Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Technical and Industrial Cultural Heritage in Norway

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Technical and Industrial Cultural Heritage in Norway

Doremo: New article, translated from Norwegian WP

[[File:Tyssedal Power Plant.jpg|thumb|[[Tyssedal Hydroelectric Power Station]]]]
[[File:Kistefoss Pulp Mill.jpg|thumb|[[Kistefos Træsliberi|Kistefos Pulp Mill]]]]
[[File:Folldal gruver, hovedgruva.jpg|thumb|[[Folldal Mines]]]]
[[File:Spillum Dampsag & Høvleri, Norsk Sagbruksmuseum.JPG|thumb|[[Spillum Sawmill and Planing]], [[Norwegian Sawmill Museum]]]]

'''Technical and Industrial Cultural Heritage in Norway''' encompasses discontinued industrial and other facilities with great historical and architectural value. It is one of the ten conservation programs for the [[Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage]], which seeks to refurbish and preserve a representative range of facilities linked to Norway's most important industrial routes, which has had a significant impact on local business history.<ref></ref>

==Directorate for Cultural Heritage priority list==
The Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage list of priority technical and industrial cultural heritage comprises 15 facilities:<ref></ref>

*[[Atlungstad Distillery]]
*[[Bredalsholmen Shipyards]]
*[[Fetsund Booms]]
*[[Folldal Mines]]
*[[Halden Canal]]
*[[Kistefos Træsliberi|Kistefos Pulp Mill]]
*[[Klevfos Cellulose and Paper Factory]]
*[[Neptune Herring Oil Factory]]
*[[Næs jernverk|Næs Ironworks]]
*[[Odda Smelting Plant]]
*[[Rjukan Line]]
*[[Salhus Knitting Mill]]
*[[Sjølingstad Woolen Mill]]
*[[Spillum Sawmill and Planing]]
*[[Tyssedal Hydroelectric Power Station]]


==External links==
* [ Protection Program for Technical and Industrial Cultural Heritage] at the Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage website
* [ Technical and Industrial Cultural Heritage] at the Norwegian Environment Agency website

[[Category:Cultural heritage of Norway]]
[[Category:History of technology]]

September 19, 2018 at 01:07PM


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