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Dem silence during State of the Union speech shows all they care about is opposing Trump President Trump's State of the Union address was deliberately structured to emphasize unity and bipartisanship, yet the obstructionist Democrats refused to acknowledge his best overtures.
February 10, 2019 at 08:38AM
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Dem silence during State of the Union speech shows all they care about is opposing Trump
Attorney: Police wouldn't arrest wanted man who lacked ID
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Attorney: Police wouldn't arrest wanted man who lacked ID A man wanted on a second-degree murder change spent nearly an hour pleading with New Orleans police to arrest him before they actually did.
February 10, 2019 at 08:25AM
Several mumps cases confirmed at Texas ICE facility, health officials say
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Several mumps cases confirmed at Texas ICE facility, health officials say
February 10, 2019 at 07:49AM
Rising British rapper Cadet killed in car crash while on way to performance
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Rising British rapper Cadet killed in car crash while on way to performance Cadet, a rising British rapper, was killed early Saturday while on his way to a performance at Keele University in Staffordshire.
February 10, 2019 at 04:10AM
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ユーザーが新しいiPhoneに買い換えるまでの年数がさらに延びていることが、Appleの業績に想像以上に大きな影響を与える可能性があると、金融アナリストが ...
February 10, 2019 at 12:44AM
Ashley Abad
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Ashley Abad
February 10, 2019 at 01:00AM
California police discover secret underground shooting range, weapons, thousands of rounds of ammo at gang member’s home
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California police discover secret underground shooting range, weapons, thousands of rounds of ammo at gang member's home The Fontana Police Department discovered a secret hideaway and shooting range at the residence of a "known gang member."
February 10, 2019 at 12:23AM
豊富なバリエーションからデザインを選べる 壁にくっつくスマホケース『WAYLLY』から待望の新作登場
豊富なバリエーションからデザインを選べる 壁にくっつくスマホケース『WAYLLY』から待望の新作登場
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対応機種はiPhone 6~Xs Maxで、価格は各2,384円(税込)。 2019年2月11日(月)までなら20%オフで購入できるそうなので、気になる人はぜひチェックして ...
February 09, 2019 at 09:00PM
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial ...
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial ...
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Conference. ACAI 2018 2018 International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial Intelligence. Sanya, China — December 21 - 23, 2018
February 09, 2019 at 08:48PM
これが近未来のファストフード店! 米国で進む「ハンバーガー製造ロボット」
これが近未来のファストフード店! 米国で進む「ハンバーガー製造ロボット」
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2018年はじめに話題をよんだのが、AIで調理する「フリッピー」という名前のロボット。外観はマネキンの腕部分だけのようで、腕の先にはフライ返しがついており、 ...
February 09, 2019 at 08:26PM
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iPhoneのアメリカでのインストールベース(ユーザー数)が、2018年第4四半期(10-12月)までに1億8,900万ユニットとなり、対前年四半期で2,300万増となった ...
February 09, 2019 at 07:30PM
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Emarnonさんの訴えによると2016年9月に購入したiPhone 7に同梱されている電源アダプタが2017年10月頃から使おうとすると「このアクセサリは使用できない ...
February 09, 2019 at 02:37PM
2019年02月09日 ロボット業界ニュースヘッドライン
2019年02月09日 ロボット業界ニュースヘッドライン
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ウェザーニューズ、AIで路面の雪を認識するAIモデル – 週刊アスキー ... 貴文氏が語る生き残るための条件「AI時代」こそ新しい仕事が増加 – ライブドアニュース ...
February 09, 2019 at 02:15PM
Denmark expedition
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Denmark expedition
Xufanc: new page
The '''Denmark expedition''' () was an expedition to the northeast of [[Greenland]] in 1906–1908.
Led by [[Ludvig Mylius-Erichsen]], the expedition had the mission to [[Mapping|map]] the last blank sections of the coastline of northeastern Greenland, between [[Cape Bridgman]], [[Robert Peary]]'s easternmost geographic exploration in the north, and [[Cape Bismarck]], the northernmost point reached by [[Carl Koldewey]] in the east. It aimed as well to gather scientific data of the unexplored area during a period of two years.
Despite of the death in tragic circumstances of three of its leading members, the Denmark expedition succeeded in exploring the vast region, drawing accurate charts of formerly unexplored coastlines and [[fjord]]s and naming numerous features.<ref name="GN"></ref>
The expedition traveled to Greenland aboard the [[Danmark (ship)|Danmark]], reaching a sheltered place in southern [[Germania Land]] and establishing its main base there, [[Danmarkshavn]], which was named after the ship. <ref>[[Georg Carl Amdrup]], ''Report on the Danmark Expedition to the North-East Coast of Greenland 1906-1908".'' P. 65</ref>
Expedition members included a very large staff of Danish scientists, as well as West [[Greenlanders]].
=== Literature ===
* Spencer Apollonio, ''Lands That Hold One Spellbound: A Story of East Greenland,'' 2008
==See also==
*[[Cartographic expeditions to Greenland]]
==External links==
*[http://bit.ly/2E1sHIg A. Trolle, ''The Danish North-East Greenland Expedition'', The Geographical Journal Vol. 33, No. 1 (Jan., 1909), pp. 40-43+45-47+49+51-53+55-57+59-61]
[[Category:Arctic expeditions]]
[[Category:1900s in Greenland]]
[[Category:Expeditions from Denmark]]
[[Category:20th century in the Arctic]]
February 09, 2019 at 06:57PM
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Kizuna AI(キズナアイ)は、2016年12月に活動を開始した(自称)世界初の ... 自身の運営するYouTubeチャンネル「A.I.Channel」の登録者数は240万人を突破 ...
February 09, 2019 at 12:54PM
UC students plan drone use for hurricane response
UC students plan drone use for hurricane response
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In October of 2018, Hurricane Michael devastated the Florida panhandle. The storm's 155 mph winds toppled trees and telephone lines, closing ...
February 09, 2019 at 12:28PM
マッサージチェアはここまで進化していた! AI搭載のフル装備チェアが人類の未来を癒す
マッサージチェアはここまで進化していた! AI搭載のフル装備チェアが人類の未来を癒す
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どうやら、2019年のマッサージチェアには最新のAIが搭載されているようです。 今回はフジ医療器が開発したAIマッサージチェア「サイバーリラックス AS-2000」を ...
February 09, 2019 at 11:37AM
今、格安SIMで使うならどの端末? キャリアのiPhone XRが狙い目?
今、格安SIMで使うならどの端末? キャリアのiPhone XRが狙い目?
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2018年後半から3大キャリア間の販売競争が激しくなっていることなどから、特価販売されるケースが多いiPhone XRが割安に出回っている。中古店では未使用 ...
February 09, 2019 at 12:22PM
Friday, February 8, 2019
Sherrod Brown, in New Hampshire, touts populist cred as he tests waters for presidential bid
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Sherrod Brown, in New Hampshire, touts populist cred as he tests waters for presidential bid Sen. Sherrod Brown told Fox News on Friday that he'll put his progressive credentials up against any of the Democratic presidential contenders. The senator spoke minutes before he headlined a roundtable discussion in the beach community of Hampton, his first stop in a jam-packed two day swing through New Hampshire, the state that holds the first primary in the race for the White House.
February 09, 2019 at 10:09AM
Cory Booker compares Green New Deal to going to the moon, defeating Nazis
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Cory Booker compares Green New Deal to going to the moon, defeating Nazis Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., defended his support of the controversial "Green New Deal" on Friday, by comparing the government-led push to overhaul the nation's economy and energy sector to landing on the Moon or defeating the Nazis.
February 09, 2019 at 09:06AM
Funani (Southern Indian Ocean)
Funani (Southern Indian Ocean)
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Feb. 8, 2019 – NASA Looks at Tropical Cyclone Funani's Rainfall Rates. Tropical Cyclone Funani continued tracking southeast through the Southern ...
February 09, 2019 at 01:54AM
13 suspected drug traffickers killed in Rio shootout
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13 suspected drug traffickers killed in Rio shootout Brazilian police shot dead at least 13 suspected drug traffickers on Friday during a shootout in a slum in Rio de Janeiro's bohemian neighborhood of Santa Teresa.
February 09, 2019 at 07:54AM
Building Monitoring and Decentralized on-site Earthquake Early Warning network, Bishkek
Building Monitoring and Decentralized on-site Earthquake Early Warning network, Bishkek
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Author: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum et al.; Genre: Data Publication; Final published: 2018; Title: Building Monitoring and Decentralized on-site ...
February 09, 2019 at 05:32AM
Gelena (Southern Indian Ocean)
Gelena (Southern Indian Ocean)
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Feb. 8, 2019 – NASA's Aqua Satellite Finds Tropical Cyclone Gelena's Strongest Side. NASA's Aqua satellite passed over the Southern Indian Ocean ...
February 09, 2019 at 01:53AM
Gelena (Southern Indian Ocean)
Gelena (Southern Indian Ocean)
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Feb. 7, 2019 – NASA Satellite Shows Tropical Cyclone Gelena Near Madagascar. A visible-light image from NASA's Terra satellite revealed Tropical ...
February 09, 2019 at 01:52AM
California couple rescued after being stuck in their Jeep for 5 days during snow storm
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California couple rescued after being stuck in their Jeep for 5 days during snow storm Carlos Hernandez-Isava and Maia Herman-Kitami were happy to be rescued after they were stranded in their Jeep for five days during a snowstorm in the Mendocino National Forest.
February 09, 2019 at 04:18AM
The Latest: Thai king vetos sister's election candidacy
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The Latest: Thai king vetos sister's election candidacy The Latest on Thai princess's decision to run for prime minister (all times local): 11 p.m. Thailand's king has issued a decree stating that no member of the royal family should be involved in politics, quashing a bid by his older sister to run for prime minister in next month's elections.
February 09, 2019 at 01:31AM
2019-02-08 02:10:14 UTC M3.2 POLAND 7hr 50min ago F Depth:10
2019-02-08 02:10:14 UTC M3.2 POLAND 7hr 50min ago F Depth:10
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Macroseismic Intensity, F Effects: Felt. Distances. 237 km NE of Bratislava, Slovakia / pop: 424,000 / local time: 03:10:14.3 2019-02-08 30 km NE of ...
