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día de la Tierra
April 22, 2018 at 01:00AM
Saturday, April 21, 2018
día de la Tierra
「NANAMI Fast Wireless Charging Stand」のレビュー、縦置きでも横置きでもQiワイヤレス充電できる
「NANAMI Fast Wireless Charging Stand」のレビュー、縦置きでも横置きでもQiワイヤレス充電できる
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「NANAMI Fast Wireless Charging Stand」のレビュー、縦置きでも横置きでもQiワイヤレス充電できる. 2018.04.21 21:45; juggly.cn · デジタル・IT. iPhone がワイヤレス充電に対応したことでサードパーティ製のワイヤレス充電器も急増しており、そこで今回は iPhone だけでなく Android でも使用できる NANAMI ブランドの ...
April 21, 2018 at 09:45PM
Día de la Tierra
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Día de la Tierra
April 22, 2018 at 01:00AM
Hadj Mohammed Mesfewi
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Hadj Mohammed Mesfewi
Plamen1402: Created by translating the page "Hadj Mohammed Mesfewi"
== Murders and execution ==
Mesfewi worked as a shoemaker and trader. Supported by a 70-year old woman named Rahali, he invited women to eat, drugged them, and killed them in their sleep.
26 corpses mutilated with a dagger were found buried under his shop, while the other ten could be discovered under another property he owned. He robbed victims to enrich himself.
His execution on May 2, 1906, was supposed to be done by crucifixion, but since foreign diplomats considered this method too brutal, Mesfewi was walled on June 11, 1906, in Marrakesh, and died two days later.
== Literature ==
* Peter Murakami, Julia Murakami: ''Lexikon der Serienmörder: 450 Fallstudien einer pathologischen Tötungsart.'' Ullstein Taschenbuch, 2000, ISBN 3-548-35935-3.
== Weblinks ==
* [https://ift.tt/2qNOf3R ''Zeitungsartikel (1) von 1906''] (englisch)
* [https://ift.tt/2vutWx6 ''Zeitungsartikel (2) von 1906''] (englisch)
[[Category:1906 deaths]]
[[Category:20th-century crimes]]
April 22, 2018 at 04:20AM
Medal of Honor going to airman killed in 2002 Afghanistan battle: report
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Medal of Honor going to airman killed in 2002 Afghanistan battle: report An Air Force service member killed during a 2002 firefight between a U.S. special ops team and Al Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan will be awarded the Medal of Honor, according to a new report.
April 21, 2018 at 10:13PM
USBデジタル接続とアナログ接続、スマホの音はどう変わる? XperiaとSHUREのケーブルで比べた
USBデジタル接続とアナログ接続、スマホの音はどう変わる? XperiaとSHUREのケーブルで比べた
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アップルは「iPhone 7/7 Plus」以来、アナログイヤホンジャックを取り去った。その後、Android ... SHUREでは先に、iPhoneに対応するLightningケーブル「RMCE-LTG」を2017年に発売しているが(関連レビュー)、今回のRMCE-USBも、基本的にこれらの製品とコンセプトやデザイン、機能を共有している。 USB Type-Cは表と ...
April 21, 2018 at 01:30PM
Afghan official says Taliban kill 6 at police checkpoint
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Afghan official says Taliban kill 6 at police checkpoint An Afghan official says that at least six local police were killed when a group of Taliban fighters attacked and overran their checkpoint in northern Sari Pul province.
April 21, 2018 at 08:12PM
2018年04月21日 ロボット業界ニュースヘッドライン
2018年04月21日 ロボット業界ニュースヘッドライン
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マザーズ上場のHEROZ AI開発、原点は将棋 :日本経済新聞 · 7人の声を聞き分けるAI、何に使う? 2012年にAIの歴史が動いた!ついに猫認識に成功した「Googleの猫」 | マルチナ、永遠のAI。 | ダイヤモンド・オンライン ... AI殺人兵器「キラーロボット」は第三の兵器革命? 「国際条約で規制すべき」の意見も | ORICON ...
April 21, 2018 at 10:30AM
ASUS最新スマホ「ZenFone 5」の海外版がアキバで販売! ノッチ付き液晶や2眼カメラ搭載
ASUS最新スマホ「ZenFone 5」の海外版がアキバで販売! ノッチ付き液晶や2眼カメラ搭載
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ASUSが「MWC 2018」で発表した、最新世代スマートフォン「ZenFone 5」シリーズのスタンダードモデル。前面の90%を覆うiPhone X風のノッチが付いた全画面ディスプレーやAI機能を強化したデュアルカメラなどを搭載している。 ディスプレーは2246×1080ドットの6.2型液晶、プロセッサーはSnapdragon 636(1.8GHz)を ...
April 21, 2018 at 10:07AM
New iPhone SE coming in May without a headphone jack, report says
New iPhone SE coming in May without a headphone jack, report says
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Apple is preparing to launch the second-edition iPhone SE this spring, a new report says, and it will come complete with a few radical design changes. The phone will still resemble the 2016 model when it comes to overall design. But it's supposed to ditch the 3.5mm headphone jack, and it might support ...
April 21, 2018 at 08:45AM
André Fuhrmann
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André Fuhrmann
Mcrass: /* Research areas */ missleading
== Early life and education ==
Fuhrmann studied at the University of Marburg and at the University of St Andrews, where he 1984 earned the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) 1984. He went to the Institute of Advanced Studies at the Australian National University and got his Ph.D. in 1988. Fuhrmanns Ph.D. thesis was on Relevance logic and Modal logic.
From 1989 to 2002 Fuhrmann worked at the University of Konstanz as a post-doc and research fellow (Heisenberg-Fellow). During that time he had several visiting positions at Indiana University in Bloomington, Columbia University, and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Fuhrmann had the position of a full professor of philosophy (titular) at the São Judas Tadeu University in São Paulo (Brazil) from 2002 to 2006.
He was appointed a professor with a Chair of Theoretical Philosophy (main area: logic) at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main in 2006. Moreover, he was additionally appointmented as Professor of Linguistics in 2009.<ref></ref>
== Research areas ==
André Fuhrmanns has made contributions in Analytic philosophy, Relevance logic and Modal logic.
Fuhrmann is best known for his research on "belief revision" or "theory change", located in the field of Formal Epistemology with applications for Artificial intelligence and Cognitive science.
Fuhrmann also takes an interest in freshwater diatoms. Together with H. Lange-Bertalot he discovered, sampled and described new species in Brazil.<ref></ref>
== Awards and recognition ==
*Heinz-Meier-Leibnitz-Prize for work in Cognitive Science (1993)
== Selected works ==
*1989: Reflective modalities and theory change. Synthese 81:115–134.
*1991: Tropes and laws. Philosophical Studies, 63:57–82.
*1991: Theory contraction through base contraction. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 20:256–281.
*1991: Models for relevant modal logics. Studia Logica, 49:301–315, 1991.
*1994: On S. Studia Logica, 53:75–91; with E. D. Mares.
*1994: Undercutting and the Ramsey test for conditionals. Synthese, 101:157–169; with I. Levi.
*1994: A survey of multiple contractions. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 3:39–76; with S. O. Hansson.
*1995: A relevant theory of conditionals. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 24:645–665; with E. D. Mares.
*1997: Solid belief. Theoria, 63:90–104.
*1997: An Essay on Contraction. Studies in Logic, Language and Information, Stanford.
*1999: When hyperpropositions meet ... Journal of Philosophical Logic, 28:559–74.
*2002: Explanatory exclusion and causal relevance. Facta Philosophica, 4:287–300; with W.P. Mendonça.
*2002: Russell's way out of the paradox of propositions. History and Philosophy of Logic, 23:197–213.
*2005: Existenz und Notwendigkeit – Kurt Gödels axiomatische Theologie. In: W. Spohn (Hrsg.): Logik in der Philosophie. Synchron, Heidelberg 2005, S.349–374.
*2006: Is pragmatist truth irrelevant to inquiry? In: Knowledge and Inquiry, hg. v. E. Olsson, Cambridge; 82–118.
*2013: Knowability as potential knowledge. Synthese. ([https://ift.tt/2K5mZpG online] [PDF])
*2015: Blogging Gödel: His Ontological Argument In The Public Eye. In: Godel's Ontological Argument. History, Modifications, and Controversies, ed. K. Swietorzecka, Warsaw ´ (Semper), 2015; pp. 203–226. ([https://ift.tt/2F4P4tH online] [PDF])
*2017: Deontic Modals: Why Abandon The Default Approach. In: Erkenntnis 83 (2017), pp. 1351-1365. ([https://ift.tt/2K4SPCL online] [PDF])
== References ==
<references />
== External links ==
*André Fuhrmann page on Goethe University Frankfurt
*Personal website of André Fuhrmann (inkl. scriptures)
*Fuhrmanns personal website on his diatom research
April 21, 2018 at 05:53PM
This week on AI: 'iPhone SE 2,' premium Apple News, 2018 iPhone timetables & more
This week on AI: 'iPhone SE 2,' premium Apple News, 2018 iPhone timetables & more
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Apple has many irons in the fire -- and some of the latest are said to include an "iPhone SE 2," a paid news subscription service, and big environmental projects.
April 21, 2018 at 02:55PM
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アップル、新しいiPhoneリサイクルロボットを公開【動画】. © 写真: Apple Inc · テック&サイエンス. 2018年04月21日 11:50 短縮 URL. 0 0 0. アップルは、中古のiPhoneを部品に分解できる新型ロボット「デイジー」を公開した。エンガジェットが報じた。 スプートニク日本. ロボットは自動で1時間に200台、1分3台以上のiPhone ...
April 21, 2018 at 11:48AM
スピルバーグ監督の深い日本愛! 三船敏郎や宮崎駿監督を語る
スピルバーグ監督の深い日本愛! 三船敏郎や宮崎駿監督を語る
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これまで『A.I.』(01)や『マイノリティ・リポート』(02)など、最新テクノロジーの脅威をエンターテインメントに落とし込み、警鐘を鳴らしてきたスピルバーグ監督。今回は観る者がVR(バーチャル・リアリティー)ワールドを体感できる、規格外の映画を打ち出した。 ゴーグルをつけ、自分の夢を叶えられる場所"オアシス"へ逃避する若者 ...
April 21, 2018 at 11:26AM
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20日のダウ工業株30種平均は前日比201ドル安で取引を終えた。相次ぐ好決算で強気に傾きつつあった投資家心理を冷やしたのがアップル株の失速だ。台湾の半導体大手、台湾積体電路製造(TSMC)の決算を受け、最新スマートフォン「iPhoneX(テン)」の販売が低迷しているとの観測が広がった。 20日のアップル株 ...
April 21, 2018 at 06:20AM
AIカメラ搭載の「新生ZenFone 5」が直輸入、実売57800円
AIカメラ搭載の「新生ZenFone 5」が直輸入、実売57800円
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AIを活用したさまざまなカメラ撮影補助機能も特徴。AIにより16のシーンを見分け、自動で最適な設定に切り替えることができるという。リアカメラの仕様は1,200万画素+800万画素のデュアル仕様。 なお、ZenFone 5は2014年にも発売されているが、当時は5インチのディスプレイサイズを示す製品名だったのに対し、今回の ...
April 21, 2018 at 09:56AM
似合う髪形や服装「AI」が診断 クローバーイプセがシステム開発
似合う髪形や服装「AI」が診断 クローバーイプセがシステム開発
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美容室運営のクローバーイプセ(岡山市南区妹尾)はAI(人工知能)を活用し、顔や骨格のデータから似合う髪形や服装を診断するシステムを開発した。美容院や百貨店、衣料品店などに売り込む。 < ... この記事は会員限定です。 電子版にご利用登録後、ログインして全文をご覧頂けます。 (2018年04月21日 10時56分 更新).
April 21, 2018 at 10:52AM
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今週、ビットコインで高収入が還元されるという嘘の約束をしたとして、2人の男に1,500万米ドルと800万米ドルの罰金が韓国の裁判所から言い渡された。Coindesk によれば、2015年に開始されたこのネズミ講では、投資家から2,000万米ドルが奪われたという。 (編注:各社の報道で2人の氏名については明らかにされてい ...
