Saturday, February 2, 2019



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2018年10月に『AI×人口減少 これから日本で何が起こるのか』(東洋経済新報社)を上梓しましたが、日本の現状に強い危機意識を抱きながら書きました。
February 03, 2019 at 08:03AM



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MENU たのしいiPhone! AppBank · 新着 ... Home › iPhoneアプリ › ナビゲーション › 【2019年】今年の恵方「東北東」がすぐにわかる恵方巻き専用アプリ ...
February 03, 2019 at 06:33AM

「iPhone伸び悩み」のなぜ ティム・クックCEOが語る

iPhone伸び悩み」のなぜ ティム・クックCEOが語る

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それでもう、「ああ、やっぱりiPhoneがどんどん売れる時代は終わったんだなぁ」と思ったので、ティム・クックCEOが2019年1月頭に業績の下方修正を発表しても、 ...
February 03, 2019 at 06:33AM

2019-02-02 12:04:36 UTC M5.7 HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN 7hr 08min ago

2019-02-02 12:04:36 UTC M5.7 HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN 7hr 08min ago

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Macroseismic Intensity, V Effects: Strong Shaking. Distances. 276 km NE of Kabul, Afghanistan / pop: 3,044,000 / local time: 16:34:36.0 2019-02-02
February 03, 2019 at 04:25AM

Irish Heart Foundation

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Irish Heart Foundation


The '''Irish Heart Foundation''' is a charity founded in 1966 based in [[Dublin]]. It runs support groups for patients who have had heart problems or strokes and campaigns on public health issues which affect the risk of heart disease and stroke.<ref></ref>

It has a Mobile Health Unit which offers free blood pressure checks, heart health information and lifestyle advice. It carries out about 10,000 blood pressure checks a year.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

It runs campaigns to increase awareness of [[atrial fibrillation]]<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> and a "Chairs Can Kill" campaign to raise awareness of the risks to heart health of sitting for long periods of time.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

It urges the government to adopt policies which will improve health, such as banning advertising of junk food to children.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>


[[Category:Health education]]
[[Category:Medical and health organisations based in the Republic of Ireland‎]]

February 03, 2019 at 06:03AM


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OrestesLebt: created with translated content from the existing German Wikipedia article at de:Landesbühne; see its history for attribution.

The term '''Landesbühne''' (federal state stage) or ''Landestheater'' (federal state theatre) is added to the name of some publicly owned theatre companies in Germany and Austria. These companies have a mandate to perform in areas without public theatres. Less than half of performances usually take place at the seat of a Landesbühne, thereby distinguishing them from the so called ''Stadttheater'' (city theatre) or ''Staatstheater'' (national theatre). Legal control can lie with the respective [[Bundesland]] or a collaboration of several municipalities and local authorities. The spectrum of presented productions can be very diverse. The repertoire can include all or parts of the popular disciplines: play, musical theatre (opera, operetta, musical), ballet and children's and youth theatre.

== Germany ==
List of federal state theatres in Germany.<ref name=":Germany"></ref>

=== Baden-Württemberg ===

* [[Badische Landesbühne]] Bruchsal
* [[Württembergische Landesbühne Esslingen]]
* [[Landestheater Tübingen]]

=== Bavaria ===

* [[Theater Hof]]
* [[Hollfeld#Fränkischer Theatersommer|Fränkischer Theatersommer – Landesbühne Oberfranken]] Hollfeld<ref></ref>
* [[Landestheater Niederbayern]] Landshut, Passau, Straubing<ref></ref>
* [[Landestheater Schwaben]] Memmingen

=== Brandenburg ===


=== Hesse ===


=== Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ===


=== Niedersachsen ===

* Hildesheim
* Wilhelmshaven

=== North Rhine-Westphalia ===

* [[Grenzlandtheater Aachen]]
* [[Westfälisches Landestheater]] Castrop-Rauxel
* [[Landestheater Detmold]]
* [[Rheinisches Landestheater Neuss]]

=== Rhineland-Palatinate ===

* Neuwied

=== Saxony ===

* Radebeul bei Dresden
* Riesa

=== Saxony-Anhalt ===

* Lutherstadt Eisleben
* Halberstadt/Quedlinburg
* [[Stendal#Theater der Altmark|Theater der Altmark]] Stendal

=== Schleswig-Holstein ===

* Rendsburg

== Austria ==
List of federal state theatres in Austria.<ref name=":Austria Theaterhalterverband"></ref>
=== Lower Austria ===
* Sankt Pölten
=== Salzburg ===
* [[Salzburger Landestheater]]
=== Tyrol ===
* [[Tiroler Landestheater Innsbruck|Tiroler Landestheater Insbruck]]
=== Upper Austria ===
* [[Landestheater Linz]]


February 03, 2019 at 02:00AM

2019-02-01 23:48:06 UTC M5.3 SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS 4hr 03min ago

2019-02-01 23:48:06 UTC M5.3 SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS 4hr 03min ago

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Distances. 334 km SW of Nuku'alofa, Tonga / pop: 22,400 / local time: 12:48:06.5 2019-02-02 327 km SW of Vaini, Tonga / pop: 3,000 / local time: ...
February 02, 2019 at 09:09PM

2019-02-02 02:55:17 UTC M4.5 ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE 55min ago Depth:133 Km

2019-02-02 02:55:17 UTC M4.5 ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE 55min ago Depth:133 Km

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Distances. 510 km SW of Sucre, Bolivia, Plurinational State of / pop: 225,000 / local time: 22:55:17.6 2019-02-01 231 km NE of Antofagasta, Chile ...
February 02, 2019 at 08:39PM

2019-02-02 01:11:02 UTC M5.2 MOLUCCA SEA 2hr 40min ago Depth:69

2019-02-02 01:11:02 UTC M5.2 MOLUCCA SEA 2hr 40min ago Depth:69

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Distances. 743 km S of Davao, Philippines / pop: 1,213,000 / local time: 09:11:00.9 2019-02-02 136 km SE of Manado, Indonesia / pop: 452,000 / local ...
February 02, 2019 at 04:58PM

Cardi B says support of Kaepernick convinced her to turn down Super Bowl gig

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Cardi B says support of Kaepernick convinced her to turn down Super Bowl gig Grammy-nominated rapper Cardi B said she received an offer to perform at Sunday's Super Bowl but turned down the lucrative opportunity in support of ex-NFL player Colin Kaepernick.
February 02, 2019 at 07:41PM



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それが予言当時には存在していなかったレベルのAI(人工知能)の出現です。2012年に誕生した新しいタイプの"深層学習をするAI"は、専門領域の頭脳労働を人間 ...
February 02, 2019 at 03:56PM

Luke Wilson talks 'nerve-wracking' Super Bowl commercial, hardest lines he's ever memorized

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Luke Wilson talks 'nerve-wracking' Super Bowl commercial, hardest lines he's ever memorized Actor Luke Wilson has had a successful movie career with films like "Legally Blonde" and "Old School." However, in 2019 he's trying something totally new and very nerve-wracking, a Super Bowl commercial.
February 02, 2019 at 07:00PM

2019-02-02 03:10:34 UTC M4.6 MOLUCCA SEA 40min ago Depth:10 Km

2019-02-02 03:10:34 UTC M4.6 MOLUCCA SEA 40min ago Depth:10 Km

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Distances. 680 km S of Davao, Philippines / pop: 1,213,000 / local time: 11:10:36.6 2019-02-02 252 km E of Manado, Indonesia / pop: 452,000 / local ...
February 02, 2019 at 03:09PM



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赤十字国際委員会局長のYves Daccord氏が2019年1月に、自律型殺傷兵器(LAWS)やキラーロボットの登場に懸念を表明した。人工知能(AI)とロボットの発展 ...
February 02, 2019 at 05:26PM



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それが予言当時には存在していなかったレベルのAI(人工知能)の出現です。2012年に誕生した新しいタイプの"深層学習をするAI"は、専門領域の頭脳労働を ...
February 02, 2019 at 03:56PM

Artificial Intelligence in China

Artificial Intelligence in China

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This report presents a snapshot on AI in Chinese social media Dec 2018 – Jan 2019, focussing on related technologies, use cases and startups.
February 02, 2019 at 07:53AM

Booker and Harris on a collision course

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Booker and Harris on a collision course Who will make it out?
February 02, 2019 at 09:37AM

Patricio Astorquiza

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Patricio Astorquiza
February 02, 2019 at 11:00AM

Friday, February 1, 2019



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カリフォルニア州クパティーノにあるフリントセンターで発表されたが、この場所は2014年にiPhone 6、Apple Watch、Apple Payが発表された場所でもある。
February 02, 2019 at 09:56AM

2019-02-01 16:14:12 UTC M6.6 CHIAPAS, MEXICO 1hr 19min ago V Depth

2019-02-01 16:14:12 UTC M6.6 CHIAPAS, MEXICO 1hr 19min ago V Depth

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Macroseismic Intensity, V Effects: Strong Shaking. Distances. 183 km W of Guatemala City, Guatemala / pop: 995,000 / local time: 10:14:12.2 2019-02- ...
February 02, 2019 at 02:52AM

【電子版】米アップルのクックCEO、日本でのiPhone販売 助成金は半数以下

【電子版】米アップルのクックCEO、日本でのiPhone販売 助成金は半数以下

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【シリコンバレー=時事】米アップルのティム・クック最高経営責任者(CEO)は、2018年10-12月期の決算発表会見で「日本で販売されたiPhone(アイフォーン)の ...
February 02, 2019 at 08:03AM

iPhoneもカラフルにワイヤレス充電! 「Razerの光る充電台」を試してみた

iPhoneもカラフルにワイヤレス充電! 「Razerの光る充電台」を試してみた

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ゲーミングPCや周辺機器メーカーとして有名なRazerは、スマートフォンも販売しています。2018年10月に登場した「Razer Phone 2」は初代モデルの機能を ...
February 02, 2019 at 07:52AM

Colorado Dems look to ditch Electoral College system

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Colorado Dems look to ditch Electoral College system The Democratic-controlled Colorado State Senate voted this week to join other blue states in a pact aimed at getting rid of the Electoral College system.
February 02, 2019 at 04:56AM

金融業界がAIとデータサイエンスでマーケティングとROIを向上させる方法|Appier Japan株式会社

金融業界がAIとデータサイエンスでマーケティングとROIを向上させる方法|Appier Japan株式会社

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2012年創業のAIソリューションのスタートアップAppierは、プロダクトの拡大期に入り着実な成長を遂げています。Appier初のカスタマーサクセスマネージャーに ...
February 01, 2019 at 06:34PM

Binance Launchpad Will Host the Fetch.AI Token Sale Event on 25th Feb

Binance Launchpad Will Host the Fetch.AI Token Sale Event on 25th Feb

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Fellow Binancians, Binance Launchpad will commence the Fetch.AI (FET) token sale at 2019/02/25 2:00 PM (UTC). The token sale will accept...
February 01, 2019 at 05:43PM



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NTTドコモは2019年春以降に開始する新料金プランについて、スマートフォンに対する購入補助を原則、撤廃する方針を示しました。同社の2019年第3四半期 ...
February 01, 2019 at 04:38PM

The Way to Divine Knowledge (William Law)

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The Way to Divine Knowledge (William Law)

Hanengerda: New article on The Way to Divine Knowledge by William Law, first edition of 1752.

