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Warren feeds rumors of 2020 run, says she's not afraid to be 'the underdog' Sen. Elizabeth Warren fueled rumors that she might run for president in 2020 after delivering what sounded like a stump speech Friday. In it, she said she's not afraid to be "the underdog." Asked what had changed since her decision not to run in 2016, she answered, "Donald Trump."
August 05, 2018 at 07:56AM
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Warren feeds rumors of 2020 run, says she's not afraid to be 'the underdog'
4,437-pound Wisconsin cheese board sets world record
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4,437-pound Wisconsin cheese board sets world record It was too gouda brie true.
August 05, 2018 at 04:00AM
Hurricane Hector Public Advisory
Hurricane Hector Public Advisory
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916 WTPZ35 KNHC 032045 TCPEP5 BULLETIN Hurricane Hector Advisory Number 13 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL EP102018 200 PM ...
August 04, 2018 at 06:25AM
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Foxconnの従業員によると、新しいiPhoneは801、802、803、804と4つの番号でタイプを分けて呼称しているとのこと。そのうち801、802が有機ELを搭載している ...
August 04, 2018 at 05:37AM
Julia Canny
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Julia Canny
Fergananim: Created article, kept it as short as possible
==Early Life==
Julia Canny was born in Clonbur, Co Galway, in 1894. She emigrated to the USA in 1921, joining the [[Society of the Helpers of the Holy Souls]] in New York in 1933. She embarked for Japan in 1939 from San Francisco. After [[Pearl Harbour]], she was interned on the presumption of being an American, but released after six months when it was demonstrated by the Swiss ambassador that she was an Irish citizen.
In August 1945,
Julia was sitting in her garden when she saw a huge blinding flash of light in the sky and was thrown off her chair. She picked herself up and ran inside her home for cover along with her fellow religious sisters – all Sisters of the Holy Souls in Hiroshima. Suddenly, there was a deafening explosion and the convent building began to shake. Terrified, she ran outside as the convent collapsed at their heels.The convent wall collapsed before her very eyes. Where the wall had stood lay the remains of her neighbourhood.</blockquote>
She had just witnessed the world's first atomic bomb, its epicenter a mere 1.7 kilometres away. She was probably the only Irish citizen to do so. (but see [[Aidan MacCarthy]])
In that instant, 50,000 people had been burnt to death – secondary school children, hospital patients and staff, factory workers, shoppers, kindergarten children and teachers, entire families. A further 50,000 people died from raging fires in the hours that followed.
Julia and her friends were spared from the radiation by taking shelter in their convent, and saved from serious shrapnel injury when they ran out from the convent as it went up in flames behind them.
Canny and others helped survivors as best they could, but many were beyond any sort of aid.
==Later life==
Canny never returned to Ireland, and was bed-ridden for the last years of her life. She died in 1987.
==See also==
* [[Hibakusha]]
==External links==
* https://ift.tt/1Dw6g9r
* https://ift.tt/2OL8jhA
* https://ift.tt/2AH1cUr
[[Category:20th-century Irish people]]
[[Category:Irish nuns]]
[[Category:People from County Galway]]
[[Category:World War II prisoners of war held by Japan]]
August 05, 2018 at 02:57AM
Top 2018 Drupal Modules using Artificial Intelligence
Top 2018 Drupal Modules using Artificial Intelligence
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Employ artificial intelligence on your Drupal website. Here is a list of Drupal modules for you to innovate and be part of the current trends.
August 03, 2018 at 11:47PM
Shooting of Markeis McGlockton
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Shooting of Markeis McGlockton
August 04, 2018 at 10:40AM
Friday, August 3, 2018
Ohio State coach Urban Meyer says he followed 'proper protocols' on Smith abuse allegations
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Ohio State coach Urban Meyer says he followed 'proper protocols' on Smith abuse allegations Ohio State football coach Urban Meyer is standing by his claims that he took "appropriate action" regarding the domestic abuse claims that led to him firing the team's assistant coach last week.
August 04, 2018 at 09:35AM
【超速報】NY証券取引所の親会社が新たな仮想通貨に特化した新規事業を発表|スターバックスや ...
【超速報】NY証券取引所の親会社が新たな仮想通貨に特化した新規事業を発表|スターバックスや ...
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Starbucks will accept @bitcoin $sbux. — Brian Kelly (@BKBrianKelly) 2018年8月3日. なお、米国の投資企業BKCMの創立者兼CEO Brian Kelly氏も、 ...
August 03, 2018 at 10:08PM
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経済学者のDemeester氏も8月3日に、Mediumにて「ビットコイン:2018年での最高値更新を期待しない」(Bitcoin: we don't expect new highs in 2018)という題 ...
August 03, 2018 at 05:31PM
仮想通貨市場 時価総額
仮想通貨 チャート
仮想通貨 市場規模 2018
仮想通貨市場 推移
仮想通貨市場 今後
仮想通貨 取引所
仮想 通貨 市場 2020
仮想 通貨 市場 規模 将来
Jim Larkin (publisher)
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Jim Larkin (publisher)
==Early Life==
Jim Larkin, an Arizona native,<ref></ref> became business manager of a 1970's Phoenix, Arizona, [[alternative media| alternative weekly newspaper]]. After drifting away for a few years, in 1977 he joined with fellow [[Arizona State University|ASU]] dropout, [[Michael Lacey]], took the newspaper private and changed the name to the [[Phoenix New Times]]. Lacey became [[editor]] and Larkin became [[publisher]]. They were called ''Lacey'n'Larkin'', the editor-publisher duo who, over the decades, bought and started alternative weeklies across the country.<ref></ref>
==Newspaper business==
''Further information:'' [[Village Voice Media]]
The Phoenix New Times was an early and sustained success. Beginning in 1983 he and Larkin bought multiple other alternative newspapers, and by 2000 they owned eleven. In 2005 they bought the [[Village Voice]] and five others. The company, now called [[Village Voice Media]], had a market value of $400 million and a combined circulation of 1.8 million.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref>
The [[Internet]] devoured [[advertising]] profits.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Village Voice Media reacted to decreased Internet advertising with [[Backpage.com]], beginning in 2004, trying to maintain the company's hold on ads for [[escort agency|adult services]]. By 2010, after [[Craigslist]] shuttered its adult content section, Backpage.com had become the main financial driver of the company.<ref></ref> In 2012 Lacey and Larkin left journalism, sold their his interests in all 13 newspapers, but, keeping ownership of Backpage.<ref></ref>
The Phoenix New Times was consistently critical of the [[Maricopa County, Arizona]], [[Sheriff Joe Arpaio]]. This led to a 2007 subpoena requesting the I.P. addresses of all who had visited the Phoenix New Times website over the past three years.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> When, as an act of [[civil disobedience]],<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> the Phoenix New Times published the subpoena, Lacey and Larkin were arrested for this act. Freed the next day, charges were dropped.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Maricopa County settled with them for $3.75 million.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
''Further information:'' [[Backpage]]
Backpage earned $135 million in 2014, according to a U.S. Senate report. A February 2015 appraisal said the company was worth more than $600 million<ref></ref> The Justice Dept. used information from a Senste hearing to come up with a massive 93 count [[indictment]] in March, 2018, that centered on Lacey and Larkin, and accused them, and other company officers, with [[money laundering]], participating in a [[criminal conspiracy]] and facilitating [[prostitution]].<ref></ref> In April it was announced that Backpage CEO Carl Ferrer had pleaded guilty and will testify against other Backpage officials.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Company officials insists they hosted trafficking sites unwittingly.<ref></ref> Backpage was shut down by federal authorities in April, 2018.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2EqOOo8 Backpage shut]</ref><ref></ref>
*Arizona Civil Libertarian of the Year, 2008<ref></ref>
*Phoenix Business Journal, "Professional Recognition," (for standing up for migrants' rights) 2017<ref>[https://ift.tt/2OaPx2k Larkin recognized for supporting migrants' rights]</ref>
*[https://ift.tt/2vgcp9l President Trump signs anti-trafficking bill]
*[https://ift.tt/2OaPxzm Jana Bommersbach discusses Jim Larkin]
[[Category:Arizona State University people]]
[[Category:Free speech activists]]
[[Category:Year of birth missing (living people)]]
August 04, 2018 at 08:27AM
Conor McGregor to return to the UFC in October, Dana White says
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Conor McGregor to return to the UFC in October, Dana White says Conor McGregor is returning to the Octagon.
August 04, 2018 at 07:05AM
#9: Small Fry
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#9: Small Fry
Lisa Brennan-Jobs (Author)
Release Date: September 4, 2018
Buy new: $26.00
(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
August 04, 2018 at 06:23AM
Shell China
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Shell China
Muzzleflash: jilin
The company has upstream operations in unconventional oil and gas. Shell has a joint venture with [[PetroChina]] at the Changbei [[tight gas]] field in [[Shaanxi]], which has produced natural gas since 2008. The company has also invested in exploring for shale oil in Sichuan.<ref name="tightgas"></ref> The other unconventional resource which Shell invested in in China was shale. The company was an early entrant in shale oil exploration in China but scaled down operations in 2014 due to difficulties with geology and population density.<ref name="shale"></ref> It has a joint venture to explore for [[oil shale]] in [[Jilin]] through a joint venture with Jilin Guangzheng Mineral Development Company Limited.<ref name=shell>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
[[Category:Royal Dutch Shell subsidiaries]]
August 04, 2018 at 04:05AM
Judge cautions Mueller team of high bar for Manafort conviction
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Judge cautions Mueller team of high bar for Manafort conviction The judge in the Paul Manafort trial reminded Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team on Friday of the high bar for conviction -- that they must prove the former Trump campaign chairman knowingly violated tax and bank laws related to his political work overseas.
August 04, 2018 at 04:00AM
Trà Sữa Toco Toco
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Trà Sữa Toco TocoVụ Trà Sữa Tocotoco
August 03, 2018 at 10:00PM
Castleman Disease Collaborative Network
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Castleman Disease Collaborative Network
CDK55: Publishing CDCN wikipedia page
== History ==
The Castleman Disease Collaborative Network was founded in 2012 by Dr. Frits van Rhee and Dr. David Fajgenbaum after Dr. Fajgenbaum was diagnosed with idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease as a medical student in 2010.<ref></ref> Soon after it's creation, the CDCN merged with CARE, the Castleman's Awareness and Research Effort.<ref name=":0">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
Dr. Fajgenbaum has served as the executive director of the CDCN since it's founding.