April 21, 2018 at 07:07AM
WHO Urges Everyone: Make Vaccines Priority
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WHO Urges Everyone: Make Vaccines Priority The Pan American Health Organization aims to get 70 million people in the Americas and the Caribbean vaccinated this week as part of the U.N.-designated World Immunization Week. Dr. Flavia Bustreo worked for years at the World Health Organization and for GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance. She says, "Immunization and vaccines are the most powerful public health tools that we have." Imagine, she says, how many lives could have been saved if a vaccine for AIDS were available in the 1980s, when doctors discovered the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS. Between April 24 and April 30, the U.N. wants everyone to be aware that vaccines save millions of lives each year, from the very young to the very old. It's encouraging governments to invest in immunization efforts, telling advocates to make vaccines a priority, and urging people to get themselves and their families vaccinated. Only in humans According to the WHO, close to 13 million children have lost their lives to diseases in the last 35 years — lives that might have been saved if these children had been vaccinated. Measles is a disease that exists only in humans, not in the wild. It's highly contagious and can cause blindness, deafness and intellectual disabilities, yet many parents are concerned that the vaccine could harm their children, even though study after study shows the vaccine is safe. Other parents don't vaccinate their children because they have never experienced how sick measles can make their children. In 2017, measles killed 35 people, mostly children in Europe. In Italy, there were 3,232 cases of measles from January through June, while in 2016, there were only 478 in the same time period. While global measles deaths have decreased 84 percent worldwide in recent years — from 550,100 deaths in 2000 to 89,780 in 2016 — the WHO reports that measles is still common in some developing countries, particularly in parts of Africa and Asia. Comeback for measles? Measles has now been eradicated from the Americas, but with the number of parents who don't immunize their children, there is growing concern that the highly contagious disease could make a comeback. The WHO reports that immunization rates in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are as low as 40 percent in some areas and continuing to decline, increasing the risk of larger outbreaks. Bustreo says when children are not vaccinated, it affects their health and the health of others. "We need to have vaccination coverage that is about 90 percent in order to have what we call the "herd effect" … which means you cover the children who are vaccinated, but also, because of the reduction of transmission of infections, you also cover the children that are not vaccinated," she says. Vaccines exist for many other deadly diseases as well. The WHO aims to vaccinate as many as 1 billion people from 27 high-risk African countries by the year 2026 against yellow fever — a mosquito-borne disease that can be fatal. Misinformation in Brazil On the VOA program Africa 54, Dr. Ken Redcross told viewers, "It's fatal because it can cause liver failure. It can cause kidney failure. It can even cause what's called a coagulopathy, which is a long word to mean that it causes a problem with our blood clotting." In Brazil, efforts to vaccinate up to 24 million people against the disease have fallen short because some fear the vaccine is unsafe. Officials have been trying to counter this misinformation. Red Cross says not only is the vaccine safe, it's also highly effective. "It confers 90 percent immunity. And that's huge as a vaccine goes," Redcross says. Brazilian public health authorities announced in early 2017 an outbreak of yellow fever in several eastern states of Brazil, including areas where yellow fever was not traditionally considered to be a risk. Since the end of 2017, yellow fever cases have reoccurred in several states, including areas close to the city of Sao Paulo. Yellow fever in U.S. On its website, the Florida Department of Health says yellow fever was a major public health concern in the U.S. and was responsible for several large outbreaks in Florida during the 1700s and 1800s. The mosquito that transmits yellow fever is in the southern U.S. With international travel, there's concern that yellow fever could again become a major public health concern in the U.S. The WHO is urging countries to strengthen routine immunizations. Among its goals by the year 2020: to complete international efforts to end polio, which now exists in only three countries, thanks to a highly effective vaccine. The WHO also wants to control more vaccine-preventable diseases and develop new vaccines for HIV and other diseases that still plague the modern world.
April 21, 2018 at 10:03AM
Friday, April 20, 2018
赤というより深紅 「iPhone 8/8 Plus」の「(PRODUCT)RED」を写真でじっくりと見る
赤というより深紅 「iPhone 8/8 Plus」の「(PRODUCT)RED」を写真でじっくりと見る
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「iPhone 8」と「iPhone 8 Plus」に新色「(PRODUCT)RED」が追加された。(PRODUCT)REDは、売り上げの一部を「世界エイズ・結核・マラリア対策基金(グローバルファンド)」に寄付する支援プログラムの対象製品で、毎年、iPhoneケースやiPhone本体が発売されてきた(iPhone本体は「7」から)。 2018年4月には、iPhone ...
April 21, 2018 at 06:00AM
販売ランキングに「iPhone 8/8 Plus」の新色(PRODUCT)RED発売の影響は? (1/4)
販売ランキングに「iPhone 8/8 Plus」の新色(PRODUCT)RED発売の影響は? (1/4)
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総合ランキングは、前回大きく変動したが今回は下位に少し入れ替わりがあった程度。1位から6位までは前回と変わらず。1位はNTTドコモの「iPhone 8(64GB)」が連勝。2位はソフトバンクの「iPhone 8(64GB)」、3位はauの「iPhone 8(64GB)」。トップ3を3キャリアの「iPhone 8(64GB)」が占めている状態は2017年12月18 ...
April 21, 2018 at 06:00AM
新型iPhone SEは現行モデルから姿形は変わらず ワイヤレス充電機能を得るもイヤホンジャックを失う
新型iPhone SEは現行モデルから姿形は変わらず ワイヤレス充電機能を得るもイヤホンジャックを失う
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伝えているのは国内メディアのMacお宝鑑定団Blogで、Global Sources Mobile Electronics 2018に出展する多くのiPhoneケースメーカーに取材したところ、「iPhone SE 2」の本体サイズは現行モデルと変わらない。 一部ではホームボタンが廃止され顔認証機能「Face ID」が搭載されるとの噂もあったが、ホームボタンは健在 ...
April 21, 2018 at 05:48AM
2012年にAIの歴史が動いた! ついに猫認識に成功した「Googleの猫」
2012年にAIの歴史が動いた! ついに猫認識に成功した「Googleの猫」
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実物通貨と仮想通貨、日常と非日常、ヒトとAIの境界線がどんどんなくなりつつある今、私たちはどうやって生きていけばいいのか? 2000年代中盤 ... 言い換えれば、この二本柱がなければ、「Googleの猫」、すなわちディープラーニングという「教師なし学習」で学習したAIが猫を自己認識できることもなかったでしょう。 では、次 ...
April 21, 2018 at 04:52AM
2020年には折りたたみスマホの出荷台数が90万台に 矢野経済研究所が予測
2020年には折りたたみスマホの出荷台数が90万台に 矢野経済研究所が予測
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April 21, 2018 at 01:53AM
AI, Machine Learning and Data Science Roundup: April 2018
AI, Machine Learning and Data Science Roundup: April 2018
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A monthly roundup of news about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science. This is an eclectic collection of interesting blog posts, software announcements and data applications I've noted over the past month or so. Open Source AI, ML & Data Science News An interface between R and ...
April 20, 2018 at 10:49PM
Hội thánh Đức Chúa Trời
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Hội thánh Đức Chúa Trời
April 21, 2018 at 01:00AM
FLC Thanh Hóa
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FLC Thanh Hóa
April 21, 2018 at 01:00AM
Mateo Paz
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Mateo Paz
== Early life ==
Started DJing at age 13. First interests shown in music producing was after Prodigy concert in Poland. Inspired by electronic sounds, he starts to advance in music softwares which enabled him to start creating his own sounds.
== Career ==
=== 2007 - 2011 ===
As Mateo was only a DJ at first, he was peforming constantly from in 2007. One of the biggest shows are '''Lasunda Open Air''' 2007(Pń), '''Lasunda Open Air''' 2008 (Pń), [[Sensation (event)|'''Sensation''']]'''-Wicked Wonderland''' (Hala stulecia, Wrocław), [[Global Gathering|'''GlobalGathering''']] (Torwyscigowy,Pń), '''A Day at the Park''' ([[Armin van Buuren]] support) (Malta, Pń), '''I Love New Year 2009/10''' (Main Stage with [[DJ Tocadisco|Tocadisco]]) (Hala Stulecia, Wrocław), '''Global Gathering 2010''' ([[Carl Cox]] stage) (Tor wyscigowy, Pń).GLOBA
=== 2012-2014 ===
From 2012, he continue to DJ but not active as he started to produce his first music pieces. Performed at SOLAR Collection Fall Winter 2012/13, [[Versace|'''VERSAC'''E]] - loft 44 - fashion show - 2014, Art & Fashion [[Stary Browar|'''Stary Browar''']] - 2014
=== 2016-2017 ===
In 2016 he had performance on TV show <nowiki>''Must be the music''</nowiki> with singer Meg.
== Discography ==
=== Singles, EP's ===
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Release Date'''
|Take A Break feat. Meg
| rowspan="2" |2016
|XLNT Records
|You Were
|The Groove Society
|Looking For Sunlight
| rowspan="2" |2017
|Mine Alone ft Asmik Shiroyan
=== Remixes ===
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Release Date'''
|'''Original Artists'''
|Pride (Mateo Paz Remix)
| rowspan="4" |2016
|XLNT Records
|My Favourite (Mateo Paz Remix)
|Danny Darko, Jova Radevska
|Oryx Music
|Another Day In Paradise(Mateo Paz Remix)
|2016, Mary Dee
|Oryx Music
|Feel So Real (Mateo Paz Remix)
|Terri Bjerre, HSR, Vonny & Clyde
|TGS/Universal MENA
|Waiting For (Mateo Paz Remix)
| rowspan="7" |
|Thiago Tanaka Ft. Tara Louise
| rowspan="7" |Unreleased
|Touch (Mateo Paz Remix)
|KSHMR & Felix Snow Ft. Madi
|Last Night A DJ Saved My Life 2016 (Mateo Paz remix)
|Bring Back The Summer (Mateo Paz remix)
|Rain Man
|Compass (Mateo Paz remix)
|EC Twins
|New York City (Mateo Paz remix)
|John Dahlbäck feat. Luke McMaster
|Bleeding Love (Mateo Paz remix)
== References ==
1. https://ift.tt/2J8iide
2. https://ift.tt/2K40VLZ
== External links[edit] ==
· [http://www.mateopaz.com/]Website
April 21, 2018 at 01:16AM
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DaisyはiPhoneをトレーに並べておくだけで、ロボットアームなどを駆使して自動で分解し分別。そして、貴重なレアメタルを回収してくれるんです。そのスピードたるや、最高で1時間あたり200台。サックサクとiPhoneが分解できます。 Appleは2016年にもiPhoneの自動分解&分別ロボット「Liam」を公開。しかし今回のDaisy ...
April 20, 2018 at 04:52PM
[RUMEREO]ブロックチェーン技術を取り入れた不動産売買企業RUMEREOは国境を越えた仲介の必要 ...
[RUMEREO]ブロックチェーン技術を取り入れた不動産売買企業RUMEREOは国境を越えた仲介の必要 ...
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オランダのRUMEREOは、ブロックチェーン技術と人工知能(AI)を組み合わせて、世界の不動産事業システムに革新を起こすための資金調達を行っている。2016年末にプロジェクトを開始し、CEOのブロックチェーン技術、グローバルな不動産売買に精通したAlex Andrewsを筆頭にマーケティング、人工知能開発、ブロック ...
April 20, 2018 at 03:56PM
How Machine Learning and AI Bring a New Dimension to Software Testing
How Machine Learning and AI Bring a New Dimension to Software Testing
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How Machine Learning and AI Bring a New Dimension to Software Testing. It seems, the software testing industry never sleeps and is always evolving. According to the State of Testing Survey 2017, the future is about automated testing as 62% of respondents believe it will increase in the following years ...
