Wednesday, December 12, 2018

AIで人物を検知して製鉄所の作業安全をサポート 危険時はAIが警報を発してラインを停止――JFE ...

AIで人物を検知して製鉄所の作業安全をサポート 危険時はAIが警報を発してラインを停止――JFE ...

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JFEスチールは2018年12月11日、NEC、NECソリューションイノベータとともに、AIによる画像認識技術活用して、製鉄所で作業者の安全行動をサポートする技術 ...
December 12, 2018 at 05:48PM



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アクセンチュアは2018年12月12日、人工知能(AI)の活用状況に関する調査結果の説明会を開いた。「AIの積極活用は日本の経済成長にプラスの効果を ...
December 12, 2018 at 04:51PM

Jörg Herchet

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Jörg Herchet

LouisAlain: ←Created page with ' '''Jörg Herchet''' (born 20 September 1943) is a German composer. == Life == Born in Dresden, Herchet grew up as the son of a driver and a work...'

'''Jörg Herchet''' (born 20 September 1943) is a German composer.

== Life ==
Born in [[Dresden]], Herchet grew up as the son of a driver and a worker in modest circumstances. As a pupil he received [[Recorder (musical instrument)|recorder]] and [[cello]] lessons, later piano and singing lessons. Already at that time he composed his first smaller compositions.

From 1962 to 1965 he studied composition at the [[Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber]] in Dresden with [[Johannes Paul Thilman]] and [[Manfred Weiss (composer)|Manfred Weiss]], cello with Clemens Dillner and piano with Ilse Brähmer. The use of a [[Franz Kafka]] text in his composition ''Interfragmentarium zum werke von franz k. für klavier und alt'' led to distortions with the Hochschule, whereupon Herchet continued his composition studies at the [[Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler"]] in [[East-Berlin]] with [[Rudolf Wagner-Régeny]] from 1967 to 1969. His diploma thesis on ''The importance of music-theoretical writings by [[Arnold Schönberg|Schönberg]] and [[Paul Hindemith|Hindemith]] for the development of a compositional theory'' was rejected on the grounds that a compositional theory "must lead to [[Hanns Eisler]] and not to [[Pierre Boulez]]". He also studied musicology (among others with ) at the [[Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin]].

After Herchet first worked as an assistant in the book trade and received organ lessons from Gerald Stier and from 1969 to 1970, he became a master student of [[Paul Dessau]] from 1970 to 1974. In 1974, Herchet moved back to Dresden and lived there as a freelance composer. With works whose instrumentation Herchet gradually enlarged, he gradually became known. The orchestral composition ''komposition für flöte und orchester'' from 1976 was his first great success. During the 1980 [[Donaueschinger Musiktage]], his ''komposition für trombone, bariton und orchester'' was premiered.

From 1981 he received teaching positions for composition and composition at the Hochschule für Musik "Carl Maria von Weber". In 1992 he was appointed professor for [[musical composition]] and [[musical analysis|analysis]]. His students included , Lydia Weißgerber, , , , , , and . Herchet retired in 2009 and now lives in [[Weinböhla]].

== Awards ==
* 1993: Internationaler Bodensee-Kulturpreis für Musik
* Since 1995: Member of the [[Sächsische Akademie der Künste]]

== Compositions (selection) ==
* Composition 1 for organ (1981)
* ''Namen Gottes''. Composition 3 for organ (Zyklus; 1990–)
* ''Das geistliche Jahr.'' (Kantatenzyklus zum geistlichen Jahr; 1978–)
* ''Bußkantate'' Composition for soprano, alto, baritone, choir, harp, percussion and organ (to the text by Jörg Milbradt, 1978), premiered by dedicatee and .
* Composition for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and piano (1978), premiered in Berlin 1979 by the
* ''Nachtwache.'' Composition for musical theatre (1987)
* ''Abraum.'' Composition for musical theatre (1996/1997). [[libretto]] Jörg Milbradt (nach Motiven aus '''' by [[Gerhart Hauptmann]]), premiered in 1997 in Leipzig, conductor [[Lothar Zagrosek]]
* Composition for flute (also [[alto flute]]) and orchestra (1976)
* ''Cantata para la Fiesta de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe'' (Cantata for the [[Our Lady of Guadalupe]] festival) (2013) text: Jörg Milbradt, after Valeriano, Antonio: Nican Mopohua/Traducción del Nuatl al Castillano por Mario Rojas Sanchez. Puebla 1989. Partially premiered on 2 April 2013 in [[Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza|Puebla]] (Mexico). World premiere of the complete work on 7 May 2014 in Dresden.

== Discography ==
* CD Komposition 1 für 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncello. [[Arditti Quartet]]. [[Wergo]] 1986.
* CD Namen Gottes: Orgelwerke. Gary Verkade. [[Querstand (Label)|Querstand]] 2008.
* CD Das geistliche Jahr 1. Vier Kantaten. Meißner Kantorei 1961. [[Christfried Brödel]]. Querstand 2012.
* CD Das geistliche Jahr 2. Vier Kantaten. Meißner Kantorei 1961. Christfried Brödel, [[elole-Klaviertrio]]. Querstand 2013.
* CD Das geistliche Jahr 3. Drei Kantaten. Meißner Kantorei 1961. Christfried Brödel; Matthias Geuting. Querstand 2017.
* CD Seligpreisungen. Komposition I für Orgel Stück VIII. [[Dominik Susteck]], Organ. Querstand 2013.

== Bibliography ==
* [[Christoph Sramek]]: ''Die töne haben mich geblendet''. Verlag Klaus-Jürgen Kamprad, Altenburg 2003.
* Über Herchet-Aufführungen des Dresdner Kreuzchores, in [[Matthias Herrmann (musicologist)|Matthias Herrmann]]'s ''Dresdner Kreuzchor und zeitgenössische Chormusik. Ur- und Erstaufführungen zwischen Richter und Kreile'', Marburg 2017, (Schriften des Dresdner Kreuzchores, Vol. 2)
*Patrick Beck: ''Am Fixpunkt der Seele – Gespräch mit Jörg Herchet.'' In [[Ostragehege (newspaper)|Ostragehege]], Zeitschrift für Literatur und Kunst, issue 52, Dresden 2008.
* Felicitas Nicolai: ''… daß ich in der kirche so gar keine heimat finden konnte, hat mich sehr geschmerzt …. Jörg Herchet im Gespräch über seinen Kantatenzyklus "Das geistliche Jahr" dated 22 August 1995.'' In Matthias Herrmann's ''Die Dresdner Kirchenmusik im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.'' Laaber, Laaber 1998, . . (= ''Musik in Dresden'', 3)

== References ==

== External links ==
* [,+Jörg&__clear= Jörg Herchet] beim Verlag [[Breitkopf & Härtel]]
* [ Jörg Herchet] im "Archiv für Zeitgenössische Komponisten" der [[Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden|Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden]]

[[Category:1943 births]]
[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:People from Dresden]]
[[Category:20th-century German composers]]
[[Category:21st-century German composers]]
[[Category:German male musicians]]
[[Category:German music educators]]

December 12, 2018 at 07:38PM

Why you should skip the workout if you're hungover, according to experts

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Why you should skip the workout if you're hungover, according to experts Experts say you could do more damage than good.
December 12, 2018 at 07:00PM

AI経営を攻める – ファストファッションECの旗手 by CROOZがサイジニアと運命の出会い

AI経営を攻める – ファストファッションECの旗手 by CROOZがサイジニアと運命の出会い

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2018年10月22日に移転したばかりのSHOPLIST by CROOZのオフィス(大崎). 1アイテムの平均単価は1800円。ファッションアイテムとしては低価格路線 ...
December 12, 2018 at 10:28AM

2019年1月1日「株式会社AI Samurai」に社名変更の御報告

2019年1月1日「株式会社AI Samurai」に社名変更の御報告

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社名変更の背景 2015年9月に設立されたゴールドアイピー社は人間とAIとの共創社会をつくるという創業者白坂 一の理念をもとにリーガルテックカンパニー ...
December 12, 2018 at 04:07PM



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AIによるWeb解析サービス提供のWACUL、リコー<7752>などから総額5.6億円の資金調達を実施 □アクセス分析などのサムライファクトリー、Webサービス「 ...
December 12, 2018 at 04:41PM

第11回3D PACS研究会,「AIにつなげる技術」をテーマに開催

第11回3D PACS研究会,「AIにつなげる技術」をテーマに開催

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第11回3D PACS研究会(代表世話人:国立病院機構宮城病院・立石敏樹氏)が,2018年12月9日(日),「AIにつなげる技術」をテーマとして東京大学医学部附属 ...
December 12, 2018 at 03:55PM

「Snapdragon 855」で注目したい「5G」と「AI」 2019年以降のスマホで可能になること (1/2)

「Snapdragon 855」で注目したい「5G」と「AI」 2019年以降のスマホで可能になること (1/2)

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米Qualcommが最新のSnapdragon製品ならびに関連ソリューションを紹介するイベント「Snapdragon Tech Summit 2018」が米ハワイ州マウイ島で開催された ...
December 12, 2018 at 12:11PM



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2017年度のAI主要5市場の合計売上金額は116億円、前年度比65.2%増と急速な伸びを示した(図1)。各市場ともに、認識精度の向上など技術的な進歩とともに ...
December 12, 2018 at 09:56AM

「クラウドやAIを使えばセキュリティは万全」と思ったら大間違い? 2019年の攻撃予測をマカフィーに聞いた ...

「クラウドやAIを使えばセキュリティは万全」と思ったら大間違い? 2019年の攻撃予測をマカフィーに聞いた ...

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ランサムウェア攻撃が全世界を席巻した過去2年間とは打って変わり、2018年は、仮想通貨を狙った不正アクセスやマイニングを行うマルウェア、一目では見破れ ...
December 12, 2018 at 08:25AM

Hòa Minzy

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Hòa Minzy
December 12, 2018 at 02:00PM

Asus ZenFone Max Pro M2

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Asus ZenFone Max Pro M2ZenFone Max Pro M2
December 12, 2018 at 09:00AM

San Martino, Spello

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San Martino, Spello

Rococo1700: ←Created page with ''''San Martino''' is a 12th-century Roman Catholic church located in the terziere of Pusterula in the town of Spello, province of Perugia, region of...'

'''San Martino''' is a 12th-century [[Roman Catholic]] church located in the terziere of Pusterula in the town of [[Spello]], [[province of Perugia]], region of [[Umbria]], Italy.

Documents allude to the founding of the church in the 11th-12th centuries. The church is dedicated to St Martin, Bishop of Tours. However, the first documentation we have for this church dates to 1333; in the next century it was subsumed to the local church of [[San Lorenzo, Spello|San Lorenzo]], but in 1561, it fell under the direct jurisdiction of the Papal government.

In the 19th-century, priests dedicated to the cult of the ''Vergine Addolorata'' were installed. In 1870, this institution was suppressed and the church was transferred to a confraternity known as the ''Congregazione di Carità di Spello''.

