Sunday, January 6, 2019

Leonhard Kohl von Kohlenegg

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Leonhard Kohl von Kohlenegg


'''Leonhard Kohl von Kohlenegg''',<ref name="A"></ref> also ''Karl Leopold Kohl von Kohlenegg'',<ref name="B">Ludwig Eisenberg: ''Großes biographisches Lexikon der Deutschen Bühne im XIX. Jahrhundert''. Edition by [[Paul List (publisher)|Paul List]], Leipzig 1903, .</ref> better known by his pseudonym ''Henrion Poly'',<ref name="B" /> (13 December 1834 – 1 May 1875) was an Austrian writer and actor.

== Life ==
Born in Vienna, the son of the painter Lorenz Kohl von Kohlenegg, he was to pursue a military career, but could assert himself in the family and was allowed to go to the theatre. In 1848 he made his debut as an actor at a theater in Vienna, according to the ÖBL.<ref name="A" />

According to Eisenberg, however, he was first an officer in Austrian service, who left the army unit after the [[Second Italian War of Independence|Peace of Villafranca]] and then went to Paris and later to Hamburg in order to make his debut under the pseudonym ''Henrion'' after a short period of preparation.<ref name="B" />

In 1860, at the age of 26, he got an engagement at the [[Thalia Theater (Hamburg)|Thaliatheater]] in Hamburg, and in 1861 he went for one year to the Hoftheater in Stuttgart. In 1862 he entered the city theater in [[Mainz]] not only as an actor but also as a [[theatre director]]. From 1867, Kohlenegg made many tours, among others to [[Frankfurt am Main|Frankfurt]], [[Prague]], Vienna and [[Königsberg (Prussia)|Königsberg]]. On these tours his first own plays could already be played successfully.

In his hometown Vienna, to which Kohl von Kohlenegg liked to return again and again, he was mainly active as a writer. He often used the pseudonym ''Henrion Poly''.<ref group="A">In Eisenberg's encyclopedia, '''Henrion Poly''' is printed in bold, so it can be assumed that ''Henrion Poly'' is a two-part surname pseudonym and ''Poly'' is not a first name. When looking at Eisenberg's side, this immediately catches the eye: the actors in front are '''Henneberg''' A n n a and '''Hennig''' A d o l f and the actors behind are '''Hensel'''' H e i n r i c h and '''Hensel''' W i l h e l m. This spelling is valid for the entire encyclopedia.</ref>

For a short time he was editor of the ''Dresdener Presse'' in 1872, and from 1873 also its editor.

Kohl von Kohlenegg is the father of [[Viktor von Kohlenegg]].

On May 1, 1875 Kohl von Kohlenegg died in [[Saalfeld]] ([[Thuringia]]).

== Works ==
* ''Die Königin ist verliebt'' (1857)
* ''In der Bastille'' (1862)
* ''Meine Memoiren'' (1862)
* ''Kammerwahlen im Carneval'' (1863)
* ''Ein unschuldiger Diplomat'' (1864)
* ''Geheirathet'' (1865)
* ''[[Die schöne Galathée]]'' (Libretto) (1865)
* ''Brididi'' (1870)
* ''Für nervöse Frauen'' (1870)
* ''Moderne Sirenen'' (1871)
* ''Kleine Indiscretionen über große Leute'' (1872)
* ''Die Liebesdiplomaten'' (1880)

== Bibliography ==
* [[Ludwig Eisenberg (writer)|Ludwig Eisenberg]]: ''Großes biographisches Lexikon der Deutschen Bühne im XIX. Jahrhundert''. Edition by [[Paul List (publisher)|Paul List]], Leipzig 1903, .

== References ==

== Notes ==
<references group="A" />

== External links ==

[[Category:1834 births]]
[[Category:1875 deaths]]
[[Category:People from Vienna]]
[[Category:Austrian stage actors]]
[[Category:19th-century journalists]]
[[Category:Austro-Hungarian journalists]]
[[Category:19th-century Austrian writers]]
[[Category:Austrian librettists]]

January 06, 2019 at 09:38PM


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