February 08, 2019 at 08:41PM
Contemporary Art Artificial Intelligence and the Art of Mario…
Contemporary Art Artificial Intelligence and the Art of Mario…
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Artificial Intelligence and the Art of Mario Klingemann. by Sotheby's | Feb 8, 2019. Sotheby's Contemporary Art Day Auction on 6 March features a ...
February 08, 2019 at 07:25PM
Comitato pro suffragio femminile
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Comitato pro suffragio femminile
Ipigott: creating article on the Italian Comitato pro suffragio femminile (Committee for Women's Suffrage)
Established in [[Rome]], the Committee was affiliated to the [[International Women Suffrage Alliance]]. As such, it was independent of any political or religious preferences. Its principal objectives were to promote, defend and support the women's suffrage movement; to become the focus of action by regional committees; to set up committees in cities where they were absent; and to unite Italian women fighting for voting rights, exploring all legal avenues for obtaining the right for them to vote.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
In 1906, on behalf of the committee, Mozzoni presented a petition to the Italian Parliament inviting the deputies to discuss granting voting rights to women. While sensitizing parliamentarians to the issue, it was also effective in forming a basis for discussion by women throughout the country.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
[[Category:Organizations established in 1905]]
[[Category:1905 establishments in Italy]]
[[Category:Women's rights organizations]]
[[Category:Women's organisations based in Italy]]
[[Category:Women's suffrage]]
February 08, 2019 at 09:55PM
仮想通貨ビットコイン 1日あたりのトランザクション量が2018年1月の水準まで増加
仮想通貨ビットコイン 1日あたりのトランザクション量が2018年1月の水準まで増加
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ニュース. 1日のビットコイン(BTC)のトランザクション量が増加している。transactionfee.infoのデータによると、2018年1月の水準にまで回復している。一部の業界 ...
February 08, 2019 at 06:22PM
Jeff Bezos’ investigator believes ‘government entity’ may have obtained texts: WashPo reporter
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Jeff Bezos' investigator believes 'government entity' may have obtained texts: WashPo reporter A security consultant for Amazon founder and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos believes the CEO's lurid intimate photos may have been acquired by a "government entity," a reporter at the paper said Thursday.
February 08, 2019 at 04:47PM
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iPhone用ケーブルアクセサリー「ケーブルバイト(CABLE BITE)」に、「ミニオン」をモチーフにした新作が登場。2019年2月下旬より、ヴィレッジヴァンガードや ...
February 08, 2019 at 12:45PM
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Bitcoin never shuts down. pic.twitter.com/bJss6667MC. — Pomp (@APompliano) 2019年2月7日. 「 ウェルズ・ファーゴのシステムは現在シャットダウンし ...
February 08, 2019 at 12:27PM
Keel (name)
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Keel (name)
Coastside: moved list of people from dab page
* [[Adam Keel]] (1924-2018), Swiss visual artist
* [[Aileen Keel]] (born 1952), Scottish doctor and academic
* [[Alton G. Keel Jr.]] (born 1943), American engineer, diplomat and businessman
* [[Avo Keel]] (born 1962), Estonian volleyball coach
* [[Brooks A. Keel]], American academic and university president
* [[Carl Eugen Keel]] (1885-1961), Swiss Expressionist artist
* [[Frederick Keel]] (1871-1954), English composer and singer
* [[Howard Keel]] (1919-2004), American actor who starred in classic motion picture musicals
* [[Johann Joseph Keel]] (1837-1902), Swiss politician
* [[John Keel]] (1930-2009), American author, journalist, and ufologist
* [[Larry Keel]] (born 1968), bluegrass singer and songwriter
* [[Mary Lou Keel]], a judge in Texas
* [[Philipp Keel]], Swiss artist, writer and publisher
* [[Ron Keel]] (born 1961), American heavy metal vocalist and guitarist
* [[Stephen Keel]] (born 1983), American soccer player
* [[Terry Keel]] (born 1958), Texas lawyer and politician
* [[Thomas Keell]] (1866-1938), English compositor and journal editor
February 08, 2019 at 03:44PM
Lauren Blanchard extends 'Final Exam' winning streak
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Lauren Blanchard extends 'Final Exam' winning streak Fox News correspondent and "Final Exam" contestant Lauren Blanchard has been on a roll lately when appearing on the "Tucker Carlson Tonight" current events quiz segment.
February 08, 2019 at 12:16PM
バナナ大好き!愉快な彼らがやってきた!話題のiPhone純正ケーブル用アクセサリー「ケーブルバイト」に ...
バナナ大好き!愉快な彼らがやってきた!話題のiPhone純正ケーブル用アクセサリー「ケーブルバイト」に ...
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NBCユニバーサル・エンタテインメントとベネリック株式会社とのライセンス契約に基づき、ベネリック株式会社(本社:東京都港区、社長:柴田郁夫)は、2019年2月 ...
February 08, 2019 at 12:22PM
AIを駆使して社会課題の解決目指す インフラ劣化度検査を省力化する「THE JUDGE!」開発チームの挑戦
AIを駆使して社会課題の解決目指す インフラ劣化度検査を省力化する「THE JUDGE!」開発チームの挑戦
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昨年11月に行われたIBMのAI、IBM Watson(以下、Watson)を活用したコンテスト「Watson Build 2018 Japan Demo Day」。数多くのIBMビジネス・パートナーが ...
February 08, 2019 at 10:52AM
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Y. S. Rao
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Y. S. Rao
Dipankar age: /* Professional Career */
== Biography ==
Rao received the M.Sc. degree in Physics from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India, in 1982, and the Ph.D. degree in passive microwave remote sensing of soil moisture from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai, India, in 1992<ref name=":1" /><ref></ref>.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Y. S. Rao
|Microwave Remote Sensing
|Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
== Professional Career ==
He joined the [[Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering, IIT Bombay|Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering]], [[Indian Institute of Technology Bombay]], in 1985, as a Senior Research Assistant and then became a Research Scientist in 1999. During 2005–2009, he was a Senior Research Scientist and then Associate Professor from 2009 to 2014. He is currently a Professor since 2015<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":1" />. He was engaged in both passive and active microwave remote sensing for several applications viz. soil moisture<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>, flood mapping<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>, and crop inventory mapping<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>. He has participated in several space borne campaigns for collecting synchronous ground-truth data and has experience in handling various data set for several applications of cryosphere<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>, agriculture<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>, water-resources<ref name=":3">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>. His current research interests include application of polarimetry for geophysical parameter retrieval<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name=":3" /> and SAR interferometry for DEM<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> and land deformation<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>.
He is actively involve in teaching several courses including Principles of Remote Sensing, Microwave Remote Sensing, Atmospheric Remote Sensing, Advanced Concepts in Polarimetric SAR Data Analysis for M.Tech. and Ph.D. students for the last 12 years<ref name=":0" />. He is also invited for lectures/training programs in several Institutes/Universities. He has conducted numerous training programmes for Indians on SAR and InSAR realated activities as a member of task group, and also organized international programmes with the help of [[German Aerospace Center|DLR Germany]], [[CNES|CNES France]] and [[University of Cape Town|University of Capetown]], South Africa<ref name=":2" />.
He supervises doctoral and masters research on both PolSAR and InSAR applications. Dr. Rao is the Principal and Co-principal Investigator of numerous projects sponsored by [[European Space Agency]] (ESRIN/ESA); [[German Aerospace Center|German Aerospace Centre]] (DLR); the [[Department of Science and Technology (India)|Department of Science and Technology]] (DST), Government of India; [[Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment|Snow & Avalanche Study Estt]] (SASE), [[Defence Electronics Application Laboratory]] (DEAL), [[Electronics and Radar Development Establishment]] (LRDE)- [[Defence Research and Development Organisation|Defense Research and Development Organization]] (DRDO), Government of India; [[Indian Space Research Organisation|Indian Space Research Organization]] (ISRO); [http://bit.ly/2TFjKtq Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research] (SAMEER), Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India; and [http://jecam.org/ GEOGLAM-JECAM SAR Inter-Comparison Experiment]<ref name=":2" />. He has authored more than 100 scientific publications in refereed international-national journals and conference proceedings.
<br />
February 08, 2019 at 09:21AM
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2月5日にソフトバンクが決算説明会を実施し、携帯3社の2018年第3四半期決算が出揃った。 携帯各社は、政府による値下げ圧力、分離プランの制度化の流れ ...
February 08, 2019 at 06:56AM
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LINEの更新は、iPhoneだとApp Store、AndroidはGoogle Playストアから行います。以前はLINEアプリからも更新できましたが、現在(2019年2月)はApp Store ...
February 08, 2019 at 06:56AM
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編集部が主催したdata tech 2018に登壇した河本氏は「普通の企業においてデータとAIの活用を推進するために必要な人材とは?」と題して企業における20年間 ...
February 08, 2019 at 06:00AM
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2019年は「iPhone」の苦戦が想定され、「iPhoneは終わった」との論調が株式市場やメディアで広がる可能性がある。しかし、その判断は早計であり、真価が問 ...
