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Stuart Varney: I got a new iPhone this week -- Picture me, new phone in hand, trying to activate my apps... I got a new iPhone Wednesday: I'm glad there's no videotape of me trying to switch over from my old phone. I lost my temper. To me, smartphones are not user-friendly.
May 03, 2019 at 04:31AM
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Stuart Varney: I got a new iPhone this week -- Picture me, new phone in hand, trying to activate my apps...
Poll Finds Hunger for Change to US System of Government
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Poll Finds Hunger for Change to US System of Government After more than two years of the Donald Trump presidency, Andrea Petrusky is ready for some fundamental changes in the way the United States government works. "Right now we're being shown all of the loopholes, the president being able to do all the things that no president should," said Petrusky, a 46-year-old elementary school teacher in a Seattle suburb. "It's time to update what he's allowed to do and not do. I think it's time to toddler-proof the presidency." Petrusky is not alone in yearning for big changes to the way the United States government is structured. A new survey by the University of Chicago Harris School for Public Policy and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows that 54% of Americans think the system needs major changes and 12% believe it should be completely replaced. While 61% of Democrats like Petrusky want big changes, 52% of Republicans do as well. About 1 in 10 Democrats and Republicans say they want the system completely replaced, while that view is about twice as common among independents. The AP-NORC poll finds that discontent with the government system is closely tied with policy concerns. It asked Americans how they think the government is performing on a series of issues as well as whether it has a role in handling those issues at all. Those who are most critical of the way government handles issues they think it should be dealing with are most likely to want changes, with 65% saying they desire major changes and 18% seeking a completely different system of government. By contrast, among those happiest with the government's performance on those issues, 48% say they want major changes and 8% want a total overhaul. Elected positions, term limits Petrusky, who's trained as an environmental scientist, is aghast at how Trump named a former coal lobbyist, Andrew Wheeler, to run the Environmental Protection Agency. "Maybe that should be an elected position, too, where you have to prove your worth," she said. Don Conford likes what Trump is doing, but he, too, thinks there needs to be big changes in the way the government works, like term limits for members of Congress. The 54-year-old runs his own small construction business from a Los Angeles suburb and thinks government is corrupt. "These politicians get into office, and they just sit there and sit there and sit there," said Conford, who goes without health insurance because he can't afford it. "It's immigrants' rights and criminals' rights up and down the board, and us hardworking citizens have to pay for it." Conford is part of the 70% of Americans who feel that people like them have too little influence on the government. In contrast, 81% think wealthy people have too much sway and 78% think large businesses have too much power in Washington. Lashaunte Halliburton is a 30-year-old unemployed mother of three in Dyersburg, Tennessee, who has held a series of low-wage jobs but couldn't afford to maintain them and look after her children. She's upset Trump has cut aid for low-income housing. "He's got money, so it's not hard on him, and it's not hard on his family," Halliburton said. "He's not thinking about us." African Americans like Halliburton and Inez Parker, an 81-year-old retired office assistant in Currie, North Carolina, are more likely than white Americans to think the system needs a complete replacement, 24% to 10%, while white Americans are more likely than black Americans to think it needs only minor changes or none at all, 36% to 19%. Parker thinks there should be term limits for senators, naming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, as someone who needs to be barred from office. "Mitch McConnell has been up there forever, and he's catering to the president and you cannot pass any laws or get anything done," said Parker, a Democrat. "You should have term limits, and ordinary people should be voted from our neighborhoods to go up there in Washington, D.C." Party power Voters like Parker who are frustrated at how the Republican Party has been able to retain its power despite losing the popular vote in 2016 are part of the reason Democratic candidates for president have been pushing major structural changes, like abolishing the Electoral College and adding seats to the Supreme Court to deprive the GOP of the majority it held when it refused to appoint President Barack Obama's final nominee to the top court. Parker thinks Trump's two appointments to the court are illegitimate. "They're crooked," she said of the justices, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Not everyone thinks the system needs a makeover. William Walker, a 33-year-old high school baseball coach in Orlando, Florida, is a Democratic-leaning independent. He's no fan of the president or his policies. But he also doesn't see major structural changes as the answer. "I think our democracy works pretty effectively," Walker said. "It has some opportunities for mischief and craziness, but all do. I prefer ours." Still, the poll shows that close to 3 in 10 Americans say the government can't work well no matter who is elected, with that view more common among Republicans (38%) than Democrats (16%). Tara Marsh sees government as inherently bloated and inefficient. And she's unhappy with much in public life — the way people treat each other, the spread of pornography and of what she sees as excessive transgender rights. But the 51-year-old office administrator and registered Republican in Bend, Oregon, doesn't think there's much government can do about it. "The government," she said, "can't fix the human heart."
May 02, 2019 at 11:25PM
【モンスト速報】スキッティ獣神化決定! 来週のラキモン(ラッキーモンスター)も発表!
【モンスト速報】スキッティ獣神化決定! 来週のラキモン(ラッキーモンスター)も発表!
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本日2019年5月2日(木)の公式生配信「ユーザー参加企画!みんなでファイト!降臨!更木剣八」にて臨時のモンストニュースがおこなわれ、スキッティ獣神化( ...
May 02, 2019 at 09:33PM
India result
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India resultcbse 12th result 2019 expected date, cbseresults.nic.in 2018 class 12, hsc result 2019, cbse.nic.in 2018, cbse result 2018
May 02, 2019 at 05:00PM
Passenger claims man kissed, spit on her during evening flight
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Passenger claims man kissed, spit on her during evening flight One woman traveling on a Republic Airlines flight under American Airlines has claimed that one of her fellow passengers got a little too close for comfort.
May 02, 2019 at 10:11PM
次期iPhoneの公式デザインを紹介する動画が公開される ※ただし非公式
次期iPhoneの公式デザインを紹介する動画が公開される ※ただし非公式
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今年の秋に発売される予定の次期iPhoneの紹介ビデオ「iPhone 11 OFFICIAL DESIGN ( 2019 )」が公開されました。 "OFFICIAL"と書かれていますがもちろん非 ...
May 02, 2019 at 05:15PM
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Www.cbse.nic.incbse 12th result 2019 expected date, cbse.nic.in result 2018, cbse result 2018 class 12, result of 10 class 2019
May 02, 2019 at 05:00PM
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GoogleがGoogle I/O 2019を目前にして、かかってきた電話にAIが応答するCallJoyを発表しました。2018年10月には、人間の代わりにAIがレストランなどに電話 ...
May 02, 2019 at 12:22PM
小さなボディーに高性能「AQUOS R2 compact」は小型派の救世主
小さなボディーに高性能「AQUOS R2 compact」は小型派の救世主
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アスキースマホ総研の3人(ドロイドさん、スピーディー末岡、南田所長)が2019年春の最新スマートフォンをクロスレビュー! 第2回はiPhone SE並のコンパクト ...
May 02, 2019 at 12:11PM
Two judges shot in parking lot of Indianapolis fast-food restaurant
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Two judges shot in parking lot of Indianapolis fast-food restaurant Two Indiana judges were shot in the parking lot of a White Castle restaurant in Indianapolis early Wednesday after an argument with strangers, authorities said.
May 02, 2019 at 01:26PM
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Appleが現地時間4月30日に発表した、2019会計年度第2四半期(2019年1月〜3月)の業績は、前年同期比の売上高が5%減少、iPhoneの売上高は18%の ...
May 02, 2019 at 11:37AM
分析を「Make it real」に、SASが見せるAI活用の本気度 - SAS Global Forum 2019
分析を「Make it real」に、SASが見せるAI活用の本気度 - SAS Global Forum 2019
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創業以来、分析に関するソリューションを提供し続けてきた同社は、昨今の人工知能(AI)や機械学習(ML)ブームに距離を置いていた。しかし、2016年にクラウド ...
May 02, 2019 at 10:52AM
Purple Cap in IPL 2019
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Purple Cap in IPL 2019
May 02, 2019 at 09:00AM
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
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調査会社のIDCは現地時間4月30日、2019年第1四半期(1月〜3月)における世界スマートフォン出荷台数予測を発表しました。出荷台数は全体で前年同期 ...
May 02, 2019 at 09:22AM
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日本システムウエアは2019年4月10日、同社が提供するIoT(モノのインターネット)向けのビッグデータ分析、予測サービス「Toami Analytics」に、セルフAI(人工 ...
May 02, 2019 at 09:00AM
Day 2 of F8 2019: Advances in Computer Vision, Inclusive AI and Other Highlights
Day 2 of F8 2019: Advances in Computer Vision, Inclusive AI and Other Highlights
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The second day of F8 focused on the long-term investments we're making in AI and AR/VR. In the opening keynote, Chief Technology Officer Mike ...
May 02, 2019 at 04:50AM
Florida Legislature passes bill expanding program to arm teachers
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Florida Legislature passes bill expanding program to arm teachers The Florida House of Representatives passed a bill Wednesday allowing more teachers to carry firearms in school with the approval of local districts.
May 02, 2019 at 08:27AM
Gutfeld on banning the handshake
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Gutfeld on banning the handshake A new survey shows most people want to ban all physical contact at work. Some companies even want to ban handshakes.
May 02, 2019 at 07:54AM
Open-Sourcing Ax and BoTorch: New AI Tools for Adaptive Experimentation
Open-Sourcing Ax and BoTorch: New AI Tools for Adaptive Experimentation
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Open-sourcing Ax and BoTorch: New AI tools for adaptive experimentation. May 01, 2019. Written byEytan Bakshy, Max Balandat, Kostya Kashin.
May 02, 2019 at 02:51AM
James Comey pens scathing Trump op-ed: 'He eats your soul in small bites'
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James Comey pens scathing Trump op-ed: 'He eats your soul in small bites' Former FBI Director James Comey wrote a scathing op-ed in the New York Times about President Trump and his influence over those in his administration, particularly Attorney General William Barr.
May 02, 2019 at 03:06AM
As New Protests Loom, Was Venezuela Opposition Outplayed?
