Tuesday, August 28, 2018

François Thierry (numismatist)

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François Thierry (numismatist)


'''François Thierry''' is a French [[numismatist]], specialising in East Asian currency. (His Chinese name is 蒂埃里 Di Ali).

== Career ==
Thierry is Honorary Curator at the Département des Monnaies et Médailles, [[Bibliothèque nationale de France]]. Before retirement he was Curator of Oriental Coins, and a leading scholar in this field, having produced several well-received books, catalogues of the BnF collection, and numerous articles relating to East Asian numismatics.

== Awards and Honours ==

* 2006 Awarded the [[Medal of the Royal Numismatic Society]]
* 2017 Awarded the Prix Hirayama - by the [[Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres]] - for his book ''Les monnaies de la Chine ancienne, des origines à la fin de l'Empire'' (Paris, Les Belles-Lettres, 2017).<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

== Publications ==
This is a selection of Thierry's works.<ref></ref>

'''Selected Books'''

* 2017 - ''Les monnaies de la Chine ancienne, des origines à la fin de l'Empire'' (Paris, Les Belles-Lettres)

* 2016 - ''Royaume du lion, ceylan connu des chinois des origines à la fin des song''.(Turnhout: Brepols Publishers)
* 2016 - (with A.C. Fang, eds) ''The Language and Iconography of Chinese Coin Charms: Deciphering a Past Belief System (Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer)''
* 2014 - ''Le Trésor de Huê, Une face cachée de la colonisation de l'Indochine'' (Paris: Nouveau Monde éditions)
* 2014 - ''Monnaies chinoises, IV- Des Liao aux Ming du Sud'' (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France)
* 2013 - ''La Ruine du Qin, Ascension, triomphe et mort du premier empereur de Chine'' (Paris: La Librairie Vuibert)
* 2003 - ''Monnaies chinoises, II- Des Qin aux Cinq Dynasties'' (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France)
* 2002 - ''Catalogue des monnaies vietnamiennes- Supplément'' (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France)
* 2001 - (with M. Amandry, M. Dhénin, M. Popoff and C. Vellet) ''Dictionnaire de Numismatique'' (Paris: Larousse)
* 1997 - ''Monnaies chinoises, I- L'Antiquité préimpériale'' (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France)
* 1995 - ''Les monnaies chinoises de Pacifique Chardin'' (Lille)
* 1992 - ''Monnaies de Chine'' (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale)
* 1988 - ''Catalogue des monnaies vietnamiennes'' (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale)
* 1987 - ''Amulettes de Chine et du Vietnam, rites magiques et symbolique de la Chine ancienne'' (Paris: Le Léopard d'or)
* 1986 - ''Monnaies d'Extrême Orient'' (Paris: Administration des monnaies et médailles)

'''Selected Articles'''

* 2011 - "The Confucian Message on Vietnamese Coins A closer look at the Nguyễn dynasty's large coins with moral maxims", ''Numismatic Chronicle'' 171, pp. 367-406.
* 2007 - "Identification of the Nguyên Thông Coins of the Cảnh Hirng Period (1740 -1786)", ''Numismatic Chronicle'' 167, pp. 237-241.

== References ==

== External links ==
*[https://ift.tt/2BWsM0S Thierry on Academia]
*[https://ift.tt/2Mxu0EB Thierry on Worldcat]

[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:French curators]]
[[Category:Chinese numismatics]]
[[Category:Recipients of the Medal of the Royal Numismatic Society]]
[[Category:Recipients of the Prix Hiryama]]

August 28, 2018 at 07:39PM


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