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Video: How to Drive During an Earthquake

Earthquakes may not be common, but they can strike in every region of the country — and usually without warning. Drivers should know what to do if one hits when they're behind the wheel.
March 10, 2018 at 12:02PM


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iOS 11には、iPhoneの画面見たままをMP4ムービーとして保存する「画面収録機能」が追加されました。初期設定では利用できない状態ですが、『設定』→「コントロールセンター」→「コントロールセンターをカスタマイズ」の順に画面を開き、「画面収録」を画面上部のエリアに追加すると、以降コントロールセンターから起動できる ...
March 10, 2018 at 12:00PM


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... 『ケンタッキーフライドチキン』は2018年3月27日(火)〜4月17日(火)の毎週火曜日に店舗限定・時間限定で「オリジナルチキン食べ放題」を実施すると発表しました。 食べ放題になるのは「オリジナルチキン」、「カーネリングポテト」、「ビスケット」、「ソフトドリンク」。制限時間は45分で料金は1,380円(税込)です。 店舗限定・時間 ...
March 10, 2018 at 12:00PM

スマートハウス、AIスピーカーで普及に弾み リノベや賃貸も

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スマートハウス、AIスピーカーで普及に弾み リノベや賃貸も

自宅の玄関ドアや家電をネットにつないで便利に暮らすスマートハウスが、簡単に低価格で実現できるようになってきた。スマートフォン(スマホ)に加え、人気の人工知能(AI)スピーカーで操作できることからIT(情報技術)に関心の高い20代から40代を中心に興味を持つ人が増加。中古マンションのリノベーションや賃貸など、 ...
March 10, 2018 at 11:03AM

【AI時代の発想術】提案、リサーチ、会議に参加 AIが変える製品開発風景

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AI時代の発想術】提案、リサーチ、会議に参加 AIが変える製品開発風景

AI(人工知能)は膨大な情報の中から目的に役立つコンテンツを瞬時に発見し、それらを組み合わせて最適な解を出し、さらに今後起きるであろうことも予測する。 AIが職場に加わると仕事の風景はどう変わるのか、架空の製品開発を例に説明しよう。 まず、開発担当者がAIに次のような指示をする。 「新製品開発のための情報 ...
March 10, 2018 at 11:03AM

Publius Vigellius Saturninus

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Publius Vigellius Saturninus

Llywrch: creating an article on a Roman Imperial senator; dedicated to my daughter Akasha

'''Publius Vigellius Saturninus''' was a [[Roman Empire|Roman]] [[Roman senate|senator]], who was active during the reign of [[Marcus Aurelius]]. He is best known as the official who presided at the trial of the [[Scillitan Martyrs]], dated to 17 July 180.

His complete name is attested in inscriptions as '''Publius Vigellius Raius Plarius Saturninus Atilius Braduanus Caucidius Tertullus'''. His origins are not known for certain, although [[Géza Alföldy]] believed he came from the Greek-speaking part of the empire.<ref>Alföldy, ''Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter der Antoninen'' (Bonn: Rudolf Habelt Verlag, 1977), p. 320</ref> Bernard Rémy claims that based on the elements in his name Saturninus is related to [[Herodes Atticus]].<ref name=Remy-311>Rémy, [ ''Les carrières sénatoriales dans les provinces romaines d'Anatolie au Haut-Empire (31 av. J.-C. - 284 ap. J.-C.) (Pont-Bithynie, Galatie, Cappadoce, Lycie-Pamphylie et Cilicie)''] (Istanbul: Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes-Georges Dumézil, 1989), p. 311</ref>

Only portions of the ''[[cursus honorum]]'' of Saturninus is known from various sources. His earliest recorded office, based on an inscription on a statue base found at [[Troesmis]] was as ''[[legatus]]'' or commander of [[Legio V Macedonica]].<ref></ref> It had been thought this brief inscription was evidence that he had been governor of [[Moesia Inferior]], but Alföldy has shown that it is more accurately interpreted as evidence for his command of the V Macedonica.<ref>Alföldy, ''Konsulat und Senatorenstand'', pp. 365-367</ref> Both Rémy and Alföldy date his commission as extending from the year 159 to 162.<ref name=Remy-311/><ref>Alföldy, ''Konsulat und Senatorenstand'', p. 299</ref> Another post he is attested as holding is governor of the imperial province of [[Lycia et Pamphylia]], which Rémy dated from 162 to 164.<ref name=Remy-311/> His [[Roman consul|suffect consul]] followed.

The latest office Saturninus is recorded as holding was one of the apices of a successful consular career, [[proconsul]]ar governor of [[Africa (Roman province)|Africa]], which was in 180/181; since a senator was eligible for this office about 15 years after his consulate, his consulate can be estimated to have been around the year 165.<ref>Alföldy, ''Konsulat und Senatorenstand'', p. 180</ref> It was during his tenure in Africa that he presided over the trial of the six African Christians known as the Scillitan Martyrs in [[Carthage]].<ref>An account of the trial is preserved in the ''Passio Sanctorum Scillitanorum'', translated by J. Stevenson and W.H. C. Frend, ''A New Eusebius: Documents illustrating the history of the Church to AD 337'' (London: SPCK, 1987), pp. 44f</ref>

His life after he stepped down from the governorship is unknown.

== References ==

[[Category:2nd-century Romans]]
[[Category:Suffect consuls of Imperial Rome]]
[[Category:Roman governors of Lycia et Pamphylia‎]]
[[Category:Roman governors of Africa]]

March 10, 2018 at 05:52PM

中国軍が高度なAI導入し世界に先駆け「無人化」を実現?「日本による典型的なほめ殺し」「AIは農業に使う ...

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中国軍が高度なAI導入し世界に先駆け「無人化」を実現?「日本による典型的なほめ殺し」「AIは農業に使う ...