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As New Protests Loom, Was Venezuela Opposition Outplayed? Wary Venezuelans braced for another day of upheaval Wednesday as both the opposition and Nicolás Maduro's loyalists vowed to take to the streets, hoping to tip the balance in an agonizing power struggle that appeared to grow even more desperate after a so far unsuccessful attempt to spark a military uprising. Johanns Davila, 61, walked his dog through a street in Venezuela's capital littered with shotgun shells, tear gas canisters and a charred motorcycle where skirmishes between the opposition and state security broke out a day before. "This is a war zone," he said. Opposition leader Juan Guaidó stunned the nation Tuesday when he appeared on a video at dawn surrounded by a few dozen national guardsmen urging troops to abandon Maduro and join those clamoring for the socialist leader's ouster. But while the call to action spurred protests around the nation, only a small group of soldiers left their commands. By the end of the day, it was clear that a quick end to the protracted standoff was still out of sight. A defiant Maduro, who had been absent throughout the tense day, emerged on state television late Tuesday night surrounded by his closest advisers, blasting the plot as a U.S.-backed coup attempt and vowing to take action. "This cannot go unpunished," he said. The bold and risky move by 35-year-old lawmaker Guaidó, who is recognized by the U.S. and over 50 nations as Venezuela's rightful president, is likely to force Maduro to make a decision on whether to let his adversary remain a free man. Giancarlo Morelli, with the British analysis group Economist Intelligence Unit, said Maduro faces peril whatever path he takes. "Failing to arrest Mr. Guaidó would be perceived as an important sign for weakness from Mr. Maduro," Morelli said. "But arresting Mr. Guaidó risks a strong counter-reaction from the U.S.," which has been ratcheting up sanctions. With both sides looking to secure a grip on power, Wednesday's demonstrations could be a sign of what's to come. "We need to keep up the pressure," Guaidó said in a video released to his followers on social media. "We will be in the streets." The upheaval marked the most serious threat yet to Maduro's contested rule. Tuesday's turmoil began with Guaidó's video, shot near the Carlota air base. In a surprise, Leopoldo Lopez, Guaidó's political mentor and the nation's most-prominent opposition activist, stood alongside him. He had been detained in 2014 for leading a previous round of anti-government unrest, and Lopez said he had been released from house arrest by security forces following an order from Guaidó. As the two opposition leaders coordinated actions from a highway overpass, troops loyal to Maduro fired tear gas from inside the adjacent air base. Amid the mayhem, several armored utility vehicles careened over a berm and drove at full speed into the crowd. Two demonstrators, lying on the ground with their heads and legs bloodied, were rushed away on a motorcycle as the armored vehicles sped away dodging gasoline bombs thrown by the demonstrators. The head of a medical center near the site of the street battles said doctors were treating over 50 people, about half of them with injuries suffered from rubber bullets. The Venezuelan human rights group Provea said a 24-year-old man was fatally shot during an anti-government protest in the city of La Victoria. Later Tuesday, Lopez and his family sought refuge in the Chilean ambassador's residence and later moved to the Spanish Embassy. Amid the unrest, Maduro's military commanders went on state television to proclaim their loyalty. Flanked by top generals, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López condemned Guaidó's move as a "terrorist" act and "coup attempt" that was bound to fail like past uprisings. Notably, U.S. officials said they had expected Padrino López to abandon Maduro. But in a possible sign that Maduro's inner circle could be fracturing, the head of Venezuela's feared SEBIN intelligence agency wrote an open letter breaking ranks with the embattled leader. Manuel Ricardo Cristopher Figuera said he had always been loyal to Maduro but now it is time to "rebuild the country." He said corruption has become so rampant that "many high-ranking public servants practice it like a sport." "The hour has arrived for us to look for other ways of doing politics," Figuera wrote. Like past attempts to oust Maduro, by the end of the day the opposition seemed outmaneuvered. The opposition's hoped for split in the military didn't emerge, a plane that the United States claimed was standing by to ferry Maduro into exile never took off and by nightfall, López had quietly sought refuge with his family in a foreign embassy. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed Maduro had an airplane "on the tarmac" Tuesday morning and was ready to flee but was dissuaded by "Russians." Maduro ridiculed that idea in his TV speech, adding: "Mr. Pompeo, what lack of seriousness." Guaidó said he called for the uprising to restore a constitutional order broken when Maduro was sworn in earlier this year for a second term following a presidential election boycotted by the opposition and considered illegitimate by dozens of countries. Davila, who was out walking his dog Wednesday, said despite the turmoil, he was encouraged by the opposition's bold moves and would join them in protesting. "We need to get people out," he said, "and recover the country."
May 02, 2019 at 01:24AM
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Appleが30日(日本時間5月1日未明)に2019年1~3月期の決算を発表。iPhoneの売上はここ最近の低迷がまだ続いているものの、他の部門が伸びており来期 ...
May 01, 2019 at 09:45PM
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ニュース. アメリカ人の11%が仮想通貨ビットコイン(BTC)を保有しているという。投資ファンド「ブロックチェーン・キャピタル」のスペンサー・ボガート氏が4月30日に ...
May 01, 2019 at 07:07PM
Schiff calls on Barr to resign as reported Mueller concerns fuel Dem outrage
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Schiff calls on Barr to resign as reported Mueller concerns fuel Dem outrage House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff called Wednesday for Attorney General Bill Barr to resign, seizing on a new report that Special Counsel Robert Mueller expressed concerns about Barr's public summary of the Russia investigation findings.
May 01, 2019 at 10:50PM
Labour Day in India
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Labour Day in India
May 01, 2019 at 07:00PM
Liberal Jewish Cemetery, Willesden
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Liberal Jewish Cemetery, Willesden
Headhitter: Created article
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
The '''Liberal Jewish Cemetery, Willesden''', is a [[Jewish cemetery |cemetery for Jews]] in Pound Lane, [[Willesden]], in the [[London Borough of Brent]]. It was established in 1914 and was originally known as the Liberal Jewish and Belsize Square Cemetery.<ref name="Gardens"></ref>
The cemetery includes a [[Listed building|Grade II listed war memorial]], commemorating 22 people who died in the First World War. A plaque was added later to commemorate those who died in the Second World War.<ref></ref> The cemetery also contains the grave of the Spanish opera diva [[Conchita Supervía]] (1895–1936), whose tombstone was designed by Sir [[Edwin Lutyens]]. The grave, which had fallen into disrepair, was refurbished by a group of admirers and re-consecrated in October 2006.<ref>Keld, Julia. [http://bit.ly/2XS7Lua "Conchita Supervia Rubenstein"], ''[[Find A Grave]]'', 31 July 2009. Retrieved 1 March 2013.</ref><ref name="Lutyens"></ref>
==See also==
* Willesden United Synagogue Cemetery, usually known as [[Willesden Jewish Cemetery]], which is adjacent to this one
*[[Liberal Judaism (United Kingdom)]]
==External links==
*[http://bit.ly/2XW27r5 Official website]
[[Category:1914 establishments in England|Jewish Cemetery, Willesden]]
[[Category:Buildings and structures in the London Borough of Brent|Cemetery, Willesden]]
[[Category:Cemeteries in London| Willesden]]
[[Category:Jewish cemeteries in the United Kingdom|Willesden]]
[[Category:Judaism in London|Cemetery, Willesden]]
[[Category:Parks and open spaces in the London Borough of Brent|Liberal Jewish Cemetery, Willesden]]
[[Category:Religion in the London Borough of Brent|Liberal Jewish Cemetery, Willesden]]
[[Category:Willesden|Liberal Jewish Cemetery]]
[[Category:World War I memorials in the United Kingdom|Jewish Cemetery, Willesden]]
[[Category:World War II memorials in England|Jewish Cemetery, Willesden]]
May 01, 2019 at 09:02PM
2019年05月01日 ロボット業界ニュースヘッドライン
2019年05月01日 ロボット業界ニュースヘッドライン
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アジア太平洋地域の製造業、AI採用で競争力が1.8倍に – MONOist(モノイスト) · ついにAIが存在しない「全身像」を自動で作り出す | ニコニコニュース ...
May 01, 2019 at 03:00PM
Victoria’s Secret model Shanina Shaik says she’s ‘trying to get summer body ready’
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Victoria's Secret model Shanina Shaik says she's 'trying to get summer body ready' Shanina Shaik is getting ready for swimsuit season.
May 01, 2019 at 06:00PM
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富士フイルムは2019年4月9日、AI(人工知能)技術を用いて間質性肺炎の病変を自動分類し、定量化する技術を開発したと発表した。同技術は、京都大学大学院 ...
May 01, 2019 at 03:11PM
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2019年1月〜3月におけるiPhoneの売上高は、総売上高の約53%を占めています。前年同期の約61%から低下しているとはいえ、現在もiPhoneがAppleの ...
May 01, 2019 at 03:00PM
Rebecca Bennett
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Rebecca Bennett
JonathanDicko: ←Created page with 'Rebecca Bennett (Born March 01, 1999) <ref>http://bit.ly/2J8LLau> is an Australian 400m sprinter. <ref>https://www....'
Rebecca is a member of The University of Sydney Athletics Club and is a Elite Athlete scholarship recipient <ref>http://bit.ly/2J3Ezfw>.
Rebecca claimed a bronze medal in the 400m and a gold medal in the 4x400m relay, while representing Australia at the 2016 IAAF Melanesian Athletics championships, in Suva Fiji. <ref>http://bit.ly/2ITTrOu>.
Rebecca has been recently selected to represent Australia again in the 2019 IAAF World Relays Championships in Yokohama, Japan. <ref>http://bit.ly/2J7jGQG>.
Rebecca is also an accomplished competitive skipper, having represented Australia at the World Skipping Championships. <ref>http://bit.ly/2IVGfZo>
May 01, 2019 at 02:51PM
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リリース文で、iPhoneの売上台数を公表しなかったが、これは圧力を受けてきたことだ。CEOのTim Cook(ティム・クック)氏は、代わりに同社の他事業の取り組み ...
May 01, 2019 at 12:11PM
M2.1 Donegal earthquake, 29th April 2019
M2.1 Donegal earthquake, 29th April 2019
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MA magnitude 2.1 earthquake occurred on the 29th April 2019 at 21:18:23 local time (20:18:23 GMT) in south Donegal. The event was felt by several ...
May 01, 2019 at 09:02AM
National Spelling Bee ditches unpopular tiebreaker test
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National Spelling Bee ditches unpopular tiebreaker test Ties are back at the Scripps National Spelling Bee.
May 01, 2019 at 02:32PM
AI、20周年イヤー第1弾の新曲「Summer Magic」ティザー映像公開
AI、20周年イヤー第1弾の新曲「Summer Magic」ティザー映像公開
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今年2019年11月に20周年イヤーを迎えるAI。新曲「Summer Magic」はR&Bスタイルをベースに、南国のビートとフローを散りばめたサマーチューン。同曲は ...
