Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Border Patrol Agents Find 193 Immigrants in Southern Arizona

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Border Patrol Agents Find 193 Immigrants in Southern Arizona For the third time in a month, Border Patrol agents have found a large group of immigrants in a remote desert area of southern Arizona. Authorities said Wednesday that Ajo Station agents patrolling several miles west of the Lukeville Port last Sunday found 102 immigrants from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador and 91 immigrants in the same area hours later. Most were traveling as families, but 11 children were unaccompanied. All 193 immigrants were medically evaluated and taken to the Ajo Station to be processed for immigration violations. On Aug. 17, Ajo Station agents patrolling near the same port found 128 immigrants from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico believed abandoned by smugglers. Agents found 163 immigrants from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador near the Lukeville Port on Sept. 1.
September 20, 2018 at 11:36AM


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