The church has a simple layout with [[Romanesque architecture|Romanesque]] elements. The simple facade in white stone has a sail like bell-casing in the tympanum. Below is a mullioned window, and an arched portal. All the original paintings have been dispersed. Presently it has a altarpiece of the ''Madonna of the Poor'' (1988) by Orlando Tisato. On the left wall are remains of 15th century frescoes depicting ''St Martin granting his cloak to the poor'' and a ''St Sebastian''. There is a wooden sculpture of ''Ecce Homo'' from the 17th-century.<ref>[ Entry on church in website of Comune of Spello].</ref>

==Interior artworks==


[[Category:Churches in Spello]]
[[Category:14th-century Roman Catholic church buildings]]

December 12, 2018 at 01:28PM

Samsung、最新スマホGalaxy A8sでイヤホンジャックを廃止

Samsung、最新スマホGalaxy A8sでイヤホンジャックを廃止

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Samsungはこれまで、いち早くイヤホンジャックを廃止したAppleのiPhoneを散々こき下ろしてきました。Appleが2016年にiPhone7/7 Plusでイヤホンジャックを ...
December 12, 2018 at 08:37AM

Why artificial intelligence is likely to take more lives

Why artificial intelligence is likely to take more lives

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Artificial neurons for deeply intelligent machines – this is the new artificial intelligence (AI) revolution, led by Geoffrey Hinton and his team since 2012.
December 12, 2018 at 01:43AM

2018-12-11 05:33:11 UTC M4.7 TARAPACA, CHILE 7hr 14min ago IV Depth

2018-12-11 05:33:11 UTC M4.7 TARAPACA, CHILE 7hr 14min ago IV Depth

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Macroseismic Intensity, IV Effects: Largely Observed. Distances. 538 km S of La Paz, Bolivia, Plurinational State of / pop: 813,000 / local time: ...
December 11, 2018 at 11:56PM

2018-12-11 11:13:07 UTC M3.6 COLORADO 1hr 34min ago F Depth:5

2018-12-11 11:13:07 UTC M3.6 COLORADO 1hr 34min ago F Depth:5

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Macroseismic Intensity, F Effects: Felt. Distances. 803 km NE of Phoenix, United States / pop: 1,446,000 / local time: 04:13:07.9 2018-12-11 204 km W ...
December 11, 2018 at 09:47PM

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2

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Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2
December 12, 2018 at 09:00AM

A Simple Favor

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A Simple Favor
December 12, 2018 at 06:00AM

AIが理想の相手をマッチング 内面の相関性も重視――婚活サイト「Pairs」と東大山崎研究室、新 ...

AIが理想の相手をマッチング 内面の相関性も重視――婚活サイト「Pairs」と東大山崎研究室、新 ...

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エウレカが運営する恋愛・婚活マッチングサービス「Pairs(ペアーズ)」と東京大学 大学院情報理工学系研究科 山崎研究室は2018年12月10日、AI技術を導入 ...
December 11, 2018 at 06:56PM

人間がAIより優れているのは創造力。AIが自力で創造力を持つ日は来るか? - Appier

人間がAIより優れているのは創造力。AIが自力で創造力を持つ日は来るか? - Appier

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2018年12月11日Appier Japan ブログ〜 筆者ミン・スンチーフAIサイエンティスト「技術が急速に進歩し、人工知能(AI)の可能性が急速に高まっているが、 ...
December 11, 2018 at 06:03PM



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松尾豊氏(AI白書編集委員、東京大学大学院特任准教授)や川上量生氏(株式会社ドワンゴ取締役CTO)ら、人工知能(AI)分野を代表する研究者が編集・執筆し ...
December 11, 2018 at 06:00PM

mưa to

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mưa to
December 12, 2018 at 02:00AM

Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2

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Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2Zenfone Max Pro M2
December 11, 2018 at 09:00PM



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短いリリースで恐縮ですが、2018年12月20日よりBIGLOBEモバイルでiPhone 7の販売を開始します。価格などは発売当日にHP上でお知らせしますので、ご ...
December 12, 2018 at 12:11AM



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December 11, 2018 at 09:22PM

iPhone 7がワイモバイルで発売決定!イヤホンジャックは無し!

iPhone 7がワイモバイルで発売決定!イヤホンジャックは無し!

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ワイモバイル(Y!mobile)で「iPhone 7」の32GBモデルと128GBモデルが2018年12月20日(木)に発売開始となることが発表!
December 11, 2018 at 06:22PM

#2: The Point of It All: A Lifetime of Great Loves and Endeavors

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#2: The Point of It All: A Lifetime of Great Loves and Endeavors

The Point of It All
The Point of It All: A Lifetime of Great Loves and Endeavors
Charles Krauthammer , Daniel Krauthammer
4.4 out of 5 stars(26)
Release Date: December 4, 2018

Buy new: $28.00 $16.80
73 used & new from $16.80

(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
December 12, 2018 at 12:53AM

#1: Becoming

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#1: Becoming

Michelle Obama
4.9 out of 5 stars(1329)
Release Date: November 13, 2018

Buy new: $32.50 $19.50
38 used & new from $18.52

(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
December 12, 2018 at 12:53AM

#3: Dog Man: Brawl of the Wild: From the Creator of Captain Underpants (Dog Man #6)

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#3: Dog Man: Brawl of the Wild: From the Creator of Captain Underpants (Dog Man #6)

Dog Man
Dog Man: Brawl of the Wild: From the Creator of Captain Underpants (Dog Man #6)
Dav Pilkey
4.8 out of 5 stars(30)
Release Date: December 24, 2018

Buy new: $9.99 $7.49

(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
December 12, 2018 at 12:53AM

#4: Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds

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#4: Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds

Can't Hurt Me
Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds
David Goggins
4.8 out of 5 stars(189)
Release Date: December 4, 2018

Buy new: $24.99 $15.25
4 used & new from $15.25

(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
December 12, 2018 at 12:53AM

#5: Fire & Blood: 300 Years Before A Game of Thrones (A Targaryen History) (A Song of Ice and Fire)

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#5: Fire & Blood: 300 Years Before A Game of Thrones (A Targaryen History) (A Song of Ice and Fire)

Fire & Blood
Fire & Blood: 300 Years Before A Game of Thrones (A Targaryen History) (A Song of Ice and Fire)
George R. R. Martin , Doug Wheatley
3.4 out of 5 stars(208)
Release Date: November 20, 2018

Buy new: $35.00 $20.99
95 used & new from $20.78

(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
December 12, 2018 at 12:53AM

#6: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - The Original Screenplay (Harry Potter)

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#6: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - The Original Screenplay (Harry Potter)

Fantastic Beasts
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - The Original Screenplay (Harry Potter)
J.K. Rowling , J. K. Rowling , MinaLima
4.1 out of 5 stars(99)
Release Date: November 16, 2018

Buy new: $24.99 $11.45
114 used & new from $10.95

(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
December 12, 2018 at 12:53AM

#7: The MeatEater Fish and Game Cookbook: Recipes and Techniques for Every Hunter and Angler

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#7: The MeatEater Fish and Game Cookbook: Recipes and Techniques for Every Hunter and Angler

The MeatEater Fish and Game Cookbook
The MeatEater Fish and Game Cookbook: Recipes and Techniques for Every Hunter and Angler
Steven Rinella
5.0 out of 5 stars(88)
Release Date: November 20, 2018

Buy new: $35.00 $23.15
9 used & new from $23.15

(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
December 12, 2018 at 12:53AM

#8: Becoming

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#8: Becoming

Michelle Obama
4.9 out of 5 stars(1328)
Release Date: November 13, 2018

Buy new: $34.50 $20.70
60 used & new from $20.70

(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
December 12, 2018 at 12:53AM

#10: P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever

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#10: P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever

P Is for Pterodactyl
P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever
Raj Haldar , Chris Carpenter , Maria Beddia
4.6 out of 5 stars(39)
Release Date: November 13, 2018

Buy new: $17.99 $12.68
9 used & new from $12.68

(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
December 12, 2018 at 12:53AM

#9: It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered

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#9: It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered

It's Not Supposed to Be This Way
It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered
Lysa TerKeurst
4.9 out of 5 stars(86)
Release Date: November 13, 2018

Buy new: $24.99 $16.09
80 used & new from $14.25

(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
December 12, 2018 at 12:53AM

UQ mobile、iPhone7を2018年12月に発売

UQ mobile、iPhone7を2018年12月に発売

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2016年9月に発売されたiPhone7は、iPhoneシリーズで初めてIP67等級の耐水防塵性能を持ち、Apple Payも使うことができます。また、イヤホンジャックが廃止 ...
December 11, 2018 at 07:52PM



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豊かな風合いと優れた耐久性を備えており、2019年1月から約10種類のiPhoneケースを販売する。 ラインアップは職人が丁寧に革を手編みし、カラフルながら ...
December 11, 2018 at 07:07PM

割れたiPhoneは 万円で売れる!中の人が語る2018年版「メルカリ断捨離」人気1位はまさかの…

割れたiPhoneは 万円で売れる!中の人が語る2018年版「メルカリ断捨離」人気1位はまさかの…

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同イベントでは実際、メルカリでは多くの「ヒビが入ったiPhone」も出品されており、実際に購入されているという。購入するユーザーがiPhoneの部品目的なのか、 ...
December 11, 2018 at 06:10PM

ASUS ZenFone Max Pro M2

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ASUS ZenFone Max Pro M2ZenFone Max Pro M2, harga asus zenfone max pro m2
December 11, 2018 at 06:00PM

BIGLOBEモバイル 「iPhone 7」の販売について

BIGLOBEモバイル 「iPhone 7」の販売について

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BIGLOBEは、モバイルサービス「BIGLOBEモバイル」のオンラインショップにおいて、2018年12月20日にiPhone 7の発売を開始します。
December 11, 2018 at 02:47PM



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機種代金についてはこちらをご覧ください。 iPhone 7の詳細はアップル社のホームページをご覧ください。 Apple、iPhoneは、米国および他の国々で登録され ...
December 11, 2018 at 02:28PM

May in the Netherlands as she fights to save Brexit deal

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May in the Netherlands as she fights to save Brexit deal Top European Union officials on Tuesday ruled out any renegotiation of the divorce agreement with Britain as Prime Minister Theresa May launched her fight to save her Brexit deal by lobbying leaders in Europe's capitals.
December 11, 2018 at 06:18PM

ワイモバイルで「iPhone 7」、12月20日から販売開始

ワイモバイルで「iPhone 7」、12月20日から販売開始

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ソフトバンクは、ワイモバイル(Y!mobile)ブランドで取り扱う端末として、Appleの「iPhone 7」を12月20日から販売する。 iPhone 7は2016年9月に発売された ...
December 11, 2018 at 03:00PM



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Googleは現地時間12月10日、同社が運営するSNSサービスGoogle+の個人向けサービス終了時期を、2019年4月に前倒しすると発表しました。同サービスで ...
December 11, 2018 at 01:18PM

「iPhone 7」をワイモバ・UQ mobileが12月発売

iPhone 7」をワイモバ・UQ mobileが12月発売

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iPhone 7は2016年に発売。iPhoneとして初めて防水仕様となったほか、FeliCaを内蔵し交通系電子マネーのSuicaにも対応するなど、6s以前と比べても「 ...
December 11, 2018 at 02:51PM

iPhoneのバッテリー交換 3200円でできるのは2018年いっぱいまで

iPhoneのバッテリー交換 3200円でできるのは2018年いっぱいまで

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昨年明らかになった、古いiPhoneでパフォーマンスが低下する問題。Apple的には理由あってやっていたとのことでしたが、大きく批判され、その対策の1つとして ...
December 11, 2018 at 12:51PM

Ding-Shinn Chen

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Ding-Shinn Chen

Vycl1994: +Category:Members of Academia Sinica; +Category:Members of the United States National Academy of Sciences using HotCat

'''Ding-Shinn Chen''' (; born 6 July 1943) is a Taiwanese hepatologist.