April 20, 2018 at 02:18PM
Sue Suckling
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Sue Suckling
Suckling was raised in [[Hamilton, New Zealand|Hamilton]], in the North Island of New Zealand, and studied at [[Massey University]] in Palmerston North. She then moved to Christchurch to lecture at [[Lincoln University (New Zealand)|Lincoln University]] for two years.<ref></ref>
[[Category:Living people]]
April 20, 2018 at 07:05PM
Blocks of Berlin Cleared for WWII Bomb Disposal
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Blocks of Berlin Cleared for WWII Bomb Disposal Berlin police were evacuating thousands of people from a central area of the German capital Friday and shutting down the main train station in preparation for the removal of an unexploded World War II bomb found during recent construction work. Some 10,000 residents and workers were being forced to leave a two-square-kilometer (almost a square mile) area, including the train station, while bomb experts defuse the 500-kilogram (1,100-pound) British bomb dropped during the war. Trains were prevented from stopping at the busy station from 10 a.m., and through traffic was being shut down at 11:30 a.m. before experts begin their work, German rail operator Deutsche Bahn said. Rail traffic is tentatively planned to resume about 1 p.m. but it's not clear how long the bomb disposal operation will take. Some 300,000 travelers use the station daily, according to Deutsche Bahn. The evacuation area, a circle around the construction site north of the train station where the bomb was discovered, also includes a hospital, the main office of Germany's foreign intelligence service, and parts of both the economy and transportation ministries. Chancellor Angela Merkel's office and Germany's parliament building are close by, but outside the zone. Common discovery Even 73 years after the end of the war, such discoveries remain common in major German cities. Downtown Berlin was largely reduced to rubble in hundreds of Allied bombing raids during the war and street-to-street fighting between the Nazi and Soviet armies in the final days of the conflict. Experts estimate that more than 5 percent of the bombs dropped on Berlin failed to explode for a variety of reasons, including faulty fuses, poor assembly and bad angle of impact. The city estimates at least 3,000 bombs, grenades and other munitions are still buried. In one of the more sensational finds, a 250-kilogram (550-pound) British bomb was found in 2002 beneath the lower ring of seats during renovation work at Berlin's Olympic Stadium, where tens of thousands of fans regularly watch the city's Hertha BSC soccer club play its home games.
April 20, 2018 at 06:24PM
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テクノロジービジョン2018のテーマは「インテリジェント・エンタープライズの勃興」。注目したテクノロジートレンドは「AIを『市民』に(Citizen AI)」「拡張現実(Extended Reality)」「データの信憑性(Data Veracity)」「摩擦ゼロ・ビジネス(Frictionless Business)」「インターネット・オブ・シンキング(Internet of Thinking)」の5つである。
April 20, 2018 at 11:15AM
List of Újpest FC managers
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List of Újpest FC managers
RuthStevens: /* Managers */
* [[Ferenc Weisz]] (1920–22)
* [[Ödön Holits]] (1922–24)
* [[György Hlavay]] (1924–25)
* [[Ödön Holits]] (1925–26)
* [[Imre Pozsonyi]] (1926–28)
* [[Lajos Bányai]] (1928–32)
* [[István Tóth (footballer)|István Tóth Potya]] (1932–34)
* [[Béla Jánossy]] (1934–37)
* [[László Sternberg]] (1937–38)
* [[Béla Guttmann]] (1938–39)
* [[István Mészáros (footballer born 1899)|István Mészáros]] (1939–40)
* [[Géza Takács]] (1940–43)
* [[Lajos Lutz]] (1943)
* [[Géza Kertész]] (1943–44)
* [[Géza Takács]] (1945)
* [[Pál Jávor (footballer)|Pál Jávor]] (1945–47)
* [[Béla Guttmann]] (1947)
* [[Jenő Vincze]] (1947–48)
* [[Károly Sós]] (1948)
* [[István Balogh I]] (1948–49)
* [[József Ember]] (01/07/1949–30/06/1950)
* [[Tibor Kemény]] (1949–50)
* [[Zoltán Opata]] (1950–51)
* [[Pál Jávor (footballer)|Pál Jávor]] (1951–54)
* [[Gyula Kolozsvári]] (1954)
* [[Márton Bukovi]] (1955–56)
* [[Sándor Balogh II]] (1957–58)
* [[István Balogh I]] (1958–59)
* [[Gyula Szűcs]] (Jan 1, 1959 – Dec 31, 1960)
* [[László Fenyvesi]] (1960–61)
* [[Géza Kalocsay]] (01/07/1961-30/06/1962)
* [[Gyula Szűcs]] (01/07/1962-31/12/1963)
* [[Ferenc Szusza]] (1963–65)
* [[Sándor Balogh II]] (1965–66)
* [[Lajos Baróti]] (1967–71)
* [[Imre Kovács]] (1971–73)
* [[Gyula Szűcs]] (01/01/1973-31/12/1973)
* [[Pál Várhidi]] (01/01/1974-30/06/1980)
* [[Ferenc Szusza]] (1980–81)
* [[Miklós Temesvári]] (1981–85)
* [[János Göröcs]] (1985–88)
* [[István Varga (footballer)|István Varga]] (1988–90)
* [[Ferenc Kovács (footballer)|Ferenc Kovács]] (01/07/1990–30/06/1992)
* [[Ferenc Bene]] (1992–93)
* [[József Garami]] (01/07/1993–30/06/1996)
* [[László Nagy (footballer)|László Nagy]] (1996–97)
* [[Péter Várhidi]] (1997–99)
* [[Róbert Glázer]] (1999)
* [[Péter Várhidi]] (2000)
* [[István Kisteleki]] (2000–01)
* [[Róbert Glázer]] (Dec 16, 2001 – June 13, 2002)
* [[Ladislav Molnár|László Molnár]] (2002)<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* [[András Szabó]] (2002–03)
* [[András Sarlós]] (2003)
* [[György Mezey]] (June 5, 2003 – Feb 17, 2004)
* [[Géza Mészöly (footballer)|Géza Mészöly]] (July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2006)
* [[Bertalan Bicskei]] (2006)<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* [[Valère Billen]] (July 14, 2006 – Dec 22, 2006)
* [[István Urbányi]] (Dec 12, 2006 – April 22, 2008)
* [[Lázár Szentes]] (April 22, 2008 – May 28, 2009)
* [[Willie McStay (footballer born 1961)|Willie McStay]] (01/07/2009-04/04/2010)<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* [[Géza Mészöly (footballer)|Géza Mészöly]] (04/04/2010-10/08/2011)
* [[Zoran Spisljak]] (10/08/2011-11/04/2012)
* [[Marc Lelièvre]] ''(interim)'' (11/04/2012-01/06/2012)
* [[Jos Daerden]] (01.07.2012-05.03.2013)
* [[Marc Lelièvre]] ''(interim)'' (05.03.2013-03.06.2013)
* [[István Kozma (footballer)|István Kozma]] (03.06.2013-23.10.2013)
* [[Nebojša Vignjević]] (Oct 23, 2013–)
April 20, 2018 at 05:01PM
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Vita885: ←Created page with 'Outsharing Outsharing - a company's decision to contract its own internal activity/operations/functions to an involved partner-company offshore, receiving add...'
Outsharing - a company's decision to contract its own internal activity/operations/functions to an involved partner-company offshore, receiving additional value from [https://ift.tt/2vt5vAd high trust system] and participation level of the collaboration. In short, outsharing is a value-oriented service delegation. Most commonly used in [[IT]], when an outsourced software development company is acting as a sort of remote [[Chief_technology_officer|CTO]].
Outsourcing and outsharing are commonly used as synonyms, with one exception, of outsharing being a higher added value process, it is rather accurate. When using outsharing model, the company does not loose control, it distributes and dedicates it to a partner, who is greatly involved in understanding the complex business logic and does not only follow the guidelines of implementing tasks, but add their knowledge, point of view to them and better whole experience that way.
While acting as a remote [[Chief_technology_officer|CTO]] (in many cases, outsharing is for finding not only the team or company partner, but a true [[Chief_technology_officer|CTO]], even one, who would be working form a-far) the partner company has the same goals and success drive, trying to achieve what is best for the business and not just get the job done, strictly following the written rules, guidelines and time-sheets.
The model helps build trust, transparency, reliance and mutual understanding of both parties involved and create a sort of a branch (a sort of a second office), with assimilating cultural behaviors, striving to achieve not only bonding needs, but also the best business processes possible. The gained trust comes with added responsibilities, as being engaged in general company policies, that are in the scope of both parties and this also eliminates the very strict control of the performance as one is as eager and as enrolled, and hence, not needed to be as supervised as with outsourcing approach.
Having the trust and reliability issues set aside, quality risk is also fairly diminished or eliminated. The inner motivation, frequent communication, eye-to-eye meetings as often as possible makes local partners practically the part of the business.
See also
* [[Offshore company]]
* [[Offshore outsourcing]]
* [[Offshoring Research Network]]
* [[Outsourcing]]
* [[Personal offshoring]]
* [[Programmers Guild]]
* [[Business process outsourcing]]
* [[Information technology consulting]]
* [[Legal outsourcing]]
* [[Offshore software R&D]]
* [[Homeshoring]]
* [[Inshoring]]
* [[Job migration]]
* [[Low-cost country sourcing]]
* [[Software development]]
* [[Software]]
* [[References]]
* [[Global Shapers]]
* [[IT]]
# Global Shapers Vilnius [https://ift.tt/2qKDpf2 TECH HEALS]. [https://ift.tt/2vqoMSS https://ift.tt/2HFnzMr] Retrieved April 19, 2018
# Inamedinova, L.K. [https://ift.tt/2J72yXW 'Global Shapers' Vilnius Hub: IT Outsharing Will Be A Big Trend In 2016]. [http://www.forbes.com www.forbes.com] March 02, 2016. Retrieved April 19, 2018
# Wong, D. [https://ift.tt/2qLjRHA Why Outsharing is Increasingly Replacing Outsourcing]. [https://ift.tt/hFWySe www.huffingtonpost.com] Januray 7, 2016. Retrieved April 19, 2018
# Inamedinova, L.K. [https://ift.tt/2qKh952 CHEAP OUTSOURCING VS OUTSHARING]. [https://ift.tt/SyNjJd www.arcticstartup.com] June 27, 2016. Retrieved April 20, 2018
# Digital Knights [https://ift.tt/2qRaRRl Outsharing – Taking Outsourcing to the Next Level]. [https://ift.tt/2zTH1h7 www.digitalknights.co] Retrieved April 19, 2018
# Umbrella [https://ift.tt/2HDWh9k Outsourcing, Outsharing, And Dedicated Team: a New Definition of Professionality]. [https://ift.tt/2wusOKf www.umbrella-web.com] December 05, 2017. Retrieved April 19, 2018
# Pagirys, T. [https://ift.tt/2qLoBNn Lithuania shifts from IT outsourcing to IT outsharing]. [https://aciety.com www.aciety.com] April 25, 2016. Retrieved April 19, 2018
# [https://ift.tt/2vwVvWE Navardauskas, T.] [https://ift.tt/2HAllOh Lithuania shifts from IT outsourcing to IT outsharing]. [http://www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com] May 16, 2016. Retrieved April 19, 2018
# Pagirys, T. [https://ift.tt/2vvhZat Have you heard of Outsharing?]. [https://aciety.com www.aciety.com] April 30, 2015. Retrieved April 19, 2018
# [https://ift.tt/2HFnzMr Global Shapers Vilnius] & [http://www.waynord.com Waynord] [https://ift.tt/2qNdF1y Clients Satisfaction Research of Lithuanian Software Development Companies 2017]. January 31, 2017. Retrieved April 19, 2018
# Pagirys, T. [https://ift.tt/2qLoBNn Lithuania shifts from IT Outsourcing to IT Outsharing]. [https://aciety.com www.aciety.com] April 28, 2016. Retrieved April 19, 2018
# Central and Eastern European Outsourcing Association [https://ift.tt/2JdO7lg The tech revolution taking place in eastern Europe]. [http://ceeoa.org/ www.ceeoa.org] Retrieved April 20, 2018
# Damušytė, S. [https://ift.tt/2qLZN7U Inspirational Women in Outsharing]. [https://aciety.com www.aciety.com] February 14, 2017. Retrieved April 19, 2018
April 20, 2018 at 03:01PM
M2.4 Port Hedland, Pilbara, Western Australia.
M2.4 Port Hedland, Pilbara, Western Australia.
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Date and Time UTC: 20 April 2018 @ 01:50:53. Location Port Hedland, Pilbara, Western Australia. (Reported felt.) Coordinates: -20.562, 118.639. Depth: 3 km. Magnitude ML: 2.4. Solution status. Last updated: 20 April 2018 @ 13:13:45 (AEST) Solution reviewed: No Source: AUST. Felt the Earthquake?