[[File:Boehme-Werk.jpg|thumb|Title page of the [[Johann Georg Gichtel]] (1638-1710) edition of 1682, printed in Amsterdam.]]
[[William Law]] 1686-1761) wrote '''The Way to Divine Knowledge: Being Several Dialogues between Humanus, Academicus, Rusticus and Theophilus. As preparatory to a New Edition of the Works of Jacob Behmen; and the Right Use of Them'''.

The first edition was printed in 1752 by the [[London]] printer and novelist [[Samuel Richardson]], for William Innys, a [[bookselling|bookseller]] in London. <ref>Gerda J.Joling-van der Sar, ''The Spiritual Side of Samuel Richardson, Mysticism, Behmenism and Millenarianism in an Eighteenth-Century English Novelist'', 2003, pp 118-120.</ref> ''The Way to Divine Knowledge'' was partly written in order to assist the reader to a better understanding of the works of [[Jakob Böhme|Jakob Boehme]] (1575-1624), a [[German language|German]] [[philosopher]] and [[Christian mysticism|Christian mystic]] within the [[Lutheranism|Lutheran]] tradition, who was greatly admired by William Law.<ref>Gerda J.Joling-van der Sar, ''The Spiritual Side of Samuel Richardson, Mysticism, Behmenism and Millenarianism in an Eighteenth-Century English Novelist'', 2003, pp 142 ff.</ref> <Andrew Weeks, Boehme, ''An Intellectual Biography of the Seventeenth-Century Philosopher and Mystic'', New York, 1991.</ref>The German editions of Boehme's works appeared between 1612 and 1624, the year of his death, and the sixth year into the [[Thirty Years' War]], an extremely destructive conflict in [[Central Europe]] between 1618-1648, which had initially been a war between various [[Catholic Church|Catholic]] and [[Protestantism|Protestant]] states, but which was actually rather a war fought for political superiority. It was ended by the [[Peace of Westphalia]] in 1648. The English translations of Boehme's works appeared between 1645 and 1662 during the upheaval of the [[English Civil War]] (1642-1651) and the trial and execution of King [[Charles I of England|Charles I]]. Law himself lived in the [[Age of Enlightenment]] centering on [[reason]] in which there were many controversies between Catholics and Protestants, [[Deism|Deists]], [[Socinianism|Socinians]], [[Arianism|Arians]] etc. which caused conflicts that worried Law, who as a [[Pacifism|pacifist]] rejected all wars and every form of violence.

In ''The Way to Divine Knowledge'' William Law dealt with Boehme's writings focussing on the "religion of the heart". It was most probably the absence of "book learning" in Boehme's works which must have been one of the reasons of Law's fascination for Boehme. <ref>Stephen Hobhouse, ''Selected Mystical Writings of William Law'', 1949, p. 269.</ref> According to some, William Law had been considering to publish a new edition of the works of Jakob Boehme which would help readers to make the "right use of them". However, in ''The Way to Divine Knowledge'' it seems that Law had no real intention of doing so.<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, Works'', Vol. 7, pp. 195; 198. Theophilus, see the next paragraph below, says that "the true understanding must come from the inward ground [soul]" and that this is the reason why Academicus must understand how needless it is to ask [Theophilus] or anyone else to help Academicus to understand Boehme.</ref> Law also mentioned several possibly bewildering passages in Jakob Boehme's books and Law's advice was to skip these passages as Boehme's works were often obscured by the "physico-chemical, medical, alchemistic, and astrological language. <ref>Stephen Hobhouse, ''Selected Mystical Writings of William Law'', 1949, pp. 345; 357.</ref> John Sparrow, one of the main English translators of Boehme's works voiced similar reservations: "Words are vehicula rerum ... the bare letter of [Boehme's] writings ... though exactly translated, will not give a man the understanding of them ... unless the spirit of regeneration in Christ [enters into him].<ref>Gerda J. Joling-van der Sar, ''The Spiritual Side of Samuel Richardson, Mysticism, Behmenism and Millenarianism in an Eighteenth-Century English Novelist'', footnote 405, p. 134.</ref>

''The Way to Divine Knowledge'' consists of three dialogues between Humanus, Academicus, Rusticus and Theophilus. These three dialogues are a continuation of Part II of Law's earlier book ''The Spirit of Prayer'' (Part I of 1749 and Part II of 1750). ''The Way to Divine Knowledge'' is filled with beautiful prose, tolerance and charm. It also has some humorous passages as shown in some of the following passages.

===Humanus, Academicus, Rusticus and Theophilus===
Humanus was "a learned unbeliever" and represented the deists (also referred to as the "infidels")<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, Works'', Vol. 7: "Reason is the vain idol of modern deism and modern Christianity", p. 168.</ref> <ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, Works'', Vol. 7: "This is the ... depth of ... deism or infidelity", p. 178.</ref> who had been raised as Christians, but who had doubts as to the Trinity, as well as with orthodox teachings and with the supernatural interpretations of miracles. Humanus was a neighbour of Academicus. Academicus represents the intellectuals and their close study of Latin, Greek or even Hebrew literary texts which enabled them to discuss fine points of historical and theological differences. Academicus is hampered by this "letter learning". Rusticus represents the simple, honest man living among shepherds herding livestock. Even though he is unable to read or write, he is much more able to receive "the truth" than Academicus or Humanus. Theophilus represents the "Love of God" or "Friend of God" and voices the views of William Law himself. <ref>Stephen Hobhouse quoting the words of John Henry Overton in ''Selected Mystical Writings of William Law'', 1949, p. 263.</ref>

===The Atonement or The Necessity of Regeneration or the New Birth===
The core subject in ''The Way to Divine Knowledge'' is the concept of the "new birth" (regeneration) within the soul. In the [[Atonement in Christianity|Atonement]] passages in ''The Way to Divine Knowledge'' Law again asserted, as he had done in his previous books especially from 1737 and onwards, that the redemption of [[Jesus|Christ]] was an example of "God's mercy to all mankind". It was the only method of overcoming evil achieved by a new birth of a new sinless life in the soul and its reunion with God. This new birth only depended on one's own will to choose between "good and evil" which would create either [[heaven]] (good, love and light) or [[hell]] (anger, wrath and darkness) within one's soul.<ref>Boehme wrote in the ''Forty Questions'' that "every soul is its own judgment" and Law had written in ''The Spirit of Prayer'', part I (1749), "A Christ not in us is the same thing as a Christ not ours", Stephen Hobhouse, ''Selected Mystical Writings of William Law'', 1949, p. iv.</ref> However, Law realized that this concept of "the nature and necessity of regeneration" would be totally rejected by those who believed in "guilt, righteous anger, retributive punishment, compensatory justice and sacrificial death. <ref>See also Stephen Hobhouse, ''Selected Mystical Writings of William Law'', 1949, p. 299.</ref> Law compared the rebirth with the two parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price (Matt. 13, 44-6), which was Boehme's "noble pearl of wisdom" or Sophia. <ref>Stephen Hobhouse, ''Selected Mystical Writings of William Law'', 1949, p. 259.</ref>

==First Dialogue==
The first dialogue took place in the morning. Humanus opened the dialogue. It was the first time that he had been allowed to enter into the conversation, because he had given up all "cavilling and disputing" for which Theophilus was indeed very grateful. So Humanus is now a "convert ... [who is] all hunger and thirst after this new light, a glimpse of which has already raised [him] as it were from the dead.<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 148.</ref> "The "test of truth", so Theophilus sets forth, lies in finding out whether it is truly the Spirit of God and the Love of God, the pure, free, universal goodness of God that Humanus longs for.<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 150.</ref> Later Academicus shows that he is still "quarrelling" with certain points.<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 156.</ref> Nevertheless, Theophilus and Humanus are at least agreed that "the fall of man into the life and state of this world is the whole ground of his redemption, and that a real birth of Christ in the soul is the whole nature of it".<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 164.</ref> That is the reason why one should look up "in faith and hope to God as our Father and to Heaven as our native country" and why we are only "strangers and pilgrims upon earth".<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 170.</ref> Humanus realises that though he is now a convert, he should not try to propagate [[Christianity]] or make converts himself, for if there is no "sensibility of the evil and burden and vanity of the natural state, we are to leave people to themselves in their natural state, till some good providence awakens them out of it" for Deism (or infidelity) is merely caused by the bad state of [[Christendom]] and the "miserable use that heathenish learning and worldly policy have made of the [[Gospel]]".<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 176; 177.</ref> Humanus added:

<blockquote>''That no one needs to be told that ever since learning has borne rule in the Church, learned Doctors have contradicted and condemned one another in every essential point of the Christian doctrine. Thousands of learned men tell the illiterate they are lost in this or that Church; and thousands of learned men tell them they are lost if they leave it.''<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 179.</ref></blockquote>

Theophilus was very pleased with the progress Humanus had made, especially with his resolution not to enter into debate about the Gospel doctrines with his [old Brethren] till they were ready for it and wanted to be saved and if that time should never come Humanus must consider them as disciples of [[Epicurus]]:

<blockquote>''For every man that cleaves to this world, that is in love with it, and its earthly enjoyments, is a disciple of Epicurus, and sticks in the same mire of atheism as he did whether he be a modern Deist, a Popish or Protestant Christian, an Arian or an orthodox teacher. .... For the whole matter lies solely in this, whether Heaven or Earth has the heart and government of man. .... Wherever the heart is weary of the evil and the vanity of the earthly life, and looking up to God for an heavenly nature, there all are of the one true religion, and worshippers of the true God, however distant they may be from one another as to time and place. .... A learned Christianity supported and governed by reason, dispute and criticism, that is forced to appeal to canons and councils and ancient usages to defend itself, has lost its place, stands upon a fictitious ground and shows that it cannot appeal to itself, to its own works which alone are the certain and only proofs, either of a true or a false Christianity. For the truth of Christianity is the spirit of God, living and working in it, and where this spirit is not the life of it, there the outward form is but like the outward carcase of a departed soul. For the spiritual life .... needs no outward or foreign thing to bear witness to it.''<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 181; 183-184.</ref></blockquote>

==The Second Dialogue==
The second dialogue took place in the afternoon of the same day. It opened with Academicus admitting rather peevishly that he was somewhat disappointed. He had come expecting to hear everything he wanted to know about Jakob Boehme and his works, but so far Boehme had not even come up in the conversation.