== Collaborative Network Approach ==
The CDCN developed a collaborative network approach to advance research on Castleman disease.<ref name=":0" /> This model consists of:
# Creating a global network of expert researchers and clinicians
# Leveraging the community to generate and prioritize research projects
# Combining available resources to conduct collaborative research
== Activities ==
The CDCN is a global collaborative network focused on Castleman disease. It is involved in research, awareness, and patient support.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) AAAS|access-date=2018-07-20|language=en}}</ref>
=== Research ===
The CDCN provides grant funding to support research on the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management of Castleman disease. The CDCN is involved in longitudinal research initiatives designed to facilitate multiple projects.<ref name=":0" />
==== ACCELERATE Natural History Study ====
The ACCELERATE ('''A'''ccelerating '''C'''astlmean '''C'''are with an '''E'''lectronic '''L'''ongitudinal registry, '''E'''-'''R'''epository, '''A'''nd '''T'''reatment '''E'''ffectiveness research) natural history study is a collaborative project between the CDCN, [[Janssen Pharmaceutica|Janssen Pharmaceuticals]], and the [[University of Pennsylvania]]. It is a database of clinical information drawn from patients diagnosed with Castleman disease and includes symptoms, laboratory tests, imaging, pathology, and treatment approaches. The ACCELERATE study was designed to document the natural history of Castleman disease, range of clinical features associated with the disease, and response to treatment. Patients can enroll themselves in the ACCELERATE study [[Castleman Disease Collaborative Network#External links|online]].<ref></ref>
==== Castlebank ====
The Castlebank is a collaboration between the CDCN and the University of Pennsylvania to house a centralized [[Biobank]] of tissue samples donated by patients with Castleman disease and collected from researcher around the world.<ref name=":0" /> The Castlebank is used to support collaborative research projects requiring tissue samples.
=== Awareness ===
==== Castleman Warriors ====
The Castleman Warriors are a group of patients and loved ones who work to raise awareness, raise funds, and support patients with Castleman disease.
==== World Castleman Disease Day ====
World Castleman Disease Day was established in 2018 and takes place every year on July 23rd.
==== Patient Summit ====
Every year, the CDCN hosts a patient summit in Philadelphia for patients diagnosed with Castleman disease and their loved ones. The summit includes educational activities, updates on research, and social activities.
== References ==
<!--- See https://ift.tt/19lM2in on how to create references using <ref></ref> tags, these references will then appear here automatically -->
== External links ==
* https://www.cdcn.org/
* [https://ift.tt/2OIIxum ACCELERATE Natural History Study]
<!--- Categories --->
[[Category:Articles created via the Article Wizard]]
August 04, 2018 at 01:49AM
Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation
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Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation
Vnarsimhan: ←Created page with 'Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation (KHYF) was founded on 29th August 2016 [https://ift.tt/2M0sIAI Founded KHYF International, as an inter...'
===Yoga and Healing===
The word 'healing' comes from the same root as 'whole' and 'holistic'. It is about becoming complete, whole. When we suffer trauma, we often, as it were, cut part of our self off, or suppress part of ourself, in an effort to cope or to avoid further pain. This is why yoga can be such a wonderful tool for healing, as it can call on practices which involve the whole of us: body, breath, and mind, as well as looking at lifestyle. So people can be guided to become more self-aware, and, if necessary, to accept and love themselves again. These practices work gradually, step by step. Furthermore, in the Viniyoga tradition, you are supported by a trained yoga therapist throughout the process, which can be sometimes painful and difficult, but which is ultimately liberating.
Viniyoga is a very ancient Sanskrit word used in the Yoga Sutras, which means 'application', or 'appropriate use'. It has come to be used to describe the teachings of Professor T Krishnamacharya, his son TKV Desikachar, and his grandson Kausthub Desikachar, as they emphasise the importance of the right practice for the right individual - that each person is multifaceted and that all aspects of a person need to be taken into account when teaching them. They also have elaborated how an individual's needs change through their life, and how yoga has appropriate tools for all these needs. They teach a yoga which recognises that we all need help with our everyday living, that we very often need healing in some way, and that we are spiritual as well as material creatures.
===Viniyoga® Teacher Training===
The 500+ hour teacher-training offered by the KHYF is extremely thorough, covering all aspects of classical yoga. It comprises an exhaustive curriculum and is offered not only in India, but also abroad through recognized Viniyoga Teacher Trainers. The most popular destinations where you can train in this tradition currently are India, Belgium, Spain, United Kingdom and New Zealand. More offerings are in the pipeline to include other countries.
===Viniyoga® Therapy Training===
The 1000 hour Yoga Therapy training offered by the KHYF is among the best and most comprehensive training in the world. It was systematized first in 2005-2006 by Dr. Kausthub Desikachar, under the guidance of TKV Desikachar, and was first offered in five venues beginning in the year 2007. The specialty of this training is that it presents Yoga Therapy from Yoga's perspective mainly, and not from the Western medical approach. There is not a training currently in the world that offers this approach, as this is unique to the Viniyoga® tradition. So emphasis on Yogic Anatomy, Yogic concepts of health and disease, integration with traditional systems like Ayurveda, understanding core Yoga Therapy Tools from an energetic and subtle anatomy perspective and many other such unique features form a strong basis for this unique training. This training is currently only offered directly by the Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation, in India, Belgium, Germany and China. There are plans to offer more such trainings in Spain, New Zealand and South America starting in 2020.
===Vedic chanting===
Vedic chanting is also taught at the KHYF. Traditionally this was limited to a few people only, however Professor T Krishnamacharya saw that many of those considered eligible to learn, were not interested, and decided that it should be taught to all sincere students who wanted to learn this wonderful art. Since then, many people have gained tremendously from learning it. The KHYF's senior teacher of Vedic chant is Menaka Desikachar.[https://ift.tt/2KjwjFn A GUIDE TO VEDIC CHANT]
===Social responsibility===
The KHYF is always very aware of its place in the wider world, and often offers courses for people who could not otherwise afford them. So it partakes in various measures to bring Yoga to the differently abled or the discriminated. KHYF has conducted workshops to teach handicapped children, the LGBTQ community, as well as offers products that are used as fund raisers to support social causes. – Need links pointing to this topic
===Further reading===
'The Heart of Yoga' by TKV Desikachar is the modern classical yoga book, used on yoga teaching courses in many different countries [https://ift.tt/2OF5Vcs HEART OF ASANA]. It clearly and concisely explains yoga, the what and the how. It also includes his simple yet profound translation and commentary of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.[https://ift.tt/2MfO7D1 PATANJALI'S YOGASUTRA-S]
From the KHYF website several books can be bought, including' The Heart of Asana' and 'The Hathayogapradipika' a new translation, published in 2018, not only of the text by Svatmarama, but also of the very important commentary by Brahmananda. Furthermore it includes notes and a foreword by Kausthub Desikachar.
The Yoga Rahasya is a fascinating text in which many of the teachings of Krishnamacharya can be found.
'Liberating Isolation' is another book published by KHYF. It is the English version of the translation of the Yoga Sutra by Frans Moors, a longterm student of TKV Desikachar.[https://ift.tt/2OGknRq LIBERATING ISOLATION]
August 03, 2018 at 03:33PM
Thi Mai Hanh Trinh Den Viet Nam
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Thi Mai Hanh Trinh Den Viet NamThi Mai Rumbo A Vietnam
August 03, 2018 at 01:00AM
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Lich Thi Dau Asiad 2018
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Lich Thi Dau Asiad 2018Lịch Bóng Đá Việt Nam, Lịch Thi Đấu Giải Tứ Hùng
August 02, 2018 at 10:00PM
We Hid Bitcoin in No Man's Sky
We Hid Bitcoin in No Man's Sky
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We Hid Bitcoin in No Man's Sky. These Communications Stations hold the seed to 0.004 BTC. Released in 2016, No Man's Sky boasts one of the ...
August 03, 2018 at 07:59AM
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
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31 July 2018 – NUS Computing Professor Leong Tze Yun is a forerunner in Singapore's artificial intelligence (AI) drive to power the future economy.
August 03, 2018 at 01:31AM
States Vow to Continue Fight Against Trump's Car Fuel Rules
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States Vow to Continue Fight Against Trump's Car Fuel Rules State prosecutors who pre-emptively sued months ago to block anticipated efforts by the Environmental Protection Agency to weaken car fuel-efficiency standards blasted the Trump administration Thursday for doing so and vowed to continue their fight in the courts. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said the rollback of Obama-era mileage standards would imperil the state's efforts to curb greenhouse gases and clean up some of the nation's most polluted air. Becerra also promised another lawsuit if the administration makes good on plans to revoke a longstanding waiver allowing California and other states to set their own stricter auto emissions standards. At least twelve other states and the District of Columbia follow California's rules. Becerra connected climate change to the deadly wildfires burning out of control throughout the state. "The Earth is not flat, and climate change is real," Becerra said at a news conference. "Can someone please inform the folks at the White House and our federal government of those facts?" Officials in the Trump administration said their actions would make autos more affordable and that would make roads safer because more motorists would be driving newer cars with the latest safety features. Becerra and attorneys general from 16 other states sued in May to stop the EPA from scrapping standards that would have required vehicles by 2025 to achieve 36 miles per gallon (58 kilometers per gallon) in real-world driving, about 10 miles (16 kilometers) over the existing standards. The Trump proposal would freeze standards at 2020 levels when vehicles will be required to hit an average of 30 miles per gallon (48 kilometers per gallon) in real-world driving. States that joined the lawsuit said the change would end up costing more money at the pump because vehicles won't go as far on a gallon of gas, and more misery for those suffering pollution-exacerbated maladies such as asthma. "This has to be absolutely one of the most harmful and dumbest actions that the EPA has taken," Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey said. "It's going to cost drivers here and across the country hundreds of millions of dollars more at the pump." Pollution from cars, trucks and other on-road vehicles is California's single-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, according to state data. California has set a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. It met its 2020 goals four years early, but hitting the next target will be much harder without cleaner vehicles. The state has struggled to rein in vehicle pollution. Transportation accounts for the biggest chunk of the state's greenhouse gas emissions and is the only sector where emissions went up in 2016, the most recent data available. The lawsuit filed in May in the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia alleged the plan to dump the mileage standards violated the federal Clean Air Act and didn't follow the agency's own regulations. The lawsuit is proceeding, and Becerra said lawyers will now pore over the documents filed with the proposal to help make their case. Other states that joined in the lawsuit were: Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia and the District of Columbia. All have Democratic attorneys general.