April 20, 2018 at 01:09PM
Arizona Teachers Vote for Statewide Walkout
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Arizona Teachers Vote for Statewide Walkout Arizona teachers have voted to walk off the job to demand increased school funding, marking a key step toward a first-ever statewide strike that builds on a movement for higher pay in other Republican-dominant states. A grassroots group and the state's largest teacher membership group said Thursday that teachers will walkout April 26. The vote was held this week following weeks of growing protests and an offer from Republican Gov. Doug Ducey to give teachers a 20 percent raise by 2020. Many teachers kept up the pressure at schools and on social media, saying the plan failed to address much-needed funding for classrooms and support staffers. Walkout concerns Teachers on both sides of the walkout vote have shared concerns. It could pose child care difficulties for thousands of families and leave teachers at risk of losing their credentials. How a strike could play out in more than 200 public school districts will vary but could leave hourly workers like custodians without their paychecks. Around 57,000 teachers submitted a ballot and 78 percent voted in favor of the walkout, according to Arizona Educators United late Thursday. Beth Simek, president of the influential Arizona PTA, said she feels the pain of teachers who are torn. Some are concerned about the effect on support staff and what kids might do without school, she said. "I know they're toiling with that," Simek said. "I also know they need these raises." Parents and communities have been making plans for child care, with some stay-at-home parents stepping up to watch children so other parents can work, she said. Local parent-teacher associations also are putting together food boxes for kids who rely on free breakfast and lunch at school. "There's been a lot of mobilization by the community to prepare," Simek said. Consequences to teachers Teachers themselves could face consequences in this right-to-work state, where unions do not collectively bargain with school districts and representation is not mandatory. The Arizona Education Association has warned its 20,000 members about a 1971 Arizona attorney general opinion saying a statewide strike would be illegal under common law and participants could lose their teaching credentials. The logistics of a walkout will vary by district. The state's largest, Mesa Public Schools in suburban Phoenix, would close and hourly staffers would not be paid, Superintendent Michael Cowan has said. The Dysart School District west of Phoenix would "make every effort" to avoid closing schools," but they would have to shut down if too few staff members show up, Superintendent Gail Pletnick has told parents. Sara Bresnahan, a spokeswoman for the Phoenix Elementary School District, said a walkout is "uncharted territory" but its schools would try to stay open for as many students as possible. "Some kids will be coming to school and really need a place to be," she said. Arizona jumped into a movement for higher teacher pay that started in West Virginia, where a strike garnered a raise, and spread to Oklahoma, Kentucky and most recently Colorado. Raise rejected In response, the governor offered 20 percent raises that drew support from the business community and some school organizations. But others were concerned about finding the money to cover a plan that would cost about $650 million when fully implemented. The Arizona PTA pulled its support for the proposal, saying its analysis showed the finances were not realistic. An education advocacy group, Save Our Schools Arizona, said it's worried the plan isn't a "sustainable or comprehensive" way to reinvest in schools. Legislative budget analysts this week predicted a $265 million deficit in 2020 if the governor's plan is approved. Ducey's office strongly disputes that analysis, saying much of the funding comes from revenue increases. Nancy Maglio, a teacher at Magee Middle School in southern Arizona's Tucson Unified School District, said teachers are motivated to walk out and demand funding because of what it means for their students. "None of us went to school, none of us spent money on tuition, on books, none of us spend our time and our energy to not care," she said. "We went into a field where caring is mandatory."
April 20, 2018 at 01:47PM
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AppleがiPhone・iPad・Macで提供するアプリケーションをユニバーサルアプリ化する極秘プロジェクトを進めているという内容が2017年12月に報じられましたが、これについてAppleのティム・クックCEOは「ユーザーが望んでいるとは思わない」として明確に否定しました。 Users don't want iOS to merge with MacOS, Apple ...
April 20, 2018 at 12:22PM
iPhoneを1時間に200台も分解して希少資源を回収!Appleの 最新鋭ロボット「Daisy」がすごい!
iPhoneを1時間に200台も分解して希少資源を回収!Appleの 最新鋭ロボット「Daisy」がすごい!
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回収されたiPhoneを分解して希少な資源を回収する最新鋭のロボット「Daisy」は、Appleによると9種類のiPhoneを1時間に最大200台分解して資源を回収・リサイクルすることができるそうです。 Appleが2016年に導入した最初の分解作業ロボットのLiamから得た知見を基本に、アップデートされた最新のロボットとなっています ...
April 20, 2018 at 12:00PM
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2016年に発表されたiPhone分解ロボットLiamの一部を使って作られたDaisyはiPhoneに含まれる貴重な資源をより多く回収できるように作られています。Liamで得られた経験、ノウハウをつぎ込み作られたDaisyは1時間に200台のiPhoneを分解する能力を持っています。またこれまで回収が難しかった資源も、より高品質に ...
April 20, 2018 at 10:07AM
Thursday, April 19, 2018
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米Appleは4月19日(現地時間)、22日のアースデイを前に、iPhone解体ロボット「Daisy」を発表した。不要に ... 2016年発表の「Liam」の妹に当たるDaisyは、Liam同様に同社の研究開発部門が開発した。9バージョンのiPhoneを解体し、高品質な部品をリサイクルのために分別する。1時間に200台のiPhoneを解体できる。
April 20, 2018 at 07:41AM
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AIの役割の多くは顧客へのサービスであり、AIをサポートしたスマートデバイスはあらゆる家庭に入り込んだ。2017年ではクリスマスプレゼントにAmazon Alexaを注文するためにAlexaが使われているような状況だ。人工知能は我々の文化に食い込んできているが、全ての業界がその有用性を利用しているわけでもない。
April 20, 2018 at 06:56AM
Hurricane Damage
Hurricane Damage
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At Pablo Creek Regional Library to housing issues and disaster relief for persons affected by the 2017 hurricanes. Read More · Lawyers in Libraries. By Three-Rivers-Legal| 2018-04-18T12:55:21+00:00 April 19th, 2018|. At Brandham Brooks Library to discuss housing and disaster relief issues for ...
April 20, 2018 at 01:57AM
次期iPhoneの廉価版は550ドルからの低価格に? デュアルSIM版も登場とのウワサ
次期iPhoneの廉価版は550ドルからの低価格に? デュアルSIM版も登場とのウワサ
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2018年中に発売が有力視されている3種類の新型iPhoneのうち、廉価モデルとなる6.1インチLCD型には従来のシングルSIM(SIMスロットが1つ)のほか、デュアルSIMタイプも用意されるとの予測が報じられています。 アップル製品関連の予測で知られるKGI証券アナリストのMing-Chi Kuo氏によれば、このうちシングルSIM型 ...
April 20, 2018 at 06:00AM
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アップルは4月22日のアースデーを前に、iPhoneを解体するロボットの2代目となる「Daisy」を発表した。 2016年に初代となるiPhone解体ロボ「Liam」を披露したが、そのノウハウを詰め込んで開発した新モデルは、9つの世代のiPhoneを、1時間に最大200台解体する能力を備えた。 iPhoneには、ガラスやアルミニウムなどの目 ...
April 20, 2018 at 03:56AM
TSMC、スマホの次 育む 車載・AIが柱に
TSMC、スマホの次 育む 車載・AIが柱に
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半導体受託生産の世界最大手、台湾積体電路製造(TSMC)が半導体市場の変化を先取りする戦略を加速している。スマートフォン(スマホ)市場の飽和で逆風が吹くなか、2018年1~3月期は、仮想通貨特需で最高益を更新した。仮想通貨関連の需要が不透明な4月以降は、車載やAI(人工知能)関連など新しい分野を ...
April 19, 2018 at 10:52PM
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アークスは9月に稼働する業務管理の新システムで、2年後をめどに人工知能(AI)を搭載する。AIで来店客数などを予測。商品を自動発注したり、陳列のレイアウトを決めたりする仕組みを導入する。北海道内の流通業ではサツドラホールディングス(HD)が2017年6月にAIの開発会社を傘下に収めるなど、最先端技術を活用 ...
April 19, 2018 at 09:56PM
'Sex and the City' star Cynthia Nixon could be New York's next governor: A look at her political activism
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'Sex and the City' star Cynthia Nixon could be New York's next governor: A look at her political activism Actress Cynthia Nixon has advocated for an increase in funding for public schools, breast cancer awareness and gay rights, among many other things.
April 19, 2018 at 10:03PM
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NTTレゾナントは2018年4月19日、企業や自治体向けに対話AI(人工知能)を構築するサービスを始めた。対話エンジンを提供するとともに、コンサルティングやキャラクター設定、学習などを手掛ける。ニュースアプリの利便性向上にAIを導入する方針も明らかにした。 「goo AI xDesign(グー・エーアイ・クロスデザイン)」の名称で ...
April 19, 2018 at 07:30PM
Philanthropy Kids
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Philanthropy Kids
BrandedByAmit: Wrote the entire article from scratch. Used various sources to ensure that there was no bias in the writing of this article. All facts are verifiable.
They release issues of Philanthropy Kids Magazine, a [[magazine]] that highlights stories of youth performing acts of philanthropy across the globe. In addition to their print editions, Philanthropy Kids also publishes these stories on their online blogs and social media sites. They implement the PAVE program, which stands for Philanthropy and Volunteerism in Entrepreneurship. PAVE is a program that teaches children about philanthropy and the [[Voluntary sector|non-profit sector]], ultimately giving them the tools to start their own [[charitable organization]] or [[social enterprise]].
== History ==
Philanthropy Kids was started in 2011 by Amit Banerjee as his [[Eagle Scout Service Project|Eagle Scout Project]] while a member of Troop 51 in [[Frisco, Texas]].<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> The original intent of the project was to create a magazine that would share the stories of kids doing good. The magazine encouraged submissions about different types of philanthropic behavior, ranging from small acts of kindness to larger multi-stage service projects. In March 2012, Philanthropy Kids released the first issue of Philanthropy Kids Magazine, highlighting the [[Boy Scouts of America]] and Dallas philanthropist, Bobby Lyle. The magazine was distributed mainly around the Dallas-Forth Worth area as well as across the country. Issues of the magazine were given to different groups and institutions such as schools, libraries, and corporate offices.<ref></ref> Later that year at TEDxKids@SMU, Banerjee was invited to give a talk about the magazine and how recognizing youth for the good that they do for others fosters a culture of service that continues throughout their life.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
In 2013, Philanthropy Kids acquired PAVE, an organization that holds courses that teach kids what philanthropy is, why it's important, and how they can be a philanthropist. PAVE originally stood for Philanthropy in Volunteerism in Education because all the courses were held as multi-week programs in class during the school day. Teachers would dedicate a few hours per week for the PAVE facilitators to teach the classes about philanthropy and non-profit organizations.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> The program was later renamed Philanthropy and Volunteerism in Entrepreneurship as the topic of [[social entrepreneurship]] was integrated into the PAVE curriculum. In December 2013, PAVE held its first international program in [[Mazatlán|Mazatlán, Mexico]].<ref></ref>
In 2014, Philanthropy Kids released the second issue of Philanthropy Kids Magazine, recognizing Jackson Price and his efforts to fundraise for [[Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children]]. The organization continued hosting PAVE programs both within the United States and internationally, establishing PAVE as a global project.<ref></ref>
In 2017, Philanthropy Kids acquired Children Writing for Children, an organization that promoted literacy and emotional development in youth by distributing picture books written by children to other children.
== Projects ==
=== Philanthropy Kids Magazine ===
Philanthropy Kids Magazine is a digital and print publication that highlights the stories of kids around the world doing good for others. The magazine promotes the message that one does not need to be rich or old to be a philanthropist they just have to care. They accept submissions about small acts of kindness and larger projects. The only requirements for submitting an article to the magazine is that the author must be below twenty-one years old.
The magazine is published both in print and is available online for free. The publications are distributed to schools, public libraries, doctors' offices, and other public areas. Students who submit articles to the magazine are invited to an event to celebrate the launch of the new issue.
The magazine has started using their various social media platforms to share the stories at a more regular rate similar to the [[Humans of New York]] photojournalism series.
