Thursday, August 8, 2019

Mongolia and the United Nations

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Mongolia and the United Nations


Mongolia filed [[Treaty of San Francisco]] in 1946 , but passed the resistance of the so-called "capitalist" countries, and only 15 years later, in 1961 , the organization went on. At the initiative of Mongolia, the United Nations announced the 1970s as "the 10th Anniversary". In addition, Mongolia has consistently supported the fight against nuclear weapons in the United States, and has declared its territory as a nuclear-weapon-free zone.

Today, various UN programs are being implemented in Mongolia to strengthen democracy, improve the legal environment, and protect human rights and reduce poverty. UN Secretary-General Peres de Quérie, Kurt Waldheim, Kofi Annan, Ban Ki-moon (2009) visited Mongolia.

[[Category:Foreign relations of Mongolia]]
[[Category:1961 in Mongolia]]

August 08, 2019 at 01:00PM


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