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Federal agencies directed to hold off on shutdown raises
January 06, 2019 at 10:00AM
Saturday, January 5, 2019
Federal agencies directed to hold off on shutdown raises
Lang's red colobus
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Lang's red colobus
Rlendog: weight
Lang's red colobus lives in lowland rainforest in the northeastern portion of the [[Democratic Republic of the Congo]] between the [[Lualaba River]] and the [[Aruwimi-Ituri River]].<ref name=handbook/> It eats leaves, fruit, flowers, buds and seeds.<ref name=handbook/> Males have a head and body length of about with a tail length of about .<ref name=handbook/> Females have a head and body length about with a tail length of between .<ref name=handbook/> Males weigh about and females weigh about .<ref name=handbook/>
January 06, 2019 at 09:16AM
California's flu season death toll tops 40: report
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California's flu season death toll tops 40: report So far, this flu season has claimed 42 lives in California alone, The Los Angeles Times reported on Saturday.
January 06, 2019 at 08:38AM
Trump says 'not much headway' in talks as shutdown drags on
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Trump says 'not much headway' in talks as shutdown drags on White House officials and congressional aides emerged from talks to reopen the government without a breakthrough Saturday, though they planned to return to the table the following day.
January 06, 2019 at 08:25AM
キズナアイ1st Live『hello,world』レポート 全員で“つながれる”ライブ体験
キズナアイ1st Live『hello,world』レポート 全員で"つながれる"ライブ体験
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2018年の年の瀬に、バーチャルYouTuber初のリアルライブが東京・大阪で2日間にわたって行われた。ライブを行なったのはKizuna AI(以下、キズナアイ)だ。
January 06, 2019 at 06:56AM
今年の新iPhoneはLightningからUSB-Cに移行、ノッチの縮小、ディスプレイ内Touch IDが搭載される?
今年の新iPhoneはLightningからUSB-Cに移行、ノッチの縮小、ディスプレイ内Touch IDが搭載される?
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それによると、「2019年に再設計されるiPhone Xはディスプレイの下に小さなノッチ、指紋リーダー(Touch ID)、そしてUSB-Cポートを搭載している」とのこと。
January 06, 2019 at 06:22AM
奮発してでも買いたい! アップル「iPhone XS」
奮発してでも買いたい! アップル「iPhone XS」
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今回は、おもしろiPhoneケースを集めることに命を賭けるライターの鈴木朋子さんにご登場いただきます。年末企画「絶妙に使いにくいiPhoneケース選手権2018」 ...
January 06, 2019 at 06:00AM
【iPhone XS Max VS HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro】徹底比較|最高のスマホ決定戦
【iPhone XS Max VS HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro】徹底比較|最高のスマホ決定戦
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2018年秋冬モデル最高峰のスマホといわれる「iPhone XS Max」と「HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro」。 いずれもハイスペックスマホとして2019年も人気で、多くの人が ...
January 06, 2019 at 06:00AM
2019-01-04 12:33:07 UTC M4.9 GULF OF CALIFORNIA 10hr 52min ago F
2019-01-04 12:33:07 UTC M4.9 GULF OF CALIFORNIA 10hr 52min ago F
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Macroseismic Intensity, F Effects: Felt. Distances. 730 km SW of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico / pop: 1,513,000 / local time: 05:33:07.3 2019-01-04 249 km N ...
January 05, 2019 at 08:32PM
trực tiếp Asian Cup 2019
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trực tiếp Asian Cup 2019
January 06, 2019
Asian Cup 2019
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Asian Cup 2019
January 05, 2019 at 11:00PM
Pakistan International Airlines tells 'obese' cabin crew to lose weight or be grounded
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Pakistan International Airlines tells 'obese' cabin crew to lose weight or be grounded A rep for the carrier said that the memo was intended to encourage flight attendants to be "slim, smart and fit."
January 06, 2019 at 03:40AM
Selecting the best AI-powered analytics software for Life Sciences in 2019
Selecting the best AI-powered analytics software for Life Sciences in 2019
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Artificial intelligence or AI is fast becoming a key technology for the life sciences field. Combined with advanced analytics, it has almost limitless ...
January 05, 2019 at 11:49PM
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January 05, 2019 at 11:26PM
僕らのスマホライフを支えるアイテムたち。Amazonランキング大賞2018「携帯・スマートフォンジャンル ...
僕らのスマホライフを支えるアイテムたち。Amazonランキング大賞2018「携帯・スマートフォンジャンル ...
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やっぱり守りたい、そのディスプレイ。AppleCareや日々の注意力も大事ですけど、それでもダンスっちまうのが不運(ハードラック)なのです。割れたiPhoneのこと ...
January 05, 2019 at 06:00PM
AFC Asian Cup 2019
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AFC Asian Cup 2019
January 06, 2019 at 02:00AM
Asian Cup 2019
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Asian Cup 2019AFC Asian Cup 2019
January 06, 2019
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Vtv6vtv6 trực tiếp bóng đá, truc tiep bong da vtv6, xem vtv6, lịch đá asian cup 2019, bóng đá trục tiếp vtv6, truc tiep vtv6
January 05, 2019 at 10:00PM
【CES 2019 1月8日開催】ラスベガスに最新家電が勢揃い!出展車や見どころまとめ
【CES 2019 1月8日開催】ラスベガスに最新家電が勢揃い!出展車や見どころまとめ
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自動車メーカーは単に新型車を出展するだけではなく、進化したAI・最新のドライバー支援システム・自動運転を見据えたコネクティビティ技術など、未来の交通 ...
January 06, 2019 at 02:03AM
【特集】新年3大テーマ (3) 2019年は“AI&バイオ”がマーケットを席巻する! <株探トップ特集>
【特集】新年3大テーマ (3) 2019年は"AI&バイオ"がマーケットを席巻する! <株探トップ特集>
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その目玉になっているのはやはり人工知能(AI)である。 ... EUの執行機関である欧州委員会は域内のAI部門への投資を2020年までに200億ユーロに拡大する ...
January 05, 2019 at 07:30PM
新年3大テーマ (3) 2019年は“AI&バイオ”がマーケットを席巻する! <株探トップ特集>
新年3大テーマ (3) 2019年は"AI&バイオ"がマーケットを席巻する! <株探トップ特集>
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安倍晋三首相はAIの普及に際し、20年の東京五輪でAIを使った最先端の顔認証など新たな技術を導入することを、11月末のG20首脳会議の関連会議などで ...
January 05, 2019 at 07:30PM
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2018年は、アーティストの妊娠・出産についての話題も多く報じられた。今回は、2018年に妊娠・出産が話題となったアーティストについて2回にわたって特集する ...
January 05, 2019 at 07:07PM
Japanese 'Tuna King' pays record $3M for prized bluefin Tuna at famed Tokyo fish auction
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Japanese 'Tuna King' pays record $3M for prized bluefin Tuna at famed Tokyo fish auction Self-described Japanese "Tuna King" Kiyoshi Kimura paid a record $3 million for a 612-pound (278-kilogram) bluefin tuna at the first new year's first auction in Tokyo on Saturday.
January 06, 2019 at 12:32AM
Police investigation after threats to Rangers-Celtic referee
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Police investigation after threats to Rangers-Celtic referee Police in Scotland are investigating threats made to the referee who took charge of the recent Old Firm game between Rangers and Celtic.
January 06, 2019 at 12:05AM
Lịch thi đấu Bóng đá Asian Cup 2019
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Lịch thi đấu Bóng đá Asian Cup 2019khai mac asian cup 2019, khai mạc asian cup 2019, lễ khai mạc asian cup 2019, khai mac asian cup, lịch asian cup 2019, UAE
January 05, 2019 at 03:00PM
Deccan Koli Corps
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Deccan Koli Corps
Thakor Sumant Sinhji Jhala:
[[Fusilier|Fusil]] with [[Bayonet]], black leather accoutrements, dark grean twisted [[Turban]], dark grean cloth [[Tunic]], dark blood coloured [[Waist clothes]] worn to the knees and sandals.
Deccan koli corps (DKC) was disbanded in march 1861. ThehdiDisturbancei Ideccanew Waa About Te Ens Sr Regulat Troopw Waw Withdrawf Froa Area Anr Replaceb Bd Deccak Kolc Corpb Becausdkcaw Wad Doinb Bettet Thar Regul corpspsIcIn 186s Somo Ok Kols Soldierr Revoltea Againsb Britisr Rula And Deccak Kolc Corpw Wad Disband in1861.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref>
January 05, 2019 at 09:02PM
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Appleが2019年1月2日に、2018年10月~12月期の売上高予想を下方修正した。その要因として特に中国でのiPhoneの売上が大幅に減少したことと、 ...
January 05, 2019 at 03:33PM
【パズドラ】2018年、みんながお世話になったモンスターランキング! TOP10!
【パズドラ】2018年、みんながお世話になったモンスターランキング! TOP10!
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MENU たのしいiPhone! AppBank · 新着 ... Home › iPhoneアプリ › ゲーム › 【パズドラ】2018年、みんながお世話になったモンスターランキング! TOP10! AD ...
January 05, 2019 at 09:56AM
Joe Arpaio's $147.5M lawsuit against New York Times, opinion writer lacks merit, newspaper tells court
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Joe Arpaio's $147.5M lawsuit against New York Times, opinion writer lacks merit, newspaper tells court The New York Times and a member of its editorial board are requesting a federal judge dismiss a libel lawsuit filed by former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Apario over an August opinion column he claims damaged his reputation.
January 05, 2019 at 05:35PM
Cell unroofing
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Cell unroofing
Iztwoz: Page created by The Xiao Li
'''Cell unroofing''' is any of various methods to isolate and expose the [[cell membrane]] of [[cell]]s. Differently from the more common membrane '''extraction protocols''' performed with multiple steps of centrifugation (which goal is to separate the membrane fraction from a [[lysis|cell lysate]]), in ''cell unroofing'' the aim is to tear and preserve patches of the plasma membrane in order to perform ''in situ'' experiments like (microscopy and spectroscopy).
The first observation the bi-layer cell membrane was made in 1959<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> on a section of a cell using the electron microscope.
But the first micrograph of the internal side of a cell dates back to 1977<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> by M.V. Nermut. Professor [[John Heuser]] made substantial contributions in the field, imaging the detailed internal structure of the membrane and the [[cytoskeleton]] bound to it with extensive use of the electron microscope.
It was only after the development of the [[Atomic force microscopy|atomic force microscope]] operated in liquid that it was possible to image and cell membranes in ''almost''-physiological conditions<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> and to test its mechanical properties<ref name=":0" />.
