Friday, August 3, 2018

Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation

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Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation

Vnarsimhan: ←Created page with 'Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation (KHYF) was founded on 29th August 2016 [ Founded KHYF International, as an inter...'

Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation (KHYF) was founded on 29th August 2016 [ Founded KHYF International, as an international non-profit based in Europe] by TKV Desikachar and his son Kausthub Desikachar in the year, to take the teachings of [[Viniyoga]] worldwide. It is an international organisation, but its institute is very Indian. It is set in a quiet side road, in Chennai, just up from where the renowned philosopher Krishnamurti used to stay. It is a bright, airy building, with a beautiful atmosphere, and welcoming, friendly staff. The school premise also holds a very powerful statue of Yogacarya T Krishnamacharya at its north eastern part, following the Vastu principles. The statue serves as a reminder to students that the school honors the classical Viniyoga teachings following in the contiguous tradition of T Krishnamacharya.

===Yoga and Healing===
The word 'healing' comes from the same root as 'whole' and 'holistic'. It is about becoming complete, whole. When we suffer trauma, we often, as it were, cut part of our self off, or suppress part of ourself, in an effort to cope or to avoid further pain. This is why yoga can be such a wonderful tool for healing, as it can call on practices which involve the whole of us: body, breath, and mind, as well as looking at lifestyle. So people can be guided to become more self-aware, and, if necessary, to accept and love themselves again. These practices work gradually, step by step. Furthermore, in the Viniyoga tradition, you are supported by a trained yoga therapist throughout the process, which can be sometimes painful and difficult, but which is ultimately liberating.

Viniyoga is a very ancient Sanskrit word used in the Yoga Sutras, which means 'application', or 'appropriate use'. It has come to be used to describe the teachings of Professor T Krishnamacharya, his son TKV Desikachar, and his grandson Kausthub Desikachar, as they emphasise the importance of the right practice for the right individual - that each person is multifaceted and that all aspects of a person need to be taken into account when teaching them. They also have elaborated how an individual's needs change through their life, and how yoga has appropriate tools for all these needs. They teach a yoga which recognises that we all need help with our everyday living, that we very often need healing in some way, and that we are spiritual as well as material creatures.

===Viniyoga® Teacher Training===
The 500+ hour teacher-training offered by the KHYF is extremely thorough, covering all aspects of classical yoga. It comprises an exhaustive curriculum and is offered not only in India, but also abroad through recognized Viniyoga Teacher Trainers. The most popular destinations where you can train in this tradition currently are India, Belgium, Spain, United Kingdom and New Zealand. More offerings are in the pipeline to include other countries.

===Viniyoga® Therapy Training===
The 1000 hour Yoga Therapy training offered by the KHYF is among the best and most comprehensive training in the world. It was systematized first in 2005-2006 by Dr. Kausthub Desikachar, under the guidance of TKV Desikachar, and was first offered in five venues beginning in the year 2007. The specialty of this training is that it presents Yoga Therapy from Yoga's perspective mainly, and not from the Western medical approach. There is not a training currently in the world that offers this approach, as this is unique to the Viniyoga® tradition. So emphasis on Yogic Anatomy, Yogic concepts of health and disease, integration with traditional systems like Ayurveda, understanding core Yoga Therapy Tools from an energetic and subtle anatomy perspective and many other such unique features form a strong basis for this unique training. This training is currently only offered directly by the Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation, in India, Belgium, Germany and China. There are plans to offer more such trainings in Spain, New Zealand and South America starting in 2020.

===Vedic chanting===
Vedic chanting is also taught at the KHYF. Traditionally this was limited to a few people only, however Professor T Krishnamacharya saw that many of those considered eligible to learn, were not interested, and decided that it should be taught to all sincere students who wanted to learn this wonderful art. Since then, many people have gained tremendously from learning it. The KHYF's senior teacher of Vedic chant is Menaka Desikachar.[ A GUIDE TO VEDIC CHANT]

===Social responsibility===
The KHYF is always very aware of its place in the wider world, and often offers courses for people who could not otherwise afford them. So it partakes in various measures to bring Yoga to the differently abled or the discriminated. KHYF has conducted workshops to teach handicapped children, the LGBTQ community, as well as offers products that are used as fund raisers to support social causes. – Need links pointing to this topic

===Further reading===
'The Heart of Yoga' by TKV Desikachar is the modern classical yoga book, used on yoga teaching courses in many different countries [ HEART OF ASANA]. It clearly and concisely explains yoga, the what and the how. It also includes his simple yet profound translation and commentary of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.[ PATANJALI'S YOGASUTRA-S]

From the KHYF website several books can be bought, including' The Heart of Asana' and 'The Hathayogapradipika' a new translation, published in 2018, not only of the text by Svatmarama, but also of the very important commentary by Brahmananda. Furthermore it includes notes and a foreword by Kausthub Desikachar.

The Yoga Rahasya is a fascinating text in which many of the teachings of Krishnamacharya can be found.

'Liberating Isolation' is another book published by KHYF. It is the English version of the translation of the Yoga Sutra by Frans Moors, a longterm student of TKV Desikachar.[ LIBERATING ISOLATION]

August 03, 2018 at 03:33PM


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