7日、新浪が、中国軍が高度な人工知能を積極的に導入しており、世界に先駆けて無人化を実現するかもしれないと伝えた。これに対し、中国のネットユーザーからさまざまなコメントが寄せられた。資料写真。 Email · Share · Tweet; コメント. 2018年3月7日、新浪が、日本メディアの報道を引用し、中国軍が高度な人工知能(AI) ...
March 10, 2018 at 10:52AM

Bitcoin, Maximalism, Altcoins and the Crypto Market with Tone Vays

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Bitcoin, Maximalism, Altcoins and the Crypto Market with Tone Vays

Bitcoin, Maximalism, Altcoins and the Crypto Market with Tone Vays. March 9, 2018. Join me for a chat with Tone Vays to hear his thoughts on the market, why he places such a value on Bitcoin and many other subjects! Let's talk about what's happening in the markets as well as all of your Q&A. Grab a ...
March 10, 2018 at 10:39AM


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GIZMODOの「採用選考にAIを導入。就活学生からは反対の声」という記事によると、「書類選考の合否決定をAIが行うのをどう思うか」という質問では、就活学生の50.1%が反対。面接をAIが判定するという質問では、67.5%が「よいと思わない」と答えたのだとか。 この記事の記者は「そりゃそうですよ。(AIが公平だとしても) ...
March 10, 2018 at 10:07AM


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March 10, 2018 at 09:59AM

Mama Hawk

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Mama Hawk

本日の「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」では,カジュアルなアクションゲーム「Mama Hawk」を紹介する。お母さんの鷹を操って,小さなひな鳥のために動物を捕まえるというゲーム内容だ。 [2018/03/10 10:00]. キーワード:; iPhone:Mama Hawk · iPhone · アクション · ほのぼの · Android:Mama Hawk · Android · 連載 · 紹介 ...
March 10, 2018 at 09:56AM

iCloudメールは「プッシュ」と「フェッチ」、どちらにすべき? - いまさら聞けないiPhoneのなぜ

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iCloudメールは「プッシュ」と「フェッチ」、どちらにすべき? - いまさら聞けないiPhoneのなぜ

March 10, 2018 at 09:56AM


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March 10, 2018 at 09:56AM

カメラアプリ Microsoft Pix の AI 機能がさらにスマートに: 撮影した名刺情報を iPhone や LinkedIn の ...

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カメラアプリ Microsoft Pix の AI 機能がさらにスマートに: 撮影した名刺情報を iPhone や LinkedIn の ...

[2018年3月10日]. 無償の AI カメラアプリ Microsoft Pix に LinkedIn と連携する新機能を追加しました。 撮影した名刺の画像から、名前や連絡先情報などを自動で認識し、iPhone の連絡先アプリや LinkedIn アカウントにもコンタクト情報を簡単に追加できるようになりました。Microsoft Pix は名刺を自動的に認識し、必要な ...
March 10, 2018 at 09:50AM

【星ドラ】大規模イベント 「みんなで大決戦 大魔王デスタムーア軍編」開催中!

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【星ドラ】大規模イベント 「みんなで大決戦 大魔王デスタムーア軍編」開催中!

スクウェア・エニックスの1700万ダウンロードを突破したスマートフォン用タイトル『星のドラゴンクエスト』で、新イベント「みんなで大決戦 大魔王デスタムーア軍編」が開催中です。 さらに、人気イラストレーター・カナヘイさんによる描きおろしスタンプ(全21種)が追加されました。
March 10, 2018 at 09:00AM

Time's really flying this weekend across most of the US

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Time's really flying this weekend across most of the US Time's really flying this weekend across most of the United States.
March 10, 2018 at 02:04PM

iPhone 6

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iPhone 6

I have an iPhone 6 and am worried that it will not work when I try to play Fortnite on it. It says iPhone 6s or iPhone 6se. Maybe my plain old iPhone 6 will still.
March 10, 2018 at 09:41AM

Here's What You Really Need to Know About Bitcoin

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Here's What You Really Need to Know About Bitcoin

Last year, Bitcoin futures began trading. They entered the market on December 18. Investors clamored for a piece of the cryptocurrency pie soon. This demand pushed Bitcoin past the "psychological barrier" of $10,000. The excitement behind Bitcoin trading resulted in websites crashing the same day.
March 10, 2018 at 09:34AM


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無駄のない、純真なデザインこそラグジュアリーというコンセプトのもと、フランス及びイタリア産の選び抜かれた皮革を使用した【VIANEL】のiphone ケースです。 ファッションアイコンとして、世界中の注目を浴びているニューヨークを代表するモデル、女優、ソーシャライツのOlivia Palermo(オリヴィア・パレルモ)とのコラボレート ...
March 10, 2018 at 09:19AM

FCC promises $954 million to restore Puerto Rico's hurricane-damaged communications networks

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FCC promises $954 million to restore Puerto Rico's hurricane-damaged communications networks

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman Ajit Pai toured Puerto Rico this week and promised $954 million to restore communications networks knocked out by Hurricane Maria. At the same time, the National Health IT Collaborative for the Underserved (NHIT ...
March 10, 2018 at 08:42AM

アップル、iPhone Xは予想を下回るも世界スマホ市場で首位

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アップル、iPhone Xは予想を下回るも世界スマホ市場で首位

米アップルが昨年市場投入した「iPhone X」については、同社が生産量を大幅に減らしたと報じられている。 当初、今年1~3月期におけるiPhone Xの予定生産台数は、約4000万台だった。しかし、アップルはこれを約2000万台に減らすと米ウォールストリート・ジャーナルは伝えた。こうしたiPhone Xの生産削減に関する話題 ...
March 10, 2018 at 08:37AM

5Gやロボット、AIなど集結--写真で振り返る「Mobile World Congress 2018」

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5Gやロボット、AIなど集結--写真で振り返る「Mobile World Congress 2018」

コンピュータに匹敵する強力なスマートフォンから、「Google Fiber」より高速なモバイルネットワークまで、非常に意欲的なサービスや製品が2018年の「Mobile World Congress」(MWC)を彩った。 提供:Jason Hiner/TechRepublic. Scroll Right Scroll Left ...
March 10, 2018 at 08:26AM


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CHINTAIで、女性の一人暮らしでも安心の賃貸物件・お部屋探し。ア-トステ-ジAI 3階/愛知県名古屋市守山区下志段味字釼当先のセキュリティ、防犯対策、家賃、アクセス、間取り、周辺情報など掲載中!Woman.CHINTAIなら沿線でセキュリティに配慮した女性向け賃貸物件や、女性に人気の賃貸マンション・アパートが ...
March 10, 2018 at 08:20AM