=== PAVE ===
Philanthropy and Volunteerism in Entrepreneurship (PAVE) is a program founded by Bob Hopkins that teaches youth about philanthropy, non-profit organizations, and social entrepreneurship. PAVE teaches its participants that "Anyone can be a philanthropist". The goal of the program is to help grow students personally and professionally. Participants learn about what constitutes as philanthropic behavior, how they can engage in community service at home, how non-profit organizations operate, how social enterprises are started, and how they can start their own service project or non-profit organization. Participants also learn about soft skills such as how to be emotionally literate, how to effectively communicate through different media, and how to build a professional network. Participants in the program have been determined to have less inclination to engage in illegal and unethical activity because they have been taught how to live a philanthropic life. <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
PAVE programs originally were exclusively held as part of classroom curriculum in select school districts but has since expanded and holds independent programs that are open for all youth. The program engages youth in both affluent communities and lower-income communities to ensure that community engagement is encouraged across demographics.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
Since 2013, PAVE has held programs around the world in Mazatlán, Mexico, [[Nagpur|Nagpur, India]], [[Monterrey|Monterrey, Mexico]], and [[Port-au-Prince|Port-au-Prince, Haiti]]. These programs usually are condensed and take place over a shorter period of time. They typically include a large-scale service project.<ref></ref>
== References ==
<references />
== External Links ==
[https://ift.tt/1p21s3s Official Website]
[[Category:Non-profit corporations]]
April 19, 2018 at 08:25PM
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... 自分のプライドをかけた予測まで、専門家の意見はそれぞれ異なっている。現時点では、誰もビットコインの価格がどうなるか正確に知ることができないということだ。一部の意見だけを鵜吞みにせずに、今後の価格の動きも引き続き注意深く見ていこう。 【参照サイト】TOP 10 EXPERT BITCOIN PRICE PREDICTIONS FOR ...
April 19, 2018 at 02:48PM
Christina Gerstberger
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Christina Gerstberger
Gerda Arendt: soprano, a start based on de
== Career ==
Born in [[Nuremberg]], she finished gymnasium with the [[Abitur]] in 1995, specializing in music. The same year, she was awarded second prize in the Bavarian competition of [[Jugend musiziert]]. In 1996 she won second prize in the competition of the in North Rhine-Westphalia. She studied voice from 1996 to 2000 at the [[Hochschule für Musik Detmold|Musikhochschule Detmold]], with [[Ingeborg Ruß]] among others. She further studied operatic performance at the [[Hochschule für Musik Würzburg|Musikhochschule Würzburg]] with Christel Gernot-Heindl. In 1998, she received second prize of the ''Robert-Saar-Wettbewerb''. The same year, she won first prize at both the regional competition of North Rhine-Westphalia and the national competition of the [[Bundeswettbewerb Gesang]] in Berlin. She had a scholarship of the Walter-Kaminsky-Stiftung in Munich and of the Hans-und-Eugenia-Jütting-Stiftung in Stendal that year. In 2003, she was awarded a scholarship of the Richard-Wagner-Verband.
Gerstberger was a member of the ensemble of the in [[Dessau]] from 2000 to 2005, She worked freelance for two years, appearing as a guest at [[Frankfurt Opera]], the [[Theater Dortmund]] and the , among others. From 2007, she has been a member of the [[Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz]] in [[Munich]], where she performed as the Princess in [[Cesar Bresgen]]'s children's opera ''[[Der Mann im Mond (opera)|Der Mann im Mond]]'', as Susanna in Mozart's ''[[The Marriage of Figaro|Die Hochzeit des Figaro]]'', as Zerline in Auber's ''[[Fra Diavolo (opera)|Fra Diavolo]]'', and as Gretel in Humperdinck's ''[[Hänsel und Gretel (opera)|Hänsel und Gretel]]'', among others.
Gerstberger has also appeared in concert, Lied and oratorio. She made concert tours in France with pianist [[Jörg Demus]] in 1999 and 2002.
== External links ==
[[Category:German operatic sopranos]]
[[Category:1976 births]]
[[Category:Living people]]
April 19, 2018 at 04:07PM
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The HayWired earthquake scenario, led by the USGS, anticipates the impacts of a hypothetical magnitude-7.0 earthquake on the Hayward Fault. Learn More: https://t.co/7NKRlvnHFB · #USGS #Science #NaturalHazards #Earthquake pic.twitter.com/wiiyU3cQqe. — USGS (@USGS) 18 апреля 2018 г.
April 19, 2018 at 03:11PM
「gooのAI」、AIのセミオーダーソリューション「goo AI xDesign」を販売開始
「gooのAI」、AIのセミオーダーソリューション「goo AI xDesign」を販売開始
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自社サービスへの導入事例としては、恋愛相談AIサービス「教えて!goo」オシエル(2016年)や、対話を通じて旅行プランを提案する「goo旅行AI」(2017年)の実績があります。また、顧客企業での導入事例では、日本テレビ放送網株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役 社長執行役員:大久保 好男)が提供したTVドラマ連動 ...
April 19, 2018 at 01:52PM
Fahd bin Turki bin Abdulaziz
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Fahd bin Turki bin Abdulaziz
Locus102: /* Military career */
He was born to [[Turki II bin Abdulaziz Al Saud]] and Noura bint Abdallah bin Abdul Rahman.
===Military career===
On April 10 2014 he attended the Friendship and Iron Hawk 14 military exercise near Tabuk. He met with U.S. Army Col. Albert J. Ricci. <ref>https://ift.tt/2qNHFKa> Before his present roles, he was Commander of Paratroopers Units and the Special Forces.
On April 10, 2017 he met UAE Crown Prince [[Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan]] in his capacity as Commander of Joint Special Operations for the Arab Coalition in Yemen.<ref>https://ift.tt/2HaBuuG> He was promoted to Lieutenant-General and made commander of the Land Force on April 24, 2017 by Minister of Defense [[Mohammed bin Salman]]. <ref>https://ift.tt/2qJ9rXY>
He was replaced as commander of the Saudi Arabian Army on 26 February 2018 by Major General Fahd bin Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Mutair, who was promoted to lieutenant general.<ref>https://ift.tt/2Hd6DxD>
He has at least one son, Abdulaziz bin Fahd, who has been deputy governor of the Jawf region since June 2017.
[[Category:Saudi Arabian people]]
[[Category:Saudi Arabian military personnel]]
[[Category:Saudi Arabian princes]]
April 19, 2018 at 02:11PM
Some male sexual assault victims feel left behind by #MeToo
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Some male sexual assault victims feel left behind by #MeToo For some male victims of sexual assault and abuse, #MeToo can feel more like #WhatAboutMe?
April 19, 2018 at 01:42PM
UN Wins Rare Praise for Accrediting Monitors of Iran’s Rights Record
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UN Wins Rare Praise for Accrediting Monitors of Iran's Rights Record A U.N. council's decision to accredit an organization highlighting Iran's alleged human rights violations has drawn rare praise from one of the most prominent U.N. critics in the global rights community. In a Wednesday phone interview with VOA Persian, Hillel Neuer, executive director of the Geneva-based group UN Watch, welcomed the United Nation's accreditation of the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC). The 54-member U.N. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) granted the status to IHRDC, an American organization, Tuesday by a vote of 22 to 7, with 17 abstentions. A subordinate U.N. body, the 19-member NGO Committee, had voted against IHRDC's application for accreditation in February, prompting the United States to appeal to ECOSOC, the larger parent body, to overturn that decision. Speaking to VOA Persian from Tel Aviv, Neuer said IHRDC's accreditation is a "rare bit of justice" for a human rights group at the United Nations. Neuer's UN Watch, which also has accreditation, is a frequent critic of U.N. bodies for granting influential roles to nations accused by rights activists of having poor human rights records. UN Watch also advocates against what it sees as anti-Israel bias in U.N. forums. In a Facebook statement, IHRDC cheered the U.N. accreditation as a "new chapter" in its history. It said the move will enable it to "better engage with Iran's civil society and the international community" as it works to promote human rights and accountability in Iran. It is the first time a group with such a mission has received the status. Neuer said U.N. accreditation is significant because it allows a group to participate in U.N. meetings with diplomats as they make decisions, particularly at the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva. "UN Watch has brought human rights heroes from around the world — China, Cuba, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Iran — to the Human Rights Council because we have the status," Neuer said. "Those activists were able to walk into the council, with diplomats representing their oppressors in the room, and challenge them. They get almost equal speaking time to what an ambassador gets, and that is extraordinary." In another U.N. vote on Tuesday, ECOSOC removed Iran and Venezuela from membership of the NGO Committee for the 2019 to 2022 period. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley welcomed the ECOSOC votes as wins for human rights. In a statement, she said the NGO Committee has been "overrun by serial human rights abusers that ruin the U.N.'s credibility on human rights." But she also said more needs to be done. "Countries with abysmal human rights records should never be allowed to police NGO access, and credible NGOs should never be blocked from participating at the U.N., especially when their work sheds light on some of the world's worst human rights abuses," Haley said. This report was produced in collaboration with VOA's Persian Service.
April 19, 2018 at 01:30PM
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さらにタクベルでは、AIを活用する「需要予測システム」の導入を予定。同システムは、運行中のタクシーから収集するプローブデータとタクシー需要に関連する各種データを解析し、乗務員へリアルタイムかつ個別に走行ルートを推薦するもの。すでに2017年9月から10月まで横浜市の一部地域にて実証実験を実施しており、その ...
April 19, 2018 at 01:41PM
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2018年に発売が予測されている3モデルのiPhoneのうち、低価格帯の6.1インチ液晶モデルには、SIMカードが2枚挿せるデュアルSIMと従来のSIMカード1枚の ... クオ氏は以前、2018年のiPhoneについて、iPhone Xの後継となる5.8インチ有機EL(OLED)モデル、大型ディスプレイの6.5インチOLEDモデル、ミッドレンジの6.1 ...
April 19, 2018 at 01:18PM
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株式会社ジャストシステムは、マーケティングリサーチに関する情報サイト「Marketing Research Camp(マーケティング・リサーチ・キャンプ)」で、ネットリサーチサービス「Fastask」を利用して実施した『人工知能(AI)& ロボット 月次定点調査(2018年3月度)』の結果を発表します。本調査は、15歳~69歳の男女1,100名を対象 ...
April 19, 2018 at 01:07PM
iPhone SE2(仮称)が6月のWWDCで登場?EECデータベースから可能性が急浮上
iPhone SE2(仮称)が6月のWWDCで登場?EECデータベースから可能性が急浮上
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さて、これらの新型iOS機器が次期iPhone XやiPhone X、6.1インチLCD版iPhoneである可能性は極めて低いと見られています。これら2018年の主要iPhoneは、様々な噂でも第3四半期(10~12月)発売が概ね確実視されているため。 また、現行のiPhone Xのバリエーションもあり得なくはありませんが、それを裏付ける噂は ...
April 19, 2018 at 12:45PM
【実売速報】docomo iPhone 8のみ販売台数伸ばす!SoftBankはiPhone 8/ iPhone X ともに好調 ...
【実売速報】docomo iPhone 8のみ販売台数伸ばす!SoftBankはiPhone 8/ iPhone X ともに好調 ...
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「BCNランキング」日次集計データによると、2018年4月17日、AppleのiPhoneシリーズの実売台数ランキングは以下の通りとなった。 1位 iPhone 8 64GB(NTT docomo) 2位 iPhone 8 64GB(au) 3位 iPhone 8 64GB(SoftBank) 4位 iPhone 8 256GB(SoftBank) 4位 iPhone SE 32GB(Y!mobile) 6位 iPhone X ...
April 19, 2018 at 12:11PM
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四半期あたりの利益に占める割合が最も高い端末は、アップルの「iPhone X」でシェアは35%に達していた。それに続くの ... 「iPhone Xが2017年第4四半期に生んだ利益は、累計600機種に及ぶアンドロイド端末の利益の合算の5倍に達していた」とCounterpointのアナリストのKarn Chauhanは述べている。 もう一つ興味深い ...
April 19, 2018 at 12:00PM
Gokstad Mound
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Gokstad Mound
Norwegianeer: ←Created page with '250px The '''Gokstad Mound''' (Norwegian: '''Gokstadhaugen''') is a large burial mound at Gokstad Farm in Sandefjord (...'
