Monday, October 29, 2018

Konin Lakes

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Konin Lakes

Cwmhiraeth: New article

[[File:JezioroMikorzynskiewidok.JPG|thumb|Mikorzyńskie Lake]]
The '''Konin Lakes''' are a group of lakes forming a 32-kilometer long navigable channel in central Poland. The lakes include [[Pątnowskie Lake]], [[Mikorzyńskie Lake]], [[Gosławskie Lake]] and [[Ślesińskie Lake]], connecting the [[Warta|River Warta]] and [[Gopło|Lake Gopło]] and linked to the Warta-Goplo Canal.

The lakes are of particular interest because they receive the water outlets from two power stations and the temperature of the water is significantly raised, supporting a different flora and fauna to other lakes in the region.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>


[[Category:Konin County]]

October 29, 2018 at 07:57PM


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