===How to Understand Jakob Boehme===
Academicus found Boehme totally unintelligible and so did all his friends, he added. He thought that Theophilus would publish a new edition of Boehme's works removing "most of his strange and unintelligible words and give us notes and explications of such as you do not alter". Then Rusticus stepped in, representing Law's view of skipping over several possibly bewildering passages in Jakob Boehme's books. Rusticus admonished Academicus by telling him about his neighbour John the Shepherd and his wife Betty:

<blockquote>''Oh this impatient scholar! How much troubles do I escape through my want of his learning? How much better does my old neighbour John the Shepherd proceed? In winter evenings when he comes out of the field, his own eyes being bad, the old woman his wife puts on her spectacles and reads about an hour to him, sometimes out of the Scriptures, and sometimes out of Jacob Behmen for he has two or three of his books. .... John, said [Rusticus], do you understand all this? Ah, says he, God bless the heart of the dear man, I sometimes understand but little of him; and mayhap Betty does not always read right; but that little which I often do understand, does me so much good, that I love him where I do not understand him.''<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 185.</ref></blockquote>

Rusticus added another little story of John the Shepherd. The squire's wife had given John the Shepherd and his wife Betty a huge book with commentaries on the New Testament, but John got so bewildered with all those fancy notions when Betty read it to him, that he asked Betty to bring the book back immediately. For John had rather the feeling of the gospel in his heart even if he did not understand it all than all those difficult explanations of the head (of learned men).<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 186.</ref>

Rusticus was clearly annoyed with the impatience of Academicus for to understand the "truths of Jacob Behmen" one must stand where he stood, where he began and seek only the heart of God. He accused Academicus that he wanted to "stand upon the top of [Boehme's] ladder without the trouble of beginning at the bottom and going up step by step.<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 189.</ref> This in turn annoyed Academicus who said that renouncing all his learning and reason if he was to understand Jacob Behmen was something which he was not resolved to purchase at so high a price. To this Theophilus answered:

<blockquote>''Dear Academicus, be not so uneasy. I [Theophilus] am no more an enemy to learning than I am to that art which builds mills to grind our corn and houses for ourselves to dwell in. I esteem the liberal arts and sciences as the noblest of human things, I desire no man to dislike or renounce his skill in ancient or modern languages, his knowledge of medals, pictures, paintings, history, geography or chronology. I have no more dislike of these things in themselves than of the art of throwing silk or making lace. But then all these things are to stand in their proper places and ... kept in its own sphere. Now all this circle of science and arts, whether liberal or mechanic, belongs solely to the natural man, they are the work of his natural powers and faculties, and the most wicked, sensual, unjust person, who regards neither God nor man, may yet be one of the ablest proficients in any or all of them. But Christian redemption is quite of another matter .... It is the heavenly divine life offering itself again to the inward man, that had lost it. .... Now whether this awakened new man breathes forth his faith and hope towards this divine life in Hebrew, Greek or English sounds or in no one of them, can be of no significance. .... Now ... without the least injury done or the least enmity shown to learning, science, reason and criticism, you must place them just where I have done, amongst the things and ornaments of this earthy life. .... and therefore, no truths concerning the divine and heavenly life are to be brought for trial before this learned bar, where both judge and jury are born, bred, live and move and have their being in another world which have no more power of feeling the divine life, than an eagle's eyes can look into the Kingdom of God. .... For the doctrines of redemption belong no more to the natural man than the beauty of colours to [a blind man] that never saw the light.''<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 189-191.</ref></blockquote>

===Universal Redemption Open to Everyone===
Now Academicus realises that the redemption is possible for everyone who has their inward man "kindled into love, hope and faith in God" and who is capable of the highest divine illumination, while "learned students full of art and science can live and die without the least true knowledge of God and Christ".<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 191.</ref> Therefore, he says:

<blockquote>''This redemption belongs only to one sort of people and yet is common to all. It is equally near and equally open to every son of man. There is no difference between learned and unlearned, Jew of Greek, male or female, Scythian or barbarian, bond or free. ....The same Lord is God over all and equally nigh to all that call upon him.''<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 192.</ref></blockquote>

===Seventeen Hundred Years of Learning===
Academicus explained how he had followed the advice of so many counsellors and had been "sweating for some years" till Rusticus told him that if he had lived "seventeen hundred years ago" he had stood in just the place as Rusticus himself stood now. For Rusticus could not read and all these "hundreds of thousands of disputed books and doctrine books which these seventeen hundred years had produced, stood not in [his] way".<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 192-194.</ref> Academicus had been reading "cart-loads of lexicons, critics and commentators upon the Hebrew Bible", books on [[Church History]], all the [[Catholic ecumenical councils|councils]] and [[Canon law of the Catholic Church|canons]] made in every age, [[John Calvin|Calvin]] and [[Thomas Cranmer|Cranmer]], [[William Chillingworth|Chillingworth]] and [[John Locke|Locke]], the discourses of [[Robert Boyle|Mr. Boyle]] and [[Moyer Lectures|Lady Moyer's lectures]], the [[Pope Clement IX|Clementine]] constitutions, [[Samuel Clarke|dr. Clarke]] and [[William Whiston|mr. Whiston]] might be useful, all the Arian and Socinian writers, all the histories of the rise and progress of heresies and of the lives and characters of the heretics, etc., a list of some of the books in Law's own library.<ref>Stephen Hobhouse on Law's Library, ''Selected Mystical Writings of William Law'', 1949, pp. 355-357; 361-367.</ref> Academicus was deeply grateful for "this simple instruction of honest Master Rusticus".<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 194.</ref> Academicus had now given up his wish that someone would make a new translation of Boehme's works in English with comments etc., but nevertheless he still would want someone to make Boehme more plain and intelligible. Theophilus then explained how Jacob Boehme is to be considered. There are two sorts of people to whom Boehme forbids the use of his books. The first sort are those who are not seeking a new birth, for Boehme requires his readers to be in the state of the "returning prodigal son". The others are the "men of reason" who only look to the light of reason as the true "touchstone of divine truths".<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 195-196.</ref> Consequently, it was useless for Academicus to ask Theophilus or anyone else to help him to understand Boehme's works.

===The Philosopher's Stone===
The concept of the "[[Philosopher's Stone]]" had intrigued many readers ever since Boehme wrote his books between 1612 and 1624, the year of his death. Law (as Theophilus) explained that when Boehme's works first appeared in English from 1645 onwards many people of "the greatest wit and abilities" had read his books, but that instead of entering into "his one only design" which was their own "regeneration from an earthly to an heavenly life" they became chemists and "set up furnaces" to regenerate metals in search of the Philosopher's Stone.<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 195-196.</ref> They did this all in vain because:

<blockquote>''No one has so deeply and from so true a ground laid open the exceeding vanity of such labour and utter impossibility of success in it from any art or skill in the use of fire. .... [Boehme] gives you notice ... and warns you against it in the most solemn manner and tells you that the blame must be yours if you fall into it.''<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 196.</ref></blockquote>

===The Great Delusion of Knowledge===
Theophilus said that to count the stars or to observe their positions or motions is of the same natural knowledge ([[natural philosophy]]) as when a shepherd counts his sheep and observes their time of breeding. The rational man can reason and dispute about the outward causes and effects, but the "mystery of eternal nature" (different from our temporal nature, for temporal nature is concerned with time and place) was that which Boehme had found opened in himself.<ref> Stephen Hobhouse, ''Selected Mystical Writings of William Law'', 1949, p. 308.</ref> Unfortunately, so Theophilus continued, we call everything knowledge "that the reason, wit or humour of man prompts him to discourse about", whether it is fiction, conjecture, report, history, criticism, rhetoric or oratory. All this passes for "sterling knowledge", whereas it is only the "activity of reason playing with its own empty notions".<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 202-203.</ref> This was according to Theophilus the great delusion which had overspread the Christian world and all countries and libraries were the proof of it:

<blockquote>''It is all this power and dominion of reason in religious matters that Jacob Behmen so justly calls the antichrist ... for it leads men from the life and truth of the mysteries of Christ to put a carnal trust in a confused multitude of contrary notions, inventions and opinions ... which is unavoidable with reason ... it is the antichrist as soon as it is admitted to debate and state the nature of any divine truth. .... Reason ruling in divine things turns the living mysteries of God into lifeless ideas and vain opinions and ... as it sets up a worldly kingdom of strife, hatred, envy, division and persecution in defence of them. .... Therefore, it is a fundamental truth that till the particle of divine life is awakened ... in which the mystery of God and the divine nature can have a birth. .... To be a disciple of truth you must not ask ... what is truth or consult the schools, but you must alter your life ... give up all the workings of your own reason and your own will and then you are fitted for that unction from above .... [for] Christ to be opened in you.''<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 203; 205-206</ref></blockquote>

===The Pearl of Great Value===
Theophilus stated that the "only way to divine knowledge is the way of the gospel" which calls and leads us to a "new birth of the divine nature brought forth in us".<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 208.</ref> He compared the divine knowledge with a wonderful pearl that is hidden in the "ground of a certain field" and explained to Academicus that this pearl refers to the new birth which could only be achieved by changing one's will to find it. For nothing, so argued Theophilus, generates either life or death in you, but the working of your own mind, will and desire. If Academicus continued to follow his earthly will then every step would be a departure from God, because this earthly will is ruled by "pride, self-exaltation, in envy and wrath, in hatred and ill-will, in deceit, hypocrisy and falseness, ... working with the devil". When one works with the devil, the nature of the devil is created in oneself which leads to the "kingdom of hell".<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 210.</ref>. So, Theophilus continued:

<blockquote>''Whatever you are, or whatever you feel, is all owing to the working and creating power of your own will. This is your God or your devil, your heaven or your hell and you have only so much of the one or the other as your will, which is the first mover, is either given up to the one or to the other. .... Every soul of man is partly human and partly divine and is united to an earthly and a heavenly nature ... and must always work either with one or the other. .... What a delusion it is therefore to grow grey-headed in balancing ancient and modern opinions, to waste the precious uncertain fire of life in critical zeal and verbal animosities when nothing but the kindling of our own working will into a faith that overcomes the world, into a hope and love and the desire of the divine life can hinder us from falling into eternal death.''<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 211; 218; 219.</ref></blockquote>

===The Grossness of Idolatry===
According to Theophilus, God is no outward or separate being. The religion of reason, which Academicus represented, considers redemption as "obtaining a pardon from a prince". This has all the "mistakes, error and ignorance of God" which is found in [[idolatry]]:

<blockquote>''[Academicus'] religion of reason ... which [Academicus] esteems as the modern refinement of the human mind, and more excellent and rational that the faith and humility of the Gospel, has all the dregs of the grossest heathen idolatry in it and has changed nothing in idolatry but the idol. [It] only differs in such a degree of philosophy as the religion of worshipping the sun differs from the religion of worshipping an onion. .... To put [one's] trust in the sun or an onion or [one's] own reason ... is absurd ... and idolatrous.''<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 229-230.</ref></blockquote>

With the above words Theophilus put an end to the second dialogue and suggested that they would have a few days rest to "purify the heart".