He was born on 6 July 1943,<ref name="dsc_cv"></ref> in what became [[Yingge District]], [[New Taipei City]].<ref name="pnas">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Chen's mother became sick when he was a child, and needed surgical intervention. As such, Chen was around medical professionals at a young age, which sparked his interest in the field.<ref name="pnas"/> Upon high school graduation, Chen was accepted into the [[National Taiwan University]] College of Medicine. He completed medical studies in 1968.<ref name="easlira">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Chen became a resident at [[National Taiwan University Hospital]] and later joined the NTU medical faculty.<ref></ref> In 1991, Chen was granted membership by the [[Academia Sinica]].<ref name="as1991">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> In 2005, the [[United States National Academy of Sciences]] named Chen a foreign associate.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref> He was the 2009 recipient of the International Recognition Award presented by the [[European Association for the Study of the Liver]].<ref name="easlira"/>

Chen specializes in liver disease research,<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> namely hepatitis.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> In 2002, Chen traveled to Malawi to deliver medical textbooks.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> During the [[2003 SARS outbreak]], Chen worked closely with on research into vaccinations against the disease.<ref name="as1991"/><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> In 2012, Chen spoke in support of decriminalizing medical malpractice.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> He favored granting [[Chen Shui-bian]] medical parole in 2014.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>


[[Category:1943 births]]
[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:Taiwanese physicians]]
[[Category:National Taiwan University alumni]]
[[Category:National Taiwan University faculty]]
[[Category:Deans (academic)]]
[[Category:People from New Taipei]]
[[Category:Members of Academia Sinica]]
[[Category:Members of the United States National Academy of Sciences]]

December 11, 2018 at 02:33PM

Wedding ring flushed down toilet found 9 years later in NJ town

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Wedding ring flushed down toilet found 9 years later in NJ town A New Jersey woman has her wedding ring back, nine years after she accidentally flushed it down her toilet.
December 11, 2018 at 01:16PM

AIの導入・ビジネス化に必要な情報を網羅 『AI白書2019』 刊行

AIの導入・ビジネス化に必要な情報を網羅 『AI白書2019』 刊行

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本書は、人工知能(AI)がもたらす技術革新と社会の変貌をまとめた本格的な白書として、爆発的に売れた『AI白書2017』の最新版です。松尾豊氏(東京大学 ...
December 11, 2018 at 09:00AM



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Appleは、iPhone Xを発表した2017年9月のイベントで、iPhoneとApple Watch、AirPodsの3つのデバイスを同時にワイヤレス充電できるAirPowerを発表しま ...
December 11, 2018 at 08:26AM

US Has Arrested 170 Immigrants Who Tried to Claim Migrant Children

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US Has Arrested 170 Immigrants Who Tried to Claim Migrant Children U.S. immigration authorities arrested 170 people between early July and late November who came forward to claim migrant children in government custody, according to official data released on Monday, a crackdown advocates say is discouraging relatives from volunteering to take in some of the 14,000 detained children. Of those arrested, 61 were classified as criminal while the other 109 had only committed immigration violations, said U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman Matthew Bourke. President Donald Trump won the White House on a promise to crack down on illegal immigrants and he has ordered more aggressive enforcement to dissuade migrants from crossing the U.S. southern border. U.S. laws and legal precedent limit the time migrant juveniles can be detained, so those caught crossing the border alone are often released to their parents or other close relatives. About 80 percent of potential sponsors that ICE conducted checks on in that five-month period were in the United States unlawfully, said Bourke. ​The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) cares for the migrant children, while the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) enforces immigration law and oversees ICE. HHS officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment. In April, HHS and DHS agreed they would share more information about children and their potential sponsors. That information was not previously routinely shared. HHS now provides immigration authorities with names, dates of birth, and fingerprints of potential sponsors. All adult members of the potential sponsor's household must also be fingerprinted, something not required in the past. The government says it wants to ensure that potential sponsors are suitable and properly vetted. But immigrant advocates have criticized the policy change, saying it is scaring parents and other relatives from claiming their children. On Nov. 28, 112 organizations wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and HHS Secretary Alex Azar urging them to reverse the policy. "Your agencies have taken a process designed to protect children and made it into a tool that uses them to find and deport their families," they wrote. In September, senior ICE official Matthew Albence testified to Congress that ICE had arrested 41 people who came forward to sponsor immigrant children. The figures provided by ICE on Monday include the 41 people mentioned by Albence, Bourke said.
December 11, 2018 at 11:10AM

Monday, December 10, 2018



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AbemaTVは2018年12月10日、同社が運営する無料インターネットテレビ局「AbemaTV」の昼のニュース番組「けやきヒルズ」で、AI(人工知能)によるリアルタイム ...
December 11, 2018 at 08:15AM



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クアルコムは2017年にiPhoneの製造と販売の中止を訴えています。その訴えが今回通ったことでiPhone 6からiPhone Xまでの販売が中止となりました。
December 11, 2018 at 06:45AM

The Miracle of the Desecrated Host

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The Miracle of the Desecrated Host

DilletantiAnonymous: /* Bibliography */

[[File:Giusto di Gand (Joos van Wassenhove), istituzione dell'eucarestia.jpg|thumb|left|van Wassenhove's ''The Institution of the Eucharist''.]]
'''''The Miracle of the Desecrated Host''''' is a six-panel tempera-on-panel [[predella]] by [[Paolo Uccello]], painted between 1467 and 1469 for the Confraternity of the Corpus Domini, which had also commissioned [[Joos van Wassenhove]]'s ''The Institution of the Eucharist'' (also known as ''The Communion of the Apostles'')<ref>Archives of the Confraternity of the Corpus Domini. Book B (entries and expenses).</ref>. That [[retable]] had been commissioned for the oratory of the Corpus Domini church in [[Urbino]]. The predella was completed before van Wassenhove's work and Uccello recceived his last payment on 17 October 1469 (folio 37v) and the rules made by folio 38r (a total of 18 [[florin]]s and 16 bolognini)<ref name=Schefer>Jean Louis Schefer</ref>.

Measuring 42 cm by 361 cm, the predella was moved to Santa Agatha then to the Scolopi College. It was then lost until 1858, when it was rediscovered in a barn and moved to the Ducal Palace. It had probably been used as a masons' bench and had been damaged, with the colours altered by traces of [[lime (material)|lime]]<ref name=Schefer/>. It was restored in 1954, revealing previous repainting and repairs<ref name=Schefer/>. It is now in the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche in Urbino.

== Description ==
It shows an anti-Semitic story of [[host desecration]], possibly inspired by [[Bernardino of Siena]]'s sermons<ref name=Schefer/>, running from left to right and with each scene separated from the next by separately-painted half-balustrades. From left to right these show
# a woman exchanges a host with a Jewish merchant for a mantle or a Jewish usurer for money
# the Jew tries to burn the host, but it starts to bleed, alerting the guards
# a procession is organised to re-consecrate the host
# despite repenting, the woman is burned at the stake, as an angel descends from heaven to save her
# the Jew and his family are burned at the stake
# two angels and two devils argue over the woman's body
<div style="width:800px">
<gallery mode="packed" >
Paolo Uccello 062.jpg|<center> Scene 1 </center>
Paolo Uccello 059.jpg|<center> Scene 2 </center>
Paolo Uccello 063.jpg|<center> Scene 3 </center>
Paolo Uccello 060.jpg|<center> Scene 4 </center>
Paolo Uccello - Miracle of the Desecrated Host (Scene 5) - WGA23226.jpg|<center> Scene 5 </center>
Paolo Uccello - Miracle of the Desecrated Host (Scene 6) - WGA23227.jpg|<center> Scene 6

== Analysis ==
[[File:Paolo uccello, studio di vaso in prospettiva 02.jpg|thumb|Travail perspectif de Paolo Uccello sur une poterie.]]
Le travail essentiellement remarquable de Paolo Uccello est sa capacité à maîtriser la [[perspective conique|perspective]] :
* par des [[point de fuite|points de fuite]] central ou latéral pour les intérieurs (scènes 1 et 2) accentués par le carrelage.
* en mêlant des vues d'intérieur et d'extérieur dans la même scène (scènes 2, 3 et 6).
* même si les scènes 4 et 5 sont traitées dans un mode plus conventionnel, au relief écrasé (premier plan des personnages + décor paysager du fond - rappelant probablement les décors des [[Mystère (théâtre)|mystères]]).
* La temporalité se manifeste par des demi-balustres architecturées, perspectives, aux génératrices dessinées aux bords droit et gauche, séparant chaque scène et par le mouvement donné à certains objets d'un tableau l'autre (hostie, arbre...).


== Bibliography ==
* Franco and Stefano Borsi, ''Paolo Uccello'', p. 260
* [[Jean-Louis Schefer]], ''L'Hostie profanée - histoire d'une fiction théologique'', [[Éditions P.O.L]], 2007, ISBN 978-2-84682-208-4
* Camille Salatko Petryszcze, mémoire de Master, [ ''Le Mistere de la Saincte Hostie'']
* [ Introductory summary to the work of Jean-Louis Schefer]

[[category:Paintings by Paolo Uccello]]
[[category:Collections of the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche‎]]
[[category:1460s paintings]]
[[category:Antisemitism in Italy]]
[[category:Christian antisemitism in the Middle Ages]]

December 11, 2018 at 06:00AM



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MMD研究所は12月10日、「2018年版:スマートフォン利用者実態調査」の結果を発表しました。スマートフォンの利用時間は「1日平均2〜3時間」が最多となりまし ...
December 11, 2018 at 12:11AM

The Best of AI: New Articles Published This Month (November 2018)

The Best of AI: New Articles Published This Month (November 2018)

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This is the November 2018 selection of our best and favorite articles in AI: 10 data articles handpicked by the Sicara team, just for you.
December 11, 2018 at 02:43AM



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学校法人先端教育機構 事業構想大学院大学(学長:田中 里沙、以下事業構想大学院大学)が開講する「AIエンジニア講座」が、2019年3月6日に第2期を開講し ...
December 10, 2018 at 04:07PM


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Pamrel: ←Created page with ''''Kärnä''' is a Finnish surname. ==Geographical distribution== As of 2014, 96.4% of all known bearers of the surname ''Kärnä'' were residents of...'