May 01, 2019 at 12:00PM
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Cyclone in Odisha
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Cyclone in Odisha
May 01, 2019 at 11:00AM
Apple 1~3月期決算、減収減益も"iPhone依存から脱却"の兆しで株価アップ
Apple 1~3月期決算、減収減益も"iPhone依存から脱却"の兆しで株価アップ
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米Appleは4月30日 (現地時間)、同社の2019年度第2四半期 (2019年1月~3月)決算を発表した。中国市場の減速や米中貿易摩擦の影響でiPhoneの売上高が ...
May 01, 2019 at 08:48AM
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AndroidスマートフォンからiPhoneへと機種変更した場合、これまで使ってきたAndroidスマホのデータをiPhoneに引き継ぐ必要が生じます。Appleの提供 ...
May 01, 2019 at 06:56AM
アップル、2期連続の減収減益 iPhone売上高17%減
アップル、2期連続の減収減益 iPhone売上高17%減
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アップルが4月30日発表した2019年1~3月期決算は、売上高が前年同期比5%減の580億1500万ドル(約6兆4千億円)、純利益は16%減の115億6100万ドル ...
May 01, 2019 at 06:11AM
Gutfeld on Beto's $5 trillion plan to save the Earth
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Gutfeld on Beto's $5 trillion plan to save the Earth Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke wants to spend $5 trillion to fight climate change. Why?
May 01, 2019 at 11:17AM
アップル、サービス好調で売上高予想上回る 時間外で株価大幅高
アップル、サービス好調で売上高予想上回る 時間外で株価大幅高
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【NQNニューヨーク=滝口朋史】米アップルが4月30日に発表した2019年1~3月期決算は、売上高が前年同期比5%減の580億1500万ドルだった。「iPhone」の ...
May 01, 2019 at 06:11AM
New IDC MarketScape Provides a Vendor Assessment of the 2019 Artificial Intelligence
New IDC MarketScape Provides a Vendor Assessment of the 2019 Artificial Intelligence
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April 30, 2019 – International Data Corporation (IDC) has just published a new assessment profiling 12 providers of artificial intelligence (AI) services ...
May 01, 2019 at 01:07AM
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【5月1日】AIアナNEWS. 2019年05月01日 00時02分 更新. 前天皇陛下の退位報じる号外 前天皇陛下の退位を報じる山陽新聞号外が30日夜、岡山、倉敷市 ...
April 30, 2019 at 11:03PM
US pending home sales rose 3.8% in March
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US pending home sales rose 3.8% in March More Americans signed contracts to purchase homes in March compared to the prior month.
April 30, 2019 at 11:31PM
Zelenskiy Officially Declared Winner of Presidential Election in Ukraine
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Zelenskiy Officially Declared Winner of Presidential Election in Ukraine Ukraine's Central Election Commission has formally declared Volodymyr Zelenskiy the winner of the country's presidential election, releasing final results from the April 21 runoff vote. Commission Chairwoman Tetyana Slipachuk announced on April 30 that Zelenskiy received 13,541,528 votes, more than 73 percent, while incumbent President Petro Poroshenko received 4,522,450, less than 25 percent. The numbers were in line with the unofficial figures released shortly after the runoff between Zelenskiy, a 41-year-old comedian with no political experience, and Poroshenko, 53, who is close to the end of a five-year term. The turnout was 61.37 percent, Slipachuk said, adding that the commission had not received any major complaints that could put the results of the election in doubt. The official results of the runoff were based on the protocol signed by 15 members of the commission — one member was absent at the session — and official representatives of the contenders. Zelenskiy is expected to be inaugurated in early June.
April 30, 2019 at 09:46PM
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人工知能ロボットキャラクター「イオン味クッキーロボ」および「サイボーグ味クッキー」と試合を行う新しいイベントモード「AI Run サイボーグの暴走」は、2019年5 ...
April 30, 2019 at 05:48PM
2019年04月30日 ロボット業界ニュースヘッドライン
2019年04月30日 ロボット業界ニュースヘッドライン
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ゲーム研究なんかするやつはクズだ…日本のAI開発が遅れた背景 | 富裕層向け資産防衛メディア | 幻冬舎ゴールドオンライン ...
April 30, 2019 at 11:48AM
Comment on “Earthquake-induced prompt gravity signals identified in dense array data in Japan”
Comment on "Earthquake-induced prompt gravity signals identified in dense array data in Japan"
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A recent work by Kimura et al. (Earth Planets Space 71:27, 2019. http://bit.ly/2ZLYupt) (hereafter referred to as K19) claims to ...
April 30, 2019 at 12:45PM
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ヨーロッパ医療AI学会(AIME)は1985年から開催されている国際学会で、「医療におけるAI」をテーマに最新研究知見の共有や、関連チュートリアル・ワーク ...
April 30, 2019 at 10:07AM
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Hebrides: new page
*[[Dennis Marineau]] (born 1962), Canadian bobsledder
*[[Mathieu Marineau]] (born 1990), Canadian male weightlifter
*[[Michèle Marineau]] (born 1955), Canadian writer and translator
==See also==
*[[Guiles v. Marineau]], 461 F.3d 320 (2d. Cir. 2006)
*[[Marin (disambiguation)]]
April 30, 2019 at 05:01PM
JEE Advanced
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JEE Advancedwww.jeemain.nic.in, jeemain.nic, jeemains
April 30, 2019 at 11:00AM
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日本内科学会は、全国の地方会で発表された症例報告を活用した、内科希少疾患のAI診断支援システムを開発したと発表した。2019年夏以降に、日本内科学会 ...
April 30, 2019 at 02:15PM
Trump sends regards to Japan’s Emperor Akihito ahead of abdication
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Trump sends regards to Japan's Emperor Akihito ahead of abdication President Trump sent his regards to the Emperor of Japan ahead of his abdication from the throne, acknowledging the "close relationship" that the U.S. has with Japan.
April 30, 2019 at 01:30PM
Fani (Northern Indian Ocean)
Fani (Northern Indian Ocean)
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Apr. 29, 2019 – NASA Looks at Tropical Storm Fani's Rainfall Rates. Tropical Storm Fani formed in the Northern Indian Ocean over the weekend of ...
April 30, 2019 at 05:49AM
Yamilka Pitre
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Yamilka Pitre
Ser Amantio di Nicolao: /* References */
<span data-segmentid="51" class="cx-segment">'''Yamilka Nohemí Pitre Tejada''' (August 29, [[1984]]) is a [[Panamanians|Panamanian]] singer, winner of the contest ''[[Vive la música|Vive la música 2009]]''. </span><span data-segmentid="55" class="cx-segment">Currently she is on the record label Gaitan Bros.</span>
== Biography ==
<span data-segmentid="57" class="cx-segment">Pitre was born on August 29, 1984 in [[Panamá]]. SHe studied at the </span><span data-segmentid="58" class="cx-segment">Instituto Dr. Alfredo Cantón. </span><span data-segmentid="57" class="cx-segment">S</span><span data-segmentid="58" class="cx-segment">he</span> <span data-segmentid="58" class="cx-segment">participated in the play</span> <span data-segmentid="59" class="cx-segment">''"Detrás del muro"'' while she was imprisoned in jail and wrote the song "Un día más," one of the musical themes of the play.</span>
She studied for BA in English in translation and music at the Conservatory of Musicians of Panama. She participated in the competition on TVN (National Television), ''[./http://bit.ly/2ZKnuNF Vive la música]'', where she won first place.<span data-segmentid="61" class="cx-segment"><ref>[http://bit.ly/2UOt2D6 Biografía de Yamika Pitre] Consultado el 23 de mayo de 2014.</ref></span>
She was also named "''Mujer destaca del año''", by Radio Mil Broadcaster. She recorded her first single titled "''Regresa a mí,"'' and then the song "''Que va a ser de mi''". Her daughter Nora Eva was born in 2013.<span data-segmentid="66" class="cx-segment"><ref>[http://bit.ly/2ZIbnAK Ya nació la bebé de Yamilka Pitre!] Consultado el 23 de mayo de 2014.</ref> </span><span data-segmentid="67" class="cx-segment">She was on the show ''[[Dancing With the Stars (Panamá)|Dancing with the stars]]'', but she had to withdraw because of her pregnancy. Her partners in the show were</span><span data-segmentid="69" class="cx-segment">, Andrés Poveda, Joysi Love, Ismael Ortiz, Jovana Michelle Quintero, Massiel, María Jesús Ruiz, Fufo Rosario, Rubén Moreno, Érika Nota, and Saiko.</span>
== Songs ==
* <span data-segmentid="71" class="cx-segment">Regresa a mí</span>
* <span data-segmentid="72" class="cx-segment">Que va a ser de mi</span>
== Filmography ==
=== Reality Shows ===
* <span data-segmentid="76" class="cx-segment">''[[Vive la música]]'' 2009</span>
* <span data-segmentid="78" class="cx-segment">''[[Dancing With the Stars (Panamá)|Dancing with the stars]]'' 2014</span>
=== Programs ===
* <span data-segmentid="81" class="cx-segment">Buenos Días 2014</span>
=== Theater ===
* <span data-segmentid="83" class="cx-segment">Detrás del muro</span>
== References ==
<references />
[[Category:Panamanian actresses]]
[[Category:Panamanian singers]]
[[Category:1984 births]]
April 30, 2019 at 12:52PM
Linguistic capital
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Linguistic capital
Coza8917: added wiki links
[[Language]] is a dominant part of our daily activities; playing a significant role in narrating our actions and mediating our interactions with one another. According to author Joseph Sung-Yul Park, "language is understood as a form of capital that is mediated through social power relations".<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> These power relations are reflected through language when one's language is decidedly legitimate therefore allowing them access to opportunities such as jobs, services, connections, and personal opportunities.
This term has been used to the describe the different language resources available to a single person and the values assigned to each that one has generated through their personal experiences. Today, this term is used to look at the way in which these resources play a role in power dynamics at all levels, from individual, familial, institutional, governmental, and international roles.
