Sunday, April 21, 2019

Denis Moreau

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Denis Moreau

LouisAlain: ←Created page with '<center>Denis Moreau</center> '''Denis Moreau''' (born 8 April 1967) is a French philosopher.<ref>Clotilde Hamon, ''Un...'

[[File:Denis Moreau (cropped).jpg|thumb|<center>Denis Moreau</center>]]

'''Denis Moreau''' (born 8 April 1967) is a French philosopher.<ref>Clotilde Hamon, ''Un philosophe sur le ring'', ''[[Famille chrétienne]]'' n°2089 (27 January to 2 February 2018) </ref>

== Life ==
=== Studies ===
Born in [[Bordeaux]], Moreau is a former student of the [[École normale supérieure (Paris)|École normale supérieure de Paris]] (L1987)<ref>> and member of the [[Institut universitaire de France]]. He taught at the [[Paris 12 Val de Marne University]], then at the [[University of Nantes]] where he is currently professor of history of modern philosophy and [[philosophy of religion]].<ref>[]</ref>

=== Career ===
His work focuses on two main fields: on the one hand, the history of 17th century philosophy, in particular [[René Descartes|Descartes]] and [[cartesianism]], and on the other hand, the philosophy of religion, in particular [[christianity]]. He intends to follow the tradition of "Christian rationalism", specifying that he considers it necessary to count among the great representatives of this current thinkers such as [[Augustine of Hippo]], [[Thomas Aquinas]], Descartes, [[Malebranche]], [[Baruch Spinoza|Spinoza]], and [[Pope Benedict XVI]].<ref></ref> In his work on the philosophy of religion, he does not claim to propose a new understanding of Christianity, but tries to re-explain, with tools accessible to contemporary readers, central notions of Christianity that have become difficult to understand. He has devoted books to the theme of salvation (''Les Voies du salut'',<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> ''Mort où est ta victoire ?'') another one to marriage (''Pour la vie ? Court Traité du mariage et des séparations''<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>)

A Rock'n roll fan,<ref> Au cabaret du bon Dieu|url=||accessdate=21 April 2019}}</ref> he tried, especially in a novel, ''Dans l'ombre d'Adam''<ref> le blog de La Procure|url=||accessdate=21 April 2019}}</ref> to bring together biblical texts and some currents of the Heavy Metal. He has defended, on several occasions, from his Catholic point of view, the French metal music festival "[[Hellfest (French music festival)|Hellfest]]"<ref></ref><ref></ref>

He contributes to the journal ''[[La Vie]].''<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref>Vivent les vacances, vive l'eutrapélie !> He directs the series "textes cartésiens en langue française"<ref></ref> at editions [[Librairie philosophique J. Vrin|Vrin]] and co-directs the series "Philosophica" at the [[Presses Universitaires de Rennes]].

== Work ==
* ''Deux cartésiens. La Polémique entre Antoine Arnauld et Nicolas Malebranche'', Paris, Vrin, 1999, 354 p.
* ''Je pense donc je suis'', Nantes, Pleins Feux, series "variations", 2004, 46 p.
* ''Malebranche'', Paris, Vrin, series "bibliothèque des philosophies", 2004, 220 p.
* (dir. with P. Taranto): ''Activité physique et exercices spirituels. Essais de philosophie du sport'', Paris, Vrin, 2008, 246 p.
* ''Foi en dieu et raison. Théodicées. Deux essais de philosophie de la religion'', Nantes, Cécile Defaut, 2009, 224 p.
* ''Les Voies du salut. Un essai philosophique'', Paris, Bayard, 2010, 418 p.
* ''Dans le milieu d'une forêt. Essai sur Descartes et le sens de la vie'', Paris, Bayard, 2012.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* ''Dans l'ombre d'Adam'', Paris, L'Œuvre, 2013.
* (dir. with C. [[Cyrille Michon|Michon]]): ''Dictionnaire des monothéismes'', Paris, [[Éditions du Seuil]], 2013, 702 p.
* ''Pour la vie ? Court traité du mariage et des séparations'' (special mention of the [[Grand prix catholique de littérature]] 2015), Paris, Seuil, 2014; reprint Paris, Seuil, cseries "Points Sagesses", 2018
* ''La Philosophie de Descartes'', Paris, Vrin, 2016, 204 p.
* ''Mort, où est ta victoire ?'' (Les Voies du salut,II), Paris, Bayard, 2017, 376 p.
* ''Y a-t-il une philosophie chrétienne ? Trois essais'', Paris, Seuil, series "Points Sagesses", 2019, 208 p.

;Editions and translations
* Editing, introduction and annotation of the ''Lettre-préface'' of the ''Principes de la philosophie de Descartes'', with a choice of texts, Paris, Garnier-Flammarion, 1996
* Latin translation, introduction and annotation of Book IV of the ''[[Summa contra Gentiles]]'' by Thomas d'Aquin, Paris, Garnier-Flammarion, 1999, 2005-2
* Editing, introduction and annotation of the ''Discours de la méthode de Descartes'', with a choice of texts and a file, Paris, ''[[Le Livre de Poche]]'', 2000
* Editing and translation from Latin of ''Textes philosophiques d'Antoine Arnauld'', Paris, [[PUF]], series Epiméthée, 2001 (edition from unpublished manuscripts; foreword, introductions, notes; bibliographie arnaldienne)
* (in collaboration with E. Kremer) Introduction and selection of texts for the reprinting of part of the ''Works'' of Antoine Arnauld at [[Continuum International Publishing Group|Thoemmes Presses]], Bristol, 6 volumes, 2003
* Translation from Latin of Part One and a selection of articles from the parts II, III and IV of the ''Principes de la philosophie de Descartes'', Paris, Vrin, 2009.
* Editing, introduction and annotation of the ''Vraies et fausses idées'' by [[Antoine Arnauld]], Paris, Vrin, 2011
* (with M. Michaud-Leroux) Introduction and publishing of the ''Entretiens sur la métaphysique et sur la religion'' by Nicolas Malebranche, Paris, Vrin, 2017

== References ==

== External links ==
* [ Page de Denis Moreau] on the website of the [[université de Nantes]]

[[Category:1967 births]]
[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:People from Bordeaux]]
[[Category:21st-century French philosophers]]
[[Category:École Normale Supérieure alumni]]

April 21, 2019 at 02:14PM


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