==The Third Dialogue==
The third dialogue took place a couple of days later. Theophilus started the dialogue with repeating that Academicus' own reason was the most powerful enemy of religion and that "men of speculative reason" of whom Academicus was so afraid are powerless enemies:

<blockquote>''[Men of speculative reason] cannot strike at your religion with the strength of a straw. .... Their power is ... as ridiculous as that of a few water-engines trying to quench the fiery globe of the sun. For reason stands in the same inability to touch the truth of religion as the water-engines to affect the sun. .... Reason can no more affect the truth of religion than nothing can affect something. .... [Reason] is as the barking dog to stop the course of the moon. .... You can know nothing of God, of nature, of heaven and hell or yourself but so far as all these things are self-evident in you.''<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 231-232.</ref></blockquote>

===The Concept of the Seven Properties of Nature===
[[Stephen Hobhouse]] stated that for many readers of Law's works the concept of the seven properties of nature had been bewildering and therefore his advice was to skip these passages. It is a concept found in Boehme's works which relates to a division into a "dark ternary"<ref>"Ternary" from Latin ternarius means composed of three items.</ref> and a "light ternary" divided by a fourth property of fire or lightning (3 + 1 + 3).<ref>Stephen Hobhouse, ''Selected Mystical Writings of William Law'', pp. 344-345.</ref> Theophilus argued in the third dialogue that the dark ternary of attraction, resistance and whirling became the ground of the "threefold materiality of earth, water and air ("an anguishing materiality") out of which came the fourth property of nature as a "globe of fire and light" as the "true outbirth of the eternal fire". And since this eternal fire is not a "moveable thing" and stands forever "in the midst of the seven properties" so the sun as the "true outburst of the eternal fire" is not a moveable thing and is therefore the centre and heart of the whole system, forever separating the first three properties from the three that follow, and thus changing the "three first forms of material wrath into the three last properties of the [[Kingdom of Heaven (Gospel of Matthew)|Kingdom of Heaven]]".<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 245.</ref><ref>Gerda J. Joling-van der Sar, ''The Spiritual Side of Samuel Richardson, Mysticism, Behmenism and Millenarianism in an Eighteenth-Century English Novelist'', 2003, pp. 132-133.</ref> Theophilus saw the sun as a place that gives forth fire and light "till all material nature is dissolved".<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 246</ref> Hobhouse wrote that Law's sevenfold scheme was confusing and did not fit in easily with his usual idea of the [[Trinity]] in man and God, but he suggested that Law may have been influenced by his belief that [[Isaac Newton|Newton]] had been a "secret disciple of Boehme" and that Newton had learned from Boehme the theory of gravitation and the laws of celestial mechanics.<ref>Stephen Hobhouse, ''Selected Mystical Writings of William Law'', p. 346.</ref> Theophilus summarized this somewhat difficult theory of the seven properties to Academicus as follows:

<blockquote>''Here you see ... the absolute necessity of that one redemption ... the changing of the three first dark wrathful properties of fallen nature into the three last properties of the heavenly life, light and love, which is the life of God restored to the soul, or the light and spirit or word of God born again in it. .... Turn away from wrath of every kind, as you would flee from the most horrid devil. .... Whether you look at rage and anger in a tempest, a beast or a man, it is but one and the same thing, from one and the same cause. .... Enter into no strife or self-defence against anyone that either reproaches you or your doctrine, but remember that if you are to join with Christ in doing good, your sword of natural wrath must be locked up in its own sheath. No weapons of flesh are to be used, but you must work only in the meekness, the sweetness, the humility, the love and patience of the Lamb of God ... who is the only overcomer of wrath and the one redemption of fallen nature. .... If you are reproached as an enthusiast .... you are to be as though you heard it not. .... For this is the will and working of heaven. It has but one will and one work and that is to change all the wrath, evil and disorder of nature into a Kingdom of God.''<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 250-251.</ref></blockquote>

===The New Edition of Boehme's Works===
After having heard all this explained to him, Academicus answered that he had received from Theophilus all the answers he needed to understand Boehme's works and that he would no longer ask for any help. However, he was now eager to know when a new edition of all Boehme's works would be published, or if not all then at least which book of Boehme would be published first, because they were hard to come by. Theophilus advised Academicus that two or three of Boehme's books would be enough to open the "grounds of the whole mystery of the [[Atonement in Christianity|Christian redemption]]", for even Boehme himself had thought that he had written too many books and rather wanted them all to be reduced into one. It had been Boehme's frequent repetition of "one and the same ground" which had been the cause of so many volumes and what is found in one of Boehme's books is also found in other books, so, according to Theophilus, there was absolutely no need to go through all his books.<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 254.</ref>

<blockquote>''For it is in your own heart ... that is to be your key and guide to that knowledge you are to have of them, whether it [is] from the Holy Scripture or the writings of this author. For to this end he tells you he has written all, viz. to help man to seek and find himself; what is his birth, his state and place in nature, what he is in body, soul and spirit, from what worlds all these three parts of him are come; how they came to be as they are at present; what his fall is and how he must rise out of it. .... But above all things remember this advice, be no reasoner upon the mystery; seek for no commentaries or rational explanations of it to entertain your reason with it. .... To give yourself up to reasoning and notional conceptions is to turn from God and wander out of the way of all divine communication.''<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 255-256.</ref></blockquote>

===All the Controversies of the Church from Augustine to the Socinians and Deists===
Theophilus ended the third dialogue by returning to the cause of all the controversies of the Church, beginning with [[Augustine of Hippo|St. Austugine]] and [[Pelagius]] who in the fifth century A.D. wrangled about the freedom of the human will, followed by the horrible wars as the result from different interpretations of the Gospel between Catholics and Protestants. From there on Theophilus continued with the controversy between the Socinians and their opponents about "the Fall, original sin, its guilt, the vindictive wrath of God and the necessity of satisfying the divine justice, the necessity of the incarnation, sufferings, death and satisfaction of Christ ", which were all tried at the "bar of reason" with each of them defending themselves that the "soul and everything else was created out of nothing".<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 259.</ref> The same arguments were used during the controversy in Law's time between the Christians and the "infidels" (Deists) in which neither side "could go any higher than a creation out of nothing". This "vanity and blindness of the dispute", argued Theophilus, could only lead to indifference and infidelity in the hearts of men.<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, p. 260.</ref> All controversy, both within and outside of the Church, was vain, according to Theophilus. What Boehme wrote did not alter the Gospel-doctrine, nor added anything to it. It disturbed no one who was in possession of the truth, drove to nothing but to the "opening of the heavenly life in the soul":

<blockquote>''It calls no man from any outward form of religion as such, but only shows that no outward form can have any good in it, but so far as it only means and seeks and helps the renewed life of heaven in the soul. A Christian, says [Boehme] is of no sect, and yet in all sects; a truth which all sects will dislike and therefore a truth equally wanted to be known and equally beneficial to all sects. For the chief hurt of a sect lies in this that it takes itself to be necessary to the truth, whereas the truth is only then found when it is known to be of no sect, but as free and universal as the goodness of God and as common to all names and nations, as the air and light of this world. .... The truth can have no possible entrance into you but so far as you die to your earthly nature. .... To be a disciple of Christ calls you to nothing but the plain letter of the Gospel and the truth of the words of Christ: He that followeth not me, walketh in darkness. ... This is the truth found, living, speaking and working in your soul.''<ref>''The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works'', Vol. VII, pp. 261-262.</ref></blockquote>

And with these words of Theophilus ended the third dialogue.

*Hobhouse, Stephen, ''Selected Mystical Writings of William Law'', (1938), Rockliff, London, 1949.
*Joling-van der Sar, Gerda J., ''The Spiritual Side of Samuel Richardson, Mysticism, Behmenism and Millenarianism in an Eighteenth-Century English Novelist'', 2003.
*Keith Walker, A., ''William Law: His Life and Thought'', SPCK, The Camelot Press Ltd., London, 1973.
*Law, William Law, ''The Way to Divine Knowledge'', 1752 (first edition), 1762 (second edition), 1778 (third edition).
*Law, William, ''The Works of William Law'', 9 volumes, G. Moreton in 1892-93 (a reprint of the "1762" edition of The Works of William Law, published in nine volumes).
*Mullett, Charles F., ''The Letters of Doctor George Cheyne to Samuel Richardson (1733-1743)'', Vol. XVIII, No. 1, Columbia, 1943.
*Overton, John Henry, ''William Law, Nonjuror and Mystic'', Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1881
* Weeks, Andrew, Boehme, ''An Intellectual Biography of the Seventeenth-Century Philosopher and Mystic'', New York, 1991.


==External Link==
*[ The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works, Vol. VII]

February 02, 2019 at 12:41AM

Louis Farrakhan calls for separate state for Black Americans, says that's 'what God wants'

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Louis Farrakhan calls for separate state for Black Americans, says that's 'what God wants' Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan called for a separate state for Black Americans in an Instagram video posted on Thursday, saying that's "what God wants" while those opposed he described as "slaves."
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2019年1月31日、東京大学先端科学技術研究センター、自治医科大、NICT(情報通信研究機構)らの研究グループは、 脳波からてんかん発作を自動検出できる ...
February 01, 2019 at 08:01PM

Listed buildings in Stockton, Shropshire

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Listed buildings in Stockton, Shropshire

Peter I. Vardy: New list

Stockton is a [[civil parish]] in [[Shropshire]], England. It contains 20 [[Listed building#England and Wales|listed buildings]] that are recorded in the [[National Heritage List for England]]. Of these, four are listed at Grade&nbsp;II*, the middle of the three grades, and the others are at Grade&nbsp;II, the lowest grade. It includes the villages of Stockton and Norton, and is otherwise mainly rural. In the parish is Apley Park, a country estate that contains a [[English country house|country house]], a [[model farm]], and other listed structures. Most of the other listed buildings are houses, the earliest of which are [[timber framed]], and the other listed buildings include a church, its churchyard walls and rectory, a barn, a school, and village [[stocks]] and a [[whipping post]].

{| class="wikitable"
! Grade
! Criteria
|align="center" |II*
| Particularly important buildings of more than special interest
|align="center" |II
| Buildings of national importance and special interest

