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Luật Đặc khuKỳ Họp Thứ 6 Quốc Hội Khóa 14
June 09, 2018 at 09:00PM
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Luật Đặc khu
Robert George Allan
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Robert George Allan
Stephencdickson: article created--~~~~
[[File:The grave of Sir Robert George Allan, Dean Cemetery.jpg|thumb|The grave of Sir Robert George Allan, Dean Cemetery]]
He was born on 7 November 1879 the son of Alexander Allan (1839-1926) and his wife Jemima Dalmahoy (1847-1884) thought to be a daughter of Patrick Dalmahoy. His mother died when he was very young.<ref>Grave of Alexander Allan, Dean Cemetery</ref>
He was educated at [[Loretto School]] then at [[Haileybury and Imperial Service College]] (a school catered to training people for administrative service in [[India]]). He then studied at [[Pembroke College, Cambridge]] graduating MA.
In 1907 he became Principal of the [[Nagpur]] Agricultural College in [[India]]. In 1926 he became Acting Director of Agriculture for the Central Provinces of India. In 1931 he became Director of Agriculture for the United Provinces of India. In 1935 he left the Indian Agricultural Service (but not India) to be Commissioner of Agriculture in [[Baroda]]. In post-war India from 1944 he served as Minister for Agriculture and Post-War Development.<ref>A History of British India: A Chronology, by John Riddick</ref>
In 1936 he was created a Commander of the [[Order of the Indian Empire]] (CIE) by King [[George V]]. He was knighted by King [[George VI]] in 1945.<ref>London Gazette 1 January 1945</ref>
He retired in 1946.
In 1948 he was elected a Fellow of the [[Royal Society of Edinburgh]]. His proposers were [[David Clouston]], [[William McRae]], [[James Drever]] and Sir [[William Wright Smith]].<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
He died on 4 January 1972 aged 92. He is buried in [[Dean Cemetery]]. The grave lies against the north wall of the Victorian north extension.
His paternal grandfather was [[Robert Allan (mineralogist)|Robert Allan]] son of [[Thomas Allan]].
His younger brother Patrick Alexander Allan (1884-1949) served in the Indian Army.
*''An Outline of Indian Agriculture'' (1941)
[[Category:1879 births]]
[[Category:1972 deaths]]
[[Category:People from Edinburgh]]
[[Category:Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh]]
[[Category:Commanders of the Order of the British Empire]]
[[Category:Burials at the Dean Cemetery]]
June 10, 2018 at 04:28AM
6月8日 仮想通貨チャート分析:ビットコイン、イーサリアム、リップル、ビットコインキャッシュ、EOS、ライト ...
6月8日 仮想通貨チャート分析:ビットコイン、イーサリアム、リップル、ビットコインキャッシュ、EOS、ライト ...
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今年はじめ、アナリストたちはビットコイン相場について非常に強気な姿勢を示し、2018年の目標を非常に高く設定していた。1月以降のビットコイン相庭の下落が ...
June 09, 2018 at 08:48PM
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Googleのスンダー・ピチャイCEOが6月7日にGoogleのAI事業についての原則(以下仮に「AI原則」)を発表しました。2016年のCEO就任以来、AIファーストと唱え ...
June 09, 2018 at 09:22PM
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アップルが米国時間6月4~8日にカリフォルニア州サンノゼで開催した世界開発者会議「WWDC 2018」では、iPhone・iPad、Apple Watch、Apple TV、 ...
June 09, 2018 at 04:52PM
2018年のApple Watch、サイドボタンの仕様変更で耐水性能向上か
2018年のApple Watch、サイドボタンの仕様変更で耐水性能向上か
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iPhone Mania(アイフォンマニア). iPhone関連の最新ニュースや便利に使い倒す方法などをお届け中. トップページ > 最新情報 > 2018年のApple Watch、 ...
June 09, 2018 at 12:45PM
Magnet Tramway
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Magnet Tramway
JarrahTree: add
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
The '''Magnet Tramway''' - often found referred to as the ''Magnet Tram'' was a 2 ft gauge railway in north west [[Tasmania]].
It ran between Magnet Junction on the Guildford to [[Mount Bischoff]] railway line, and the Magnet mine.<ref> In sometimes identified as ''The Magnet'' </ref><ref></ref>
It was being constructed in 1901. <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) </ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) </ref>
In 1941 [[Mount Magnet silver mine]] closed, the railway and locomotive were brought by sawmiller R.J. Howard of Zeehan.<ref> page 10 - </ref>
[[Category:2 ft gauge railways in Australia]]
[[Category:Railway lines in Western Tasmania]]
June 09, 2018 at 03:34PM
Rare tensions between Assad's backers as Syria's war unwinds
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Rare tensions between Assad's backers as Syria's war unwinds A Russian force deployment on the Syria-Lebanon border this week in a Hezbollah stronghold sparked protests by the Lebanese militant group, prompting the force to withdraw from its positions only a day later in a rare sign of tension between the allies.
June 09, 2018 at 03:23PM
Taliban Announces Limited Cease-Fire
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Taliban Announces Limited Cease-Fire The Taliban announced Saturday it will halt offensive operations against government security forces across Afghanistan during three-day festivities of Eid al Fitr, which marks the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. The cease-fire coincides with the unilateral weeklong halting of anti-Taliban operations by the Afghan government starting Tuesday. An insurgent statement said the Taliban leadership has also ordered his fighters not to hold meetings in civilian areas during the holiday period to enable their countrymen peacefully celebrate the festival. But it vowed to continue attacks on U.S.-led foreign troops in the country. This will be the first time since 2002 that the Islamist insurgency will cease hostilities in Afghanistan where it currently controls or contests nearly half of 407 Afghan districts. Afghanistan's ambassador to Pakistan, Omar Zakhilwal swiftly welcomed the insurgent gesture. It is an "encouraging and important step towards prospects for peace. Hope the pleasure of shedding no Afghan blood in Eid becomes so overwhelming that rest of year is also declared as Afghan Eid," tweeted Zakhilwal. The Taliban in its announcement from its chief Mullah Hibatullah Akhunzada, has also said it will release some prisoners after seeking commitments from them that they will not rejoin Afghan forces. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani earlier this week ordered his forces to stop offensive operations against the Taliban to encourage insurgents to come to the table and seek a negotiated end to the 17-year-old conflict. The move has been widely welcomed, and the U.S. has promised to honor Ghani's peace gesture. Washington confirmed Thursday it has asked neighboring Pakistan to help in facilitating an Afghan peace and reconciliation process by persuading the Taliban to engage in talks with Kabul. Lisa Curtis, a deputy assistant to U.S. President Donald Trump and senior director for South and Central Asia at the National Security Council, explained to a seminar the U.S. is pursuing "multiple lines of effort" to promote Afghan peace. She said an important component of the effort is to ensure that Pakistan plays "a constructive role" in it. "We have asked for Pakistan's assistance in facilitating a peace process and we have sought to understand Pakistan's own core security concerns and ensure that its interests are taken into account in any peace process," Curtis said. Insurgents allegedly have long used sanctuaries on Pakistani soil to plan attacks in Afghanistan. The Pakistan military says its forces have cleared their territory of all terrorism infrastructure and no insurgent safe havens are left in the country. Pakistani officials however acknowledge families of some Taliban leaders and fighters might still be residing along with nearly 2.7 million Afghan refugees the country hosts, and they do not rule out the presence of "residual" insurgent fighters hiding in the refugee population. But Islamabad says its forces are closely monitoring and making sure any Afghan living on Pakistan soil as a refugee is not participating in the violence in Afghanistan.
June 09, 2018 at 02:27PM
10 predictions on AI's impact over the next five years
10 predictions on AI's impact over the next five years
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In its new report on data and artificial intelligence trends, Gartner explains that "our 2018 predictions for AI are cued to the way it is diffusing. First ...
June 09, 2018 at 12:36PM
iPhoneケースに「猛虎魂」 阪神タイガースのフラッグ、ユニホームをデザイン
iPhoneケースに「猛虎魂」 阪神タイガースのフラッグ、ユニホームをデザイン
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スマートフォンアクセサリーなどを手がけるアピロス(東京都江東区)は、プロ野球・阪神タイガースとコラボレーションしたiPhone 8/7向けケース「TILE」を、2018年6 ...
June 09, 2018 at 12:00PM
2018 Men's Soccer Schedule
2018 Men's Soccer Schedule
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University of Central Arkansas Logo. Aug 18 (Sat) 7:00 pm. vs Central Arkansas. Hurricane Stadium. Hurricane Stadium. University of Michigan Logo.