== Methods ==
* Freeze-fracturing of monolayers<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
*Quick-freeze deep-etch [[electron microscopy]]<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* Sonication for [[Atomic force microscopy]]<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* Single-cell unroofing <ref name=":0">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
== References ==
January 05, 2019 at 04:34PM
Homeland Security blasts CNN, says TSA 'sick out' report 'grossly misrepresented' situation at airports
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Homeland Security blasts CNN, says TSA 'sick out' report 'grossly misrepresented' situation at airports A Department of Homeland Security spokesman lashed out at CNN on Friday, labeling as "fake news" the network's report that hundreds of Transportation Security Administration screeners at the nation's airports have been staging a "sick out" this week amid the partial government shutdown.
January 05, 2019 at 03:46PM
2019年iPhoneはUSB-Cと画面埋め込み型Touch ID採用、ノッチ小型化?有名アナリストが予測
2019年iPhoneはUSB-Cと画面埋め込み型Touch ID採用、ノッチ小型化?有名アナリストが予測
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大手コンサルティング会社Atherton Researchのバイスプレジデント兼主席アナリストJean Baptiste Su氏によると、年内に発売されるiPhoneのうち少なくとも1つ ...
January 05, 2019 at 03:00PM
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bombabomba vicuña mackenna
January 05, 2019 at 03:00AM
Explosion Vicuña Mackenna
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Explosion Vicuña Mackennaexplosion santiago
January 05, 2019 at 03:00AM
Bluefin Tuna Sells for $3 million at Tokyo Market
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Bluefin Tuna Sells for $3 million at Tokyo Market A 612-pound (278-kilogram) bluefin tuna sold for a record 333.6 million yen ($3 million) in the first auction of 2019, after Tokyo's famed Tsukiji market was moved to a new site on the city's waterfront. The winning bid for the prized but threatened species at the predawn auction Saturday was more than double the 2013 annual New Year auction. It was paid by Kiyomura Corp., whose owner Kiyoshi Kimura runs the Sushi Zanmai chain. Kimura has often won the annual auction in the past. Japanese broadcaster NHK showed a beaming Kimura saying that he was surprised by the high price of tuna this year. But he added: "The quality of the tuna I bought is the best." Prices above normal The auction prices are way above usual for bluefin tuna. The fish normally sells for up to $40 a pound ($88 a kilogram) but the price rises to more than $200 a pound near the year's end, especially for prized catches from Oma in northern Japan. Last year's auction was the last at Tsukiji before the market shifted to a new facility on a former gas plant site on Tokyo Bay. The move was delayed repeatedly because of concerns over soil contamination. Fish face extinction Japanese are the biggest consumers of the torpedo-shaped bluefin tuna, and surging consumption here and overseas has led to overfishing of the species. Experts warn it faces extinction, with stocks of Pacific bluefin depleted by 96 percent from their pre-industrial levels. "The celebration surrounding the annual Pacific bluefin auction hides how deeply in trouble this species really is," said Jamie Gibbon, associate manager for global tuna conservation at The Pew Charitable Trusts. There are signs of progress toward protecting the bluefin, and Japan and other governments have backed plans to rebuild Pacific bluefin stocks, with a target of 20 percent of historic levels by 2034. Decades-old Tsukiji was one of Japan's most popular tourist destinations as well as the world's biggest fish market. The new market opened in October. A few businesses stayed in Tsukiji but nearly all of the 500-plus wholesalers and other businesses shifted to Toyosu. Tsukiji is scheduled to be redeveloped, though for now it's being turned into a parking lot for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
January 05, 2019 at 01:58PM
Claudio Fariña
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Claudio Fariña
January 05, 2019 at 11:00AM
Bluefin sold for $3 million in 1st 2019 sale at Tokyo market
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Bluefin sold for $3 million in 1st 2019 sale at Tokyo market A 612-pound (278-kilogram) bluefin tuna sold for a record 333.6 million yen ($3 million) in the first auction of 2019, after Tokyo's famed Tsukiji market was moved to a new site on the city's waterfront.
January 05, 2019 at 10:43AM
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国家戦略「中国製造2025」を習近平に決意させたのは、2012年の反日デモにおける日本製品不買運動だった。今その若者がiPhone不買運動により世界経済を ...
January 05, 2019 at 09:33AM
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Appleは2019年に、ノッチを小さくし、指紋リーダー(Touch ID)をディスプレイ下に埋め込み、USB-Cポートを搭載するなどしてiPhone Xを再設計すると思われる ...
January 05, 2019 at 08:37AM
Friday, January 4, 2019
Explosion Santiago
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Explosion Santiagobomba vicuña mackenna
January 05, 2019 at 07:00AM
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Explosionexplosion vicuña mackenna
January 05, 2019 at 02:00AM
Jenna Jameson says her daughter inspired her 80-pound weight loss: 'I decided to take my health back'
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Jenna Jameson says her daughter inspired her 80-pound weight loss: 'I decided to take my health back' Jenna Jameson is opening up about the inspiration behind her weight loss journey.
January 05, 2019 at 09:51AM
An Inside Look - America's First Public School AI Program
An Inside Look - America's First Public School AI Program
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When the Montour School District launched America's first Artificial Intelligence Middle School program in the fall of 2018, many questions arose.
January 05, 2019 at 07:53AM
【注意】iOS 12.1.2にアップデートしたiPhoneのバックアップはiPadにデータの復元ができない
【注意】iOS 12.1.2にアップデートしたiPhoneのバックアップはiPadにデータの復元ができない
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January 05, 2019 at 07:07AM
Miners Say They Dig AI But the Gold Rush Hasn't Come
Miners Say They Dig AI But the Gold Rush Hasn't Come
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An anonymous reader shares a report: The chairman of Barrick Gold Corp made a bold prediction in late 2017: With the help of artificial intelligence ...
January 05, 2019 at 06:45AM
2019年モバイル技術トレンド予測 AI、IoT、EMM、アプリ開発はどうなる?
2019年モバイル技術トレンド予測 AI、IoT、EMM、アプリ開発はどうなる?
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人工知能(AI)技術や仮想アシスタントは2019年の新しいモバイル技術トレンドではない。とはいえチャットbotや仮想アシスタント、OSなどにAI技術を組み込むの ...
January 05, 2019 at 05:15AM
2019-01-04 04:10:36 UTC M3.5 SICILY, ITALY 6hr 34min ago F Depth
2019-01-04 04:10:36 UTC M3.5 SICILY, ITALY 6hr 34min ago F Depth
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Macroseismic Intensity, F Effects: Felt. Distances. 203 km N of Valletta, Malta / pop: 6,800 / local time: 05:10:36.0 2019-01-04 146 km E of Palermo, ...
January 04, 2019 at 10:37PM
2019-01-04 04:09:59 UTC M3.9 ST. LUCIA REGION, WINDWARD ISL. 6hr 34min
2019-01-04 04:09:59 UTC M3.9 ST. LUCIA REGION, WINDWARD ISL. 6hr 34min
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Macroseismic Intensity, F Effects: Felt. Distances. 55 km E of Castries, Saint Lucia / pop: 10,000 / local time: 00:09:59.8 2019-01-04 40 km E of ...
January 04, 2019 at 10:07PM
Haiti Hurricane Matthew 2016
Haiti Hurricane Matthew 2016
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Haiti Hurricane Matthew 2016 · Dashboard · Documents (277). Documents from this response; Key documents. Events (43) ...
January 04, 2019 at 09:51PM
Individualistas Tendiendo a lo Salvaje
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Individualistas Tendiendo a lo Salvajeexplosion, explosion vicuña mackenna, its, explosion santiago
January 05, 2019 at 02:00AM
Parents sue over district's policy to arm teachers at school
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Parents sue over district's policy to arm teachers at school Parents are going to court to block a Pennsylvania school district from allowing teachers to carry guns in school.
January 05, 2019 at 03:52AM
【2018冬スマホカメラ比較 夜景編2】Huawei Mate 20 Pro、iPhone XS、Pixel 3、Galaxy Note 9、Xperia ...
【2018冬スマホカメラ比較 夜景編2】Huawei Mate 20 Pro、iPhone XS、Pixel 3、Galaxy Note 9、Xperia ...
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iPhone XS(標準、ズーム) ... 【【2018冬スマホカメラ比較 夜景編2】Huawei Mate 20 Pro、iPhone XS、Pixel 3、Galaxy Note 9、Xperia XZ3、Xiaomi Mi Mix ...
January 05, 2019 at 03:11AM
2019-01-04 10:11:20 UTC M4.5 PAKISTAN 33min ago Depth:116 Km 234
2019-01-04 10:11:20 UTC M4.5 PAKISTAN 33min ago Depth:116 Km 234
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Distances. 228 km N of Peshāwar, Pakistan / pop: 1,219,000 / local time: 15:11:19.8 2019-01-04 144 km NE of Asadābād, Afghanistan / pop: 48,400 ...
January 04, 2019 at 09:24PM
'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' star Scott Disick slammed for photo of daughter that’s been deemed racist
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'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' star Scott Disick slammed for photo of daughter that's been deemed racist "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" star Scott Disick, who shares three children with Kourtney Kardashian, is getting some serious backlash on social media over a photo of him dining with his six-year-old daughter that fans have deemed racist.
January 05, 2019 at 01:20AM
Asian, European Stocks Rebound Ahead of US-China Trade Talks
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Asian, European Stocks Rebound Ahead of US-China Trade Talks Asian markets rebounded Friday on hopes that upcoming trade talks between the U.S. and China will calm a trade dispute that has rattled global markets. After a global sell-off triggered by Apple's warning of lower revenues, Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index climbed 2.2 percent to 25, 626.03 and the Shanghai Composite Index jumped 2.1 percent to 2, 514.87. The Nikkei 225 Index, however, fell 2.3 percent to close at 19,561.40. European shares also recouped earlier losses, with Germany's DAX Performance Index and France's CAC 40 Index closing nearly 1 percent higher. Stock markets across the globe dropped Thursday after tech giant Apple said sales of its devices had fallen sharply in China last month, perhaps signaling a broader slowing in the world economy. Apple has blamed U.S. President Donald Trump's trade dispute with China for its shrinking outlook, but the U.S. leader tweeted his defense Thursday, claiming, "The United States Treasury has taken in MANY billions of dollars from the Tariffs we are charging China and other countries that have not treated us fairly. In the meantime we are doing well in various Trade Negotiations currently going on. At some point this had to be done!" Friday China's government said a U.S. trade delegation will visit Beijing next week for two days of talks on carrying out an agreement reached by Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping to postpone new tariff hikes. On December 1 the two leaders agreed to complete talks about technology, intellectual property and cyber theft issues within 90 days, and hold off on new tariffs in the meantime. U.S. officials have said that if the talks fail to produce a satisfactory agreement Washington will increase tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods from 10 percent to 25 percent. Apple chief executive Tim Cook blamed the company's sales shortfall on the trade battle President Donald Trump is waging against China. "While we anticipated some challenges in key emerging markets, we did not foresee the magnitude of the economic deceleration, particularly in Greater China," Cook wrote. Kevin Hassett, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, said the contentious U.S.-China relations will force other U.S. companies to cut their sales estimates in China. "It's not going to be just Apple," Hassett told CNN. "There are a heck of a lot of U.S. companies that have sales in China that are going to be watching their earnings being downgraded next year until we get a deal with China." He said slowing consumer demand in China gives Trump an edge in ongoing trade negotiations. "That puts a lot of pressure on China to make a deal," he said. "If we have a successful negotiation with China then Apple's sales and everybody else's sales will recover." The U.S. economy remains strong, with the country's 3.7 percent jobless rate at a nearly five-decade low. But economists say the U.S. economy could be slowing and uncertainty in global economic fortunes has led to volatile daily swings in stock indexes in recent weeks. In 2018, U.S. stock indexes suffered their worst year in a decade, with most of the losses recorded in December. The Dow was off 5.6 percent for the year, with the broader Standard & Poor's index of 500 stocks down 6.2 percent.