'''Kärnä''' is a [[Finns|Finnish]] surname.

==Geographical distribution==
As of 2014, 96.4% of all known bearers of the surname ''Kärnä'' were residents of [[Finland]] (frequency 1:3,910) and 2.3% of [[Sweden]] (1:289,611).

In [[Finland]], the frequency of the surname was higher than national average (1:3,910) in the following regions:<ref name="kärnä2014">[ärnä Kärnä surname distribution]</ref>
* 1. [[Kainuu]] (1:547)
* 2. [[North Karelia]] (1:876)
* 3. [[South Karelia]] (1:1,972)
* 4. [[North Ostrobothnia]] (1:3,164)
* 5. [[Northern Savonia]] (1:3,437)
* 6. [[Uusimaa]] (1:3,670)
* 7. [[South Ostrobothnia]] (1:3,687)

* [[Jarmo Kärnä]] (born 1958), Finnish long jumper
* [[Sari Kärnä]] (born 1988), Finnish ice hockey player


[[Category:Finnish-language surnames]]
[[Category:Surnames of Finnish origin]]

December 10, 2018 at 11:40PM

総務省認定iPhone修理業者がGoogle Pixelに熱視線を送るワケ

総務省認定iPhone修理業者がGoogle Pixelに熱視線を送るワケ

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一方でiPhoneは、XRの値下げなどもあり販売台数は予想を下回るという見方が強まっているものの、ランキング上では依然絶好調。2018年11月26日~12月02 ...
December 10, 2018 at 05:01PM

アイティフォーとAI inside が業務提携、AIを活用したOCRサービスを提供開始 ~高精度の読み取り ...

アイティフォーとAI inside が業務提携、AIを活用したOCRサービスを提供開始 ~高精度の読み取り ...

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株式会社アイティフォー(東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:東川 清)は、AI inside 株式会社(東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長CEO:渡久地 択)と2018年11月 ...
December 10, 2018 at 04:41PM



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2018年のiPhone最新モデルが販売不振と囁かれていることもあり、早くも2019年のiPhoneに期待をかける動きもあります。そんななか、来年のiPhoneに見た目 ...
December 10, 2018 at 12:20PM

「ライオン・キング」の限定グッズ キデイランド

「ライオン・キング」の限定グッズ キデイランド

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登場キャラクターを描いた米アップルのiPhone用ケース(価格は税別3223円)や、財布(同2900円)などを用意した。2019年のえとにちなみ、作品に登場する ...
December 10, 2018 at 01:52PM

2018 Mnet Asian Music Awards

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2018 Mnet Asian Music Awards
December 10, 2018 at 04:00PM

Allan Österlind

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Allan Österlind

WQUlrich: added Category:Swedish emigrants to France using HotCat

[[File:Allan Erik August Österlind - from Svenskt Porträttgalleri XX.png|thumb|185px|Emil Österlind, from the ''Svenskt Porträttgalleri XX'']]
'''Erik Allan August Österlind''' (2 November 1855, [[Stockholm]] - 23 June 1938, [[Juvisy-sur-Orge]]) was a Swedish painter and engraver who spent most of life in France.<ref>Obituary, ''[[Dagens Nyheter]]'', 25 June 1938 pg.7 </ref>

== Biography ==
[[File:Allan Österlind - Råttfångaren från Hameln.jpg|thumb|left|125px|The [[Pied Piper of Hamelin]]]]
He was born to a family of the Swedish nobility and his father was a wholesale merchant. From 1874 to 1875, he studied at the [[Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts]]. As many young Swedish artist did, he went to Paris in 1877 so he could establish his career by exhibiting in the various salons. He soon became a member of the Swedish community there and became a lifelong friend of the painter, [[Ernst Josephson]]. He also became acquainted with [[Ville Vallgren]], [[Christian Skredsvig]], [[August Strindberg]] and [[Eugen of Sweden|Prince Eugen]].

In 1878, he enrolled at the [[École des beaux-arts de Paris]] to study sculpture with [[Pierre-Jules Cavelier]], who recommended that he become a painter and illustrator instead. From 1879, he was a frequent visitor to the artists' colonies at [[Barbizon]] and [[Grez-sur-Loing]]. Over the next decade, he gave several exhibits of watercolors and portraits, often with dark undertones. He also made visits to [[Brittany]] and [[Creuse (département)|Creuse]], which became one of his favorite places.

In 1884 he, Josephson and [[Richard Bergh]] held a joint showing in Stockholm and, two years later, in [[Gothenburg]]. The following year, he became a signatory to an anti-Academy manifesto issued by a group known as the "". Despite opposition from King [[Oscar II]], he and other Swedish expatriates participated in the [[Exposition Universelle (1889)]], and he was awarded a silver medal.<ref>''Journal officiel de la République française'', 29 septembre 1889}}.</ref>.

That same year, he married Joséphine Eugénie Carré (1862-1916), thereby legitimizing their two children, Anna Alina (born 1882) and [[Anders Osterlind|Anders]], who would also become a painter. As a result, he remained in France for the rest of his life, although he never gave up his connections to Sweden and maintained a regular correspondence with Prince Eugen..

In 1890, he ceased participating in showings at the regular salons and became a member of the [[Société nationale des beaux-arts]], which began having annual exhibitions that year. Three years later, possibly at the urging of Josephson, he travelled throughout [[Andalusia]], making sketches that would later become watercolors. In 1894, he was named a Chevalier in the [[Legion of Honour]]. In 1900, he founded an association of watercolorists and began creating [[aquatint]]s.

The start of [[World War I]] and the death of his wife two years later left him in a state of depression and he spent more time travelling. He also began a curious collection of portrait paintings of the inhabitants of the [[Île-de-Bréhat]], done on glasses and plates, at a local cabaret called the "Café des Pêcheurs". Apparently, unable to pay his bill, he had painted a portrait of himself as compensation. Several artists followed suit and the Café became known as the "Cabaret des Décapités". Some of them may still be seen at the [[Verrerie of Brehat|Verrerie]].<ref>[ Le Décapités de Bréhat] @ Le Petit Futé.</ref>

He died in poverty in 1938. His works may be seen at the [[Nationalmuseum]], the [[Musée des beaux-arts de Tours]], [[Musée des beaux-arts de Reims]] and several others in France and Sweden.<ref>''Journal officiel de la République française'', 1 September 1913}</ref><ref>''Journal officiel de la République française'', 20 December 1918</ref>.

==Selected works==
<gallery mode="packed" heights=180>
File:Allan Osterlind "Les servantes".jpeg|The Servants
File:Allan Osterlind "Maison à Bréhat".jpeg|The Houses of Bréhat
File:Allan Österlind - Lekande barn - sommar på fäbodvallen.jpg|Children Playing
File:Allan Osterlind "Rodin dans son atelier".jpeg|[[Rodin]] in His Studio

== References ==

== External links ==

*[österlind/ More works by Österlind] @ ArtNet
*[ Biography] @ the ''Lexikonett Amanda''
*[ Allan Österlind, biography and virtual museum], @ the Anders Österlind Association.

[[Category:1855 births]]
[[Category:1938 deaths]]
[[Category:Swedish painters]]
[[Category:Genre painters]]
[[Category:Swedish watercolourists]]
[[Category:Swedish emigrants to France]]

December 10, 2018 at 05:33PM



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本講座では、市場価値の高いAIエンジニアに必須である「クリエイティビティ」を養成します。決められた解決方法をこなすエンジニアではなく、本講座で育成するの ...
December 10, 2018 at 04:07PM



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サイバーエージェントは2018年12月10日、子会社を通じて提供しているインターネットテレビ局「AbemaTV」が人工知能(AI)を導入し、リアルタイムAI字幕を ...
December 10, 2018 at 12:45PM

Hmcomm、AI音声認識プラットフォーム「営業日報・業務報告書自動作成システム~VCRM~」を協和 ...

Hmcomm、AI音声認識プラットフォーム「営業日報・業務報告書自動作成システム~VCRM~」を協和 ...

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設立日 : 2012年7月24日○所在地 : 本社 東京都港区芝大門2-11-1 富士ビル2階 熊本AIラボ 熊本県熊本市中央区水道町7-16 富士水道町ビル2階○事業 ...
December 10, 2018 at 03:00PM

Famous musclebound kangaroo named Roger dead at 12: report

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Famous musclebound kangaroo named Roger dead at 12: report The adorable red male hit the headlines in 2015 when photos of his muscly body and enormous biceps circulated online.
December 10, 2018 at 04:42PM

#10: It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered

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#10: It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered

It's Not Supposed to Be This Way
It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered
Lysa TerKeurst
4.9 out of 5 stars(83)
Release Date: November 13, 2018

Buy new: $24.99 $16.09
87 used & new from $13.50

(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
December 10, 2018 at 01:31PM

Maduro's grip on Venezuela tightens, warns of Trump threat

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Maduro's grip on Venezuela tightens, warns of Trump threat Socialist President Nicolas Maduro further consolidated power in Venezuelan local elections Sunday, while accusing President Donald Trump of plotting to overthrow him.
December 10, 2018 at 12:38PM

Sunday, December 9, 2018

#10: P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever

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#10: P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever

P Is for Pterodactyl
P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever
Raj Haldar , Chris Carpenter , Maria Beddia
4.5 out of 5 stars(35)
Release Date: November 13, 2018

Buy new: $17.99 $12.43
10 used & new from $12.43

(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
December 10, 2018 at 11:24AM



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PFUは2018年11月20日、業務用OCR(Optical Character Recognition、光学式文字認識)ソフトウェア「DynaEye EX」の機能を大幅に強化し、AI(人工知能)を ...
December 10, 2018 at 09:11AM



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1~3位は2017年発売のiPhone 8(au、softbank、docomo)。既に前モデルとなっているが、最新モデルを抑えて先週から引き続きトップを守っている。
December 10, 2018 at 09:56AM

【買い】NEC(6701):AI・IoT分野に期待 あすなろCEO 大石やすし

【買い】NEC(6701):AI・IoT分野に期待 あすなろCEO 大石やすし

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【WEBサイトチェック】 社長画像___ 役員画像___ デザイン性__ 使いやすさ__
December 10, 2018 at 08:37AM



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@AppleSupport Hi, no 4G in any of my devices (iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone XS Max, iPad Pro 12.9 2017) since I updated to iOS 12.1.1 last night!
December 10, 2018 at 08:15AM



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2018年秋に発売されたiPhone XS/XS Max、iPhone XRのシェア推移のデータを公表したのは、iOSのバージョン別シェアの独自データも公開している調査会社 ...
December 10, 2018 at 07:52AM



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2016年ごろ、拠点の1つがある米国では音声で操作するAIスピーカー「Amazon Echo」(米アマゾン・ドット・コム)が盛り上がっていた。そこで、関連する新規製品を ...
December 10, 2018 at 07:52AM

Automagi社、AI映像解析で運転中の居眠り検知 NTTドコモの開発を支援

Automagi社、AI映像解析で運転中の居眠り検知 NTTドコモの開発を支援

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AI(人工知能)関連事業などを手掛けるAutomagi株式会社(本社:東京都新宿区/代表取締役社長:櫻井将彦)は2018年12月9日までに、運転車の映像を解析し ...
December 10, 2018 at 01:07AM