February 08, 2019 at 04:52AM
Researchers Seek Fuller Picture of First Africans in America
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Researchers Seek Fuller Picture of First Africans in America The first Africans to arrive in North America were so little noted by history that many are known today by only their first names: Antony and Isabella, Angelo, Frances and Peter. Almost 400 years ago, they were kidnapped and forcibly sailed across the ocean aboard three slave ships — the San Juan Bautista, the White Lion and the Treasurer — and then sold into bondage in Virginia. Now their descendants, along with historians and genealogists, are seeking recognition for a group of 20-some Africans they describe as critical to the survival of Jamestown, England's first successful settlement in North America. "We need to reclaim our history. We need to tell our story," said Calvin Pearson, head of Project 1619, which is named after the year those first Africans landed near what became Hampton, Virginia. A few historical markers and records mention these early slaves, but there's been scant research on their lives. Pearson and others are working to learn more. Before the slaves arrived, Jamestown was starving. "Basically all of those people were right off of the streets in England," said Kathryn Knight, who in May will release a book titled "Unveiled - The Twenty & Odd: Documenting the First Africans in England's America 1619-1625 and Beyond." Those colonists "didn't know how to grow anything. They didn't know how to manage livestock. They didn't know anything about survival in Virginia," Knight said. The Africans "saved them by being able to produce crops, by being able to manage the livestock. They kept them alive." The slaves' arrival marked the beginning of the region's fractured relationship with blacks. More than two centuries later, Virginia became home to the Confederate capital, and in the last week its governor has been pressured to resign for appearing in a racist photo in a 1984 yearbook. The new arrivals were Catholic and many spoke multiple languages, according to Ric Murphy, an author and descendant of John Gowan, one of the Angolan captives. They came from a royal city and "were quite informed and educated, and several of them, based upon what they did in the latter part of their years, clearly were leaders in the community in one form or the other," Murphy said. "Many of them became landowners, which is quite different from the false narrative of what an enslaved person was." In Jamestown, historian Mark Summers leads tourists down paths that Angelo — also known as Angela — walked after being sold to a Captain William Pierce. Like many of that first group, her life is largely a mystery. In fact, her entire known biography "could probably fit on a 3x5 index card," Summers said. But being able to show people where she lived and walked is a spiritual experience for some, he said. For African-Americans, "this is the same thing as going to Plymouth Rock," said Summers, who works at the Historic Jamestowne park. "Here's a place where you can stand and say, 'We set foot here, and we can still walk this ground.'" The first Africans were among more than 300 taken out of the Ndongo region of Angola, a Portuguese colony of mostly Catholic Africans, on the San Juan Bautista bound for Mexico. That ship was attacked and plundered by the White Lion and the Treasurer, which together seized about 60 slaves. After stopping in the Caribbean and trading some of the slaves for provisions, the White Lion sailed for Virginia with its human cargo. Englishman John Rolfe, who would later marry Pocahontas, documented the White Lion's arrival at what was then called Point Comfort. "He brought not anything but 20, and odd Negars, which the Governor and Cape Merchant bought for victualle," Rolfe wrote in a letter in January 1620, meaning that the colony purchased the slaves with provisions. A 1620 census showed 17 African women and 15 African men in Jamestown. Although sold into servitude, many of those original Angolans fared better than the millions of African slaves who came to North America later, said John Thorton, a Boston University professor of African American studies and history. "They had a better chance at a better future than almost anybody who followed them because they were the first," Thorton said. "A lot of them ended up owning property, and they ended up owning slaves of their own." By intermingling with the English colonists, some had children who ended up passing for white and merging into early colonial society, Thorton said. Some, like the Catholic John Pedro, met with tragedy, Pearson said. Pedro "ended up owning quite a bit of land in Virginia. When the English Civil War broke out, it was Protestants versus Catholics," Pearson said. Pedro moved to Maryland to live with other Catholics, but he was captured in a battle and executed. Antony and Isabella became servants for a Captain William Tucker, gained their freedom around 1635 and started a homestead in Kent County, Virginia, Pearson said. Around 1623, they had a son named William Tucker who "became the first documented African child born in English-occupied North America." Descendants of Antony and Isabella are buried at a Hampton cemetery that has been in use since the 1600s, Pearson said. Knight has a different interpretation of those early records, concluding that Frances gave birth to Peter first, making him the first African child born in Virginia. Described in later records as a "Negro carpenter," Peter married and received his freedom with the promise of paying 10,000 pounds of tobacco to his master around 1676. He made the last payment in 1682, Knight said. Murphy, who wrote "Freedom Road: An American Family Saga from Jamestown to World War," said it's important for black people to know about these first Africans because it "helps us have more ownership of American history." Pearson, whose organization plans to honor the anniversary of the Africans' arrival on Aug. 24, agrees. "From here, we see the beginnings of the Africa imprint on what would become the United States of America. It's worth remembering."
February 08, 2019 at 03:53AM
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MM総研は2月7日、2018年1月〜12月の国内携帯電話・スマートフォン出荷台数を発表しました。iPhoneの出荷台数は1%減少したもののシェア44.1%で7年 ...
February 08, 2019 at 12:45AM
【スタバ】2019年のSAKURAは「さくらフル」! 2月15日から
【スタバ】2019年のSAKURAは「さくらフル」! 2月15日から
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MENU たのしいiPhone! AppBank · 新着 · 事前登録 ... Home › iPhoneアプリ › フード/ドリンク › 【スタバ】2019年のSAKURAは「さくらフル」! 2月15日から ...
February 07, 2019 at 07:01PM
Papillon (name)
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Papillon (name)
Coastside: moved list of people from dab page
Notable people with the name include:
*[[Annick Papillon]] (born 1980), Canadian politician
*[[Godfrey Papillon]] (1867–1942), English cricketer
*[[Jean-François Papillon]] (died 1805), African-born slave in Haiti
*[[John Papillon (cricketer)]] (1806–1889), English cricketer
*[[John Papillon]] (1838–1891), British photographer and army engineer
*[[Thomas Papillon]] (1623–1702), English merchant and politician
*[[Papillon Soo Soo]] (born 1961), British-Chinese model and actress
February 08, 2019 at 12:58AM
Army aims for more combat-ready troops with new fitness test
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Army aims for more combat-ready troops with new fitness test Army soldiers struggle to haul heavy sleds backward as fast as they can down a grassy field at Fort Bragg, filling the brisk North Carolina morning air with grunts of exertion and the shouts of instruction from their coaches.
February 08, 2019 at 12:32AM
Kate Middleton reveals Prince George, Princess Charlotte's favorite foods
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Kate Middleton reveals Prince George, Princess Charlotte's favorite foods Cheesy pasta, salad and olives coming on up.
February 08, 2019 at 12:14AM
Leaked Files Reveal Iran's Post-Revolution Crackdown on Journalists
Leaked Files Reveal Iran's Post-Revolution Crackdown on Journalists The Iranian government arrested, imprisoned or executed at least 860 journalists in the three decades between the Islamic revolution in 1979 and 2009, according to documents leaked to media monitoring group Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF). At a news conference in Paris attended by Iranian human rights lawyer Shirin Ebadi, recipient of the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize, RSF said whistleblowers had passed on 1.7 million records detailing judicial proceedings against an array of citizens, including minorities, government opponents and journalists. RSF secretary-general Christophe Deloire said the group had spent months cross-checking the records with its own documented cases and those of other NGOs, and had established that hundreds of journalists had been targeted by the state. "The file is a register of all the arrests, imprisonments and executions carried out by the Iranian authorities in the Tehran area over three decades," RSF said. Representatives of the Iranian government were not immediately reachable for comment on Thursday, a holiday in Iran. But last week Iranian authorities reiterated that there were no political prisoners being held in the country. RSF released the report to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the Islamic revolution that brought Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to power. "After months of detailed research work on the file's entries, RSF is in a position to say that at least 860 journalists and citizen-journalists were arrested, imprisoned and in some cases executed by the Iranian regime between 1979 and 2009, the period on which RSF focused its research." Deloire said his organization would refer the file to the United Nations high commissioner for human rights in the hope further steps could be taken to hold Iran to account. "The very existence of this file and its millions of entries show not only the scale of the Iranian regime's mendacity... but the relentless machinations it used for 40 years to persecute men and women for their opinions or their reporting," he said. Last month, Amnesty International issued a report accusing the Iranian authorities of a crackdown on dissent during 2018 with more than 7,000 people arrested, among them students, journalists, environmental campaigners and lawyers. In its analysis, RSF said it had identified at least four journalists who were executed, including Simon Farzami, a Swiss-Iranian of Jewish origin who was bureau chief of French news agency Agence France-Presse when he was arrested in 1980. Among the 860 were 218 women. Beyond the journalists rounded up or imprisoned, RSF said the files showed 61,900 political prisoners had been held since the 1980s, with more than 500 of them aged between 15 and 18. It said the files added to evidence of a massacre in 1988 in which around 4,000 political prisoners were executed on the orders of Khomeini between July and September. Iran has always denied that any such massacre took place.
February 08, 2019 at 12:02AM
次世代iPhoneは画面どこでも指紋認証を実現?アップルが進化版Touch IDを特許出願
次世代iPhoneは画面どこでも指紋認証を実現?アップルが進化版Touch IDを特許出願
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2013年のiPhone 5sで採用されながら、2018年のiPhoneでは全機種で廃止された指紋認証のTouch ID。しかし、アップルがこの生体認証技術をより進化させた ...
February 07, 2019 at 09:11PM
Liberal hypocrisy: Democrats' calls for Northam to resign fade as three scandals throw Virginia into chaos
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Liberal hypocrisy: Democrats' calls for Northam to resign fade as three scandals throw Virginia into chaos Plus, more Elizabeth Warren 'American Indian' documents may emerge; Trump vs. Schiff
February 07, 2019 at 07:03PM
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iPhone最大の"革命"が何であるかは人によって様々でしょうが、物理キーボードの撤廃を挙げる人たちが一定層いることは想像に難くありません。ところが2019年 ...
February 07, 2019 at 07:52PM
世界を旅する女性写真家 iPhone XS Maxに乗り換えた理由
世界を旅する女性写真家 iPhone XS Maxに乗り換えた理由
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2018年、iPhoneで撮影した写真に限定した世界的フォトコンテスト「iPhone Photography Awards」(IPPAWARDS)で賞を獲得した、日本人フォトグラファー ...
February 07, 2019 at 07:41PM
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NECソリューションイノベータは2019年1月22日、新潟大学と共同で、AI(人工知能)を活用し、消化器外科手術患者の手術後感染を予測するモデルを構築したと ...
February 07, 2019 at 03:11PM
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IT専門サービスを世界展開するGenpactは、人工知能(AI)の導入に関する意識調査の結果を明らかにした。第1回は2017年に実施され、第2回の今回は2018 ...