== Linguistic Marketplace ==
There exists the notion of market value when it comes to language. Languages have a market value and a non-market value. A language has market value if said language can be used to attain monetary gains, or if the language can be assigned a price.<ref name=":1">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> For example, if someone speaks language X, it will be easier for them to sell to an X-speaking public, in turn leading to higher profits. In other situations, an employee earns more money simply because they speak language X. In these circumstances language X has a high market value.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
The non-market value of a language is not as straightforward as market value. The non-market value is heavily dependent on the individual and their tastes. When on knows language X, they have access to the language's culture. This will facilitate social interaction with members of the X-speaking language community. This sort of value cannot be measured in terms of market prices. This perspective could also be applied to the non-market value of language diversity. Some people may value highly various languages in their linguistic environment in the same way one would value a natural environmental quality. Both market and non-market values could determine why an individual would or would not decide to learn a language.<ref name=":1" />
According to Bourdieu<ref name=":0" />, people's utterances can be seen as their linguistic products, and they can anticipate the value of their products in the marketplace through different contexts. Different speakers have different quantities of linguistic capital; different speakers have different capacities to produce expressions that is valuable for a specific market. This explains why individuals speak in a certain language, dialect, and tone that is appropriate to their current market, such as their workplace, with family, or in education. Like other forms of capital, the linguistic capital that an individual possess is a metaphorical/abstract reflection of their position in a social space.<ref name=":1" />
== Power Language Index (PLI) ==
In a study conducted by the [[INSEAD|European Institute of Business Administration]], Kai Chan created a Power Language Index that ranked languages based on the following five opportunities provided by language comprehension: the ability to travel widely, the ability to earn a livelihood, the ability to communicate with others, the ability to acquire knowledge and consume media, and the ability to engage in diplomacy.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Within these five sections, Chan used 20 indicators such as the [[Gross domestic product|GDP]] associated with countries that speak a certain language, the amount of land area where a language is spoken, and amount of internet/media content associated with the language to rank them. From his research Chan concluded that [[English language|English]] is not only the most powerful language overall, but also the most powerful language across the five categories. The second most powerful language, [[Mandarin Chinese|Mandarin]], is deemed to be only half as powerful as English as well. This may be surprising since Mandarin is the language spoken by the most people in the world, but it is not spoken widely outside of Mandarin nations and that is where it falls short. As for other languages in the top ten, they can be strong in one or two categories (such as [[French language|French]] for diplomacy or [[Hindi]] in the knowledge and media category), but none have an equivalent across the board dominance like English.
== Theoretical Research ==
=== Canada ===
With [[Canada]] being a country that has two official languages, (English and French), one might believe that it would be of equal importance for immigrants to learn either English or French. However, as Huot et. al (2018) argue, the English language holds much more linguistic capital within much of the Canadian community.<ref name=":2">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> In their [[London, Ontario]]-based study, the entirely Canadian-based research team aimed to interview 10 immigrants from various backgrounds living in London with the goal of examining "the power of language in shaping immigrants' engagement in occupations during their integration into a host society".<ref name=":2" /> The interviews Huot and her team conducted involved asking participants about their integration into the new community and their experiences in finding an occupation. From the interviews, the researchers discovered that across each of the 10 participants, learning English was an essential aspect of their integration into Canadian society. Whether it be for finding work, making daily interactions easier, or for giving their children better opportunities, each of the participants found learning English to be far more important than learning French. As one of the participants described:
"We have to make an incredible effort, like I did, to learn [English] and to speak it perfectly, to search, to study, to volunteer, to look for work. And then after a few...it doesn't take a lot of time, 2 years, 3 years, and... why not? It's worth it. Other-wise, they [immigrants] will remain always reclusive, on the margins of society, and it will be difficult for society and difficult for them".<ref name=":2" />
Relating the study back to the concepts of Bourdieu, the researchers explain how Bourdieu believed that "those whose linguistic resources are devalued are also perceived to be less competent".<ref name=":2" /> By learning and speaking English, the immigrants in this study were able to acquire more linguistic capital, be perceived as being more competent, and establish themselves in Canadian society.
=== South Korea ===
In the case of [[South Korea]], being able to speak English proficiently also elevates one's status within society. However, as explained by Joseph Sung-Yul Park (2011) while writing for the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, since Korean is the dominant monolingual language, the ability to speak English is valued by certain businesses and universities but is obviously not a requirement to fit into South Korean society.<ref name=":3">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Many South Koreans view the English language as valuable commodity of sorts that better allows them to obtain university degrees and high paying jobs. In this sense, South Koreans recognize that being able to speak Korean will only get them so far and that they will need to learn English because it is a language that holds more linguistic capital on the international scale. Park even provides a report from Korean technology giant Samsung's Economic Research Institute that states "Individual workers can increase their competitiveness in employment, promotion, and self-development through improving their English language skills".<ref name=":3" />
Parents in South Korea will also go to great lengths to provide their children with the advantage of being able to speak English. Children will often be enrolled in English-only kindergartens and in some cases placed in study abroad programs in English-speaking countries when they are young in order to better develop a native English-speaking accent. Enormous amounts of money are out forth by Korean parents to ensure that their children can learn English in an attempt to ensure that their kids have the best chance possible to be successful in the future.
This trend of an increased desire to learn English will likely continue in Korea as well because as long as English maintains its position as the dominant language in international business, Korean businesses will continue to place a high value on employees who are able to speak the language.
=== United States ===
One research article highlighted how individuals, especially children who possess linguistic competency in two or more languages, perform better than monolingual individuals on a variety of cognitive measures, such as problem solving tasks.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Later in life, bilingual people reportedly have a five-year delay over monolingual individuals developing dementia, since some additional neural pathways are kept open and functional as a result of using two or more languages.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Professional/vocational — More professional opportunities are available to individuals who speak both.Utilitarianism of Spanish — There are many Spanish language speakers in US, as it is the second largest language in the US. Yet while knowledge of Spanish language may be desirable, according to the article, it is highlighted that some political thought feels endangered by the growing multilingualism in the US.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
== Relationship Between Lingua Franca and Linguistic Capital ==
English exists as the [[Lingua franca|Lingua Franca]] of the world today, due to the diverse complexity and web-like system of countries and communities that have adopted English as a national, commercial, or social form of communication. Globalization, colonialism, and the capitalist system have all helped promote English as the world's dominant language, supplemented by years of British and American hegemony on the world stage. Today, nearly 1.39 billion people speak English according to the World Economic Forum, with its prominence over other languages highlighted through its geographic diversity of where it is spoken. According to Arwen Armbrecht, author of an article published on the World Economic Forum, Mandarin Chinese Mandarin is the most spoken first language in the world, however its influence lags behind English due to the limited use outside of Mandarin speaking nations. See attached article.<ref name=":4"></ref>
== Critiques ==
=== English's Prominence on the Internet ===
Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, by measure of native first language speakers. However, it is not considered the Lingua Franca of the world, English is. Many scholars attribute the widespread use of English largely to the internet. there are more Chinese nationals surfing the internet than any other nationality in the world, however English remains the most commonly spoken language on the internet. This can be attributed to multiple factors such as the use of websites primarily designed for the use of Chinese for the Chinese people, and censored internet. This can be described as a means of creating a form of [[Language isolate|linguistic isolation]]. According to Arwen Ambricht from the [[World Economic Forum|WE Forum]], the use of Mandarin as a [[Lingua franca|Lingua Franca]] is not spreading because, "it's limited to networks such as Sina Weibo (Chinese Twitter) and Baidu Baike (Chinese Wikipedia). A similar phenomenon can be seen in Russia, where VK (Russian Facebook) is used more than many global social networks."<ref name=":4" />
Bourdieu's theories on capital are effective in showcasing how various skills and resources gathered over an individual or groups lifetime will have different values and connotations depending on the situation and demographic. When and where those resources are recognized and valued, often for the benefit or enhancement of the lives of the dominant social group, they can be converted into capital." (Moore,2008)
== See Also ==
* [[Cultural capital|Cultural Capital]]
* [[Linguistic marketplace|Linguistic Marketplace]]
== References ==
April 30, 2019 at 12:48PM
AIの5つの特徴とは? 村川大介八段のAI流講座
AIの5つの特徴とは? 村川大介八段のAI流講座
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『NHK 囲碁講座』では、2019年4月号より別冊付録で村川大介(むらかわ・だいすけ)八段の講座「AI流はこわくない」が始まりました。AI流でダイレクト三々に入 ...
April 30, 2019 at 08:15AM
Monday, April 29, 2019
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Carlossuarez46: link
Its site is located near [[Şehir Adaları]], [[Anatolia|Asiatic Turkey]].<ref name=Barrington></ref><ref></ref>
[[Category:Populated places in ancient Caria]]
[[Category:Former populated places in Turkey]]
April 30, 2019 at 08:39AM
Dem and GOP strategists talk Biden’s early frontrunner status for the Democratic presidential nomination
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Dem and GOP strategists talk Biden's early frontrunner status for the Democratic presidential nomination As former Vice President Joe Biden was about to kick off his campaign speech in Pittsburgh, Pa., Democratic strategist Jessica Tarlov, and GOPAC Chairman David Avella weighed in on new poll numbers suggesting the Democratic field is wide open.
April 30, 2019 at 08:09AM
Lorna (Southern Indian Ocean)
Lorna (Southern Indian Ocean)
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Apr. 29, 2019 – NASA Shows Winds Causing Tropical Cyclone Lorna's Demise. NASA's Aqua satellite saw Tropical Cyclone Lorna was being torn ...
April 30, 2019 at 03:03AM
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【4月30日】AIアナNEWS. 2019年04月30日 00時30分 更新. 津山・横野滝で滝開き "津山の奥座敷"として親しまれている津山市上横野の横野滝で29日、滝 ...
April 30, 2019 at 12:11AM
Kayleigh McEnany: 'Job-killing Joe' Biden is no match for President Trump
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Kayleigh McEnany: 'Job-killing Joe' Biden is no match for President Trump National press secretary for President Trump's re-election campaign Kayleigh McEnany argued Monday that former Vice President Joe Biden's history of "killing jobs" doesn't bode well for his presidential bid.
April 30, 2019 at 04:06AM
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Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
April 30, 2019 at 02:21AM
IS leader appears in video for first time in 5 years
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IS leader appears in video for first time in 5 years The leader of the Islamic State group has appeared for the first time in 5 years in a video released by the extremist group's propaganda arm.
April 30, 2019 at 01:59AM
Apple、『iPhone 7 Plus』下取り額を25000円から33000円にアップ! 『iPhone XR』が実質51800円に
Apple、『iPhone 7 Plus』下取り額を25000円から33000円にアップ! 『iPhone XR』が実質51800円に
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Appleは『iPhone XR』と『iPhone XS』購入者を対象に、iPhoneの旧モデルの下取り額を増額するキャンペーンを2018年12月23日より実施しています。
April 29, 2019 at 07:30PM
North Carolina zinc plant fire forces evacuations as sulfuric acid released into the air
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North Carolina zinc plant fire forces evacuations as sulfuric acid released into the air A raging fire at a zinc production plant in North Carolina forced the evacuations of residents and firefighters Monday after sulfuric acid began spewing into the atmosphere.