January 05, 2019 at 12:29AM
Paul Whelan, American man accused of spying in Russia, holds British and Irish passports
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Paul Whelan, American man accused of spying in Russia, holds British and Irish passports Paul Whelan, the American man charged with espionage after he was accused of spying in Russia, also holds a British citizenship, officials said.
January 04, 2019 at 11:29PM
Colorado mother arrested after 7-year-old son's body is found inside storage unit
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Colorado mother arrested after 7-year-old son's body is found inside storage unit A Colorado mother was arrested Thursday in connection to the death of her child whose body was discovered locked inside a storage unit late last month, police said.
January 04, 2019 at 11:24PM
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Huawei公式Twitterアカウントが、昨年大晦日に「2019年おめでとう」のツイートを投稿しましたが、これがiPhoneから送られたものであることがわかり、物議を醸し ...
January 04, 2019 at 05:03PM
【パズドラ】Fateコラボ実施! コラボ限定キャラをゲットしよう!
【パズドラ】Fateコラボ実施! コラボ限定キャラをゲットしよう!
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期間:2019/01/07(月)10:00~2019/01/21(月)09:59. 1/7から「Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel]」とのコラボが実施! コラボガチャやダンジョンはもちろん、 ...
January 04, 2019 at 04:30PM
【To all students】Earthquake occured in Kumamoto
【To all students】Earthquake occured in Kumamoto
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【学生の皆様へ】地震による被害について【To all students】Earthquake occured in Kumamoto. 2019年1月3日、熊本県熊本地方を震源とする地震が発生しま ...
January 04, 2019 at 04:23PM
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米ラスベガスで1月9日から開催されるCES 2019に先駆け、Samsungはデスクトップから壁掛けに早変わりする、スペースの取らない新型モニターを発表しました ...
January 04, 2019 at 04:18PM
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Webアプリ「Year of Colour」を使うと、自身のInstagramアカウントで最も人気の色トップ100を視覚化することができます。
January 04, 2019 at 03:45PM
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下方修正の原因として中国市場におけるiPhoneの売上高が予想を下回ったことが業績予想に達しなかったことがその理由のすべてとしている。また、同社は経済 ...
January 04, 2019 at 01:52PM
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2018年に「イノベーション・インデックス」シリーズとして、2本のテーマ型インデックスファンドを設定した、三井住友アセットマネジメント(SMAM)。6月に「AI」、9月に ...
January 04, 2019 at 06:33PM
SUPER GiRLS・渡邉幸愛の出演が決定! 「節目」迎えるグループに何を語るか
SUPER GiRLS・渡邉幸愛の出演が決定! 「節目」迎えるグループに何を語るか
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アイドルグループ・SUPER☆GiRLSの渡邉幸愛(こうめ)が、2019年1月6日(日)に放送するラジオ番組「SHE THREE ハートフルタイム REPROFILE」(ニッポン ...
January 04, 2019 at 05:48PM
ブロックチェーン界の豪華メンバーが集結!1月14日(祝)スイスボーグ主催ブロックチェーン・ユニコーン ...
ブロックチェーン界の豪華メンバーが集結!1月14日(祝)スイスボーグ主催ブロックチェーン・ユニコーン ...
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2013年に東京理科大学大学院を卒業後、Web系や広告系企業複数社にてデータサイエンスやAIの分野にて従事。業務の傍ら、仮想通貨やブロックチェーンに ...
January 04, 2019 at 11:03AM
2019-01-03 15:22:55 UTC M3.7 SOUTHERN ALASKA 8hr 36min ago II Depth
2019-01-03 15:22:55 UTC M3.7 SOUTHERN ALASKA 8hr 36min ago II Depth
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Macroseismic Intensity, II Effects: Scarcely Felt. Distances. 2147 km NW of Vancouver, Canada / pop: 1,838,000 / local time: 07:22:55.0 2019-01-03
January 04, 2019 at 09:29AM
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世界をリードするAIと人型ロボットの企業、UBTechは2018年12月26日、New Shougang High-end Industry Comprehensive Services Park (首鋼パーク)との ...
January 04, 2019 at 01:52PM
San Lorenzo, Budrio
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San Lorenzo, Budrio
'''Santa Lorenzo''' is the main [[Roman Catholic]] parish church located in the Piazza Filopanti in the center of town, in front of the Palazzo Comunale of [[Budrio]], [[province of Bologna]], region of [[Emilia Romagna]], Italy.
A church of this name is documented since 1146. The structure changed over the centuries, and in 1406, it was ceded to the Servite order, who gained the privilege of baptism, and by the 1450s had build the cloister adjacent to the church. In the 17th-century a new church was completed with a dome of the main chapel completed 1608-1612. In 1734-1736, [[Alfonso Torreggiani]] performed an extensive refurbishment, adding the external portico that obscures half of the facade. Later in the 18th century, the architect Giuseppe Tubertini expanded the interior.
The interior houses statues of St Sebastian and Lawrence, attributed to [[Filippo Scandellari]]. At the presbytery, the nave's barrel ceiling is supported by large free-standing Corinthian columns, designed by Giovanni Battista Canepa. Four chapels open to each flank. Among the altarpieces in the chapels are paintings by [[Gaetano Gandolfi]] (''Martyrdom of St Lawrence''); [[Giovanni Andrea Donducci]] (''Christ consigns keys to St Peter''); [[Pietro Fancelli]]; and other artists of the Bolognese Baroque school. The wooden pulpit was guilt in 1578. A Polychrome sculpture of the ''Madonna Addolorata'' was completed by [[Filippo Scandellari]]. The organ dates to the mid-19th century.<ref>[http://bit.ly/2F30ouw Comune of Budrio], official website.</ref>
[[Category:17th-century Roman Catholic church buildings]]
[[Category:Churches in Budrio]]
[[Category:Baroque architecture in Emilia-Romagna]]
January 04, 2019 at 01:39PM
ブロックチェーン界の豪華メンバーが集結!1月14日(祝)スイスボーグ主催ブロックチェーン・ユニコーン ...
ブロックチェーン界の豪華メンバーが集結!1月14日(祝)スイスボーグ主催ブロックチェーン・ユニコーン ...
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2013年に東京理科大学大学院を卒業後、Web系や広告系企業複数社にてデータサイエンスやAIの分野にて従事。業務の傍ら、仮想通貨やブロックチェーンに ...
January 04, 2019 at 11:03AM
あけましてアップル・ショック 時価総額4位に後退
あけましてアップル・ショック 時価総額4位に後退
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iPhoneの需要鈍化は昨年末にも警戒されていたが、2019年の新モデルどころか、2018年に発売したiPhone XS、XS Max、廉価版のiPhone XRでさえ消費者 ...
January 04, 2019 at 10:30AM
2019年は「ビッグデータの基盤」提供 - ホートンワークス廣川社長
2019年は「ビッグデータの基盤」提供 - ホートンワークス廣川社長
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本年は、日本政府・経団連が牽引する、ビックデータ・ AI・ IoTを駆使した2020年の「ソサエティ 5.0: 超スマート社会」の実現に際し非常に重要な年となります。
January 04, 2019 at 10:18AM
2019年 TIME & SPACEからのお年玉! 人気商品をプレゼント
2019年 TIME & SPACEからのお年玉! 人気商品をプレゼント
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応募数 第4位通勤時や外出時もiPhoneでテレビ視聴が可能に! iPhone/iPad用テレビチューナー Xit Stick(サイトスティック). iPhone/iPad用テレビチューナー ...
January 04, 2019 at 09:56AM
App Store売上高、2019年元日だけで約347億円 過去最高記録を更新
App Store売上高、2019年元日だけで約347億円 過去最高記録を更新
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January 04, 2019 at 08:15AM
Thursday, January 3, 2019
Earthquake in Kumamoto Prefecture
Earthquake in Kumamoto Prefecture
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On January 3rd 2019 at approximately 6:10 pm JST, a strong earthquake (Magnitude 5.1) occurred in Kumamoto Prefecture on the island of Kyushu, ...
January 04, 2019 at 08:08AM
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しかし、いずれの改革も、単に上級学校への進学や当面の学力向上といった直近の課題への対応にとどまらず、人工知能(AI)に仕事を奪われるかもしれない ...
January 04, 2019 at 07:41AM
サイバー攻撃にもAI、クラウド狙う 2019年セキュリティ予測3つのポイント
サイバー攻撃にもAI、クラウド狙う 2019年セキュリティ予測3つのポイント
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現代人にとって、テクノロジー、特にICTは日々の暮らしに欠かせない。周囲にスマートフォンやPCのほか、インターネット対応テレビなどスマートデバイスが ...
January 04, 2019 at 06:33AM
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食に関する技術は、2019年を通して進化を続けるだろう。自動化やロボット工学、人工知能(AI)は来年も、食品業界で重要な役割を果たし続けるだろう。また消費 ...
January 04, 2019 at 06:33AM
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Forrester Researchは1年前に、2018年には企業が新技術の取り込みに苦労するだろうと予想した。特に困難だと予想したのは、人工知能(AI)の活用だ。
January 04, 2019 at 06:22AM
2019 AI Predictions from Nuance
2019 AI Predictions from Nuance
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Nuance predicts what's in store for Artificial Intelligence in the enterprise in 2019.
January 04, 2019 at 04:38AM
2019年01月03日 ロボット業界ニュースヘッドライン
2019年01月03日 ロボット業界ニュースヘッドライン
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【賢い×掃除機】AIが"間取り"学習、機能を随時アップデート、自ら吸引するゴミ箱…ラクラク最新家電! – https://t.co/0XytDDozBOプライムオンライン ...
January 03, 2019 at 02:37PM
Cabinet of the Kingdom of Hawaii
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Cabinet of the Kingdom of Hawaii
KAVEBEAR: ←Created page with 'The '''Cabinet of the Kingdom of Hawaii''' was a body of the top executive officials appointed to advise the sovereign of the Kingdom of Hawaii from 1845 to...'