June 09, 2018 at 06:32AM
Keane: US Will Insist at Summit on N. Korean Denuclearization
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Keane: US Will Insist at Summit on N. Korean Denuclearization Retired U.S. General Jack Keane, a former Army vice chief of staff with close ties to the Trump administration, spoke with VOA's Korean service this week. Keane, 75, began his military career as a cadet in Fordham University's ROTC program. He retired from active duty in 2003 following a four-decade career that included command of the 101st Airborne Division. Now a Fox News analyst, Keane spoke with Youngnam Kim about the June 12 Singapore summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump. His answers have been edited for clarity and length. VOA Korean service: What is President Donald Trump's goal for the summit, and is it a realistic goal? Jack Keane: I totally agree with President Trump's goal, which is denuclearization. And by that definition, the United States is going to insist it be complete, involving all of nuclear weapons, the fuel sites, the storage sites and the research sites, and all of their ballistic missiles. We'll have to be able to verify that with the U.S. inspectors. We're not going to turn this over to the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] because they have failed us in the past, so [we'll] welcome other countries' independent inspectors. But we'll have to verify that process indeed is complete. That's the U.S. objective for the summit. I don't believe that is the objective for the first meeting. But in terms of what the objectives of the summit are, that's where the U.S. is headed. Q: What could be a possible timeline for denuclearization that would satisfy the U.S.? A: The North Koreans will want to phase this out over many years and go beyond President Trump's first term of office, which is going to end in 2020, and sort of wait him out. That will be a mistake on the part of the Trump administration. I don't believe they will. I think [the Trump administration is] going to insist on trying to get this done at the latest by 2020 and insist on a process that moves more quickly. It certainly will be phased, but they're not going to endorse a program that will go on for many years. That's been the ploy of the North Koreans in the past. They set far-term objectives, a promise to do something. And they've been consistent … [on] reneg[ing] [on] their promise after concessions have been made to them. The Trump administration is very clear-eyed about this. I don't see them giving into that kind of manipulation in a way that previous administrations have. Q: Is President Trump following the same path of the previous administration? A: No, I don't believe so. Trump didn't need to have this summit. Kim Jong Un insisted on it. … Kim Jong Un started to talk about denuclearization not being his goal after he returned from his secret meeting with [China's] President Xi [Jinping], and his whole attitude changed. Once the Trump administration saw the substance of it, saw the tone of his remarks were off base, [they canceled the summit]. But I don't think they canceled the summit meeting based on the tone. They canceled it based on the substance of it because it appeared that Kim Jong Un's policy had changed from his commitment to denuclearization, and he was no longer committed after he spoke with President Xi. I think that's a clear evidence that this is not a previous administration. They're not following that path. I'm convinced President Trump will walk out of the summit and terminate it early if Kim Jong Un puts something on the table that is totally unacceptable to the United States. Or if the United States believes that Kim Jong Un really is not going to give up his nuclear weapons, that this is a ploy, then they'll walk away. That's the difference between this administration and the previous one. Q: What would happen if the summit fails? A: If the summit fails, and that's a possibility, I don't think the first meeting will fail. But if it does, President Trump will continue what [the administration was] doing with "maximum pressure." I think maximum pressure will increase economic sanctions. We have a number of sanctions … that we were getting ready to impose when Kim Jong Un seemed to have changed his policy and wanted to have a meeting with the South Korean president and also with President Trump. Those sanctions, we have not imposed, but we will. And those involve some sanctions with China. We will have to go back to very tough enforcement. And that's really the key. … What our State Department has done a very good job of is getting countries to enforce it. Make a decision — either you're going to go along with sanctions against North Korea, or we're going to stop trading with you. Make the choice. And that's been done behind the scenes. That's why these economic sanctions have been the toughest ever imposed on North Korea, largely because of the degree of the enforcement. If the situation deteriorated, you would likely to see the United States stop assigning military families to South Korea and make that an unaccompanied military tour. You would also see the United States bring in more capacity into the theater to build up ammunition stock, to increase the number of air power — not necessarily in South Korea but into the region — building up military pressure to make certain the regime understands that President Trump is serious about the military option. The simplest expression of what the United States is saying to Kim Jong Un is that "you give us nuclear weapons in return for a guarantee of security and an opportunity to increase your country's economic prosperity. If you don't give us your weapons voluntarily, then we're going to take them." And that's the choice that Kim Jong Un really has. Q: What is your response to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's comment saying the realistic goal is to limit North Korea's capability to attack the U.S.? A: That would not be the policy of the United States. I don't know why he would be saying something like that. If [he said that], it's got to be some mistake, because I have spoken to Secretary Pompeo myself, and he is absolutely adamant about the total denuclearization of North Korea. And that's President Trump's policy. I don't see leaving North Korea as a nuclear power so they could proliferate nuclear weapons to the Iranians, to radical Islamic terrorists, and leaving ballistic missiles that would be capable of reaching our allies in the region with nuclear weapons or even with conventional ammunitions. That's just not acceptable. That's not the U.S. policy. And I've not heard that statement. Q: Can we end the Korean War even though the North still has nuclear weapons? A: Both issues, denuclearization and ending the war, can be worked simultaneously. I think ending the armistice and the Korean War and signing a peace treaty with the four principal nations — North Korea, South Korea, China and the United States — is a good thing. And I think it could be one of the things that's agreed upon in the first summit meeting. The next step, after the Korean War and the armistice [are] ended and the treaty is signed, would be to pull the two armies [of South Korea and North Korea] away from each other on the Demilitarized Zone. That would be a significant step in the right direction. South Korea is very aware of [the] significant conventional threat that the North Korean military represents to the South Korean people. For the armies to pull away from each other, we would need a peace treaty. And that's why it's an important step in the right direction. At the same time, we're removing nuclear weapons from the country. I don't think we have to remove all the nuclear weapons from the country to have a peace treaty. To move toward the peace treaty, to have an agreement that we're going to have one and that the war is over, is a necessary first step to assist with denuclearization but, most importantly, to reduce the conventional threat. Q: Is U.S. troop withdrawal on the table for negotiation? A: I don't see the United States pulling its forces out unless all the nuclear weapons are gone and the ballistic missiles are gone. And then, I do think it's a negotiable item. But I don't think it's something that would happen in the near term. And I don't think it's necessarily something that has to happen all at once. But if you remove the conventional threat as the result of a peace treaty, if the country is disarmed in terms of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, then having troops in the region is a good idea. We still have 40,000 U.S. troops in Japan. The justification for those troops in South Korea is considerably less. And I suspect that President Trump will use it as a negotiating tool only if denuclearization were complete and verified. It will only happen after [denuclearization] because you would lose the rationale [for] why they are there to begin with. The United States has significant leverage because the troops are there and because of their commitment to the South Korean people. But reducing the conventional threat is very important. That would have to be reduced, because after all, that's why [the U.S. troops] are there. They're not there because of the nuclear threat. They're there because of the conventional threat. [North Korean and South Korean troops] would have to be dramatically reduced, pulled off the DMZ, no longer in a warlike configuration. They would go back to their bases from which they're trained, the way forces are in other countries. They're at their military bases and they go out to the field to be trained. They are not deployed, ready to fight, with all the mines on bridges and everything else that we put in place. That would all have to change. That would take time for all of that to happen. I do think it's not something the United States would put on the table right away. But it is something that I could see us using as a negotiating tool once denuclearization is achieved, and there is, in fact, a peace treaty. Q: Is a military option still on the table? A: I think the United States is fully committed to helping Kim Jong Un give up his nuclear weapons capabilities. And if [Kim] doesn't do that, then the United States will conduct military operations to take those weapons away from him. That's where we are. This administration is committed to it. Christy Lee contributed to this report, which originated on the VOA Korean service.
June 09, 2018 at 11:00AM
IMF Says Argentina Fiscal Goals Flexible, Stocks Cheer Deal
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IMF Says Argentina Fiscal Goals Flexible, Stocks Cheer Deal Argentina could revise the fiscal targets set as part of a $50 billion financing arrangement with the International Monetary Fund to increase spending on social programs, an IMF director said on Friday. Argentina requested IMF assistance on May 8 after a run on its peso currency in an investor exodus from emerging markets. The country's stocks rallied on the deal to provide a safety net and avoid the frequent crises of the country's past. Many Argentines blame the austerity measures the IMF imposed under a previous bailout during its 2001-2002 economic crisis for plunging millions into poverty, but the organization said spending on programs to protect the poor could actually increase under the financing arrangement. "The fiscal targets can be revised in case there is a need to increase social spending," said IMF Western Hemisphere Director Alejandro Werner, adding that Argentina's economy today is "very different than 2001." "That way, society does not have to choose between building a bridge or protecting the poorest." As part of the deal announced Thursday night, the government agreed to speed up reductions in the primary fiscal deficit to balance the budget by 2020. The government also pledged to propose legislation for a more independent central bank to fight double-digit inflation, which Werner praised on Friday. Opposition politicians aligned with former populist President Cristina Fernandez have said market-friendly President Mauricio Macri was repeating earlier mistakes. "Argentines do not want to go back to the past. It cost us a lot to get away from the Fund, and we do not want to go back there," said Carlos Castagneto, a lawmaker aligned with Fernandez. The benchmark Merval stock index rose 3.8 percent on the deal. Bonds rose modestly, with Argentina's country risk — a J.P. Morgan measure of the difference between the country's bond yields and less risky alternatives — down five points at 476 as of 3:56 p.m. local time (1746 GMT). Argentina's 100-year bond maturing in 2117 was up 0.2 percent at 87 cents on the dollar. "The deal between Argentina and the IMF reduces immediate external financing risks and will help speed up fiscal consolidation," said Gabriel Torres, a vice president at credit rating agency Moody's. Peso weakens The deal still needs approval from the IMF board, which is expected to discuss it at a June 20 meeting. Treasury Minister Nicolas Dujovne said on Thursday he expected Argentina to receive a disbursement of 30 percent of the total, or roughly $15 billion, in the days following approval. Finance Minister Luis Caputo said the government would not necessarily use the rest of the money and may return to bond markets to finance the estimated $22 billion in financing Argentina needs in 2019 to cover its fiscal deficit. "If you need it you can use it, but if we regain access to the market at good rates, it is better to save it," Caputo told investors on a conference call, according to a Finance Ministry statement. The peso touched a record-low 25.66 per U.S. dollar after the central bank stopped a weeks-long defense of the currency. It later rebounded to close down 1.5 percent at 25.37 per dollar. For the past few weeks, the central bank has offered to sell $5 billion in reserves at 25 pesos per dollar every day, effectively preventing the currency from falling below that level. That offer did not appear on Friday, traders said.
