Wednesday, September 5, 2018

List of Low-code development platforms

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List of Low-code development platforms

Pi314m: /* Contents WP:SPLIT from Automatic programming#Low code applications#Implementations */

Below are a list of '''[[Low-code development platforms]]'''.

THIS CONTENT is a Wiki-Legal transfer out of [[Automatic programming]]
and is meant to be fixed up following the transfer.
(The rest of the source article is fine, no Hat Notes; the Hat Noted material was added about a decade after the original article was written).

==Low code applications==
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
Over the past decade,<ref>[[Low-code development platforms]]</ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) a new class of automatic programming has emerged targeting sophisticated end users and IT departments looking for rapid development. These tools allow development of applications in very short periods of time (weeks rather than months). In many cases, the applications are pre-developed but customizable.<ref></ref> Products are sometimes targeted at end users, dissatisfied with turnaround times or with IT departments looking for major productivity enhancements. These tools typically operate at a higher level of representation than code generation tools for programming languages.<ref></ref>

Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
Some [[Integrated development environment|IDE]]s for Java and other languages have more advanced forms of source code generation, with which the programmer can interactively select and customize "[[snippet management|snippet]]s" of source code. Program "[[wizard (software)|wizard]]s", which allow the programmer to design [[graphical user interface]]s interactively while the compiler invisibly generates the corresponding source code, are another common form of source code generation. This may be contrasted with, for example, [[user interface markup language]]s, which define user interfaces [[declarative programming|declaratively]].

Besides the generation of code from a wizard or template, IDEs can generate and manipulate code to automate code [[refactor]]ings that would require multiple (error prone) manual steps, thereby improving developer productivity.<ref name="refactoring"></ref> Examples of such features in IDEs are the refactoring class browsers for [[Smalltalk]] and those found in Java IDEs like [[Eclipse (software)|Eclipse]].

A specialized alternative involves the generation of ''[[compiler optimization|optimized]]'' code for quantities defined mathematically within a [[Computer algebra system]] (CAS). Compiler optimization consisting of finding common intermediates of a vector of size <math> n </math> requires a complexity of <math>O(n^2)</math> or <math>O(n^3)</math> operations whereas the very design of a computer algebra system requires only <math>O(n)</math> operations.<ref>C. Gomez and T.C. Scott, ''Maple Programs for Generating Efficient FORTRAN Code for Serial and Vectorized Machines'', [[Computer Physics Communications|Comput. Phys. Commun.]] '''115''', pp. 548-562, 1998 [].</ref><ref>T.C. Scott and Wenxing Zhang, ''Efficient hybrid-symbolic methods for quantum mechanical calculations'', [[Computer Physics Communications|Comput. Phys. Commun.]] '''191''', pp. 221-234, 2015 [].</ref><ref>T.C. Scott, [[Ian Grant|I.P. Grant]], M.B. Monagan and V.R. Saunders, ''Numerical Computation of Molecular Integrals via optimized (vectorized) FORTRAN code'', Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on New computing Techniques in Physics Research (Software Engineering, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms, Expert Systems, Symbolic Algebra, Automatic Calculations), held in Lausanne (Switzerland), [[Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research|Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res.]] '''389''', A, pp. 117-120, 1997 [].</ref> These facilities can be used as pre-optimizer before processing by the compiler. This option has been used for handling mathematically large expressions in e.g. [[Computational chemistry|computational (quantum) chemistry]].

* [[Acceleo]] is an open source code generator for [[Eclipse (software)|Eclipse]] used to generate any textual language (Java, PHP, Python, etc.) from [[Eclipse Modeling Framework|EMF]] models defined from any metamodel ([[Unified Modeling Language|UML]], [[SysML]], etc.).
* [[Actifsource]] is a plugin for [[Eclipse (software)|Eclipse]] that allows graphical modelling and model-based code generation using custom templates.
* [[Altova]] [[MapForce]] is a graphical data mapping, conversion, and integration tool capable of generating [[application code]] in Java, C#, or C++ for executing recurrent transformations.
* [[CodeFluent Entities]] from [[SoftFluent]] is a graphical tool integrated into Microsoft Visual Studio that generates .NET source code, in C# or Visual Basic.
* [[DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit]] is a system for defining arbitrary [[domain specific language]]s and translating them to other languages.
* Gii is a [[Yii]] module for module, model, CRUD and form generation.
* [[HPRCARCHITECT]] (from MNB Technologies, Inc) is an artificial intelligence-based software development tool with a Virtual Whiteboard human interface. Language and technology agnostic, the tool's development was funded by the US Air Force to solve the problem of code generation for systems targeting mixed processor technologies.
* [[Spring Roo]] is an [[open source]] active code generator for [[Spring Framework]] based [[Java (programming language)|Java]] applications. It uses [[AspectJ]] [[mixins]] to provide [[separation of concerns]] during round-trip maintenance.
* [[SensioGeneratorBundle]] is an [[open source]] code generator for [[Symfony]] based [[PHP]] applications.
* [[RISE Editor|RISE]] is a free information modeling suite for system development using [[Entity-relationship model|ERD]] or [[Unified Modeling Language|UML]]. Database code generation for [[MySQL]], [[PostgreSQL]] and [[Microsoft SQL Server]]. Persistence code generation for [[C Sharp (programming language)|C#]] (.NET) and [[PHP]] including both [[SOAP]] and [[JSON]] style [[web service]]s and [[Ajax (programming)|AJAX]] proxy code.
* The [[Maple (software)|Maple]] computer algebra system offers code generators for Fortran, MATLAB, C and Java. [[Wolfram Language]] ([[Mathematica]]), and [[MuPAD]] have comparable interfaces.
* Screen Sculptor,<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> SoftCode,<ref></ref> UI Programmer,<ref></ref> and Genifer<ref></ref> are examples of pioneering program generators that arose during the mid-1980s through the early 1990s. They developed and advanced the technology of extendable, template-based source code generators on a mass market scale.
* [[GeneXus]] is a cross-platform, knowledge representation-based development tool, mainly oriented to enterprise-class applications for Web applications, smart devices and the Microsoft Windows platform. A developer describes an application in a high-level, mostly declarative language, from which native code is generated for multiple environments.
* [[Bidji]] is an [[Apache Ant]] project for code generation and [[data transformation]].
* [ Json4Swift] is an online tool that generates native code mainly [[Swift (programming language)|Swift]] models out of a sample [[Representational state transfer|REST]] response in [[JSON]] format (Similar to [[Plain old Java object|POJO]]). It generates code in [[Associative array|Dictionary]] mapping format, [[Serialization|Swift Codable Protocol]] and [ ObjectMapper] syntax.

[[Category:Programming paradigms]]
[[Category:Source code generation]]

September 05, 2018 at 12:10PM


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