Prior to 1845, the king was advised by the [[Kuhina Nui]] (premier) and his [[Council of Chiefs of Hawaii|Council of Chiefs]] (ʻAha [[Aliʻi]]). The first commission of a cabinet-level was to American missionary [[Gerrit P. Judd]] who was appointed Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs on November 2, 1843 by [[Kamehameha II]]. An 1844 issue of ''The Polynesian'' noted the positions of Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Attorney General, and two Secretaries of the Treasury in the Privy Council of State.
By 1845, the positions became known as ministers. Judd had "in fact, though not in name, a prime minister holding three portfolios", acting out the duties of the ministers of foreign affairs, finance and of the interior. He was later replaced as finance minister by [[Robert Crichton Wyllie]] appointed interior minister on March 28, 1845 to alleviate his duties. Kamehameha III increasingly relied on foreigners to fill executive council posts.
The cabinet with five ministries was officially formed after the passing of "An Act to Organize the Executive Ministry of the Hawaiian Islands" on October 29, 1845 in the Legislature, which formally outlined the appointment of cabinet ministers for the executive branch and the role of a privy council. The members of the cabinet consisted of the [[Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Hawaii)|Minister of Foreign Affairs]], [[Ministry of the Interior (Hawaii)|Minister of the Interior]] (combined with the position of Kuhina Nui until 1855), [[Ministry of Finance (Hawaii)|Minister of Finance]], and [[Attorney General of Hawaii|Attorney General]]. The royal cabinet ministers were also ex-officio members of the House of Nobles in the legislature and the Privy Council of State, the executive council of the monarch. Until 1855, a fifth ministry was headed by the [[Ministry of Public Instruction (Hawaii)|Minister of Public Instruction]]. This was reorganized into Board of Education which reported to the legislature through the interior ministry. The first cabinet appointed after the organic acts included Judd (as finance minister), Wyllie (as foreign ministers), [[John Ricord]] (as attorney general), and [[William Richards (Hawaii)|William Richards]] (as public instruction minister) and the part-Hawaiian [[Keoni Ana]] (Kuhina Nui and interior minister) to fill the post of his council.The
Subsequent Hawaiian constitutions in [[1852 Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii|1852]], [[1864 Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii|1864]] and [[1887 Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii|1887]] outlined the role and duties of the cabinet ministry. The 1864 constitution proclaimed by King [[Kamehameha V]] abolished the position of Kuhina Nui and its role as the head of the cabinet. During the later years of the monarchy, the stability of cabinet appointments came into question with the appointment of questionable or unpopular candidates such as [[Celso Cesar Moreno]] and [[Walter Murray Gibson]] by King [[Kalākaua]]. Cabinets in this era were named after the de-factor heads, usually but not always the foreign minister. The 1887 constitution forced upon Kalākaua increased the power of the cabinet (then known as the [[Reform Party (Hawaii)|Reform Cabinet]]) at the expense of the monarch who had to have the cabinet's consent for all executive actions except ministerial appointments and vetos of legislations. It retained the monarch's right to appoint his or her own cabinet minister but gave the legislature the power to vote for the dismissal of the cabinet.
This constitution change proved especially problematic in the [[1892 Legislature of the Kingdom of Hawaii|1892–1893 legislative session]] where the retention of a stable cabinet was the main issue of contention between Queen [[Liliʻuokalani]] and the legislators. Seven resolutions of want of confidence were introduced during this session, and four of her self-appointed cabinets (the [[Hermann A. Widemann|Widemann]], [[Edward C. Macfarlane|Macfarlane]], [[William H. Cornwell|Cornwell]], and [[George Norton Wilcox|Wilcox]] cabinets) were ousted by votes of the legislature.<ref></ref> On January 13, 1893, after the legislature dismissed the Wilcox cabinet, Liliʻuokalani appointed the new Parker cabinet consisting of [[Samuel Parker (Hawaii)|Samuel Parker]], as minister of foreign affairs; [[John F. Colburn]], as minister of the interior; [[William H. Cornwell]], as minister of finance; and [[Arthur P. Peterson]], as attorney general.<ref>; </ref>
These men had been specifically to support her plan of promulgating a new constitution while the legislature was not in session. She attempted to promulgate a [[Proposed 1893 Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii|new constitution]], but the cabinet ministers were either opposed to or reluctant to sign the new constitution. Their opposition was one of the causes which ultimately led to the [[Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii]] on January 17, 1893.
== See also ==
*[[Privy Council of the Kingdom of Hawaii]]
*[[Legislature of the Kingdom of Hawaii]]
*[[Supreme Court of the Kingdom of Hawaii]]
== References ==
== Bibliography ==
* }}
* }}
== Further reading ==
[[Category:Kingdom of Hawaii]]
[[Category:Hawaii law]]
[[Category:Members of the Cabinet of the Kingdom of Hawaii| ]]
[[Category:1845 establishments in Hawaii]]
[[Category:1893 disestablishments in Hawaii]]
January 04, 2019 at 05:21AM
Man accused in attack on black boy in Wichita arrested again
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Man accused in attack on black boy in Wichita arrested again A man accused of kicking a 1-year-old black boy and yelling racial slurs in a Kansas grocery store was back in jail Thursday after being arrested in a drug possession case.
January 04, 2019 at 04:26AM
SOM Structural Engineering Team Visits Anchorage in Wake of Earthquake
SOM Structural Engineering Team Visits Anchorage in Wake of Earthquake
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On November 30th, 2018, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Anchorage, Alaska. In the days following, a team of structural engineers from SOM ...
January 03, 2019 at 02:37PM
Asian Cup 2019
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Asian Cup 2019
January 03, 2019 at 11:00PM
Timothy Birmingham
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Timothy Birmingham
Birmingham rose to fame in late 2018 when [[PewDiePie]] featured his video, "Sprite Cranberry Review," on "Meme Review," a segment on his channel. The video has over 85,000 views on YouTube and is the third-most viewed video on Birmingham's channel, after "Replying To Annie Johnson Comment" and "I Was Featured in Pewdiepie Video."
Birmingham lives in [[Battle Creek, Michigan]], with his son. Birmingham lived with his wife, Penny Buyce, until she passed away in early 2017.
Birmingham has talked about a disability he has on his channel that prevents him from working, however, he has not specified the exact disability.
== Social Media Career ==
Timothy Birmingham uploaded his first YouTube video, "Coffee Chat," on April 22, 2013. He uploads regularly to his channel, posting vlogs, unboxing videos, and food reviews, including 2 Sprite Cranberry reviews, the first of which brought him to fame. He has amassed over 87,000 subscribers and 1.5 million views since the creation of his channel. He also runs the [[Instagram]] account @oldman1961, which has over 11,000 followers.
January 04, 2019 at 01:03AM
List of twice Heroes of the Soviet Union
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List of twice Heroes of the Soviet Union
PlanespotterA320: added Category:Heroes of the Soviet Union lists using HotCat
!Award dates
!Rank or Position
|[[Vladimir Aksyonov|Vladimir Viktorovich Aksyonov]]<br><small>Владимир Викторович Аксёнов</small>
|Flight engineer of Soyuz-22
Flight engineer of Soyuz T-2
|[[Aleksandr Pavlovich Aleksandrov]]<br><small>Александр Павлович Александров</small>
|Flight engineer of Soyuz T-9 and Salyut-7
Flight engineer of Soyuz TM-2, Soyuz TM-3, Mir, and Kvant
|[[Vladimir Aleksenko|Vladimir Avramovich Aleksenko]]<br><small>Владимир Аврамович Алексенко</small>
|Squadron commander in the 15th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
Deputy commander of the 15th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Aleksey Alelyukhin|Aleksey Vasilyevich Alelyukhin]]<br><small>Алексей Васильевич Алелюхин</small>
|Squadron commander in the 9th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Amet-khan Sultan]]<br><small>Amet-han Sultan</small>
|Squadron commander in the 9th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Vasily Ivanovich Andrianov]]<br><small>Василий Иванович Андрианов</small>
|Flight commander in the 667th Assault Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 141st Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Stepan Artyomenko|Stepan Yelizarovich Artyomenko]]<br><small>Степан Елизарович Артёменко</small>
|Rifle battalion commander of the 447th Rifle Regiment
|[[Vasili Sergeyevich Arkhipov|Vasily Sergeyevich Arkhipov]]<br><small>Василий Сергеевич Архипов</small>
|Tank company commander of the 112th Tank Battalion
Commander of the 53rd Guards Tank Brigade
|[[Hazi Aslanov|Hazi Ahad oglu Aslanov]]<br><small>Həzi Əhəd oğlu Aslanov</small>
|Commander of the 55th Separate Tank Regiment
Commander of the 35th Guards Tank Brigade
|[[Ivan Bagramyan|Ivan Khristoforovich Bagramyan]]<br><small>Իվան Քրիստափորի Բաղրամյան</small>
|Commander of the 1st Baltic Front
Inspector-general in the Ministry of Defense
|[[Pavel Batov|Pavel Ivanovich Batov]]<br><small>Павел Иванович Батов</small>
|Commander of the 65th Army
|[[Talgat Bigeldinov|Talgat Jakypbekuly Bigeldinov]]<br><small>Талғат Жақыпбекұлы Бигелдинов</small>
|Deputy Squadron commander in the 144th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 144th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Leonid Beda|Leonid Ignatyevich Beda]]<br><small>Леонид Игнатьевич Беда</small>
|Squadron commander in the 75th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
Assistant commander of the 75th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Afanasy Beloborodov|Afanasy Pavlantyevich Beloborodov]]<br><small>Афанасий Павлантьевич Белобородов</small>
|Commander of the 43rd Army
|[[Georgy Beregovoy|Georgy Timofeyevich Beregovoy]]<br><small>Георгий Тимофеевич Береговой</small>
|Squadron commander in th 90th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
Commander of [[Soyuz 3]]
|[[Semyon Bogdanov|Semyon Ilyich Bogdanov]]<br><small>Семён Ильич Богданов</small>
|Commander of the 2nd Tank Army
Commander of the 2nd Guards Tank Army
|[[Ivan Boyko|Ivan Nikiforovich Boyko]]<br><small>Иван Никифорович Бойко</small>
|Commander of the 69th Guards Tank Regiment
64th Guards Tank Brigade
|[[Mikhail Zakharovich Bondarenko]]<br><small>Михаил Захарович Бондаренко</small>
|Squadron commander in the 198th Assault Aviation Regiment
Navigator of the 198th Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Andrey Borovykh|Andrey Yegorovich Borovykh]]<br><small>Андрей Егорович Боровых</small>
|Flight commander in the 157th Fighter Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 157th Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Anatoly Brandys|Anatoly Yakovlevich Brandys]]<br><small>Анатолий Яковлевич Брандыс</small>