{| class="wikitable sortable plainrowheaders" style="width:100%; border:0; text-align:left; line-height:150%;"
! scope="col" style="width:150px" |Name and location
! scope="col" style="width:100px" class="unsortable"|Photograph
! scope="col" style="width:120px" |Date
! scope="col" style="width:650px" class="unsortable"|Notes
! scope="col" style="width:50px" |Grade
|St Chad's Church<br/><small></small>
|[[File:St. Chad, Stockton - - 120228.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The church incorporates some earlier material, but the oldest substantial surviving part is the lower stages of the tower, the rest of the church being rebuilt in 1858–59. It is built in [[sandstone]], and has a [[cruciform#cruciform architectural plan|cruciform]] plan, consisting of a [[nave]], north and south [[transept]]s, a [[chancel]] with a north [[vestry]], and a west tower. The tower has three stages, diagonal [[buttress]]es, a west doorway with a pointed arch, a four-light west window, and an [[embattled]] [[parapet]] with [[gargoyle]]s and the bases of corner [[pinnacle]]s. In the north wall of the chancel is a [[Norman architecture|Norman]] window.
|align="center" |
|13 and 14 Cheswardine Lane<br/><small></small>
|The houses are [[timber framed]] with painted brick [[infill]], and thatched roof. There is one storey and an attic, and four [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The doorways have plain surrounds, and the windows are [[casement window|casements]].
|align="center" |
|17 Cheswardine Lane<br/><small></small>
|Two cottages combined into one, the building is [[timber framed]] with painted brick [[infill]] and a tile roof. There is one storey and an attic, three [[casement window]]s, a doorway with a plain surround, and two [[gable]]d [[dormer]]s.
|align="center" |
|1 Norton<br/><small></small>
|The house is partly [[timber framed]] and partly in brick, and has a roof of cedar [[roof shingle|shingle]]. There is one storey and an attic, and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The windows are [[casement window|casements]], and there is a [[gable]]d [[dormer]].
|align="center" |
|24 Village Road<br/><small></small>
|A [[timber framed]] cottage with a thatched roof, one storey and an attic, three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a brick extension on the left. The windows are [[casement window|casement]]s, and there are two [[gable]]d [[dormer]]s with plain [[bargeboard]]s.
|align="center" |
|Barn northwest of The Hundred House<br/><small></small>
|The barn is [[timber framed]] with painted [[brick nog]]ging, a thatched roof, and doors at the ends.
|align="center" |
|The rectory is to the south of the church, and is in red brick with [[modillion]] [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are three storeys, five [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and flanking two-storey wings. In the centre is a [[pediment]]ed porch, the windows are [[sash window|sashes]], and on the garden front is a [[bay window]].
|align="center" |
|[[Apley Hall|Apley Park]]<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Apley Hall.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A [[Georgian architecture|Georgian]] mansion incorporated into a [[Gothic architecture|Gothic]] [[English country house|country house]] between 1811 and 1820, it is built in [[Grinshill]] [[sandstone]], and has three storeys and [[embattled]] [[parapet]]s. The entrance front has eight [[bay (architecture)|bays]] and is flanked by octagonal towers. There is a single storey [[porte-cochère]] with polygonal angle tourelles, and in the outer bays are two-storey [[cant (architecture)|canted]] [[bay window]]s with [[crocket]]ed [[pinnacle]]s; the other windows are [[mullion]]ed. Recessed to the right a chapel-like façade fronts the earlier mansion, which has [[sash window]]s.
|align="center" |
|Churchyard walls<br/><small></small>
|The walls are on the east and south sides of the churchyard of St Chad's Church. They are in [[sandstone]], and are surmounted by [[crocket]]ed [[finial]]s formerly on the church [[parapet]]s.
|align="center" |
|The Hundred House<br/><small></small>
|[[File:The Hundred House, Norton.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A brick house with [[corbel]]led [[eaves]], two storeys and an attic, and five [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The central doorway has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] surround and a [[fanlight]], the windows are [[mullion]]ed and [[transom (architecture)|transomed]] [[casement window|casements]], and on the right side is a porch with [[pilaster]]s and a [[pediment]].
|align="center" |
|The Gardener's Cottage, [[Apley Hall|Apley Park]]<br/><small></small>
|Originally an [[orangery]], it was converted into a cottage in the 19th century. It is in red brick with stone dressings, a [[parapet]] and a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and a symmetrical three-[[bay (architecture)|bay]] front, the middle bay projecting under a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[cornice]] and [[pediment]] with urns. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]], and at the rear is a [[gable]]d wing and outshuts.
|align="center" |
|Outbuildings, [[Apley Hall|Apley Park]]<br/><small></small>
|The outbuildings surround a courtyard, and are in red brick with two storeys, and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. The main range, facing east, is [[stucco]]ed, and contains [[sash window]]s, and a central tower that has a pointed archway with a [[hood mould]], a clock face in a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] diagonally-set surround, a pierced [[quatrefoil]], and an [[embattled]] [[parapet]] with a [[weathervane]].
|align="center" |
|Stockton Lodge<br/><small></small>
|The lodge is [[stucco]]ed, with two storeys, a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[cornice]], and a [[parapet]], [[embattled]] in the centre. The lodge consists of a central [[porte-cochère]] containing a pointed arch and a [[hood mould]], and a pair of [[wrought iron]] gates, flanked by lodges with projecting outer wings, containing [[sash window]]s with hood moulds.
|align="center" |
|5 and 6 Village Road and outbuildings<br/><small></small>
|A pair of estate cottages in red brick with [[hip roof|hipped]] tile roofs. They have a single storey, two [[bay (architecture)|bays]] each, outshuts at the rear, and detached outbuildings. The windows are [[casement window|casements]] with simple [[hood mould]]s, and the outbuildings include wash houses, stores and pig sties.
|align="center" |
|Stockton Grange<br/><small></small>
|The house is [[stucco|rendered]] with a tile roof, two storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. On the front is an ornamental [[cast iron]] porch, and the doorway has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] surround, side lights, and a shallow segmental [[fanlight]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with [[hood mould]]s, and the [[gable]] ends have ornamental [[bargeboard]]s.
|align="center" |
|South Lodge<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house with [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are two storeys and an L-shaped plan, consisting of a three-[[bay (architecture)|bay]] main range and a projecting [[gable]]d wing on the left. The middle bay projects and contains a doorway with a semicircular head, a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[stucco]]ed surround, and a radial [[fanlight]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with cambered heads, and the gables have ornamental [[bargeboard]]s.
|align="center" |
|Norton Village School<br/><small></small>
|[[File:The old school building, Norton - - 1729985.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The school is in buff brick with dressings in blue brick, and a tile roof with [[diapering|diaper]] decoration in yellow tiles, pierced ridge tiles, and stone [[coping (architecture)|coped]] [[gable]]s. It is in [[High Victorian Gothic|High Victorian]] style. There is a T-shaped plan, with a front range of two classrooms with two porches, a clock tower, and a rear wing. Between the porches are two [[buttress]]es, and the porches have round-arched entrances. At the east end are diagonal buttresses, and a five-light window over which is a segmental arch with a chequered pattern in the [[tympanum (architecture)|tympanum]]. The tower has clock faces in [[oculus|oculi]] and a [[saddleback roof]], and most of the windows have diamond glazing.
|align="center" |
|Home Farm, [[Apley Hall|Apley Park]]<br/><small></small>
|A [[model farm]] with buildings in red brick, dressings in blue brick, and [[slate]] roofs. The buildings consist of a barn, a boiler house, two covered cattle yards, and to the east is a single-storey manager's house. The south front is symmetrical and has a projecting central wing with three [[bay (architecture)|bays]] and two storeys. In the centre is a [[gable]] with an [[oculus]], above which is a square [[bellcote]].
|align="center" |
|21 Cheswardine Lane<br/><small></small>
|A [[timber framed]] cottage with painted [[brick nog]]ging and a tile roof. There is one storey and an attic, one [[casement window]], one [[gable]]d [[dormer]], and a doorway with a plain surround.
|align="center" |
|Stocks and whipping post<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Stocks and whipping post, Norton - - 292016.jpg|80px|centre]]
|The village [[stocks]] and [[whipping post]] are at a junction in the centre of the village, and are surrounded by an enclosure consisting of four wooden posts and chains.
|align="center" |





[[Category:Lists of buildings and structures in Shropshire]]

February 01, 2019 at 08:45PM



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NTTドコモは1日、2018年度第3四半期(10~12月)の決算を発表した。4~12月累計の営業収益は3兆6541億円、営業利益は9020億円とそれぞれ前年同期比 ...
February 01, 2019 at 06:00PM

中古スマホランキング(2019年1月)国内版SIMフリー iPhone6sが6か月ぶりに1位返り咲き

中古スマホランキング(2019年1月)国内版SIMフリー iPhone6sが6か月ぶりに1位返り咲き

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【1位】iPhone6s(国内版SIMフリー)30,865円【2位】iPhone SE(国内版SIMフリー)31,148円【3位】iPhone7(国内版SIMフリー)42,948円【4位】iPhone8(国内 ...
February 01, 2019 at 03:33PM



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慶應義塾大学は2019年1月11日、AI(人工知能)を応用して、1枚の心電図から、その患者にカテーテル治療が必要かどうかを80%以上の精度で瞬時に判定する ...
February 01, 2019 at 03:11PM



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アップルは米国時間1月29日に2019年第1四半期決算(10〜12月)を発表しました。売上高は843億ドルで前年同期比4.5%減、純利益も199億6500万ドルと ...
February 01, 2019 at 04:07PM



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NTTドコモは2月1日、2019年3月期 第3四半期決算説明会を開催。登壇した吉澤和弘社長は、予告している『最大4割値下げ』について、4〜6月の遅い時期に ...
February 01, 2019 at 03:56PM

ソフトバンク、iPhone XR &Google Pixelハッピープライスキャンペーン

ソフトバンク、iPhone XR &Google Pixelハッピープライスキャンペーン

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ソフトバンクは1月30日、「ソフトバンク」の新キャンペーンとして、2018年10月26日に発売したAppleの「iPhone XR」の機種代金から1万800円を割り引く「iPhone ...
February 01, 2019 at 03:56PM



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株式会社LINKS(本社:沖縄県那覇市、代表:横山 純)は2019年1月、沖縄県那覇市おもろまちにiPhone修理ジャパン沖縄おもろまち店をオープンしました。
February 01, 2019 at 12:11PM

2019-01-31 12:24:43 UTC M3.4 PORTUGAL 6hr 40min ago III Depth:15

2019-01-31 12:24:43 UTC M3.4 PORTUGAL 6hr 40min ago III Depth:15

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Macroseismic Intensity, III Effects: Weakly Felt. Distances. 184 km S of Lisbon, Portugal / pop: 518,000 / local time: 12:24:43.9 2019-01-31 47 km W of ...
February 01, 2019 at 09:03AM

Thursday, January 31, 2019


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February 01, 2019 at 11:00AM

未経験からAI人材に! 初心者が3週間で使いこなした 「ディープラーニング開発ツール」の正体

未経験からAI人材に! 初心者が3週間で使いこなした 「ディープラーニング開発ツール」の正体

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今、世界では急ピッチでAI(人工知能)の研究・開発が進んでいる。富士キメラ総研は2017年の調査で、AIビジネスの国内市場は2030年度に2兆1200億円まで ...
February 01, 2019 at 10:07AM

2019-01-31 13:09:54 UTC M5.1 COSTA RICA 5hr 55min ago III Depth

2019-01-31 13:09:54 UTC M5.1 COSTA RICA 5hr 55min ago III Depth

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Macroseismic Intensity, III Effects: Weakly Felt. Distances. 98 km S of San José, Costa Rica / pop: 336,000 / local time: 07:09:54.9 2019-01-31
February 01, 2019 at 09:03AM

演算量を90%減、エッジで画像生成・認識できるAIを三菱電機が開発 (1/2)

演算量を90%減、エッジで画像生成・認識できるAIを三菱電機が開発 (1/2)

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February 01, 2019 at 08:15AM

ソニーは「世界を変えるAI」を創れるか 天才プログラマーが社長

ソニーは「世界を変えるAI」を創れるか 天才プログラマーが社長

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February 01, 2019 at 05:03AM



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アップルは2018年に発売したiPhone XSの価格を2017年のiPhone Xと同じ価格にしたが、中国やトルコなど現地通貨が米ドルに対して大きく下落した国では ...
February 01, 2019 at 07:07AM

低コストで質の高い見込み客を獲得するAIソリューションを普及させたい|Appier Japan株式会社

低コストで質の高い見込み客を獲得するAIソリューションを普及させたい|Appier Japan株式会社

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2012年創業のAIソリューションのスタートアップ Appierは2017年以降、プロダクトの拡大期に入り成長を遂げています。今回は数々のお客様にAIベースの ...
January 31, 2019 at 08:58PM