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iPhone Mania(アイフォンマニア). 2018年3月10日 07時59分. Apple株価、終値179.98ドルで最高額を更新. Facebook. hanebu. Twitter. Google+. g+. LINE. Pocket. apple 株価. Appleの株価が終値で179.98ドルとなり、前回の最高額179.26ドルを更新しました。180ドルの大台もすぐそこまで迫っているかもしれません。
March 10, 2018 at 08:03AM


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フェイスブックや配車アプリのUber、日本で言えばフリマアプリのメルカリなど、新興企業が人々の生活を一変させ、急成長する時代になった。こうした成功する新興企業に共通しているのは、「人、モノ、カネ」といった従来型のリソースではなく、とにかく「人、人、人」が重視されているということだ。経営コンサルタントの大前研一氏 ...
March 10, 2018 at 07:30AM

「一生涯のデータプラットフォーム」構築が前提 - AI座談会 Vol.2

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「一生涯のデータプラットフォーム」構築が前提 - AI座談会 Vol.2

センシティブ情報なので、どうやって社会的合意を取っていけばいいのか、難しい問題です。疾患予測モデルや診断・治療に使えるAIは、発展途上国が先にやってしまって、そこで成功したものをわれわれが使用するといったストーリーがいいんじゃないかなと僕は思っています。それは楽しみな半面、日本のAIが立ち後れる心配も ...
March 10, 2018 at 07:30AM

Artificial intelligence technology to run Australia's future homes, experts say

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Artificial intelligence technology to run Australia's future homes, experts say

AUSTRALIA'S homes will become smarter and safer in the future — due in part to the infiltration of artificial intelligence. Chances are they'll also become smaller.
March 10, 2018 at 07:19AM


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PRESENTED BY. Doug Gottlieb. 4pm-6pm. MENU. Home · The Line Up · Kevin's Other Show · Colin Cowherd · Dan Patrick · Hurricane Hotties · Hurricane Hottie | Jordyn · The Diener & Flash Show · Flag to Flag podcast with Jeremy Kaufman · Clay Travis · Doug Gottlieb · Show Schedule. Teams.
March 10, 2018 at 07:10AM

Documents Prove Local Cops Have Bought Cheap iPhone Cracking Tech

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Documents Prove Local Cops Have Bought Cheap iPhone Cracking Tech

GrayShift is a new company that promises to unlock even iPhones running the latest version of iOS for a relatively cheap price. From a report: In a sign of how hacking technology often trickles down from more well-funded federal agencies to local bodies, at least one regional police department has a...
March 10, 2018 at 06:50AM

ビットコイン一時8000ドル割れ 世界的な規制の動きを嫌気

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ビットコイン一時8000ドル割れ 世界的な規制の動きを嫌気

ビットコイン価格が9日、9000ドルを割り一時8539ドルをつけた。本記事作成時点で、ビットコインは9100ドル付近で取引されている。 Bitcoin Price Chart. 3月5日に週間高値の11675ドルをつけてから実に27%の反落だ。前日主要仮想通貨は4~6%下げていたが9日の下げは更にきつく、時価総額ベースで上位10位の ...
March 10, 2018 at 06:45AM

Is Artificial Intelligence the Future of Sales? - Eric Esfahanian for MarTech Advisor

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Is Artificial Intelligence the Future of Sales? - Eric Esfahanian for MarTech Advisor

This article was written by Gryphon Networks' CRO Eric Esfahanian for MarTech Advisor's Industry Insights. There is much hype around sales intelligence these days. Companies in a variety of industries are making great strides leveraging AI to extract and learn from data. This is particularly heating up ...
March 10, 2018 at 06:40AM

Hurricane, WV

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Hurricane, WV

Carriage Way, Hurricane, WV is a home listed on Trulia for $54900 in Hurricane, West Virginia.
March 10, 2018 at 06:38AM

Muskan Kirar

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Muskan Kirar

Sunilbutolia: ←Created page with 'Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)'''Muskan Kirar''' (Age, 17) is a Archery player...'

Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)'''Muskan Kirar''' (Age, 17) is a [[Archery]] player from [[India]]. Muskan Kirar clinched [[Gold medal|gold medals]] in the women's compound event and recurve events respectively at the Archery [[Asia Cup]] stage 1 competition in [[Bangkok]] on Wednesday, 7th March 2018.<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

Muskan Kirar prevailed over Nadhirah Zakaria Sazatul of [[Malaysia|Malayasia]] 139-136 yesterday.<ref name=":0"></ref><ref></ref>

Muskan also ended up pocketing a second medal in the form of [[bronze]] when she along with Divya Dhayal and Mrinal Hiwrale defeated their [[Indonesian]] opponents - Sri Ranti, Dellie Threesyadinda, Nina Bonita Pereira Yurike - 227-221 in the third place playoff.<ref name=":0" /><ref></ref>

Kirar, who trains at the [[Madhya Pradesh]] Archery Academy in Bhopal<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

== Sports Career ==
Two years back, while scouting for potential archers, coach Richpal Singh Salaria had picked a bunch of youngsters for training. The bunch included a 15-year-old 10th-grade-student from Kendriya Vidyalaya in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh - Muskan Kirar.<ref name=":1"></ref>

"Her family wants her to be a doctor, so they were taken aback when I selected Muskan for archery training in April 2016," an overjoyed Salaria told [[Times of india|TOI]] from Bangkok. "It's a moment of great pride for me that she proved me right by winning the gold with less than two years of training." <ref name=":1" />

== References ==

== External links ==

March 10, 2018 at 01:35PM

Karate instructor accused of sexually assaulting 6-year-old may have other victims, police say

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Karate instructor accused of sexually assaulting 6-year-old may have other victims, police say A New York Karate instructor that was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a 6-year-old in the studio's bathroom for hours, could have victimized more children, police said on Friday.
March 10, 2018 at 12:08PM

Friday, March 9, 2018

#10: Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress

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#10: Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress

Enlightenment Now
Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress
Steven Pinker
3.6 out of 5 stars(119)
Release Date: February 13, 2018

Buy new: $35.00 $21.00
73 used & new from $14.90

(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
March 10, 2018 at 11:39AM

Tsao Erh-chung

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Tsao Erh-chung


'''Tsao Erh-chung''' (; born 24 August 1954) is a Taiwanese politician. He was a member of the [[Legislative Yuan]] between 1993 and 2002, then served from 2005 to 2012.

