Tuesday, April 14, 2020

World Coronavirus Cases Hit 2 Million: Johns Hopkins

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World Coronavirus Cases Hit 2 Million: Johns Hopkins

The coronavirus pandemic hit another grim milestone Monday.  

Johns Hopkins University says there are now 2 million confirmed cases worldwide, most of them in the United States and the majority of those in New York City.  

There are about 106,000 cases in New York City and 195,000 cases in the entire state, more than Spain or Italy. But Governor Andrew Cuomo declared Monday that the "worst is over," but only if New Yorkers "continue to be smart going forward." 

That means continued social distancing and other medically-recommended guidelines to keep the outbreak from growing. 

After several days of shrinking numbers, Italy says the number of new cases rose about 2% Monday, but that number is still one of the lowest increases in weeks. 

The governor of the hard-hit Veneto region of Italy, Luca Zaia, is introducing what he calls "lockdown light" starting Tuesday. Residents who have been restricted to their homes will be allowed to take in some outdoor exercise and open-air markets can re-open. But face coverings are still mandatory.   

Spain allowed construction and some factory workers to go back on the job Monday. Health Minister Salvador Illa said the government will move cautiously on allowing other people to end their self-isolation. He said officials would proceed with "prudence" and "always based on scientific evidence." 

But French President Emmanuel Macron extended his country's nationwide lockdown until May 11. He admitted during a televised address that his government wasn't prepared for the outbreak. 

Giuseppe Fonsino, listens to the speech of French President Emmanuel Macron on TV, in Ville d'Avray, near Paris, Monday, April 13, 2020. Macron said that the country's coronavirus lockdown will be extended till May 11.

"Were we prepared for this crisis? From the evidence, not enough, though we did deal with it," he said. "The moment has revealed failures and shortcomings." 

He said younger children would gradually start returning to school after May 11, but colleges, bars, restaurants, and theaters will stay closed.  

 "We need to reinvent ourselves...times will again get better and we will again have happy days," Macron declared.  

Brazilian scientists have partially abandoned their study of the malaria drug U.S. President Donald Trump has strongly touted as a coronavirus treatment. 

The doctors discovered that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine caused heart rhythm problems in one out of four test subjects.  

The scientists in the Brazilian city of Manaus planned to test the drug on 440 coronavirus patients but have given up the tests after just 81 people were tested.  

Also Monday, ABC news commentator and host George Stephanopoulos announced he has tested positive for the coronavirus. He told his TV audience that he is not showing any of the symptoms and is "feeling great." 

But his wife, actress Ali Wentworth, said two weeks ago that she has coronavirus and has never felt sicker in her life.  

Stephanopoulos was White House a communications director for U.S. President Bill Clinton before becoming a journalist.  

April 14, 2020 at 12:41PM


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