The '''Gokstad Mound''' (Norwegian: '''Gokstadhaugen''') is a large burial mound at Gokstad Farm in [[Sandefjord]] (formerly [[Sandar|Sandar municipality]]) in [[Vestfold|Vestfold County]], Norway. It is also known as the '''King's Mound''', and is where the 9th century [[Gokstad Ship]] was found. The mound was excavated by [[Nicolay Nicolaysen]] in 1880. The ship was constructed around 890 and was laid in the mound around ten years later. It mainly consists of oak and has a length of 23.8 meters (78 ft.) and width of 5.2 meters (17 ft.). It had 16 pairs of oars and its top speed is estimated as twelve knots.<ref>Hjardar, Kim and Vegard Vike (2016). ''Vikings at War''. Casemate Publishers & Book Distributors, LLC. Page 147. ISBN 9781612004549.</ref> The Gokstad Ship is now located at the [[Viking Ship Museum (Oslo)|Viking Ship Museum]] in Oslo.
Along with the ship was a Viking chieftain, long believed to be [[Olaf Geirstad-Alf]], half-brother of [[Halfdan the Black]]. However, recent discoveries have increased uncertainty and it therefore remains unknown what chieftain was buried at the mound.<ref>https://ift.tt/2H9VYUh>
The government of Norway applied to [[UNESCO]] in January 2014 to make the Gokstad Mound a [[World Heritage Site]].<ref>https://ift.tt/2qHRCZe>
==The discovery==
The mound was in 1880 measured as 50 meters (164 ft.) in diameter, with a height of 5 meters (16.4 ft.).<ref>https://ift.tt/2HfjwqY> The ocean water levels were significantly higher during the [[Viking Age]], when the ocean stood nearly 4 meters (13 ft.) higher than today. It is therefore estimated that the ship was buried near the sea.
Artifacts found in the grave include a gaming board with counters of horn, fishing hooks, harness fittings (made of lead, iron and gilded bronze), 64 shields, kitchen utensils, six beds, a sleigh, as well as three smaller boats. Also found in the grave were two peacocks, two goshawks, eight dogs and twelve horses.<ref>https://ift.tt/2qLn1dg>
The burial chamber was covered by layers of birch bark, and remnants of silk interwoven with gold thread have been discovered by archeologists stuck between the logs in the roof. These are possibly the remnants of a lavish woven tapestry that decorated inside walls.<ref>https://ift.tt/2qLn1dg>
Dendrochronological studies prove the ship was constructed between year 885-892 AD. The burial chamber is dated to 895-903 AD.<ref>https://ift.tt/2HfjwY0>
The buried chieftain was estimated to be 181-183 cm tall (5'9"-6'0"), and was killed around age 40 during a battle.<ref>https://ift.tt/2qIVKZ4>
The ship was discovered in 1879, and was excavated by [[Nicolay Nicolaysen]] between April-June 1880.<ref>https://ift.tt/2Hfjyz6> The mound was closed and the chieftain's knuckles were returned to the grave site on June 16, 1928. The knuckles were put in a [[sarcophagus]], and [[Haakon VII of Norway|King Haakon VII]] was present at the official opening of the restored mound on July 29, 1929. The sarcophagus was brought out of the grave by archeologists in 2007, and is currently kept at the [[University of Oslo]] (UiO).<ref>[https://ift.tt/2qKMVhz Utstillingen Levd liv] Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
[[Category:Archaeological sites in Norway]]
[[Category:Viking ship burials]]
[[Category:9th century in Norway]]
April 19, 2018 at 11:40AM
Haley: Relationship with Trump is ‘Perfect’
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Haley: Relationship with Trump is 'Perfect' U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said Wednesday that her relationship with President Donald Trump was "perfect" and that he did not need to be worried about Haley and Vice President Mike Pence running against him in 2020. Her comments come amid unusual public friction between Haley, a former South Carolina governor who is known for her blunt diplomacy at the United Nations, and the White House. Haley, a member of Trump's Cabinet, said Sunday that Washington was preparing new sanctions on Russia over its support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. However, Trump delayed further action, a senior administration official said. White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said Haley might have been confused about Washington's plans, but Haley fired back Tuesday: "With all due respect, I don't get confused." Kudlow said he had apologized to Haley. Not publicity shy When asked Wednesday about her relationship with Trump, Haley said: "It's perfect." While former U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson shied away from the spotlight, Haley has carved out a high-profile role for herself in the Trump administration while at the same time ensuring that she publicly praises the president. Her direct approach at the United Nations initially raised eyebrows among diplomats, but many acknowledge her political skills and speculate that she has ambitions for higher office. 2020 bid? The New York Times reported Tuesday that Republicans close to the White House whisper about a possible joint campaign by Haley and Pence in 2020. Trump, who is known to place a high premium on loyalty, has said he will run again in 2020. When asked Wednesday if Trump should be worried about a Pence/Haley campaign, Haley smiled, shook her head and said: "No." Pence's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Adding to the friction was Pence's brief appointment of Haley's senior aide Jon Lerner as his top adviser on foreign policy issues. Lerner withdrew Sunday after a behind-the-scenes White House argument hit the headlines. He will continue working for Haley. A senior administration official said that Haley had not been "freelancing" when she spoke about new Russian sanctions Sunday. "The president just wanted to slow down the process after she spoke," the official said. Russian U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said he had not spoken with Haley about her remarks on sanctions. When asked if he believe Haley or the White House, Nebenzia said: "I believe in God. Let them sort it out themselves. It's not our game."
April 19, 2018 at 10:29AM
進化を遂げた Apple の新型 iPhone SE は6月の WWDC でお披露目か
進化を遂げた Apple の新型 iPhone SE は6月の WWDC でお披露目か
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iPhone 8やiPhone Xがリリースされても、その収まりの良さで根強い人気を誇るiPhone SEは、昨年より後継機種、通称iPhone SE 2の登場が噂されてきた。年始にはワイヤレス充電機能を搭載して、2018年前半にお披露目されるのではないかという憶測が飛び出していたが、新たにそれを裏付ける続報が舞い込んできた。
April 19, 2018 at 11:37AM
DeNAのAI活用タクシー配車アプリ「タクベル」、正式サービス開始 まずは横浜・川崎、配車回数国内トップ ...
DeNAのAI活用タクシー配車アプリ「タクベル」、正式サービス開始 まずは横浜・川崎、配車回数国内トップ ...
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株式会社ディー・エヌ・エーは、AIを活用する次世代タクシー配車アプリ「タクベル」を一般社団法人神奈川県タクシー協会と共同で、神奈川県横浜・川崎エリアにおいて2018年4月19日(木)より正式にサービスを開始したことを発表した。 対象エリアは横浜市・川崎市を皮切りに順次拡大予定で、今夏に神奈川県全域でのサービス ...
April 19, 2018 at 11:15AM
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アジア太平洋地域(APAC)では、4台以上の複数デバイスを所有する人が増加中。こうした消費者が異なるデバイスをどのように使っているかを分析する必要がある」。AI(人工知能)を活用したマーケティングソリューションなどを手がける台湾のAppierは2018年4月に、「2017年アジア太平洋地域インターネット消費者動向調査」 ...
April 19, 2018 at 10:30AM
iPhone SE 2は6月発売 (゚∀゚) ?信憑性はかなり高いぞッ
iPhone SE 2は6月発売 (゚∀゚) ?信憑性はかなり高いぞッ
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多くのユーザーに望まれているiPhone SEの後継機(通称:iPhone SE 2)、先日は9月に新iPhoneとともに発売されるのでは?なんて噂もありましたが、どうやらWWDC 2018でのお披露目が濃厚と言えるかもしれません! iPhone SE 2と見られる端末が、ユーラシア経済委員会(Eurasian Economic Commission)の ...
April 19, 2018 at 10:18AM
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人間の動きを学習・生成するアニメーションAI「ディープミミック」. CONTRIBUTOR 河 鐘基(ハ・ジョンギ). フォロー. 2018/04/19 10:00. Victeah / shutterstock. コンピュータグラフィックス技術(CG)やアニメーション技術により生み出された映画・ゲームのキャラクターは、年々その動きがリアルになり、昨今では実写と見間違う ...
April 19, 2018 at 09:56AM
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
米IBMの「PartnerWorld」イベント AIを軸にエコシステムを再構築 パートナーのビジネスもIBMと同じく「転換 ...
米IBMの「PartnerWorld」イベント AIを軸にエコシステムを再構築 パートナーのビジネスもIBMと同じく「転換 ...
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【ラスベガス発】米IBMのビジネスパートナー向け年次イベント「PartnerWorld at Think 2018」は、顧客向けイベント「Think 2018」と併催されるかたちで3月19日からの4日間、米ラスベガスで開催された。世界中のIBMビジネスパートナーの幹部を対象にした事業方針説明会では、クラウドやAIを軸とする「次世代エコシステム」の ...
April 19, 2018 at 09:00AM
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大和総研が発表した、地域景気判断「大和地域AIインデックス」の2018年4月指数によると、北海道は51.7と1月の前回調査より0.1ポイント低下した。低下は3四半期連続。原油価格の上昇が家計を圧迫。スーパーなどで消費者の節約志向も強まった。 日銀が発表した地域経済報告「さくらリポート」の文章を人工知能(AI)が ...
April 19, 2018 at 09:00AM
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ランサーズは2018年4月17日、オンライン契約判定サービス「AI-CON」を、同社の会員向けに1カ月の期間限定で無償提供すると発表した。AI-CONでは、フリーランスや個人事業主が仕事をする上で必要な契約書をAI(人工知能)が判定する。 ランサーズの「フリーランス実態調査2018」によると、フリーランスの経済規模は拡大 ...
April 19, 2018 at 08:15AM
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製造業においてAIを利用した予知保全に注目が集まっているが、現在はまだ実証実験のレベルであり、市場の立ち上がりは2019年以降になるとの予測をミック経済研究所が発表した。 製造ラインや製造機器の故障を事前に検知する「予知保全」の取り組みは以前から行われており、それは稼働時間測定やしきい値の設定など ...
April 19, 2018 at 07:07AM
「楽天市場」に画像検索から商品を提案する機能! AI解析を使い類似商品をレコメンド
「楽天市場」に画像検索から商品を提案する機能! AI解析を使い類似商品をレコメンド
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楽天は「楽天市場」の商品検索機能に、画像から商品を検索できる「イメージサーチ」を導入した。対象ジャンルはファッションとインテリア。ファッションは2017年秋前、インテリアは2018年に導入している。 「イメージサーチ」にはAI(人工知能)を搭載。消費者が撮影した画像や雑誌記事などの画像を人工知能(AI)が解析し、 ...
April 19, 2018 at 06:22AM
ウシオ電機、半導体装置開発にAI導入 2―3年内
ウシオ電機、半導体装置開発にAI導入 2―3年内
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ウシオ電機は2―3年以内に、半導体露光装置の保守作業や、新しい装置の開発に人工知能(AI)を活用する。装置に設置したセンサーが検知した異常や、社員が顧客から聞き... (残り:489文字/本文:569文字). (2018/4/19 05:00). ※このニュースの記事本文は、会員登録(無料・有料)することでご覧いただけます。
April 19, 2018 at 05:02AM
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IoT住宅が注目を集める大きな要因の1つが、これらAIスピーカーの普及だ。米Consumer Technology Association(CTA、全米民生技術協会)によれば、2017年に米国で出荷されたAIスピーカーは2725万6000台。前年比で4倍弱に急増した。2018年は4362万7000台、2019年には5676万2000台になると予測する。
April 19, 2018 at 04:52AM
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「AI技術者の取り合いは業種を越えて厳しさが増している。コンチネンタルは、ハンガリー・ブタペストに深層学習の開発センターを配置し、2018年5月にセンターをさせる。ハンガリーには優秀な大学や研究機関が集まっている。100人のAI技術者を採用する計画だ。センターでは主に深層学習(ディープラーニング)を研究開発する ...
April 19, 2018 at 04:52AM
Broadcasting Contracts in Cricket
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Broadcasting Contracts in Cricket
This article refers to '''[[Cricket|Cricket]] broadcasting rights'''. For a list of sports broadcasting rights by countries, see [[List of sports television broadcast contracts]].
In certain countries international cricket rights are protected and must be broadcasted live and free to air.