==Academic and early career==
Tsao attended Matsu High School, and graduated from [[Central Police University]].<ref></ref><ref></ref> He then worked for the Lienchiang County Police Department and was a lecturer at [[Taiwan Police College]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>

==Political career==
Tsao helped reach what became the [[Kinmen Agreement]], signed in 1990.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> He first won election to the [[Legislative Yuan]] in 1992, and represented the [[Lienchiang County district]] until 2002. In 1999, during his third term, Tsao helped negotiate the return of the Taiwanese vessel Shin Hwa from China.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> He was a proponent of the [[three links]],<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> and believed that their establishment would aid economic development in the outlying islands of Taiwan.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> In 2001, Tsao visited Fujian as part of a pilgrimage for the goddess [[Mazu]].<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> He returned to China later that month to sign an unofficial agreement the government of [[Mawei District]].<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> The [[Mainland Affairs Council]] called the move a "person-to-person exchange" that "had no legal bearing," and warned neighboring [[Kinmen]] against a similar action.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Subsequently, the MAC announced its Eight Noes" policy regarding exchanges with China.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> After [[Lee Yuan-tsu]] was prevented from attending [[APEC China 2001]] as a representative of Taiwan's government, Tsao stated of the Kuomintang legislative caucus, "We agree with the government's decision not to participate in the APEC summit and condemn China's rough treatment of Taiwan's delegation that is already in Shanghai."<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Tsao lost reelection in December 2001.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Before stepping down, he helped pass amendments to the Offshore Islands Development Act, permitting more Taiwanese to visit China via the outlying islands.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

Tsao contested the 2004 legislative elections as an independent, and won.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> He was seated as a representative from Lienchiang County.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> A month after taking office, Tsao joined Kuomintang officials on a trip to China.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> He remained a staunch supporter of the three links,<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> additionally backing landing visa privileges for Chinese visitors to Taiwan.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Previously, in August 2005, he had spoken out against a planned reduction in military personnel stationed in the Matsu Islands.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> He proposed a full ban on land mines that December.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Tsao defeated [[Lin Hui-kuan]] in the 2008 legislative elections.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> During this session, the Citizen Congress Watch ranked Tsao as one of the worst legislators.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> He began taking an interest in transportation, infrastructure, and civil order. Specifically, Tsao supported official designation of demonstration zones,<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> and opposed the lax employment protections at [[free ports]],<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> as well as a proposal for [[Taoyuan International Airport]] to be exempt from most government oversight.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Tsao later stated that Taiwanese nationals should be considered for management positions at the airport because it is a state-owned enterprise.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> He was elected chair of the legislature's Transportation Committee alongside [[Lin Chien-jung]] in March 2009.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Two months later, while discussing an amendment to the Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects that would permit Chinese investment in Taiwanese infrastructure projects, Tsao opined that that the proposed change was legal. Upon hearing the statement, [[Democratic Progressive Party]] lawmakers prevented Tsao from taking his seat. He then adjourned the meeting and scheduled a second discussion which the DPP boycotted.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

Tsao worked to market his constituency to tourists.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> He urged the government to place Chinese tourists under a free independent tourist policy,<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> and defended them publicly on occasion.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Tsao also pushed for more funding through the Offshore Islands Development Fund.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> In March 2011, Tsao proposed an amendment to the Act for the Development of Tourism that would allow chain convenience stores to sell tickets for maritime and air transportation.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> The motion passed and was implemented that same month.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Tsao yielded his legislative seat to [[Chen Hsueh-sheng]] in 2012.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>


[[Category:1954 births]]
[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:Taiwanese police officers]]
[[Category:Central Police University alumni]]
[[Category:Members of the 2nd Legislative Yuan]]
[[Category:Members of the 3rd Legislative Yuan]]
[[Category:Members of the 4th Legislative Yuan]]
[[Category:Members of the 6th Legislative Yuan]]
[[Category:Members of the 7th Legislative Yuan]]
[[Category:Lienchiang County Membes of the Legislative Yuan]]
[[Category:Kuomintang Members of the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan]]

March 10, 2018 at 11:23AM

Special Jury Prize (Karlovy Vary IFF)

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Special Jury Prize (Karlovy Vary IFF)

Hoverfish: /* Special Jury Prize Winners */ dab 1

The '''Special Jury Prize''' is one of main awards of the Feature Film Competition at the [[Karlovy Vary International Film Festival]]. It is the second most important award of the festival after the [[Crystal Globe]].<ref></ref>