|Deputy Squadron commander in the 75th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 75th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Valery Bykovsky|Valery Fyodorovich Bykovsky]]<br><small>Валерий Фёдорович Быковский</small>
|Pilot of [[Vostok 5]]
Commander of [[Soyuz 22]]
|[[Aleksandr Vasilevsky|Aleksandr Mikhailovich Vasilevsky]]<br><small>Александр Михайлович Василевский</small>
|Chief of the General Staff of the Red Army
Commander-in-Chief of Soviet troops in the Far East Directorate
|[[Vladislav Volkov|Vladislav Nikolayevich Volkov]]<br><small>Владислав Николаевич Волков</small>
|Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 7]]
Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 11]]
|[[Boris Volynov|Boris Valentinovich Volynov]]<br><small>Борис Валентинович Волынов</small>
|Commander of [[Soyuz 5]]
Commander of [[Soyuz 21]] and [[Salyut 5]]
|[[Ivan Alekseyevich Vorobyov]]<br><small>Иван Алексеевич Воробьёв</small>
|Flight commander in the 76th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 76th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Arseniy Vorozheykin|Arseniy Vasilyevich Vorozheykin]]<br><small>Арсений Васильевич Ворожейкин</small>
|Squadron commander in the 728th Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Kliment Voroshilov|Kliment Yefremovich Voroshilov]]<br><small>Климент Ефремович Ворошилов</small>
|[[Marshal of the Soviet Union]]
|[[Musa Gareyev|Musa Gaysinovich Gareyev]]<br><small>Муса Ғaйса улы Гәрәев</small>
|Squadron commander in the 76th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Vasili Glazunov|Vasily Afanasyevich Glazunov]]<br><small>Василий Афанасьевич Глазунов</small>
|Commander of the 4th Guards Rifle Corps
|[[Dmitri Glinka|Dmitry Borisovich Glinka]]<br><small>Дмитрий Борисович Глинка</small>
|Assistant commander of the 45th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
Assistant commander of 100th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Aleksandr Golovachev|Aleksandr Alekseyevich Golovachev]]<br><small>Александр Алексеевич Головачёв</small>
|23rd Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade
|[[Pavel Golovachev|Pavel Yakovlevich Golovachev]]<br><small>Павел Яковлевич Головачёв</small>
|Flight commander in the 9th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
Deputy squadron commander in the 9th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Viktor Golubev|Viktor Maksimovich Golubev]]<br><small>Виктор Максимович Голубев</small>
|Flight commander in the 285th Assault Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 58th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Viktor Gorbatko|Viktor Vasilyevich Gorbatko]]<br><small>Виктор Васильевич Горбатко</small>
|Research engineer on [[Soyuz 7]]
Commander of [[Soyuz 24]] and [[Salyut 5]]
|[[Sergey Gorshkov|Sergey Georgievich Gorshkov]]<br><small>Сергей Георгиевич Горшков</small>
|Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Navy
|[[Nikolay Goryushkin|Nikolai Ivanovich Goryushkin]]<br><small>Николай Иванович Горюшкин</small>
|Company commander in the 22nd Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade
Battalion commander in the 22nd Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade
|[[Andrei Grechko|Andrey Antonovich Grechko]]<br><small>Андрей Антонович Гречко</small>
|[[Marshall of the Soviet Union]]
|[[Georgy Grechko|Georgy Mikhaylovich Grechko]]<br><small>Георгий Михайлович Гречко</small>
|Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 17]]
Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 26]]
|[[Sergey Gritsevets|Sergey Ivanovich Gritsevets]]<br><small>Сергей Иванович Грицевец</small>
|Squadron commander of fighters in the Spanish Civil War
Commander of a unit of [[Polikarpov I-153|I-153]] fighters in the [[Battles of Khalkhin Gol|Battles for Khalkhin Gol]]
|[[Aleksei Gubarev|Aleksey Aleksandrovich Gubarev]]<br><small>Алексей Александрович Губарев</small>
|Commander of the [[Soyuz 17]] and [[Salyut 4]]
Commander of [[Soyuz 28]] and [[Salyut 6]]
|[[Nikolai Gulayev|Nikolai Dmitriyevich Gulayev]]<br><small>Николай Дмитриевич Гулаев</small>
|Deputy squadron commander in the 27th Fighter Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 27th Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Iosif Gusakovsky|Iosif Iraklievich Gusakovsky]]<br><small>Иосиф Ираклиевич Гусаковский</small>
|Commander of the 44th Guards Tank Brigade
|[[Sergei Denisov (aviator)|Sergey Prokofyevich Denisov]]<br><small>Сергей Прокофьевич Денисов</small>
|Commander of the 41st Fighter Aviation Squadron
Chief of the 7th Air Army
|[[Vladimir Dzhanibekov|Vladimir Aleksandrovich Dzhanibekov]]<br><small>Владимир Александрович Джанибеков</small>
|Commander of [[Soyuz 26]] and [[Soyuz 27]]
Commander of [[Soyuz T-4]] and [[Soyuz 39]]
|[[David Dragunsky|David Abramovich Dragunsky]]<br><small>Давид Абрамович Драгунский</small>
|55th Guards Tank Brigade
|[[Kirill Yevstigneyev|Kirill Alekseyevich Yevstigneyev]]<br><small>Кирилл Алексеевич Евстигнеев</small>
|Squadron commander in the 240th Fighter Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 178th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Aleksei Yeliseyev|Aleksey Stanislavovich Yeliseyev]]<br><small>Алексей Станиславович Елисеев</small>
|Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 4]] and [[Soyuz 5]]
Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 8]]
|[[Alexander Yefimov|Aleksandr Nikolayevich Yefimov]]<br><small>Александр Николаевич Ефимов</small>
|Squadron commander in the 198th Assault Aviation Regiment
Navigator of the 62nd Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Vasily Yefremov|Vasily Sergeyevech Yefremov]]<br><small>Василий Сергеевич Ефремов</small>
|10th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment
|[[Vasily Aleksandrovich Zaitsev]]<br><small>Василий Александрович Зайцев</small>
|Navigator of the 5th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
Commander of the 5th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Matvei Zakharov|Matvei Vasilyevich Zakharov]]<br><small>Матвей Васильевич Захаров</small>
|Chief of Staff of the Kalinin, Reserve, Steppe, 2nd Ukrainian, and Trans-Baikal Fronts
Inspector General in the Ministry of Defense of the USSR
|[[Aleksandr Ivanchenkov|Aleksandr Sergeyevich Ivanchenkov]]<br><small>Александр Сергеевич Иванченков</small>
|Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 29]] and [[Salyut 6]]
Flight engineer of [[Soyuz T-5]], [[Soyuz T-6]], and [[Salyut 7]]
|[[Pavel Kamozin|Pavel Mikhailovich Kamozin]]<br><small>Павел Михайлович Камозин</small>
|Deputy squadron commander in the 269th Fighter Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 66th Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Aleksandr Karpov|Aleksandr Terentyevich Karpov]]<br><small>Александр Терентьевич Карпов</small>
|Squadron commander in the 27th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Mikhail Katukov|Mikhail Yefimovich Katukov]]<br><small>Михаил Ефимович Катуков</small>
|Commander of the 1st Guards Tank Army
|[[Leonid Kizim|Leonid Denisovich Kizim]]<br><small>Леонид Денисович Кизим</small>
|Commander of [[Soyuz T-3]] and [[Salyut 6]]
Commander of [[Soyuz T-10]] and [[Salyut 7]]
|[[Pyotr Klimuk|Pyotr Ilyich Klimuk]]<br><small>Пётр Ильич Климук</small>
|Commander of [[Soyuz 13]]
Commander of [[Soyuz 13]] and [[Salyut 4]]
|[[Aleksandr Klubov|Aleksandr Fyodorovich Klubov]]<br><small>Александр Фёдорович Клубов</small>
|Deputy squadron commander in the 16th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
Assistant commander of the 16th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Vladimir Kovalyonok|Vladimir Vasilyevich Kovalyonok]]<br><small>Владимир Васильевич Ковалёнок</small>
|Commander of [[Soyuz 29]] and [[Salyut 6]]
Commander of [[Soyuz T-4]] and [[Salyut 6]]
|[[Sydir Kovpak|Sydir Artemovych Kovpak]]<br><small>Сидір Артемович Ковпак</small>
|Commander of the [[Putyvl]] Partisan Detachment
|[[Semyon Kozak|Semyon Antonovich Kozak]]<br><small>Семён Антонович Козак</small>
|Commander of the 73rd Guards Rifle Division
|[[Vladimir Kokkinaki|Vladimir Konstantinovich Kokkinaki]]<br><small>Владимир Константинович Коккинаки</small>
|Senior test pilot at the [[Ilyushin]] Aviation Complex
|[[Alexander Koldunov|Aleksandr Ivanovich Koldunov]]<br><small>Александр Иванович Колдунов</small>
|Squadron commander in the 866th Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Vladimir Komarov|Vladimir Mikhailovich Komarov]]<br><small>Владимир Михайлович Комаров</small>
|Senior Voskhod instructor-cosmonaut
Commander of [[Soyuz 1]]
|[[Ivan Konev|Ivan Stepanovich Konev]]<br><small>Иван Степанович Конев</small>
|Commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front
|[[Pyotr Koshevoy|Pyotr Kirillovich Koshevoy]]<br><small>Пётр Кириллович Кошевой</small>
|Commander of the 63rd Rifle Corps
Commander of the 36th Guards Rifle Corps
|[[Andrei Grigoryevich Kravchenko|Andrey Grigoryevich Kravchenko]]<br><small>Андрей Григорьевич Кравченко</small>
|Commander of the 5th Guards Tank Corps
Commander of the 6th Panzer Army
|[[Grigory Kravchenko|Grigory Panteleyevich Kravchenko]]<br><small>Григорий Пантелеевич Кравченко</small>
|Commander of a Fighter Aviation Unit of Soviet volunteers in China
Commander of the 22nd Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Stepan Kretov|Stepan Ivanovich Kretov]]<br><small>Степан Иванович Кретов</small>
|Squadron commander in the 24th Guards Aviation Regiment
|[[Nikolay Krylov (marshal)|Nikolai Ivanovich Krylov]]<br><small>Николай Иванович Крылов</small>
|Commander of the 5th Army
|[[Valeri Kubasov|Valery Nikolayevich Kubasov]]<br><small>Валерий Николаевич Кубасов</small>
|Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 6]]
Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 19]]
|[[Mikhail Vasilyevich Kuznetsov]]<br><small>Михаил Васильевич Кузнецов</small>
|Commander of the 814th Fighter Aviation Regiment
Commander of the 106th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Yevgeny Kungurtsev|Yevgeny Maksimovich Kungurtsev]]<br><small>Евгений Максимович Кунгурцев</small>
|Flight commander in the 15th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 15th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment
|[[Pavel Kutakhov |Pavel Stepanovich Kutakhov ]]<br><small>Павел Степанович Кутахов</small>
|Squadron commander in the 19th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Air Forces
|[[Vladimir Lavrinenkov|Vladimir Dmitrievich Lavrinenkov]]<br><small>Владимир Дмитриевич Лавриненков</small>
|Deputy squadron commander in the 9th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 9th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Valentin Lebedev|Valentin Vitalyevich Lebedev]]<br><small>Валентин Витальевич Лебедев</small>
|Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 13]]
Flight engineer of [[Soyuz T-5]] and [[Salyut 7]]
|[[Dmitry Lelyushenko|Dmitry Danilovich Lelyushenko]]<br><small>Дмитрий Данилович Лелюшенко</small>
|Commander of the 39th Separate Tank Brigade
|[[Alexey Leonov|Aleksey Arkhipovich Leonov]]<br><small>Алексей Архипович Леонов</small>
|Copilot onboard [[Voskhod 2]]
Commander of [[Soyuz 19]]
|[[Viktor Leonov|Viktor Nikolayevich Leonov]]<br><small>Виктор Николаевич Леонов</small>
|Commander of a separate reconnaissance detachment in the Northern Fleet
Commander of a separate intelligence detachment in the Pacific Fleet
|[[Sergey Lugansky|Sergey Danilovich Lugansky]]<br><small>Сергей Данилович Луганский</small>