#10: It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered

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#10: It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered

It's Not Supposed to Be This Way
It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered
Lysa TerKeurst
4.9 out of 5 stars(82)
Release Date: November 13, 2018

Buy new: $24.99 $16.09
89 used & new from $11.40

(Visit the Hot New Releases in Books list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
December 10, 2018 at 04:53AM

Perseus Freeing Andromeda (Wtewael)

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Perseus Freeing Andromeda (Wtewael)


'''''Perseus Freeing Andromeda''''' is a 1611 oil on canvas painter by the Dutch [[Mannerism|Mannerist]] painter [[Joachim Wtewael]]. Since 1982 it has been in the collection of the [[Louvre]] in Paris. A preparatory drawing for it also survives in the [[Albertina]] in Vienna, reprising the pose in the same artist's ''St Sebastian Bound to a Tree'' for Andromeda<ref></ref>. In the final painting he used a less curving and more supple pose for Andromeda.<ref>Ben Broos (ed.), ''Great Dutch Paintings from America'', Zwolle, Waanders, 1990, 562 p., p. 491, Catalogue Number: 73
- catalogue of an exhibition at the Mauritshuis in The Hague and the San Francisco Museum of Fine Arts</ref>


[[category:Mythological paintings]]
[[category:1611 paintings]]
[[category:Dutch Golden Age paintings]]
[[category:Paintings of the Louvre]]

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#10: P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever

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#10: P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever

P Is for Pterodactyl
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December 10, 2018 at 12:43AM

Shrine of St. Faustina (Warsaw)

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Shrine of St. Faustina (Warsaw)

Venomous Sniper: /* External links */

[[File:Warszawa, kościół pw. Miłosierdzia Bożego i Św. Faustyny.jpg|thumb|250px|Shrine of St. Faustina, front entrance]]
'''The Shrine of St. Faustina''' () is a [[Roman Catholicism|Roman Catholic]] church located in [[Warsaw]]; it is the center of the [[:pl:Parafia Miłosierdzia Bożego i św. Faustyny w Warszawie|Divine Mercy and St. Faustina Parish]]. From 1863 to 1944 the building served as internal [[chapel]] within the [[ Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy|Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy]] monastery compound; destroyed during the [[Warsaw Uprising]], it remained a ruin until the early 21st century, when it was brought to the current shape. The church and its immediate surroundings gained nationwide iconic status in the 1980s; the premises became the hub of independent art, strongly flavored with opposition to the official [[Communist Poland|political regime]]. Currently the church is known mostly as related to [[Saint Faustina Kowalska|Saint Faustina]], who entered the neighboring monastery in 1925.

==Conventual chapel==
[[File:Kościół Miłosierdzia Bożego i św. Faustyny w Warszawie (3).JPG|thumb|160px|left|church wall, Zytnia street]]
A large plot framed by [[:pl:Ulica Żelazna w Warszawie|Żelazna]], [[:pl:Ulica Żytnia w Warszawie|Żytnia]] and Wronia streets in the then half-rural part of the [[Wola|Wola district]]<ref>"Niejeden zapewne z czytelników moich nie był na ulicy Żytniej. A przecież to ulica szeroka, długa, niebrukowana, ma parę murowanych domów, kilkanaście drewnianych dworków, i dochodzi do samych wałów miasta", Józef Korzeniowski, ''Dzieła'', vol. 2, Warszawa 1871, p. 296 [description probably referring to the early 1860s]</ref> was purchased by [[archbishop of Warsaw]] [[Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński]] in 1862.<ref> ''[ W niedzielę konsekracja kościoła na Żytniej]'', [in:] ''Archidiecezja Warszawska'' service 20.04.2017 [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> The same year he transferred the parcel to congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, the order freshly founded in Warsaw with the intention to provide assistance to troubled girls, commonly known as "magdalenki".<ref> ''[ Warszawa. Miłosierdzia Bożego i św. Faustyny na Muranowie]'', [in:] ''Archidiecezja Warszawska'' service [retrieved 8.December 2018]. The issue is not entirely clear. Another source claims that the Zytnia "magdalenki" were girls warded by another female convent located at Zytnia, Siostry św. Marii Magdaleny od Pokuty, ''[ Magdalenki]'', [in:] ''Nowa Panorama Literatury Polskiej'' service [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> Upon settling at the estate the Sisters adopted an existing wooden manor as a chapel;<ref> Hugon Bukowski, ''Żytnia. Kto o tym pamięta?'', [w:] ''Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej'' 122-123 (2011), p. 73</ref> it was consecrated on November 1, 1862.<ref>''[ 1 listopada 2017 – 155. rocznica powstania Zgromadzenia Sióstr Matki Bożej Miłosierdzia]'', [in:] ''Miresicors'' service 01.11 2017 [retrieved 8.December 2018]</ref> The task of developing the monastery coincided with outbreak of the [[January Uprising]] and ensuing [[Tsarist Russian Empire|Russian]] crackdown on perceived foci of rebellion; the measures applied were directed also against the Roman-Catholic Church and religious orders.<ref> Artur Górecki, ''[ Kościół katolicki w Królestwie Polskim po upadku powstania styczniowego]'', [in:] ''Christianistas'' service 23.01.2018 [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> The Sisters dodged administrative restrictions by going into semi-clandestine status and the monastery posed as "charity and relief house".<ref> Bukowski 2011, p. 73</ref>

In 1873 the [[abbess]] mother Teresa, in private countess Ewa Potocka,<ref>''[ W niedzielę konsekracja kościoła na Żytniej]'', [in:] ''Archidiecezja Warszawska'' service 20.04.2017 [retrieved 8. December 2018], details on Matka Teresa Ewa z książąt Sułkowskich hr. Potocka, [in:] Faustyna service [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> dedicated her own money to construction of a new chapel. It was designed by Władysław Kosmowski, an architect involved in a number of religious projects in Warsaw.<ref> see e.g. Paweł Giergoń, ''[ Warszawa – kościół p.w. św. Kazimierza]'', [in:] ''Sztuka'' service [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> Made of bricks and replacing the previous wooden construction, the new chapel was outlined as a rather modest building. To deceive the Russian administration the small, 8x17m rectangular one-nave building was covered with a flat roof; main entrance was from an internal yard and a small apse, reaching towards the Żytnia street, was camouflaged wrapped within residential premises.<ref> Franciszek Mróz, ''Szlakiem św. s. Faustyny Kowalskiej'', [in:] ''Peregirnus Cracoviensis'' 9 (2000), p. 29</ref> The interior is described as adhering to a neo-[[Romanesque architecture|Romanesque]] style, though there is no photographic evidence remaining.<ref> Zofia Sowińska-Bania, ''Kościół p. wezw. Niepokalanego Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w parafii św. Jakuba w Warszawie'', [in:] ''Nasza przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce'' 64 (1985), p. 190</ref>

The chapel kept serving the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy and their protégés, "fallen and neglected girls", boarded in a dedicated ward;<ref>the corrective institution ran by the sisters was well known in Warsaw and made it to one of the most popular novels of Polish literature, ''Lalka'' by Bolesław Prus, serialized in the press in the late 1880s; "Nie pójdziesz do żadnego pana, tylko do magdalenek. Albo wracaj na miejsce. — Magdalenki mnie nie wezmą. Trzeba zapłacić dług i mieć poręczenie… — Wszystko będzie załatwione, jeżeli tam pójdziesz". Prus also referred to the institution in his journalistic work, see e.g. "co to są "Magdalenki"? Są to osoby, dla których "nieopatrzny przykład lub namiętność stały się przyczyną upadku" a które cofnęły się z niebezpiecznej drogi do portu położonego przy ulicy Żytniej, gdzie zawsze mają dozór i opiekę, ale, jak mówi hr. St. Al., nie zawsze wiedzą co jutro będą jadły", Bolesław Prus, ''"[ Magdalenki" - wyprzedawanie ziemi]'', [in:] ''Kurier Codzienny'' 336 (1897) </ref> outsiders were admitted only once in a year, during [[Easter]].<ref> Hanna Dzielińska, ''Żytnia. Historia pewnej ulicy'', [in:] ''Temidium'' 87 (2016), p. 68</ref> The best-known Polish mystic later to be known as St. Faustina entered the convent in 1925 and lived there on the on-and-off basis until 1933.<ref> see e.g. Franciszek Cegiełka, ''Siostra Faustyna - Szafarka Miłosierdzia Bożego'', Warszawa 2003, Grzegorz Górny, Janusz Rosikoń, ''Ufam. Śladami Siostry Faustyny'', Warszawa 2015, ISBN 9788388848742</ref> There were no major architectural changes registered for 63 years, though it is likely that during this period the interior décor was being systematically adjusted. The building underwent major refurbishment in 1936-1938. The main [[nave]] was extended by few meters, an [[aisle]] was added along the Western wall, the [[chancel]] was slightly broadened and a bell-tower was built next to the South-Western corner of the temple; the chapel turned into a small church and as such is referred to in some sources.<ref> Mróz 2000, p. 29</ref>
[[File:Matka Teresa Ewa Potocka zd. Sułkowska (tablica pamiątkowa) 1.jpg|thumb|160px|plaque to Potocka]]
In course of the [[Battle of Warsaw (1939)|battle of Warsaw in 1939]] the Sisters cared to soldiers wounded in combat.<ref> Tomasz Urzykowski, ''[ Po przebudowie kościoła żal osmalonych ścian]'', [in:] ''Gazeta Wyborcza'' 23.04.2017 [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> During the [[Nazi occupation of Poland|Nazi rule]] the compound kept serving its original purpose and unlike in case of many other religious orders, the Sisters have not been evicted. Since 1940 the buildings were in immediate vicinity of the [[Warsaw Ghetto|Ghetto wall]]; there are known cases of fleeing [[Jews of Poland|Jewish]] girls either assisted or going into hiding in the monastery.<ref> Bukowski 2011, p. 73</ref> On August 2, 1944, during the second day of the Warsaw Uprising, the Sisters admitted into their premises detachments of the [[Battalion Parasol|Parasol battalion]], the insurgent unit which controlled the area; the rebels took part in the afternoon mass in the church.<ref>''[ 73 lata temu przed rozpoczęciem walk modlił się tam Batalion "Parasol". 2 sierpnia uroczysta Msza św. w intencji Powstańców]'', [in:] ''Archidiecezja Warszawska'' service 25.07.2017 [retrieved 8. December 2018], Agnieszka Kurek-Zajączkowska, ''[ W 73. rocznicę Mszy św. Batalionu "Parasol" w kościele na Żytniej zapoczątkowano modlitwę za powstańców]'', [in:] ''Gość Warszawski'' 03.08.2017 [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref>

