Sunday, January 19, 2020

History of Christianity in Hungary

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History of Christianity in Hungary

Borsoka: /* Sources */ box

The '''history of Christianity in Hungary''' started in the [[Roman province]] of [[Pannonia]], centuries before the arrival of the [[Magyars]], or Hungarians.

== Pagan Magyars ==

The earliest sources of the Magyars are fragmentary and tendentious, thus their interpretation is uncertain. The earliest certain event of their history is their attack against a group of Byzantine prisoners who had decided to enforce their return to their homeland across the [[Lower Danube]] in the late 830s. The story shows that they had settled in the steppes to the north of the [[Black Sea]]. [[Ahmad ibn Rustah]], [[Abu Sa'id Gardezi]] and other medieval Muslim geographers who preserved earlier scholars' records of the 9th-century Magyars described them as star- or fire-worshippers. [[Al-Bakri]] added that the Magyars worshipped the "Lord of the Sky" whom modern historians associate with [[Tengri]]. Prohibitions in Christian legislation indicate that sacrifices made at groves and springs were important elements of the pagan Magyars' cult. The mutilation of corpses is well-documented in pre-Christian cementeries, implying a fear of the return of ghosts.

The Magyars were among the subject peoples of the [[Khazar Khaganate]] for an uncertain period, but from the mid-9th-century they acted as an independent power. They came into contact with Muslims, Jews and Christians, but all theories on their influence on the Magyars' religious life are speculative. The hagiographic '''Life of Constantine''' mentions that [[Saints Cyril and Methodius|Constantine]]the future Saint Cyrilrun into a band of Magyar warriors who wanted to kill him, but his prayers convinced them to spare his life.

== References ==

== Sources ==


[[Category:History of Christianity in Hungary|Hungary]]
[[Category:Catholic Church in Hungary]]
[[Category:Eastern Christianity in Hungary]]
[[Category:Protestantism in Hungary]]

January 19, 2020 at 05:17PM


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