June 09, 2018 at 10:56AM
Daniel Alonso Rodríguez
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Daniel Alonso Rodríguez
Rodriguez is from the municipality of [[Tlaxcoapan]] in the state of Hidalgo.<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":1" /> His inclination to activism was evident has a young child. In primary school he wondered what he could do to change things in the world.<ref name=":3"></ref> His main activity is conferences and other talks directed at children, youths and adults promoting social reform.<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":2" /><ref></ref> He promotes a reform initiative with three parts: peace education, human rights formation and promoting social responsibility in business.<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":3" />
He stated that he was never interested in winning the Nobel Prize. "I do not believe that any activist, any dreamer or any entrepreneur works to win prizes."<ref name=":3" /> In 2014, he received the [[Hidalgo (state)|Hidalgo]] State Award for Youth for his work in human rights.<ref name=":0" /> In October 2017, he was awarded the Congreso con Valores medal from the state of [[Puebla]].<ref></ref>
== References ==
[[Category:Mexican human rights activists]]
[[Category:Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education alumni]]
June 09, 2018 at 09:43AM
Friday, June 8, 2018
Congolese ex-VP Bemba Acquitted of War Crimes on Appeal
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Congolese ex-VP Bemba Acquitted of War Crimes on Appeal The International Criminal Court on Friday overturned the war crimes conviction of former Democratic Republic of Congo Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba, a huge blow to prosecutors that could also dramatically shake up politics in his home country. Bemba was one of only four people convicted by the permanent war crimes court in its 16 years of operation, and the highest ranking among them. He had been convicted of murder, rape and pillage for actions by fighters he sent to Central African Republic to back CAR's then-president Ange-Felix Patasse. A crowd of hundreds of supporters cheered outside Bemba's party headquarters in the Congo capital Kinshasa, shouting "Our president is free!" and "Jean Pierre Bemba is our candidate!" Judge Christine Van den Wijngaert said Bemba, once the leader of Congo's main opposition party, could not be held responsible for crimes carried out by troops under his control in CAR in 2002-2003. Dismissing his 18-year-sentence, she said trial judges had failed to consider his efforts to stop crimes committed by his Movement for the Liberation of Congo (MLC) once he became aware of them, and how difficult it would have been for him to control the troops' actions from a distance. "Mr. Bemba cannot be held criminally responsible for the crimes committed by MLC troops during the Central African Republic operation," she said, reading the ruling of a 5-judge appeal panel. Bemba's efforts to stop the crimes "extinguished his responsibility in full." "Our Candidate" His acquittal could revive a moribund opposition in Congo, where President Joseph Kabila, still in power after his mandate ran out in Dec 2016, looks likely to seek a third term on a legal technicality or by changing the constitution. Congo government spokesman Lambert Mende said on Friday that Bemba had the right to return home if released. Bemba ran against Kabila in 2006 elections that went to a run-off between them before Kabila won. According to a nationwide public opinion survey by New York University's Congo Research Group in March, despite being absent for a decade Bemba would finish third in a hypothetical presidential race behind two other opposition leaders ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda called the appeal decision "regrettable and troubling". She noted that judges did not deny Bemba's troops had committed atrocities "which resulted in great suffering in the Central African Republic." "The carnage and suffering caused by those crimes are very real and they are recognized," she told journalists. Fiona McKay of the Open Society Justice Initiative said the decision was a "major blow" to Bensouda's office "given the vast resources that have been devoted to this case, which has lasted for more than 10 years." "This was the first ICC case with a major focus on the use of rape as a weapon of war," she said. Bemba's case had been seen as cementing the precedent that officials may be held liable for the actions of troops under their command. He was not released immediately on Friday because he has also been convicted of witness tampering, and an appeals judgment in that case is still pending. The court called a status conference in his case for June 12, which Bemba's lawyer called "unacceptable" given that the maximum sentence on that charge is five years and Bemba has already been jailed for 10. He said Bemba would probably go to Belgium to meet with his family there before returning to Congo after he is released. Bemba, the son of a businessman, became rich during years of close association with former Congolese leader Mobutu Sese Seko. He entered government with Kabila in 2003 as part of a power-sharing deal that ended years of civil war. Karine Bonneau of the International Federation for Human Rights said the decision was devastating for an estimated 5,000 victims of troops under Bemba who were awaiting the ruling. The message "to warlords seems to be: when you're not at the scene, let your troops commit the worst crimes and worst abominations, then say you had nothing to do with it, and we won't condemn you."
June 09, 2018 at 08:15AM
おもちゃショー2018:玩具もAIブーム!? “リアクション”するロボットが続々
おもちゃショー2018:玩具もAIブーム!? "リアクション"するロボットが続々
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どちらもAIを採用しているが、「ガンシェルジュ ハロ」は言葉の"ニュアンス"を読み取って質問に答えることが可能。「COZMO」も周囲の人を見つけようとする特徴が ...
June 08, 2018 at 07:41PM
List of sports desegregation firsts
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List of sports desegregation firsts
Clarityfiend: /* National Basketball Association */ alphabetical order within an entry
This is a '''list of sports desegregation firsts'''.
==North America==
===Major League Baseball===
* [[William Edward White]] (1860–1937), believed to be the first African American to play in the major leagues, appearing in one game on June 21, 1879
* [[Moses Fleetwood Walker]] (1856–1924), first openly African-American player (White passed as white)
* [[Jackie Robinson]] (1919–1972), first African American to play in [[Major League Baseball]] in the modern era
* [[Larry Doby]] (1923–2003), second African American to break the [[Baseball color line|color barrier]], first in the American League
* [[Steve Bellán]] (1849–1932), first Latin American, depending on whether or not the [[National Association of Professional Base Ball Players]] is considered a major league
* [[Lou Castro]] (1876–1941), the first Latin American, if not Bellán
* [[Louis Sockalexis]] (1871–1913), a member of the [[Penobscot]] tribe, often considered the first player of Native American ancestry
* [[Jim Toy (baseball)|Jim Toy]] (1858–1919), another possible, disputed candidate for first Native American player
* [[Moses J. Yellow Horse]] (1898–1964), first full-blooded Native American player, from the [[Pawnee people|Pawnee tribe]]
* [[Masanori Murakami]] (born 1944), first Japanese player
===National Football League===
* [[Fritz Pollard]] (1894–1986), one of the first two African-American players and the first head coach
* [[Bobby Marshall]] (1880–1958), one of the first two African-American players
* [[Lou Molinet]] (1904–1976), first Hispanic, Cuban and Latin American player
* [[Walter Achiu]] (1902–1989), first player of east Asian descent
===National Basketball Association===
* [[Wataru Misaka]] (born 1923), first non-white player and first of Asian descent
* [[Nathaniel Clifton]] (1922–1990), [[Chuck Cooper (basketball)|Chuck Cooper]] (1926–1984) and [[Earl Lloyd]] (1928–2015), the first African Americans in the NBA, with Lloyd being the first to play in a game, due to scheduling
===National Hockey League===
* [[Larry Kwong]] (1923–2018), first player to break the color barrier in hockey and first of Asian descent
* [[Willie O'Ree]] (born 1935), first black player
* [[Fred Sasakamoose]] (born 1933), first [[First Nations]] player with [[Indian Act|treaty status]]
* [[Bill Guerin]] (born 1970), first player of Hispanic descent
[[Category:Sports-related lists|Desegregation]]
[[Category:Racial segregation|Sports]]
June 09, 2018 at 07:27AM
Trump says he'll ask protesting athletes for pardon referrals
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Trump says he'll ask protesting athletes for pardon referrals Amid an ongoing dispute between the White House and professional sports teams over national anthem protests, President Trump on Friday said he was going to welcome suggestions from athletes on potential pardon candidates that they know of.
June 09, 2018 at 06:29AM
Mueller's Russia investigation: What to know
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Mueller's Russia investigation: What to know The investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election continues – with Special Counsel Robert Mueller at its helm.
June 09, 2018 at 04:28AM
List of first minority male lawyers and judges in Minnesota
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List of first minority male lawyers and judges in Minnesota
Montgomery28: Copied and pasted info from "List of first minority male lawyers and judges in the United States"
== Firsts in state history ==
* [[Fredrick McGhee|Fredrick McGee]] (1889):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)</ref> First African American male lawyer in Minnesota
* L. Howard Bennett:<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First African American male judge in Minnesota (1957)
* [[Michael J. Davis]] (1972):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First African American male appointed as a Judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota (1994) and its Chief Judge (2008)
* [[Alan Page]] (1978):<ref name=":9"></ref> First African American male appointed as a Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court (1993)
* Robert A. Blaeser (1979):<ref></ref><ref></ref> First Native American ([[Anishinaabe]] from the [[White Earth Band of Ojibwe]]) male judge in Minnesota (1995)
* [[Keith Ellison]] (1990):<ref name=":62">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name=":63">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First African American male elected to the U.S. Congress from Minnesota (2006)
* Tony N. Leung:<ref> Asian American Press|website=aapress.com|language=en-US|access-date=2018-02-15}}</ref><ref> China Insight|last=Ahern|first=Will|website=chinainsight.info|language=en-gb|access-date=2018-02-15}}</ref><ref></ref> First Asian American male judge and federal court judge in Minnesota (1994)
* John C. Choi (1995):<ref name=":66"></ref><ref name=":67">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name=":68"></ref> First Korean American male County Attorney in Minnesota (2011)
* Peter Reyes Jr. (1997):<ref name=":9" /> First Hispanic American male appointed as a Judge of the Minnesota Court of Appeals (2014)
== Firsts in local history ==
''Alphabetized by county name''
* William R. Morris (c. 1889):<ref></ref> First African American male lawyer in Minneapolis, Minnesota [Hennipin County, Minnesota]
== See also ==
* [[List of first minority male lawyers and judges in the United States]]
== References ==
June 09, 2018 at 03:02AM
List of first minority male lawyers and judges in Michigan
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List of first minority male lawyers and judges in Michigan
Montgomery28: Copied and pasted info from "List of first minority male lawyers and judges in the United States"
== Firsts in state history ==
* John C. McLeod (1870):<ref name=":1">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First African American male lawyer in Michigan
* Charles W. Jones:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First African American male judge in Michigan (1950)
* Michael Berry (1950):<ref></ref><ref> Times-Herald and Sunday Times Newspapers|website=downriversundaytimes.com|language=en-US|access-date=2018-01-31}}</ref> First Arab American and Muslim American male lawyer in Michigan
* [[Otis M. Smith]] (1950):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First African American male appointed as a Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court (1961)
* [[Harry T. Edwards]] (1965):<ref> UCI Law|last=WeedyGarden.net|first=Erik Runyon |website=www.law.uci.edu|access-date=2018-01-18}}</ref> First African American male to teach at University of Michigan Law School (1970). He would later become a judge.
* [[Richard H. Bernstein]] (1999):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name=":20">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First blind male elected as a Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court (2014)
== Firsts in local history ==
''Alphabetized by county name''
* Oscar W. Baker:<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First African American male lawyer in Bay City, Michigan [Bay County, Michigan]
* Stuart Dunnings Jr. (1950):<ref></ref><ref></ref> First African American male lawyer in Lansing, Michigan [Ingham County, Clinton County, and Eaton County]
* Oliver Green:<ref></ref> First African American male lawyer in Pontiac, Michigan [Oakland County, Michigan]
== See also ==
* [[List of first minority male lawyers and judges in the United States]]
== References ==
June 09, 2018 at 02:59AM
Woman wrongly jailed after ID stolen, refused lawyer
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Woman wrongly jailed after ID stolen, refused lawyer A New Mexico woman wrongly jailed for weeks after someone stole her identity is suing a New Mexico county and a city that ignored her pleas that they had the wrong person.
June 09, 2018 at 02:55AM
2018年第1四半期、国内のガラケー出荷台数がついにゼロ!IDC Japan発表
2018年第1四半期、国内のガラケー出荷台数がついにゼロ!IDC Japan発表
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IDC Japanは6月7日、2018年第1四半期(1〜3月)における国内の携帯電話・スマートフォンの出荷台数を発表しました。iPhoneの強さが突出する一方で、 ...