April 29, 2019 at 09:43PM
Listed buildings in Burton (civil parish)
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Listed buildings in Burton (civil parish)
Rich Farmbrough: Copyedit. Date formats
{| class="wikitable"
! Grade
! Criteria
|align="center" |I
| Buildings of exceptional interest, sometimes considered to be internationally important
|align="center" |II*
| Particularly important buildings of more than special interest
|align="center" |II
| Buildings of national importance and special interest
{| class="wikitable sortable plainrowheaders" style="width:100%; border:0; text-align:left; line-height:150%;"
! scope="col" style="width:150px" |Name and location
! scope="col" style="width:100px" class="unsortable"|Photograph
! scope="col" style="width:120px" |Date
! scope="col" style="width:650px" class="unsortable"|Notes
! scope="col" style="width:50px" |Grade
|186 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|[[File:185 and 186 Horninglow Street, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A shop with living accommodation, it was remodelled and extended in the 18th century. It has a [[timber framed]] core, it was mainly rebuilt in brick and [[stucco|rendered]], there are [[quoin (architecture)|quoins]] and a [[belt course|band]], the rear wing extension is in brick, and the roof is tiled. The front range has three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor are shop fronts and a round-headed passageway to the right, and the windows in the upper floors are [[casement window|casements]]. The rear wing has two storeys, and contains a [[cant (architecture)|canted]] [[bay window]].
|align="center" |
|186A and 187 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|A shop with living accommodation above, it was later remodelled and it was extended in the 19th century. It is in red brick with a [[timber framed]] core, and a tile roof. There are three storeys, and an L-shaped plan with a front of three [[bay (architecture)|bays]] and a rear wing on the left. In the ground floor is a shop front on the left and a carriageway on the right, and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]].
|align="center" |
|51 and 52 High Street<br/><small></small>
|[[File:51-53 High Street, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|cntre]]
|The house, later a shop, it was later extended, remodelled in the 19th century, and refurbished in 1996. The building is [[timber framed]], faced and partly rebuilt in brick, and [[stucco|rendered]], and the roof is tiled. There are two storeys, two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], a rear wing, and an outshut in the angle. In the ground floor is a modern shop front, and the upper floor contains [[sash window]]s.
|align="center" |
|188 and 189 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|The building was remodelled in the 18th century and extended in the 19th century. It has a [[timber framed]] core, it is faced in brick and painted at the front, and has exposed timber framing at the rear, and a tile roof. The front has three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the left bay with two storeys, the other bays with three storeys, and there is a rear wing at the left giving an L-shaped plan. In the ground floor are shop fronts, and above are a mix of [[sash window|sash]] and [[casement window]]s.
|align="center" |
|Assembly Rooms<br/><small></small>
|Originally a [[grammar school]], it was extended in 1834, and has since been used for other purposes. It was further restored and extended in 1959–61. The building is in red brick with stone dressings on a [[plinth]], with [[dentil]]led [[eaves]], and a tile roof with [[coping (architecture)|coped]] [[gable]]s. There are two storeys and five [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the centre is a stone porch with a [[Tudor arch]]. The windows vary; some are [[mullion]]ed, some are [[casement window|casements]], and some have [[hood mould]]s.
|align="center" |
|[[St Modwen's, Burton upon Trent|St Modwen's Church]]<br/><small></small>
|[[File:St Modwen, Burton upon Trent (cropped).jpg|100px|centre]]
|The church was designed by William and Richard Smith of [[Tettenhall]], and completed by [[Francis Smith of Warwick|Francis Smith]]. It is built in stone, it is in [[Palladian]] style, and consists of a [[nave]] with an [[apse]] at the east end, and a west tower. The tower is in three stages, and has clock faces, a [[balustrade]], and urns on the corners. The windows have semicircular heads, and inside the church are galleries with [[Tuscan order|Tuscan]] columns.
|align="center" |
|81 and 81A High Street<br/><small></small>
|A [[roughcast]] shop with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[stucco]]ed [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are two storeys and an attic, and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor is a shop front, the upper floor contains [[sash window]]s with [[keystone (architecture)|keyblocks]], and there are two [[hip roof]]ed [[dormer]]s.
|align="center" |
|Manor House<br/><small></small>
|The house, which was extended in the 19th century, is in red brick with plain and [[modillion]] [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are two storeys, an original range with two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a later two-bay wing on the right, also with two bays. The house contains a doorway with a [[fanlight]], a [[cant (architecture)|canted]] [[bay window]], and [[sash window|sashes]].
|align="center" |
|146 High Street<br/><small></small>
|[[File:146 High Street, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The remodelling of an earlier building, it is in red brick with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys and five [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the central bay slightly projecting and with a [[pediment]]. In the centre is a stone porch with [[pilaster]]s and side lights, a [[cornice]], and an open [[balustrade]]. Above this is a [[Venetian window]] and in the top storey is a tripartite [[lunette]] window. The other windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with flat heads.
|align="center" |
|46 High Street<br/><small></small>
|The building, which probably has an earlier core, is in red brick with a tile roof, three storeys, and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor is a 19th-century shop front and a doorway with a plain surround to the right. The upper floors contain [[sash window]]s with flat heads.
|align="center" |
|47 High Street<br/><small></small>
|[[File:47 High Street, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The building is [[stucco]]ed, the ground floor is [[rustication (architecture)|rusticated]], and the roof is tiled. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the centre is a semicircular-headed doorway with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] surround and a radial [[fanlight]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]], and those in the middle bay are blind.
|align="center" |
|97 and 98 High Street<br/><small></small>
|A pair of shops dating mainly from the 19th century, they are in brick with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor are modern shop fronts, and the upper floors contain [[sash window]]s, the middle window in the top floor being blind.
|align="center" |
|99 and 100 High Street<br/><small></small>
|A pair of red brick shops with [[modillion]] [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor is a square-headed passageway flanked by modern shop fronts. Most of the windows in the upper floors are [[sash window|sashes]].
|align="center" |
|101 High Street<br/><small></small>
|[[File:101 and 102 High Street, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A [[roughcast]] shop with a [[belt course|band]], a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[stucco]]ed [[eaves]] [[cornice]], a [[parapet]], and a tile roof with [[coping (architecture)|coped]] [[gable]] ends. There are three storeys and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor is a 19th-century shop front, and the upper floors contain [[sash window]]s.
|align="center" |
|136 High Street<br/><small></small>
|[[File:136 High Street, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The house, which was remodelled in the 19th century, is in red brick with stone dressings on a [[plinth]], and is in [[Tudor architecture|Tudor]] style. There are [[quoin (architecture)|quoins]] on the angles, and a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[string course]]. The building has two storeys and three [[gable]]d [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the outer bays projecting. In the centre is a porch with a [[four-centred arch]]ed head, and an [[entablature]] with a raised panel. The windows are [[mullion]]ed and [[transom (architecture)|transomed]] in moulded [[architrave]]s, and the gables are [[coping (architecture)|coped]], the outer gables with ball [[finial]]s. To the left is a single-storey extension and a screen wall with an archway.
|align="center" |
|6A Horninglow Street and Malthouse<br/><small></small>
|The building is in brick, the front is [[stucco|rendered]], there is a [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]], and a tile roof. The front facing the street has two storeys and four bays, and it contains [[casement window]]s. To the rear is the single storey [[malthouse]] and [[kiln]]. The kiln has a [[hipped roof]] and [[louver|louvred]] vents.
|align="center" |
|180 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house with stone dressings on a [[plinth]], with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] [[cornice]] and a [[parapet]]. There are three storeys and five [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The doorway in the right bay is [[stucco]]ed, and has a blocked radial [[fanlight]], and a [[pediment]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] in moulded [[architrave]]s, and each has a [[pulvinated frieze]] and a [[keystone (architecture)|keyblock]].
|align="center" |
|185 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|[[File:185 and 186 Horninglow Street, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A shop with living accommodation that was extended in the 19th century. It is in red brick, the front is plastered, and it has a tile roof. The front range has two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the left bay has three storeys, the right bay has two, and there is a later rear wing. In the ground floor is a modern shop front, and the windows are a mix of [[sash window|sashes]] and [[casement window|casements]].
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|Peel House<br/><small></small>
|The house was refronted in the early 19th century. It is in red brick with [[belt course|bands]], [[corbel]]led [[eaves]], and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The central doorway is [[stucco]]ed and has [[Doric order|Roman Doric]] columns and a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[pediment]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with flat heads and plain [[keystone (architecture)|keyblocks]].
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|Wetmore Hall Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse was altered in the 20th century. It is in red brick on a [[plinth]], with [[belt course|bands]], [[dentil]]led [[eaves]], and a tile roof. There are two storeys and an attic, two parallel ranges, and a front of three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The windows are [[casement window|casements]].
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|7 Bridge Street<br/><small></small>
|The building is in brick with a [[stucco]]ed ground floor, [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[string course]]s, and a [[parapet]]. There are four storeys, the top storey added later, and four [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with flat heads and [[keystone (architecture)|keyblocks]].
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|2 Friars Walk<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] and a [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The doorway has a moulded surround, a [[fanlight]], and an open [[pediment]]. In the centre is a three-light [[oriel window]], and the other windows are [[sash window|sashes]].
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|98, 99 and 100 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|A row of three red brick houses with [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. Each house has a doorway with [[pilaster]]s, a rectangular [[fanlight]], and a small [[cornice]] hood. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with channelled [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]].
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|61 and 62 High Street<br/><small></small>
|[[File:59-62 High Street, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A pair of red brick houses that have a tile roof with [[coping (architecture)|coped]] [[gable]] ends. There are three storeys and seven [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The main doorways are paired, they are [[stucco]]ed, and have [[pilaster]]s, radial [[fanlight]]s, and open [[pediment]]s, and there is a round-arched passageway in the first bay. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with flat heads and [[keystone (architecture)|keystones]].
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|65 High Street<br/><small></small>
|The building is in red brick with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The central doorway has a moulded surround, a rectangular [[fanlight]], and a [[pediment]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] in moulded frames.
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|102 High Street<br/><small></small>
|[[File:101 and 102 High Street, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A shop in red brick with a tile roof, three storeys, and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor is a shop front including two multi-paned [[bow window]]s and a door with a [[fanlight]]. The upper floors contain [[sash window]]s with flat heads.