|Squadron commander in the 270th Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Vladimir Lyakhov|Vladimir Afanasyevich Lyakhov]]<br><small>Владимир Афанасьевич Ляхов</small>
|Commander of [[Soyuz 32]], [[Soyuz 34]], and [[Salyut 6]]
Commander of [[Soyuz T-9]], Kosmos-1443 and [[Salyut 7]]
|[[Aleksey Mazurenko|Aleksey Yefimovich Mazurenko]]<br><small>Алексей Ефимович Мазуренко</small>
|Pilot in the 57th Assault Aviation Regiment
Commander of the 7th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Oleg Grigoryevich Makarov]]<br><small>Олег Григорьевич Макаров</small>
|Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 12]]
Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 26]], [[Soyuz 27]], and [[Salyut 6]]
|[[Rodion Malinovsky|Rodion Yakovlevich Malinovsky]]<br><small>Родион Яковлевич Малиновский</small>
|Commander of the Trans-Baikal Front
Minister of Defense of the USSR
|[[Yury Malyshev (cosmonaut)|Yuri Vasilyevich Malyshev]]<br><small>Юрий Васильевич Малышев</small>
|Commander of [[Soyuz T-2]], [[Soyuz 36]], and [[Salyut 6]]
Commander of [[Soyuz T-10]], [[Soyuz T-11]], and [[Salyut 7]]
|[[Ivan Mikhailichenko|Ivan Kharlampovich Mikhailichenko]]<br><small>Иван Харлампович Михайличенко</small>
|Senior pilot in the 667th Attack Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 141st Guards Attack Aviation Regiment
|[[Alexander Molodchy|Aleksandr Ignatyevich Molodchy]]<br><small>Александр Игнатьевич Молодчий</small>
|Deputy squadron commander in the 420th Long-range Bomber Aviation Regiment
Deputy squadron commander in the 2nd Guards Long-range Bomber Aviation Regiment
|[[Kirill Moskalenko|Kirill Semyonovich Moskalenko]]<br><small>Кирилл Семёнович Москаленко</small>
|Commander of the 40th Army
Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR
|[[Grigory Mylnikov|Grigory Mikhailovich Mylnikov]]<br><small>Григорий Михайлович Мыльников</small>
|Squadron commander in the 15th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment
|[[Vasily Mykhlik|Vasily Ilyich Mykhlik]]<br><small>Василий Ильич Мыхлик</small>
|Navigator of the 566th Assault Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 566th Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Anatoly Nedbaylo|Anatoly Konstantinovich Nedbaylo]]<br><small>Анатолий Константинович Недбайло</small>
|Squadron commander in the 75th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment
|[[Andriyan Nikolayev|Andriyan Grigoryevich Nikolayev]]<br><small>Андриян Григорьевич Николае</small>
|Pilot of the [[Vostok 3]]
Commander of [[Soyuz 9]]
|[[Alexander Novikov|Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Novikov]]<br><small>Александр Александрович Новиков</small>
|Chief commander of the Soviet Air Forces
|[[Mikhail Odintsov|Mikhail Petrovich Odintsov]]<br><small>Михаил Петрович Одинцов</small>
|Squadron commander in the 820th Assault Aviation Regiment
Deputy commander of the 155th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment
|[[Vasily Osipov|Vasily Nikolayevich Osipov]]<br><small>Василий Николаевич Осипов</small>
|Pilot in the 81st Bomber Aviation Regiment
Deputy squadron commander in the 5th Guards Aviation Regiment
|[[Ivan Pavlov (aviator)|Ivan Fomich Pavlov]]<br><small>Иван Фомич Павлов</small>
|Flight commander in the 6th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 6th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment
|[[Ivan Papanin|Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin]]<br><small>Иван Дмитриевич Папанин</small>
|Commander of [[North Pole-1]]
Chief of [[Chief Directorate of the Northern Sea Route|Glavsevmorput]]
|[[Georgy Parshin|Georgy Mikhailovich Parshin]]<br><small>Георгий Михайлович Паршин</small>
|Squadron commander in the 943rd Assault Aviation Regiment
Commander of the 943rd Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Vasily Stepanovich Petrov]]<br><small>Василий Степанович Петров</small>
|Deputy commander of the 1850th Anti-tank Artillery Regiment
Commander of the 248th Guards Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment
|[[Issa Pliyev|Issa Aleksandrovich Pliyev]]<br><small>Исса Александрович Плиев</small>
|Commander of the mechanized group of the 3rd Ukrainian Front
Commander of the mechanized group of the Trans-Baikal Front
|[[Pavel Plotnikov|Pavel Artemyevich Plotnikov]]<br><small>Павел Артемьевич Плотников</small>
|Deputy squadron commander in the 82nd Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 81st Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment
|[[Pyotr Pokryshev|Pyotr Afanasyevich Pokryshev]]<br><small>Пётр Афанасьевич Покрышев</small>
|Squadron commander in the 154th Fighter Aviation Regiment
Commander of the 159th Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Ivan Polbin|Ivan Semyonovich Polbin]]<br><small>Иван Семёнович Полбин</small>
|Commander of the 150th High-speed Bomber Aviation Regiment
Commander of the 6th Guards Bomber Aviation Corps
|[[Vitaly Popkov|Vitaly Ivanovich Popkov]]<br><small>Виталий Иванович Попков</small>
|Flight commander in the 5th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 5th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Leonid Popov|Leonid Ivanovich Popov]]<br><small>Леонид Иванович Попов</small>
|Commander of [[Soyuz 35]], [[Soyuz 37]], and [[Salyut 6]]
Commander of [[Soyuz 40]], [[Soyuz T-4]], and [[Salyut 6]]
|[[Pavel Popovich|Pavel Romanovich Popovich]]<br><small>Павел Романович Попович</small>
|Pilot of [[Vostok 4]]
Commander of [[Soyuz 14]] and [[Salyut 3]]
|[[Aleksey Prokhorov|Aleksey Nikolayevich Prokhorov]]<br><small>Алексей Николаевич Прохоров</small>
|Flight commander in the 15th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 15th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment
|[[Vasily Ivanovich Rakov]]<br><small>Василий Иванович Раков</small>
|Squadron commander in the 57th Bomber Aviation Regiment
Commander of the 12th Guards Dive Bomber Aviation Regiment
|[[Grigoriy Rechkalov|Grigory Andreyevich Rechkalov]]<br><small>Григорий Андреевич Речкалов</small>
|Flight commander in the 16th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
Deputy commander of the 16th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Alexander Rodimtsev|Aleksandr Ilyich Rodimtsev]]<br><small>Александр Ильич Родимцев</small>
|Military advisor to the Spanish Republican Army
Commander of the 32nd Guards Rifle Corps
|[[Konstantin Rokossovsky|Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky]]<br><small>Константин Константинович Рокоссовский</small>
|Commander of the 1st Belorussian Front
Commander of the 2nd Belorussian Front
|[[Yury Romanenko|Yuri Viktorovich Romanenko]]<br><small>Юрий Викторович Романенко</small>
|Commander of [[Soyuz 26]], [[Soyuz 27]], [[Soyuz 28]], and [[Salyut 6]]
Commander of [[Soyuz 37]], [[Soyuz 38]], and [[Salyut 6]]
|[[Nikolay Rukavishnikov|Nikolai Nikolayevich Rukavishnikov]]<br><small>Николай Николаевич Рукавишников</small>
|Test engineer of [[Soyuz 10]] and Salyut
Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 16]]
|[[Pavel Rybalko|Pavel Semyonovich Rybalko]]<br><small>Павел Семёнович Рыбалко</small>
|Commander of the 3rd Guards Tank Army
|[[Valery Ryumin|Valery Victorovich Ryumin]]<br><small>Валерий Викторович Рюмин</small>
|Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 32]] and [[Salyut 6]]
Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 35]] and [[Salyut 6]]
|[[Aleksey Ryazanov|Aleksey Konstantinovich Ryazanov]]<br><small>Алексей Константинович Рязанов</small>
|Squadron commander in the 4th Fighter Aviation Regiment
Deputy commander of the 4th Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Vasily Georgievich Ryazanov]]<br><small>Василий Георгиевич Рязанов</small>
|Commander of the 1st Assault Aviation Corps
Commander of the 1st Guards Assault Aviation Corps
|[[Viktor Savinykh|Viktor Petrovich Savinykh]]<br><small>Виктор Петрович Савиных</small>
|Flight engineer of [[Soyuz T-4]] and [[Salyut 6]]
Flight engineer of [[Soyuz T-13]] and [[Salyut 7]]
|[[Svetlana Savitskaya|Svetlana Yevgenyevna Savitskaya]]<br><small>Светлана Евгеньевна Савицкая</small>
|Researcher onboard [[Soyuz T-7]] and [[Salyut 7]]
Flight engineer of [[Soyuz T-12]]
|[[Yevgeny Savitsky|Yevgeny Yakovlevich Savitsky]]<br><small>Евгений Яковлевич Савицкий</small>
|Commander of the 3rd Fighter Aviation Corps
|[[Boris Safonov|Boris Feoktistovich Safonov]]<br><small>Борис Феоктистович Сафонов</small>
|Squadron commander in the 72nd Mixed Aviation Regiment
Commander of the 2nd Guards Mixed Aviation Regiment
|[[Vitaly Sevastyanov|Vitaly Ivanovich Sevastyanov]]<br><small>Виталий Иванович Севастьянов</small>
|Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 9]]
Flight engineer of [[Soyuz 18]] and [[Salyut 4]]
|[[Nikolai Semeyko|Nikolai Illarionovich Semeyko]]<br><small>Николай Илларионович Семейко</small>
|Squadron navigator in the 75th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment
Navigator of the 75th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment
|[[Vasily Senko|Vasily Vasilyevich Senko]]<br><small>Василий Васильевич Сенько</small>
|Navigator of the 752nd Long-range Aviation Regiment
Navigator of the 10th Guards Long-range Aviation Regiment
|[[Grigory Sivkov|Grigory Flegontovich Sivkov]]<br><small>Григорий Флегонтович Сивков</small>
|Squadron commander in the 210th Assault Aviation Regiment
Navigator of the 210th Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Nikolai Skomorokhov|Nikolai Mikhailovich Skomorokhov]]<br><small>Николай Михайлович Скоморохов</small>
|Squadron commander in the 31st Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Zakhar Slyusarenko|Zakhar Karpovoich Slyusarenko]]<br><small>Захар Карпович Слюсаренко</small>
|Commander of the 56th Guards Tank Brigade
|[[Aleksey Semyonovich Smirnov]]<br><small>Алексей Семёнович Смирнов</small>
|Deputy squadron commander in the 28th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 28th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Yakov Smushkevich|Yakov Vladimirovich Smushkevich]]<br><small>Яков Владимирович Смушкевич</small>
|Senior Military Advisor for Aviation for the Spanish Republican Army
Commander of an aviation unit of the 1st Army
|[[Vladimir Solovyov (cosmonaut)|Vladimir Alekseyevich Solovyov]]<br><small>Владимир Алексеевич Соловьёв</small>
|Flight engineer of [[Soyuz T-10]] and [[Salyut 7]]
Flight engineer of [[Soyuz T-15]], Salyut 7, and [[Mir]]
|[[Ivan Stepanenko|Ivan Nikiforovich Stepanenko]]<br><small>Иван Никифорович Степаненко</small>
|Deputy squadron commander in the 4th Fighter Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 4th Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Mikhail Stepanishchev|Mikhail Tikhonovich Stepanishchev]]<br><small>Михаил Тихонович Степанищев</small>
|Navigator of the 76th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment
Deputy Commander of the 76th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment
|[[Nelson Stepanyan|Nelson Georgievich Stepanyan]]<br><small>Նելսոն Գևորգի Ստեփանյան</small>
|Flight commander in the 57th Assault Aviation Regiment
Commander of the 47th Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Nikolai Stolyarov|Nikolai Georgievich Stolyarov]]<br><small>Николай Георгиевич Столяров</small>
|Flight commander in the 667th Attack Aviation Regiment
Navigator of the 141st Guards Attack Aviation Regiment
|[[Gennadi Strekalov|Gennady Mikhailovich Strekalov]]<br><small>Геннадий Михайлович Стрекалов</small>
