Sunday, April 8, 2018

Zoe O'Connell

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Zoe O'Connell


Zoe O'Connell is a British [[Liberal Democrat]] politician<ref>>, most notable for being a prominent campaigner for [[transgender]] rights.

==Political activism==
O'Connell has been a prominent campaigner on transgender issues for a number of years. Her contributions include writing for publications including the Guardian about trans issues and experiences<ref>>, including calling for a greater focus on the safety and mental health of young transgender individuals. She has also criticised the [[Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013]] for not going far enough to include transgender rights<ref>>. She has co-authored Liberal Democrat federal policy on equalities issues<ref>>.

Outside LGBT rights, she has also campaigned on online privacy issues, such as opposing the [[Snoopers' Charter]]<ref>>, on other equalities issues including presentation of titles on driving licenses<ref>>, and on local issues such as urban speed limits and road safety<ref>>.

She was the Liberal Democrat candidate for [[Maldon_(UK_Parliament_constituency)|Maldon]] in both 2015<ref>> and 2017<ref>>, finishing in fifth and third place respectively, making her one of a small number of openly transgender individuals to have run for a parliamentary seat in the UK. She has been a member of [[Cambridge City Council]] since 2015, representing Trumpington ward, and is deputy leader of the Liberal Democrat group there<ref>>. She is also a vice-chair of the Liberal Democrats' Federal Conference Committee<ref>>, which among other functions selects which policy motions can be debated (and thus potentially become party policy) at the party's federal conferences.

==Personal life==
O'Connell is herself transgender, and has attracted significant media attention for her [[polyamorous]] family life<ref>>. She lives with Sarah Brown (herself a Liberal Democrat activist and former Cambridge city councillor), Sylvia (Sarah's wife), and a number of snakes<ref>>.

She has three children by her first marriage, works in managing IT systems, and is a former member of the Territorial Army; she is also a keen rock climber and sailor<ref>>.


April 08, 2018 at 09:26PM


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