German troops captured the area on August 9, 1944;<ref>''[ Żytnia]'', [in:] ''Ulice twojego miasta'' service [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> none of the sources consulted clarifies whether the chapel or the monastery was damaged during combat.<ref> some claim that that there were underground sewage transport routes from the chapel to other insurgent defense strongholds, though there is evidence provided, J. Rostworowski, ''Spotkanie z historykiem sztuki'' [in:] ''Dialog Kościoła z kulturą'', Kraków 1986, p. 79</ref> By September the Nazis evicted all Sisters<ref> according to other sources „most sisters" were evicted, ''[ Kościół na Żytniej. Tu się wszystko zaczęło]'', [in:] ''Stacja7'' service [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> and their 200 protégés, herding them towards a [[Nazi concentration camps|concentration camp]]; one nun was shot at the spot for refusing to leave.<ref> Bukowski 2011, p. 73</ref> Soon afterwards the entire compound was purposely burnt down by the Germans. The church lost all wooden and metal equipment, including interior and the roof; what was left was seared, partially damaged walls.<ref> compare ''Google Earth'' layer of December 1945</ref>

[[File:Młynów, Warszawa, Poland - panoramio - Roman Eugeniusz (3).jpg|thumb|left|eastern aisle, current view]]
After the war the compound for decades remained a fenced moonscape, hosting ruins, half-demolished houses, and provisional wooden structures; some of the buildings were subject to further destruction at the hands of individuals in search of re-usable bricks. Once the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy managed to re-claim the plot they focused on the main convent building and the ward. The authorities refused to grant the building permit needed to commence re-construction of the church;<ref> ''[ W niedzielę konsekracja kościoła na Żytniej]'', [in:] ''Archidiecezja Warszawska'' service 20.04.2017 [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> for their own needs the Sisters arranged for one of the larger rooms in the neighboring conventual house to serve as a chapel.<ref> Remigiusz Malinowski, ''[ Żytnią do nieba]'', [in:] ''Niedziela'' 17 (2006) [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> Over time the site, including the church ruins, became overgrown with self-sown trees, their branches gradually reaching over the roofless walls.<ref> ''[ Bóg go ocalił jako znak]'', [in:] ''Gazeta Wesoła'' s.a. [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> Until the early 1970s the dilapidating ruins were the only pre-war Warsaw temple which has not been brought back to shape and the entire quarter was standing out among neighboring sections, developed with large [[Condominium|condo-type residential buildings]].<ref> ''[ W niedzielę konsekracja kościoła na Żytniej]'', [in:] ''Archidiecezja Warszawska'' service 20.04.2017 [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref>

In 1973 the ruins attracted attention of rev. Wojciech Czarnowski, a 35-year priest commissioned to provide spiritual service to the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy monastery. Just prior to Easter of 1973 and aided by few locals he broke into the fenced and off-limits site and in the hastily ordered porch he said mass for the first time in 29 years.<ref> ''[ Bóg go ocalił jako znak]'', [in:] ''Gazeta Wesoła'' s.a. [retrieved 8. December 2018]; according to some sources it was on May 26, 1973, ''[ Miłosierdzia Bożego i św. Faustyny na Muranowie]'', [in:] ''Archidiecezja Warszawska service'' [retrieved 8.December 2018]</ref> During the next year Czarnowski and his men were removing debris, cutting down vegetation and provisionally insulating the walls; the work – technically illegal given the off-limits dangerous site status of the plot – was crowned with mounting transparent PVC sheets as a provisional roof. Simultaneously the archbishopric office renewed attempts to obtain the building permit, finally granted just prior to Easter 1974.<ref> ''[ Kościół Miłosierdzia Bożego i świętej Faustyny]'', [in:] ''E-przewodnik po dzielnicy Wola'', [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> In April 1974 the site was visited by the [[Primate of Poland|primate]] [[Stefan Wyszyński]],<ref> ''[ Kościół Miłosierdzia Bożego i świętej Faustyny]'' [in:] ''E-przewodnik po dzielnicy Wola'' service [retrieved 8. December 2018], according to other sources it was in May 1974, ''[ 'Bóg go ocalił jako znak]'', [in:] ''Gazeta Wesoła'' s.a. [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> who consecrated the church and named it after the Divine Mercy.<ref> ''[ Kościół Miłosierdzia Bożego i świętej Faustyny]'', [in:] ''E-przewodnik po dzielnicy Wola'' [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> In 1977 the [[:pl:Wojewódzki konserwator zabytków|office for historical monuments]] – uninterested in the building so far - formally approved of refurbishment, though actual terms remain unclear; according to some sources walls were to be kept intact,<ref> ''[ Kościół na Żytniej]'', [in:] ''Eeala'' blog 11.07.2016 [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> according to others interior was to "retain traces of the past".<ref>„Zgodnie z zaleceniami generalnego konserwatora zabytków we wnętrzu pozostawiono ślady przeszłości", Tomasz Urzykowski, ''[ Rozmowa z architektem Zbigniewem Welmą]'', [in:] ''Gazeta Wyborcza'' 13.06.2003 [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref>
[[File:Młynów, Warszawa, Poland - panoramio - Roman Eugeniusz (2).jpg|thumb|160px|altar, current view]]
In the late 1970s Czarnowski and the Wola locals kept fixing up the church and refurbishing a neighboring run-down building; the work progressed slowly as it was largely a small-scale effort of a handful of people<ref> ''[ W niedzielę konsekracja kościoła na Żytniej]'', [in:] ''Archidiecezja Warszawska'' service 20.04.2017 [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> who contributed "literally with their own hands and resources".<ref> Andrew Short, ''[ The church in Zytnia street]'', [in:] ''Index on Censorship'' 14 (1985), p. 13, [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> Officially and on advice of the primate the site was renamed to "Secretariat of the Episcopate of Poland", a measure supposed to discourage an anticipated would-be counter-action on part of the authorities.<ref> ''[ W niedzielę konsekracja kościoła na Żytniej]'', [in:] ''Archidiecezja Warszawska'' service 20.04.2017 [retrieved 8. Dececmber 2018]</ref> As space for development was abundant, according to Czarnowski himself he intended to set up sort of a community center, with lecture room, kindergarten and other facilities;<ref> Short 1985, p. 13</ref> his plan was also to link the site to the memory of the Ghetto and the Warsaw Uprising.<ref> Short 1985, p. 13</ref>

In late 1980 the church – still hardly more than an insulated ruin with no interior equipment – became the [[Parish church|parochial temple]] of a newly set up small parish of Divine Mercy, carved out from two older parishes in the neighborhood.<ref> ''[ Kościół Miłosierdzia Bożego i świętej Faustyny]'', [in:] ''E-przewodnik po dzielnicy Wola'' [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> According to one source from the apostolic point of view there was no need to erect a new religious administrative unit. It was reportedly set up as a pre-emptive measure in the war between the Church and the state; the intention was to thwart demolition of the compound, planned by the authorities and aimed to make room for a new major throughway.<ref> Remigiusz Malinowski, ''[ Żytnią do nieba]'', [in:] ''Niedziela'' 17 (2006) [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> The parish was officially set up on December 15, 1980, and Rev. Czarnowski became the first parish priest.<ref> ''[ Kościół Miłosierdzia Bożego i świętej Faustyny]'', [in:] ''E-przewodnik po dzielnicy Wola'' [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref>

[[File:Kościół pw. Miłosierdzia Bożego i św. Faustyny Warszawa Wola.jpg|thumb|160px|left|southern wall at present]]
Following [[Martial law in Poland|declaration of martial law in late 1981]] many artists refused to operate within official dissemination channels, perceived as outposts of totalitarian regime; in search for alternative infrastructure they increasingly turned towards the Church.<ref>compare Kathleen Cioffi, ''Alternative Theatre in Poland'', London 2013, ISBN 9781134374380, p. 165</ref> In 1983 the art historian and curator [[:pl:Janusz Bogucki (historyk sztuki)|Janusz Bogucki]] and his wife Nina Smolarz focused on the Divine Mercy church; with permission of the parish council and extensive collaboration of Czarnowski<ref> Dorota Jarecka, ''Janusz Bogucki, polski Szeeman?'', [in:] ''Odrzucone dziedzictwo. O sztuce polskiej lat 80'', Warszawa 2011, p. 27</ref> they organized a two-week<ref> from June 14 to 30, 1983</ref> display designed as a multi-media art event.<ref> the event was not defined not as an exhibition but rather as "meetings and common activity aiming to renew internal link between faith and art", Jarecka 2011, p. 22</ref> Titled ''Znak krzyża'', it explored links between culture and religion.<ref> Bogucki attempted to build "communitas" against "social structures"; the latter included also some vague ant-clerical thread, Jarecka 2011, p. 14</ref> There were 106 painters, sculptors and photographers displaying their works<ref> Bukowski 2011, p. 74</ref> accompanied by theatrical plays, installations, performances, concertos and recitals, often by first-rate Polish artists.<ref> like Stanisław Sojka, Przemysław Gintrowski, Stefania Woytowicz and Krzysztof Knittel, Bukowski 2011, p. 74</ref> Bogucki designed the event in line with [[Harald Szeemann|Szeemann]]'s concept of replacing the "white cube" exhibition formula with site-specific setting;<ref> Bolesław Deptuła, Waldemar Baraniewski, ''[ Czas dla hulaków. Rozmowa z Andą Rottenberg]'', [in:] ''Dwutygodnik'' service s.a. [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> the result was extraordinary, as artefacts were displayed in a ruined building site amidst bags of concrete, piles of bricks, loose cables and often construction workers pushing wheelbarrows.<ref> Jarecka 2011, p. 16</ref>

''Znak krzyża'' turned into a groundbreaking art experience,<ref> Jarecka 2011, p. 22</ref> yet it also set the Divine Mercy church in the new role. Other art initiatives set in the premises followed and since the summer of 1983 the church almost constantly served as an art hub; the place acquired the status of a nationally recognized dissident cultural center. The years of 1983-1985 saw annual ''Obecność'' exhibitions,<ref> organized by Magdalena Hniedziewicz, Maciej Gutowski and Jerzy Puciata, Bukowski 2011, p. 74</ref> ''Zaduszki poetyckie'' and other performances by Akademia Ruchu,<ref> organized by Wojciech Krukowski from the theatrical workshop Akademia Ruchu, Bukowski 2011, pp. 80-81</ref> seminars like ''Week of Christian Culture'' with 44 novelists attending,<ref> Sabina Ramet, ''Social Currents in Eastern Europe: The Sources and Consequences of the Great Transformation'', London 1995, ISBN 9780822315483, p. 181</ref> avant-garde theatrical plays – often with censorship ban, like ''Raport z Oblężonego Miasta'' by [[:pl:Teatr Ósmego Dnia|Teatr Ósmego Dnia]],<ref> Bukowski 2011, pp. 80-81</ref> poetic evenings like the one by [[Jan Twardowski]]<ref> Bukowski 2011, p. 81</ref> or poster reviews.<ref> Bukowski 2011, p. 76</ref> In case of performances, always free of charge, the public filled yards but also occupied ruined walls and nearby trees.<ref> Bukowski 2011, p. 81</ref> The church and neighboring premises turned into a "full-fledged community center".<ref> Ramet 1995, p. 181</ref>