February 07, 2019 at 11:37AM
AIを活用した住民問い合わせ対応サービスの実証を相模原市にて開始 ~ 新たな住民サービスの提供 ...
AIを活用した住民問い合わせ対応サービスの実証を相模原市にて開始 ~ 新たな住民サービスの提供 ...
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February 07, 2019 at 10:29AM
百度のエッジAIアプリケーションが「Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC」を採用
百度のエッジAIアプリケーションが「Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC」を採用
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Xilinxは2019年1月16日、同社の「Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC」が、Baidu(百度)製のエッジAI(人工知能)アプリケーション「EdgeBoard」に採用されたと発表した ...
February 07, 2019 at 10:07AM
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
カメラ映像のAI解析で、自動走行車の安全走行と地域住民の見守りを支援する技術――OKI、関西電力ら ...
カメラ映像のAI解析で、自動走行車の安全走行と地域住民の見守りを支援する技術――OKI、関西電力ら ...
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沖電気工業(OKI)、関西電力、日本総合研究所(日本総研)は2019年2月5日、兵庫県神戸市北区で、屋外カメラの映像をAIで解析し、自動走行車の運転支援と ...
February 07, 2019 at 07:07AM
1971 European Athletics Indoor Championships – Men's triple jump
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1971 European Athletics Indoor Championships – Men's triple jump
The '''men's triple jump''' event at the [[1971 European Athletics Indoor Championships]] was held on 14 March in [[Sofia]].<ref name="european-athletics"></ref><ref>[http://bit.ly/2EZ0PW9 Results] (p. 440)</ref>
<ref>[http://bit.ly/2Sixyxz Detailed results]</ref>
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
!Rank !! Name !! Nationality !! #1 !! #2 !! #3 !! #4 !! #5 !! #6 !! Result !! Notes
| || align="left" | [[Viktor Saneyev]] ||align=left| || 16.55 || '''16.83''' || 16.58 || 16.63 || 16.40 || ''16.75'' || '''16.83''' ||
| || align="left" | [[Carol Corbu]] ||align=left| || 16.38 || ''16.54'' || 16.43 || 16.47 || '''16.83''' || 16.42 || '''16.83''' || '''[[List of Romanian records in athletics|NR]]'''
| || align="left" | [[Gennadiy Savlevich]] ||align=left| || 15.78 || '''16.24''' || 15.94 || x || 15.96 || x || '''16.24''' ||
| || align="left" | [[Vasi Dumitrescu]] ||align=left| || '''16.16''' || 15.85 || 15.87 || x || x || x || '''16.16''' ||
| || align="left" | [[Luis Felipe Areta]] ||align=left| || 15.93 || 15.76 || 16.05 || 16.07 || '''16.11''' || x || '''16.11''' ||
| || align="left" | [[Zoltán Cziffra]] ||align=left| || 15.50 || 15.52 || 15.88 || 15.94 || 15.91 || '''16.02''' || '''16.02''' ||
| || align="left" | [[Georgi Stoykovski]] ||align=left| || 15.73 || x || '''16.00''' || x || x || x || '''16.00''' ||
| || align="left" | [[Michael Sauer (athlete)|Michael Sauer]] ||align=left| || 15.79 || 15.61 || 15.61 || '''15.94''' || 15.73 || 15.54 || '''15.94''' ||
| || align="left" | [[Harald Strutz]] ||align=left| || 15.63 || 15.79 || '''15.79''' || 15.52 || 15.75 || 15.60 || '''15.79''' ||
| 10 || align="left" | [[Șerban Ciochină]] ||align=left| || 15.35 || '''15.74''' || 15.68 || || || || '''15.74''' ||
| 11 || align="left" | [[Valentin Shevchenko]] ||align=left| || 15.62 || '''15.71''' || 14.69 || || || || '''15.71''' ||
| 12 || align="left" | [[Jörg Drehmel]] ||align=left| || 13.93 || 15.35 || '''15.53''' || || || || '''15.53''' ||
| 13 || align="left" | [[Henrik Kalocsai]] ||align=left| || x || 13.72 || '''15.50''' || || || || '''15.50''' ||
| 14 || align="left" | [[Jan Broda]] ||align=left| || '''15.35''' || 15.28 || x || || || || '''15.35''' ||
| 15 || align="left" | [[Aşkın Tuna]] ||align=left| || '''14.97''' || x || x || || || || '''14.97''' ||
[[Category:Triple jump at the European Athletics Indoor Championships]]
[[Category:1971 European Athletics Indoor Championships|Triple]]
February 07, 2019 at 06:24AM
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3月14日 東京にて開催 – AIで進化するIoT ものづくりとデータ活用ビジネス (3月7日開催 名古屋会場はこちら) 開催概要 2018年は、多くの企業でIoTとAI導入に ...
February 07, 2019 at 01:12AM
NYPD to Google: Stop revealing the location of police checkpoints
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NYPD to Google: Stop revealing the location of police checkpoints The NYPD is calling on Google to yank a feature from its Waze traffic app that tips off drivers to police checkpoints — warning it could be considered "criminal conduct," according to a report on Wednesday.
February 07, 2019 at 03:59AM
Idaho nurse to be charged in connection with Colorado mother Kelsey Berreth’s disappearance
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Idaho nurse to be charged in connection with Colorado mother Kelsey Berreth's disappearance An Idaho nurse is expected to be charged in connection with the disappearance of Kelsey Berreth, who was last seen on Thanksgiving Day and believed to have been murdered by her fiancé.
February 07, 2019 at 03:49AM
AIの特許、4年で倍増 学術分野で中国台頭
AIの特許、4年で倍増 学術分野で中国台頭
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世界知的所有権機関(WIPO)は人工知能(AI)に関連する特許が2013年から16年の4年間で倍増したとする報告書をまとめた。企業ごとの特許の保持数は日米 ...
February 07, 2019 at 01:30AM
CNN's John King: Trump is a 'disgrace' for omitting climate change from SOTU address
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CNN's John King: Trump is a 'disgrace' for omitting climate change from SOTU address CNN national correspondent John King ripped President Donald Trump for not mentioning climate change in his second State of the Union address.
February 06, 2019 at 09:28PM
230以上の絵文字が2019年iOSにやってくる!Emoji 12.0が発表
230以上の絵文字が2019年iOSにやってくる!Emoji 12.0が発表
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今年、59種類の新しい絵文字が新たにiOSデバイスで利用可能となることがわかりました。性別の違いを含めると75、肌の色の違いを含めると全部で230の ...
February 06, 2019 at 06:00PM
テスト自動化は何のため? クラウドやAIで変わるテストの今後――ヴェス
テスト自動化は何のため? クラウドやAIで変わるテストの今後――ヴェス
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@ITは2018年12月14日、「@IT ソフトウェア品質向上セミナー」を開催した。本稿ではヴェスの講演「第三者検証専門会社 自動化最前線 -現状とこれから-」の ...
February 06, 2019 at 04:18PM
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本日2019年2月6日(水)のモンストニュースで、モンストと「遊☆戯☆王 デュエルモンスターズ」とのコラボが発表されました! ▽モンスト最新情報まとめはこちら
February 06, 2019 at 05:03PM
「iPhone XRとiPhone XSは何が違うのか?」をデザインや目に見えない部分に至るまで海外テクノロジー ...
「iPhone XRとiPhone XSは何が違うのか?」をデザインや目に見えない部分に至るまで海外テクノロジー ...
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2018年10月に発売されGIGAZINEでもレビューした「iPhone XR」を、海外テクノロジー系メディアのAnandTechがレビューし、「iPhone XSとiPhone XRはどう ...
February 06, 2019 at 04:52PM
iPhoneや最新Androidが5184円引き、一括648円の機種も ドコモオンラインショップで大型キャンペーン
iPhoneや最新Androidが5184円引き、一括648円の機種も ドコモオンラインショップで大型キャンペーン
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期間は2019年2月1日から5月31日まで。 1つ目の「SPECIAL特典」では、対象機種の購入で5184円(税込、以下同)を割り引く。対象機種はiPhoneが「iPhone ...
February 06, 2019 at 04:18PM
スマホの画面の保護は万全? スマートフォン保護フィルム売れ筋TOP5
スマホの画面の保護は万全? スマートフォン保護フィルム売れ筋TOP5
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「BCNランキング」日次集計データによると、2019年2月4日、スマートフォン保護フィルムの実売台数ランキングは以下の通りとなった。 1位 iPhone 8用ガラス ...
February 06, 2019 at 03:00PM
2019-02-04 17:41:07 UTC M4.5 SOUTHERN GREECE 10hr 24min ago Depth:15
2019-02-04 17:41:07 UTC M4.5 SOUTHERN GREECE 10hr 24min ago Depth:15
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Macroseismic Intensity, V Effects: Strong Shaking. Distances. 235 km W of Athens, Greece / pop: 730,000 / local time: 19:41:08.0 2019-02-04
February 06, 2019 at 02:51PM
Twitter社CEO、仮想通貨の保有資産は「ビットコインだけ」 ライトニング知名度向上運動に参加しBTCの ...
Twitter社CEO、仮想通貨の保有資産は「ビットコインだけ」 ライトニング知名度向上運動に参加しBTCの ...
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Bitcoin is native to internet ideals. And it's a great brand. — jack (@jack) 2019年2月5日. ビットコインは強靭であり、プログラムのルールによって規定されて ...
February 06, 2019 at 12:56PM
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
「ガンダム」ジオン公国エンブレム入りiPhone 8/7ケース登場 高級感漂う削り出しデザインのジュラルミン製!
「ガンダム」ジオン公国エンブレム入りiPhone 8/7ケース登場 高級感漂う削り出しデザインのジュラルミン製!
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また、2018年2月に発売した『機動戦士ガンダム×Gild design iPhone XS/Xケース ジオンレッド/ジオンブラック』(各16,200円 税込/送料・手数料別途)と『機動 ...
February 06, 2019 at 10:52AM
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February 06, 2019 at 09:11AM
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STMicroelectronicsは2019年1月3日、32ビットマイクロコントローラ(マイコン)「STM32」向けのコード生成ツール「STM32CubeMX」の追加機能として、AI(人工 ...