==Special Jury Prize Winners==

{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Year !! Film !! Original Title !! Director !! Country
| 2017<ref>[ 2017 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Men Don't Cry]]'' || ''Muškarci ne plaču'' ||data-sort-value="Drljević"| [[Alen Drljević]] || Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, Germany
| 2016<ref>[ 2016 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Zoology (film)|Zoology]]'' || ''Zoologiya'' ||data-sort-value="Tverdovskiy"| [[Ivan I. Tverdovskiy]] || Russia, France, Germany
| 2015<ref>[ 2015 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Those Who Fall Have Wings]]'' || ''[[Jeder der fällt hat Flügel]]'' ||data-sort-value="Brunner"| [[Peter Brunner]] || Austria
| 2014<ref>[ 2014 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Free Fall (2014 film)|Free Fall]]'' || ''Szabadesés'' ||data-sort-value="Palfi"| [[György Pálfi]] || Hungary, France, South Korea
| 2013<ref>[ 2013 awards at the official site]</ref> ||colspan=2 data-sort-value="Field in"| ''[[A Field in England]]'' ||data-sort-value="Wheatley"| [[Ben Wheatley]] || United Kingdom
| 2012<ref>[ 2012 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy]]'' || ''Romanzo di una strage'' ||data-sort-value="Giordana"| [[Marco Tullio Giordana]] || Italy
| 2011<ref>[ 2011 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Gypsy (2011 film)|Gypsy]]'' || ''Cigán'' ||data-sort-value="Sulik"| [[Martin Šulík]] || Slovak Republic, Czech Republic
| 2010<ref>[ 2010 awards at the official site]</ref> ||colspan=2| ''[[Kooky]]'' ||data-sort-value="Sverak"| [[Jan Svěrák]] || Czech Republic, Denmark
| 2009<ref>[ 2009 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Twenty (film)|Twenty]]'' || ''Bist'' ||data-sort-value="Kahani"| [[Abdolreza Kahani]] || Iran
| 2008<ref>[ 2008 awards at the official site]</ref> ||colspan=2 data-sort-value="Photograph"| ''[[The Photograph (film)|Photograph]]'' ||data-sort-value="Achnas"| [[Nan Achnas]] || Indonesia, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden
| 2007<ref>[ 2007 awards at the official site]</ref> ||colspan=2| ''[[Lucky Miles]]'' ||data-sort-value="Rowland"| [[Michael James Rowland]] || Australia
| rowspan=2| 2006<ref>[ 2006 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Christmas Tree Upside Down]]'' (ex aequo) || ''Obarnata elha'' ||data-sort-value="Cherkelov"| [[Ivan Cherkelov]], [[Vassil Zhivkov]] || Bulgaria, Germany
| ''[[Beauty in Trouble]]'' (ex aequo) || ''Kráska v nesnázích'' ||data-sort-value="Hrebejk"| [[Jan Hřebejk]] || Czech Republic
| 2005<ref>[ 2005 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[What a Wonderful Place]]'' || ''Eize makom nifla'' ||data-sort-value="Halfon"| [[Eyal Halfon]] || Israel
| 2004<ref>[ 2004 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Here (film)|Here]]'' || ''Tu'' ||data-sort-value="Ogresta"| [[Zrinko Ogresta]], [[Antonio Frazzi]] || Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
| 2003<ref>[ 2003 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Babusya]]'' || ''Babusja'' ||data-sort-value="Bobrovova"| [[Lidija Bobrovová]] || Russia, France
| 2002<ref>[ 2002 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Nowhere in Africa]]'' || ''Nirgendwo in Africa'' ||data-sort-value="Link"| [[Caroline Link]] || Germany
| 2001<ref>[ 2001 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Hi, Tereska]]'' || ''Cześć Tereska'' ||data-sort-value="Glinski"| [[Robert Gliński]] || Poland
| rowspan=2| 2000<ref>[ 2000 awards at the official site]</ref> ||data-sort-value="Big Animal"| ''[[The Big Animal]]'' (ex aequo) || ''Duze zwirze'' ||data-sort-value="Stuhr"| [[Jerzy Stuhr]] || Poland
| ''[[Peppermint Candy]]'' (ex aequo) || ''Bakha satang'' ||data-sort-value="Chang-Dong"| [[Lee Chang-Dong]] || South Korea
| 1999<ref>[ 1999 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Show me Love]]'' || ''Fucking Åmål'' ||data-sort-value="Moodysson"| [[Lukas Moodysson]] || Sweden
| 1998<ref>[ 1998 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Full Moon (film)|Full Moon]]'' || ''Děň polnolunija'' ||data-sort-value="Sachnazarov"| [[Karen Šachnazarov]] || Russia
| 1997<ref>[ 1997 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[The Good Life]]'' || ''La buena vida'' ||data-sort-value="Trueba"| [[David Trueba]] || Spain
| 1996<ref>[ 1996 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Svatá Klára]]'' || ''Clara Hakadusha'' ||data-sort-value="Folman"| [[Ari Folman]], [[Ori Sivan]] || Israel
| 1995<ref>[ 1995 awards at the official site]</ref> ||data-sort-value="Garden"| ''[[The Garden (film)|The Garden]]'' || ''Záhrada'' ||data-sort-value="Sulik"| [[Martin Šulík]] || Slovakia, Czech Republic
| rowspan=2| 1994<ref>[ 1994 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Faust (film)|Faust]]'' (ex aequo) || ''Lekce Faust'' ||data-sort-value="Svankmajer"| [[Jan Švankmajer]] || Czech Republic
| ''[[The Case of Bronek Pekosinski]]'' (ex aequo) || ''Przypadek Pekosińskiego'' ||data-sort-value="Krolikiewicz"| [[Grzegorz Królikiewicz]] || Poland
| 1992<ref>[ 1992 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Once Upon a Time, Cinema]]'' || ''Nassereddin shah, actor-e cinema'' ||data-sort-value="Makhmalbaf"| [[Mohsen Makhmalbaf]] || Iran
| 1990<ref>[ 1990 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Was It Us?]]'' || ''Byli jsme to my?'' ||data-sort-value="Masa"| [[Antonín Máša]] || Czechoslovakia
| 1988<ref>[ 1988 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Pathfinder (film)|Pathfinder]]'' || ''Veiviseren'' ||data-sort-value="Gaup"| [[Nils Gaup]] || Norway
| colspan=5 data-sort-value="ω" style="background-color:#EAECF0; font-weight:bold; text-align:center"| 1982-1986 - 2nd award conferred as "Grand Special Prize"
| 1986<ref>[ 1986 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[Tanner]]'' || ''Der schwarze Tanner'' ||data-sort-value="Gaup"| [[Xavier Koller]] || Switzerland
| rowspan=2| 1984<ref>[ 1984 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[End of the Lonely Farm Berhof]]'' || ''Zánik samoty Berhof'' ||data-sort-value="Svoboda"| [[Jiří Svoboda]] || Czechoslovakia, Poland
| colspan=2| ''[[El mil usos]]'' ||data-sort-value="Rivera"| [[Roberto G. Rivera]] || Mexico
| 1982<ref>[ 1982 awards at the official site]</ref> || ''[[The Assistant (film)|The Assistant]]'' || ''Pomocník'' ||data-sort-value="Zahon"| [[Zoroslav Záhon]] || Czechoslovakia


==External links==
* [ The official festival site / History]

[[Category:Karlovy Vary International Film Festival]]
[[Category:Czech film awards]]
[[Category:Lists of films by award]]
[[Category:International film awards]]