June 09, 2018
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戦国DRIVE―桜花舞い、白刃が閃く戦国時代―正統派純和風RPG! 「戦国DRIVE」は戦国時代が舞台の本格派戦略カードバトルRPGだ。時は、戦国。
June 09, 2018
新型iPhone、生産台数2割減 今秋発売
新型iPhone、生産台数2割減 今秋発売
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【台北=鄭婷方】米アップルが今秋発売予定の新型iPhoneについて、2018年内の生産台数を前年比で2割減らす方向でサプライヤー企業に発注し始めたことが ...
June 08, 2018 at 11:15PM
Video footage shows toddler escaping bedroom with help from family dogs
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Video footage shows toddler escaping bedroom with help from family dogs Partners in crime.
June 08, 2018 at 10:30PM
AIベンチャーのHEROZ、純利益2.6倍に B2B好調
AIベンチャーのHEROZ、純利益2.6倍に B2B好調
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AI(人工知能)ベンチャーのHEROZ(東京都港区)が6月8日に発表した2017年5月~18年4月の決算は、B2B領域のサービスなどが好調で売上高が11億5500万 ...
June 08, 2018 at 06:11PM
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日本通信は、ソフトバンクのSIMロックがかかったiPhoneでも使えるデータ通信専用のSIMカード「b-mobile S 190PadSIM」を2018年6月8日に発売しすると発表 ...
June 08, 2018 at 01:18PM
日本初のAI・人工知能ベンチャー支援制度「AI.Accelerator」5期生8社を採択~2018年9月開始予定の6期 ...
日本初のAI・人工知能ベンチャー支援制度「AI.Accelerator」5期生8社を採択~2018年9月開始予定の6期 ...
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ディップ株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長 兼CEO:冨田英揮、以下 ディップ)は、日本初のAI・人工知能ベンチャー支援制度「AI.Accelerator」の5期 ...
June 08, 2018 at 11:48AM
日本初のAI・人工知能ベンチャー支援制度「AI.Accelerator」5期生8社を採択~2018年9月開始予定の6期 ...
日本初のAI・人工知能ベンチャー支援制度「AI.Accelerator」5期生8社を採択~2018年9月開始予定の6期 ...
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ディップディップ株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長 兼CEO:冨田英揮、以下 ディップ)は、日本初のAI・人工知能ベンチャー支援制度「AI.Accelerator」 ...
June 08, 2018 at 11:48AM
Thursday, June 7, 2018
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DeNAとKITERETSUは、TVアニメ「ポチっと発明 ピカちんキット」のスマートフォン向けパズルゲーム『ピカちんキット ポチっとパズル』を2018年7月下旬に配信する ...
June 08, 2018 at 07:30AM
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日経ビジネス2018年4月9日号より転載). 「お知らせかいてればリンダ」「あー丹沢側年だが」──。これは東北電力のコールセンターにかかってきた津軽弁の ...
June 08, 2018
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2018年5月の国内公募追加型投信(ETFを除く)の推計資金流出入をみると、国内株式、外国株式、バランス型への資金流入が続いた【図表1】。流入金額は、 ...
June 07, 2018 at 03:56PM
A Star Is Born
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A Star Is Born
June 07, 2018 at 05:00PM
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Appleはカリフォルニア州サンノゼで世界開発者会議、WWDC 2018を開催しました。基調講演では、iOS 12/watchOS 5/tvOS 12/macOS Mojaveが発表 ...
June 07, 2018 at 02:15PM
さらにできるようになったな! AI搭載「ハロ」と戯れてきた
さらにできるようになったな! AI搭載「ハロ」と戯れてきた
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東京おもちゃショー2018」(6月7~10日、東京ビッグサイト)で、バンダイが開発したAI(人工知能)搭載の対話型ロボット「ガンシェルジュ ハロ」と戯れることが ...
June 07, 2018 at 03:11PM
【Z会Asteria】【WWDC2018速報】iPad/iPhone の使いすぎ防止機能、2018年秋に大幅強化予定~教育 ...
【Z会Asteria】【WWDC2018速報】iPad/iPhone の使いすぎ防止機能、2018年秋に大幅強化予定~教育 ...
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株式会社Z会( http://www.zkai.co.jp/ )による、iPadをフル活用するオンライン講座Z会Asteria( https://ift.tt/2nkjY9w )では、教育×ICTをテーマ ...
June 07, 2018 at 02:26PM
新OSに見るAppleのメッセージとは? WWDC 2018を林信行が読み解く (1/4)
新OSに見るAppleのメッセージとは? WWDC 2018を林信行が読み解く (1/4)
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古い機種から最新の機種まで、全てのiPhoneユーザーに恩恵を与えるのが、動作速度、パフォーマンスの向上。使いこなせない新機能が2、3増えるよりも日々の ...
June 07, 2018 at 11:37AM
Intel、5GとAIでドローンの利用を加速 - 東京/北京五輪でも【COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2018】
Intel、5GとAIでドローンの利用を加速 - 東京/北京五輪でも【COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2018】
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当然、韓国・平昌での冬季オリンピックにもかかわり、インテルのAI、5G、ドローンを率いてきた。平昌五輪の開会式では、多数のドローンが夜空にロゴを描き出す ...
June 07, 2018 at 11:26AM
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
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2017年1月に発表された「モバイルサービスの提供条件・端末に関する指針」は、端末販売に関する新ガイドラインとして、かつて「MNPで最新iPhoneが一括0円 ...
June 06, 2018 at 11:15PM
The National Ballet Academy of Amsterdam
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The National Ballet Academy of Amsterdam
The National Ballet Academy (NBA) of Amsterdam is the premier school for classical ballet in the Netherlands. Young talented dancers receive a ballet education at the highest level. The NBA brings ballet dancers up to the professional standard that is required by top international ballet companies, such as the Dutch National Ballet.
== History<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> ==
The National Ballet Academy of the Netherlands started as an amateur school in 1968 run by ballet dancer ''Nel Roos''. She offered the first full time ballet curriculum in the Netherlands and "delivered" dancers to the Dutch ballet companies through the establishment of a "selection class" of the best students.
For Nel Roos the ballet technique was paramount. As her students said: "The approach was very strict, very rigid, with many rules."
The academy successfully pleaded for an earlier start of the program, so that children could be admitted at an early age. A partnership was started with public schools in Amsterdam. As the Netherlands did not have it's own classical dance tradition, the Nel Roos Academy adopted the Russian Vaganova technique as its teaching method.
The academy was officially renamed the National Ballet Academy in 1988. The collaboration with the National Ballet was greatly strengthened. The National Ballet was also involved in the academy's recruitment policy and developed a training program for teachers, in which (ex-) dancers of the company are trained in teaching young ballet students.
Since 2014 the National Ballet Academy is led by Frenchman and former ballet dancer Jean-Yves Esquerre. He has started to seek more connections with dancers and dance institutions outside the Netherlands. Esquerre has opened the 'doors' for foreign students and has set up an intensive teaching and scouting program throughout the Netherlands and abroad. The school now works closely with other renowned international dance academies. Esquerre thinks it is important to let pupils experience the added value of international exchange at a young age. His ambition is to raise the level of the National Ballet Academy even further in the coming years and to achieve this he feels it is important to increase the competition between his students. With the right mental guidance they are challenged to give the best of themselves, so that they can, once graduated, measure themselves to the highest international standard.
== Artistic leaders since its founding ==
Erna Droog 1987-1991
Francis Sinceretti 1991-2001
Joanne Zimmerman 2001-2002
Simon de Mowbray 2002-2007
Vicki Summers 2007-2009
Hlif Svavarsdottir 2009-2010
Christopher Powney 2010-2014
Jean-Yves Esquerre 2014-present
== The educational programme<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> ==
=== The pre-NBA course ===
A two-year programme for children age 8 to 10 offering ballet and folk dance once or twice a week.
===== Pre-NBA 1 (third grade primary school) =====
In pre-NBA 1 children receive a classical ballet lesson every Saturday and a world dance lesson in the building of the National Ballet Academy on the Agamemnonstraat in Amsterdam. The course gives children the opportunity to get acquainted with the more professional character of the ballet lessons at the National Ballet Academy.
===== Pre-NBA 2 (fourth grade primary school) =====
In pre-NBA 2, the training is one step more serious and the schedule is expanded to twice a week. On Saturday morning there is a classical ballet class and world dance on the program. On Wednesday afternoon a classical ballet class and body conditioning. The lessons take place in the building of the National Ballet Academy on the Agamemnonstraat in Amsterdam. The course runs from September to February.
Children from pre-NBA 2 are not automatically admitted to National Ballet Academy. They must first follow an audition course to prepare them for the final audition. The children that get through the final audition are admitted to the first year of the National Ballet Academy and they will leave their own school.
=== The Preliminary Course ===
Children are a young as nine years old when they start the Preliminary Course of the National Ballet Academy, and if they are qualified they will stay for seven or eight years. The students follow a schedule in which normal schooling and ballet education are combined. The academy works together with two schools in Amsterdam: the Olympia School (primary education) and the Gerrit van der Veen College (secondary education).
During the NBA education the pupils receive a daily class of traditional dance technique. They also receive lessons in spitz technique (for the girls), jumping technique and strength training (for the boys), repertoire, pas de deux, caractère and modern dance. They also perform in performances of the Dutch National Ballet. The children are taught at the Agamemnonstraat facility during the first three years and then transfer to the College for Theater and Dance at the Jodenbreestraat.
In the final year of the program, the last year of secondary education, most students audition for the Bachelor of Arts Programme of the National Ballet Academy.
=== Bachelor of Arts Programme <ref> Nationale Opera & Ballet|access-date=2018-06-04}}</ref> ===
The students who are selected for the Bachelor of Arts Program focus fully on ballet for three years. They train every day to perfect their dance technique and will also follow classes in dance history, musical theory, anatomy and injury prevention. During the BA programme the dancers will also gain their first professional experience during a practical internship with one of the major dance ensembles in Holland or abroad. During the BA course the students will start to audition with ballet companies.
== The National Ballet Academy of Amsterdam ==
June 07, 2018 at 01:39AM
2027 Rugby World Cup
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2027 Rugby World Cup
== Hosting ==
Two countries, [[Argentina]] and [[Australia]], have declared their interest in hosting the 2027 Rugby World Cup<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref>. Several other countries have speculated in hosting the tournament.
