Tuesday, November 13, 2018

2018-11-12 06:16:00 UTC M3.6 NORTHERN COLOMBIA 8hr 58min ago Depth:10

2018-11-12 06:16:00 UTC M3.6 NORTHERN COLOMBIA 8hr 58min ago Depth:10

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Distances. 149 km NW of Medellín, Colombia / pop: 2,000,000 / local time: 01:16:00.0 2018-11-12 109 km S of Apartadó, Colombia / pop: 86,500 ...
November 13, 2018 at 03:23AM


List of companies founded by University of Pennsylvania alumni

 投稿 L List of companies founded by University of Pennsylvania alumni 投稿者: Blogger さん 7  Nation's Most Visible Mass Gathering During Cor...