March 10, 2018 at 11:03AM

US Forest Service Interim Chief Confronts Misconduct Scandal

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US Forest Service Interim Chief Confronts Misconduct Scandal After a career spent battling wildland fires across the West, U.S. Forest Service interim Chief Vicki Christiansen must now confront another sort of crisis: the harassment and bullying of women that's persisted in the agency's male-dominated culture despite numerous efforts at reform. Christiansen's ascension to the top of the 35,000-employee agency follows the ignominious downfall this week of its former chief, Tony Tooke, amid allegations of relationships with subordinates. Such misconduct appears to run deep in the agency's ranks, according to employee accounts, media reports and testimony during past congressional hearings. That's a reality Christiansen appeared to acknowledge when she told employees in a Friday email that they've had to face "some hard truths" about alleged harassment and retaliation. 'Determined to confront it' With her decades working in fire suppression, a traditionally masculine arena, Christiansen knows firsthand about the barriers women face in the Forest Service, said Oklahoma state forester George Geissler, who met with Christiansen in Washington, D.C., just days before her appointment. During that meeting, Christiansen openly discussed the challenges women face in the agency and made clear that harassment was not to be tolerated, Geissler said. "She's willing to confront it and determined to confront it," he said. "She understands it's not just a Forest Service issue but an overarching issue that we as wildland firefighters, we as professionals in forestry, need to recognize." The institutional problem the Forest Service faces is far from unique among government agencies. Sexual misconduct has long been a problem in the U.S. military and over the past several years emerged as a major issue at the Interior Department. The Forest Service is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The agency's struggles date to at least the 1970s, when a class-action lawsuit was filed alleging discrimination against women in hiring and promotions. The matter has gained renewed attention as female Forest Service employees recently stepped forward with tales of discrimination, harassment, retaliation and rape. Lawmakers in Congress responded this week with calls for greater scrutiny of the agency. Just over a third of the Forest Service's permanent employees are women, a figure that drops during the summer with additional seasonal hires, agency employment data show. The balance is even more skewed among firefighters: Last summer, just 13 percent of the agency's 19,500 firefighters were women, according to the data. ​Women's stories Gail Kimbell, the first woman to be chief of the Forest Service, from 2007 to 2009, told The Associated Press she'd was heartbroken by accounts from female Forest Service firefighters who appeared on PBS NewsHour saying they had been raped and groped by co-workers or supervisors and had suffered retaliation if they reported it. Kimbell said she experienced discrimination but wasn't assaulted during her 32-year career as a full-time Forest Service employee. In 1970s, women were a novelty in the workforce, especially in field work, she said. Unlike Christiansen, she did not work as a firefighter. She said the Forest Service has spent decades trying to improve the workplace for women. By the time Kimbell became chief, training and other programs were well-established, she said, and she supported them. "The Forest Service continues to put effort into it. It's not perfect but it's a lot better than it was in the 1970s," she said. In announcing Christiansen's appointment, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue tasked her with two goals: improving the agency's response to sexual misconduct while effectively managing more than 300,000 square miles (777,000 square kilometers) of forests and grasslands in 43 states and Puerto Rico. Tooke's case and other reports of harassment have underscored that there's more work to do. During a 2016 congressional hearing, agency officials said 67 employees had been cited for sexual misconduct over the prior three years, including 21 who were fired and 28 who were suspended. The agency did not respond to requests for more recent figures. Reporting center In November, the Forest Service opened a "Harassment Reporting Center" with a toll-free number to make it easier for victims to report mistreatment. And on March 1, it started a one-year trial program in which only outside investigators will be used to look into sexual harassment and misconduct complaints originating in its Pacific Southwest region. The move came in response to an audit from the inspector general at the Department of Agriculture that said almost half of service employees interviewed in the region had expressed distrust in the reporting of complaints. The Forest Service and Agriculture Department have refused to say if an investigation into Tooke's actions was being handled by an outside entity or if it would continue upon his retirement. In her Friday email to Forest Service employees, Christiansen pledged to stick by workers who "stand up for their colleagues and themselves." "We've had to face some hard truths about allegations of harassment and retaliation in our agency, even as we stare down some of the biggest land-management challenges in our nation's history," she wrote. "I know we are up to the task."
March 10, 2018 at 09:46AM

Trump pardons former Navy sailor imprisoned for taking photos on nuclear submarine, White House says

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Trump pardons former Navy sailor imprisoned for taking photos on nuclear submarine, White House says Kristian Saucier, the former sailor who served one year in prison for taking photos of classified areas inside a nuclear submarine, has been pardoned, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Friday.
March 10, 2018 at 09:30AM

White House: Trump Will Attend Summit of the Americas

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White House: Trump Will Attend Summit of the Americas White House officials say U.S. President Donald Trump will attend the Summit of the Americas in Peru this April.   Officials in the United States and Peru on Friday told media outlets in both countries that Trump has confirmed his intention to attend the summit.   The regional summit, which began in 1994, is seen as the leading forum for the United States to influence events across the region.   The decision ends speculation that tense relations between the United States and some of its southern neighbors could cause Trump to skip the summit.   Trump has been critical of Latin American policies over drugs and trade and has vowed to crack down on illegal immigration from the region to the United States.   This year's Summit of the Americas will be held in Lima, Peru, from April 13-14.   The gathering has generated controversy surrounding Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Peruvian leaders have repeatedly said Maduro is not invited to the summit because of his increasingly autocratic government, but Maduro said recently he is determined to attend.   The last Summit of the Americas took place in Panama in 2015, when then-President Barack Obama used the opportunity to meet Cuban leader Raul Castro for the first time.
March 10, 2018 at 08:16AM

Despite arrest, police beating shows technology shortcomings

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Despite arrest, police beating shows technology shortcomings A white police officer whose body-camera video recorded him beating a black pedestrian he accused of jaywalking has been arrested on assault charges in North Carolina.
March 10, 2018 at 07:31AM

Cynthia Rubino

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Cynthia Rubino

Impactraw: ←Created page with ''''Cynthia Rubino''' is the president and CEO of YMCA of Central & Northern Westchester.<ref>'

'''Cynthia Rubino''' is the president and CEO of [[YMCA|YMCA of Central & Northern Westchester]].<ref>> She is a 1982 graduate of [[Mercy College (New York)|Mercy College]].<ref>>


[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:Mercy College (New York) alumni]]
[[Category:American chief executives]]

March 10, 2018 at 07:32AM

Robert Carstairs Reid

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Robert Carstairs Reid

Stephencdickson: article created--~~~~

'''Robert Carstairs Reid''' (1845&ndash;1894) was a 19th century Scottish civil engineer. He specialised in harbour works and water supply.<ref>>

He was born in [[Kingskettle|Kettle, Fife]] on 6 December 1845, the second son of Rev William Reid (1810-1884) the local minister, and his wife, Amelia Carstairs (1818-1890).<ref>>

He was educated at the [[Edinburgh Institution]] then studied Civil Engineering at [[Edinburgh University]] before joining the office of [[James Leslie (engineer)|James Leslie]]. His first major project was [[Thornhill, Dumfries and Galloway|Thornhill Waterworks]]. He then did various surveys before working on the [[Lintrathen]] Extension to [[Dundee]]'s Waterworks and the Moorfoot Extension to [[Edinburgh]]'s Waterworks.<ref>>

In 1881 he was made a partner, together with his friend, to create ''J & A Leslie & Reid'', engineers. His main work was creating [[Paisley]]'s water supply.