August 03, 2018 at 08:04AM
Fujairah Corniche
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Fujairah Corniche
Jpbowen: New article
[[File:Ground rumbling contact between two huge bulls.jpg|thumb|[[Bull fighting]] at Fujairah Corniche]]
[[Al Corniche Road]] runs along the main corniche seafront.<ref name="map">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> [[Al Faseel Road]] continues north behind [[Fujairah Beach]]. To the south there is a [[bull fighting]] site.
[[Category:Coasts of the United Arab Emirates]]
[[Category:Geography of Fujairah]]
[[Category:Tourist attractions in the United Arab Emirates]]
[[Category:Fujairah City]]
[[Category:Gulf of Oman]]
August 03, 2018 at 07:15AM
Getting started in AI: 2018
Getting started in AI: 2018
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Actually, given the (major) developments in the past few years, you couldn't be in a better time to get started in Artificial Intelligence (AI).
August 03, 2018 at 05:27AM
「2001年宇宙の旅」50周年、HAL 9000を精巧に模したAIスピーカーがクラウドファンディング中
「2001年宇宙の旅」50周年、HAL 9000を精巧に模したAIスピーカーがクラウドファンディング中
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2018年はスタンリー・キューブリック監督の名作『2001年宇宙の旅』公開から50周年を数えます。そしてこれを記念し、映画の中で象徴的な役割を果たした人工 ...
August 02, 2018 at 09:56PM
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同技術の開発により、AIによる映像の自動解析とともに、これまで人的負荷が大きかった作業が自動化できる点が評価され、2018年8月1日、第71回(2017年度) ...
August 02, 2018 at 05:26PM
「2001年宇宙の旅」に登場したAI「HAL 9000」の実物大レプリカ--命令への“拒絶”も
「2001年宇宙の旅」に登場したAI「HAL 9000」の実物大レプリカ--命令への"拒絶"も
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特に、宇宙船「ディスカバリー号」の「6番目の乗組員」とされた人工知能(AI)「HAL 9000」に関する描写は、それまでの万能コンピュータ像と一線を画したもので、 ...
August 02, 2018 at 03:33PM
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WhisperToMe: ←Created page with ''''Kogenta''' may refer to: * Byakko no Kogenta (Kogenta of the white tiger) a character in ''Onmyō Taisenki'' * Kogenta (post-mortem name), the cat that wa...'
* Byakko no Kogenta (Kogenta of the white tiger) a character in ''[[Onmyō Taisenki]]''
* Kogenta (post-mortem name), the cat that was the victim of the [[2002 Japan animal cruelty case]]
August 03, 2018 at 02:49AM
Anti-Semitism on the rise in Germany as Jewish business owners and students are targeted online
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Anti-Semitism on the rise in Germany as Jewish business owners and students are targeted online Anti-Semitic content on the Internet has jumped from 7.5 percent to over 30 percent in the decade between 2007 and 2018, according to a newly released study by Monica Schwarz-Friesel, a professor of cognitive science at the Technical University in Berlin and an expert on anti-Semitism.
August 03, 2018 at 02:46AM
US Administration Proposes Freezing Auto Fuel Efficiency Standards
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US Administration Proposes Freezing Auto Fuel Efficiency Standards The Trump administration has announced plans to freeze fuel efficiency standards for vehicles. The administration also announced Thursday it wants to rescind the authority of California and other states to set more stringent vehicle mileage standards to address environmental issues like climate change and smog. New fuel-efficiency requirements, which were set to take effect in 2020, would be frozen through 2026. The freeze, proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Transportation Department, would increase projected daily U.S. oil consumption by 500,000 barrels by the 2030's, the administration said.It also said the freeze would save up to 1,000 lives each year by cutting the price of new and safer vehicles. Environmental groups are condemning the proposal. Environmental Defense Fund President Fred Krupp described the proposal as "a massive pileup of bad ideas" that would increase pollution and boost fuel costs. Krupp said the organization would challenge the administration's action "in the court of public opinion and the court of law." The advocacy group Earthjustice said the proposal "is the latest in a long list of gifts from the Trump administration to the oil industry given at the cost of the public health of Americans." Seventeen states, including California sued the administration over the freeze in May, in anticipation of the new regulation. California and 12 other states use more stringent standards than the EPA. Together they account for 40-percent of the American market for cars and light-duty trucks.
August 03, 2018 at 01:05AM
David Berger (musician)
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David Berger (musician)
NTJazz: I added general information about Mr. Berger's career and areas of professional activity and expertise.
August 02, 2018 at 10:35PM
Lisa Guillermin Gable
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Lisa Guillermin Gable
Jim1138: Tagging page for speedy deletion: Lisa Guillermin Gable (HG) (3.4.4)
'''Lisa Guillermin Gable''' (born, March 13, 1964) is an American [[Businessperson|businesswoman]], Chair of the Board of the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World<ref name=":3"> Foundation for a Smoke-Free World|website=www.smokefreeworld.org|language=en|access-date=2018-08-02}}</ref> and [[President Emeritus]] of the [[Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation]].<ref></ref><ref></ref> Gable was the first female U.S. Commissioner General for the World's Fair, at the Aichi World Expo 2005 in [[Nagoya|Nagoya, Japan]].<ref name=":0"></ref><ref> Bio
Premiere Motivational Speakers Bureau|website=premierespeakers.com|access-date=2018-08-02}}</ref><ref name=":1">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Gable also serves as a National Trustee of the [[Boys & Girls Clubs of America|Boys and Girls Clubs of America]]. <ref name=":1" /><ref></ref>
In 2018, Lisa was announced the [[Chief executive officer|CEO]] of FARE.<ref> Food Allergy Research & Education|website=www.foodallergy.org|language=en|access-date=2018-08-02}}</ref><ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
== Education ==
Gable holds a [[bachelor's degree]] in [[International relations|International Relations]] from the [[University of Virginia]]. She graduated with a [[Master of Business Administration|master's degree]] in National Security Studies from the [[Georgetown University]]. <ref></ref>
== Career ==
Lisa began her career in the Office of Presidential Personnel during the presidency of [[Ronald Reagan|President Ronald Reagan]].<ref name=":2"> Altamont Strategies|website=altamontstrategies.com|language=en-US|access-date=2018-08-02}}</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> At 19 years old, she served as the Student Liaison Officer at the [[United States Department of Education|US Department of Education]]. <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
Gable was appointed by [[George W. Bush]] as the U.S. Commissioner General to the 2005 World Exposition in Aichi, Japan. She was the first female [[ambassador]] appointed to this position in the Fair's history.<ref name=":0" /><ref></ref><ref></ref>Lisa has also served as a [[Political consulting|Presidential advisor]] and UN delegate.<ref></ref>
In the private sector, Gable started off with serving as the Corporate Identity Manager for [[Intel|INTEL]].<ref></ref> Gable also served as a Senior Vice President of [[PepsiCo]], a member of the [[Board of directors|Board of Directors]], Girls Scout of the USA<ref name=":3" /> and a member of the National Academy of Medicine IOM Round-table on Obesity Solution.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Lisa was also trustee of [[Thunderbird School of Global Management]]. <ref></ref>
== Awards and Honors ==
Gable has been named the Top Woman in PR by the PR News<ref name=":2" /> and one of the 100 Women Leaders in STEM.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
== References ==
<references />
August 02, 2018 at 06:24PM
Alexandria Gazette Packet
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Alexandria Gazette Packet
'''''Belvoir Eagle''''' is a newspaper in [[Alexandria, Virginia]], covering local news, sports, business and community.
The newspaper is a weekly, with a circulation of 12,838 copies.<ref></ref>
The Editor and publisher is Mary Kimm.<ref>https://ift.tt/2vgH0UD> James Wesley Coldsmith was editor in the 1980s.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
== References ==
== External links ==
* https://ift.tt/2dFcmcV
[[Category:Newspapers published in Virginia]]
[[Category:1889 establishments in Virginia]]
[[Category:Publications established in 1889]]
August 02, 2018 at 06:23PM
Živko Vrcelj
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Živko Vrcelj
CJCurrie: ←Created page with ''''Živko Vrcelj''' (; born 19 July 1959) is a medical doctor and politician in Serbia. He was a member of the Assembl...'