Hate Crimes in Major US Cities Rise for Fifth Year in a Row, Data Show

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Hate Crimes in Major US Cities Rise for Fifth Year in a Row, Data Show A suspected hate-fueled assault on Jussie Smollett, a black, gay and Jewish actor and singer in Chicago, has drawn national headlines and cast a spotlight on rising hate crimes in the United States. Smollett, who plays a gay character in the Fox musical drama series Empire, said he was walking in downtown Chicago early Tuesday morning when he was attacked by two masked men.    He said the men beat him, subjected him to racist and homophobic insults, threw an "unknown chemical substance" on him and put a thin rope around his neck before fleeing.    Police are investigating the attack as a potential bias incident. In response to a question about the incident, U.S. President Donald Trump called it "horrible," adding, "It doesn't get worse" than that.   Rise in hate crimes   The attack comes as hate crimes in major U.S. cities such as Chicago rose for the fifth consecutive year last year, fueled in large part by attacks on African-Americans and Jews, according to preliminary police department data from around the country.    There were a total of 905 bias incidents in nine of the 10 largest U.S. cities last year, up 12 percent from 2017, according to data compiled by the Center for Hate and Extremism at California State University in San Bernardino.  Hate crime data for Phoenix, the fifth-largest U.S. city, were unavailable, but police departments in nearly 20 other cities reported an overall increase in bias incidents.    Among the nation's largest cities, bias incidents rose 6 percent in New York City, 13 percent in Los Angles, 26 percent in Chicago and a startling 173 percent in Houston, according to the data. Blacks, Jews and gays were the top three targets of hate crimes in Chicago, the data show.     Brian Levin, director of the center, said that while the overall hate crime figures for 2018 could change as more data come in, the trend in bias-motivated incidents in the U.S. remains up.    "We're seeing an unmistakable trend of increases," Levin said. Last year's increase in hate crimes "shows that we're in a new era that started four or five years ago."  FBI report for '17   In November, the FBI reported that hate crimes in the United States rose by 17 percent in 2017, the largest increase in bias incidents since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The increase marked the third straight year that U.S. bias incidents rose. More than 50 percent of the victims of the attacks were African-American, 21 percent were targeted because of their religion and 16 percent were attacked because of their sexual orientation.     The FBI defines a hate crime as a "criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender or gender identity."   Some of the 2018 increase in hate crimes was due to better reporting by police departments. But Levin said other factors, including "the coarse sociopolitical climate," demographic changes and a resurgence of white nationalism played bigger roles in driving the surge.    African-Americans and Jews remained the most targeted groups. In New York City, home of the largest American Jewish population, more than half of the 361 hate crimes recorded in 2018 targeted Jews, according to city police data. And of the 189 anti-Semitic incidents, 150 involved the displaying of swastikas.    Some of the anti-Semitic incidents including vandalism came in the aftermath of a Pittsburgh synagogue massacre that left 11 people dead in October 2018 — the deadliest anti-Semitic shooting in U.S. history. While the mass shooting in which white supremacist Robert Bowers sparked national outrage, it appears to have provided an incentive for further anti-Semitic attacks.  'Disdain' for institutions, elites   The Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish organization that tracks anti-Semitism in the United States, recorded an increase of 57 percent in anti-Semitic incidents in 2017, the largest single-year increase on record. ADL said in a report last year that there was a "significant increase in incidents in schools and college campuses" last year.    Levin said the rise in anti-Semitism stems in part from a "general disdain for institutions and elites."    "That often boils down to Jewish conspiracies: Jews are pushing gay marriage. Jews are pushing immigration. Jews are taking away your guns," he said.    Despite the overall increase in hate crimes, there was a silver lining in the data. Attacks targeting Muslims in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles fell.    According to the FBI, anti-Muslim hate crimes dropped by 13 percent in 2017 after rising sharply over the previous two years. 
February 01, 2019 at 08:04AM

Hit by Sanctions, Asia's Iran Crude Oil Imports Drop to 3-Year Low in 2018

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Hit by Sanctions, Asia's Iran Crude Oil Imports Drop to 3-Year Low in 2018 Iranian crude oil imports by Asia's top four buyers dropped to the lowest volume in three years in 2018 amid U.S. sanctions on Tehran, but China and India stepped up imports in December after getting waivers from Washington. Asia's top four buyers of Iranian crude — China, India, Japan and South Korea — imported a total 1.31 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2018, down 21 percent from the previous year, data from the countries showed. That was the lowest since about 1 million bpd in 2015, when a previous round of sanctions on Iran led to a sharp drop in Asian imports, Reuters data showed. The United States reimposed sanctions on Iran's oil exports last November as it wants to negotiate a new nuclear deal with the country. U.S. officials have said they intend to reduce the Islamic Republic's oil exports to zero. On a monthly basis, Asia's imports from Iran rebounded to a three-month high of 761,593 bpd in December as China and India stepped up purchases after Washington granted eight countries waivers from the Iranian sanctions for 180 days from the start of November. "We expect Iranian exports to Asia to remain stable at around 800,000 barrels per day until May, when the waivers expire," said Energy Aspects analyst Riccardo Fabiani. In December, China's imports climbed above 500,000 bpd for the first time in three months, while India's imports rose above 302,000 bpd. Japan and South Korea did not import any Iranian crude that month because they were still sorting out payment and shipping issues, but the countries have resumed oil lifting from Iran this month. During the 180-day period, China can import up to 360,000 bpd of Iranian oil, while India's imports are restricted to 300,000 bpd. South Korea can import up to 200,000 bpd of Iranian condensate. "After May, it will all depend on the U.S. administration's decisions, which at the moment remain completely obscure. On balance, they are likely to extend the current waivers, although rumors are that there could be a significant cut in waivered volumes," Fabiani said. As a precaution, Indian Oil Corp, the country's top refiner, is looking for an annual deal to buy U.S. crude as it seeks to broaden its oil purchasing options, its chairman said Wednesday.
February 01, 2019 at 06:50AM

「iPad mini5」の発売、2019年の春ではなく後半?

「iPad mini5」の発売、2019年の春ではなく後半?

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今年3月の発売が噂されている「iPad mini5」ですが、発売は今年後半になるようだ、とサプライヤーの動向に詳しい台湾メディア、DigiTimesが報じています。
February 01, 2019 at 12:33AM

TSUKUMOで「信長の野望・大志 パワーアップキット」AIデモが展示。顔CGのDLコード配布も

TSUKUMOで「信長の野望・大志 パワーアップキット」AIデモが展示。顔CGのDLコード配布も

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当社は、2019年2月14日発売予定の歴史シミュレーションゲーム『信長の野望・大志 with パワーアップキット』について、東京ゲームショウ2018 で限定公開したAI ...
January 31, 2019 at 08:26PM

AI Samurai(エーアイサムライ)社の監査役に清水節弁護士が就任しました。

AI Samurai(エーアイサムライ)社の監査役に清水節弁護士が就任しました。

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2018年、第二東京弁護士会の弁護士及び弁理士に登録、早稲田大学大学院 法務研究科非常勤講師に就任。2019年2月1日より㈱AI Samurai社の監査役に ...
January 31, 2019 at 06:22PM



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AIArtificial Intelligence、人工知能)、RPA(Robotic Process Automation)、働き方改革の単語を見聞きしない日はない。読者諸氏も関心がおありであろう。
January 31, 2019 at 03:45PM

Chung kết Asian Cup

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Chung kết Asian Cup
January 31, 2019 at 07:00PM

Study claims tequila may help with weight loss, lowering blood sugar levels

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Study claims tequila may help with weight loss, lowering blood sugar levels Whether this weight loss tip is legit or not, we're willing to give it a shot.
January 31, 2019 at 07:00PM

2019-01-31 03:52:49 UTC M3.7 SOUTHERN ALASKA 3hr 01min ago F Depth

2019-01-31 03:52:49 UTC M3.7 SOUTHERN ALASKA 3hr 01min ago F Depth

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Macroseismic Intensity, F Effects: Felt. Distances. 2171 km NW of Vancouver, Canada / pop: 1,838,000 / local time: 19:52:49.1 2019-01-30 803 km W ...
January 31, 2019 at 05:04PM

ソフトバンクiPhone XR・Pixel 3/3 XLの機種代金10800円割引キャンペーン

ソフトバンクiPhone XR・Pixel 3/3 XLの機種代金10800円割引キャンペーン

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2018年に出たばかりの機種である「iPhone XR」と「Google Pixel 3 / 3 XL」の機種代金を大幅値引きするという非常に気になるキャンペーンです。 今回はこの ...
January 31, 2019 at 04:52PM

2019-01-31 04:40:29 UTC M5.2 EL SALVADOR 2hr 13min ago Depth:185

2019-01-31 04:40:29 UTC M5.2 EL SALVADOR 2hr 13min ago Depth:185

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Distances. 95 km E of San Salvador, El Salvador / pop: 526,000 / local time: 22:40:29.7 2019-01-30 27 km SW of San Francisco, El Salvador / pop: ...
January 31, 2019 at 04:32PM

Stabat Mater (Scarlatti)

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Stabat Mater (Scarlatti)

LouisAlain: ←Created page with ' <center>The "Deposizione", mid-15th century, by Napolitan [[Colantonio (Naples, Mu...'

[[File:Deposizione, Colantonio 001.jpg|thumb|upright=1.3|<center>The "Deposizione", mid-15th century, by Napolitan [[Colantonio]] (Naples, [[Museo di Capodimonte]]).</center>]]

[[Alessandro Scarlatti]]'s '''''Stabat Mater''''' is a religious musical work composed for two voices ([[soprano]]/[[alto]]), two [[violin]]s and [[basso continuo]], in 1724, on a commission from the [[Order of Friars Minor]], the "Knights of the Virgin of Sorrows" of the Church of San Luigi in Naples for [[Lent]]

This ''[[Stabat Mater]]'', is based on a 13th century liturgical text meditating on the suffering of [[Mary (Mother of Jesus)|Mary]], mother of Christ.

Considered outdated by those who had ordered it, it was replaced in 1736 by the famous ''[[Stabat Mater (Pergolesi)|Stabat Mater]]'' by [[Giovanni Battista Pergolesi]].

It is one of the composer's three Stabat Mater. There is another manuscript of a three-part Stabat Mater, dated 1715 and kept in Naples<ref>Naples, Archivio Musicale della Communità Oratoriana dei Padri Filippini.</ref> (''Stabat Mater'' [II]) and a third work, composed for four voices, dated 1723, but now lost. (''Stabat Mater'' [III])

== Detail ==
[[File:Stabat Mater (I) - Alessandro Scarlatti (Ms. Naples).png|thumb|upright=1.6|<center>First page of the "Stabat Mater" in a copy from the 18th century, kept in Florence at the [[Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini]].</center>]]

The ''Stabat Mater'' consists of eighteen pieces that can be grouped into four parts, starting and ending with a duet.

Scarlatti inverts verses 10 and 11 and groups verse 13 with verse 14, and verse 15 also plays verses 16 and 17 in a [[recitative]]. That is eighteen numbers for twenty verses.

Scarlatti's late composition, it impresses by its extraordinary musical richness, variety of forms, chromatic freedom and flexibility of expression. Thus the work is one of his most popular religious works today.

The execution takes about forty minutes.

*''Stabat Mater dolorosa'', a due - Adagio
*''Cujus animam gementem'', canto solo – Moderato e dolce
*''O quam tristis'', alto solo – Poco andante
*''Quae moerebat et dolebat'', a due - Adagio
*''Quis est homo'', canto solo – Andante
*''Quis non posset contritari'', alto solo – Andantino
*''Pro peccatis suae gentis'', canto solo - Moderato
*''Vidit suum dulcem natum'', a due - Moderato
*''Pia Mater'', canto solo – Andantino
*''Sancta Mater'', alto solo – Andante moderato
*''Fac ut ardeat cor meum'', canto solo – Andante molto
*''Tui nati vulnerati'', a due – Adagio
*''Juxta crucem'', alto solo – Andante smorzato
*''Virgo virginum praeclara'', canto solo - Allegro
*''Fac ut portem Christi mortem'', alto solo – Recitativo – Adagio e piano
*''Inflammatus et accensus'', canto solo – Andantino
*''Fac me cruce custodiri'', alto solo – Recitativo - Largo
*''Quando corpus morietur'', a due – Adagio e piano - Allegro

== Manuscript ==
* Florence, [[Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini]], I-Fc (Ms.B 2353b).