February 06, 2019 at 08:03AM
「iPhoneによく似た」は過去の話に 中国メーカーから革新的なスマホが続々登場
「iPhoneによく似た」は過去の話に 中国メーカーから革新的なスマホが続々登場
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2018年は中国のスマートフォンメーカーから新たな本体デザインのスマートフォンが次々と登場した。2019年もその勢いは止まりそうにないようだ。Samsung ...
February 06, 2019 at 06:11AM
みずほFGがAI OCRシステムを外販、売りはコスト半減
みずほFGがAI OCRシステムを外販、売りはコスト半減
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メガバンクが自社向けシステムをクラウドで外販する動きが広がっている。2019年1月、みずほフィナンシャルグループ(FG)はAI(人工知能)技術を使って手書き ...
February 06, 2019 at 04:52AM
The Met, Microsoft, and MIT Explore the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on How Global Audiences ...
The Met, Microsoft, and MIT Explore the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on How Global Audiences ...
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(New York, February 4, 2019)— The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Microsoft, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) revealed today the ...
February 06, 2019 at 04:11AM
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ビッグデータを活用したAKB48選抜総選挙予測が注目を浴び、2014年には日本広告学会クリエイティブフォーラムで最優秀賞を受賞している。ファッションにAIは ...
February 06, 2019 at 06:00AM
2019-02-04 19:29:57 UTC M5.8 KEPULAUAN BATU, INDONESIA 10hr 30min ago III
2019-02-04 19:29:57 UTC M5.8 KEPULAUAN BATU, INDONESIA 10hr 30min ago III
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Macroseismic Intensity, III Effects: Weakly Felt. Distances. 442 km S of Medan, Indonesia / pop: 1,751,000 / local time: 02:29:54.5 2019-02-05 253 km ...
February 05, 2019 at 08:05PM
2019-02-05 02:44:44 UTC M3.7 MOLUCCA SEA 27min ago Depth:10 Km
2019-02-05 02:44:44 UTC M3.7 MOLUCCA SEA 27min ago Depth:10 Km
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Distances. 631 km S of Davao, Philippines / pop: 1,213,000 / local time: 10:44:44.0 2019-02-05 181 km E of Manado, Indonesia / pop: 452,000 / local ...
February 05, 2019 at 07:23PM
Aurelia Neapolis
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Aurelia Neapolis
Carlossuarez46: create from Smith DGRG
Its site is located near modern [[Inebolu (Aydin Province)|Inebolu]], [[Turkey]].<ref name=Barrington></ref><ref></ref>
[[Category:Populated places in ancient Caria]]
[[Category:Former populated places in Turkey]]
February 06, 2019 at 05:00AM
Año Nuevo Chino 2019
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Año Nuevo Chino 2019
February 06, 2019 at 02:00AM
On Bitcoin, Yachts, and Taxes
On Bitcoin, Yachts, and Taxes
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On Bitcoin, Yachts, and Taxes. By Nicole Dieker February 5, 2019. WEALTH NEWS ROUNDUP. HERE WE GO. BoingBoing: Crypto CEO dies with the ...
February 06, 2019 at 12:19AM
Karl Marx grave in London damaged in act of ‘mindless’ vandalism
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Karl Marx grave in London damaged in act of 'mindless' vandalism The London resting place of "Communist Manifesto" author Karl Marx has been damaged by a hammer-wielding vandal, according to reports Tuesday.
February 06, 2019 at 12:17AM
Covington student’s attorney adds cyber bulling, assault threats as new cause of action
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Covington student's attorney adds cyber bulling, assault threats as new cause of action The attorneys representing Nick Sandmann – the Kentucky teen seen being confronted by a Native American activist in a controversial viral video – have added cyberbullying and assault as possible legal action accusations against the "cybermob" that targeted the teenager after his interactions at last month's March For Life event in Washington, D.C.
February 06, 2019 at 12:10AM
Stolen Swedish royal artifacts worth $7M may have been found, police say
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Stolen Swedish royal artifacts worth $7M may have been found, police say The stolen Swedish royal treasure from 1611 worth over $7 million might have been found, police said Tuesday.
February 05, 2019 at 10:27PM
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中国でのiPhoneの売上不振などが原因で株価が下がっていたAppleですが、2019年の先行きは明るいとLoup VenturesのAppleアナリストとして知られる ...
February 05, 2019 at 07:01PM
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ディライトワークスは、新スタジオ「MIRACLE POSITIVE STUDIOS」のiPhone/Android向け新作タイトル『ミコノート』を本日2019年2月5日(火)に正式発表しま ...
February 05, 2019 at 06:01PM
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2018年3月、Googleはアメリカ国防総省(ペンタゴン)と提携して、ドローンが撮影した映像を解析するAIの開発を支援していると報じられました。ペンタゴンが進める ...
February 05, 2019 at 05:01PM
投資専業子会社 Showcase Capital がカンボジア初となるAI小口資金融資を展開するFintech ...
投資専業子会社 Showcase Capital がカンボジア初となるAI小口資金融資を展開するFintech ...
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スピアンロイ社について 2017年2月にカンボジアで同国初となるカンボジア人向け金融機関比較サイトを運営する事業を開始しました。現地の金融機関が提供する ...
February 05, 2019 at 03:33PM
2019-02-05 02:26:10 UTC M5.2 GREECE 1hr 39min ago Depth:10 Km
2019-02-05 02:26:10 UTC M5.2 GREECE 1hr 39min ago Depth:10 Km
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Macroseismic Intensity, V Effects: Strong Shaking. Distances. 261 km S of Tirana, Albania / pop: 375,000 / local time: 03:26:10.0 2019-02-05 73 km S ...
February 05, 2019 at 03:04PM
US Navy officer stationed in Japan allegedly entered unlocked home, found naked: local media reports
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US Navy officer stationed in Japan allegedly entered unlocked home, found naked: local media reports Japanese authorities say a U.S. servicemember based in the country was intoxicated when he entered a couple's home where he was later found naked after using their shower, according to local media.
February 05, 2019 at 08:08PM
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三菱電機は2019年2月5日、生産準備作業を熟練技術者の代わりに実行するAI(人工知能)技術を開発したと発表した。産業技術総合研究所(産総研)と共同開発 ...
February 05, 2019 at 04:18PM
「iPhone」伸び悩みは価格が一因--クックCEOの会見に見る今後の難題 【CNET Japan 2019年02月05日】
「iPhone」伸び悩みは価格が一因--クックCEOの会見に見る今後の難題 【CNET Japan 2019年02月05日】
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「iPhone」伸び悩みは価格が一因--クックCEOの会見に見る今後の難題 【CNET Japan 2019年02月05日】. 2019年02月05日 15時30分 ...
February 05, 2019 at 03:22PM
一人当たり監視カメラ2台が作動 AI監視大国・中国
一人当たり監視カメラ2台が作動 AI監視大国・中国
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February 05, 2019 at 03:00PM
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February 05, 2019 at 11:26AM
Remhoogte Pass, Namibia
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Remhoogte Pass, Namibia
Tildemanana: Added article from Afrikaans Wikipedia on a Namibian mountain pass with Dangerous Roads entry to start off
== External links ==
[http://bit.ly/2WAHWyW Dangerous Roads entry]
[[Category:Mountain passes of Namibia]]
February 05, 2019 at 04:22PM
2019-02-04 14:33:48 UTC M5.3 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION 38min ago Depth:66
2019-02-04 14:33:48 UTC M5.3 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION 38min ago Depth:66
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Macroseismic Intensity, V Effects: Strong Shaking. Distances. 159 km E of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic / pop: 2,202,000 / local time: ...
February 05, 2019 at 09:29AM
Indiana veteran adopts dog that served alongside him in Afghanistan
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Indiana veteran adopts dog that served alongside him in Afghanistan A U.S. Army veteran who made a furry friend while serving in Afghanistan finally adopted the bomb-sniffing dog -- in a painstaking process that took years.
February 05, 2019 at 01:35PM
「iPhone X」「iPhone 7」の整備済製品が米国で販売開始
「iPhone X」「iPhone 7」の整備済製品が米国で販売開始
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Appleは米国時間2月4日、「iPhone X」(2017年発売)の認定整備済製品の提供を米国向けオンラインストアで開始した。これについてはMacRumorsが先に報じ ...
February 05, 2019 at 11:15AM
食品の異物AIで検出 前橋で研究会
食品の異物AIで検出 前橋で研究会
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同センター研究調整官の細谷肇さんは「人工知能(AI)による異物検出のお試し処理」について説明。AI画像検査ソフトを2017年2月に導入以来、異物の判定試験 ...
February 05, 2019 at 11:03AM
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Appleが1月29日に2018年10月~12月期の決算を発表した。主力製品であるiPhoneの売上高が前年同期比15%減と落ち込んだ影響で全体の売上高も5% ...
February 05, 2019 at 10:52AM
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米中貿易摩擦による中国経済の減速などを受け、電子部品大手5社のうち、村田製作所を除く4社が2019年3月期連結業績予想を下方修正した。18年10―12月 ...
February 05, 2019 at 10:41AM
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しかし、アップルは2019年第1四半期決算にて、iPhoneの販売台数の公開をやめている。そのため正確な販売台数を知ることはできなくなったが、売上高では ...
February 05, 2019 at 10:41AM
2019-02-04 18:08:19 UTC M4.3 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION 4hr 29min ago
2019-02-04 18:08:19 UTC M4.3 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION 4hr 29min ago
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Distances. 752 km S of Yokohama-shi, Japan / pop: 3,575,000 / local time: 03:08:19.4 2019-02-05 711 km S of Shizuoka-shi, Japan / pop: 702,000 ...
February 05, 2019 at 09:45AM
2019-02-04 16:50:53 UTC M4.4 SOUTHERN GREECE 5hr 47min ago F Depth
2019-02-04 16:50:53 UTC M4.4 SOUTHERN GREECE 5hr 47min ago F Depth
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Macroseismic Intensity, F Effects: Felt. Distances. 219 km SW of Athens, Greece / pop: 730,000 / local time: 18:50:53.8 2019-02-04 117 km S of Trípoli, ...