=== Europe ===
* '''[[Ireland]]'''
Ireland has previously joint-hosted the [[1991 Rugby World Cup|1991]] and [[1999 Rugby World Cup|1999 Rugby World Cups]] with [[England]], [[France]], [[Wales]] and [[Scotland]]. Ireland also bid unsuccessfully to host the 2023 Rugby World Cup, losing to France. The Irish RWC 2023 team were reportedly told by [[World Rugby]] board members that Ireland's hopes of hosting the tournament are greater in 2027, thus there is speculation they will bid again.<ref></ref>
=== North America ===
* [[United States|'''United States''']]
Following the decision to host the [[2018 Rugby World Cup Sevens]] in [[San Francisco]], [[United States]] World Rugby chief executive Brett Gosper encouraged a 2027 bid from the United States.<ref></ref> [[Japan]] and [[France]] will host the [[2019 Rugby World Cup|2019]] and 2023 tournaments one year prior to the [[2020 Summer Olympics|2020]] and [[2024 Summer Olympics]] respectively. If the United States were to host the 2027 Rugby World Cup it would mark 3 consecutive back-to-back Rugby World Cup's and Summer Olympics.
=== South America ===
* '''[[Argentina]]'''
The [[Buenos Aires]] government announced Argentina would bid for the 2027 Rugby World Cup on 5 October 2016, despite being 11 years out from the tournament.<ref></ref> Despite never hosting the tournament before, World Rugby chairman [[Bill Beaumont]] pledged that he would back the right of countries such as Argentina to bid for the event.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
=== Oceania ===
* '''[[Australia]]'''
[[Rugby Australia]] announced Australia would bid for the 2027 Rugby World Cup on 13 December 2017.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Australia has previously hosted the [[1987 Rugby World Cup|1987]] (with [[New Zealand]]) and [[2003 Rugby World Cup|2003 Rugby World Cups]]. If Australia were to host the 2027 Rugby World Cup it would mark 40 years since they hosted the first tournament in 1987.
== Teams ==
If the Rugby World Cup expands from its current 20 teams for the 2023 tournament, it is likely that the 2027 tournament will keep this format.<ref>Wilson, B., "[https://ift.tt/1FwaVq6 Rugby World Cup may expand in 2023, says governing body]", ''bbc.com'', 17 March 2015. Retrieved 20 September 2015.</ref>
== Broadcasting ==
* – [[ITV Sport|ITV]]<ref></ref>
* – [[NBC Sports]]<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* – [[TV3 (Ireland)|TV3]], [[Raidió Teilifís Éireann|RTÉ]], [[eir Sport]]
* – [[SuperSport (South African TV channel)|Supersport]]
== See also ==
* [[History of the Rugby World Cup]]
June 06, 2018 at 05:22PM
Telegram in Iran
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Telegram in Iran
Freshman404: /* top */
Following the disturbances created by the Iranian government to use [[Viber]]<ref name="خبرگزاری فارس 2015"></ref><ref name="انتخاب 2014"></ref> and [[Line (software)|Line]], the Iranian people were attracted to the telegram messenger.<ref name="تبیان 2017"></ref> Security was almost the most important reason that led to this immigration. Additionally, in this messenger it was possible to exchange files up to 1 gigabyte.<ref name="آی تی رسان 2015"></ref><ref name="ایسنا"></ref>
[[The Islamic Republic of Iran]] has repeatedly considered the topic of blocking the telegram and has always imposed limitations on users' access, in such a way that users' access to this messenger has always been subject to serious disturbances. During the [[2017–18 Iranian protests|protests on December 8, 2017]], the Telegram got out of reach from the Iranian users for more than a week and finally became available again on December 23, 2017.<ref name="آخرین خبر | در کوتاهترین زمان بروزترین باشید 2018"></ref><ref name="زومیت 2015"></ref><ref name="ايران 1 2018"></ref>
The telegram was reblocked in Iran on May 10, 2017 by judicial authorities. In the judicial order of the Tehran Prosecutor's Office, it was said that the telegram must be blocked by [[internet service provider|ISPs]] in such a way that it could not be achieved even with tools similar to [[VPN]]s.<ref name="خبرگزاری 2باشگاه خبرنگاران 2018"></ref>
The two-time experience of blocking telegram in Iran shows that Iranian users did not migrate to foreign messengers like [[WhatsApp]], nor domestic messaging clients like [[Soroush messenger]], but they seek for [[Internet censorship circumvention]] and VPNs.<ref name="Khodabakhshi 2018"></ref>
==Spying request==
[[Paul Durov]], [[CEO]] of telegram messenger, said that after denying the request of Iranian authorities about achieving information from citizens of the country, telegram has been blocked for hours in [[Iran]], but it is currently unblocked.<ref name="BBC Persian 2015"></ref>
[[Pavel Durov]] wrote an answer letter and announced that "Iranian authorities want to use telegram to spy on their citizens. We can not help them in this regard."<ref name="BBC Persian 2015"/>
==Blocking Telegram in Iran==
[[File:Countries where Telegram is blocked.svg|thumb|300px|right|Map of countries in which Telegram is completely blocked or partially
Following the Iranian government policy to censor every [[social network]]s and messengers in Iran, they have continued to disrupt access to telegram messengers.
On Saturday, 19 May 2015, the telecommunication company of Iran blocked the service of telegram messenger in some parts of [[Tehran province]] and some other provinces without prior notice.<ref name="ITIRAN 2018"></ref><ref name="انتخاب 2015"></ref>
===Blocking audio calls===
Only one day after Telegram enabled voice calls in the messenger, the voice call functionality was completely blocked in Iran.<ref name="خبرگزاری 3 باشگاه خبرنگاران 2017"></ref> Paul Durov wrote in response to users who had asked about voice calls problems in Iran: "Internet service providers in Iran have blocked it again."<ref name="خبرگزاری 1 باشگاه خبرنگاران 2017"></ref><ref name="Twitter 2018"></ref> The reason of this blockage was the low cost of calling in this way and the financial losses incurred by the operators, which has caused operators (along with [[Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran]]) to block this possibility<ref name="خبرگزاری باشگاه خبرنگاران 2017"></ref> Although public relations of [[MTN Irancell]] announced that the operator has played no role in the disruption of telegram voice call.<ref name="ايران 2018"></ref>
==See also==
*[[Internet censorship in Iran]]
*[[Internet censorship]]
[[Category:Communications by country]]
[[Category:Communications in Iran]]
June 06, 2018 at 05:17PM
Anastasia's pool
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Anastasia's pool
Angelbird72: Created article ~~~~
The pool was constructed by the addition of a hand-placed concrete bottom to a small, [[Intertidal zone|intertidal]], natural, [[Tide pool|rock pool]] found on Gantheaume Point in the locality of Minyirr, approximately 10km south west of Broome. It is said that this work was undertaken by Patrick Percy so that his wife could exercise to help her arthritis.<ref name=":2">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
The remains of Anastasia's Pool are still a significant tourist attraction,<ref></ref> despite it never having been on the formal heritage register.<ref name=":0" />
== Controversy about Patrick Percy ==
The commonly told myth about Anastasia's Pool is that Patrick Percy was a lighthouse keeper and Anastasia his mermaid wife.
Patrick Percy, a successful [[Pearl hunting|pearler]] and ex-police officer, purchased the lighthouse keeper's cottage in 1922 after the lighthouse itself had been automated. It was some after this that he built the Pool for his wife, before she died in 1929. Patrick Percy died not long after in 1931 leaving no will and no heirs. After four years of searching for some family to pass on his estate, it was discovered that he had been born in Ireland as 'Patrick Sullivan' and had fled to Australia under an assumed name to escape his wife there and live with Anastasia. It is also believed that he spread the rumour that he had fled Ireland because he had killed a landlord in order to hide his true reason for leaving.<ref name=":1" />
Patrick's estate was paid to his 90 year old mother who was found still living in Ireland.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
Patrick and Anastasia are buried in the Roman Catholic section of Broome Cemetery in unmarked graves.<ref name=":1" />
==Destruction of Pool==
In January 2014, it was discovered that storms and heavy seas had destroyed Anastasia's Pool.<ref name=":3">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> When first reported, the damage was estimated as being 50% of the structure, but by the time an inspection was conducted on 30 January 2014, over 70% of the structure was damaged and the concrete base completely washed away.<ref name=":2" />
Repairing the Pool was considered a significant risk to the surrounding environment, unlikely to succeed, and would have been extremely costly. The Shire decided to abandon the Pool and add signage detailing the historic significance of the place.<ref name=":3" />
[[Category:Swimming venues in Australia]]
[[Category:Bathing in Australia]]
[[Category:Public baths in Australia]]
[[Category:Broome, Western Australia]]
June 06, 2018 at 05:15PM
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Woman serving life in 2008 church slaying dies in prison
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Woman serving life in 2008 church slaying dies in prison A woman convicted of killing a fellow parishioner in a suburban Philadelphia church a decade ago has died in prison.
June 06, 2018 at 06:39AM
Prenatal dental care
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Prenatal dental care
Shaimaa Abdellatif: /* Radiographic exposure */ safety of exposure to Xray
=== Psychological changes during pregnancy ===
The increased levels of [[progesterone]] and [[estrogen]] induce changes in the [[Gums|gum tissue]] and oral cavity; the gum tissues become more prone to irritants.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> The flow of blood and permeability of vessels increase in the [[periodontium]], in addition to changes occurring in the [[collagen]] production. Decreased [[calcium]] and [[phosphate]] reduces the [[saliva]] [[pH]] values, altering the composition of saliva, and the medium of the oral cavity.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
=== Dental interventions during pregnancy ===
There have been suggestions that pregnant women should seek dental visits after child birth to avoid any adverse effects on the mother and fetus during the period of pregnancy, but there is no evidence to support this avoidance <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>. Dental procedures are most preferred during the second trimester of [[pregnancy]], however emergency treatment should be performed regardless of the gestational period. Practitioners should keep the dental visit short , and minimally invasive.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> It is also safe to use dental [[Local anesthetic|local anesthetics]] during pregnancy; however, the type of vasoconstrictor , amount of anesthesia should be well regulated by the dentist. The safety of local anesthesia with a vasoconstrictor is questioned in patients having systemic conditions such as [[Cardiovascular disease|heart disease]], untreated [[Diabetes insipidus|diabetes]], [[hypertension]], or [[hyperthyroidism]].[https://ift.tt/2JlqbNi]
Periodontal maintenance procedures such as [[Scaling and root planing|scaling and root-planning]] can positively improve the quality of life in pregnant women; by decreasing the microbial activity by removing [[Dental plaque|plaque]] and [[Calculus (dental)|calculus]], and other irritants.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
=== Radiographic exposure ===
Undergoing [[Dental radiography|radiographic xray]] images with the use of a lead apron and a collar do not impose problems to the mother or [[fetus]].<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
=== Medications & teratogenic potentials ===
=== Research & evidence ===
=== Reference ===
June 05, 2018 at 06:15PM
The secret to Chick-fil-A's famous sauce
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The secret to Chick-fil-A's famous sauce Here's what's actually in it.
