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Mtphatouray: ←Created page with ' Nematodes of the Genus Sterinernema are obligate insect parasites that inhabit soil. Xenorhabdus bacteria occupy nematode insecticide and synergistically kill,...'
Nematodes of the Genus Sterinernema are obligate insect parasites that inhabit soil. Xenorhabdus bacteria occupy nematode insecticide and synergistically kill, digest, and consume insect host.<ref>Stock, S. P., & Blair, H. G. (2008). Entomopathogenic nematodes and their bacterial symbionts: The inside out of a mutualistic association. Symbiosis, 46(2), 65–75. Retrieved from https://ift.tt/2pYGckl>
Together with Heterorhaditis, Caenorhabditis, Rhabditis, Pelodera,Strongyloides, Bursilla,Cruznema and Panagrellus, Sterinernema belong to the Order Rhabdita<ref>https://ift.tt/1NyBaBH. Accessed 02/03/2018</ref>
April 02, 2018 at 09:50PM