== Discography ==
* ''Stabat Mater'' [I] - [[Mirella Freni]], soprano; [[Teresa Berganza]], mezzosoprano; [[Paul Kuentz]] chamber orchestra, [[Conducting|conductor]] [[Charles Mackerras]] (1976, [[Deutsche Grammophon]])
* ''Stabat Mater'' [I], ''[[Salve Regina (Scarlatti, V)|Salve Regina]]'' [V] - Véronique Diestchy,<ref>[ Véronique Diestchy] on BBC Music/</ref> soprano; Alain Zaepffel,<ref>[ Alain Zaepffel] on [[Discogs]]</ref> countertenor; Ensemble Gradiva<ref>[ Ensemble Gradiva] on Classical Archives</ref> (7-9 August 1988, Adda 581048 / [[Accord (French record label)|Accord]])<ref>When it was released, this record was distinguished with a "Choc" by '''' magazine and 4 keys in ''[[Diapason (magazine)|Diapason]]''.</ref>
* ''Stabat Mater'' [I] - Gemma Bertagnolli,<ref>[ Gemma Bertagnolli short biography] on Bach Cantatas Website</ref> soprano; [[Sara Mingardo]], contralto; Concerto Italiano, dir. [[Rinaldo Alessandrini]] (1998, Opus 111 30-160 / [[Naïve Records]] OP30441)<ref>When it was released, this record was awarded a "10" by Laurent Campellone in the '''' N° 118, November 1998 .</ref> — with Pergolesi
* ''Stabat Mater'' [I], ''[[Salve Regina (Scarlatti, III)|Salve Regina]]'' [III] - [[Sandrine Piau]], soprano; [[Gérard Lesne]], alto; Il Seminario musicale (1998, Virgin 5 45366 2)<ref>When it was released, this disc was distinguished with a ''[[Diapason (magazine)|Golden Diapason]]'' N° 469, April 2000 and a "recommanded" in ''[[Classica (magazine)|Classica]]''.</ref>
* ''Stabat Mater'' [I] - [[Emma Kirkby]], soprano; [[Daniel Taylor (countertenor)|Daniel Taylor]], counter tenor; Theatre Of Early Music (26-29 August 2004, Atma Classique)

== References ==

== Bibliography ==
* Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) enregistrement : OCLC:1007458967

== See also ==
* Not to be mistaken for the ''[[Stabat Mater (Domenico Scarlatti)|Stabat Mater]]'' for ten voices (1711) by [[Domenico Scarlatti]].

== External links ==
* [ Alessandro Scarlatti, ''Stabat Mater''] on

[[Category:Compositions by Alessandro Scarlatti]]
[[Category:Religious works]]
[[Category:1724 compositions]]

January 31, 2019 at 05:08PM

アップル、第1四半期決算を発表--「iPhone」売上高は15%減 【CNET Japan 2019年01月31日】

アップル、第1四半期決算を発表--「iPhone」売上高は15%減 【CNET Japan 2019年01月31日】

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アップル、第1四半期決算を発表--「iPhone」売上高は15%減 【CNET Japan 2019年01月31日】. 2019年01月31日 15時30分 ...
January 31, 2019 at 03:22PM



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2019年後半にAppleから発売されると目される新型iPhoneについてさまざまな新機能が予想される中、Bloombergが関係者筋からの証言として「Appleは将来的 ...
January 31, 2019 at 02:26PM



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2018年、Facebookはプライバシーの保護を目的と称するモバイル向けVPNアプリ「Onavo Protect」をリリースしたものの、後にこのアプリがユーザー情報 ...
January 31, 2019 at 01:52PM



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今年の秋に発表が予想される2019年モデルのiPhoneや、システムソフトウェアの次期大型メジャーアップデートとなるiOS 13(仮)について、Bloombergが情報筋 ...
January 31, 2019 at 12:56PM

iPhoneのバッテリーを特別価格の3200円で交換したらどうなった? (1/2)

iPhoneのバッテリーを特別価格の3200円で交換したらどうなった? (1/2)

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これは、2017年12月にAppleがiPhoneシリーズに旧製品でiOSのアップデートに伴い動作速度を意図的に落としていたこと、それを開示しなかったことについて ...
January 31, 2019 at 12:56PM



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January 31, 2019 at 12:45PM



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iPhoneの生産を一手に引き受けている台湾の電子機器製造メーカー・Foxconnがアメリカ国内に液晶ディスプレイ工場を建設することを検討中であることは、2017 ...
January 31, 2019 at 12:22PM



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バッテリー容量は10,000mAhで、たとえばiPhone XSなら約2.6回、Galaxy S9は約2.3回、iPad Pro (2018, 11インチ) は約1回、最大2.4Aでフルスピード充電が ...
January 31, 2019 at 12:00PM



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WBTC(Wrapped Bitcoin)が、仮想通貨ビットコインに裏付けられた「ERC20トークン」として、多数のプラットフォームで取引可能になった。 WBTCは、2018年 ...
January 31, 2019 at 12:00PM



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アップルが29日発表した2018年10~12月期決算は、売上高が前年同期比5%減の843億1000万ドル(約9兆2200億円)だった。主力商品である「iPhone」の ...
January 31, 2019 at 09:56AM

Texas executes inmate, 61, who killed police officer in adult-bookstore robbery

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Texas executes inmate, 61, who killed police officer in adult-bookstore robbery A Texas man convicted of shooting and killing a Houston police officer in 1988 during a failed robbery at an adult bookstore was executed Wednesday, officials said.
January 31, 2019 at 12:05PM

Texas executes inmate, 61, who killed police officer in adult-bookstore robbery

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Texas executes inmate, 61, who killed police officer in adult-bookstore robbery A Texas man convicted of shooting and killing a Houston police officer in 1988 during a failed robbery at an adult bookstore was executed Wednesday, officials said.
January 31, 2019 at 12:05PM



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Appleが日本時間の30日早朝に2018年10~12月期の決算を発表。会社全体の売上高と純利益はまずまずだったが、iPhoneは前年同期よりかなり売上が ...
January 31, 2019 at 12:33AM

2019-01-29 15:46:30 UTC M3.6 STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR II Depth:10 Km

2019-01-29 15:46:30 UTC M3.6 STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR II Depth:10 Km

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Macroseismic Intensity, II Effects: Scarcely Felt. Distances. 161 km SE of Gibraltar, Gibraltar / pop: 26,600 / local time: 16:46:30.3 2019-01-29
January 30, 2019 at 07:55PM

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Olli Ainola

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Olli Ainola

StaniforthHistorian: ←Created page with ''''Olli Ainola''' (June 23, 1958-January 27, 2019) was a Finnish Financial and Political journalism|Political journa...'

'''Olli Ainola''' (June 23, 1958-January 27, 2019) was a [[Finnish People|Finnish]] [[Business journalism|Financial]] and [[Political journalism|Political journalist]].<ref></ref>

== Career ==
Before working in Broadcasting, Olli worked as a [[journalist]] for a number of publications, including [[Uusi Suomi]], [[Suomen Kuvalehti]], [[Iltalehti]], Kauppalehti Presso and Helsingin Sanomat.<ref></ref>

Olli then went on to work as a Broadcaster with the Finnish National Broadcaster [[Yle]].<ref></ref>

He passed away in [[Helsinki]] on January 27, 2019.<ref></ref>

== References ==

January 31, 2019 at 08:49AM

Northam draws ire, claims of infanticide

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Northam draws ire, claims of infanticide Where did this come from?
January 31, 2019 at 08:38AM

Fox News Poll: Trust in judicial, executive branches drops; RBG most popular justice

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Fox News Poll: Trust in judicial, executive branches drops; RBG most popular justice The U.S. Supreme Court has been the most trusted branch of government among voters for more than a decade -- and while that still holds true, faith in the court is now near its lowest. In addition, the number saying the executive branch is their most trusted stands at a new low.
January 31, 2019 at 07:55AM

今秋の「iPhone XI」?スペックがリークサイトに掲載、USB-C端子採用か

今秋の「iPhone XI」?スペックがリークサイトに掲載、USB-C端子採用か

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2019年秋の「iPhone XI」のスペックとされる画像が、リーク情報専門サイトSlashLeaksに掲載されました。本体と画面のサイズはiPhone XSと同じで、USB ...
January 31, 2019 at 12:51AM

Again, Bill to Ensure Equal Pay for Women Introduced in Congress

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Again, Bill to Ensure Equal Pay for Women Introduced in Congress Democrats in the U.S. Congress introduced a bill on Wednesday morning to ensure equal pay for women and transparency from employers.  The legislation would require employers to prove that current pay disparities between the sexes are job-related.  Women make up nearly half the workforce in the United States and earn more college degrees than men each year, according to the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR), which conducts research on social science and analyzes policy.  On average, white women working full time earn 80.5 cents for every dollar earned by a white man in the same position. Black women earn 61 cents, and Hispanic women earn 53 cents for every dollar earned by a white man.  Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut has introduced the Paycheck Fairness Act to every sitting Congress since 1997.  "For more than two decades we pushed, we battled to strengthen the 1963 Equal Pay Act," DeLauro said to members of Congress. "Nothing is more right, and nothing would make more of a difference to working families in this country."  The bill also prevents employers from firing or retaliating against employees who discuss pay, and it prevents employers asking candidates about prior salaries so new salaries are not based on prior discrimination.  Additionally, it supports employers by implementing wage data collection technologies and salary negotiation training programs for female employees.  Economic boost predicted Enforcing equal pay for women would add $513 billion to the national economy and cut poverty in houses with working women in half, according to an IWPR report.  If this bill or subsequent bills fail to pass, the IWPR predicts it will take until 2059 for white women, 2119 for black women and 2224 for Hispanic women to reach equal pay with white men.  This version of the bill was introduced before the most female Congress in history, on the 10-year anniversary the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act that allowed workers to challenge pay discrimination in the courts. Debra L. Ness, president of the National Partnership, a nonprofit organization that fights for policies to improve the lives of American women, spoke before Congress on behalf of the bill.  "If we're going to prioritize the concerns of the women across this country, then we have got to do more than just think about the wage gap," Ness said. "Join us in this fight."
January 31, 2019 at 06:48AM