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|50 Lichfield Street<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house with [[belt course|bands]], boarded [[soffit]] [[eaves]], and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys, three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a later two-storey extension on the right. The central doorway has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] surround, a radial [[fanlight]] with Y-[[tracery]], and an open [[pediment]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with flat heads and segmental reveals.
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|12 Market Place<br/><small></small>
|A house, later offices, in brick, the ground floor [[stucco]]ed, and the upper part painted. It has [[modillion]] [[eaves]], a tile roof, three storeys and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor is a doorway and a replaced window, and the upper floors contain [[sash window]]s.
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|1 and 2 New Street<br/><small></small>
|A pair of [[stucco]]ed shops with [[modillion]] [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor are two modern shop fronts flanking a square-headed passageway. The upper floor contains [[casement window]]s in the middle bay and [[sash window]]s in the outer bays, all with segmental heads.
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|3 New Street<br/><small></small>
|A shop in painted brick with [[modillion]] [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor is a modern shop front with a [[dentil]]led [[cornice]], and to the right is a doorway. The upper floors contain [[sash window]]s; the window in the right bay in the middle floor is blind.
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|4 New Street<br/><small></small>
|A painted brick shop with [[corbel]]led [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are two storeys and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor is a modern shop front, and the upper floor contains modern [[casement window]]s with channelled [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]].
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|170–172 Station Street<br/><small></small>
|A row of three red brick cottages with [[modillion]] [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are two storeys and four [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The doorways, which have plain surrounds, and the windows, which are [[sash window|sashes]], have channelled [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]] and [[keystone (architecture)|keyblocks]].
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|Anchor Inn Public House<br/><small></small>
|The public house is in painted brick with a roof of tile and [[slate]]. There are three storeys and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a wing on the left with two storeys and one bay. In the ground floor is a 19th-century inn front with arched lights and a [[dentil]]led [[cornice]]. The upper floors contain [[sash window]]s with channelled [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]].
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|Nunneley House<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Nunneley House, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A red brick house with [[corbel]]led [[eaves]], and a [[slate]] roof with [[coping (architecture)|coped]] [[gable]] ends. There are three storeys and five [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the middle bay projecting slightly under a [[pediment]]. The central doorway has a [[stucco]]ed surround with [[Doric order|Roman Doric]] columns, a rectangular [[fanlight]], and a pediment. Above it is a [[Venetian window]], and in the top floor is a three-light semicircular window. The other windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with flat heads and [[keystone (architecture)|keyblocks]].
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|Queen's Hotel<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Three Queens Hotel, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The hotel is in brick, and has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[cornice]] and a [[parapet]]. There are three storeys and four [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a lower two-bay wing on the right. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with [[keystone (architecture)|keyblocks]] and [[apron (architecture)|aprons]], and the doorway has an arched head.
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|5 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|A red brick building with [[belt course|bands]], a [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]] and a blocking course. There are three storeys and five [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The central doorway is [[stucco]]ed, with [[Tuscan order|Tuscan]] columns and [[pilaster]]s, a radial [[fanlight]], a dentilled [[pediment]], and side lights. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]], the window above the doorway with [[hood mould|dripstones]].
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|7 Green Street<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are three storeys and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The doorway to the left is recessed and has a radial [[fanlight]], and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]].
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|66 and 67 High Street<br/><small></small>
|A pair of houses in red brick with stone dressings, [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[stucco]]ed [[eaves]], and a [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys and four [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the outer bays projecting slightly. In the outer bays are doorways with [[rustication (architecture)|rusticated]] surrounds and [[Ionic order|Ionic]] [[pilaster]]s, between them are two three-light windows, and above all is a moulded [[entablature]]. The upper floors contain [[sash window]]s with panelled [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]] and [[keystone (architecture)|keyblocks]].
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|6 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house with [[belt course|bands]], [[corbel]]led [[eaves]] and a [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The central doorway has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] surround, a blocked radial [[fanlight]], an open [[pediment]], and side lights. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]], those in the ground floor with three lights and segmental heads.
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|181 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house on a [[plinth]], with [[belt course|bands]], [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]] and a blocking course. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the middle bay is a [[stucco]]ed doorway with [[Composite order|Composite]] columns, a radial [[fanlight]], and a dentilled [[pediment]], and above is a [[sash window]] with stuccoed shafts, and a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] cornice, both in an arched recess. The doorway is flanked by three-light sash windows, each in an arched recess, and the other windows are also sashes. To the left is a full-height arched recess containing a doorway with a radial fanlight.
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|9 Lichfield Street<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house with a [[belt course|band]], [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]], and a tile roof. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. Steps lead up to the central doorway that is [[stucco]]ed and has [[pilaster]]s, a radial [[fanlight]], and a moulded [[pediment]]. It is flanked by three-light windows with a moulded [[fascia (architecture)|fascia]], and in the upper floors are [[sash window]]s, the window above the doorway with an [[architrave]].
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|10 Lichfield Street<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house on a stone base and a cement [[plinth]], with [[belt course|sill bands]], [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]], and a tile roof. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. Steps lead up to the central [[stucco]]ed doorway that has a [[tracery|traceries]] [[fanlight]] and a [[pediment]] on [[corbel|consoles]]. It is flanked by three-light windows with stuccoed [[pilaster]]s and a moulded [[cornice]] in an arched recess. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]], the window above the doorway with stuccoed engaged shafts and a [[festoon]]ed cornice.
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|Buildings in Marston's Yard<br/><small></small>
|Formerly a brewery, the buildings are in red brick with [[slate]] roofs, and form ranges on three sides of a [[cobblestone|cobbled]] yard. The buildings are in one or two storeys, and contain [[casement window]]s, and there are external steps and a ridge ventilator.
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|Three posts east of 102 High Street<br/><small></small>
|The three posts near the edge of the pavement are in oak, they are roughly octagonal and tapering. Two of the posts have [[wrought iron]] caps.
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|4 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|The building is in red brick with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] and a [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor is a modern multi-paned shop front, and the upper floors contain [[sash window]]s.
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|107–113 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|A group of eight cottages arranged in three blocks. The cottages are [[stucco]]ed with [[slate]] roofs, and have two storeys. The central block has four cottages, the outer blocks have two each, and they are joined by single-[[bay (architecture)|bay]] links containing a door with a [[hood mould]]. The outer blocks have three bays, [[belt course|sill bands]], paired central doorways in a [[gable]]d porch, and [[casement window]]s, those in the right block with hood moulds. The central block has three gables, two pairs of doors in gabled porches with [[fretting|fretted]] [[bargeboard]]s, and modern windows with hood moulds.
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|127 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house with a tile roof, it has two storeys and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the right bay protruding and [[gable]]d. In the right bay is a [[cant (architecture)|canted]] [[bay window]], and in the angle is a lean-to porch with a pointed arch and a doorway with a rectangular [[fanlight]]. Most of the windows have [[Gothick]] glazing and [[hood mould]]s.
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|167 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|[[File:167 Horninglow Street, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A red brick house on a [[plinth]], with [[belt course|bands]], a [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]], a blocking course, and a [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys and five [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the middle bay projecting slightly under a [[pediment]]. The central doorway has a [[stucco]]ed surround, a radial [[fanlight]], a cornice hood with [[festoon]]s, and a pediment on [[corbel|consoles]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]], those in the middle bay in [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[architrave]]s, and the window above the doorway with a [[dentil]]led cornice hood on consoles.
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|168 and 169 Horninglow Street including rear range<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Former Maltings, Horninglow Street, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A former [[malt house|maltings]] with later additions. It is built in red brick with some stone dressings. Facing the street is a block with a tile roof, two storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the outer bays slightly projecting, and each containing a recessed cambered arch. It is on a [[plinth]], it has a [[belt course|band]], and at the top are a [[frieze]] and two [[pediment]]s. The central doorway has a round-headed doorway with a [[fanlight]], and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]], round-headed in the ground floor and with flat heads above. To the left is a lower two-storey wing with a pediment, containing a carriageway and windows. At the rear of the right block are three storeys and four bays. Beyond this is a taller block with three storeys and a basement, eight bays, and a corrugated asbestos roof with ridge ventilators, and further beyond is a lower three-storey block.
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|178 and 179 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|The building is [[stucco]]ed, on a [[plinth]], with a [[belt course|band]], [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]], and a blocking course. There are three storeys and six [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor, the third bay contains a semicircular archway, in the right bay is a doorway with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] surround, a radial [[fanlight]], and a [[cornice]] hood on [[corbel|consoles]], and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]].
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|182 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|A [[stucco]]ed house with [[corbel]]led [[eaves]] and a [[slate]] roof, it has two storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor is a doorway with a plain surround to the right and two tripartite [[sash window]]s, and the upper floor contains [[casement window]]s.
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|183 and 184 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The central doorway has a plain surround and a rectangular [[fanlight]], and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with flat heads.
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|190 and 191 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|The building is in red brick with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]], and a tile roof with [[coping (architecture)|coped]] [[gable]] ends. There are three storeys and five [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor is a doorway with a semicircular head, a radial [[tracery|traceried]] [[fanlight]] and a recessed door, to the left is a [[bow window]], and to the right is a 19th-century shop front. The upper floors contain [[sash window]]s with channelled [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]].
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|192 Horninglow Street<br/><small></small>
|At one time a hotel, the building is in red brick with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[cornice]] and a [[parapet]]. There are three storeys, and a front of one [[bay (architecture)|bay]]. In the ground floor is a multi-paned window with a moulded [[fascia (architecture)|fascia]], and to the left is a doorway with a moulded surround. The windows are two-light [[sash window|sashes]], the window in the middle floor in an arched recess.
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|1 Lichfield Street<br/><small></small>
|A [[stucco]]ed shop with [[corbel]]led [[eaves]] and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor is a modern shop front, and the upper floors contain [[sash window]]s.
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|13 Market Place and 1 Friar's Walk<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house with a [[belt course|sill band]], [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[stucco]] [[eaves]], and a [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys, three [[bay (architecture)|bays]] on Market Place and two on Friar's Walk. In the centre is a doorway with a plain surround and a rectangular [[fanlight]], and to the left of it is a late 19th-century shop window. The other windows are [[sash window|sashes]], and some are blocked.