In 1875 he was married to Charlotte Leslie (1846-1935) sister of his schoolfriend and later business partner [[Alexander Leslie (engineer)|Alexander Leslie]].

Their children included William Carstairs Reid [[FRSE]] (d.1937).<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>


[[Category:1845 births]]
[[Category:1894 deaths]]
[[Category:People from Fife]]
[[Category:Alumni of the University of Edinburgh]]
[[Category:Scottish civil engineers]]

March 10, 2018 at 07:32AM

Vertigo Canal 13

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Vertigo Canal 13
March 09, 2018 at 11:00PM

Central DeWitt Sabers Wrestling

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Central DeWitt Sabers Wrestling

Mrohnemus: Created this page

The '''Central DeWitt Sabers wrestling''' team represents the K-12 public institution of Central DeWitt Community School District in [[DeWitt, Iowa]]. The program has been in continuous existence since it's inception by school superintendent O.W. Beauchamp in 1937. Beauchamp himself was the first acting head coach in the program's history. The team is presently coached by Matt Ohnemus and is a member of the [[WaMaC Conference]]. Since 1956, the Sabers have had 130 qualifiers for the state wrestling tournament with 47 of those brining home a state medal. The Sabers also have three state champions in school history, Don McCune (1969), Don Salyars (1983) and Chad Rowson (1996).

March 10, 2018 at 05:14AM

Trump pardons former Navy sailor imprisoned for taking photos on nuclear submarine, White House says

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Trump pardons former Navy sailor imprisoned for taking photos on nuclear submarine, White House says Kristian Saucier, the former sailor who served one year in prison for taking photos of classified areas inside a nuclear submarine, has been pardoned, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Friday.
March 10, 2018 at 04:34AM

Humanitarian Aid from Convoy Arrives in Eastern Ghouta

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Humanitarian Aid from Convoy Arrives in Eastern Ghouta The International Committee of the Red Cross said humanitarian aid from a convoy of 13 trucks was delivered Friday to the Syrian town of Douma, northeast of Damascus, during a pause in fighting. The ICRC said food and other supplies for 12,000 people were unloaded in Douma, the largest and most populous town in rebel-controlled eastern Ghouta. The convoy began rolling into the besieged Syrian enclave of eastern Ghouta earlier Friday, but was unable to offload desperately needed supplies due to a resumption of airstrikes in the area. Ali al-Za'tari, the U.N. humanitarian coordinator in Syria, said the renewed shelling was in breach of "assurances of safety from parties, including the Russian Federation." The attack started as the convoy approached Douma to deliver aid that could not be offloaded Monday because of deteriorating security. Zeid Raad al-Hussein, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, has called for perpetrators of crimes in eastern Ghouta to be held accountable and for an independent investigation into recent events. Earlier this month, Zeid spoke about incidents that have taken place in eastern Ghouta, which has been under siege for half a decade, at a special session of  the U.N. Human Rights Council. He spoke about the denial of food, medicine and other relief to the 400,000 residents of this besieged area. He described the trauma experienced by tens of thousands of severely malnourished children, forced to live in basements to survive the relentless airstrikes by Syrian forces.  Zeid recounted the bombing of hospitals, schools and markets and the release of toxic agents that reportedly have killed two children. He said the actions in eastern Ghouta and elsewhere in Syria are likely war crimes, and potentially crimes against humanity. The high commissioner said Syria must be referred to the International Criminal Court so that justice can be done. In response, the Syrian ambassador accused Zeid of being selective and biased in his positions and blamed terrorist factions for the situation in eastern Ghouta. The Syrian army has recaptured nearly all the farmland in eastern Ghouta in less than two weeks, leaving about half the area still under insurgent control.
March 10, 2018 at 02:29AM

Yerko Puchento

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Yerko PuchentoVertigo, Vertigo Canal 13
March 09, 2018 at 11:00PM

Officer charged with assaulting black jaywalking suspect

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Officer charged with assaulting black jaywalking suspect A white police officer whose body-camera video recorded him beating a black pedestrian he accused of jaywalking has been arrested on assault charges in North Carolina.
March 09, 2018 at 10:46PM