==Early life and career==
Vrcelj was raised in [[Ogulin]] in what was then the [[Socialist Republic of Croatia]] in the [[Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia]]. He graduated from the [[School of Medicine, University of Zagreb|University of Zagreb School of Medicine]] in 1983 and subsequently worked as a surgeon in [[Zagreb]] and Ogulin until the outbreak of the [[Yugoslav Wars]]. From 1991 to 1995, he was a war surgeon in the [[Republika Srpska Krajina]]. He has worked in [[Sremska Mitrovica]] since 1996 and became head of the surgical department of medicine at the Sremska Mitrovica General Hospital in 2013.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2O0aKMj ŽIVKO VRCELJ], Otvoreni Parlament, accessed 1 August 2018.</ref>
==Political career==
Vrcelj was elected to the Assembly of Vojvodina for Sremska Mitrovica's constituency seat in the [[Vojvodina provincial election, 2012|2012 provincial election]] as a candidate of the Progressive Party's [[Let's Get Serbia Moving|Let's Get Vojvodina Moving]] coalition. The election was won by the [[Democratic Party (Serbia)|Democratic Party]] and its allies, and Vrcelj served in [[Opposition (politics)|opposition]] for the next four years. He was subsequently awarded the ninety-fourth position on the Progressive Party's ''[[Aleksandar Vučić]] — Future We Believe In'' [[electoral list]] in the [[Serbian parliamentary election, 2016|2016 Serbian parliamentary election]] and was elected when the list won a majority victory with 131 out of 250 mandates.<ref>[https://ift.tt/1T13JIz Избори за народне посланике 2016. године » Изборне листе (АЛЕКСАНДАР ВУЧИЋ - СРБИЈА ПОБЕЂУЈЕ)], Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 17 February 2017.</ref>
His term in the National Assembly was brief. He resigned on 12 August 2016,<ref>[https://ift.tt/2O0aMUr Current Legislature], National Assembly of Serbia, accessed 1 August 2018.</ref> after being appointed to a six-month term as acting director of the Sremska Mitrovica General Hospital by the [[government of Vojvodina]].<ref>[https://ift.tt/2n0IFca "Dr Živko Vrcelj,imenovan za v.d. direktora mitrovačke bolnice"], Opšte bolnice Sremska Mitrovica, 3 August 2016, accessed 1 August 2018.</ref> In January 2017, he was confirmed in the role for a four-year term.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2KjRc2Y "Dr Živko Vrcelj imenovan za direktora mitrovačke bolnice"], Opšte bolnice Sremska Mitrovica, 23 January 2017, accessed 1 August 2018.</ref>
Vrcelj was also elected to the Sremska Mitrovica municipal assembly in the [[Serbian local elections, 2016|2016 local elections]] but resigned in September 2016 following his appointment as hospital director.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2n3xuPR "Sanader novi gradonačelnik Sremske Mitrovice"], Radio Television of Vojvodina, 28 September 2016, accessed 1 August 2018.</ref>
==Electoral record==
{| style="width:1000px;" class="wikitable"
|+ '''2012 Vojvodina assembly election<br>Novi Sad VII (constituency seat) - First and Second Rounds'''<ref>[https://ift.tt/2O0aOM3 Резултати избора за посланике у Скупштину Аутономне Покрајине Војводине по већинском изборном систему (36 Нови Сад VII)] (2012), Provincial Election Commission, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, accessed 14 April 2018.</ref>
| align="left" | '''Živko Vrcelj'''
| align="left" | [[Let's Get Serbia Moving|Let's Get Vojvodina Moving]]
| align="right" | 11,456
| align="right" | 26.28
! align="left" |
| align="right" | 21,110
| align="right" | 58.98
| align="left" | [[Goran Ivić]] (incumbent)
| align="left" | [[Choice for a Better Life|Choice for a Better Vojvodina]]
| align="right" | 8,376
| align="right" | 19.22
! align="left" |
| align="right" | 15,299
| align="right" | 42.02
| align="left" | Branislav Andrijević
| align="left" | Citizens' Group – ''For Better Life in Sremska Mitrovica''
| align="right" | 7,243
| align="right" | 16.62
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
| align="left" | Ilija Milinović
| align="left" | [[Socialist Party of Serbia]]–[[Party of United Pensioners of Serbia]]–[[United Serbia]]–[[Social Democratic Party of Serbia]]
| align="right" | 4,296
| align="right" | 9.86
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
| align="left" | Mitar Pavlović
| align="left" | [[Democratic Party of Serbia]]
| align="right" | 4,039
| align="right" | 9.27
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
| align="left" | Miroslav Pevac
| align="left" | [[League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina]]
| align="right" | 2,776
| align="right" | 6.37
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
| align="left" | Dragan Banovački
| align="left" | [[Serbian Radical Party]]
| align="right" | 2,197
| align="right" | 5.04
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
| align="left" | Milenko Perić
| align="left" | [[U-Turn (Serbian coalition)|Preokret]]
| align="right" | 1,642
| align="right" | 3.77
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
| align="left" | Momir Đuričić
| align="left" | ''Dr. Boško Laćarac''–[[United Regions of Serbia]]–''Laćaračka inicijativa''–''Za jaku Mitrovicu''
| align="right" | 1,564
| align="right" | 3.59
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
! align="left" | Total valid votes
! align="left" |
! align="right" | 43,589
! align="right" | 100
! align="left" |
! align="right" | 36,409
! align="right" | 100
[[Category:1959 births]]
[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:People from Ogulin]]
[[Category:People from Sremska Mitrovica]]
[[Category:Members of the National Assembly of Serbia]]
[[Category:Members of the Assembly of Vojvodina]]
[[Category:Serbian Progressive Party politicians]]
August 02, 2018 at 03:48PM
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「Google Cloud Next 2018」(7月24~26日)でGoogleはAIに関するいくつかの発表を行ったが、イベントを通じて同社が参加者に伝えようとしたことは「AIの大衆 ...
August 02, 2018 at 02:26PM
NVIDIA,GTC Japan 2018をAI開発者カンファレンスとして9月13~14日に東京・品川で開催
NVIDIA,GTC Japan 2018をAI開発者カンファレンスとして9月13~14日に東京・品川で開催
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2018年8月2日 ― NVIDIAは、9月13日 (木)、14日(金) の2日間、日本最大の AI開発者カンファレンス、「GTC (GPU テクノロジ カンファレンス) Japan 2018」を、 ...
August 02, 2018 at 01:07PM
AI 秋田犬、誕生!SELF-AIエンジンが秋田犬ツーリズムで採用。
AI 秋田犬、誕生!SELF-AIエンジンが秋田犬ツーリズムで採用。
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2018年12月、SELF株式会社(東京都新宿区)の提供するコミュニケーション AIが、一般社団法人 秋田犬ツーリズム(秋田県大館市)の運営する観光情報サイトに ...
August 02, 2018 at 12:00PM
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日立製作所は2018年8月2日、企業のIT運用の継続的な改善を支援する「IT運用最適化サービス」を拡充し、AI(人工知能)で運用業務の自動化を促進する新 ...
August 02, 2018 at 11:37AM
Ohio State’s Meyer Put on Leave, Inquiry Opened
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Ohio State's Meyer Put on Leave, Inquiry Opened Urban Meyer's job appears to be in jeopardy. Ohio State placed Meyer, one of the most successful coaches in college football history, on paid administrative leave Wednesday while it investigates claims that his wife knew about allegations of domestic violence against an assistant coach years before the staff member was fired last week. Courtney Smith, the ex-wife of fired Buckeyes assistant Zach Smith, gave an interview to Stadium and provided text messages to former ESPN reporter Brett McMurphy between her and Shelley Meyer in 2015 about Zach Smith's behavior. Courtney Smith also provided threatening texts she said came from her ex-husband, and text messages between her and other wives of Buckeyes assistant coaches, discussing Zach Smith. "Shelley said she was going to have to tell Urban," Courtney Smith told Stadium. "I said: 'That's fine, you should tell Urban.'" Zach Smith, who has never been convicted of any crimes, was fired last week after an Ohio court granted a domestic violence protective order to Courtney Smith. A message left by the AP for Zach Smith's attorney, Brad Koffel, requesting comment was not immediately returned. Ohio State Title IX Meyer is heading into his seventh season at Ohio State, where he is 73-8 with a national title in 2014 and two Big Ten Conference championships. Shelley Meyer is a registered nurse and is employed as an instructor at Ohio State. Both Meyer and his wife could be in violation of Ohio State's Title IX sexual misconduct policy on reporting allegations of domestic violence against university employees. Violation of university's policy could result in Meyer being fired with cause by the university, according to provisions placed in his contract when it was extended by two years in April. The new deal runs through 2022 and increases Meyer's salary to $7.6 million in 2018, with annual six percent raises for the bulk of his compensation. Hours after Courtney Smith's interview was posted online Wednesday, Ohio State announced in a short news release it was conducting an investigation into the allegations and Meyer was being placed on leave. Best for the investigation Offensive coordinator Ryan Day will serve as acting head coach for the Buckeyes, expected to be one of the top teams in the nation again this season. Ohio State's first preseason practice is scheduled for Friday. The season starts Sept. 1 with a game against Oregon State in Columbus, Ohio. Meyer said in a statement he and athletic director Gene Smith agreed that his being on leave was best for the investigation. "This allows the team to conduct training camp with minimal distraction. I eagerly look forward to the resolution of this matter." Meyer said. Zach Smith was charged in May with misdemeanor criminal trespass. At the time of the charge, Koffel said Courtney Smith had accused Zach Smith of driving to her apartment after she told him they would meet elsewhere so he could drop off their son. Zach Smith pleaded not guilty last month. A hearing has been scheduled for Friday. Zach Smith was also accused of aggravated battery on his then-pregnant wife in 2009 while he was a graduate assistant on Meyer's staff at Florida. The charge was dropped because of insufficient evidence. Meyer brought Smith, the grandson of late Buckeyes coach Earle Bruce, to Ohio State in 2012. Meyer worked for Bruce and considers him a mentor. Smith was a walk-on player when Meyer coached at Bowling Green in 2001-02. Two police reports filed in fall 2015 in Ohio, after the Smiths separated in June of that year, accused Zach Smith of abuse. Charges were never filed. What the Meyers knew At Big Ten media days, Meyer said he knew of the incident in 2009 and that he and Shelley Meyer addressed it with the Smiths. He was also asked about the 2015 incident alleged by Courtney Smith. "I can't say it didn't happen because I wasn't there," he replied. "I was never told about anything and nothing ever came to light. I've never had a conversation about it. I know nothing about it. First I heard about that was last night. No, and I asked some people back at the office to call and say what happened and they came back and said they know nothing about it." The Smiths divorced in 2016. Accomplished coach; brushes with law Meyer is on the short list of most accomplished coaches in college football history, with three national championships and an .851 winning percentage in 16 seasons at Bowling Green, Utah, Florida and now Ohio State, the team he grew up rooting for in Northeast Ohio. Meyer won national championships with Florida in 2006 and '08, but his teams also had more than two dozen players get into trouble with the law. He resigned twice at Florida, citing health reasons. First in 2009 season after the Gators lost the Southeastern Conference championship game while trying to repeat as national champs. He changed his mind soon after and coached another season. The Gators went 8-5 in 2010, and after Meyer stepped down for good. Meyer was out of coaching for a season, but was hired by Ohio State in November 2011 to replace Jim Tressel, who was fired before that season for lying to the NCAA and university of about rules violation committed by some of his players. Since returning to coaching, Meyer's program has been one of the most dominant in college football and his players and coaches have mostly stayed out of major trouble. Meyer did face some criticism in 2013 for allowing running back Carlos Hyde to return to the team after he was charged with striking a woman in a bar. The case was dropped by police when the woman chose not to pursue charges, but Hyde was suspended three games by Meyer.