February 05, 2019 at 09:29AM
For Migrants in Russia, Shattered Dreams and Uncertain Futures
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For Migrants in Russia, Shattered Dreams and Uncertain Futures Long before she became just one of the financially destitute legions of street sweepers that dot Moscow's bitterly cold winter landscape, Shaknoza Ishankulova had simply wanted to do the right thing. It was 2008, and the recent Uzbekistan National University graduate was ecstatic to secure a teaching post at a Tashkent high school, finally making good use of her diploma in secondary education. Twenty-two years old and eager to guide younger Uzbeks toward a better life, she was shaken when Uzbekistan's notoriously vast culture of entrenched corruption revealed itself in the form of a personal mentor and supervisor — a deputy principal at the school who notified her that, if she wished to keep her job, a full third of her weekly salary would have to be kicked back to him. It was his cut, he explained, for having hired her in the first place. Years passed before Shaknoza gathered the courage to broach the issue with the school's principal, a suspiciously wealthy public servant who promptly dismissed the complaint as naively frivolous. Taking her cue from the anti-corruption initiatives she had seen in Uzbekistan, marketed in the form of public service announcements since 2005, Shaknoza escalated her complaint to Russia's Ministry of Education, and was summarily placed on paid leave pending further investigation. Two years and a cancer battle later, Shaknoza's case had wound its way through ministry proceedings, leaving her fate in the hands of her employer, who summarily fired her, demanded reimbursement for the two years of salaried leave, and permanently blacklisted her from any professional employment. Like many unemployed Uzbek nationals, Shaknoza was lured by Moscow's abundance of service sector jobs that paid more than similar work in Tashkent. After spending nearly a year as a sweeper, she lucked out by landing a relatively well-paid waitressing job, only to lose the position when a Russian supervisor publicly castigated her for making conversation with foreign diners, an experience she attributed to the ethnic workplace discrimination many Uzbeks face in Russia. Tall and slender with distinctly Asian facial features and straight shoulder-length hair, Shoksana, appearing older than her 34 years, is now a cashier and produce vendor at one of Moscow's many 24-hour convenience stores. Speaking with VOA on a frigid afternoon in Moscow, her bare hands balled in fists as she stood stock still in seemingly arctic gales, the former high school teacher said she has done reasonably well for herself when compared to fellow migrants sleeping 10 to a room on the city's outskirts. Making $37 per 24-hour shift, each of which is followed by 24 hours off, she said the salary is enough to share a two-room apartment with three other laborers: two Uzbek men and a woman, with whom she shares the bedroom. After feeding and clothing herself, she says, she sends a small amount home to her mother. "But it's not enough to save anything," she said, explaining that she lacks the resources to get ahead in Moscow and that, as a blacklisted whistleblower, any path back to Tashkent is surely a dead end. Millions seek opportunity By 2017, Russia was home to nearly 12 million migrants — the world's third largest foreign-born population. Much like in western European nations and the United States, the large numbers of immigrants have triggered unease, and a majority of Russians have become increasingly intolerant of the newcomers. A 2018 survey by the Washington-based Pew Charitable Trust showed that nearly 70 percent of Russian nationals felt the country should allow fewer or no migrants in the future. While many of the migrants from China, eastern Europe and the West possess a broad range of professional skill sets, the vast majority of Russia's lowest-paid laborers hail from impoverished central Asian countries, of which Uzbeks are the largest group. This makes them the most visible targets of anti-immigrant vitriol. Some high-level Russian officials have relayed largely context-free statistics that they portray as an immigrant-fueled crime wave for which Uzbeks in particular are to blame. "If you create a ranking of criminality, you will find citizens of Uzbekistan at the top," Moscow chief prosecutor Sergei Kudeneyev told Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper in 2014. "They have committed 2,522 crimes; next is Tajikistan, with 1,745 crimes; and in third place there is Kyrgyzstan, whose citizens committed 1,269 crimes." "The unremitting crime rates among foreign citizens are causing serious concern, particularly since crimes of this nature draw a lot of public attention," Russian President Vladimir Putin told a gathering of top security officials in 2016. During the televised statement, the president demanded a swift crackdown on foreign criminals. Alexander Verkhovsky of SOVA, the Center for Information and Analysis, a think tank in Moscow, questioned the veracity and transparency of these datasets. "Any statistics on working migrants are very blurry," he said. "While there are police crime statistics — or at least crime documentation — that may indicate a given perpetrator's country of origin, that specific data is never published in full. "In general, data on crimes is organized by categories of crime, and even whether these crimes may have been committed by or against a foreigner," he said. But by the time police records are internally digested into statistics and prepared for public presentation via the prosecutor's office, hard data about specific countries of origin has been scrubbed. "You never get to see the complete data," he said. A 2016 report by Columbia University's Eurasia.org news site suggests migrants who have committed crimes may have acted in response to a series of new Russian laws that drastically increased living costs. Migrant work permit requirements unveiled in 2015 required applicants to "undergo a battery of tests for HIV, tuberculosis, drug addiction and skin diseases." Permit holders, the report says, were also required to purchase health insurance, acquire taxpayer identification numbers, and be tested on Russian language, history and laws. Failure to satisfy requirements within a month of arriving in Russia subjected migrants to a $152 fine. "Once migrants have jumped through all the hoops, they must pay 14.5 thousand rubles ($219) for their work permit and another four thousand rubles ($61) every month to renew the document," the report says. "All told, this costs almost $1,000 per year." A December 2018 SOVA report on hate crimes that was compiled from official statistics and field research said although attacks targeting foreigners are decreasing, ethnic migrants are among the most vulnerable to violent attacks on Russian soil. "People perceived as ethnic outsiders constituted the largest group of victims in 2017," says the report, which recorded 28 ethnically motivated attacks, down from 44 attacks (7 fatal) in 2016. "Migrants from Central Asia were the most numerous group in this category of victims … followed by individuals of unidentified non-Slavic appearance," the report states. "Most likely, the overwhelming majority of these people were also from Central Asia, since their appearance was described as Asian." Foreigners targeted All of the migrants VOA spoke with mentioned that they had been intimidated by racists or nationalists, swindled into weeks of free labor by dishonest employers, or were the victims of robbery. Oibek Usupov, a construction worker from Tashkent, recounted the time he and his brother accepted jobs at an apartment development, wherein the employer required them to sign contracts to work throughout the winter. They received a small advance up front, followed by a handful of paychecks well below what they were promised. Once the units began selling, the developer said, they would be reimbursed in full. Then payments stopped and, a week before spring, it was announced the project had been bought out by another developer. The new boss, Usupov told us, said prior contracts weren't binding because his company hadn't authorized them. "We lost months of back pay," he said. Adkham Enamov, an Uzbek artist who lives an hour north of Moscow, says he became stranded in Russia after intermediaries who sold his paintings at a famous Moscow arts bazaar disappeared with the profits. "At the time, my dream was to see Moscow, to sell my paintings in Russia, but I didn't know that half of Moscow are artists," he said. "So my current dream is to see my motherland, to return in good health." Emanov, 46, who speaks very little Russian, has a 16-year-old son with cerebral palsy. His purpose in Moscow was to cover the medical expenses stacking up in Tashkent. And then in early 2018, tragedy struck when his 4-year-old daughter, Nama, died from an undiagnosed illness. "She was buried without me due to the Muslim tradition," he said, referring to the Sharia ritual of washing and burying the dead within 24 hours of passing. "Well, I sent some money there. Not much." After a long, reflective pause, he added, "I should come back being quite rich, but my dream didn't come true."
February 05, 2019 at 11:30AM
Monday, February 4, 2019
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2018年に発売されたiPhoneの最新モデル「iPhone XS」「iPhone XS Max」「iPhone XR」に、新たな要素として追加され話題になったのが「eSIM」(embedded ...
February 05, 2019 at 07:52AM
First Wave of New Ethiopian Immigrants Arrives in Israel
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First Wave of New Ethiopian Immigrants Arrives in Israel Nearly 100 Ethiopian Jews landed in Israel on Monday in the first wave of new immigration since the government said last year that it would let some of the 8,000 remaining community members join relatives in Israel. Local Ethiopian community members welcomed the newcomers after years of delays. Israel recognizes the community's Jewish roots but does not consider them fully Jewish, so they require special approval to immigrate that has not always been forthcoming. Atersau Baiye, 61, said he had been waiting for over 12 years to come to Israel and be reunited with his daughter, who lives in Tel Aviv. "I am very happy to be here and excited to see my daughter, but it's a mixed feeling," he said. Baiye said that because he immigrated with his wife and six kids, he was forced to leave two other children behind in Ethiopia. "I don't know if we will see them again." Alisa Bodner, spokeswoman for an Ethiopian-Jewish activist group, said she was "far from satisfied" by the slow trickle of Ethiopian immigration, long stalled despite government promises to bring all remaining members of the community to Israel. "This is a continuation of the discriminatory practices against Ethiopian-Israelis emanating from this current government," she said. The activists renewed their calls for Israel to make good on its 2015 promise to bring all remaining members of the Jewish Ethiopian community to Israel. The government never approved a budget for the move, and the slow trickle of immigration ground to a halt over a year ago. Last fall, the government announced it would absorb 1,000 of the remaining 8,000 Jews in Ethiopia, frustrating community members. The bulk of the Ethiopian Jewish community was airlifted to Israel in major clandestine operations in the 1980s and 1990s. Although many of the newcomers are practicing Jews, Israel doesn't consider them Jewish because their Jewish ancestors underwent forced conversion to Christianity over a century ago. Ethiopian Jews who have made it to Israel complain of racism, lack of opportunity and endemic poverty. Last week, thousands of Ethiopian-Israelis marched through major roadways in Tel Aviv to protest police brutality and discrimination. Despite the challenges, Baiye says he is ready to start his new life. "I'm going to work hard, earn a living, and live like everyone else."