Summit of US, North Korea Leaders Met With Cautious Optimism

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Summit of US, North Korea Leaders Met With Cautious Optimism U.S. President Donald Trump's surprise acceptance of an invitation to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang "by May" to discuss ending the North's threatening nuclear program was met with a mixture of cautious optimism and skepticism. Chung Eui-yong, the head of South Korea's National Security Office, announced the agreement late Thursday. He was in Washington to brief Trump and White House officials, including National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, on diplomatic progress made during his visit to Pyongyang earlier this week. He also conveyed the verbal invitation from the North Korean leader to the U.S. president. "President Trump appreciated the briefing and said he would meet Kim Jong Un by May to achieve permanent denuclearization," Chung said. ​Shuttle diplomacy Chung led a South Korean diplomatic delegation that met with the North Korean leader in Pyongyang on Monday. Afterward, he communicated Kim's willingness to engage with the U.S. in denuclearization negotiations, and his promise to suspend nuclear and missile tests while talks are underway. Pyongyang's position, as stated by Chung, is that "it would have no reason to possess nuclear weapons should the safety of its regime be guaranteed and military threats against North Korea be removed." A senior North Korean diplomat at the United Nations in New York, Pak Song Il, appeared to confirm the summit plans, telling The Washington Post in an email that the invitation was the result of Kim's "broad minded and resolute decision'' to contribute to the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula, the newspaper reported. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, speaking Friday to reporters during a visit to the African nation of Djibouti, said Trump made the decision to meet with Kim. "President Trump has said for some time that he was open to talks and he would willingly meet with Kim when conditions were right," Tillerson said. "And I think in the president's judgment that time has arrived now." Cautious optimism The prospect of denuclearization talks could significantly de-escalate heightened tensions over North Korea's accelerated nuclear and ballistic missile tests over the past two years, and efforts to develop operational capability to target U.S. mainland cities with a nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missile. "After numerous discussions with President Trump, I firmly believe his strong stand against North Korea and its nuclear aggression gives us the best hope in decades to resolve this threat peacefully," said U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham. "I am not naive. I understand that if the past is an indication of the future, North Korea will be all talk and no action." Graham warned North Korea, however, that the "worst possible thing" it could do when meeting with Trump is to "try to play him." The senator said, "If you do that, it will be the end of you and your regime." Robert Gallucci, chief U.S. negotiator during the 1994 North Korean nuclear crisis, said North Korea's invitation is a "surprising and welcome development. He added, "If representatives of both governments can meet, and a summit ultimately is held, it would represent substantial progress in reducing tension and the risk of war. "What is new isn't the proposal, it's the response," said Daniel Russell, former U.S. assistant secretary of state for East Asia and The Pacific." He said North Korea "has for many years proposed that the president of the United States personally engage with North Korea's leaders as an equal — one nuclear power to another." ​Tough sanctions coupled with diplomacy Trump's "maximum pressure" approach led international efforts to impose tough sanctions in 2017 that banned billions of dollars' worth of North Korean coal, iron ore, clothing products and seafood exports. The Trump administration has also emphasized a willingness to use military force, if needed, to eliminate the nuclear threat. As the U.S. intensified pressure, South Korean President Moon Jae-in tried to create diplomatic space by facilitating North Korea's participation in the Pyeongchang Olympics. Also, North Korea has not conducted any provocative tests since November 2017. Seoul also announced this week that Moon and Kim will hold an inter-Korean summit in April, at the truce village of Panmunjom, on the South Korean side of the demilitarized zone border region. This will be the third summit between the leaders of North and South Korea and the first since 2007. "I think the U.S. will wait to see how the North-South talks in April turn out before making a final decision on whether to meet and I see three possible scenarios," said Takashi Kawakami, president of the Institute of World Studies, Takushoku University in Tokyo. "The first is that North Korea will agree to denuclearization, second that North Korea will agree to a nuclear freeze with the U.S. and third that it withdraws its approach and returns to missile launches. Of those I see the second as the most likely, with Japan calling for continued pressure sidelined." ​Military exercises On Thursday, Chung said the North Korean leader will not object to the resumption of U.S.-South Korea joint military exercises expected to start in April. "He understands that the routine joint military exercises between the Republic of Korea and the United States must continue," Chung said. Earlier, North Korean state media warned that Pyongyang would respond to the resumption of the joint drills, possibly by resuming provocative nuclear and missile tests, even if it means triggering further sanctions. The annual exercises were postponed to maintain a peaceful atmosphere during the Winter Olympics and Paralympics being held in South Korea, but are expected to begin at the end of March or early April. More than 20,000 American troops, 300,000 South Korean forces, and an array of bomber aircrafts, fighter jets and warships have participated in past exercises. North Korea has denounced these military exercises that have included "decapitation drills" to attack the leadership and key installations in North Korea in the event of war, as "rehearsals for invasion." The U.S. maintains the joint exercises are defense-oriented and legal under international law, as opposed to North Korea's nuclear program, which Washington says threatens its neighbors and the world, and has been repeatedly sanctioned by the Untied Nations. ​Tense rhetoric The prospect of constructive engagement between Trump and Kim follows a tense period in which the leaders of the U.S. and North Korea exchanged not only threats of military retribution, but also derisive personal insults. Trump called the North Korean leader "little rocket man" and Kim called the U.S. president a "dotard," an archaic English word meaning old and senile. North Korea's openness to talks has been received with a mix of cautious optimism and skepticism. Pyongyang has broken past agreements to end its nuclear program, in exchange for economic assistance and security guarantees. North Korea may try to seek immediate sanctions relief for freezing its current nuclear arsenal — estimated to be between 13 and 30 nuclear weapons, and hundreds of medium- and long-range missiles — while putting off any significant measures to dismantle its nuclear capacities. "Kim Jong Un's desire to talk shows sanctions the administration has implemented are starting to work," said Ed Royce, Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "The United States and South Korea must stand shoulder-to-shoulder in applying the sustained pressure needed to peacefully end this threat. And Beijing must do its part." Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who has been suspicious of North Korea's motives, spoke with Trump on Thursday and praised his hard-line leadership for forcing Pyongyang to change. Abe said he plans to visit Trump in Washington next month to discuss the summit with North Korea. It is also unclear that the U.S. and North Korea can even agree what the goal of the denuclearization talks should be. Washington wants to dismantle Pyongyang's nuclear program. But North Korea's long-standing requirement for denuclearization includes the removal of all U.S. forces from the Korean Peninsula, and the withdrawal of the American commitment to use its nuclear arsenal to defend its allies in the region. Regarding what the U.S. might be willing to concede to get a nuclear deal, North Korea analyst Victor Cha with the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington asked on Twitter, "What are we putting on table: Sanctions? Normalization? Peace treaty?" President Trump has been critical of efforts by the administrations of Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama to resolve the North Korean nuclear threat through negotiations. These past deals slowed the North's nuclear progress, but Pyongyang covertly continued its development efforts and eventually reneged on pledges to dismantle its nuclear facilities. Regional skepticism Liu Hailon, a 39-year-old Beijing resident, said a meeting between the United States and North Korean leaders would be a "rare opportunity." Linda Lin, another Beijing resident, said she did not think Kim Jong Un would give up his nuclear weapons since he has acted "against the peaceful situation that the world has been pursuing..." Yasuko Sugio, a 79-year-old Tokyo resident, said he doubted the summit would actually take place, but if it does he hopes Trump and Kim would be able to have a "proper dialogue." Takahiro Oda, also of Tokyo, said he "can't believe" either Trump or Kim Jong Un. "I don't know what is in Trump's head and am doubtful if he has serious thoughts" about meeting the North Korean leader, he said. VOA Correspondent Brian Padden and reporter Lee Yoon-jee in Seoul and Nike Ching in Djibouti contributed to this report.
March 09, 2018 at 07:40PM


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