Sunday, April 15, 2018

Benjamin G. Armstrong

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Benjamin G. Armstrong

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'''Benjamin G. Armstrong''' (July 4, 1820 – August 1, 1900) was the son-in-law of Chief Buffalo, the principal chief of the [[Lake Superior Chippewa]] (Ojibwa) and a literate white interpreter. He wrote a petition that Buffalo delivered to the [[President of the United States]] not to have the [[Ojibwa]] removed from their homes. He served as an interpreter and advocate for [[Native American]] visitors to the [[White House]] and sat before President Filmore and [[President Lincoln]] in this role.<ref name="Books"></ref> He authored the book "Early Life Among the Indians: Reminiscences from the Life of Benj. G. Armstrong" in 1892<ref name="Chief Buffalo"></ref> which documented life in the Lake Superior area in the 1800s and was cited in federal court<ref></ref> in a ground-breaking decision on tribal rights and treaty protections.<ref></ref> He died on August 1, 1900 and is buried at Mount Hope Cemetery in [[Ashland, Wisconsin]]. <ref name="Find A Grave"></ref>


April 15, 2018 at 05:58PM


List of companies founded by University of Pennsylvania alumni

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