August 02, 2018 at 01:23PM
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
List of Lynx routes (Orlando)
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List of Lynx routes (Orlando)
==List of routes==
Lynx operates the following Link routes, which are local bus routes that serve the [[Orlando, Florida|Orlando]] area.<ref name=lynxschedule></ref>
{| class=wikitable
!Line Name
!Places Served
|valign=top|<div id=1>1</div>
|Winter Park/Altamonte Springs
|[[Winter Park station]] or [[Winter Park Village]]
|[[Altamonte Mall]]
|[[Winter Park, Florida|Winter Park]], Winter Park Tech, [[Eatonville, Florida|Eatonville]], [[Maitland, Florida|Maitland]], Maitland Center, [[Altamonte Springs, Florida|Altamonte Springs]]
|operates Monday-Saturday, weekday peak-hour service to Winter Park station
|valign=top|<div id=3>3</div>
|Lake Margaret
|[[Lynx Central Station]]
|Dixie Belle Drive and Gatlin Avenue
|[[Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts]], Kinneret Apartments, Beardall Senior Center, Delaney Avenue, The Market at Southside, East Michigan Street, Juvenile Justice Center, Orange County Health & Human Services, [[Social Security Administration]] Building, East Orlando Estates, Charlin Park
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=6>6</div>
|Dixie Belle Drive
|Colonial Plaza SuperStop
|Dixie Belle Drive and Gatlin Avenue
|BETA Center, Citrus Square, Social Security Administration Building
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=7>7</div>
|S. Orange Avenue/Florida Mall
|Lynx Central Station
|[[The Florida Mall|Florida Mall]] SuperStop
|[[Florida State Road 527|South Orange Avenue]], [[Orlando Regional Medical Center]], [[Pine Castle, Florida|Pine Castle]], Winegard Road, [[Oak Ridge High School (Orlando, Florida)|Oak Ridge High School]], [[Sky Lake, Florida|Sky Lake]], The Terrace at Florida Mall
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=8>8</div>
|W. Oak Ridge Road/International Drive
|Lynx Central Station
|Orlando Vineland Premium Outlets
|OCPS Educational Leadership Center, Callahan, Westmoreland Drive, [[Holden Heights, Florida|Holden Heights]], [[Mid Florida Tech]], [[Orlando International Premium Outlets]], [[International Drive]], [[Orange County Convention Center]], [[SeaWorld Orlando]], Westwood Boulevard
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=9>9</div>
|Winter Park/Rosemont
|Winter Park station or Winter Park Village
|Rosemont SuperStop
|Winter Park, Calvary Towers, Winter Park Tech, Eatonville, Rosemont SuperStop, Rolling Hills, Clarcona Crossings
|operates Monday-Sunday, weekday peak-hour service to Winter Park station, Sunday service to Calvary Towers
|valign=top|<div id=10>10</div>
|E. U.S. 192/St. Cloud
|Lynx Kissimmee Intermodal Station
|St. Cloud [[Walmart]]
|[[Kissimmee station]], [[Kissimmee, Florida|Kissimmee]], Department of Children & Families, Mill Creek, [[Valencia College]]-Osceola, Osceola County Health Department–Kissimmee, Center for Women & Family Health, [[Technical Education Center Osceola]], Osceola Sheriff's Office, [[U.S. Route 192]], St. Cloud Walmart, [[St. Cloud, Florida|St. Cloud]], St. Cloud City Hall, Osceola County Health Department–St. Cloud, [[Saint Cloud High School]], [[Orlando Health]]-St. Cloud, St. Cloud Recreation Center
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=11>11</div>
|S. Orange Avenue/Orlando International Airport
|Lynx Central Station
|[[Orlando International Airport]]
|South Orange Avenue, Orlando Regional Medical Center, Pine Castle, [[Sand Lake Road station]]
|operates Monday-Sunday, weekday peak-hour service to Sand Lake Road station
|valign=top|<div id=13>13</div>
|University Boulevard/University of Central Florida
|Lynx Central Station
|[[University of Central Florida]] SuperStop
|Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, Reeves Terrace, Colonial Plaza SuperStop, [[Orlando Fashion Square]], Audubon Park, [[Veterans Health Administration|VA Clinic]], [[Florida Hospital]] Winter Park, Winter Park Pines, University Boulevard
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=15>15</div>
|Curry Ford Road/Valencia College East
|Lynx Central Station
|Valencia College East
|Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, Conway Plaza, Dover Shores, Dover Shores Community Center, New Azalea Park, Florida Hospital East Orlando, Rio Pinar Plaza/Walmart, CareerSource
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=18>18</div>
|S. Orange Avenue/Kissimmee
|Lynx Central Station
|Lynx Kissimmee Intermodal Station
|South Orange Avenue, Orlando Regional Medical Center, Pine Castle, Sand Lake Road station, [[Taft, Florida|Taft]], [[Meadow Woods, Florida|Meadow Woods]], [[Meadow Woods station]], [[Cypress Creek High School (Meadow Woods, Florida)|Cypress Creek High School]], Valencia College Osceola, Vine Street, Kissimmee station
|operates Monday-Saturday, weekday service to Sand Lake Road station
|valign=top|<div id=20>20</div>
|Malibu Street/Mercy Dr.
|Lynx Central Station
|College Park Walmart
|[[Amway Center]], West Church Street, [[Orlando City Stadium]], [[Camping World Stadium]], Lake Mann, Washington Shores SuperStop, Ivey Lane, Mercy Drive
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=21>21</div>
|Universal Studios
|Lynx Central Station
|Sand Lake Commons
|Orlando City Stadium, Camping World Stadium, Lake Mann, Washington Shores SuperStop, Valencia College West Campus, [[Universal Orlando Resort]], Universal Orlando Resort Employment Center, [[Orlando Health|Dr. Phillips Hospital]]
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=23>23</div>
|Winter Park/Springs Plaza
|Winter Park station or Winter Park Village
|Springs Plaza Shopping Center
|Winter Park, Winter Park Tech, Calvary Towers, Rosemont SuperStop, West Town Center Walmart
|operates Monday-Saturday, weekday peak-hour service to Winter Park station
|valign=top|<div id=24>24</div>
|Washington Shores SuperStop
|Orlando International Premium Outlets
|Bruton Boulevard, Vineland Road, [[The Mall at Millenia]]
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=25>25</div>
|Mercy Drive/Shader Road
|Lynx Central Station
|Lynx Operations Center
|State Regional Service Center, [[Greyhound Lines|Greyhound]] Bus Terminal, Antioch Manor, Northwest Community Center
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=26>26</div>
|Pleasant Hill Road/Poinciana
|Lynx Kissimmee Intermodal Station
|Poinciana Walmart
|Kissimmee station, Kissimmee, Osceola Regional Medical Center, Thacker Avenue, [[Osceola High School (Kissimmee, Florida)|Osceola High School]], Good Samaritan Village, [[Poinciana, Florida|Poinciana]], Valencia College-Poinciana Campus
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=28>28</div>
|E. Colonial Drive/Azalea Park
|Lynx Central Station
|Semoran Boulevard and Curry Ford Road
|Colonial Plaza SuperStop, Orlando Fashion Square, [[Semoran Boulevard|South Semoran Boulevard]], [[Colonial High School]]
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=29>29</div>
|E. Colonial Drive/Goldenrod Road
|Lynx Central Station
|Aloma Avenue and Forsyth Road
|Colonial Plaza SuperStop, Orlando Fashion Square, North Goldenrod Road
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=34>34</div>
|Seminole Centre
|[[Sanford station (SunRail)|Sanford station]]
|[[Sanford, Florida|Sanford]], Seminole County Health & Human Services, Central Florida Regional Hospital
|operates Monday-Sunday, weekday service to Seminole County Health & Human Services
|valign=top|<div id=36>36</div>
|Lake Richmond
|Lynx Central Station
|Prince Hall Boulevard and Bruton Boulevard
|[[Jones High School (Orlando, Florida)|Jones High School]], L.B. McLeod Road, Catalina, 33rd Street, Orange County Corrections Facility, Crossroads Apartments, Prince Hall Boulevard
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=37>37</div>
|Pine Hills/Florida Mall
|Park Promenade
|Florida Mall SuperStop
|[[Pine Hills, Florida|Pine Hills]], South Hiawassee Road, MetroWest, Kirkman Road, Valencia College West Campus, Universal Orlando Resort, [[Tangelo Park, Florida|Tangelo Park]], South Park Walmart
|operates Monday-Sunday, weekday service to Valencia College West Campus
|valign=top|<div id=38>38</div>
|Downtown Orlando/SeaWorld
|Lynx Central Station
|Lynx Central Station
|[[Interstate 4]], SeaWorld Orlando, Orange County Convention Center, Mercado, International Drive
|operates Monday-Sunday, loop route
|valign=top|<div id=40>40</div>
|Americana Boulevard/Universal Orlando
|Lynx Central Station
|Universal Orlando Resort or Universal Orlando Resort Employment Center
|[[Orlando Health/Amtrak station]], Orlando Regional Medical Center, [[Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children]], West Michigan Street, Conroy Road, Walden Circle, The Mall at Millenia
|operates Monday-Sunday, no Sunday service to Universal Orlando Resort Employment Center
|valign=top|<div id=42>42</div>
|International Drive/Orlando International Airport
|Destination Parkway SuperStop
|Orlando International Airport
|International Drive, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando International Premium Outlets, West Oak Ridge Road, Mid Florida Tech, Orlando Central Park, Florida Mall SuperStop, Sand Lake Road station
|operates Monday-Sunday, weekday peak-hour service to Sand Lake Road station
|valign=top|<div id=44>44</div>
|Hiawassee Road/Zellwood
|Park Promenade
|Anthony House
|North Hiawassee Road, [[Apopka, Florida|Apopka]], [[Wekiva High School]], Apopka Boulevard, Apopka SuperStop, Errol Plaza, [[Plymouth, Florida|Plymouth]], [[Zellwood, Florida|Zellwood]], Zellwood Day Care Center, Holly Creek
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=45>45</div>
|Lake Mary
|Colonial Center
|Seminole Centre
|[[Heathrow, Florida|Heathrow]], [[Seminole State College of Florida|Seminole State College]]-Heathrow, [[American Automobile Association|AAA]] Headquarters, [[Convergys]], [[Lake Mary, Florida|Lake Mary]], Lake Emma Road, Lake Mary Boulevard, Lake Mary City Hall, [[Lake Mary station]], Reflections
|operates Monday-Saturday, weekday service to Lake Mary station
|valign=top|<div id=46W>46 West</div>
|W. SR 46/Seminole Towne Center
|[[Seminole Towne Center]]
|Sanford station
|Rinehart Road, Walmart, [[SuperTarget]], [[Florida State Road 46]]
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=46E>46 East</div>
|SR 46/Downtown Sanford
|Sanford station
|True Health
|Florida State Road 46, Central Florida Regional Hospital, Downtown Sanford, Seminole County Services Building
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=48>48</div>
|W. Colonial Drive/Powers Dr.