June 05, 2018 at 06:00PM
Bahrain court denies appeal by activist Nabeel Rajab
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Bahrain court denies appeal by activist Nabeel Rajab A Bahrain appeals court on Tuesday upheld a five-year prison sentence for human rights activist Nabeel Rajab amid the island kingdom's clampdown on all dissent, a verdict that has been widely criticized internationally.
June 05, 2018 at 05:49PM
Germany arrests 2 Syrians suspected of human trafficking
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Germany arrests 2 Syrians suspected of human trafficking Authorities in southern Germany have arrested two Syrian men on suspicion of people smuggling.
June 05, 2018 at 05:48PM
Asus ROG Phone
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Asus ROG Phone
June 05, 2018 at 01:00PM
Monday, June 4, 2018
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iOS12は、iPhone 5s以降、iPad mini2以降の機種でアップデートできる。両機種が登場したのは5年前の2013年。単に古いというだけでなく、この時期の機種は ...
June 05, 2018 at 07:18AM
「iOS 12」発表 パフォーマンスの改善、自分の顔をアニ文字化、Siriのショートカットなど
「iOS 12」発表 パフォーマンスの改善、自分の顔をアニ文字化、Siriのショートカットなど
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対応機種は、iPhoneが「iPhone 5s」以降、iPadが「iPad mini 2」以降、iPodが「iPod touch(第6世代)」で、iOS 11と変わらない。2013年に発売されたiPhone 5s ...
June 05, 2018 at 05:15AM
Henry Godinez
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Henry Godinez
Felicia Oduh: Created a page about Henry Godinez
== Background ==
Godinez was born on August 4, 1958 in Havana, Cuba, the ninth of ten children in a middle class family. At the time, his parents were worried about the possibility of their children being enlisted in Castro's army. Because of this, the family moved to the United States when Godinez was three years old. A year after the family arrived in the US, they moved and settled in Dallas, Texas. It was during a high school theatre class that his younger sister convinced him to take with her that Godinez became interested in theatre. From this new fascination that was sparked by the class, he went on to take part in rhetoric and declamation competitions, taking first place at a competition in Oklahoma during his junior year of high school. After high school Godinez decided to study theatre in his undergraduate years at the University of Dallas. After graduating in 1980, Godinez worked in an apprenticeship in Louisville at The Actor's Theatre. He then furthered his theatre education by getting an MFA at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's professional theatre training program, all of this fanning the flames that would ignite his career. <ref name=":2">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
Since then, Godinez has worked as an actor, director, and professor of theatre, mainly in Chicago, focusing a lot of his work on Shakespeare and Latino theatre. Playing the role of Stefano in one of his college productions of ''[[The Tempest]]'' is what made Godinez fall in love with Shakespeare. For him, the attraction to Shakespeare was rooted in the huge characters and their enormous needs and energy. He also found a connection between such texts as ''[[The Tempest]]'' and ''[[One Hundred Years of Solitude]]'', by [[Gabriel García Márquez]]. The magic that is present in ''[[The Tempest]]'' and the magic that can be found in the works of many Latino writers and in Latino cultures all clicked for him<ref name=":2" />.
Godinez's commitment to producing Latino theatre was inspired during his time living in [[Logan Square, Chicago|Logan Square]]. After growing up with predominantly white friends and living in an area where racism wasn't uncommon, being in Logan Square put him in a largely Cuban and Puerto Rican environment. This being his first time living in a Latino neighborhood gave him an awareness of all that came with his visibility in the theatre world, especially that he was representing the Latino community. That, coupled with the frustration of the stereotypical casting of Latino actors as drug dealers, led him to want to work to make a change. In doing so, Godinez also learned more about himself and his culture, as well as Latino culture as a whole. Reflecting upon his past made him aware of interactions with racism that he had not quite picked up on when he was growing up. All of this not only influenced his work, but the way he has raised his two daughters. He encourages them to have friends of all backgrounds and also spoke to them in Spanish as they grew up. He recognizes the importance of exposing them to their own culture and does what he can to preserve that<ref name=":2" />.
== Career ==
=== Teaching ===
As a theatre educator, Godinez has taught at [[Columbia College Chicago]] (1994 - 2000) and [[The Theatre School at DePaul University|DePaul University]] (2000 - 2006)<ref name=":1">Kennedy, Bobby. "Henry Godinez: An Impact on Chicago Theatre." Program for ''Mónica Hoth'' and ''Claudio Valdés Kuri's'' Quixote: On the Conquest of Self at the Writers Theatre, Glencoe, Playbill, 2017.</ref>. He is currently serving at [[Northwestern University]] (2006 - present) where he teaches courses in acting and other special topics, such as Latino Theatre and Advanced Shakespeare.<ref name=":0" /> During the summer of 2016, Godinez led a [[Northwestern University|Northwestern]] study abroad program to Havana, Cuba, during which students were able to collaborate with renowned theatre company [https://ift.tt/2LmYXGA Teatro Buendía] to gain an understanding of the style of Cuban theatre and storytelling, and foster new connections between Cuba and the United States<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>.
=== Boards ===
Godinez serves/has served as a board member for several organizations for Chicago theatre. First and foremost, Godinez is the co-founder and former artistic director (1990 - 2005) of [https://ift.tt/2Jvd8fs Teatro Vista]. While part of the cast of a show at the [[Goodman Theatre]], Godinez was talking with two castmates, [https://ift.tt/2JsRmcg Ramiro Carillo] and [https://ift.tt/2LkMWBm Edward Torres], about all of the plays by Latino playwrights that were not being produced. The three decided that they should be producing the shows themselves, and from there Godinez and Torres founded [https://ift.tt/2Jvd8fs Teatro Vista]. The first production of Chicago's new Latino theatre company was at Pilsen Arts Center (now the [[National Museum of Mexican Art]]). Their goal was to bridge the gap between Latino theatre and mainstream, big theatres, as well as the non-Latino communities of Chicago.<ref name=":1" /> In addition to [https://ift.tt/2Jvd8fs Teatro Vista], Godinez has served on the Board of Directors for the [https://ift.tt/1NwyuV8 Illinois Arts Council Agency], [[Albany Park Theater Project|Albany Park Theatre Project]], and the [[Northwestern University Press]]<ref name=":3"></ref>. He is also the Resident Artistic Director at the [[Goodman Theatre]] after having joined their Artistic Collective in 1997.
=== Acting ===
Godinez has performed on many stages. His first role in Chicago after receiving his graduate degree was in ''Kabuki Medea'' (1983) at Wisdom Bridge Theater. Additionally, his love of Shakespeare has led him to play roles in multiple productions at [[Chicago Shakespeare Theater|Chicago Shakespeare Theatre]]: ''[[Hamlet]], [[King Lear]], [[Twelfth Night]], [[Much Ado About Nothing]], [[Henry V (play)|Henry V]], [[Cymbeline]],'' and ''[[King John (play)|King John]]''.<ref name=":2" /> He also led [[Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival]]'s 2014 production of ''[[Henry IV, Part 1|Henry IV]]''.<ref name=":0" /> Godinez's [[Goodman Theatre]] credits include ''[[Romeo and Juliet]]'' (1988), ''[[A Christmas Carol]]'' (1988)<ref name=":4">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>, ''[[The Rover (play)|The Rover]]'' (1989)<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>, ''[https://ift.tt/2LnpbZs Massacre (Sing to your Children)]'' (2007)<ref name=":1" />, [[2666]] (2016)<ref name=":0" />'','' and a co-production of ''[[Pedro Páramo]]'' (2013) with [https://ift.tt/2JqTVLQ Teatro Buendía]<ref> Goodman Theatre 90 Years|website=www.goodmantheatre.org|language=en-US|access-date=2018-05-17}}</ref>. Additional stage credits include ''Quixote: On the Conquest of Self'' (2017) at the [[Writers Theatre]]<ref name=":1" />, as well as having performed at the [[John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts|Kennedy Center]] and the [[Old Globe Theatre]]<ref name=":4" />.
In addition to acting on stage, Godinez has also found roles on screen. In the realm of film and television he has appeared in ''[[Above the Law (film)|Above the Law]] (''1988), ''The Beast'' (1988), ''[[The Fugitive (1993 film)|The Fugitive]]'' (1993), ''[[The Chicago Code]]'', (2011), ''[[Empire (2015 TV series)|Empire]]'', and ''[[Chicago Fire (TV series)|Chicago Fire]]''<ref name=":0" />.
=== Directing ===
Although Godinez got into theatre through acting, his truest love for theatre comes from the collaborative process of directing<ref name=":2" />. He has directed numerous productions throughout his career, having worked at such venues as [[Oak Park Festival Theatre]] (''[[Macbeth]])'', [https://www.wbez.org/ WBEZ Chicago Public Radio], [[Signature Theatre Company]] in New York City (''[https://ift.tt/2Lna2aq Urban Zulu Mambo]'', 2001), Kansas Repertory Theatre (''[[The Winter's Tale]],'' 2002), [[Indiana Repertory Theatre]], [[Colorado Shakespeare Festival]] (''[[Romeo and Juliet]],'' 1997''),'' and [[Portland Center Stage]] (''[[True West (play)|True West]]'', 2002)<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>. However, much of his work has been in Chicago. At the [[Goodman Theatre]] alone Godinez has directed ''[[Cloud Tectonics]]'' (1995) in co-production with [https://ift.tt/2Jvd8fs Teatro Vista]; six of the annual productions of ''[[A Christmas Carol]]'' (1996 - 2001); ''Straight as a Line'' (1998); ''[https://ift.tt/2JvlrYD Millennium Mambo]'' (2000); ''[[Zoot Suit (play)|Zoot Suit]]'' (2000); ''[https://ift.tt/2LmvkVJ Electricidad]'' (2004); ''[https://ift.tt/2pNKRDR Mariela in the Desert]'' (2005); ''[https://ift.tt/2LoUWBB The Cook]'' (2007); ''[[Boleros for the Disenchanted]]'' (2009), which he also directed in its world premiere at [[Yale Repertory Theatre]]; ''[https://ift.tt/2JuZ5Gy The Sins of Sor Juana]'' (2010)<ref name=":0" />; and ''[https://ift.tt/2LkMWRS Feathers and Teeth]'' (2015)<ref name=":1" />.