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|7 and 8 New Street<br/><small></small>
|A pair of red brick shops with [[modillion]] [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are two storeys and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor are shop fronts with arched lights flanked by doorways with rectangular [[fanlight]]s, all under a [[dentil]]led [[cornice]]. The upper floor contains [[sash window]]s with plain [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]].
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|9 and 10 New Street<br/><small></small>
|A pair of brick shops, No. 9 is painted, with [[modillion]] [[eaves]] and a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor are paired doorways in the centre with rectangular [[fanlight]]s flanked by 19th-century shop fronts with arched lights, all under a [[dentil]]led [[cornice]]. In the upper floor, No. 9 has a [[sash window]], and No. 10 has two [[casement window]]s with pain [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]].
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|152–155 Station Street<br/><small></small>
|A group of shops and a house on a corner site. They are in brick, the upper storeys of the shops are [[roughcast]] and the roof is [[slate]]d. There are two storeys, five [[bay (architecture)|bays]] on Station Street, four on George Street, and a [[cant (architecture)|canted]] bay on the corner containing a shop doorway with reeded [[pilaster]]s. On Station Street are shop fronts in the ground floor and a round-arched passageway in the centre. In George Street is a doorway with pilasters. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]].
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|Devonshire Arms Public House<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Devonshire Arms, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The ground floor of the public house is in engraved [[stucco]], the upper floor is [[roughcast]], it has pseudo-[[quoin (architecture)|quoins]], a [[belt course|sill band]], and a [[coping (architecture)|coped]] [[parapet]]. There are two storeys, and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]] on the front and on the left return. On the front is a doorway with [[pilaster]]s, a rectangular [[fanlight]], and a [[cornice]] hood, and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with plain [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]]. In the left return are three windows with [[hood mould]]s, and multi-paned [[cast iron]] lights. The outer windows have pointed heads, and Y-[[tracery]], and the smaller central window has a flat head and lozenge-pattern glazing.
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|Drawing Office<br/><small></small>
|Formerly a screw mill, the building is in buff brick with [[modillion]] [[eaves]] and [[hip roof|hipped]] tile roofs. It consists of two blocks linked by a single-storey wing. The building contains multi-paned [[cast iron]] windows with plain [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]], and there is a flight of modern iron steps.
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|Grail Court Hotel<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Grail Court Hotel, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|Formerly the Midland Hotel, it has been extended, it is [[stucco]]ed, and has [[slate]] roofs. The original block has three storeys, two [[bay (architecture)|bays]] on Station Street, three bays on Guild Street and a two-storey extension. On the corner is a [[cant (architecture)|canted]] bay containing a doorway with a [[pediment]] on [[corbel|consoles]]. To the right is a later wing with two storeys and an attic, the lower storey projecting, and containing a doorway. Most of the windows are [[sash window|sashes]], and on the later wing are five [[hip roof]]ed [[dormer]]s.
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|Trent House<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house with stone dressings, the ground floor is [[stucco]]ed, above it is a [[molding (architecture)|moulded [[cornice]], and at the top is a cornice and a [[parapet]]. There are three storeys and five [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the centre is a porch with [[Ionic order|Ionic]] columns, and a doorway with a rectangular [[fanlight]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] in [[architrave]]s, the window above the doorway also with a [[pediment]].
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|150, 150A and 151 Station Street<br/><small></small>
|Red brick houses with a a [[frieze]], a [[stucco]]ed [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] [[cornice]], and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and six [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The main doorways have stuccoed [[pilaster]]s, a [[triglyph]] frieze, and a [[pediment]], and each doorway is flanked by [[cant (architecture)|canted]] [[bay window]]s with swept roofs. To the right is a smaller round-arched doorway with a radial [[fanlight]]. In the upper floor are [[sash window]]s in shaped [[architrave]]s, those above the doorways with square heads, and the others with segmental heads and [[keystone (architecture)|keyblocks]].
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|126 and 126A Station Street<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house with a [[dentil]]led [[belt course|band]] and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. To the right is a [[cant (architecture)|canted]] [[bay window]], and the other windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with flat heads.
|align="center" |
|127 and 128 Station Street<br/><small></small>
|A pair of red brick houses with two [[dentil]]led [[belt course|bands]] and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys and four [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with flat heads, and the doorways are on the sides.
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|129 Station Street<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house on a stone [[plinth]], with side [[pilaster]]s, [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]], and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], The central doorway has pilasters, to its left is a square [[bay window]], and the other windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with plain [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]] and [[keystone (architecture)|keyblocks]].
|align="center" |
|130 and 131 Station Street<br/><small></small>
|A pair of red brick houses with [[corbel]]led [[eaves]] and a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and four [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. On the front is a [[stucco]]ed doorcase with [[Ionic order|Ionic]] [[pilaster]]s with an [[entablature]] and a [[cornice]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with plain [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]] and [[keystone (architecture)|keyblocks]]. No. 131 has a [[cant (architecture)|canted]] [[bay window]] on the front. The right return has four bays and contains a doorway with pilasters and a cornice hood.
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|175 Station Street<br/><small></small>
|A red brick shop with a [[belt course|sill band]], [[corbel]]led [[eaves]] and a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor is a 19th-century shop front with a panelled stall riser and a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[cornice]]. The upper floor contains [[sash window]]s with engraved [[stucco]] [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]] and cornices on leaf [[corbel|consoles]].
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|High Street Evangelical Church<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Riverside Church, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The church, which is in [[Gothic architecture|Gothic]] style, is in red brick, and has a [[gable]]d stone front facing the street. The front has three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the central bay recessed under an arch, and it contains doorways to the left and right. On the front are [[buttress]]es, in the outer bays are [[lancet window]]s, and on the gable apex is a [[finial]].
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|Christ Church<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Christ Church, Burton upon Trent.jpg|60px|centre]]
|A [[Commissioners' church]] in [[Gothic architecture|Gothic]] style, it is built in stone. The church consists of a [[nave]], north and south [[transept]]s, a short [[chancel]], and a west tower. The tower has three stages, [[buttress]]es, clock faces, and an [[embattled]] [[parapet]] with corner [[pinnacle]]s. Along the sides of the nave are paired [[lancet window]]s.
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|Gates and gate piers southwest of 136 High Street<br/><small></small>
|In the centre are [[wrought iron]] gates flanked by octagonal stone [[pier (architecture)|piers]] with [[ogee]] [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[cornice]] caps and ball [[finial]]s. On each side is a brick screen wall with stone [[coping (architecture)|coping]] containing a gateway.
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|Leopard Inn Public House<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Leopard Inn, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The public house is in red brick with stone [[belt course|bands]] and an inscribed [[parapet]]. There are three storeys, and a front on Lichfield Street with two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the ground floor is an inn front with three-light [[mullion]]ed windows containing arched lights above a panelled stall riser. On the Abbey Street front is a doorway with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] surround and [[pilaster]]s. The upper floors contain [[sash window]]s in [[stucco]]ed [[architrave]]s.
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|Gates, railings and piers, [[St Modwen's, Burton upon Trent|St Modwen's Church]]<br/><small></small>
|The gates at the entrance to the churchyard are in [[wrought iron]] with an [[overthrow (structure)|overthrow]], and are flanked by wrought iron railings. At the ends are stone [[pier (architecture)|piers]], each with a [[cornice]] cap and an urn [[finial]].
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|The Abbey<br/><small></small>
|A house, later used for other purposes, it incorporates 13th-century material, namely parts of the Infirmary of [[Burton Abbey]]. The building is partly in stone and partly in applied [[timber framing]], it has a tile roof and two storeys. On the north front are two original arches.
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|Malthouses Nos 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 at former Bass Maltings<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Wetmore Maltings, Burton upon Trent.jpg|60px|centre]]
|A group of [[malthouse]]s in red brick on a blue brick [[plinth]] with roofs of [[slate]] partly replaced by tiles, and with [[coping (architecture)|coped]] [[gable]] ends. They have three or four storeys, and contain pivoted windows.
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|Brewhouse, Ind Coope Brewery<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Former Ind Coope Brewery, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The building was extended in 1890 and later. It is in red brick with [[slate]] roofs, and has an L-shaped plan. Facing the street are the [[gable]]d offices that have three storeys and an attic and four [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. Behind is the brewhouse, the left part has three storeys and a ground floor [[arcade (architecture)|arcade]] of eleven arches, and the right part has a two-span roof, five storeys, and seven bays. There is a linking block on the right to the tower, which has five tall storeys, three bays on each side, and is surmounted by a water tank with a pyramidal roof and a ventilator.
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|Offices and brewhouse, former Allsopp's New Brewery<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Former Allsopp's Brewery, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The offices face the street, with the brewhouse to the rear. The building is in red brick with dressings in stone and blue brick, [[parapet]]s, and Welsh [[slate]] roofs. The offices have [[quoin (architecture)|quoins]], a [[dentil]]led [[string course]], and [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[modillion]] [[eaves]]. There are two storeys, a front of six [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and sides of ten bays. Steps lead up to the central doorway that has a moulded surround, a [[fanlight]], and a flat hood on [[corbel|console]] brackets, and the windows have round heads and [[keystone (architecture)|keyblocks]]. The brewhouse has three storeys and 29 bays.
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|5 Hawkins Lane<br/><small></small>
|Originally the headmaster's house for Holy Trinity School, it was designed by [[George Edmund Street|G. E. Street]]. It is in red brick with a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and [[gable]]s, and the windows are double [[sash window|sashes]] divided by [[colonette]]s.
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|Holy Trinity School<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Holy Trinity School, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The school, designed by [[George Edmund Street|G. E. Street]] in [[Gothic architecture|Gothic]] style, is built in red brick with stone dressings, [[belt course|bands]] in blue brick, and a decorative [[slate]] roof. There is a single storey, a central range, and two projecting [[gable]]d wings. On the roof is a square [[bellcote]] set diagonally.
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|Constitutional Club<br/><small></small>
|The building is in red brick with stone dressings, the ground floor is faced in [[ashlar]] and is [[rustication (architecture)|rusticated]], and at the top is a plain [[frieze]], a [[modillion]] [[eaves]] [[cornice]], and a [[parapet]]. Above the ground floor is a frieze with roundels, and between the upper floors is a [[meander|Greek key]] pattern. In the outer bays are doorways with rectangular [[fanlight]]s, and cornice hoods on [[corbel|consoles]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[architrave]]s and cornices.