|Research engineer of [[Soyuz T-3]] and [[Salyut 6]]
Flight engineer of [[Soyuz T-10]], [[Soyuz T-11]], and [[Salyut 7]]
|[[Stepan Suprun|Stepan Pavlovich Suprun]]<br><small>Степан Павлович Супрун</small>
|Commander of a fighter aviation unit
Commander of the 401st Fighter Aviation Regiment
|[[Pavel Taran|Pavel Andreyevich Taran]]<br><small>Павел Андреевич Таран</small>
|Flight commander in the 81st Long-range Aviation Regiment
Squadron commander in the 5th Guards Long-range Aviation Regiment
|[[Semyon Timoshenko|Semyon Konstantinovich Timoshenko]]<br><small>Семён Константинович Тимошенко</small>
|Commander of the North-Western Front
[[Marshal of the Soviet Union]]
|[[Oleksiy Fedorov|Aleksey Fyodorovich Fyodorov]]<br><small>Алексей Фёдорович Фёдоров</small>
|Commander of the Chernigov-Volyn Partisan Formation
|[[Yevgeny Petrovich Fyodorov]]<br><small>Евгений Петрович Фёдоров</small>
|Squadron commander in the 6th Long-range Bomber Aviation Regiment
Deputy commander of the 2nd Guards Aviation Division
|[[Ivan Fesin|Ivan Ivanovich Fesin]]<br><small>Иван Иванович Фесин</small>
|Commander of the 13th motorized rifle brigade
Commander of the 236th Infantry Division
|[[Anatoly Filipchenko|Anatoly Vasilyevich Filipchenko]]<br><small>Анатолий Васильевич Филипченко</small>
|Commander of [[Soyuz 7]]
Commander of [[Soyuz 16]]
|[[Mikhail Fomichyov|Mikhail Georgievich Fomichyov]]<br><small>Михаил Георгиевич Фомичёв</small>
|Commander of the 63rd Guards Tank Brigade
|[[Semyon Khokhryakov|Semyon Vasilyevich Khokhryakov]]<br><small>Семён Васильевич Хохряков</small>
|Commander of a tank battalion in the 54th Guards Tank Brigade
|[[Timofey Khryukin|Timofey Timofeyevich Khryukin]]<br><small>Тимофей Тимофеевич Хрюкин</small>
|Commander of an aviation group
Commander of the 1st Air Army
|[[Nikolai Chelnokov|Nikolai Vasilyevich Chelnokov]]<br><small>Николай Васильевич Челноков</small>
|Squadron commander in the 57th Assault Aviation Regiment
Commander of the 8th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
|[[Ivan Chernyakhovsky|Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky]]<br><small>Иван Данилович Черняховский</small>
|Commander of the 60th Army
Commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front
|[[Vasily Chuikov|Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov]]<br><small>Василий Иванович Чуйков</small>
|Commander of the 62nd Army
Commander of the 8th Guards Army
|[[Aleksandr Shalabin|Aleksandr Osipovich Shalabin]]<br><small>Александр Осипович Шабалин</small>
|Commander of a torpedo boat in the Northern Fleet
Commander of a detachment of torpedo boats in the Northern Fleet
|[[Vladimir Shatalov|Vladimir Aleksandrovich Shatalov]]<br><small>Владимир Александрович Шаталов</small>
|Commander of [[Soyuz 4]]
Commander of [[Soyuz 8]]
|[[Afanasy Shilin|Afanasy Petrovich Shilin]]<br><small>Афанасий Петрович Шилин</small>
|Platoon commander in the 132nd Guards Artillery Regiment
Chief of the Intelligence Division of the 132nd Guards Artillery Regiment
|[[Pavel Shurukhin|Pavel Ivanovich Shurukhin]]<br><small>Павел Иванович Шурухин</small>
|Commander of the 132nd Guards Rifle Regiment
|[[Stepan Shutov|Stepan Fyodorovich Shutov]]<br><small>Степан Фёдорович Шутов</small>
|Commander of the 20th Guards Tank Brigade
|[[Ivan Yakubovsky|Ivan Ignatyevich Yakubovsky]]<br><small>Иван Игнатьевич Якубовский</small>
|Commander of the 91st Separate Tank Brigade
Deputy Commander of the 6th Guards Tank Corps
[[Category:Heroes of the Soviet Union lists]]
January 04, 2019 at 12:59AM
Naming Names: A Reckoning is Underway in US Catholic Church
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Naming Names: A Reckoning is Underway in US Catholic Church Over the past four months, Roman Catholic dioceses across the U.S. have released the names of more than 1,000 priests and others accused of sexually abusing children in an unprecedented public reckoning spurred at least in part by a shocking grand jury investigation in Pennsylvania, an Associated Press review has found. Nearly 50 dioceses and religious orders have publicly identified child-molesting priests in the wake of the Pennsylvania report issued in mid-August, and 55 more have announced plans to do the same over the next few months, the AP found. Together they account for more than half of the nation's 187 dioceses. The review also found that nearly 20 local, state or federal investigations, either criminal or civil, have been launched since the release of the grand jury findings. Those investigations could lead to more names and more damning accusations, as well as fines against dioceses and court-ordered safety measures. "People saw what happened in these parishes in Pennsylvania and said, 'That happened in my parish too.' They could see the immediate connection, and they are demanding the same accounting," said Tim Lennon, national president of the board of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP. The recently disclosed accusations date back six or seven decades in some cases, with the oldest from the 1910s in Louisiana. Most of the priests were long ago removed from ministry. An AP examination found that more than 60 percent are dead. In most cases, the statute of limitations for bringing criminal charges or suing has run out. Nevertheless, advocates say exposing molesters nearly two decades after the scandal first erupted in Boston in 2002 is an encouraging step, in part because it gives some victims a sense of vindication after decades of official silence or denials. Also, it could increase pressure on dioceses to set up victims' compensation funds, as the church has done in Pennsylvania already. And it could result in the removal of molesters from positions outside the church that give them access to children. "This is a milestone. We are getting closer and closer to what this ought to be, the true coming to terms that would have to be at a national level," said Joe McLean, who filed a lawsuit with other victims seeking to compel the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to release files on alleged abusers nationwide. The Pennsylvania investigation, led by state Attorney General Josh Shapiro, identified nearly 300 "predator priests" dating back seven decades and accused church leaders of covering up for the abuses, in some cases by returning priests to duty after short stays in treatment centers or reassigning them. Advocates said the report had big impact because it was the largest to date in scope, encompassing most of the state. Victims' advocates and others, including some church officials, said the report was largely responsible for the urgency now being shown by the church. Many bishops cited those findings and other scandals - including the resignation over the summer of Washington Archbishop Theodore McCarrick, accused of groping an altar boy in the 1970s - in their letters to their congregations. The biggest list of names has come from the Jesuits West Province, a religious order that encompasses nine Western states. It identified 111 priests. The New Orleans Archdiocese and the Diocese of Syracuse, New York, named 61 and 57 respectively. The Great Falls-Billings, Montana, Diocese disclosed 47 names, including those of a few nuns, while the Los Angeles Archdiocese reported more than 50 from the past decade or so. Some dioceses, like Peoria, Illinois, released only names with no information on the allegations or the church's response. Others detailed such things as parish assignments, numbers and dates of allegations - including an Omaha priest with 20 to 35 accusations against him - and attempts at treatment, restriction and punishment. And more names could be coming in places where attorneys general have launched statewide investigations such as New Jersey, New York, Nebraska, Florida and Delaware, or in cities like Houston or Cheyenne, Wyoming, where local prosecutors are looking into individual priests. In his Christmas address last month, Pope Francis made an unprecedented call for priests who had abused children to turn themselves in and vowed the church will "never again" hide their crimes. The world's bishops will hold a summit at the Vatican next month to forge a comprehensive response to the crisis. The U.S. bishops adopted new reporting procedures and other reforms after the furor in Boston but held off on any further measures recently at the direction of the Vatican. The bishops are holding a retreat outside Chicago starting Wednesday for "prayer and reflection" upon the scandal. Messages left by the AP seeking comment from conference officials were not returned. In the 16 years between the Boston scandal and the Pennsylvania investigation, only about 30 dioceses around the country had released lists of priests they deemed credibly accused of abuse. Most of those dioceses came clean because they were forced to do so by lawsuits or bankruptcy filings. Some dioceses declined to name any deceased priests, since they could not defend themselves, and some would not identify any clergy members at all. Now, 13 dioceses have hired outside consultants including FBI agents and former judges to review their files, and dioceses that had previously been secretive are coordinating to release statewide lists in such places as Texas and New Jersey. Bishop Anthony B. Taylor of the Little Rock Diocese in Arkansas disclosed the names of 12 priests in September and announced the hiring of a consultant to review diocesan files. "The Pennsylvania grand jury report kind of helped us firm up our decision to move forward with what we were doing. It affected the timing rather than the decision," Taylor said. In October, the pope accepted the resignation of Cardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington, D.C., after he was accused in the report of mishandling some allegations of abuse against priests and others while bishop of Pittsburgh from 1988 to 2006. The report is also credited with spurring an uptick in victims contacting support networks or law enforcement. Pennsylvania's clergy abuse hotline has received more than 1,400 new allegations since August, and Lennon said there has been a dramatic increase in victims reaching out to SNAP. While praising the release of names, many experts said the lists are often incomplete. Terence McKiernan, co-director of BishopAccountability.org, which has tracked abuse for more than a decade, said many dioceses have left off names of known abusers his group has published in its online database. "It's not enough," Pennsylvania's Shapiro agreed. "I do not believe that the church is capable of policing itself though. They need outside forces, ideally law enforcement, to hold them accountable." Shapiro said he has spoken to 45 other attorneys general since his report, and 14 have publicly acknowledged some form of investigation. Other investigations have become public because of dioceses acknowledging subpoenas, reporters documenting raids or state agencies advertising victim hotlines. Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan printed a copy of the Pennsylvania report the day it came out. In mid-December, she issued a blistering preliminary report saying a review of church files showed dioceses in Illinois had withheld the names of at least 500 clergy accused of sexually abusing children. "It was obvious that this type of concealment, this type of unresolved action in Pennsylvania, that we were going to find the same thing in Illinois," Madigan said.
