Sunday, February 18, 2018

Can we get an official statement about AI?

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Can we get an official statement about AI?

We only have 12 AI heroes 3 supports (lucio, Zenyatta, Ana) 3 defense heroes (bast, torb, mei) 4 offense heroes (Reaper; Mccree: Soldier, Sombra) 2 tanks (zarya, hog) Thats less than half of the overwatch heroes; i understand that its a multiplayer focused game but come on blizzard! Having all heroes ...
February 18, 2018 at 12:35PM


List of companies founded by University of Pennsylvania alumni

 投稿 L List of companies founded by University of Pennsylvania alumni 投稿者: Blogger さん 7  Nation's Most Visible Mass Gathering During Cor...