==Protected TV rights==
In India content rights holder is required to share the feed with national broadcaster [[Doordarshan|Doordarshan]] for "Sports events of National importance". Doordarshan can broadcast the game only on terrestrial TV and its own direct to home platform. They are not permitted to share these signals with cable operators and other DTH provider.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Currently all official one-day international, Twenty20 and test matches played by the Indian men's cricket team, semifinals and finals of the [[Cricket world cup|men's World Cup]] and International Cricket Council Championship Trophy are considered as cricketing events of "national importance".<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
In Australia an anti-siphoning list gives the free-to-air broadcasters the first right to negotiate. For cricket, it includes all Test matches Australia plays at home or in England, home ODIs and home T20 internationals. It also includes Australia's matches in the World Cup or World T20 when played at home, and the final of any tournament hosted in Australia or New Zealand.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
In UK Test matches involving English national team and world cup matches involving home nations as well as Semi Final and Final are included in category B list of Ofcom Code on Sports and Other Listed and Designated Events. Category B events are allowed to be broadcast on pay TV provided there is adequate secondary coverage in form of highlights and delayed broadcast. <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
==Primary Rights Sale==
Various cricket boards and ICC often sell the rights first to a primary broadcaster who may later resell those rights to other streaming or broadcast partners in territories where the original broadcaster has no presence. For example Star Sports bought the global rights for IPL in all territories and all platforms from BCC and later resold these rights to Sky Sports for UK market.
{| class="wikitable sortable collapsible"
|+Broadcasting Contracts for Cricket (Television)
!Contract Amount
!Rights Details
| [[Indian Premier League|Indian Premier League]]
|[[Star Sports]]
|INR 16,347.5 crore (US$ 2.55 billion)
|Global rights for IPL on all platforms for the 5 year period 2018-2022<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
| [[International Cricket Council|ICC Events]]
| [[Star Sports]]
|US$ 1.98 billion
|Global audio visual rights for all events organized by ICC for 8 year period 2015-2023. Starts after 2015 World cup<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
| [[Board for Control of Cricket in India|International matches hosted by BCCI]]
| [[Star Sports]]
|Global rights for all games organized by BCCI other than Indian Premier League.
| [[Cricket Australia|Australian Cricket domestic Rights]]
| [[Seven Network|Channel 7]] and [[Fox Sports (Australia)|Fox Sports]]
|AU$1.182 billion(US$920 millions).
| Australian rights for all Cricket organized by CA including International, Domestic and Big Bash League for 6 year period 2018-2024.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
| [[England and Wales Cricket Board|English Cricket Domestic Rights]]
| [[Sky Sports|Sky Sports]] and [[BBC|BBC]]
|£1.1 billion (US$ 1.56 Billion)
| UK and Ireland rights on all platforms for all games organized by ECB including International, Domestic and T20 League for 5 year period 2020-24<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
| [[Cricket South Africa|South Africa domestic rights for Asia, Middle East and North America]]
| [[Ten Sports|Ten Sports]] and [[Willow TV|Willow TV]]
|Rand 1.5 billion (US$ 202 million)
| Rights for all cricket organized by CSA for 8 year period from 2012-13 to 2019-20<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
== References ==
<!--- See https://ift.tt/19lM2in on how to create references using <ref></ref> tags, these references will then appear here automatically -->
== External links ==
<!--- Categories --->
April 19, 2018 at 07:55AM
Wilbert Jones Chef
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Wilbert Jones Chef
Joneswilbert1: ←Created page with 'Wilbert Jones is the president of The Wilbert Jones Company, Inc., a Chicago based 24-year old food/beverage marketing and sales company. He has authored three c...'
based 24-year old food/beverage marketing and sales company. He has authored
three cookbooks; The New Soul Food Cookbook (Carol Publishing Group, 1986 –
won the Purple Reflection Award from the National Council of Negro Women, the
oldest women's organization in America), Mama's Tea Cakes (Kensington Books,
1998), and Smothered Southern Foods (Kensington Books, 2006). In 2002, he was
inducted into the prestigious Les Amis d'Escoffier Society of Chicago. Jones was
the host of 2008 PBS national television show, Healthy Heritage Kitchen. In 2012,
he co-authored Images of America: Chicago's Gold Coast, a neighborhood where
he has been a resident for 19 years. He was a board of director member of the
Gold Coast Neighbors Association and served on its 50 th anniversary committee.
2014, he authored, Images of America: Chicago Blues, which profiled Mississippi
Delta Blues Musicians migration to Chicago. In 2014, Wilbert was honored with
the key to the blues capital of the world, the City of Clarksdale, Mississippi and
named Culinary Ambassador of the entire Mississippi Delta. In 2011, he received
his first key to the city, Sikeston, Missouri for being the keynote speaker at the 8th
Annual Multi-County Women's Health conference. Jones is also a contributor
writer of Cuisine Noir Magazine and Prepared Foods Magazine.
April 19, 2018 at 05:43AM
Edward Chippindall
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Edward Chippindall
Takvaal: create page
==Military career==
Chippindall was born in 1827, and had two brothers, Rev. J. Chippindall and Robert Chippindall.<ref name=TTobit />
He was commissioned an [[ensign]] in the [[32nd (Cornwall) Regiment of Foot]] on 10 December 1847. He saw active service in the [[Second Anglo-Sikh War]], and was present at the [[Siege of Multan]] and the [[Battle of Gujrat]] (Feb 1849), shortly before which he was promoted to [[Lieutenant (British Army and Royal Marines)|lieutenant]] on 9 January 1849. Promoted to [[Captain (BARM)|captain]] on 23 December 1853, he transferred to the [[19th Regiment of Foot]] (later the Yorkshire regiment) and took part in the [[Crimean War]] (1854–1855), received a [[Brevet (military)|brevet]] promotion to [[Major (British Army and Royal Marines)|major]] on 2 November 1855 and a substantive promotion to major on 28 November 1857.<ref name=Hart>Hart′s Army list, 1902</ref>
Then followed 18 years of service in India, during which he received a brevet promotion to [[Lieutenant colonel (British Army and Royal Marines)|lieutenant-colonel]] on 9 March 1865. He commanded the 1st battalion of his regiment in the 1868 Hazara campaign, including the expedition against the tribes on the Black Mountain, for which he was [[mentioned in despatches]], received the medal and was appointed a Companion of the [[Order of the Bath]] (CB). Receiving a substantive promotion to lieutenant-colonel on 7 March 1870, he was promoted to the rank of [[Colonel (British Army)|colonel]] on 14 August 1872.<ref name=Hart /> He returned to England with his regiment, and took command of the regimental depot in [[Yorkshire]].<ref name=TTobit /> He was eventually promoted to [[Major-General (British Army)|major-general]] on 13 February 1885, and to [[Lieutenant-general (British Army)|lieutenant-general]] on 22 December 1886,<ref name=Hart /> when he retired from active service.
He lived in [[Barrow upon Soar]] for the last 20 years of his life, and was a member of the [[Quorn, Leicestershire|Quorn]] Hounds.<ref name=TTobit />
He was appointed Colonel of [[The Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regiment)]] - known as the Green Howards – on 16 November 1896, and served as such until his death.<ref name=Hart /> He was an [[Aide-de-camp]] to [[Queen Victoria]].
Chippindall died in [[Newport, Essex]] on 13 September 1902.<ref name=TTobit>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
[[Category:1827 births]]
[[Category:1902 deaths]]
[[Category:British Army generals]]
[[Category:Companions of the Order of the Bath]]
[[Category:Green Howards officers]]
[[Category:British Army personnel of the Crimean War]]
[[Category:British military personnel of the Second Anglo-Sikh War]]
April 19, 2018 at 05:42AM
420's long, strange trip to pot holiday began in California
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420's long, strange trip to pot holiday began in California Friday is April 20, or 4/20.
April 19, 2018 at 05:25AM
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Citi Researchの最新データによると、ファーウェイEGBがサービスを提供する主要業界(政府、公益事業、銀行、製造、輸送を含む)は、2016年から2019年にかけてAI投資を2倍から5倍に増加させる。しかし、企業の工業志向AIアプリケーションには大きな課題がある。ファーウェイの見解では、あらゆるAIアプリケーションを ...
April 18, 2018 at 06:00PM
Happy Times (song)
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Happy Times (song)
SamHolt6: Creating article, hoping to improve it "someday it may be tomorrow"
== Composition ==
'''"Happy Times"''' was created as a ballad with small notes of jazz. The song was an original production by Sylvia Fine (along with two theatrical numbers, "Soliloquy for Three Heads" and "Medicine Show Number") for the 1949 [[musical comedy]] ''The Inspector General''.<ref name=":0" /> The song was preformed by jazz musician Bob Crosby and his group the Bob-cats.<ref name=":1" />
In 2008 Crosby's rendition of the song appeared as part of the soundtrack of [[Fallout 3|''Fallout 3'']]. The song made a repeat appearance in ''[[Fallout 4]]'' in 2015.<ref name=":1" />
== References ==
April 19, 2018 at 01:36AM
Cyprus church defrocks priest for 1st time over sex offense
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Cyprus church defrocks priest for 1st time over sex offense A senior cleric says Cyprus' Orthodox Christian Church has for the first time defrocked a priest for sexually abusing his step-daughter when she was a child.
April 19, 2018 at 01:06AM
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経済産業省は、国家試験「ITパスポート試験」を2019年にも改定する方針を示した。2018年4月4日に開催された「未来投資会議 構造改革徹底推進会合」の雇用・人材関連の会合に同省が提出した資料で明らかにしたもの。 時代の変化に合わせ、人工知能(AI)、あらゆるモノがネットにつながるIoT(Internet of Things)、ビッグ ...
April 18, 2018 at 06:00PM
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5.8インチ版iPhone Xの後継機や6.5インチ版iPhone X Plus(仮称)といったOLED2機種に6.1インチのLCD版も加えて、3機種のラインナップがたびたび噂されている2018年版の次期iPhone。本体の試験生産やOLEDパネルなど部品の生産が本格的にスタートすれば、アップルが意図しない情報の流出もあるかもしれません ...
April 18, 2018 at 03:56PM
AIやIoTの先進技術を有する「リンカーズパビリオン」内にて「TECHNO-FRONTIER 2018 第1回AI・IoT ...
AIやIoTの先進技術を有する「リンカーズパビリオン」内にて「TECHNO-FRONTIER 2018 第1回AI・IoT ...
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システム開発を総合的にサポートする、創屋 株式会社(本社:石川県白山市、代表取締役:松村卓也、以下 創屋)は、2018年4月18日(水)~20日(金)に幕張メッセで開催される「TECHNO-FRONTIER 2018」内の「第1回AI・IoT活用技術展」で、ものづくり系マッチングサービス「Linkers」が選定する「リンカーズパビリオン」に ...
April 18, 2018 at 10:41AM
EU Pushes to Approve Japan Trade Deal
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EU Pushes to Approve Japan Trade Deal The European Commission will put forward a proposed free-trade agreement with Japan for fast-track approval Wednesday, hoping to avoid a repeat of the public protests that nearly derailed a trade pact with Canada two years ago. The European Union and Japan concluded negotiations to create the world's largest economic area in December, signaling their rejection of the protectionist stance of U.S. President Donald Trump. Now they want to see it go into force. The agreement would remove EU tariffs of 10 percent on Japanese cars and the 3 percent rate for most car parts. It would also scrap Japanese duties of some 30 percent on EU cheese and 15 percent on wines, and secure access to large public tenders in Japan. Canada deal memories The commission, which negotiates trade agreements for the EU, will present its proposals to the 28 EU members, along with another planned trade agreement with Singapore. EU countries, the European Parliament, and the Japanese parliament will have to give their assent before the trade pact can start. The EU is mindful of protests against and criticism of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) in 2016, which culminated in a region of Belgium threatening to destroy the deal. It provisionally entered force last September. Both Brussels and Tokyo want to ensure the agreement can enter force early in 2019, ideally before Britain leaves the EU at the end of March. If it does, it could apply automatically to Britain during a transition period until the end of 2020. Otherwise, it might not. Before Brexit Many of Japan's carmakers serve the EU from British bases, and it has said having a deal in force during the transition would buy it more time to establish a separate trade agreement with Britain. One reason the Japan deal may get rapid approval is that it does not deal with investment protection, which critics say allows multinational companies to influence public policy with the threat of legal action. The agreement could then enter force after approval by the national governments and the European Parliament, rather than also having to secure clearance from national and even regional parliaments. In fact, EU and Japanese negotiators have not agreed on the way in which foreign investors should be protected.