January 04, 2019 at 12:31AM
Flat tire caused car fire on drunk driver's car
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Flat tire caused car fire on drunk driver's car Change it or you might get burned.
January 03, 2019 at 10:23PM
Tammy Bruce: Romney's Trump attack rings especially hollow when you look at his treatment of Ric Grenell
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Tammy Bruce: Romney's Trump attack rings especially hollow when you look at his treatment of Ric Grenell Mitt Romney's effort casting himself as the arbiter of character rings hollow for some who worked on, or were involved with, the Romney 2012 campaign for the presidency.
January 03, 2019 at 09:56PM
Some S. Koreans Eager to Welcome Kim Jong Un to Seoul
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Some S. Koreans Eager to Welcome Kim Jong Un to Seoul North Korean leader Kim Jong Un highlighted peace and prosperity in his annual New Year's address, and while he did not make the much-anticipated trip to Seoul in 2018, some local residents are hopeful the visit could still come soon and promote greater ties between the two nations. Kim Soo-keun, a member of the "Welcoming Committee of the Great Man" group, told VOA that members of the government and South Korean citizens should work together to promote better ties and unification. "We have witnessed the warmest welcome in Pyongyang and we should do the same to the visitors from the north," Kim Soo-geun said. Speaking during his New Year's Day address, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said, "North and South should not pass up the favorable atmosphere of today when all the nationals' interest in and aspiration for reunification are growing unprecedentedly, but actively try to find a peaceful reunification plan based on nationwide agreement and direct sincere efforts to this end." In a letter to South Korean President Moon Jae-in before 2018's end, Kim "expressed a strong determination to visit Seoul," Moon's spokesman, Kim Eui-kyeom, told reporters. Kim also conveyed to Moon "an intention to meet with Moon frequently in 2019" to pursue peace and "solve the issue of denuclearizing the peninsula together," spokesman Kim said. Multiple groups seek to welcome Kim In addition to the "Welcoming Committee of the Great Man" group, two other organizations have been active in the Seoul area, promoting a warm reception for the North Korean leader. While the "Seoul Citizen Welcome Committee" and "Baekdu Guard" initially held a number of events and rallies throughout the city, both have scaled back their activities. On its Facebook and web page, the "Seoul Citizen Welcome Committee" encourages residents to fill out postcards to Kim Jong Un. According to a counter on its homepage, they've collected just more than 6,000 in a city of millions. As the likelihood of Kim's visit to Seoul abated in late 2018, the "Baekdu Guard" group closed its website, although the organization continues to maintain its Facebook page. Both the "Seoul Citizen Welcome Committee" and "Baekdu Guard" groups declined to speak with VOA about their activities and goals; however, "Welcoming Committee of the Great Man" said they formed in November to counter "groups that are against the unification, such as far-right conservatives." "Welcoming Committee of the Great Man's" group Kim Soo-keun tells VOA his organization has six core members that aim to provide Kim Jong Un a welcome in Seoul reciprocal to the one Pyongyang gave Moon in September. A recent Realmeter poll found 61.3 percent of those surveyed would welcome Kim if he comes to the South, noting it would likely contribute to peace on the Korean Peninsula. The survey results indicated 31.3 percent of those questioned opposed the visit. National Security Law controversy Since 1948, South Korea's National Security Law has been in place "to suppress anti-State acts that endanger national security and to ensure the nation's security, people's life and freedom." In practice, the act made communism illegal and recognized North Korea as a political entity. Organizations advocating the overthrow of the government also run afoul of the statute. Amnesty International has described the National Security Law as a tool to " harass and arbitrarily prosecute individuals and civil society organizations who are peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression, opinion and association" and to "remove people who are perceived to threaten established political views, to prevent people from taking part in discussions surrounding relations with North Korea." Recently, several anti-North Korean groups filed complaints against pro-North Korea activists, including Kim Soo-keun, of breaching the National Security Law. Speaking to the Korea Times, Park Sang-hak, the founder of the Fighters for a Free North Korea, said, "I respect the pro-North organizations' thoughts, but it should be expressed within the limits of the constitution." Kim Soo-keun counters by saying, "Despite the opposition, if Kim [Jong Un] makes his visit, it means that the old ideologies such as anti-communism, or the National Security Law are not valid in [South] Korea." If Kim Jong Un visits Seoul, Kim Soo-keun believes it can "resolve misunderstandings and prejudices" surrounding the Korean leader and people "will think it is not necessary to be hostile to the North, and we can step forward to peace and prosperity." Lee Ju-hyun contributed to this report.
January 03, 2019 at 05:34PM
Aftershock Sequence of the 2011 Virginia Earthquake Derived from the Dense AIDA Array and ...
Aftershock Sequence of the 2011 Virginia Earthquake Derived from the Dense AIDA Array and ...
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aDepartment of Geosciences, Virginia Tech, 4044 Derring Hall, 926 West Campus Drive, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, didem@vt.edu, ...
January 03, 2019 at 01:03PM
Chị Trợ Lý Của Anh
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Chị Trợ Lý Của Anh
January 03, 2019 at 02:00PM
Santiago a Mil
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Santiago a Mil
January 03, 2019 at 11:00AM
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Stock Market Starts Off 2019 With More Turbulence
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Stock Market Starts Off 2019 With More Turbulence The roller-coaster ride on Wall Street resumed Wednesday, the first trading day of the new year, as stocks plunged early on, then slowly recovered and finished with a slight gain. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped as much as 398 points in the first few minutes of trading after more shaky economic news from China. But it gradually recouped those losses, and a small rally over the last 15 minutes of trading left major indexes a bit higher than where they started. That kind of whiplash was typical during the last three months of 2018, and many strategists think it is likely to continue. A Chinese government survey and one by a major business magazine showed manufacturing in China weakened in December as global and domestic demand cooled. That weighed on big exporters, with tech companies like Microsoft and industrials like Boeing taking sharp losses early on, only to bounce back. Some of last year's worst performers, including energy and internet companies, led the gains Wednesday. After gliding gently higher for years, propelled by rising corporate profits and extremely low interest rates from the Federal Reserve, stocks have been heaving up and down in recent months as a host of fears weigh on investors, including threats to global economic growth. Stocks are coming off their worst year in a decade, and many Americans could be in for a shock when they open their monthly and end-of-the-year 401(k) statements. The benchmark S&P 500 fell 6 percent in 2018, its first substantial loss since 2008, and dropped 14 percent since late September. Many other stock indexes around the world fared even worse last year. The U.S. economy has been expanding for almost a decade, and stocks have risen steadily over that time. From September through the end of December, however, investors became more and more worried that challenges such as U.S.-China trade tensions, rising interest rates and political uncertainty could slow the economy and company profits, and possibly tip the U.S. economy and the global one into a recession. Many Wall Street banks are forecasting a year of modest gains for stocks. But most also say they expect these sharp reversals to continue as investors try to handicap so many unknowns. Vinay Pande, head of trading strategies for UBS Global Wealth Management, said company earnings jumped in 2018 and are likely to keep improving. The S&P 500 index finished with a gain of 3.18 points, or 0.1 percent, at 2,510.03, while the Dow rose 18.78 points, or 0.1 percent, to 23,346.24. The Nasdaq composite climbed 30.66 points, or 0.5 percent, to 6,665.94. Most markets were closed Tuesday for New Year's Day. Oil prices Prices on long-term government bonds rose, a sign investors were looking for safer options. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 2.65 percent from 2.69 percent. After sharp losses at the start of trading, benchmark U.S. crude jumped 2.5 percent to $46.54 per barrel in New York. Brent crude, used to price international oils, rose 2.1 percent to $54.91 per barrel in London. Those gains helped send energy stocks higher. Oil prices have fallen about 40 percent since early October 2018 as investors reacted to the possibility of weaker demand for energy as economic growth slowed. That led to sharp drops in energy companies. Julian Emanuel, chief equity and derivatives strategist for BTIG, said investors often start a new year by buying shares of the companies that did the worst the year before. Meanwhile, health care companies, the best-performing part of the market in 2018, fell Wednesday as drugmakers and insurers lost ground. In other trading: * The dollar fell to 109.21 yen from 109.61 yen. The euro fell to $1.1344 from $1.1445. The British pound slid to $1.2609 from $1.2752. * France's CAC 40 fell 0.9 percent and the British FTSE 100 added 0.1 percent. Germany's DAX rose 0.2 percent. Hong Kong's Hang Seng tumbled 2.8 percent and Seoul's Kospi gave up 1.5 percent. Tokyo's markets were closed. * Wholesale gasoline rose 1.8 percent to $1.33 a gallon. Heating oil gained 1.3 percent to $1.70 a gallon. Natural gas rose 0.6 percent to $2.96 per 1,000 cubic feet. * Gold rose 0.2 percent to $1,284.10 an ounce and silver added 0.7 percent to $15.65 an ounce. Copper fell 0.3 percent to $2.62 a pound.
January 03, 2019 at 07:39AM
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