At [https://ift.tt/2Jvd8fs Teatro Vista], Godinez has directed ''[https://ift.tt/2JwJjv6 Broken Eggs]'' (1991), ''The Crossing'' (1991), ''[https://ift.tt/2LovBaT Journey of the Sparrows]'' (1996), ''[https://ift.tt/2JuqJDD Santos and Santos]'' (1996), and ''[https://ift.tt/2LovBHV El Paso Blue]'' (1997)<ref name=":5"> Goodman Theatre|website=www.goodmantheatre.org|access-date=2018-05-17}}</ref>.
Other Chicago productions Godinez has directed include ''[https://ift.tt/2Jt7Dhi Two Sisters and a Piano]'' (2004) at [https://ift.tt/2LmHA8S Apple Tree Theatre]; ''[[Anna in the Tropics]]'' (2005) at [[Victory Gardens Theater|Victory Gardens Theatre]]; ''[https://ift.tt/2JpkuRF Esperanza Rising]'' (2008), ''[[A Year With Frog and Toad]]'' (2013), and ''[[Last Stop on Market Street]]'' (2018) at [https://ift.tt/1BcapLE Chicago Children's Theatre]; ''[https://ift.tt/2Jso0ut A Civil War Christmas]'' (2010) at [https://northlight.org/ Northlight Theatre]; and ''[https://ift.tt/2LnWgEr End Days]'' (2015) at [https://ift.tt/1rovAck Windy City Playhouse]. Godinez's university directing credits include ''[[Water by the Spoonful|Water By the Spoonful]]'' (2014) at [[University of Chicago]]'s Court Theatre, as well as ''[[Anna in the Tropics]]'' (2016) and ''[[In the Red and Brown Water]]'' (2017), both at [[Northwestern University]]'s Josephine Louis Theatre<ref name=":0" />.
== Publications ==
Godinez is co-editor of ''[https://ift.tt/2Lm7Ccp The Goodman Theatre's Festival Latino: Six Plays]'' (2013) and has written for [[Latino USA|''Latino USA'']]<ref name=":3" />.
== Awards ==
Godinez has been award the [https://ift.tt/2JsnZGV TCG Alan Schneider Directing Award] (1999)<ref name=":0" />, the Distinguished Service Award by the [https://ift.tt/2LnC1Xs Lawyers for the Creative Arts] (2000), the Latino Professional of the Year Award by [https://ift.tt/2JpwC5b Chicago Latino Network] (2008)<ref name=":5" />, and the [https://ift.tt/2LlxdC1 Clarence Simon Award for Teaching and Mentoring] (2013)<ref name=":0" />.
== References ==
<references />
June 05, 2018 at 08:10AM
The Crossing (2006 play)
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The Crossing (2006 play)
== Background ==
Playwright Jonathan Kumbulani Nkala was born in Kwekwe, Zimbabwe in 1980. Due to the high rates of [[Corruption in Zimbabwe|political corruption in the country]], which he called the "Unstable States of Zimbabwe", Jonathan and his childhood friend Jacob Banda decided to flee to South Africa in search of a "life of abundance." While crossing the Limpopo River, the body of water separating the countries, Jacob was drowned by the currents. After receiving his Asylum Seeker Permit in Cape Town, Nkala made a living by selling bead and wire dolls, a common trade in Zimbabwe. To distinguish his products from his competition, he assigned each doll a story which he would tell his potential customers. His storytelling skills got him noticed by a local casting director who gave him a role in a [[Motorola]] advertisement where he was coached by director/actress Bo Petersen. The two remained friends after the advertisement was finished and Nkala went back to work selling dolls. Soon after, he told the story of his immigration to a wealthy patron who inspired him to write down his story so that others may appreciate it. A few days later, Jonathan told Petersen about his writing who had the idea of turning into a theatrical piece.<ref></ref> The play was quickly created in response to daily xenophobic attacks against Nkala and put up in Peterson's garage in 2006.<ref></ref>
== Synopsis ==
The play begins with the singular actor making bead and wire figures as the audience enters the theater. He introduces himself as Khumbu and then describes the town of Kwekwe, Zimbabwe, where Jonathan Nkala grew up, as being corrupt and too expensive for the average Zimbabwean. Wanting a life of abundance, Khumbu and his friend Jacob decide to use the money that they had buried in their back yards to illegally migrate to South Africa. After hitching a ride to the river border between the two countries, the two realize that it would be too difficult to cross with the border patrol present, so they decide to join a group that is walking to Chivara, a town 200 km away from the border post. After three days of walking, the group arrives at the [[Limpopo River]]. Khumbu is overwhelmed by the thought of having to swim in the crocodile-filled water, but is then able to trade his shoes to local men in exchange for passage across the river on a large log. After crossing to the other side in South Africa, Khumbu realizes that Jacob had been swept away by the river during their crossing, but cannot report it to the police since he is illegally in the country and reporting would result in his deportation back to Zimbabwe.<ref name=":0" />
Khumbu and the others he migrated with are later employed as tomato pickers on a farm not far from the border. After a week of work, he asks for his weeks pay from the foreman, who initially laughs at him, but then gives him his devastatingly low wages, not nearly enough to give to the farm's truck drivers to transport him away. However, he is able to get a lift from one of the men after helping him to understand his new cellphone by reading the manual, which the driver cannot do. The driver stops at a gas station to drop off tomatoes but does not return for many hours, causing Khumbu to get out of the truck and start walking to [[Johannesburg]]. On the way, he encounters another group of migrants, one of whom is able to ask for a ride in a van. The van drops them in a town called Germiston, where a good Samaritan gives them money for train tickets to Johannesburg. In Johannesburg, Khumbu is in awe of the way the people live, from the food, to the presence of dogs as pets, and even the amount of Caucasian people. However, despite the decadence of the city, he grows lonely, and creates a wire figure to resemble Jacob to keep him company. After weeks of trying to find employment and living solely off of [[Morus (plant)|mulberries]] he steals from peoples' yards, he gets a job scooping manure in a woman's garden. Although he was told to do it over two days, he accomplishes the task in half of a day, prompting his employer, a real-estate agent named Margaret, to pay him extra as well as keeping him employed working on other houses she would be selling. Despite his new success, Khumbu decides that he wants to get an Asylum Seeker Permit, but finds that it is too expensive in Johannesburg, leading him to hitchhike to Cape Town where he hears that it is free to get one.<ref name=":0" />
The truck driver he receives a ride from starts verbally attacking him in the middle of a drive for not having the full amount of money he wanted and forces him to sit on the floor of the truck for the remainder of the trip. Khumbu then gets his permit in Cape Town and takes a train back to Johannesburg, where he is now able to walk the streets legally. One day, a police officer stops him and demands to see his I.D., rejecting his asylum permit. He is put in the Lindela Repatriation Centre where he calls Margaret to pick him up. He is thrown back in Lindela several times, and has to get his asylum permit renewed every six months in Cape Town, forcing him to move there to no longer be an inconvenience to Margaret. In Cape Town, he makes and sells the wire dolls that he has been crafting on stage. He finishes by telling the audiences that his journey has made him strong and brave and that it has allowed him to appreciate his own intelligence.<ref name=":0" />
== Notable Productions ==
=== The Garage Theatre (2006) ===
The Journey premiered at The Garage Theatre, a 30-seat house in Bo Petersen's garage in Hout Bay, Cape Town, on November 5, 2006. Jonathan Nkala played himself with Petersen as director. The show returned to the Garage Theatre for single performances in May 2007 and September 2008.<ref name=":0" />
=== Cape Town Holocaust Centre (2008) ===
On November 20, 2008, the South African Holocaust Federation held a daylong symposium to discuss issues involving immigrants and xenophobia and highlight refugee stories. Nkala was invited to stage a performance of ''The Crossing'' at this symposium in front of an audience including government officials, members of the South African Police Service, and non-governmental organizations.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
== Production History ==
{| class="wikitable"
!Performance Venue
|The Garage Theatre
|Hout Bay, Cape Town
|November 5, 2006
May 20, 2007
September 21, 2008<ref name=":0" />
|Cape Town Holocaust Centre
|Cape Town, South Africa
|January 29, 2008
November 20, 2008<ref name=":0" />
|Baxter Theatre Sanlam Studio
|Rondebosch, Cape Town
|October 12, 2008<ref name=":0" />
|Tsiba University
|Pinelands, Cape Town
|October 23, 2008<ref name=":0" />
|The NewSpace Theatre
|Cape Town, South Africa
|November 26, 2008<ref name=":0" />
|Human Sciences Research Council at Spier Estate
|Stellenbosch, Western Cape
|November 27, 2008<ref name=":0" />
|The Green Dolphin Restaurant
|Cape Town, South Africa
|December 8, 2008<ref name=":0" />
|eTV Studios
|Cape Town, South Africa
|December 10, 2008<ref name=":0" />
|Habonim Camp
|Hermanus, Western Cape
|December 18, 2008<ref name=":0" />
|Infecting the City Fesitval
|Masiphumelele, Cape Town
|January 27, 2009<ref name=":0" />
|University of the Western Cape
|Cape Town, South Africa
|February 26, 2009<ref name=":0" />
|Harare International Festival of the Arts
|Harare, Zimbabwe
|April 29-30, 2009<ref name=":0" />
|Mbira Centre
|Harare, Zimbabwe
|May 8-10, 2009<ref name=":0" />
== References ==
June 05, 2018 at 08:07AM
UN: Conflict Keeps Half of Afghan Students Out of School
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UN: Conflict Keeps Half of Afghan Students Out of School The U.N. Children's Agency, UNICEF, said nearly half of all school-aged children in Afghanistan — nearly 4 million kids — are out of school due to conflict. The findings in a new report represent a setback for the country, where such high rates of out-of-school children have not been seen since 2002, just after the Taliban was ousted. "If girls and boys stay out of school, it becomes very difficult to get them back into school," UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore told reporters on Monday. "Once you lose them, it's very hard to return." Girls are especially affected, making up some 60 percent of the out-of-school population, and putting them at higher risk of discrimination, exploitation and child marriage. In provinces most affected by conflict, including Kandahar and Helmand, up to 85 percent of girls are not attending classes. The study said child marriage is the second most reported reason for girls dropping out of school. Although Afghanistan's constitution calls for free education, and the 2008 Education Law makes primary and lower secondary education mandatory, the main challenge appears to be getting young people to start school in the first place. Conflict, insecurity, displacement, migration, natural disasters, poverty and lack of access are among the obstacles. On a positive note, the study found that once in school, dropout rates are low. About 85 percent of children who start primary school, and more than 90 percent who start lower secondary school, stay to complete it. And national literacy rates are on the rise. According to an Afghan survey, 54 percent of 15-24 year olds were literate in 2017, compared to only 31 percent in 2005. "We've got to get them back into school," Fore said. "We've got to teach them life skills and work skills." The government of Afghanistan has designated 2018 as the year of education in an effort to reverse the trend.