April 18, 2018 at 02:41PM
Korean leaders can discuss peace, but not decide end of war
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Korean leaders can discuss peace, but not decide end of war President Donald Trump has given his "blessing" for North and South Korea to discuss the end of the Korean War at their summit next week amid a diplomatic push to end the North Korean nuclear standoff.
April 18, 2018 at 02:06PM
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人工知能(AI)やビッグデータ分析といった最新のITを金融業界に適用するFinTech。その次にITの適用で盛り上がるのは不動産業界──。そんな「不動産テック」の展望と具体的な適用例を有識者を招いて紹介するプレスセミナーを、レオパレス21が2018年4月17日に開いた。 不動産テックについて解説したのは、東京大学 ...
April 18, 2018 at 09:55AM
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的確な予測で定評のあるFuture Today Instituteのレポート「2018 Tech Trends Report」が公開された。やはり注目はAI技術。全部で21のAI技術動向が取り上げられているが、その中でも僕が個人的に興味を持った4つの技術動向について、同研究所の予測を交えて解説してみたい。
April 18, 2018 at 11:03AM
ドイツの老舗、ペリンガー製のシュランケンカーフを利用 iPhone X対応のレザーケースを4月25日(水)に発売
ドイツの老舗、ペリンガー製のシュランケンカーフを利用 iPhone X対応のレザーケースを4月25日(水)に発売
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坂本ラヂヲ株式会社(東京都目黒区・代表取締役 坂本 雄一)の展開するブランド『GRAMAS』は、ドイツ"ペリンガー"社製のシュランケンカーフを使用した、iPhone X対応のシェル(背面)型レザーケースと手帳型フルレザーケースを2018年4月25日(水)より発売いたします。
April 18, 2018 at 10:52AM
技術トレンド「人工頭脳の浸透」NTT DATA Technology Foresight 2018シリーズ~Vol.3
技術トレンド「人工頭脳の浸透」NTT DATA Technology Foresight 2018シリーズ~Vol.3
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近年の技術発展によって、驚異的な速さでAIの進化は続いています。AI自身が試行錯誤を繰り返すことで事前の学習データなしで自律的に学習する深層強化学習や、ある特定の領域で学習した知識を別の領域に適応させることで少量のデータでの学習を実現する転移学習等によって、大量の学習データを有していなくても高 ...
April 18, 2018 at 06:36AM
3 bodies discovered near LA in parked vehicle with Tennessee plates, police say
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3 bodies discovered near LA in parked vehicle with Tennessee plates, police say Three dead bodies were discovered Tuesday in a parked vehicle in Burbank, Calif., near Los Angeles, police said.
April 18, 2018 at 12:15PM
AIで有機化合物探索 理研、深層学習で高速評価
AIで有機化合物探索 理研、深層学習で高速評価
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理化学研究所革新知能統合研究センターの美添一樹ユニットリーダーと津田宏治チームリーダーらは、膨大な有機化合物の中から生理活性の高い化合物を見つける人工知能(AI... (残り:573文字/本文:653文字). (2018/4/18 05:00). ※このニュースの記事本文は、会員登録(無料・有料)することでご覧いただけます。
April 18, 2018 at 05:03AM
The Latest: Wildfire destroys 5 homes in southern Colorado
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The Latest: Wildfire destroys 5 homes in southern Colorado The Latest on wildfires in Oklahoma and the critical danger in the Southwest and Southern Plains (all times local): 12 p.m.
April 18, 2018 at 11:25AM
よろずAI DeNAの戦略(上)社内外問わず積極活用
よろずAI DeNAの戦略(上)社内外問わず積極活用
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ディー・エヌ・エー(DeNA)は人工知能(AI)を武器に第2の創業を成そうとしている。得意のゲームだけでなく、新規事業として他社と連携するヘルスケア、オートモー... (残り:1,202文字/本文:1,282文字). (2018/4/18 05:00). ※このニュースの記事本文は、会員登録(無料・有料)することでご覧いただけます。 会員登録する ...
April 18, 2018 at 05:03AM
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
【アプリランキング】iPhone:ゲーム-トップ無料で『コトダマン ‐ 共闘ことばRPG』が首位獲得
【アプリランキング】iPhone:ゲーム-トップ無料で『コトダマン ‐ 共闘ことばRPG』が首位獲得
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2018年04月18日(水) ランキング更新完了. ジーパラドットコムでは、本日6時にAppStoreランキング(iPhone:ゲーム-トップ無料)の結果を取得いたしました。 結果は『コトダマン ‐ 共闘ことばRPG』が首位を獲得。2位以下は下記のようになっております。 【iPhone:ゲーム-トップ無料】 ...
April 18, 2018 at 09:22AM
アップルによる中国市場の独占は終わった —— UBSが指摘
アップルによる中国市場の独占は終わった —— UBSが指摘
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中国におけるアップルの歴史的なピークは2015年、iPhoneの販売台数の25%を中国が占めたときだ。だが、マーケットシェアはそれ以降、19%まで下がっているとミルノビッチ氏は言う。 同氏はその主な理由をとして、2つ挙げている。 第一に、現地のハイエンド端末市場での競争が激化していること。「ハイエンド端末をめぐる ...
April 18, 2018 at 05:26AM
作業時間を劇的に改善、高性能カメラとAIでひび割れ点検 (1/2)
作業時間を劇的に改善、高性能カメラとAIでひび割れ点検 (1/2)
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April 18, 2018 at 06:11AM
Can Animals Predict Earthquakes?
Can Animals Predict Earthquakes?
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17 April 2018–For centuries people have claimed that strange behavior by their cats, dogs and even cows can predict an imminent earthquake, but the first rigorous analysis of the phenomenon concludes that there is no strong evidence behind the claim. The paper published in the Bulletin of the ...
April 17, 2018 at 11:50PM
iPhone Xだけで2017年第4四半期スマホ全利益の35%を獲得
iPhone Xだけで2017年第4四半期スマホ全利益の35%を獲得
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2017年第4四半期(10−12月)における世界スマートフォン市場の利益は、対前年同期比で1%減となったにも関わらず、iPhone Xは単独で利益全体の35%を占め、Appleの利益を対 ... iPhone Xの販売期間は2017年第4四半期のうち2カ月間のみでしたが、同四半期のスマホ売上全体の21%、利益全体の35%を占めました。
April 18, 2018 at 05:48AM
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半年前の2017年9月、iOSがバージョン11で拡張現実(AR)に対応した瞬間、iPhoneとiPadは世界最大規模のARプラットフォームとしての地位を確立した。アップルが正式な出荷台数を公表していないため、プラットフォームとしての正確な数字を知ることはできないが、iOS 11以上にアップグレードしたiPhone 6s/6s Plus以降 ...
April 18, 2018 at 04:52AM
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シマンテックは2018年4月17日、セキュリティ上の脅威をAI(人工知能)で検知する「Symantec Targeted Attack Analytics」技術を発表した。同社のEDR(Endpoint Detection and Response)製品「Advanced Threat Protection(ATP)」に無償の機能強化として実装。同技術による検出結果は緊急度の高い攻撃として図示し、 ...
April 17, 2018 at 06:56PM
EurAI Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award 2017
EurAI Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award 2017
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Nominations are invited for the 2017 Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award sponsored by EurAI, the European Association of Artificial Intelligence. Please take a moment to nominate your students, or to recommend to your colleagues to nominate their students. This Award includes a certificate signed ...
April 17, 2018 at 08:44PM
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2018年04月17日. ツイートリスト · このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加. 東芝デジタルソリューションズは、自分の声を登録してスマートフォンにテキスト読み上げなどをさせることが可能なアプリ「コエステーション」の無料提供を開始した。現時点ではiOS版のみの提供で、Androidには対応していない。 同社では、 ...
April 17, 2018 at 06:00PM
The Latest: Forecasters warn of life-threatening wildfires
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The Latest: Forecasters warn of life-threatening wildfires The Latest on wildfires in Oklahoma and the critical danger in the Southwest and Southern Plains (all times local): 12 p.m.
April 18, 2018 at 02:03AM
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2017 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. 参考になったらシェアお願いします! ツイートする · シェアする. ▽新着記事やオススメ記事を投稿中! Twitterをフォローする → AppBank(@appbank). Facebookページをいいねする → AppBank · iPadアプリiPhoneアプリカードゲームゲーム無料アプリサーヴァント ...
April 17, 2018 at 04:52PM
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Nedim Ardoğa: added Category:Banks established in 1958 using HotCat
It was founded on 22 May 1958 in [[Ankara]]. Its shareholders were 21000 teachers. The name of the banks means "Teachers' Bank of Turkey". In 1985 headquarter of the bank was moved to [[İstanbul]]. On 22 May 1992 it was merged to [[Halk Bank]].
<ref>[https://ift.tt/2JUPoyM Finansgündem page ]</ref>
==Töbank camp==
Töbank owned a holyday camp in [[Kumkuyu]] town of [[Mersin Province]]. The ground area of the sea side camp was . After the merger, the camp was bought by the provident fund of Töbank employees. On 5 March 2011 the fund sold the camp to a private tourism company.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2vpNnY4 Abdullah Atan's essay in Ufukturu page ]</ref>
[[Category:Banks established in 1958]]
April 18, 2018 at 12:18AM
ZenFone Max Pro
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ZenFone Max ProAsus ZenFone Max Pro
April 17, 2018 at 08:00PM
『ドリームマッチテニス VR』PS VRと人間に近いAIでリアルなプレイ感覚を実現【先出し週刊ファミ通】
『ドリームマッチテニス VR』PS VRと人間に近いAIでリアルなプレイ感覚を実現【先出し週刊ファミ通】
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びんぼうソフトから、プレイステーション VR専用ソフト『ドリームマッチテニス VR』が発売決定! 本作は、リアルなプレイ感覚を目指して作られたテニスゲーム。ラケットとボールの移動や回転、角度など、挙動のすべてをシミュレート。さらに、人間に近いAI"スニテ"の導入により、自然なプレイ感を実現した。週刊ファミ通2018年5 ...
April 17, 2018 at 06:00PM
ZenFone Max Pro
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ZenFone Max ProAsus ZenFone Max Pro
April 17, 2018 at 08:00PM
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今年1月、政府は行政の電子化に向けた「デジタル・ガバメント実行計画」を決定した。政府は2001年にはすでに、全ての行政手続きをインターネット経由で可能にすることに着手していた。しかし、行政手続きのうちネット申請を実施しているのは12%にとどまっており、紙の添付書類を求める手続きが多く存在する。行政サービス ...
April 17, 2018 at 06:11PM
【実売速報】iPhone に負けず Huawei P10 lite いまだに好調! Androidスマホ ランキング
【実売速報】iPhone に負けず Huawei P10 lite いまだに好調! Androidスマホ ランキング
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「BCNランキング」日次集計データによると、2018年4月15日、Androidスマホの実売台数ランキングは以下の通りとなった。 1位 P10 lite WAS-L22J(Huawei Technologies) 2位 Xperia XZ1 SOV36(ソニーモバイルコミュニケーションズ) 3位 AQUOS sense SH-01K(シャープ) 4位 S4(京セラ) 5位 AQUOS sense SHV40( ...
April 17, 2018 at 04:52PM
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シマンテックは4月17日、エンドポイントに対する標的型攻撃の調査に同社の解析情報を利用できる新たな機能の提供を発表した。調査作業におけるエンドユーザーの負担を軽減する狙いがある。 シマンテック マネージドセキュリティサービス日本統括の滝口博昭氏. 新しい機能は、同社が2010年に組織した標的型攻撃調査 ...
April 17, 2018 at 04:41PM
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iPhone出張修理を全国で展開する株式会社あいりぺ(本社: 東京都新宿区、代表取締役 河合晴輝、以下 「あいりぺ」)は、2018年4月17日(火)より、シェアリングエコノミーのニーズを受け、スマートフォン(iPhone、Android)、タブレット、ガラケーの携帯端末をシェアできて、レンタルすることも可能なプラットフォームサービス「 ...
April 17, 2018 at 04:30PM
List of companies founded by University of Pennsylvania alumni
投稿 L List of companies founded by University of Pennsylvania alumni 投稿者: Blogger さん 7 Nation's Most Visible Mass Gathering During Cor...
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