The [[Good Friday]] of April 5, 1985 was the most memorable moment in the history of the church of the 1980s; a first-rate theatrical team<ref> including directing (Wajda), lighting (Edward Kosiński), costums (Zachwatowicz) and actors (Zelnik, Janda, Borowski, Kolberger, Olbrychski, Bukowski 2011, p. 74</ref> led by [[Andrzej Wajda]] staged ''Wieczernik'' by [[:pl:Ernest Bryll|Ernest Bryll]].<ref>Kazimierz Braun, ''A History of Polish Theater, 1939-1989: Spheres of Captivity and Freedom'', London 1996, ISBN 9780313297731, pp. 109-110</ref> With temperatures slightly above freezing<ref> Bukowski 2011, p. 74</ref> and in the scenery of red-bricked dungeons, densely packed with standing crowd, the play turned into an electrifying experience<ref> for photos see ''[ Wieczernik]'', [in:] ''KrystynaJanda'' service [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> bordering mysticism.<ref> Krzysztof Masłoń, ''[ "Wieczernik" – manifest wolności i nadziei]'', [in:] ''Do Rzeczy'' service 13.08.2018, [retrieved 8. December 2018]; "the dilapidated state of this building with exposed and charred timber beams supporting a leaky roof, unrendered walls and broken columns, often lit with flickering candles, added to the conspirational atmosphere of these events, suggestively linking them to the cycle or insurrection and punishment that dominates Warsaw's history", David Crowley, ''Warsaw'', London 2003, ISBN 9781861891792, p. 79</ref> The drama was staged 15 times during the next few weeks; video-taped, it made rounds across the country and abroad.<ref> the premier staging was attended by ambassadors of France and US, Masłoń 2018, see also Bukowski 2011, p. 74</ref> Another milestone was ''Niebo nowe i ziemia nowa?'', the 1985 exhibition by [[:pl:Marek Rostworowski|Marek Rostworowski]] and designed as "reflection upon disintegration of human image".<ref>detailed information in Marek Pietsch (ed.), ''Niebo nowe, ziemia nowa'', Warszawa 1987, a 145-page booklet printed in France and distributed illegally in Poland</ref> Its impact stemmed from massive scale and a multitude of first-rate artists taking part;<ref> like Stanisław Markowski, Tadeusz Kantor, Wiesław Szamborski, Marek Sapetto, Elżbieta Arend-Sobocka, Grzegorz Bednarski, Mira Żelechower, Jan Świtka, Krzysztof Wachowiak, Stefan Gierowski, Anna Szpakowska-Kujawska, Jarosław Modzelewski, Marek Sobczyk, Jacek Waltoś, Stanisław Sobolewski, Zbylut Grzywacz, Jacek Sempoliński, Tadeusza Boruta, Waldemar Cwenarski, Jan Dobkowski, Stanisław Rodziński, Alina Szapocznikow, Jacek Waltoś, Adam Bujak, Jerzy Bereś, Jerzy Kalina and Jerzy Tchórzewski, Bukowski 2011, p. 76</ref> The event assumed a somewhat more conservative tone than the earlier avant-garde Bogucki's undertaking,<ref> Jarecka 2011, p. 12</ref> though like Bogucki, also Rostworowski was overwhelmed by the site and its scenery.<ref> Bukowski 2011, pp. 75-6</ref>
[[File:Warszawa kościół p.w. Miłosierdzia Bożego i św. Faustyny 01.JPG|thumb|towards western aisle]]
In the late 1980s art initiatives started to give way to political undertakings. The former included ''Dzwonek Niedzielny'', a periodical "spoken journal" animated by the [[:pl:stefan Bratkowski|Bratkowski]] couple,<ref> Bukowski 2011, p. 77</ref> ''Droga świateł'', another huge multi-media event by Bogucki,<ref> Jarecka 2011, p. 11</ref> designed as ecumenical experience already hardly fitting with the Catholic framework,<ref> the installation included Protestant, Orthodox, Muslim and Buddhist chambers, Jarecka 2011, p. 24</ref> an exhibition of works by disciples of Werner Kautsch and his Kassel school<ref> Bukowski 2011, p. 77</ref> and numerous other events. The latter included a 1987 human rights seminar,<ref> titled ''Pokój międzynarodowy i spotkania helsińskie''</ref> organized by the pacifist-green [[:pl:Ruch Wolność i Pokój|Wolność i Pokój]] movement and attended by delegates from 16 countries.<ref> Bukowski 2011, p. 77</ref> By the end of the decade the church premises started to host leaders of semi-clandestine [[Solidarity (Polish trade union)|Solidarity]];<ref> including Kuroń, Moczulski, Bielecki, Romaszewski, Geremek, Onyszkiewicz, and other dissidents, Ramet 1995, p. 181</ref> during one of these meetings in late 1988 they set up [[Solidarity Citizens' Committee|Komitet Obywatelski przy Lechu Wałęsie]], a body which later served as informal executive of political opposition. Komitet kept meeting at Żytnia for months to come and later coordinated also the [[1989 Polish legislative election|electoral campaign of 1989]].<ref> Marcin Frybes, ''[ Kościół na Żytniej]'', [in:] ''Szlak Wolności i Solidarności'' service [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> Student religious study group used to meet regularly in the premises.<ref>Janusz Sylwestrowicz, ''Spacer Metafizyczny'', Warszawa 2015, available [ here]</ref>

[[File:Młynów, Warszawa, Poland - panoramio - Roman Eugeniusz.jpg|thumb|160px|left|northern wall at present]]
[[:pl:Transformacja systemowa w Polsce|Political turmoil of 1989]] spelled huge change also for the church; artists and politicians abandoned the parish almost overnight and moved into newly conquered official institutions. The parish priest tried to retain high profile by cultivating the [[ecumenical]] link; in 1989-1993 the church maintained relations with [[Buddhism|Buddhists]], hosting monks and staging a meeting with [[Dalai Lama]].<ref> Jan Mirosław Bereza, ''[ Dialog z buddyzmem w Polsce]'', [in:] ''GoldenLine'' service 12.08.2007 [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> However, Czarnowski's primary focus was on charity. In 1990 on the nearby corner he opened a canteen for the poor named "ONLY gifts of mercy", which used to serve 800-1000 meals a day.<ref> ''[ Warszawa. Miłosierdzia Bożego i św. Faustyny na Muranowie]'', [in:] ''Archidiecezja Warszawska'' service [retrieved 8. December 2018], Mirosław Ikonowicz, ''[ Kościół biedny i bogaty]'', [in:] ''Tygodnik Przegląd'' 19.02.2001 [retrieved 8. December 2001]</ref> In the roughly refurbished premises of the [[clergy house]] he opened a dormitory and a bath; the premises catered to the homeless, but also to single mothers. Following 20 years of incessant renovation efforts, in the mid-1990s the church turned from insulated ruin to a crude but usable temple; major improvements included a primitive roof of acrylic glass, solid windows, wooden floor which covered the basement and basic interior equipment.<ref> see photo at ''[ Kościół na Żytniej]'', [in:] ''Eeala'' blog 11.07.2016 [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref>

In 1997 Czarnowski was appointed to another religious post; details of his departure from Żytnia are not clear. He was replaced by a new parish priest, Tadeusz Polak, who in agreement with most of the parishers soon concluded that the church was badly in need of a decisive overhaul.<ref> Piotr Chmieliński, ''[ Spór o mur]'', [in:] ''Niedziela'' 35 (2003) [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> Major works commenced in the early 21st century, this time carried out by professional construction companies. In course of 5 years the walls were strengthened with iron reinforcements, the main nave was extended by 10 meters with a new main porch constructed, a new aisle and a side entry were added along the Eastern wall, red-brick walls were plastered, new windows were fitted and acrylic roof was replaced with a ceramic one. The change was complete when in 2007 the basement was covered with new concrete ceiling and wooden floor gave way to a marble one.<ref> for excellent graphic comparison of "yesterday" and "today" interior (not complete as the "today" photo had been taken before the marble floor was laid) see ''[ Kościół na Żytniej]'', [in:] ''Eeala'' blog 11.07.2016 [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref>
[[File:Warszawa kościół p.w. Miłosierdzia Bożego i św. Faustyny 02.JPG|thumb|160px|along the main nave]]
Works launched by rev. Polak triggered wide controversy. Skeptics claimed that the overhaul would do away with historical memorial, wipe out unique picturesque interior, remove informal monument to the Warsaw Uprising and violate the conservation law.<ref>among these most outspoken there was head of the [[Masovian Voivodeship|Masovian]] monument protection office Ryszard Głowacz, leader of the Varsavianist Association Mariquita Węsławska, a historian Jarosław Zieliński and architects Konrad Kucza-Kuczyński and Zbigniew Wilma; media campaign against the refurbishment was led by the progressist daily ''Gazeta Wyborcza''</ref> Some noted that mass in the crude, bullet-ridden red-brick building with stars shining over the transparent roof made an unforgettable experience; others asserted that the new project envisioned a banal construction with no architectural value.<ref> for arguments against the renovation see Tomasz Urzykowski, ''[ Duże zmiany w parafiach]'', [in:] Gazeta Wyborcza 28.06.2011 [retrieved 8. December 2018], Tomasz Urzykowski, ''[ Kontrowersyjny remont kościoła]'', [in:] ''Gazeta Wyborcza'' 27.06.2003 [retrieved 8. December 2018], ''[ Kościół na Żytniej]'', [in:] ''Eeala'' blog 11.07.2016 [retrieved 8. December 2018], ''Kościół pw. Miłosierdzia Bożego i Faustyny'', [in:] ''Skarbiec Mazowiecki'' service [blocked by Wikipedia anti-spam filter, retrieved 8. December 2018], Jarosław Osowski, ''[ Polskie kościoły są najdroższe na świecie. Ile kosztują?]'', [in:] ''Gazeta Wyborcza'' 01.11.2013 [retrieved 8. December 2018], Tomasz Urzykowski, ''[ Rozmowa z architektem Zbigniewem Welmą]'', [in:] ''Gazeta Wyborcza'' 13.06.2003 [retrieved 8. December 2018], Tomasz Urzykowski, ''[ Po przebudowie kościoła żal osmalonych ścian]'', [in:] ''Gazeta Wyborcza'' 23.04.2017 [retrieved 8. December 2018], Bolesław Deptuła, Waldemar Baraniewski, ''[ Czas dla hulaków. Rozmowa z Andą Rottenberg]'', [in:] ''Dwutygodnik'' service s.a. [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> In 2001 the Masovian monument protection office launched the process of registering the church as a law-protected site;<ref> Tomasz Urzykowski, ''[ Kontrowersyjny remont kościoła]'', [in:] ''Gazeta Wyborcza'' 27.06.2003 [retrieved 8. December 2018]; rev. Polak claimed that he had asked the Masovian monument protection office for assistance many times, always to no avail, Piotr Chmieliński, ''[ Spór o mur]'', [in:] ''Niedziela'' 35 (2003) [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> the bureaucratic drudgery was finalized in 2003,<ref> ''[ Rejestr zabytków nieruchomych m. st. Warszawy]'' [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> when construction works were already in full swing. Supporters of the renovation claimed that crumbling bricks were hazard to the public, acrylic roof ensured glasshouse effect in the summer and cracked walls guaranteed sub-zero temperatures in the winter, following construction of new large residential estates the small church no longer met the needs of multiplied parish community<ref> in 1996-2006 the Strop cooperative built 3 residential estates, Kercelak I, Kercelak II and Kercelak III, each hosting 150-200 apartments, compare ''[ Spółdzielnia Mieszkaniowa Strop]'' service [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> and that the church was monument to Nazi barbarity and Communist malice rather than to the Warsaw Uprising.<ref> most arguments for the renovation in Joanna Operacz, ''[ Sakralna ruina? Spór o remont szczególnego kościoła]'', [in:] ''eKai'' service 04.07.2003 [retrieved 8. December 2018], Piotr Chmieliński, ''[ Spór o mur]'', [in:] ''Niedziela'' 35 (2003), [retrieved 8. December 2018], ''[ Warszawa. Miłosierdzia Bożego i św. Faustyny na Muranowie]'', [in:] ''Archidiecezja Warszawska'' service [retrieved 8. December 2018], ''[ W niedzielę konsekracja kościoła na Żytniej]'', [in:] ''Archidiecezja Warszawska'' service 20.04.2017 [retrieved 8. Dececmber 2018], Remigiusz Malinowski, ''[ Żytnią do nieba]'', [in:] ''Niedziela'' 17 (2006) [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref>