June 05, 2018 at 05:23AM
Asus ROG Phone
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Asus ROG PhoneAsus Rog Phone Price, ROG Phone
June 05, 2018
Asus ROG Phone
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Asus ROG PhoneROG Phone
June 05, 2018
iPhone・iPad向け「iOS 12」が登場、自分の顔でアニ文字を作る「Memoji」やARKit 2が登場
iPhone・iPad向け「iOS 12」が登場、自分の顔でアニ文字を作る「Memoji」やARKit 2が登場
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iPhone・iPad向け「iOS 12」が登場、自分の顔でアニ文字を作る「Memoji」 ... Appleが開催中のWWDC 2018の中で、iPhone・iPad向けの最新OSとなる「iOS ...
June 05, 2018 at 02:28AM
Asus ROG Phone
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Asus ROG PhoneROG Phone
June 04, 2018 at 11:00PM
AppleがWWDC 18で発表するかも?iPhone SE2、AirPower、AirPodsにiOS12
AppleがWWDC 18で発表するかも?iPhone SE2、AirPower、AirPodsにiOS12
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iPhoneやiPadに搭載されているオペレーティングシステムiOSの2018年秋リリース予定のアップデート版「iOS12」。 今回の「iOS12」は『Bloomberg』などが、 ...
June 04, 2018 at 06:00PM
【実売速報】HuaweiをXperiaとS4が抜く! 変わらずiPhone 8は人気? スマートフォン ランキング 2018/6/4
【実売速報】HuaweiをXperiaとS4が抜く! 変わらずiPhone 8は人気? スマートフォン ランキング 2018/6/4
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「BCNランキング」日次集計データによると、2018年6月2日、スマートフォンの実売台数ランキングは以下の通りとなった。 1位 iPhone 8 64GB(NTT docomo)( ...
June 04, 2018 at 05:37PM
AIや5G、ビジネス広げる 法整備も必要
AIや5G、ビジネス広げる 法整備も必要
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人工知能(AI)や次世代通信規格「5G」などの革新技術について議論する「世界デジタルサミット2018」(日本経済新聞社・総務省主催)が4日、開幕した。「(AIが ...
June 04, 2018 at 04:18PM
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2018年3月にGoogleが米国防総省の「Project Maven」に関する契約を結び、ドローンが収集した映像とAI解析を組み合わせる研究に関与していたことが発覚。
June 04, 2018 at 03:22PM
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シグナルトークは本日(2018年6月4日),スマホ向け新作アプリ「ダンまつま!~ダンジョンで待ってます!~」を7月にリリースすると発表した。本作は,異世界に ...
June 04, 2018 at 02:48PM
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== References ==
June 04, 2018 at 03:19PM
Winslow School District
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Winslow School District
On July 1, 2004, it merged into the [[Greenland School District]].<ref name=Consolfrom1983>"[https://ift.tt/2kK7kR2 ConsolidationAnnex_from_1983.xls]." [[Arkansas Department of Education]]. Retrieved on June 4, 2018.</ref>
==External links==
* <!--Identified as official by https://ift.tt/2sDP8fI>
* "[https://ift.tt/2kKzefS Winslow School District No. 20 Washington County, Arkansas General Purpose Financial Statements and Other Reports June 30, 2000]."
[[Category:2004 disestablishments in Arkansas]]
[[Category:School districts disestablished in 2004]]
[[Category:Defunct school districts in Arkansas]]
[[Category:Education in Washington County, Arkansas]]
June 04, 2018 at 03:11PM
Big Investors Urge G7 to Step Up Climate Action, Shift From Coal
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Big Investors Urge G7 to Step Up Climate Action, Shift From Coal Institutional investors with $26 trillion in assets under management called on Group of Seven leaders on Monday to phase out the use of coal in power generation to help limit climate change, despite strong opposition from Washington. Government plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions were too weak to limit warming as agreed by world leaders at a Paris summit in 2015, they wrote. U.S. President Donald Trump announced a year ago that he was pulling out of the pact. "The global shift to clean energy is under way, but much more needs to be done by governments," the group of 288 investors wrote in a statement before the G7 summit in Canada on June 8-9. Signatories included Allianz Global Investors, Aviva Investors, DWS, HSBC Global Asset Management, Nomura Asset Management, Australian Super, HESTA and some major U.S. pension funds including CalPERS, it said. As part of action to slow climate change, the investors called on governments to "phase out thermal coal power worldwide by set deadlines," to phase out fossil fuel subsidies and to "put a meaningful price on carbon." The investors also urged governments to strengthen national plans for cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 and to ensure that companies improve climate-related financial reporting. Stephanie Pfeifer, CEO of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGC), said it was the first time that such a broad group of investors had called for a phase-out of thermal coal, used in power generation. "There is a lot more momentum in the investor community" to put pressure on governments, she told Reuters. The IIGC was among backers of the statement, delivered to G7 governments and to the United Nations. G7 nations Canada, Britain, France and Italy are members of a "Powering Past Coal" alliance of almost 30 nations set up last year and which seeks to halt use of coal power by 2030. Japan, Germany and the United States are not members. The investors wrote that countries and companies that implement the Paris climate agreement "will see significant economic benefits and attract increased investment." U.S. gross domestic product was $18.6 trillion in 2016, World Bank data show. Trump doubts scientific findings that heatwaves, downpours and rising sea levels are linked to man-made greenhouse gas emissions and wants to bolster the U.S. fossil fuel industry. Worldwide, coal is now used to generate almost 40 percent of electricity.
June 04, 2018 at 03:00PM
Sunday, June 3, 2018
音声から顧客情報まで「いまクラウドに置けないデータはない」ドコモが乗り越えた「茨の道」 (1/2)
音声から顧客情報まで「いまクラウドに置けないデータはない」ドコモが乗り越えた「茨の道」 (1/2)
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そんなAIエージェント「my daiz(マイデイズ)」を2018年5月に発表したNTTドコモ(以下、ドコモ)は、その仕組みとして大量の顧客情報を集約・分析する「AI ...
June 04, 2018 at 08:26AM
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Apple Japanが、日本国内のApple Store案内ページから、Apple 新宿に続いて開店を予告していた2店舗の「2018年予定」の画像を削除したことが分かりました ...
June 04, 2018 at 07:52AM
いよいよ日本時間6月5日2時から!Appleが開発者向けイベント「WWDC 2018」の基調講演を実施 ...
いよいよ日本時間6月5日2時から!Appleが開発者向けイベント「WWDC 2018」の基調講演を実施 ...
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iPhoneなど向け次期プラットフォーム「iOS 12」などを発表へ ... 例年通りなら基調講演にてiPhoneやiPadなど向けの「iOS 12」やパソコン向け「macOS ...
June 04, 2018 at 06:11AM
2010年の今日、5インチAndroid機の「Dell Streak」が英国で発売されました:今日は何の日?
2010年の今日、5インチAndroid機の「Dell Streak」が英国で発売されました:今日は何の日?
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... できるようになるまではだいぶ時間がかかりそうですね。 AIがあなたの「可能性」を分析して数値化. J.Scoreの「AIスコア」を試してみた · Sponsored by J.Score ...
June 04, 2018 at 05:26AM
JALがグランプリ受賞、IT Japan Award 2018
JALがグランプリ受賞、IT Japan Award 2018
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June 04, 2018 at 04:52AM
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2018年3月、「Project Maven」と呼ばれるGoogleがアメリカ国防総省にAI技術を軍事利用を目的に提供するという、とんでもない計画がある事が明らかになりまし ...
June 04, 2018 at 04:52AM
【クロノマギア】AppBank主催のゲーム大会第2回が開催決定! イベント参加費は無料
【クロノマギア】AppBank主催のゲーム大会第2回が開催決定! イベント参加費は無料
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5月9日(水)にAppBankが主催した『クロノマギア』ゲーム大会の第2回が、2018年6月20日(水)18:00に開催されることが決定しました! 本イベントは、ガンホー・ ...
June 03, 2018 at 08:37PM
Suspect's estate sues government over fatal shooting
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Suspect's estate sues government over fatal shooting The estate of a Boston man who was shot to death by a city police detective and an FBI agent in 2015 during a terrorism investigation is suing the federal government for $5 million on wrongful death allegations.
June 04, 2018 at 04:48AM
List of companies founded by University of Pennsylvania alumni
投稿 L List of companies founded by University of Pennsylvania alumni 投稿者: Blogger さん 7 Nation's Most Visible Mass Gathering During Cor...
【Move to another page】 Quote https://ift.tt/2v67uqP Xem Bong Da Truc TiepSLNA, Trực tiếp bóng đá, Cúp quốc gia 2018, FLC Thanh Hóa J...
【Move to another page】 Quote https://ift.tt/2vU5579 Mathias Spahlinger LouisAlain: /* Life */ '''Mathias Spah...
【Move to another page】 Quote https://ift.tt/304nyqM Michael David Tims Noswall59: Noswall59 moved page Michael David Tims to Michae...
【Move to another page】 Quote https://ift.tt/2XKAQMy François Puget WQUlrich: added Category:People from Toulon using HotCat [[F...
【Move to another page】 Quote https://ift.tt/2NOed2s The New York Times slammed as 'woke police' for report targeting Mount Rus...