Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Bridget Breiner

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Bridget Breiner

Michael Bednarek: created a stub.

'''Bridget Breiner''' (born 1974) is an American dancer and [[choreographer]]. Since 1991, she lives and works mainly in Germany.

Breiner was born in Connecticut and brought up in [[Columbus, Ohio]], where she received her early dance training. At 17, she furthered her dance studies in Munich, Germany, at the [[Heinz Bosl]] Foundation. Her first engagement was with the [[Bayerisches Staatsballett]] before she joined the [[Stuttgart Ballet]] in 1996 and became First Soloist there in 2001. From 2006 to 2008 Breiner was a member of the [[Semperoper]] Ballet.<ref>[ Bridget Breiner],</ref>

Since 2008, she was artist-in-residence at the Stuttgart Ballet, but she also worked as a freelance choreographer. In the 2012/13 season she became artistic director of ballet at the [[Musiktheater im Revier]] in Gelsenkirchen where she created the choreography for the world premiere of ''[[Charlotte Salomon: Der Tod und die Malerin]]''.

Breiner received the German theatre award [[Der Faust (award)|Der Faust]] in 2013 and 2015.<ref>[ "Bridget Breiner bringt das Ballett nach vorn"] by Bernd Aulich, ''[[Ruhr Nachrichten]]'', 1 June 2016 </ref>

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==External links==

[[Category:1974 births]]
[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:People from Connecticut]]
[[Category:American ballerinas]]
[[Category:Ballet choreographers]]

March 07, 2018 at 10:55PM


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