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|Bass New Brewery<br/><small></small>
|The brewery is built in red brick with a four-storey block in the middle, and ranges of two and three storeys along the sides of a narrow rectangular yard. The walls have full-height [[arcade (architecture)|arcades]] containing [[sash window|sash]] or pivoted windows. Facing the road the ranges have two [[gable]]s with [[oculus|oculi]], [[coping (architecture)|copings]] and kneelers. At the north end of the yard are [[cast iron]] water tanks on cast iron columns.
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|Former Offices, Allied Breweries<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Guild Hall, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The offices, later the Guild Hall, are [[stucco]]ed, on a [[plinth]], the ground floor is [[rustication (architecture)|rusticated]], the building has [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[corbel]]led projecting [[eaves]], and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys, six [[bay (architecture)|bays]] on Station Street and two on the east front. The upper storey of the first bay on Station Street is recessed. The windows are round-headed [[sash window|sashes]], those in the ground floor with side lights and [[keystone (architecture)|keystones]]. The doorway is in the east front and has a semicircular [[fanlight]].
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|Bass museum of Brewing<br/><small></small>
|[[File:William Worthington's Brewery - geograph.org.uk - 3181043.jpg|100px|centre]]
|Originally the joiners' shop of Bass Middle Brewery and later a museum, it is in red brick with [[corbel]]led [[eaves]] and a tile roof. There are three storeys and twelve [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and the building contains arched recesses and segmental-headed windows. In the fourth bay from each end is a loading door.
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|Water Tower, [[Bass Brewery]]<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Water Tower, Burton on Trent - geograph.org.uk - 71952.jpg|60px|centre]]
|The water tower is in red brick with a rectangular plan, and is high. There are five stages, stone [[string course]]s, each stage but the top stage contains a semicircular-headed window, and in the top stage are blind arches. At the top of the tower is a [[corbel]]led [[cornice]], and a stepped [[parapet]] with a dated tablet. On the west side is a recessed doorway.
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|County Court<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Former County Court, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The former County Court is in stone, and has [[rustication (architecture)|rusticated]] [[pilaster]]s at the sides, a [[cornice]] above the ground floor, a moulded [[belt course|sill band]] between the upper floors, a [[modillion]] [[eaves]] cornice, and a blocking course. There are three storeys, five [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the central bay projecting and surmounted by an [[entablature]] containing the [[Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom|Royal Arms]], and to the right is a lower single-bay wing. In the centre is a doorway with a rusticated surround, a semicircular [[fanlight]], and a [[keystone (architecture)|keyblock]] with a carved head, and there is a similar doorway in the right wing. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] in moulded [[architrave]]s, in the ground floor with round heads and keyblocks, and in the middle floor with cornices.
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|Church of St Mary and St Modwen<br/><small></small>
|A Roman Catholic church in [[Decorated Gothic|Decorated]] style, to which the tower was added in 1897. It is built in red brick with some [[stucco|rendering]], stone dressings and [[slate]] roofs. The church consists of a [[nave]], north and south [[aisle#Church architecture|aisles]], a [[sanctuary#sanctuary as a sacred place|sanctuary]] with north and south [[sacristy|sacristies]] and a northwest tower. The tower has three stages, clasping [[buttress]]es, and a short stone spire. Above the west door are [[niche (architecture)|niches]] containing statues of St Mary and [[St Modwen]].
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|53 High Street<br/><small></small>
|[[File:51-53 High Street, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The building is in red brick on a stone [[plinth]], with stone dressings, [[quoin (architecture)|quoins]], [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[string course]]s, a [[parapet]] with stone [[coping (architecture)|coping]], two [[gable]]s with [[obelisk]] [[finial]]s on the front, and coped gables on the sides. There are two storeys and four [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the second bay is a doorway with a moulded surround and a rectangular [[fanlight]], and the windows are [[mullion]]ed and [[transom (architecture)|transomed]] with moulded [[architrave]]s.
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|Offices, [[Bass Brewery]]<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Offices, Bass's Brewery, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The offices are in red brick with stone dressings on a [[plinth]], and are in [[Tudor architecture|Tudor]] style. They have [[quoin (architecture)|quoins]] and a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[string course]]. The main block has two storeys, ten [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and three [[gable]]s. This is joined on the right by a single-storey two-bay link to a lower block with two storeys, four bays, and two gables. In the main block is a doorway with a moulded surround, a [[four-centred arch]]ed head, and a [[fanlight]], and above it are the [[Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom|Royal arms]], and in the lower block is a doorway with a plain surround and a fanlight. The windows are [[mullion]]ed and [[transom (architecture)|transomed]] with moulded [[architrave]]s, and most of the gables, which are [[coping (architecture)|coped]], have [[obelisk]] [[finial]]s.
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|Andresey Bridge<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Andresey Bridge - geograph.org.uk - 1708709.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A footbridge crossing the [[River Trent]], it is in iron and consists of a single span. The walkway is supported by latticed arched sides, and at the ends are stone [[pier (architecture)|piers]] with [[cornice]] caps carrying [[cast iron]] lamp standards.
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|[[Claymills Pumping Station]]<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Claymills Victorian Sewage Pumping Station - geograph.org.uk - 906722.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A former steam-powered sewage pumping station, later a visitor attraction, it was designed by [[James Mansergh]] to process brewery effluent. It is built in red brick with [[parapet]]s and [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roofs, and consists of two rectangular engine houses linked by a rectangular boiler house with a chimney stack. Each engine house has two storeys and a semi-basement on a [[plinth]], with angle [[pilaster]]s, [[belt course|bands]] and [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[cornice]]s. The boiler house has one storey and a semi-basement, and pilasters dividing the [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The chimney is octagonal and tapering, and is about high.
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|147 and 148 High Street<br/><small></small>
|[[File:147-148 High Street, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A red brick building with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[terracotta]] [[string course]]s, and coved overhanging [[eaves]]. There are three storeys and six [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The doorway in the fifth bay is [[stucco]]ed and has three-quarter [[Tuscan order|Tuscan]] columns, a plain [[entablature]] and a [[dentil]]led [[pediment]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with flat heads and moulded terracotta [[keystone (architecture)|keyblocks]].
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|Shelter, Stapenhill Viaduct<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Shelter, Stapenhill Viaduct.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The shelter on the elevated walkway is in iron with sheeted sides and a [[gable]]d roof. At each end are columns with spike [[finial]]s, an inscribed panel with scroll brackets surmounted by openwork cresting.
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|Plough Maltings<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Plough Maltings, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The [[malt house|maltings]], later used for other purposes, are in red brick with Welsh [[slate]] roofs. The main building has two storeys, ten [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a three-span roof. At right angles to the left are [[kiln]]s, and to the right is the [[Hydraulic accumulator|accumulator]] tower.
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|Ancillary buildings, [[Claymills Pumping Station]]<br/><small></small>
|The oldest of the buildings are a workshop and an agitator engine house. The chief engineer's office and a tinsmith's shop were added in about 1910, followed by a dynamo house in 1936–37. The buildings are mainly in red brick with [[slate]] roofs, and form two separate blocks.
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|Former Head Post Office<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Former Head Post Office, Burton upon Trent.jpg|70px|centre]]
|The former post office has a ground floor in [[sandstone]], and above it is in brick with stone dressings and [[belt course|bands]]. The south front has three storeys and attics, and three [[gable]]d [[bay (architecture)|bays]], behind is a service tower, and a single-storey nine-bay wing. In the ground floor is a central doorway with a [[voussoir]]ed segmental arch and a [[pediment]]ed hood, and in the outer bays are doorways surrounded by windows, and with curved hoods. In the middle floor are three-light windows, and the top floor are [[Venetian window]]s. In the gables are small two-light [[mullion]]ed windows, and on the apices are [[finial]]s, each with a [[cartouche (design)|cartouche]].
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|56 High Street<br/><small></small>
|[[File:56 High Street, Burton upon Trent.jpg|70px|centre]]
|The house is in red brick with [[stucco]]ed dressings, [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[belt course|sill bands]], a [[corbel]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]], and a tile roof with [[coping (architecture)|coped]] [[gable]] ends. There are three storeys and five [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The central doorway has [[fluting (architecture)|fluted]] [[pilaster]]s, a rectangular [[fanlight]], and a [[volute]]d [[pediment]] on [[corbel|consoles]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]]; in the ground floor they have [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]] decorated with garlands, and in the top floor they are voluted.
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|Magistrates' Court<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Magistrate's Court, Burton upon Trent.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The court is built in artificial stone, and is in [[English Baroque]] style. The projecting centrepiece contains a large semicircular-headed window with a [[festoon]]ed and [[volute]]d [[keystone (architecture)|keyblock]], and is flanked by engaged [[Ionic order|Ionic]] columns and [[cartouche (design)|cartouches]]. Above is an [[egg-and-dart]] [[frieze]], a [[modillion]] [[eaves]] [[cornice]], and a carved [[parapet]]. The whole building is surmounted by a drum and a [[cupola]]. On the sides are two-storey wings, the lower wing protruding and containing circular windows with [[Gibbs surround]]s and doorways with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] surrounds and cartouches above. The recessed upper storey has [[sash window]]s with keyblocks and a [[balustrade]]d parapet.
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|Rifle Range Target Wall<br/><small></small>
|The rifle range target wall is built in brick with a [[cast iron]] facing to the central wall. It is symmetrical and consists of a central stop wall and flanking side walls. At the right end is the target store with two storeys and a [[slate]] roof.
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|War memorial<br/><small></small>
|[[File:War Memorial - Burton-on-Trent - geograph.org.uk - 1710187.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The war memorial was designed by [[Henry Charles Fehr]] and consists of a bronze statue of a winged Victory holding a a sword and a [[laurel wreath]] and standing on a bronze globe. This is on a square [[pedestal]] of [[Portland stone]] with [[putto|cherubs]] on the corners. By the pedestal is bronze statue of [[Saint George]], and one of Peace holding a dove. On the pedestal are bronze plaques with inscriptions relating to the two World Wars. The memorial is on a three-stepped base and is surrounded by a low wall.
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|The Ritz Cinema<br/><small></small>
|The cinema, now disused, is in brick on a steel frame, with stone dressings, and is in [[Modernism|Modernist]] style. The entrance front is symmetrical, and has four storeys and five [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. Steps lead up to the entrance, over which is a [[canopy (building)|canopy]]. In the first floor are five square windows, and in the second floor is a group of six smaller square windows, with further flanking windows. At the top is a stone [[cornice]] containing more windows. Inside there is a foyer with a café above, and beyond is a double-height auditorium.
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[[Category:Lists of buildings and structures in Staffordshire]]
April 29, 2019 at 07:52PM
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