|Lynx Central Station
|Park Promenade
|[[Florida State Road 50|West Colonial Drive]], Central Florida Fairgrounds, Florida Department of Children and Families
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=49>49</div>
|W. Colonial Drive/Pine Hills Road
|Lynx Central Station
|Silver Hills Center
|West Colonial Drive, Central Florida Fairgrounds, Pine Hills, [[Maynard Evans High School]], Meadowbrook, North Lane, Rolling Hills
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=50>50</div>
|Downtown Orlando/Magic Kingdom
|Lynx Central Station
|[[Transportation and Ticket Center]] at [[Walt Disney World Resort]]
|Interstate 4, SeaWorld Orlando, [[Disney Springs]] Transfer Center
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=51>51</div>
|Conway Road/Orlando International Airport
|Lynx Central Station
|Orlando International Airport
|[[Lake Eola]], Colonial Plaza SuperStop, Dover Shores, South Conway Road, [[United States Citizenship and Immigration Services|U.S. Immigration Office]]
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=54>54</div>
|Old Winter Garden Road
|Lynx Central Station
|[[West Oaks Mall (Orlando)|West Oaks Mall]] SuperStop
|West Washington Street, Callahan, Rock Lake, Orlo Vista, Oak Hill, [[Ocoee, Florida|Ocoee]], Health Central Hospital, Ocoee Walmart
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=55>55</div>
|W. U.S. 192/Crosstown
|Lynx Kissimmee Intermodal Station
|U.S. Route 192 and Legacy Boulevard or Four Corners Walmart
|Kissimmee station, Kissimeee, U.S. Route 192, [[Plaza del Sol Mall]], Old Town, [[Celebration, Florida|Celebration]], Orange Lake
|operates Monday-Sunday, limited service to Four Corners Walmart
|valign=top|<div id=56>56</div>
|W. U.S. 192/Magic Kingdom
|Lynx Kissimmee Intermodal Station
|[[Disney University]]
|Kissimmee station, Kissimeee, U.S. Route 192, Plaza del Sol Mall, Old Town, Celebration, Transportation and Ticket Center at Walt Disney World Resort, [[Magic Kingdom]] Cast Bus Station
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=57>57</div>
|John Young Parkway
|Washington Shores SuperStop
|Lynx Kissimmee Intermodal Station
|[[John Young Parkway]], Mid Florida Tech, South Park Walmart, [[Hunter's Creek, Florida|Hunter's Creek]], Kissimmee, Kissimmee station
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=58>58</div>
|Shingle Creek Circulator
|Destination Parkway SuperStop
|Rosen Shingle Creek Resort
|Orange County Convention Center, Rosen Plaza Hotel, Westin Village of Imagine, UCF Rosen College of Hospitality
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=102>102</div>
|Orange Avenue/South 17-92
|Lynx Central Station
|Fern Park SuperStop
|Florida Hospital, Valencia College Winter Park, Winter Park Tech, Maitland, [[Fern Park, Florida|Fern Park]], Jai-Alai
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=103>103</div>
|North 17-92 Sanford
|Fern Park SuperStop
|Seminole Centre
|Jai-Alai, Seminole County Courthouse, Seminole State College, John E. Polk Correctional Facility
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=104>104</div>
|East Colonial
|Lynx Central Station
|University of Central Florida SuperStop
|Lake Eola, Orlando Fashion Square, East Colonial Drive, Valencia College East Campus
|operates Monday-Sunday, limited stop service between Lynx Central Station and SR 436
|valign=top|<div id=105>105</div>
|West Colonial
|Lynx Central Station
|West Oaks Mall SuperStop or Colonial Drive and Park Avenue
|West Colonial Drive, Pine Hills, Ocoee, West Oaks Mall SuperStop, Health Central Hospital, [[Winter Garden, Florida|Winter Garden]], Winter Garden Regional Shopping Center, Westside Tech
|operates Monday-Sunday, limited stop service between Lynx Central Station and Powers Drive, Sunday service terminates at West Oaks Mall SuperStop
|valign=top|<div id=106>106</div>
|N. US 441/Apopka
|Lynx Central Station
|Apopka SuperStop
|OCPS Educational Leadership Center, [[Orange Blossom Trail]], Rosemont SuperStop, [[Lockhart, Florida|Lockhart]], Apopka
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=107>107</div>
|U.S. 441/Orlando Florida Mall
|Lynx Central Station
|Florida Mall SuperStop
|OCPS Educational Leadership Center, Orange Blossom Trail
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=108>108</div>
|South U.S. 441/Kissimmee
|Florida Mall SuperStop
|Lynx Kissimmee Intermodal Station
|Orange Blossom Trail, [[Gatorland]], Florida Hospital-Kissimmee
|operates Monday-Sunday, late night service runs between Florida Mall SuperStop and Hunters Creek Boulevard
|valign=top|<div id=111>111</div>
|Orlando International Airport
|SeaWorld Orlando
|Sand Lake Road station, Florida Mall SuperStop, Destination Parkway SuperStop
|operates Monday-Sunday, weekday service to Sand Lake Road station
|valign=top|<div id=125>125</div>
|Silver Star Road Crosstown
|Lynx Central Station
|West Oaks Mall SuperStop
|Lake Eola, Florida Hospital, Walmart, Evans High School, Park Promenade, Ocoee
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=155>155</div>
|The Loop/Buena Ventura Lakes/Osceola Parkway
|[[Tupperware station]]
|Tupperware station
|[[Tupperware Brands|Tupperware]] Headquarters, [[Osceola County School For The Arts]], Crosslands Shopping Center, [[The Loop (Kissimmee)|The Loop]], Osceola Parkway Walmart, [[Osceola Parkway]], Osceola Parkway and Simpson Road, Robert Guevara Community Center, Buenaventura Lakes Branch Library
|operates Monday-Friday, composed of separate loop routes to The Loop and Osceola Parkway and Simpson Road
|valign=top|<div id=313>313</div>
|Winter Park
|Lynx Central Station
|Florida Hospital Winter Park
|Orange County Administrative Building, Lutheran Towers, Orlando Central Towers, Baptist Terrace, Thornton Park, Colonial Plaza SuperStop, VA Clinic
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=319>319</div>
|Richmond Heights
|Lynx Central Station
|Washington Shores SuperStop
|OCPS Educational Leadership Center, Parramore Avenue, Orlando City Stadium, Gore Street, Orange Center Boulevard, Washington Shores SuperStop, L. Claudia Allen Senior Center, C.R. Smith Neighborhood Center
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=320>320</div>
|Avalon Park Schools Connector
|colspan=2|Loop through [[Avalon Park, Florida|Avalon Park]]
|[[East River High School]], Econ River High Charter School, [[Timber Creek High School]], [[University High School (Orlando, Florida)|University High School]], [[Waterford Lakes Town Center]]
|operates Monday-Friday on school days
|valign=top|<div id=405>405</div>
|Apopka Circulator
|Apopka SuperStop
|Apopka SuperStop
|[[Apopka High School]], Welch Road/Rock Springs Road, Central Avenue/Cleveland Street, Florida Hospital Apopka
|operates Monday-Sunday, loop route
|valign=top|<div id=416>416</div>
|Poinciana/Haines City
|Poinciana Walmart
|Haines City Plaza
|Poinciana, Poinciana Medical Center, Parkview Village, Polk County Health Department, [[Haines City, Florida|Haines City]]
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=426>426</div>
|Poinciana Circulator
|Poinciana Walmart
|Poinciana Walmart
|Poinciana Community Center, Poinciana Medical Center
|operates Monday-Saturday, loop route
|valign=top|<div id=427>427</div>
|U.S. 27/Haines City
|Legacy Boulevard
|Haines City Plaza
|[[U.S. Route 27 in Florida|U.S. Route 27]], Posner Shopping Center, Heart of Florida Hospital
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=434>434</div>
|SR 434 Crosstown
|Seminole State College Altamonte Campus
|University of Central Florida SuperStop
|[[Lake Brantley High School]], [[Florida State Road 434]], [[South Seminole Hospital]], [[Longwood, Florida|Longwood]], [[Longwood station (SunRail)|Longwood station]], [[Winter Springs, Florida|Winter Springs]], Winter Springs City Hall, [[Oviedo Mall]]
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=436N>436N</div>
|SR 436 Crosstown
|Apopka SuperStop
|Fern Park SuperStop
|Apopka, [[Florida State Road 436]], West Town Center, Altamonte Springs, Altamonte Mall, Florida Hospital Altamonte, [[Altamonte Springs station]], Fern Park
|operates Monday-Sunday, weekday service to Altamonte Springs station
|valign=top|<div id=436S>436S</div>
|SR 436 Crosstown
|Fern Park SuperStop
|Orlando International Airport
|Fern Park, Florida State Road 436, Casselberry, Azalea Park
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=443>443</div>
|Winter Park/Pine Hills
|Florida Hospital Winter Park
|Park Promenade
|Winter Park Village, [[Rollins College]], Winter Park Library, Valencia College Winter Park, [[Everest University]], Rosemont SuperStop, Pine Hills
|operates Monday-Sunday
Lynx operates the following KnightLynx routes, which serve the [[University of Central Florida]] campus on Friday and Saturday evenings.<ref name=lynxschedule/>
{| class=wikitable
!Line Name
!Places Served
|valign=top|<div id=210>210</div>
|UCF KnightLynx Blue
|[[CFE Arena]]
|CFE Arena
|UCF Recreation & Wellness Center, The Edge Apartments, Campus Crossings (Alafaya), Pegasus Pointe Apartments, Alafaya Village Shopping Center, [[Waterford Lakes Town Center]], Woodbury Road, Alafaya Commons Shopping Center, Campus Crossings (College Station), Boardwalk Apartments, Lake Claire Apartments/Green Park Drive
|operates Friday-Saturday evenings when UCF is in session, loop route
|valign=top|<div id=212>212</div>
|UCF KnightLynx Red
|CFE Arena
|[[Lynx Central Station]]
|UCF Recreation & Wellness Center, The Edge Apartments, Campus Crossings (Alafaya), Pegasus Pointe Apartments, Alafaya Village Shopping Center, Waterford Lakes Town Center, Woodbury Road, Alafaya Commons Shopping Center, Campus Crossings (College Station), Boardwalk Apartments, Lake Claire Apartments/Green Park Drive, [[Downtown Orlando]]
|operates Friday-Saturday evenings when UCF is in session
===Disney Direct===
Lynx operates the following Disney Direct routes, which provide commuter service from various points in [[Orlando, Florida|Orlando]] to various points in the [[Walt Disney World Resort]] for resort employees.<ref name=lynxschedule/>
{| class=wikitable
!Line Name
!Places Served
|valign=top|<div id=300>300</div>