Even behind Bars, El Chapo's 'Robin Hood' Luster Glows in Mexico Drug Capital

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Even behind Bars, El Chapo's 'Robin Hood' Luster Glows in Mexico Drug Capital In Mexico's drug trafficking heartland, the northwestern state of Sinaloa, admiration for captured kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman burns brightly even as the government makes progress in the fight against cartel violence. Rising from humble origins to become Mexico's most wanted man, Guzman is on trial in a New York federal court, facing the prospect of spending his final years behind bars after an unparalleled career that made him a criminal sensation. In his home state, the government says it has contained his Sinaloa Cartel, bolstered by military reinforcements. During 2018, the first full year since Guzman was extradited to the United States, Sinaloa's share of Mexico's murder tally fell to its lowest since records began over two decades ago, bucking a trend of record murders sweeping the country. Yet mistrust of government runs deep in the restive region split between inaccessible mountain villages and sunny beaches that has produced most of Mexico's top capos, and some residents say the cartel itself has sought to calm things down. In the sprawling state capital Culiacan, where dazzling luxury rubs shoulders with stark poverty, support for Guzman is strong. "He does what the police don't do. He protects the people," said of the capo Antonio Pinzon, a 45-year-old farm worker on a pilgrimage to the chapel of bandit folk saint Jesus Malverde. By lauding Guzman in likening him to Malverde, a Robin Hood-like figure revered by some Roman Catholics and drug traffickers, Pinzon spoke for countless residents of Sinaloa, local politicians, journalists and security experts say. ​Born in a poor mountain village in Sinaloa, where smugglers have grown opium and marijuana since the early 20th century, Guzman began rising through the ranks of the Mexican underworld in the 1980s as older kingpins fell. Captured in 1993, Guzman broke out of jail eight years later and set about establishing his Sinaloa outfit as Mexico's top cartel. Eliminating rivals and buying off officials, he even earned himself a place on the Forbes rich list. Security experts say the billions of dollars generated by the cartel give it power that cash-strapped local authorities are wary of challenging. That uneasy equilibrium has fed a widespread perception of political corruption. Without the consent of capos, it was almost impossible to get elected in parts of Sinaloa, a senior politician from the state told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity. Still, pointing to lower crime rates, Cristobal Castaneda, Sinaloa's minister of public security, said the government went after all gangs with equal determination. While murders in Mexico leapt by a third to more than 33,000 last year, they fell in Sinaloa by nearly a fifth to 1,072 – or 3.2 percent of the total, according to interior ministry data. A decade earlier, as Guzman's star was in the ascendant, the state accounted for nearly 9 percent. Castaneda complained that depictions of traffickers in TV series like "Narcos" and "El Chapo" distracted from Guzman's crimes. "They make him look like Robin Hood," he told Reuters. "Instead of exalting the authorities, they exalt the criminal." 'Magnificent person' After more than a decade on the loose, Guzman was finally caught again in 2014. But in a humiliating turn for the government, he broke out of his prison cell through a mile-long tunnel in July 2015. He was recaptured six months later. Mexico extradited him in January 2017, and since November he has been on trial in Brooklyn, charged with trafficking cocaine, heroin and other drugs into the United States. A verdict is expected in the next few days. Witnesses have alleged he spent millions of dollars bribing officials and ordered or personally carried out murders of rivals. His defense lawyers say the real mastermind behind the Sinaloa Cartel is his associate Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, and that the 61-year-old Guzman is a scapegoat. Few in Sinaloa dispute Guzman played a leading role, but Zambada's influence is also widely acknowledged. "From what we Sinaloans can see, (Zambada) was the one in charge," said Manuel Clouthier, a Culiacan native and former independent federal congressman. "When (Guzman) fell, nothing changed, because the head didn't fall." Since Guzman's arrest, Zambada has steadily consolidated the cartel's power, said Mike Vigil, a former chief of international operations at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. Diversification into other criminal activities, demand for newer drugs and blows to its main rival, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, has enabled the gang to grow its business by about 15 to 20 percent, Vigil estimated. Zambada has also kept a lid on violence, said a bookseller outside Culiacan cathedral named Ismael, who spoke wistfully of Guzman. "We know he's involved in a bad business. But he himself is a magnificent person," he said. "It's such a pity he won't be able to escape from the United States." Business as usual Castaneda said Sinaloa "ideally" needed 9,000 police to guarantee law and order - more than double its present tally. But he said the narcos have also become more discreet since Guzman's heyday. "They're using compact cars now. They're not so ostentatious," he said. "It's evolved. It's mutated." At the Jardines del Humaya cemetery, where some fallen kingpins are buried in pharaonic tombs, workers said Guzman's absence had not hurt business. "We've got lots of work," said carpenter Santiago Rojo as he put finishing touches on an air-conditioned two-story mausoleum with a marble staircase, bathroom and television screen. Estimating up to 40 percent of Culiacan's economy drew on illicit funds, ex-lawmaker Clouthier said the Sinaloa Cartel had become expert at laundering money through legitimate avenues. But cash of uncertain origin flows freely. Under colored parasols in the Mercado area of downtown Calculi, dozens of mostly female vendors buy and sell dollars below market rates - a practice widely believed to facilitate money laundering. Periodic raids have been staged, but a dollar hawker named Juan estimated the number of selling posts had doubled in the past three years. Here too, Guzman's shadow looms large. Before becoming a drug trafficker herself, the protagonist of Spanish writer Arturo Perez Reverse's novel La Rena led Sir (The Queen of the South) sold dollars in the very same place. The book became a successful TV show, and its star, Kate led Castillo, made headlines after it emerged she and US. actor Sean Penn had visited E Chapeau while he was in hiding. DVD of the series were found in Guzman's final hideout.
January 31, 2019 at 06:41AM


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January 30, 2019 at 11:00PM

Pittsburgh station fires employee after graphic calls Tom Brady a ‘known cheater'

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Pittsburgh station fires employee after graphic calls Tom Brady a 'known cheater' KDKA, a CBS affiliate station in Pittsburgh, reportedly fired an employee after a graphic that aired on Monday while Tom Brady was speaking read "known cheater."
January 31, 2019 at 04:28AM

今秋の「iPhone XI」?スペックがリークサイトに掲載、USB-C端子採用か

今秋の「iPhone XI」?スペックがリークサイトに掲載、USB-C端子採用か

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2019年秋の「iPhone XI」のスペックとされる画像が、リーク情報専門サイトSlashLeaksに掲載されました。本体と画面のサイズはiPhone XSと同じで、USB ...
January 31, 2019 at 12:13AM



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Appleの2019年第1四半期(2018年10-12月)のiPhoneの出荷台数は約6,600万台であったと市場分析会社Strategy Analyticsが見積もりを発表しました。
January 30, 2019 at 08:48PM



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一般貨物事業を手掛けるサントスは1月30日、米国の自動車分野での人工知能(AI)技術のスタートアップ企業Nautoの日本法人であるNauto JapanとのAI搭載・ ...
January 30, 2019 at 05:37PM

大手自動車メーカーも出資する米国・ナウトのAI搭載型 ドライブレコーダーの実証実験を完了、 2019年度 ...

大手自動車メーカーも出資する米国・ナウトのAI搭載型 ドライブレコーダーの実証実験を完了、 2019年度 ...

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一般貨物事業を手掛ける株式会社サントス(本社:東京都多摩市、代表取締役社長:山本 秋彦、以下 サントス)は、米国の自動車分野における人工知能(AI)技術の ...
January 30, 2019 at 04:30PM



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AI、機械学習は2019年も引き続き注目キーワードで間違いない。とは言うものの、AIや機械学習技術がビジネス現場で大いに効果を発揮している事例はそれほど ...
January 30, 2019 at 02:37PM

Chung kết Asian Cup 2019

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Chung kết Asian Cup 2019
January 31, 2019

Kamala Harris stands by 'Medicare-for-all' amid heavy criticism over insurance comments

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Kamala Harris stands by 'Medicare-for-all' amid heavy criticism over insurance comments Kamala Harris is sticking by her full-throated support of 'Medicare-for-all' – despite a barrage of criticism from Republicans and even a potential Democratic primary rival for comments suggesting it would mean the end of private health insurance. 
January 31, 2019 at 01:18AM

Araña de rincon

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Araña de rincon
January 30, 2019 at 05:00PM

Lawrence Bachmann

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Lawrence Bachmann

Dutchy85: add

'''Lawrence Bachmann''' (December 12, 1911 - September 7, 2004) was a British film producer and executive.
Bachmann was born in New York City, where his father, J.G. Bachmann, worked at Paramount with [[B.P. Schulberg]] in the 1920s. He began working in the film industry at aged 16, as an assistant film editor at Universal. He earned a bachelor's degree at USC and a master's degree at Oxford, then became an assistant to [[Pandro S. Berman]], head of production at [[RKO Pictures]].<ref name="times">Lawrence Bachmann: [Final 1 Edition]
The Times; London (UK) [London (UK)]28 Sep 2004: 64. </ref>

He moved to MGM to work for J.J. Cohn, head of the B-unit. He wrote scripts and producer. <ref name="los">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

During World War Two Bachmann served in the U.S. Army Air Forces and was the main overseas correspondent for Air Force magazine. After the war hee worked in Berlin as head of films for the US State Department, then lived in France and Italy.<ref name="times"/>

Bachmann moved to England where he became head of production for Paramount's British operations. He then performed a similar function for MGM, who he joined in 1959.<ref name="los"/> He ran MGM British for 15 years.<ref>The Tea Break Notwithstanding, London Studios Humming Scheuer, Philip K. Los Angeles Times 12 Aug 1962: A7. </ref>

He became an independent producer. "You don't need a huge organization," he said. "You don't need wastefully high budgets. All you need is a good story, the right attack, and the determination to make a movie for a reasonable price."<ref>ARE THESE HOLLYWOOD'S FINEST
ALJEAN HARMETZ, Special to the New York Times. New York Times, Late Edition (East Coast); New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]20 Jan 1981: C.7. </ref>
*''[[Jalna (film)|Jalna]]'' (1935) - writer
*''[[Speed (1936 film)|Speed]]'' (1936) - story
*''[[They Wanted to Marry]]'' (1937) - story
*''[[The People vs. Dr. Kildare]]'' (1941) - stry
*''[[Dr. Kildare's Wedding Day]]'' (1941) - story
*''[[Calling Dr. Gillespie]]'' (1942) - writer (uncredited)
*''[[Fingers at the Window]]'' (1942) - writer
*''[[Dr. Gillespie's New Assistant]]'' (1942) - writer
*''[[Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Case]]'' (1943) - writer
*''[[Shadow on the Wall (film)|Shadow on the Wall]]'' (1950) - story "Death in a Doll's House"
*''[[The Devil Makes Three (film)|The Devil Makes Three]]'' (1952) - story
*''[[Whirlpool (1959 film)|Whirlpool]]'' (1959) - writer, original novel "The Lorelai"<ref>Cinerama Feature Inspired by Mayer: New Film Boasts Story Line; Fischer Regains Top Favor Scheuer, Philip K. Los Angeles Times 13 Aug 1958: 25. </ref>
*''[[Ten Seconds to Hell]]'' (1959) - original novel "The Phoenix"
*''[[Village of the Damned (1960 film)|Village of the Damned]]'' (1960) - head of MGM British
*''[[Murder, She Said]]'' (1961) - head of MGM British
*''[[The Green Helmet]]'' (1961) - head of MGM British
*''[[Kill or Cure (1962 film)|Kill or Cure]]'' (1962) - executive producer
*''[[In the Cool of the Day]]'' (1962) - head of MGM British
*''[[The Password is Courage]]'' (1962) - head of MGM British
*''[[Cairo (1963 film)|Cairo]]'' (1963) - executive producer
*''[[The Friendliest Girls in the World]]'' (1963) -head of MGM British
*''[[The Haunting (1963 film)|The Haunting]]'' (1963) - head of MGM British
*''[[Follow the Boys (1963 film)|Follow the Boys]]'' (1963) - story, producer
*''[[Murder at the Gallop]]'' (1963) - producer (uncredited)
*''[[Children of the Damned]]'' (1964) - executive producer
*''[[Night Must Fall (1964 film)|Night Must Fall]]'' (1964) - executive producer
*''[[Murder Most Foul]]'' (1964) - executive producer
*''[[Zero One (TV series)|Zero One]]'' (1962-65) (TV series) - producer
*''[[The Alphabet Murders]]'' (1966) - producer
*''[[Whose Life Is It Anyway? (film)|Whose Life Is It Anyway?]]'' (1981) - producer

[[Category:film producers]]

January 30, 2019 at 04:33PM


List of companies founded by University of Pennsylvania alumni

 投稿 L List of companies founded by University of Pennsylvania alumni 投稿者: Blogger さん 7  Nation's Most Visible Mass Gathering During Cor...