The conflict was defined along different lines, clearly marked by emerging animosity between increasingly secular and progressive elites and increasingly traditionalist Church.<ref> Masłoń 2018</ref> Supporters of the renovation suspected that the Warsaw intellectual and art pundits intended to keep the church as a monument to their own activity of the 1980s.<ref> Operacz 2003</ref> Opponents maintained that the Polish Roman-Catholic Church was plagued by narrow-mindedness, glitzy esthetics and temptation to show off wealth.<ref> see e.g. references to Mercedes cars, Tomasz Urzykowski, ''[ Rozmowa z architektem Zbigniewem Welmą]'', [in:] ''Gazeta Wyborcza'' 13.06.2003, [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> Some concluded that ecclesiastic decision-makers wanted no competition to the cult of St. Faustina, especially that the church was to be elevated to the status of her shrine.<ref> Tomasz Urzykowski, ''[ Po przebudowie kościoła żal osmalonych ścian]'', [in:] ''Gazeta Wyborcza'' 23.04.2017 [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> Few noted that following the period of "Church-sponsored art" the religious and the artists parted and found themselves largely on the collision course.<ref> Agnieszka Gralińska-Toborek, ''Plastyka w Kościele w latach 1981-1989: trwałe przymierze czy epizod?'', [in:] ''Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość'' 4/1 (2005), pp. 181-201. For a sample of comments shared by progressist circles, lamenting the bigotry of once tolerant and broadly-minded Catholic church, see e.g. Anna Sobolewska, ''Mapy duchowe współczesności'', Piaseczno 2009, ISBN 9788377471166, available [ here]</ref>

==Present day==
{| class=wikitable style="text-align:center; font-size:11px; float:left; margin:5px"
|- style="font-size: small;"
| colspan="12" style="text-align:center;"|'''Zytnia parish priests'''
! name !! term
| Wojciech Czarnowski || 1980-1997
| Tadeusz Polak || 1997-2011
| Krzysztof Stosur || 2011-onwards

Rev. Polak launched two specific initiatives with stand out as peculiarity of the Divine Mercy and St. Faustina parish;<ref> St. Faustina was added to the parish name in 1998, ''[ Kościół Miłosierdzia Bożego i świętej Faustyny]'', [in:] ''E-przewodnik po dzielnicy Wola'' [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> one is the 24/7 perpetual [[Eucharistic adoration]], practiced since the burglary suffered in 2000,<ref> Malinowski 2006; other criminal events include robbery of a monstrancja, vandalizing of a sculpture in the yard and theft of a PC used at organic plays</ref> and a popular feast ''Żytnią do nieba'', organized early September since 2005.<ref> Malinowski 2006</ref> Polak was re-assigned to another post in 2011; none of the sources consulted provides any information on motives of his departure. He was replaced as the parish priest by rev. Krzysztof Stosur, who for some time kept adding final touches to the new church interior.<ref> ''[ Kościół na Żytniej. Tu się wszystko zaczęło]'', [in:] ''Stacja7'' service [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> He continued most of the parochial activities developed by his predecessors and common to most Roman-Catholic parishes in Poland, like [[Rosary]] Circle or [[Altar server|youth altar service]]. Charity work is continuing, though with some change. The canteen at the corner of [[:pl:Ulica Leszno w Warszawie|Leszno]] and [[:pl:ulica Okopowa w Warszawie|Okopowa]] has been closed and most services performed in the premises were formally transferred to [[Caritas Internationalis|Caritas]], the religious charity organization; however, ques of the homeless and destitute city dwellers are still trademark of the church neighborhood.<ref> ''[ Warszawa. Miłosierdzia Bożego i św. Faustyny na Muranowie]'', [in:] ''Archidiecezja Warszawska'' service [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref>

Stosur launched new initiatives, e.g. a Prayer Support Group,<ref> ''[ Modlitewna Grupa Wsparcia]'', [in:] ''Sanktuarium św. Faustyny w Warszawie'' service </ref> currently defunct youth football team, dedicated film screenings in Warsaw cinemas, discount schemes offered by a friendly theater or bus tours following nationwide religious tourist trails. During Stosur's tenure the church keeps hosting cultural events, though they do not resemble massive and nationally-known episodes of the 1980s; every some time there are theatric plays, concertos, recitals, film screenings, lectures or poetry sessions organized.<ref>''[ Wydarzenia]'', [in:] ''Sanktuarium św. Faustyny w Warszawie'' service [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> A new initiative is mass said to honor the insurgents of the Warsaw Uprising, organized on anniversary of the August 2, 1944 service for the Parasol Battalion; attendants include a group of re-enactors in complete military gear and afterwards the parishers and guest are walked past major 1944 combat sites in the area.
{| class=wikitable style="text-align:center; font-size:11px; float:right; margin:5px"
|- style="font-size: small;"
| colspan="12" style="text-align:center;"|'''key dates in church history'''
! date !! description
| November 1, 1862 || chapel consecrated
| August 1, 1925 || [[Helena Kowalska]] admitted to the convent
| August 9, 1944 || church seized and burnt by the Germans
| April 20, 1973 || first post-war mass said
| December 15, 1980 || becomes parish church
| April 15, 1985 || ''Wieczernik'' staged first time
| December 18, 1988 || [[Solidarity Citizens' Committee|Komitet Obywatelski]] set up
| April 23, 2017 || elevated to shrine
On April 23, 2017 the church was elevated to the status of a [[:pl:Sanktuarium|shrine (sanktuarium)]], according to the [[Canon Law]] a site marked by "special reason for piety".<ref> Jerzy Adamczyk, ''Wokół prawnej definicji sanktuarium'', [in:] ''Prawo Kanoniczne'' 57 (2014), p. 82</ref> The motive was its relation to St. Faustina; the church was renamed to "church of Divine Mercy and St. Faustina" accordingly.<ref> ''[ Warszawa ma sanktuarium św. Faustyny. W Niedzielę Miłosierdzia konsekracja kościoła, w którym rozpoczęła życie zakonne]'', [in:] ''Archidiecezja Warszawska'' service 23.04.2017 [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> In practical terms, the change included the church on the list of targets of religious tourism, fairly popular in Poland, and reinforced already growing stream of pilgrims pursuing the itinerary of St. Faustina. Currently rev. Stosur strives to organize a parking lot for tourist buses; his strategy is to mobilize the parishers to get the project adopted by means of the local [[participatory budget]]. The building itself for few years is no longer subject to construction works, which were marking the place during the last 40 years; it's architecture is described as somewhat modelled on early Christian temples, with interior shaped by vaults and arches.<ref> ''Kościół pw. Miłosierdzia Bożego i Faustyny'', [in:] ''Skarbiec Mazowiecki'' service [blocked by Wikipedia anti-spam filter, retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> The shrine is now home to 6 religious, apart from the parish priest also 3 [[Vicar|vicars]] and 2 [[:pl:Rezydent (ksiądz)|residents]];<ref>'' [ Duszpasterze]'', [in:] ''Sanktuarium św. Faustyny'' w Warszawie service [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> they maintain a parish web page, a Facebook account<ref> see the ''[ Sanktuarium św. Faustyny w Warszawie]'' Facebook account [retrieved 8. December 2018]</ref> and issue a weekly bulletin ''Miłosierdzie''. Overall religiosity level in the parish is far below the Polish and significantly below the Warsaw standards; while the country average for [[:pl:Dominicantes i communicantes w Polsce|dominicantes]] is at 45% and the Warsaw figure is 27%,<ref> ''Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae in Polonia'' 2018, Warszawa 2018, p. 34</ref> at Żytnia it stands at mere 16%.<ref> in 2018 dominicantes were counted on October 21. That Sunday there were 957 people taking part in all masses, out of 6,200 people living in the parish, ''Ogłoszenia parafialne'', [w:] ''Miłosierdzie. Tygodnik Sanktuarium św. Faustyny'', 28.10.2018, p. 4</ref>

== See also ==

* [[Faustina Kowalska]]
* [[:pl:Parafia Miłosierdzia Bożego i św. Faustyny w Warszawie|Divine Mercy and St. Faustina parish (in Polish)]]


==Further reading==

* Hugon Bukowski, ''Żytnia. Kto o tym pamięta?'', [w:] ''Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej'' 122-123 (2011), pp. 73-81
* Ewa K. Czaczkowska, ''Siostra Faustyna. Biografia Świętej'', Kraków 2012, ISBN 9788324018949
* Agnieszka Gralińska-Toborek, ''Plastyka w Kościele w latach 1981-1989: trwałe przymierze czy epizod?'', [in:] ''Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość'' 4/1 (2005), pp. 181-201
* Dorota Jarecka, ''Janusz Bogucki, polski Szeeman?'', [in:] ''Odrzucone dziedzictwo. O sztuce polskiej lat 80'', Warszawa 2011, pp. 8-29
* Mariusz Wieczorkiewicz, ''Kościół na Żytniej, czyli o potrzebie ruiny i potrzebie ubóstwa'', [in:] ''Architektura'' 37 (1985), pp. 48-51

==External links==

* [ Official website of the Divine Mercy and St. Faustina parish]
* [ Official FB account of the parish]
* [ Divine Mercy church as semi-ruin in the 1980s (photo)]
* [ ''Wieczernik'' play at the Encyclopedia of Polish Theatre online (photo)]
* [ Opposition leaders at Zytnia in 1989 (photo)]
* [ Lech Wałęsa speaking at Zytnia (photo)]

[[Category:Churches in Masovian Voivodeship]]
[[Category:Divine Mercy]]
[[Category:Roman Catholic churches in Poland]]

December 09, 2018 at 10:40PM


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