|Downtown Orlando/Hotel Plaza
|[[Lynx Central Station]]
|Palm Parkway and [[Florida State Road 535|SR 535]]
|[[Downtown Orlando]], [[Interstate 4]], [[Disney Springs]] Transfer Center, Hotel Plaza, Palm Parkway
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=301>301</div>
|Pine Hills/Animal Kingdom
|Park Promenade
|[[Disney's Animal Kingdom]]
|[[Pine Hills, Florida|Pine Hills]], Disney Springs Transfer Center, [[Epcot]] Cast Entrance, [[Disney's Pop Century Resort]], [[Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort]], [[Disney's All-Star Sports Resort]], [[Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge]]
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=302>302</div>
|Rosemont/Magic Kingdom
|Rosemont SuperStop
|[[Disney's Polynesian Village Resort]]
|Disney Springs Transfer Center, [[Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort & Campground]], [[Disney's Wilderness Lodge]], [[Disney's Contemporary Resort]], [[Magic Kingdom]] Cast Bus Station
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=303>303</div>
|Washington Shores/Disney Hollywood Studios
|Colonial Drive and John Young Parkway
|Disney's All-Star Sports Resort
|Washington Shores SuperStop, [[Universal Orlando Resort]], Disney Springs Transfer Center, [[Disney's Yacht Club Resort]], [[Disney's Hollywood Studios]], [[Disney's Coronado Springs Resort]]
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=304>304</div>
|Rio Grande/Vistana Resort
|[[Orange Blossom Trail]] and Anderson Street
|Caribe Royale Resort
|Rio Grande Avenue, Disney Springs Transfer Center, Vistana Resort, [[Marriott Hotels & Resorts|Orlando World Center Marriott Resort & Convention Center]], Lake Buena Vista Resort Village and Spa
|operates Monday-Sunday
|valign=top|<div id=305>305</div>
|Metrowest/All Star Resorts
|Kirkman Road and Raleigh Street
|Disney's All-Star Sports Resort
|MetroWest, Disney Springs Transfer Center, Disney's Coronado Springs Resort
|operates Monday-Sunday, morning service from MetroWest to Walt Disney World Resort only
|valign=top|<div id=306>306</div>
|Poinciana/Disney West Side Transfer Center
|Poinciana [[Walmart]]
|[[Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista|Hilton Bonnet Creek Resort]]
|[[Poinciana, Florida|Poinciana]], [[Poinciana High School]], [[Poinciana station]], Disney Springs Transfer Center
|operates Monday-Sunday
Lynx operates the following FastLink routes, which provide [[limited stop]] bus service.<ref name=lynxschedule/>
{| class=wikitable
!Line Name
!Places Served
|valign=top|<div id=407>407</div>
|Kissimmee/Orlando International Airport/Medical City
|Lynx Kissimmee Intermodal Station
|Orlando [[VA Medical Center]]
|[[Kissimmee station]], [[Florida Department of Health]], Buenaventura Library, Buenaventura Downs, [[Orlando International Airport]], [[United States Tennis Association|USTA]] National Campus, [[Nemours Foundation|Nemours]] Children's Hospital
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=418>418</div>
|Florida Mall/Meadow Woods/Lake Nona
|[[The Florida Mall|Florida Mall]] SuperStop
|Orlando VA Medical Center
|[[Meadow Woods station]], Nemours Children's Hospital, [[Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute]], [[University of Florida]] Research & Academic Center, [[University of Central Florida]] College of Medicine
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=441>441</div>
|[[Lynx Central Station]]
|Lynx Kissimmee Intermodal Station
|[[Orange Blossom Trail]], Florida Mall SuperStop, Orange Blossom Trail, Kissimmee station
|operates Monday-Friday
Lynx operates the the following Lymmo routes. The Lymmo is a [[zero-fare]] bus system serving [[Downtown Orlando]] utilizing [[bus rapid transit]] features to navigate through downtown traffic.<ref name=lynxschedule/>
{| class=wikitable
!Line Name
!Places Served
|valign=top|<div id=60>60</div>
|[[Lynx Central Station]], [[Orange County Public Schools]], Centroplex Garage, [[Bob Carr Theater]], Livingston Street, [[Orange County Courthouse (Orlando, Florida)|Orange County Courthouse]], Magnolia Avenue, Heritage Square and History Center, [[Orange County Library System|Orlando Public Library]], Downtown Orlando Info Center, [[Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts]]
|operates Monday-Sunday, loop route
|valign=top|<div id=61>61</div>
|Lynx Central Station, Orange County Public Schools, Centroplex Garage, Creative Village, [[Florida A&M University College of Law|FAMU Law School]], U.S. Courthouse, Garland Avenue
|operates Monday-Sunday, loop route
|valign=top|<div id=62>62</div>
|Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, [[Orlando City Hall]], [[Amway Center]], [[Well'sbuilt Hotel|Well'sbuilt Museum]], [[Orlando City Stadium]], Orange County Health Department, Central Boulevard, Heritage Square and History Center, Orlando Public Library, [[Lake Eola]], [[Publix]], Orlando Farmers Market, Church Street, Orange County Administrative Building
|operates Monday-Sunday, loop route
|valign=top|<div id=63>63</div>
|Orange-North Quarter
|Lynx Central Station, Orange County Courthouse, Magnolia Avenue, Marks Street, Senior Recreation Complex, Orange Avenue
|operates Monday-Sunday, loop route
Lynx operates the following NeighborLink routes, which are community circulator buses that provide curb-to-curb bus service through advance reservations.<ref name=lynxschedule/>
{| class=wikitable
!Line Name
!Places Served
|valign=top|<div id=601>601</div>
|Poinciana [[Walmart]]
|Villages 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of [[Poinciana, Florida|Poinciana]], Solivita, Poinciana Community Center/[[YMCA]], Solivita Village Center, Poinciana Town Center, [[Publix]] Shopping Center
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=603>603</div>
|Southwest Poinciana
|Poinciana Walmart
|Villages 3, 4, 7, and 8 of Poinciana, Poinciana Community Center/YMCA, Solivita Village Center
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=604>604</div>
|Intercession City/Campbell City
|[[Poinciana station]]
|[[Intercession City, Florida|Intercession City]], [[Campbell, Florida|Campbell City]], Southwest [[Kissimmee, Florida|Kissimmee]], Pleasant Hill Commons, Publix Shopping Center, Good Samaritan Village, The Oaks, Crescent Lakes
|operates Monday-Friday
|valign=top|<div id=611>611</div>
|[[West Oaks Mall (Orlando)|West Oaks Mall]] SuperStop
|[[Ocoee, Florida|Ocoee]] northwest of West Oaks Mall and east of Crown Point Road, [[Ocoee High School]]
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=612>612</div>
|Winter Garden
|Winter Garden Regional Shopping Center
|[[Winter Garden, Florida|Winter Garden]], [[Oakland, Florida|Oakland]], Winter Garden Village, Lakeview Middle School, West Side Tech
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=613>613</div>
|Pine Hills
|West Oaks Mall SuperStop
|[[Pine Hills, Florida|Pine Hills]] east of West Oaks Mall, south of Silver Star Road, west of Pine Hills Road, and north of Colonial Drive
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=621>621</div>
|E. Colonial Dr./Bithlo
|Bithlo Health Center, Alfalya Trail and Colonial Drive
|[[Bithlo, Florida|Bithlo]], [[Wedgefield, Florida|Wedgefield]], Chuluota Park & Ride, Orlando Speedworld, Bithlo Community Center, Bithlo Transformation Village, [[Waterford Lakes Town Center]]
|operates Monday-Saturday, fixed-route service along East Colonial Drive and curb-to-curb service into Bithlo and Wedgefield communities
|valign=top|<div id=622>622</div>
|[[Oviedo Mall]]
|Oviedo Medical Center, [[Oviedo, Florida|Oviedo]], [[Oviedo High School]], Oviedo Sports Complex, Jackson Heights Middle School, [[Seminole State College]]
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=631>631</div>
|Buena Ventura Lakes
|[[Tupperware station]]
|[[Buenaventura Lakes, Florida|Buenaventura Lakes]] between [[Florida's Turnpike]], Simpson Road, Boggy Creek Road, and [[Osceola Parkway]]; Osceola County Correctional Facility, [[Technical Education Center Osceola]], [[Valencia College]] Osceola Campus
|operates Monday-Friday
|valign=top|<div id=632>632</div>
|North Kissimmee
|Tupperware station
|Kissimmee between [[U.S. Route 192]], [[John Young Parkway]], Osceola Parkway, and Florida's Turnpike; [[Florida Hospital]] Kissimmee, Osceola County Health Department, Park Place Behavorial Healthcare, [[Veterans Health Administration|VA Clinic]], Valencia College Osceola Campus, Walmart
|operates Monday-Friday
|valign=top|<div id=641>641</div>
|Destination Parkway SuperStop, Central Florida Parkway and John Young Parkway
|[[Williamsburg, Florida|Williamsburg]] south of [[Florida State Road 528]] and east of Westwood Boulevard, Turkey Lake Road between Sand Lake Road and Central Florida Parkway, [[SeaWorld Orlando]], [[Discovery Cove]], Walmart, [[Orlando Health|Dr. Phillips Hospital]]
|operates Monday-Saturday
|valign=top|<div id=651>651</div>
|Seminole Centre, 25th Street and Airport Boulevard
|Seminole County Health & Human Services, [[Goldsboro, Florida|Goldsboro]], Historic Goldsboro Boulevard, [[Sanford station (SunRail)|Sanford station]], Westside Community Center, Central Florida Regional Hospital
|operates Monday-Saturday, fixed-route service between Seminole Centre and 25th Street and Airport Boulevard and curb-to-curb service in Goldsboro
|valign=top|<div id=652>652</div>
|Maitland Center
|[[Maitland station]]
|Maitland Center
|operates Monday-Friday
[[Category:Lists of bus routes in the United States|Lynx Orlando]]
[[Category:Transportation in Orlando, Florida]]
[[Category:Florida transportation-related lists|Lynx]]
August 02, 2018 at 09:56AM
Pence hails 'tangible progress' with North Korea as remains of presumed Korean War dead arrive in Hawaii
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Pence hails 'tangible progress' with North Korea as remains of presumed Korean War dead arrive in Hawaii Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday the return of the remains of 55 Americans presumed dead from the Korean War was a sign of "tangible progress in our efforts to achieve peace on the Korean Peninsula."