February 05, 2019 at 07:39AM
Crenshaw, Ocasio-Cortez trade Twitter barbs over Super Bowl, Kaepernick, tax rate on wealthy
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Crenshaw, Ocasio-Cortez trade Twitter barbs over Super Bowl, Kaepernick, tax rate on wealthy Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, who lost an eye as a Navy SEAL in Afghanistan, tweeted a shot at both the Pats monopoly and the progressive ideas of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.
February 05, 2019 at 06:47AM
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Intelは2019年1月、人工知能(AI)ワークロード処理に特化したプロセッサ製品群を、新しいIntel AIチップで拡充すると発表した。新しいチップは、AIユーザー向けに ...
February 05, 2019 at 05:15AM
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Ray3055: /* History */
CLOC was written by Alan Reed in [[ALGOL 68-R|Algol 68-R]] which was available only on the [[ICT 1900 series]] of computer at that time. Perhaps because it was designed for use in a department of linguistics rather than by computer specialists it had the distinction of having a comparatively simple user interface,<ref>[http://bit.ly/2SnihdW] Susan Hockey, 1979. Computing in the Humanities - ICL Technical Journal Vol 1 Issue 3 pp 289</ref> it also has some useful features for studying collations or the co-occurrence of words. <ref>http://bit.ly/2GltsgC>
CLOC was used in the [[COBUILD]] project that was headed by [[John McHardy Sinclair|Professor John Sinclair]]. <ref>[http://bit.ly/2StuVbc] Laurence Anthony (2013), A critical look at software tools in corpus linguistics, Linguistic Research 30(2), 141-161
</ref><ref>[http://bit.ly/2GmmVSZ] review CLOC by [[Lou Burnard]] Computers and the humanities 14 (1980) 259---260</ref>
February 05, 2019 at 06:03AM
Chùa Tam Chúc
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Chùa Tam Chúc
February 05, 2019 at 02:00AM
Año Nuevo Chino
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Año Nuevo Chino
February 05, 2019 at 01:00AM
2019-02-03 15:42:00 UTC M3.2 WESTERN TURKEY IV Depth:8 Km 158
2019-02-03 15:42:00 UTC M3.2 WESTERN TURKEY IV Depth:8 Km 158
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Macroseismic Intensity, IV Effects: Largely Observed. Distances. 158 km S of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,501,000 / local time: 18:42:00.2 2019-02-03
February 04, 2019 at 10:09PM
Ernest Bell (animal rights activist)
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Ernest Bell (animal rights activist)
Psychologist Guy: /* References */
Bell was born in [[Hampstead]]. He was educated at [[St Paul's School, London]] and graduated from [[Trinity College, Cambridge]] in 1873.<ref name="Bell 1933">[http://bit.ly/2UGj6vP "Ernest Bell, President of the Vegetarian Society"]. The Vegetarian Messenger and Health Review, October 1933.</ref> His father was the publisher [[George Bell (publisher)|George Bell]]. He was involved with [[George Bell & Sons]] and in 1926 became chairman of the board of directors.<ref name="Bell 1933"/>
Bell joined the [[Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals|RSPCA]] in 1873. He became a member of the [[Vegetarian Society]] and was elected a Vice-President in 1896 and was President from 1914.<ref name="Bell 1933"/> He was for thirty years the Honorary Secretary of Hampstead Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. He was also the Chairman of the Committee of the [[Anti-Vivisection Society]] and of the [[National Anti-Vivisection Society]].<ref name="Bell 1933"/> Bell was a friend of [[Henry Stephens Salt]] and was Chairman of the [[Humanitarian League]].<ref name="Bell 1933"/>
He was the editor of the ''Animals Life Readers'', a series of books and edited the journal ''Animals' Friend''.<ref name="Bell 1933"/> He married Marie Ann Taysen in 1893.<ref name="Bell 1933"/> Bell founded the [[League Against Cruel Sports]] (LACS) in 1924 with Henry Amos.<ref name="May">May, Allyson N. (2016). ''The Fox-Hunting Controversy, 1781–2004: Class and Cruelty''. Routledge. p. 73. ISBN 978-1-4094-4220-2</ref> He was also involved with the Anti-Bearing Rein Association, [[National Canine Defence League]] and the [[Royal Society for the Protection of Birds]].<ref name="May"/>
==Selected publications==
*''The Inner Life of Animals'' (editor, 1913)
*''Fair Treatment for Animals'' (1927)
[[Category:1851 births]]
[[Category:1933 deaths]]
[[Category:Animal rights activists]]
[[Category:Anti-vivisection movement]]
[[Category:English humanitarians]]
February 05, 2019 at 04:27AM
Año Nuevo chino
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Año Nuevo chino
February 05, 2019 at 01:00AM
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Tamanoeconomico: Create
In the 1980s the restaurant, Manatus, opened at the location formerly occupied by Boomer's. The restaurant closed in 2014.<ref></ref>
==See also==
[[List of jazz venues in the United States]]
[[Category:Defunct jazz clubs in the United States]]
[[Category:Music venues in New York City]]
[[Category:Jazz clubs in New York (state)]]
February 05, 2019 at 01:54AM
US Jury to Start Deliberations in 'El Chapo' Drug Smuggling Case
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US Jury to Start Deliberations in 'El Chapo' Drug Smuggling Case After hearing nearly three months of testimony, a New York jury is set Monday to begin deliberations in the drug-smuggling case against infamous Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman. The jurors heard testimony from more than 50 prosecution witnesses about the 61-year-old Guzman's rise to power as head of the Sinaloa drug cartel. Prosecutors allege that he oversaw the smuggling of 200 tons of cocaine into the United States over two decades and was responsible for a wave of killings in turf battles with other cartels. He is perhaps best known for escaping twice from Mexican prisons before being captured a third time three years ago. The U.S. Treasury Department considered him to be the "most powerful drug trafficker in the world." In closing arguments last week, U.S. prosecutor Andrea Goldbarg said Guzman was plotting yet another prison breakout when he was sent in 2017 to the U.S., where he's been held in solitary confinement ever since. She said El Chapo — "The Shorty" in Spanish, for his diminutive stature — wanted to escape again "because he is guilty and he never wanted to be in a position where he would have to answer for his crimes." Guzman's lawyers only presented one witness in his defense. But they said his role has been exaggerated by cooperating government witnesses who are seeking leniency in their own cases. Defense attorney Jeffrey Lichtman called the prosecution case a "fantasy" and urged the jury not to believe cooperators who "lie, steal, cheat, deal drugs and kill people." The jury deciding Guzman's fate comprises seven women and five men, but for security reasons, their identities have not been disclosed. If convicted, Guzman faces life in prison.
February 05, 2019 at 01:23AM
Linda Ronstadt can no longer sing due to Parkinson's disease
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Linda Ronstadt can no longer sing due to Parkinson's disease Singer Linda Ronstadt is losing her voice to Parkinson's disease.
February 04, 2019 at 11:50PM
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日本テレビ放送網とフォアキャスト・コミュニケーションズ、NTTドコモの3社は2019年2月4日、番組放送中に番組内で放送された内容についてAI(人工知能)が ...
February 04, 2019 at 06:00PM
BitcoinDiamond(ビットコインダイヤモンド/BCD)の特徴・詳細とは|キャッシュとゴールドの利点を合わせ ...
BitcoinDiamond(ビットコインダイヤモンド/BCD)の特徴・詳細とは|キャッシュとゴールドの利点を合わせ ...
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2019年1月現在、Bitcoin(ビットコイン)では70回以上のハードフォークが行われています。ハードフォークの数ぶんの分岐が行われ、新しい仮想通貨が生まれて ...
February 04, 2019 at 05:37PM
Is chinese New Year a holiday
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Is chinese New Year a holiday
February 04, 2019 at 06:00PM
Triassic 'lizard king' ruled Antarctica before the dinosaurs
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Triassic 'lizard king' ruled Antarctica before the dinosaurs Millions of years before the ground trembled under the footfalls of T. rex — the so-called "king of the dinosaurs" — a forested Antarctica was home to an iguana-size "lizard king."
February 04, 2019 at 07:00PM
Các điểm bắn pháo hoa 2019
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Các điểm bắn pháo hoa 2019điểm bắn pháo hoa tết nguyên đán 2019, địa điểm bắn pháo hoa 2019
February 04, 2019 at 02:00PM
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Appleは先月末に2019年第1四半期(2018年10-12月)の業績を発表し、iPhoneの売上高が15%減となったことが明らかになりました。特に中国市場での売上 ...
February 04, 2019 at 05:03PM
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また、会話型の自動応答やロボットによる業務自動化(RPA)をはじめとするAIシステムが成熟することで、セルフサービス型の顧客応対が占める割合は、2018年 ...
February 04, 2019 at 04:07PM
高額iPhoneどう売れば キャリア悩む
高額iPhoneどう売れば キャリア悩む
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NTTドコモが2月1日、2018年度第3四半期決算説明会を開催した。 同社は2019年度第1四半期に2~4割の値下げを実施すると前回の決算説明会で発表してい ...
February 04, 2019 at 03:56PM
Whitney Lynn Ball
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Whitney Lynn Ball
[[Category:1962 births]]
[[Category:2015 deaths]]
[[Category:American philanthropists]]
[[Category:People from Morgantown, West Virginia]]
[[Category:People from Alexandria, Virginia]]
February 04, 2019 at 03:08PM
Văn khấn cúng tất niên
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Văn khấn cúng tất niênvan khan tat nien ngay 30 tet, văn khấn tất niên, văn khấn giao thừa
February 04, 2019 at 11:00AM
Trump admits he’d ‘have a hard time’ letting son play football
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Trump admits he'd 'have a hard time' letting son play football President Donald Trump on Super Bowl Sunday admitted he'd "have a hard time" allowing his 12-year-old son to play football.
February 04, 2019 at 01:49PM
Sunday, February 3, 2019
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スマートフォンゲームなどの個人ゲーム開発者 KamisaCompanyGames は、iPhone及びAndroidスマートフォンにて「ノラネコ戦車Online」を本日 2019年02 ...
