Thursday, March 8, 2018

Romania gens

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Romania gens

P Aculeius: Saving beginnings of article on the Romanii.

The '''gens Romania''' was an obscure [[plebs|plebeian]] family at [[ancient Rome]]. No members of this [[gens]] appear in history, but many are known from inscriptions.

The [[Roman naming conventions#Nomen|nomen]] ''Romanius'' belongs to a large class of gentilicia formed from surnames ending in the suffix ''-anus'', typically derived from place-names. Here the name is derived from a cognomen, ''Romanus'', referring to a resident of Rome itself.<ref>Chase, p. 118.</ref><ref>''New College Latin & English Dictionary'', ''s. v. Romanus''.</ref>


==Branches and cognomina==


* Gaius Romanius C. f., a native of [[Berytus]], an officer serving in the century of Hordeonius at [[Mons Claudianus]] in [[Egypt (Roman province)|Egypt]].<ref>.</ref>
* Marcus Romanius Encolpus, made an offering to [[Jupiter (mythology)|Jupiter Optimus Maximus]], according to an inscription from [[Dacia]].<ref>.</ref>
* Marcus Romanius Ser. f. Epulo, a [[promagistrate]] at [[Cyrene, Libya|Cyrene]], who made an offering to [[Ceres (mythology)|Ceres]].<ref>.</ref>
* Gaius Romanius C. f. Italicus, a native of [[Emona]], was an aide to the [[praetorian prefect]] at Rome, ''circa'' AD 173.<ref>.</ref>
* Lucius Romanius L. f. Justus Vercellis, a soldier in the tenth cohort of the [[praetorian guard]], serving in the century of Crispinus, named in an inscription from [[Patras|Patrae]] in [[Achaea (Roman province)|Achaia]].<ref>.</ref>
* Romanius Juvenis, built a tomb at Ivenna in [[Noricum]] for his daughter, Junilla, aged seventeen, together with his wife, Aquilina, and Junilla's grandparents, Secundinius Jucundianus and Mira.<ref>.</ref>
* Romanius Ligur, a member of the college of Manliensium, who made a donation to [[Fortuna (mythology)|Fortuna]] at [[Virunum]] in [[Noricum]].<ref>.</ref>
* Romanius Montanus, [[procurator (Roman)|procurator]] of the emperor's household gladiators, according to an inscription from [[Pergamon|Pergamum]] in [[Asia (Roman province)|Asia]].<ref>.</ref>
* Marcus Romanius M. f. Probus, the son of Marcus Romanius Suavis and Cincia Modesta.<ref name="CIL 5 4465">.</ref>
* Romanius Secundinus, a veteran soldier, who together with Cordia Verina, helped build a tomb at Rome for Cordia's son, Lucius Vitellius Fuscinus, a soldier in the third cohort of the [[praetorian guard]], aged forty, and his sister, Paccia Materna, aged twelve.<ref>.</ref>
* Marcus Romanius M. l. Suavis, a freedman, and one of the [[sodales Augustales]] at [[Brescia|Brixia]] in [[Venetia and Histria]], built a tomb for himself, his wife, Cincia Modesta, and their son, Marcus Romanius Probus.<ref name="CIL 5 4465"/>
* Gaius Romanius Summus, a [[decurion (administrative)|decurion]] at [[Geoagiu|Germisara]] in Dacia, who made a libationary offering to Jupiter Optimus Maximus.<ref>.</ref>


==See also==
* [[List of Roman gentes]]


* [[Theodor Mommsen]] ''et alii'', ''[[Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum]]'' (The Body of Latin Inscriptions, abbreviated ''CIL''), Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (1853–present).
* René Cagnat ''et alii'', ''[[L'Année épigraphique]]'' (The Year in Epigraphy, abbreviated ''AE''), Presses Universitaires de France (1888–present).
* George Davis Chase, "The Origin of Roman Praenomina", in ''Harvard Studies in Classical Philology'', vol. VIII, pp. 103–184 (1897).
* John C. Traupman, ''The New College Latin & English Dictionary'', Bantam Books, New York (1995).

[[Category:Roman gentes]]

March 08, 2018 at 10:03PM


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