August 02, 2018 at 09:15AM
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BIGLOBEは、2018年日8月1日よりお客さまサポートの更なる強化として、コールセンターにビジュアルIVRやAI自動チャットを導入し、お客さまの課題解決に最適 ...
August 01, 2018 at 10:03PM
チョコレートの商品情報をAIアプリで確認――ゴディバと日立ソリューションズ、店舗スタッフ向け商品照会 ...
チョコレートの商品情報をAIアプリで確認――ゴディバと日立ソリューションズ、店舗スタッフ向け商品照会 ...
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日立ソリューションズは2018年7月31日、ゴディバ ジャパンと共同で、AIを活用してスマートフォンアプリで撮影した商品画像から、その場で商品情報を照会できる ...
August 01, 2018 at 08:03PM
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日立ソリューションズは2018年7月31日、スマートフォンで撮影した商品画像を人工知能(AI)で分析することで商品を特定し、関連情報をスマホに表示する実験を ...
August 01, 2018 at 07:52PM
百度、純利益45%増 4~6月、AI活用で収入増
百度、純利益45%増 4~6月、AI活用で収入増
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【北京=多部田俊輔】中国インターネット検索最大手の百度(バイドゥ)が7月31日(米国時間)に発表した2018年4~6月期の純利益は前年同期比45%増の64 ...
August 01, 2018 at 05:37PM
Indonesia (6.4M) - 28 Jul 22:47
Indonesia (6.4M) - 28 Jul 22:47
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Earthquake Magnitude: 6.4M. Depth: 6.39 km. Lat/Lon: -8.2735 , 116.4911. Event Date: 28 Jul 2018 22:47 UTC. Exposed Population: 3670000 people ...
August 01, 2018 at 11:54PM
Italy earthquake 'hero dog'
Italy earthquake 'hero dog'
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BBC The owner of a dog called Kaos, which helped with rescue efforts after an earthquake in Italy in 2016, says it has died after being poisoned.
August 01, 2018 at 05:04AM
Roos Drost
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Roos Drost
Abishe: created
'''Rosalin "Roos" Drost''' also known as '''Rosalin Drost''' (born 2 May 1991) is a Dutch women's field hockey player who plays for [[Netherlands women's national field hockey team]].<ref> FIH|last=|first=|date=|website=www.fih.ch|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=1 August 2018}}</ref> Drost made her international debut on 4 February 2013 against South Africa.<ref> RTV Utrecht|last=|first=|date=|website=www.rtvutrecht.nl|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=1 August 2018}}</ref> She was a key member of the Dutch team which became glorious at the [[2012–13 Women's FIH Hockey World League]], [[2013 Women's Hockey Investec Cup]] and in the [[2014 Women's Hockey World Cup]].<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
== Career ==
She played the key role during the Dutch side's maiden triumph in the [[2012–13 Women's FIH Hockey World League]] defeating [[Australia women's national field hockey team|Australia]] 5-1 in the [[2012–13 Women's FIH Hockey World League Final|Women's Hockey World League final]]. She also scored a goal in the final as Netherlands clinched its first ever [[FIH Hockey World League]] title.<ref>https://ift.tt/2v3FPaC>
Rosalin Drost was also the member of the Netherlands women's team which won the [[2013 Women's Hockey Investec Cup]]. Netherlands defeated [[South Africa women's national field hockey team|South Africa]] 4-2 in the final to clinch second consecutive Women's Hockey Investec Cup.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> She also scored a winning goal in the final against South Africa and finished as the second top goalscorer for Dutch side with 2 goals.
Roos Drost was also the part of the Dutch team which secured its 7th World Cup title after emerging victorious at the [[2014 Women's Hockey World Cup]].<ref> FIH|last=|first=|date=|website=fih.ch|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=1 August 2018}}</ref>
== References ==
[[Category:1991 births]]
[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:Dutch female field hockey players]]
[[Category:Sportspeople from Utrecht]]
August 01, 2018 at 03:32PM
Volleyball Roster
Volleyball Roster
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2018 Volleyball Roster. Go To Coaching Staff. Print. Change Roster Layout: Roster View - List, Roster View - Grid, Roster View - Cards. Choose A ...
August 01, 2018 at 02:36AM
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
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... は、2016年にSAIA(Scanning Artificial Intelligence for Apparel:アパレルのためのスキャンAI)を作成する前に、1年以上をR&Dと、新しいアプローチと様々な ...
July 31, 2018 at 09:33PM
保育施設 AIで入所選考 高松市、一部に導入
保育施設 AIで入所選考 高松市、一部に導入
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July 31, 2018 at 09:11PM
Iepenloftspul Jorwert
【Move to another page】
Iepenloftspul Jorwert
Beetstra: start, rough translation from https://ift.tt/2NYpEm4
Most of the translations are by [[Jan Schotanus]]. [[Romke Toering]] has directed the plays for more than 30 years.<ref>https://ift.tt/2LIqJBR> Since 2007 the plays are directed by [[Tjerk Kooistra]].<ref>https://ift.tt/2LIqJBR>
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Year !! Frysian title !! Translated from !! Author
| 2014 || Maraton || ||
| 2013 || De kloklieder fan Nijdaam || ||
| 2012 || De Goede, de Minne en de Lillike || || Translator: [[Jan Schotanus]]
| 2011 || Bohemia || || [[Herman Heijermans]]
| 2010 || It Feest || || [[Tom Stoppard]]
| 2009 || Tuskentiid || || [[Mark Norman]]
| 2008 || Jou my wjukken || || [[Carlo Goldoni]]
| 2007 || Dûbele Nelson || || [[Mark Herman]]
| 2006 || Full Monty - Alles út || [[The Full Monty]] || [[Paul Allen]]
| 2005 || Kabaret || || [[Carlo Goldoni]]
| 2004 || Op hoop fan segen || || [[Joseph Stein]]
| 2003 || Ik wol spylje || || [[Gerrit Jan Zwier]], [[Lionel Bart]]
| 2002 || Feint fan twa Masters || || Bertolt Brecht
| 2001 || Utblaasd || || [[Joseph Stein]], [[William Shakespeare]]
| 2000 || Venetiaans Karnaval || || [[G.B. Shaw]]
| 1999 || Zorbá || || [[Molière]]
| 1998 || Slauerhoff & Jorwert || || [[Harry Geelen]]
| 1997 || Oliver || || [[William Shakespeare]]
| 1996 || In sinterske opera || || [[Giovannino Guareschi]]
| 1995 || Anatevka || [[Fiddler on the roof]] || [[J.B.Molière]]
| 1994 || Midsimmernachtdream || || [[William Shakespeare]]
| 1993 || Myn leave Lyske || || [[Klaas Jansma]]
| 1992 || In healegeare hear || || [[Carl Zuckmayer]]
| 1991 || De bochel fan de Notre Dame || || [[Jan Naaijkens]]
| 1990 || De tolfte nacht (of:Wat jo wolle) || || [[Nickolas Udall]]
| 1989 || Don Camillo en de lytse wrâld || || [[Jan Naaijkens]]
| 1988 || De nepert || || [[Renzo Tarabusi]]
| 1987 || De fleurige froulju || || [[Giuolo Scarnicci]]
| 1986 || Bommel en de Frisomanen || || [[Jean Anouilh]]
| 1985 || Sirkus Knie || || [[Jan Naaijkens]]
| 1984 || Don Quichot yn Fryslân || || [[Jan Naaijkens]]
| 1983 || Bombaarje om Bombaarje || || [[J.B. Molière]]
| 1982 || Tijl Ulespegel || || [[Jan Naaijkens]]
| 1981 || Heit dêr leit in lyk || ||[[ Blumental]], [[Carlo Goldoni]]
| 1980 || Dûnsjende dieven || || [[Bram v.d.Lyke]]
| 1979 || Rûzewyntsje || || [[Henri 't Sas]]
| 1978 || Fanfarella || || [[Harry v.d. Wouden]]
| 1977 || De boargerman-edelman || || [[Jan Naaijkens]]
| 1976 || Amor by 't ammerfol || || [[Piter Terpstra]]
| 1975 || Yn 'e wite guds || || [[Carlo Goldoni]]
| 1974 || De waeijer || || [[Jan Naaijkens]]
| 1973 || Harten is troef || || [[Pieter Langendijk]]
| 1972 || Yn 't eibertsnêst || || [[Ugo Betti]]
| 1971 || Op 't kantsje ôf || || [[Marin Drzic]]
| 1970 || Lyk om lyk || || [[Jan Naaijkens]]
| 1969 || It doarp wol bestean || || [[W. Chris Duba]]
| 1968 || Heibel om Hylpen || || [[Piter Terpstra]]
| 1967 || De helt fan Waterloo || || [[Piter Terpstra]]
| 1966 || Don Quichot op 'e brulloft... || || [[Douwe Kiestra]]
| 1965 || Tûkelteammen om Amor || || [[Ype Poortinga]]
| 1964 || Dindo Maroije || || [[Barend van der Veen]]
| 1963 || Fanfarella || || [[Douwe Kiestra]]
| 1962 || In dream yn 'e simmer || || [[Barend van der Veen]]
| 1961 || De spylman fan it roekefeest || || [[Douwe Kiestra]]
| 1960 || It doarp wol bestean || || [[Roel Oostra]]
| 1959 || It singelier geheim || ||
| 1958 || De seinekeapman, De útdrager || ||
| 1957 || De rike skoaijer || ||
| 1956 || Fokke Hoara || ||
| 1955 || De klokken fan Jorwert || ||
==References ==
==external links ==
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