February 04, 2019 at 11:26AM
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2018年、パナソニックは創業100周年を迎えた。社長 津賀一宏氏は「人の幸福から離れて生き残る会社はない」と人の幸福に着目し、「くらしアップデート」を掲げ ...
February 04, 2019 at 06:00AM
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神奈川県横須賀市とNTTドコモ、京浜急行電鉄は2019年1月24日にスマートモビリティーに関する協定を締結した。少子高齢化による移動手段の減少といった ...
February 04, 2019 at 05:15AM
2019-02-02 13:10:20 UTC M5.1 KEP. MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA 5hr 43min ago
2019-02-02 13:10:20 UTC M5.1 KEP. MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA 5hr 43min ago
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Macroseismic Intensity, F Effects: Felt. Distances. 512 km W of Palembang, Indonesia / pop: 1,442,000 / local time: 20:10:20.9 2019-02-02 219 km S of ...
February 03, 2019 at 08:30PM
Địa điểm bắn pháo hoa năm 2019
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Địa điểm bắn pháo hoa năm 2019
February 04, 2019 at 01:00AM
2019-02-03 06:08:31 UTC M4.3 IONIAN SEA 54min ago III Depth:2
2019-02-03 06:08:31 UTC M4.3 IONIAN SEA 54min ago III Depth:2
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Macroseismic Intensity, III Effects: Weakly Felt. Distances. 262 km W of Athens, Greece / pop: 730,000 / local time: 08:08:31.8 2019-02-03 111 km SW ...
February 03, 2019 at 07:46PM
2019-02-02 11:18:26 UTC M3.2 OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA F Depth:7 Km
2019-02-02 11:18:26 UTC M3.2 OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA F Depth:7 Km
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Macroseismic Intensity, F Effects: Felt. Distances. 886 km NW of Los Angeles, United States / pop: 3,793,000 / local time: 03:18:26.5 2019-02-02
February 03, 2019 at 06:07PM
2019-02-03 03:03:14 UTC M5.0 ECUADOR 3hr 59min ago F Depth:135
2019-02-03 03:03:14 UTC M5.0 ECUADOR 3hr 59min ago F Depth:135
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Macroseismic Intensity, F Effects: Felt. Distances. 199 km E of Guayaquil, Ecuador / pop: 1,953,000 / local time: 22:03:14.8 2019-02-02 13 km N of ...
February 03, 2019 at 05:37PM
Couple and teen arrested in death of boy, 7, after punishing him over Bible verses
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Couple and teen arrested in death of boy, 7, after punishing him over Bible verses Timothy and Tina Hauschultz and their 15-year-old son have been charged with the murder of a seven-year-old boy in their care who died last year of blunt force trauma and hypothermia.
February 04, 2019 at 02:54AM
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2019年2月1日、秋葉原にある通運会館2F特設会場にて、e-Sportsにも力を入れている大手PCメーカー エムエスアイコンピュータージャパンが主催する「MSI ...
February 03, 2019 at 09:56PM
【AI時代と労働 4/4】社会変革なければ不幸に
【AI時代と労働 4/4】社会変革なければ不幸に
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【AI時代と労働 4/4】社会変革なければ不幸に. 2019/02/03 15:09. 駒沢大の井上智洋准教授. 人工知能(AI)はブームが一段落し、今後5~10年で社会のさ・・ ...
February 03, 2019 at 03:18PM
【AI時代と労働 3/4】理想の安全網かばらまきか
【AI時代と労働 3/4】理想の安全網かばらまきか
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【AI時代と労働 3/4】理想の安全網かばらまきか. 2019/02/03 15:06. カナダ、4千人社会実験. 「人に尊厳や独立心、自由を与えてくれる」。カナダ東部オンタリ・・ ...
February 03, 2019 at 03:18PM
【AI時代と労働 2/4】検索超え「考えて」
【AI時代と労働 2/4】検索超え「考えて」
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【AI時代と労働 2/4】検索超え「考えて」. 2019/02/03 15:03. 人間の価値、手探り. 教室に英ロックバンド、クイーンの楽曲が鳴り響く。一斉に足し算・・・. ここから ...
February 03, 2019 at 03:06PM
【AI時代と労働 1/4】料理人は鉄製アーム
【AI時代と労働 1/4】料理人は鉄製アーム
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【AI時代と労働 1/4】料理人は鉄製アーム. 2019/02/03 15:00. アイデア仕事も侵食. 鉄板の型に生地を流し込み、頃合いを見てひっくり返す。長崎県佐・・・.
February 03, 2019 at 03:06PM
Cúng giao thừa
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Cúng giao thừamâm cúng giao thừa
February 03, 2019 at 04:00PM
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2018年に発売されたiPhone XSとiPhone XS Max、iPhone XRの機種代金の一覧です。なお、表の機種代金は以下の割引サービスを適用した価格となってい ...
February 03, 2019 at 06:56PM
Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore'
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Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore' Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore declared U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the new leader of the Democratic Party, while urging political moderates to take a position because there "is no middle ground anymore."
February 03, 2019 at 08:05PM
Mâm cúng giao thừa
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Mâm cúng giao thừa
February 03, 2019 at 04:00PM
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February 03, 2019 at 03:00PM
2019-02-02 10:52:23 UTC M4.3 OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 8hr 21min ago F
2019-02-02 10:52:23 UTC M4.3 OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 8hr 21min ago F
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Macroseismic Intensity, F Effects: Felt. Distances. 885 km NW of Los Angeles, United States / pop: 3,793,000 / local time: 02:52:23.0 2019-02-02
February 03, 2019 at 09:35AM
Yes, God cares who wins Super Bowl LIII
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Yes, God cares who wins Super Bowl LIII By the numbers, Sunday's Super Bowl LIII matchup in Atlanta featuring the perennially favored powerhouse New England Patriots versus the upstart Los Angeles Rams is the Mount Rushmore of sporting and marketing events.
February 03, 2019 at 03:21PM
2019-02-02 07:31:53 UTC M4.4 JAN MAYEN ISLAND REGION 11hr 41min ago
2019-02-02 07:31:53 UTC M4.4 JAN MAYEN ISLAND REGION 11hr 41min ago
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Distances. 724 km N of Reykjavík, Iceland / pop: 114,000 / local time: 07:31:53.1 2019-02-02 509 km N of Akureyri, Iceland / pop: 16,600 / local time: ...
February 03, 2019 at 08:30AM
2019-02-02 10:59:30 UTC M6.1 KEP. MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA 8hr 13min ago
2019-02-02 10:59:30 UTC M6.1 KEP. MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA 8hr 13min ago
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Macroseismic Intensity, IV Effects: Largely Observed. Distances. 503 km W of Palembang, Indonesia / pop: 1,442,000 / local time: 17:59:30.8 2019-02- ...
February 03, 2019 at 07:58AM
2019-02-02 07:02:01 UTC M5.1 TONGA Depth:270 Km 399 km SW
2019-02-02 07:02:01 UTC M5.1 TONGA Depth:270 Km 399 km SW
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Distances. 399 km SW of Apia, Samoa / pop: 40,500 / local time: 21:02:01.9 2019-02-02 346 km SW of Gataivai, Samoa / pop: 1,200 / local time: ...
February 03, 2019 at 07:44AM
2019-02-02 18:34:27 UTC M3.4 AEGEAN SEA 38min ago Depth:5 Km
2019-02-02 18:34:27 UTC M3.4 AEGEAN SEA 38min ago Depth:5 Km
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Distances. 181 km N of Athens, Greece / pop: 730,000 / local time: 20:34:27.8 2019-02-02 118 km E of Vólos, Greece / pop: 84,500 / local time: ...
February 03, 2019 at 07:34AM
2019-02-02 18:42:20 UTC M4.4 BANDA SEA 31min ago Depth:198 Km
2019-02-02 18:42:20 UTC M4.4 BANDA SEA 31min ago Depth:198 Km
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Distances. 492 km E of Dili, Timor-Leste / pop: 150,000 / local time: 03:42:20.0 2019-02-03 388 km SE of Ambon, Indonesia / pop: 356,000 / local time: ...
February 03, 2019 at 07:34AM
2019-02-02 11:01:38 UTC M5.9 KEP. MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA 8hr 11min ago
2019-02-02 11:01:38 UTC M5.9 KEP. MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA 8hr 11min ago
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Macroseismic Intensity, F Effects: Felt. Distances. 500 km W of Palembang, Indonesia / pop: 1,442,000 / local time: 18:01:38.6 2019-02-02 199 km S of ...
February 03, 2019 at 07:24AM
2019-02-02 09:58:12 UTC M5.2 KEP. MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA 9hr 15min ago
2019-02-02 09:58:12 UTC M5.2 KEP. MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA 9hr 15min ago
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Distances. 511 km W of Palembang, Indonesia / pop: 1,442,000 / local time: 16:58:12.0 2019-02-02 203 km S of Padang, Indonesia / pop: 841,000 ...
February 03, 2019 at 07:08AM
List of companies founded by University of Pennsylvania alumni
投稿 L List of companies founded by University of Pennsylvania alumni 投稿者: Blogger さん 7 Nation's Most Visible Mass Gathering During Cor...
【Move to another page】 Quote https://ift.tt/2PB9vHO The Cleaners (serial killers) Haunted Spy: Created by translating the page ...
【Move to another page】 Quote https://ift.tt/2v67uqP Xem Bong Da Truc TiepSLNA, Trực tiếp bóng đá, Cúp quốc gia 2018, FLC Thanh Hóa J...
【Move to another page】 Quote https://ift.tt/2vU5579 Mathias Spahlinger LouisAlain: /* Life */ '''Mathias Spah...
【Move to another page】 Quote http://bit.ly/2Wmqotc Www.hscap.kerala.gov.in 2019www.hscap.kerala.gov.in, www.hscap.kerala.gov.in plus o...
【Move to another page】 Quote https://ift.tt/304nyqM Michael David Tims Noswall59: Noswall59 moved page Michael David Tims to Michae...